Assalamu Alykom. I am Palestinian from Gaza. I went for a visit to Bosnia 1 month ago. I toured most of this beautiful country. I have not seen one single place with no posters or Flags of Palestine in Solidarity with the Genocide happening! Every road, every corner I passed, you can see it. You made me feel at home. Everyone that know that I was Palestinian was making sure I knew that their hearts are with us. I also remember this sweet old lady who started crying when she knew I was from Gaza. My Bosnian brothers and sisters thank you for your empathy I truly felt that your hearts are with your Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. I know if you had the chance you would come and fight with us. May Allah increase in our bond as Muslims. And may we all start sharing the same borders soon. From the bottom of my heart thank you.
My friend, Gaza will be free, Bosnia is the proof. No matter the the force, no matter the technology or other factors, it will be free. Stay safe my friend ❤️
Palestinians and other oppressed muslims around the globe must look into the mirror. Because what we are facing in this world is just earnings of our own hands.
My 4 uncles from Somalia 🇸🇴 went to Bosnia to fight and stand with our brothers and only 1 came back the rest died there may Allah accept their Marty and all who died.
Much love from Bosnia to all those who came here to fight for Allah’s victory. May those who lost their lives and their families be rewarded with Allah’s mercy and His best gift (Jannah).
As a bosniak, i say thank you for this unbelievable video and these strong words. May Allah bless you. May Allah have mercy on Alijas Soul. May Allah give the Ummah a bright future. Amin
Selam alejkum from Bosnia 🇧🇦 Thank you for speaking up for Bosnia. I really need to reply that the things regarding the end of the war are not really true. The NATO airstrikes are not the reason for starting the peace agreements. In 1995, the Bosnian Army started several offensives capturing many cities, especially in the north. It was then that the UN forced the agreement to take place. I really think that we Bosnians should be portrayed as heroes, keeping and safeguarding Islam in the heart of Europe. When speaking about this topic, it is a must to mention our beloved commanders such as Izet Nanić, Mehmed Alagić, Zaim Imamović, Atif Dudaković, Safet Zajko… We fought until the last one. Best greeting from Bosnia. May Allah ease the situation for our brothers and sisters in Gaza. 🇵🇸❤️
Dude, saying NATO strikes was not the reason for them coming to the talks is rewriting history. Also the dude in the video failed to mention that NATO was striking the serbians well before the attack in august, its just after august they dropped a lot more bombs than before. I honestly don't know where you got your information that the Bosnians were winning because the closest thing i can think of is Operation Sana but after that the serbs launched a counter offisenvie where they made it all the way to Ključ in September. Keep in mind they did this while NATO was bombing them. Im not here to down play the efforts of the heroes of bosnia, but you don't need to downplay the importance of NATO to honor the sacrifices of those men.
May Allah bless Bosnia and may the teaching of Izetbegovic and memory live amongst all the moslems 9f the Balkans. Since the war started in Bosnia I was fascinated with his figure. What a genius man Alija was. I read most of his. Finally, last year I bought all his publications in 12, published in Albanian. He was a treasure. Bosnia has jewels of Islam when it comes Hanefi literature. Selam from Albania brothers and sisters.
Even tho America was a part of the UN and NATO that allowed the genocide and killings, their independent actions were different. One of the countries that helped our people the most was America, it came at a cost of allowing them to establish bases on the Balkans close to the Russia backed Serbs, and make a puppet of the current political scene to America's and west interests. But yeah, you did help a lot during the times of war, unfortunately not for the love for us, kinda same thing you do all over the world tho. You are very welcome, we do not forget whomever helped, whatever the intentions were.
My best friends here in sweden are from somalialand mogadishu hergeisha....Fathi...Said...Abdirisak...Hassan....wallahi you somalian best and funnyest people realy kind
Whenever I hear about Bosnia pain strike my heart and bones wallahi, but alhamdulilah now my brothers and sisters are free from evil may Allah grant them peace and iman. My brother Ali Allah grant you firdaus ❤
@@nasri2711 Thank you we don't hear this often. Made my day. We'll always be there for our Muslim brethren. ❤️ My utmost sympathies for what happened there to your people.
@@ashj5952 please don't forget us, Indian muslims who love you people because of our common faith. found many brothers and sisters from Bosnia & Herzegovina on Hajj 1445H. Surprisingly many people from North Macedonia. May Allah bless Alia Izatbwgovic and the Ahuhada.
Every Bosnian Muslim I've met have always been the best of us. Masha'Allah their commitment to deen is unparalleled. Long live Bosnia and may Allah guide us to unite the UMMAH! AAMEEN!
Albanians killed many Bosniaks in Kosovo together with Serbians. So I am not sure what are you talking about. In Belgrade I have so many friend that are Bosniaks, they have no Serbian names and they does not declare as Serbs (some of them does, like 70% of them), but you just killed them and cleansed Kosovo.
@@Sivić-oi6pn O kakvom kriminalu pricas, covjek je umro optuzivali su ga za neke 'zlatne kasike' koje nikad nije spomenuo, puno je takvih poput tebe koji pricaju neosnovano stvari. Da nije mozda Alija tebi usao u kucu i ubio nekog ili ukrao nesto pa ti znas sve?
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabaraktuhu I am a Bosnian Muslim thank you for this brilliant documentary. It is very important to never foget that Iran played a heroic role in helping Bosnian Muslims survive in most crucial time when Bosnian Muslims where slaughtered and nobody wanted to send help in weapons, Iran sent tens of thousands of tones of weapons and arms to the Bosnian Muslims. Pakistan also played an heroic role in sending anti tank grande launchers. These 2 Muslim countries were the countries that provided help in the most crucial times never forget these Muslim Brothers! Long live Muslim unity!🇵🇸 🇮🇷 🇵🇰 🇧🇦
Man, really? I never heard of that. I think Bosnians need to make documentaries about what happened, and who did what. Like Iran did this and that, Pakistan did this and that, etc... No one can tell those stories better than Bosnians themselves.
