Congratulations !🎉🎉 I can't remember how long I've waited for you to reach this . . Final pristage 😅 My goal is also to reach level 1000 tommor ---- Anyways, GOAT, I will always stand as your number 1 fan, and the next time I see you, you would've already reached 2k . .. No gonna lie. Either way, Congratulations, And I'll see you in the next video,!❤❤
Congratulations !🎉🎉
I can't remember how long I've waited for you to reach this . . Final pristage 😅
My goal is also to reach level 1000 tommor ----
Anyways, GOAT, I will always stand as your number 1 fan, and the next time I see you, you would've already reached 2k . ..
No gonna lie.
Either way, Congratulations, And I'll see you in the next video,!❤❤
20cps wow 🤯💥💥
2248 keys 🥵🥶
I subscribed ❤
Goat, congrats ace!
I became a writer ^^
I knew you would get there! Great effort.
finnally a hand reveal video 👌
@@notoggyy there’s alr a few hand cam videos
congrats bro
My thumnbnail is the best. But CONGO BUDDY
LL your thumbnails sucks
Congrats Ace🆙 bro
Congrats ace
How to fly wihtout getting benned ?
Ace : fight me
@@DoumaMc2212 lol
And bro congo 🎉🎉
@@DoumaMc2212 tysm
Congratulations 🐐
Congratulations 🎉 bro
Congrats also what are your pc specs?
Great job❤
Congratulations from conemax ❤
Congo can u give me plzzz hud thingy pack i really need
Congrats h3hehehhehehehehe
Good job dude
Oh atleast my name is famous now 😂 btw congrats for 1000 level
I'm the first to see it after 32 seconds of uploading the video 😏
Is Utile lol
Congratulations ❤ sry i forgot to comment 😢
Congrats also what client do you use?
im back dawg wake up
@@notoggyy no
@@xBqbby .-.
@@xBqbbyhe uses. Onix client
Congrats to 1000 lvl and also what skin do you use?
I'm level 300 but I have 200 ping
Me too :|
GG, what is the texture pack
@@SolarrHYP idk my friend sent me it
@@AceAlexander124 can u ask him for me
@@AceAlexander124Vitality 32x
@@LqloPlayzMC I don’t think that’s it but ok
Koz1k 32x
Im level 42 😢
Want to fight me?
I am 800 🥺
@@MrSumit567 what
Pack name plz
Koz1k 32x
You hmm
texture pack? please
@@zLofiVibes it’s a pack the exist in the world somewhere on TH-cam
Pls bro play on mobile with keyboard and mouse 😢 and pvp nethergames and zeqa comdos pls bro do this ❤🎉
i did that alr
Not me u
why i remeber the time u were controler and cant even hit me😮
@@slimejs1 yes that was like a year and a half ago probably
ye like 10months 100%
@@slimejs1: I beat him on broken controller as he’s not the best so fr u. Akosbezdan sucks and u beat him btw
What client?
@@cranel9 onix
"thats deff reach"
@@Sharp_Killer251 no
Koz1k 32x
@@Official_Killer6188 tysm for telling.
@@Sharp_Killer251 💜❤️
@@Official_Killer6188 ???
Complete my challenge or u gay
The challange is - do only drag clicking and record video and upload
@@Official_Killer6188 I only drag click for sumo
@@Official_Killer6188 and I alr have a video of that lol
@@AceAlexander124 I meant record a personal video of drag clickin'
Bro are you going to destroy your mouse..
@@samratyt588 I alr did
Maybe first
Ace these days 📉
Bro you texture name plese😢