@@1nesoch I agree we need to make documenataries about that beacuse these are really heroic historical roles that they had. But there is videos on Bosnian aswell on youtube that shows their help.
Asalaamu Alaikum from Kazakhstan! Jazakha Allaha Khayran for this amazing video. My country was under Soviet Union occupation. Communism brought a lot death, suffering, genocide and atheism. Thanks Allah, now it is an independent country and people are coming back to Islam. May Allah grant a jannat to Alija Izetbekovic and bless Bosnia !
i survived this war, thanks to Allah. today my children are being discriminated by the serbs in schools.-they do not allow bosnian language to our children inside the entity called RS... we did get a country but like Alija once said, the war will start after the war... he was right
Лажеш! По Уставу Републике Српске службени језици су језици Срба, Бошњака и Хрвата. Проблем је у томе што Бошњаци хоће да наметну непостојећи босански идентитет Србима и Хрватима у Републици Српској и Федерацији Босни и Херцеговини. Срби би признали да се језик Бошњака зове бошњачки а не босански. Језик Срба и Хрвата је 93 % исти, а језик Срба и Бошњака је 98 % исти. Бошњаци су лингвистичким инжињерингом усвојили многе ријечи које користе Хрвати. То је форсирала још Аустро-Угарска како би постепено муслимане у Босни и Херцеговини превела у римокатоличку цркву. Зато су Србима и Бошњацима аустро-марксисти и хрватска комунистичка мафија наметнули латинично писмо.
📜 *Alija Izetbegović* He wrote one of the most important books that explains the impact of atheism on society/societies The name of his book is *" Islam Between East And West "*
@@End_Zionism I love you for the sake of Allah too brother. Nevermind those traitor Palestinian PLO government who sided with Serbia against Kosovo. 100% of the Palestinian people are with you
As a Muslim of Bosnian ethnicity, thank you for your videos (including this one). Its so important we consolidate our knowledge, our history and experiences around the world. For so many plan against us, but Allah knows best! ❤
I was recently in Bosnia and while on a taxi, the driver said on quote "The Serbs are waiting for the moment, they are ready again"... May Allah protect all of us..
My brother in faith, as someone who lived through that war I cannot express enough gratitude for this video. It brought tears to my eyes. We owe it to our fallen, to learn from it so it may never repeat itself. May Allah reward you plentiful for your time and dedication.
Thank you for telling us about him. What a legendary honourable Muslim. So proud that he was part of the greatest ummah. May Allah ta’ala have mercy on him, be pleased with him and grant him jannahtul firdaus, ameen.
@@raymonddarhk20 Btw I still live in the legacy of Alija Izetbegović. I precisely know what it feels like to be Bosniak that doesn't want to be part of corrupt system that was made corrupt during the first days of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Amazing! May Allah reward you immensely for this eye opening documentary! This is the history we Muslims should be learning from. May Allah SWT strengthen our faith and our ummah!
I remember the October of 2003, as it were yesterday. It was pouring the entire day, and almost 200 thousand people attending the funeral. For a country of 4 million people, that was truly astonishing.
Important to note: the Bosnian army, despite the embargo, was on the verge of liberating entire Bosnia (operation “oluja” set this of). When the international community saw this, only then NATO intervened and forced Alija to the negotiating table, threatening to bomb Muslim positions. If it wasn’t for NATO intervention we would now have a fully autonomous Bosnian republic. Instead we are left with a political mes where al three (corrupted) parties are co-governing the country.
Sorry but not true.. frikret babo was a traitor he killed his own muskim brothers because his business with his chicken farm.. then the mujahedin vs the croats and vs the serbs.. 4 partys at war. Boshniaks would not exist today when the war wouldn't stop
During that war, my country Bangladesh had a religious leader. He sent our army to Bosnia and our soldiers were under siege conditions. The Serbs tried to starve our soldiers to surrender but our soldiers being used to hard conditions survived eating plain soaked rice with salt. Alhamdulillah we were able to help free Bosnia. US bombing broke the seige if I remember correctly. I really wish my country had a leader who fears Allah. Then maybe we could have helped people of Gaza too. May god bless all who fight for the righteous and the innocents
btw thanks for the info 😭. কত অজানা ইতিহাস আমার বাংলার মাটিতে লুকিয়ে আছে, যেগুলো তারা আমাদেরকে জানতে দিতে চায় না, তারা আমাদেরকে সত্যটা জানতে দিতে চাই না।
Vasa vojska nikad nije bila u Bosni imali smo nekoliko stotina iz muslimanskog svijeta boraca ali niti jedna zemlja nije poslala vojsku u Bosnu da nam pomogne.... Cak Libija Irak Sirija su pomagali Srbiju...
Im Moroccan and i've read his book " islam between the east and west " This guy was a philosopher and an Islamic thinker ahead of his time. May God have mercy on him. I highly recommend his book!
@@syedasadshah7268And Bosnia supports OTAN while cheering for Gaza.Albania also even more..the only two islamic states on the side of US. Crzy this world..
@@atlasworld6420 It already did, in much bigger scale. Millions of killed (butchered) Serbs by Ustasha movement and Mujahadeens in WW2. I auggest you do research better history, before you comment something, you look stupid.
On behalf of the Alija Izetbegovic Foundation in Sarajevo, we thank you for this great video - we appreciate you putting spotlight on Bosnia and Herzegovina and Alija Izetbegovic’s life and work
Salams from Bosnia, Sandžak and Germany. Very impressed by your work. May Allah grant Alija Izetbegović rhmtl a good life in the grave and afterwards and may He reward you for these incredible efforts.✨✨
Sad truth is if Bosnia didn't happen Kosovo would have been fully ethnically cleansed and nobody would bat an eye. We Kosovars should honor their sacrifice.
And where are all the Serbian people that used to live in Kosovo? Its ok to kick them out of their historic homeland but its not ok when it comes to Palestine? typical siptar double standard. Yankees will leave one day.....
As a daughter of a Bosnian martyr, I thank you for bringing attention to our 🇧🇦 history and shedding light on the importance of Alija Izetbegović’s life. I have witnessed my generation of Bosnian Muslim children at the time of war who are now raising their own kids in Islam and practicing because we finally have the freedom to practice our religion. We are one ummah! We also stand with Palestine 🇵🇸
@@Tvrtko_I po čemu? Svake godine više i više mladih i to prvenstveno pametni idu u inostranstvu. Ljudi nemaju čega živjeti dok političari se kupaju u novac a jeste bolje jelda…..
you mean when Izetbegovic negotiated with Clinton administration, arranging how many people should die and when he called genocide something that did not even happen at that moment? It is not strange that UN did nothing. Nothing had to be done in order for genocide to be proclaimed and Serbs held responsible so that history is reverted and lands stolen. Hollywood... but real. Not that any responsibility should be taken away from those who actually committed crimes. Having sad that, may they all rest in peace, all dear Yugoslav brothers and sister, regardless of their faith, they did not deserve to be thrown into that horrible war, to be displaced, tortured, raped, murdered, years of their lives to be stolen, to be separated form their loved ones in so many unspeakable ways... May all people of Yugoslavia find peace in their hearts in memory of those who suffered. And may all people around the world free themselves form prejudices and false prophets.
I am Bosnian myself, and I see my now 91-year-old grandfather crying because the Arabs are not helping the Palestinians. This just makes me angry after we experience real genocide ourselves. We Bosnians have great respect for the Arab nations and praise them for helping us and being our brothers in faith. It only hurts me even more that all the Muslim nations that once gave us the chance to survive and defend ourselves are now just watching the Palestinians die anderen have been doing so for decades! We are far away, in Europe, surrounded by a predominantly Christian Europe that does not want to see a Muslim country, but the Palestinians are among Muslims. They all have no European nation that could intervene in their territories. I realize that smuggling arms and getting aid worked, as in our case, but that is not enough. 75 years of this existence are not possible under such conditions without the complicity of the Naibhours. We are aware that the treatment that we as Muslims in Europe still receive is in many ways unacceptable and is being repressed,we are not accepted in Europe but I am in disbelief that the Palestinian receive the same treatment, since they are Muslims and among other Muslims states and jet are treated like Bosnia among Europeans.
لأن الأنظمة العربية عميلة للغرب و هدفها تحقيق أمان إسرائيل و ما يحصل في فلسطين حصل في سوريا و مازال يحصل في الشمال السوري ، النفوذ الإيراني المجوسي في سوريا و لبنان و العراق لايختلف عن خطر إسرائيل كلاهما يكرهان المسلمين
You are crying about Arabs, meanwhile how do you help them? You don't. You are where? In some western country. If you want to help, you know what yous should do, I will buy you ticket.
Thank you for shining light on our first and greatest president ever. He as terrific human being and a great leader and above all he was a great Muslim! El Fatiha 🤲
Thank you for doing a great job with researching and presenting the late Alija Izetbegovic. I want to add some things to this great analysis. I am a Bosnian who was present in Bosnia during the last war and I am greatly interested in our history and politics. I own and read all books and works written by Izetbegovic. So here is what I want to add: - Even though it may sound complicated, our ethnicity is called "Bosniak" not Muslim. Our religion is Islam but the ethnicity is Bosniak. On the other hand "Bosnian" means anyone who is from Bosnia. - AI (Alija Izetbegovic) was a great thinker, aleem, philosopher, and a leader. However, he did not have one crucial thing that makes you a "great" politician. He was a genuinely good man by nature and could not play all the crooked games that his opponents played. That's why he was pressured into signing the Dayton Agreement that gave Serbs their own mini-republic and divided Bosnia into separate ethnic regions. - AI was a rare leader (like Nelson Mandela and George Washington) who stepped aside from the presidency willingly after serving his terms and got out of politics for good. This is a sign of only the greatest leaders and it shows his qualities as a human. - There are so many similar things that happened to him and Nelson Mandela and it actually happened at the same time. - AI had friends all over the world among Muslim world and Western countries - Bosnia was indeed helped by most Muslim countries but it was not public because of the arms embargo. - AI was traveling a lot during the war to get help from other countries and he would only eat soup and other simple things on those trips because he felt bad that his people did not have anything to eat and did not want to eat anything that we don't have access to. -Just before the Dayton Agreement was about to be signed Bosnian Army was advancing and the whole country was on standby as a huge freedom offensive was about the begin. The Serbian army was already starting to make plans for withdrawal and that's when NATO and Bill Clinton threatened AI with air strikes. They said: "You Bosniaks and Croats now have half the country and Serbs have the other half, if you choose to try to get the rest of the country back, we will bomb you". Bill Clinton wrote this himself in his autobiography called "My life" - Bosniaks are most likely the last ethnic group that accepted Islam collectively
My mother told me stories of how many orphaned bosnian children were migrated to Pakistan. They were beutiful, innocent children who lost entire families. Their was a tough criteria for their adoption as many people wanted them and only those who could provide good living standard were given the children. This shows th scale of the genocide.
Search for the map of mass cemetaries in Bosnia, you will see what genocide we mean. Genocide lasted throught whole war, but sentence covered only Srebrenica, sadly.
@@muris989that is false, many of people that lays there are not from war, or moved from another sides, many of them are still alive today, but that is what muslims do, support for Izrael 🇮🇱🇮🇱 we know what peoblems they have, sadly this is only way to fi ish job
Salam Alaikum. Thank you for the video about greatest and biggest modern Bosnian hero. In the days of war Alija had many other heroes with him ( like Izet Nanić) , but he was tze biggest of them all. Let me tell you a bit about war. Siege of the Sarajevo was the longest siege of Capital city in modern history. It went on for 44 months. For 44 months enemies of Muslims blocked food, aid , tried to disrupt water. Electricity was very very rare occurence. Only real way to get the suplies to thousands of people was a top secret little tunnel built by brave amazing men called Tunnel of Hope. Siege of Sarajevo went on more than 3 times as long as siege of Stalingrad. In avreage enemies shot 329 projectiles on Sarajevo EVERY DAY for the duration of the siege. Sinpers would play the game of shoting the youngest first, while mortars would play the game of hitting the most crowded areas where civilians went for water and traded for food one of the biggest was Markale Massacre where they killed 68 and wounded 144 civilians who came to trade for food. All in all četnici ( Serbs who did atrocities) killed 14011. From which is over 1600 children. Now for one of the most twisted things. There is a movie called Sarajevo Safari ( sniper tourism). That is a documentary where its shown how influental and famous people came to sarajevo and paid big money to try their hand at sniping civilians and children. That was dark dark time for every Muslim in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For any of you who read this, sorry if I made you upset, but plase like the comment so others learn beaware of evil like that. If you have a stomach for more reality check google Srebrenica genocide, Prijedor genocide, Ahmići massacre. Thank you for reading and pray for Gaza and whole world so stuff like this stops happennig. Salam alaikum
Hoce nevjernici jevrejski i kriscani da uniste Muslimanski Umet.A arapi him pomazu.Jedina drzava Muslimanska Pakistan nisu izdajnici Muslimanskog Umeta.Ubise Sadama Huseina zato sto je stitio Muslimanski Umet i PALESTINU.UBISE GADAFIJA DA BIH UNISTILI MUSLIMANE ALLAH NEKA NJIH KAZNI SVOJOM KAZNOM AMIN YARABI
I didn't know this, may ALLAH reward and help the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina,Albania,Cechenia Palästina Syria,Irak,Lybia,Jemen,Sudan and all martyred muslims.Allahuma Amiin❤🤲
Just he wanted call them Muslims with big M, but when realise that people don't want it, started promoting return of Bosniak national identity...bad, very bad man
@@Tvrtko_Itvrko kingdom was conqired by turks, his lineage put to sword, he himself a catolic, opposed turkish presence in balkans. You a bit confused and use feather that dont come from your history,today you celebrate same turks like its your own history, same would be for a jew celebrate nazis, tvrtko was not friend of islam and his land was forced into religion, was definetly not friendly takeover
This man reminds me of the Meccan struggle of the seerah. We think he was weak when in fact he showed the greatest strength. We need to read the books and better ourselves!
MALAYSIA LOVE BOSNIAN!.. at that time we Malaysia people help what we can help, I love bosnian people, At that time Malaysia was prime minister TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, he was the one who extended help to the Bosnian leader and helped form the armed forces. I think there is a point in the name,TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD in Bosnia to commemorate his service to the Bosnian people, the Malaysian army was once sent to Bosnia under the banner of the UN, the Malaysian army helped the Bosnian Mujahideen fight against the Serbs, even the saddest thing is that there are Malaysian soldiers who Killed and injured during Malaysian military operations in Bosnia, I'm not mistaken, the Malaysian army helped build a mosque in Bosnia and the mosque was named after the Malaysian mosque,And the Malaysian army helped build a bridge for the bosnians, At that time, we couldn't bear to see our fellow Muslims in Bosnia killed, raped, tortured by the Serbs.That's why TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, the prime minister at that time, helped Bosnians in all kinds of ways, may TUN MAHATHIR's life be extended this year, he is 99 years old
JazakAllah khair for bringing this piece of history to life. I was ignorant of this. Now I am interested in learning more about it. May Allah have mercy on the ummah
I learned about a great leader, Alija Ali Izetbegovic Rahima *Allah.* I love learning new history. 100 years is not enough time to learn all of the recorded human histories.
Great video. I have been fascinated and interested in this man’s life. I have been reading his book ‘Islam between the East and West’. Very interesting book
I was 4 years in Occupate Sarajevo, from my 9 years life.The day when Alija had burial, it's was raining all day, i didn't see that much people in my life to stand on rain all day because one man. El Fatiha
Jazakallah khayr. Excellence video. Just wanted to note. I lived under the siege of Sarajevo for 4 years. Watching what israel is doing to Gaza makes me think that the siege we lived under was a 5 star resort compared to what Palestinians are enduring.
O God...I was thinking the same. And I am thanking God every day that Serbs did not have weapons Israel has. They tried to exterminate us with what they had and would do the same if they had means.
Assalamu alaikum. I am from Bosnia and I thank you for making this video. I was 7 years old when war started in our country in 1992. War was tough for us but it was maybe the best time for Islam in Bosnia. Many people have returned to Allah s.w.t. because of it. During the war the mosques were full of people. Many returned to Allah s.w.t. because of war. Islam was revived. The war was a blessing in some sense no matter how wild that may seem to those who have not experienced it. Keep note that the young Muslims were inspired by Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt and Sayyid Qutb and that there were other strong intellectuals who were companions of Alija Izetbegovic and that also produced great literary works that served as guardians of Islamic thought within Muslim community(e.g. Mustafa Spahic and Munir Gavrankapetnovic). Also we are welcoming of all sorts of Muslims in Bosnia even though we are mostly Hanafi oriented Muslims. Hanafis, Salafis, Sufis, Shias all have their presence here and are exerting their influence. The sad thing is that 30 years later we now don't have any strong intellectual like Alija Izetbegovic. We have dozens upon dozens of parties that are battling for power and all sorts of semi-literate individuals that are nowhere close to what Alija Izetbegovic was. I hope Allah keeps us safe and helps Islam stay here till the end of times.
"War was a blessing"? I know you don't mean that literally but seriously - i think you are insane. I'm Bosniak - I don't want Bosnia that you are describing. We are European Slavs - muslims or atheists. Either way, like it or not - but the brutal truth is that we have even more in common with Russians than with Salafis, Shias or whatever you are ranting about. External, non-Bosnian Islamic influence is equally dangerous to Bosnia like Serbo-Croatian nationalism. Alija Izetbegovic never wanted Bosnia you are describing. He said that in his death bed.
Shame on all Muslims, no one stood up and travelled to Palestine. When Muslims won't wakeup for fajr, it's too much to expect an military operation from them.
yep each man/individual needs to take responsibility and not waste time on pointing fingers, just like this man in this video, he was a MAN and intelligent one and got presidency and could do things
Nas Poslanik Muhamed je rekao da su Arapi izdajnici prodane duse Muslimanskog Umeta.I sada imamo prodane duse na vladi koje za fotelju prodaju BH i bosnjacke Muslimane za fotelje daju BH na dlanu HR i SR. Bog da him otvori oci i usi da se povrate u vjeru bosansku.Srbi su dosli iz rumunije vlaho.
Ja sam rodzen u Bosni i hvala dragom Allahu sto nam je poslao rahmetli Aliju Izetbegovica i istina je da je on jedini sto nebi ni za sve bogatsvo svjeta prodao bosnu. Hvala na ovom videu.
Assalamu Alykom. I am Palestinian from Gaza. I went for a visit to Bosnia 1 month ago. I toured most of this beautiful country. I have not seen one single place with no posters or Flags of Palestine in Solidarity with the Genocide happening! Every road, every corner I passed, you can see it. You made me feel at home. Everyone that know that I was Palestinian was making sure I knew that their hearts are with us. I also remember this sweet old lady who started crying when she knew I was from Gaza. My Bosnian brothers and sisters thank you for your empathy I truly felt that your hearts are with your Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. I know if you had the chance you would come and fight with us. May Allah increase in our bond as Muslims. And may we all start sharing the same borders soon. From the bottom of my heart thank you.
My friend, Gaza will be free, Bosnia is the proof. No matter the the force, no matter the technology or other factors, it will be free. Stay safe my friend ❤️
Palestinians and other oppressed muslims around the globe must look into the mirror.
Because what we are facing in this world is just earnings of our own hands.
They say that around 200 Bosnian Muslims are fighting (or fought) in Ukraine and 0 in Gaza. This is something that needs to be thoroughly checked.
My 4 uncles from Somalia 🇸🇴 went to Bosnia to fight and stand with our brothers and only 1 came back the rest died there may Allah accept their Marty and all who died.
Mashaallah... They're brave amazing Moslems..
Amiin.. Salam from 🇮🇩
wow thank you
many from pakistan, india, afgh, morocco , algeria went there also...We neeeeeeed one ummah state
Much love from Bosnia to all those who came here to fight for Allah’s victory. May those who lost their lives and their families be rewarded with Allah’s mercy and His best gift (Jannah).
may Allah grant them eternal janna, thank you for helping us
As a bosniak, i say thank you for this unbelievable video and these strong words.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah have mercy on Alijas Soul.
May Allah give the Ummah a bright future.
May Allah bless you my dear Brother/Sister. 🕋
Bosnia is very Beautifull people. May Allah bless them
i am from Pakistan , bosnia is very beautiful country,May Allah bless you.
Amin insAllah 🥰🥰🥰
Selam alejkum from Bosnia 🇧🇦
Thank you for speaking up for Bosnia. I really need to reply that the things regarding the end of the war are not really true. The NATO airstrikes are not the reason for starting the peace agreements.
In 1995, the Bosnian Army started several offensives capturing many cities, especially in the north. It was then that the UN forced the agreement to take place.
I really think that we Bosnians should be portrayed as heroes, keeping and safeguarding Islam in the heart of Europe. When speaking about this topic, it is a must to mention our beloved commanders such as Izet Nanić, Mehmed Alagić, Zaim Imamović, Atif Dudaković, Safet Zajko… We fought until the last one.
Best greeting from Bosnia. May Allah ease the situation for our brothers and sisters in Gaza. 🇵🇸❤️
Dude, saying NATO strikes was not the reason for them coming to the talks is rewriting history. Also the dude in the video failed to mention that NATO was striking the serbians well before the attack in august, its just after august they dropped a lot more bombs than before.
I honestly don't know where you got your information that the Bosnians were winning because the closest thing i can think of is Operation Sana but after that the serbs launched a counter offisenvie where they made it all the way to Ključ in September. Keep in mind they did this while NATO was bombing them. Im not here to down play the efforts of the heroes of bosnia, but you don't need to downplay the importance of NATO to honor the sacrifices of those men.
We in the Caribbean ( T & T )West Indies do admire your PEOPLES Courage. ❤
@@BosnianHeros Alejkum Selam💚
May Allah bless Bosnia and may the teaching of Izetbegovic and memory live amongst all the moslems 9f the Balkans.
Since the war started in Bosnia I was fascinated with his figure. What a genius man Alija was. I read most of his.
Finally, last year I bought all his publications in 12, published in Albanian. He was a treasure. Bosnia has jewels of Islam when it comes Hanefi literature.
Selam from Albania brothers and sisters.
@@satnav8502 as 💚
I am American and I love Bosnia I am going there one day hopefully. :)
Come David, we'll be glad to see you.
Even tho America was a part of the UN and NATO that allowed the genocide and killings, their independent actions were different. One of the countries that helped our people the most was America, it came at a cost of allowing them to establish bases on the Balkans close to the Russia backed Serbs, and make a puppet of the current political scene to America's and west interests. But yeah, you did help a lot during the times of war, unfortunately not for the love for us, kinda same thing you do all over the world tho.
You are very welcome, we do not forget whomever helped, whatever the intentions were.
@slavreviews5333 sadly America also oppressing Muslims just like China and Russia.
We welcome you
I am Bosnian born war child, American raised. Bosnia welcomes you always!
Thank you for putting together this video.
Bosnian Aussie here, who lived in the war for 3 years as a child
Esselamu aleykum from albania. I didn’t we had such great muslims hero as our neighbor. May Allah have mercy on him and grant him jannatul firdaus
Hello brother 🇧🇦⚜️🇦🇱
Sh albani rahimuallah
We went through the same is Kosova 🇽🇰🇦🇱🇧🇦🇵🇸 unite the ummah! ❤
Ameen thumma Ameen 🤲💖
@@End_ZionismYes! 💯
As a Somali, every Bosnian I met was cool with me, great hard working people, may Allah bless them.
Alotta Somalis helped fight for Bosnian independence
My best friends here in sweden are from somalialand mogadishu hergeisha....Fathi...Said...Abdirisak...Hassan....wallahi you somalian best and funnyest people realy kind
I swear to GOD almighty that we shall NOT be slaves”
⁃Alija Izetbegović ⚜❤
Yeah and he said "for war need two" and "it is not our war".
And then he become slave of US.
I read his book.
@@zell863alijaizatbegich love from Pakistan Allah rahmat ❤🇵🇰❤️🇧🇦
Whenever I hear about Bosnia pain strike my heart and bones wallahi, but alhamdulilah now my brothers and sisters are free from evil may Allah grant them peace and iman. My brother Ali Allah grant you firdaus ❤
As a Bosnian and on behalf of my people I thank you for such a great video content.
salam from pakistan
Alija je najveca podvala Bosni i zabluda Bosnjaka !
alija vam je prodao narod za 2 masna bureka, jedan za njega a drugi za orića a ne moram ni da navedem zlocine koje su obojica radili
Ovo je propaganda ❗
I na drugim islamističkim kanalima veličaju Izmetića.😡
@@fash6085čovjek dokumentovao sve,to sto se ti ne slažeš sta nekog briga,istina je jedna
Esselamu Aleykum from Bosnia 🇧🇦, thank you for video.
What an eye opener!!
Walaykum Salam from Kosova 🇽🇰🇧🇦🇦🇱🇵🇸
@@zeenat1196 you could've exclaimed! after responding with Walaikum Salam.
Waleykum Salam
Wa-alikum-as-salaam wa-rahmatulah, from Pakistan.
Much Love to Bosnian Muslims from Pakistan.
We love Pakistan so much, your country send us weapons when noone did! Huge respect for Pakistan from Bosnia. May Allah reward you all
@@nasri2711 Thank you we don't hear this often. Made my day. We'll always be there for our Muslim brethren. ❤️
My utmost sympathies for what happened there to your people.
please don't forget us, Indian muslims who love you people because of our common faith. found many brothers and sisters from Bosnia & Herzegovina on Hajj 1445H. Surprisingly many people from North Macedonia.
May Allah bless Alia Izatbwgovic and the Ahuhada.
@@محمّدقیصرفاروق wrong person. Much love to as well though.
@@nasri2711may allah guide you to wear hijab my sister allahuma Ameen 🤲🏾
Every Bosnian Muslim I've met have always been the best of us. Masha'Allah their commitment to deen is unparalleled.
Long live Bosnia and may Allah guide us to unite the UMMAH! AAMEEN!
Allahumma Aameen
I’m South African we studied his book in my halaqa for many months. May Allah grant him janna firdous
he was war criminal
Selam from Bosnia ... thanks for the video.. a message to all Muslims until you defend yourself, don't expect help..
Jazak Allah Kheer from Bosnia 🇧🇦🇵🇸🇧🇦🇵🇸
salam from pak
Why do islamists like US puppets so much?
Asalam Alaikum from a Muslim Bosnian sister living in States. This is a great video. May Allah reward you abundantly. Amin!
salam from pakistan
As a albanian .... from macedonian we are one ummah... .
yes we are love for albanian brothers from bosnia
Salam bro
Im a Bosnian muslim and I say no thank you.
Albanians killed many Bosniaks in Kosovo together with Serbians.
So I am not sure what are you talking about.
In Belgrade I have so many friend that are Bosniaks, they have no Serbian names and they does not declare as Serbs (some of them does, like 70% of them), but you just killed them and cleansed Kosovo.
We will not forget the Bosnian Martyrs, Love from Pakistan.
I am proud that he was my first President and that he is from my people.🇧🇦⚜️
salam from pakistan
Why do islamists like US puppets so much?
@@dobropazi wasn't our Babo Abdić the one who got over a million votes.
President of what? Of politic party sda yes but not president of BiH
@@JJ12502 Exactly. Babo Abdic got more votes than Alija
from Turkey, he was my role model for my 20s and still he is in my 30s. Thanks for paying attention on this big Hero!!
@@Sivić-oi6pn Aliju niko nije vodio po sudovima poput Karadzica, Mladica i Milosevica. Mislim da to dovoljno govori.
@@Sivić-oi6pn O kakvom kriminalu pricas, covjek je umro optuzivali su ga za neke 'zlatne kasike' koje nikad nije spomenuo, puno je takvih poput tebe koji pricaju neosnovano stvari. Da nije mozda Alija tebi usao u kucu i ubio nekog ili ukrao nesto pa ti znas sve?
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabaraktuhu I am a Bosnian Muslim thank you for this brilliant documentary. It is very important to never foget that Iran played a heroic role in helping Bosnian Muslims survive in most crucial time when Bosnian Muslims where slaughtered and nobody wanted to send help in weapons, Iran sent tens of thousands of tones of weapons and arms to the Bosnian Muslims. Pakistan also played an heroic role in sending anti tank grande launchers. These 2 Muslim countries were the countries that provided help in the most crucial times never forget these Muslim Brothers! Long live Muslim unity!🇵🇸 🇮🇷 🇵🇰 🇧🇦
Man, really? I never heard of that. I think Bosnians need to make documentaries about what happened, and who did what. Like Iran did this and that, Pakistan did this and that, etc... No one can tell those stories better than Bosnians themselves.
salam from pakistan
@@1nesoch I agree we need to make documenataries about that beacuse these are really heroic historical roles that they had. But there is videos on Bosnian aswell on youtube that shows their help.
@@guess-me000 Salam to Brotherly Pakistan!
@@Spiritualjourney259 bosnia is our proud . they are brave muslims masha Allah. and pakistani people deeply love u.
Love from Saudi Arabia to my brothers and sisters in Bosnia
Most extreme mujahideen who destroyed Bosnia and normal Muslims
@@milerale5286Ne lupetaj
@@opfor2099 Alejkumu Selam from Bosnia to Suadi Arabija brothers and sisters ❤️⚜️
Why don't you get rid of that Mossad agent you call a prince and help our brothers in Gaza?
Aleykum Selam
Asalaamu Alaikum from Kazakhstan! Jazakha Allaha Khayran for this amazing video. My country was under Soviet Union occupation. Communism brought a lot death, suffering, genocide and atheism. Thanks Allah, now it is an independent country and people are coming back to Islam. May Allah grant a jannat to Alija Izetbekovic and bless Bosnia !
No relation, but I would like to know if there is an Islamic party in Kazakhstan (like Erdogan's party in Turkey)?
i survived this war, thanks to Allah.
today my children are being discriminated by the serbs in schools.-they do not allow bosnian language to our children inside the entity called RS... we did get a country but like Alija once said, the war will start after the war... he was right
Which city brother
Ali Alija je bio previse naivan da prihvati dayton odgovor.
Лажеш! По Уставу Републике Српске службени језици су језици Срба, Бошњака и Хрвата. Проблем је у томе што Бошњаци хоће да наметну непостојећи босански идентитет Србима и Хрватима у Републици Српској и Федерацији Босни и Херцеговини. Срби би признали да се језик Бошњака зове бошњачки а не босански. Језик Срба и Хрвата је 93 % исти, а језик Срба и Бошњака је 98 % исти. Бошњаци су лингвистичким инжињерингом усвојили многе ријечи које користе Хрвати. То је форсирала још Аустро-Угарска како би постепено муслимане у Босни и Херцеговини превела у римокатоличку цркву. Зато су Србима и Бошњацима аустро-марксисти и хрватска комунистичка мафија наметнули латинично писмо.
Go to Saudi Arabia, they might help you
@@milerale5286 no thanks
📜 *Alija Izetbegović*
He wrote one of the most important books that explains the impact of atheism on society/societies
The name of his book is *" Islam Between East And West "*
Palestinian.I fell in love with this man over 20 years ago.
I love you for the sake of Allah ❤ from Kosova 🇽🇰🇦🇱🇧🇦🇵🇸
@@End_Zionism I love you for the sake of Allah too brother. Nevermind those traitor Palestinian PLO government who sided with Serbia against Kosovo. 100% of the Palestinian people are with you
@@Hosedinho it’s okay, our government is unfortunately controlled by the west. Inshallah we will overcome! Hasbun Allahi wa na’mal wakeel!!!!!!!!
@@End_Zionism So you prefer the East, guided by christian saint Putin?
Alija Izetbegović- One if the most important persons of modern history who made much from anything !
May Allah have Rahma on him
You gotta be kidding me.
@@not-much-but-enough when you will stop trolling people ?
Was hat dieser macht- und geldgierige Verräter seines Volkes in deinen Augen so wichtiges gemacht, dass du ihn so sehr ehrst mit deinen Worten?
I love Malay brothers and sisters, thank you sir
As a Muslim of Bosnian ethnicity, thank you for your videos (including this one). Its so important we consolidate our knowledge, our history and experiences around the world. For so many plan against us, but Allah knows best! ❤
salam from pakistan
Boshniak r Bosnian muslims called
I was recently in Bosnia and while on a taxi, the driver said on quote "The Serbs are waiting for the moment, they are ready again"... May Allah protect all of us..
I'm Bosnian Croat. It is not 92. when Serbs had all weapons. Others have to. Croatia is even in NATO.
@@zell863 do you think a war will break out again?
@@samuel22276 it might break out, but its highly unlikely because Europe doesn't want 1 more front.
@@samuel22276 There is good chance. But who will win is very difficult to say.
Yep, he also said that croats are waiting too..
We were low in numbers, and we still are..
But we have fought, and we will fight for the path of Islam as long as we exist. 🇧🇦☪️
salam from pakistan
You have Never Been Muslim before the turks did brainwash you ….
Wake up and accept Jesus in your Life my Brother …
Allah Aza Wa Jal preserve you and bless you with success in Deen & Dunya 🤲
@@aisharana5235 aameen
May Allah bless you always.
My brother in faith, as someone who lived through that war I cannot express enough gratitude for this video. It brought tears to my eyes. We owe it to our fallen, to learn from it so it may never repeat itself. May Allah reward you plentiful for your time and dedication.
Salam Aleykum , Im serbian revert ❤ we r one ummah . So happy you talked abt this topic ❤
Jedna Umah dobro nam došao brate ❤
Mashallah, brate! Molim Allaha da ti olakša iskušenja i ispuni sve hairli želje.
Thank you for telling us about him. What a legendary honourable Muslim. So proud that he was part of the greatest ummah. May Allah ta’ala have mercy on him, be pleased with him and grant him jannahtul firdaus, ameen.
If you read about him in depth you will find his legacy wasn't that honorable.
Ameen ❤ 🇧🇦🇽🇰🇦🇱🇵🇸
@@neroserafimovich are you a Serbian or Christian Albanian?
@@raymonddarhk20 Bosniak Muslim that studied the war with clear head. Especially Bosniak side.
@@raymonddarhk20 Btw I still live in the legacy of Alija Izetbegović. I precisely know what it feels like to be Bosniak that doesn't want to be part of corrupt system that was made corrupt during the first days of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Amazing! May Allah reward you immensely for this eye opening documentary! This is the history we Muslims should be learning from. May Allah SWT strengthen our faith and our ummah!
Ameen 💝
I remember the October of 2003, as it were yesterday. It was pouring the entire day, and almost 200 thousand people attending the funeral. For a country of 4 million people, that was truly astonishing.
I was a child but i remember it too.. came to kovaci with my dad... ❤
Important to note: the Bosnian army, despite the embargo, was on the verge of liberating entire Bosnia (operation “oluja” set this of). When the international community saw this, only then NATO intervened and forced Alija to the negotiating table, threatening to bomb Muslim positions.
If it wasn’t for NATO intervention we would now have a fully autonomous Bosnian republic. Instead we are left with a political mes where al three (corrupted) parties are co-governing the country.
100% true
Sorry but not true.. frikret babo was a traitor he killed his own muskim brothers because his business with his chicken farm.. then the mujahedin vs the croats and vs the serbs.. 4 partys at war. Boshniaks would not exist today when the war wouldn't stop
@@ekiii3463 please don’t talk nonsense
I am from India. A generation of Muslims found inspiration from his book in India too. It was translated to multiple languages in India.
During that war, my country Bangladesh had a religious leader. He sent our army to Bosnia and our soldiers were under siege conditions. The Serbs tried to starve our soldiers to surrender but our soldiers being used to hard conditions survived eating plain soaked rice with salt. Alhamdulillah we were able to help free Bosnia. US bombing broke the seige if I remember correctly. I really wish my country had a leader who fears Allah. Then maybe we could have helped people of Gaza too. May god bless all who fight for the righteous and the innocents
আল্লাহর কসম করে বলছি, ইতিহাস গুলো কেন আমাদের শিক্ষা বইয়ে ইনক্লুড করা হয় না 😭। after watching this whole video I can't hold my tears 😭.
btw thanks for the info 😭. কত অজানা ইতিহাস আমার বাংলার মাটিতে লুকিয়ে আছে, যেগুলো তারা আমাদেরকে জানতে দিতে চায় না, তারা আমাদেরকে সত্যটা জানতে দিতে চাই না।
@@mujahidhasan118 Allah ta ke behest nosib koruk ameen 🤲🏼
Vasa vojska nikad nije bila u Bosni imali smo nekoliko stotina iz muslimanskog svijeta boraca ali niti jedna zemlja nije poslala vojsku u Bosnu da nam pomogne.... Cak Libija Irak Sirija su pomagali Srbiju...
@@SANA-wp3ql U pravu si. Idu mi na k ovi fundametalisticki Azijati isto kao cetnici i ustase. Nismo mi braca.
From Egypt, we are One Ummah
Zivim za dan da Allah swt ujedini Muhamedov umet i posalje nam naseg dugo cekanog IMAMA MEHDI
If we have presidents like Sisi this will never happen
How your neighbor brother,Gaza?shame..
May Allah reward You and everyone who participated in making this video. Assalamualaikum from B&H 🇧🇦
Assalamu aleykom from Somalia, Alija did his best for all of mankind to show the carnage the Serbs carried on Bosnian moslems. Allah bless his soul
alija killed bosnians
May Allah swt grant him and all Bosnian shaheeds the highest level of Jannatul Firdews
Proud to be Bosnian muslimah ☪️ 🇧🇦
Amin ❤
Im Moroccan and i've read his book " islam between the east and west "
This guy was a philosopher and an Islamic thinker ahead of his time. May God have mercy on him.
I highly recommend his book!
Spain denied its ports to used aginist gaza but Moroccan's are pourd to sarve for isreal
@@syedasadshah7268Moroccans want a free Palestine,. it's the government who is helping Israel, we , the people are AGAINST THAT
@@syedasadshah7268And Bosnia supports OTAN while cheering for Gaza.Albania also even more..the only two islamic states on the side of US.
Crzy this world..
@@srdjanmarkovic4934We are not islamic state dude
Wtf you talking about
@@Damn03 who are you kidding ?
Five times more mosques than churches..
Wishes is one thing reality is the other.
The history of Bosnia made me cry
Don't cry .Be strong day bay day and help everyone or nation .Always try to be strong 👍 May Allah pave the way for compassionate people like you 🙏
Why? Looks nice to me
@@JeZZGro Than if same thing happen to your contry ,don't cry .Ok .
@@atlasworld6420 It already did, in much bigger scale. Millions of killed (butchered) Serbs by Ustasha movement and Mujahadeens in WW2.
I auggest you do research better history, before you comment something, you look stupid.
its made up historu
On behalf of the Alija Izetbegovic Foundation in Sarajevo, we thank you for this great video - we appreciate you putting spotlight on Bosnia and Herzegovina and Alija Izetbegovic’s life and work
Salams from Bosnia, Sandžak and Germany. Very impressed by your work. May Allah grant Alija Izetbegović rhmtl a good life in the grave and afterwards and may He reward you for these incredible efforts.✨✨
Mashallah much love to Bosnia! Please don’t forget the Serbians did the same thing to us Muslims in Kosovo as well!! 🇧🇦🇽🇰🇦🇱🇵🇸
All of Bosnia knows what they did in Kosovo. We know better than anyone else my brother and we will never forget.
Sad truth is if Bosnia didn't happen Kosovo would have been fully ethnically cleansed and nobody would bat an eye. We Kosovars should honor their sacrifice.
salam from pakistan
And where are all the Serbian people that used to live in Kosovo? Its ok to kick them out of their historic homeland but its not ok when it comes to Palestine? typical siptar double standard. Yankees will leave one day.....
just a reminder to his letter to the turks...alija izetbegovic.. may allah qurant him the highes of jsnnah.. ameen
What did the write, can you tell me please?
Taghuts don't go to jannah, they end up in hell for an eternity!!
onun kurgu olduğu ortaya çıktı
"Kada hoću da pišem, pisao bih samo krike i urlike, a kad hoću da govorim, onda zanijemim i samo bih plakao."
💔S R E B R E N I C A💔
Isplaci se, bice ti lakse.
@@JeZZGro mrš odavde četo
@@JeZZGroimas pozdrav od Nasera Orica direktno iz kravica😊
Jebotisestru svoju 😊
@@odzakavdo3865 isplaci se bice ti lakse, ili ipak nece 🇬🇷💪🇷🇸
@@JeZZGro серба на вербу
Nas dragi Alija Izetbegovic Allah s,w, podari djennet 🤲⚜❤Predsjednik Bosne i Hercegovine ❤⚜❤🇧🇦❤
As a daughter of a Bosnian martyr, I thank you for bringing attention to our 🇧🇦 history and shedding light on the importance of Alija Izetbegović’s life. I have witnessed my generation of Bosnian Muslim children at the time of war who are now raising their own kids in Islam and practicing because we finally have the freedom to practice our religion. We are one ummah! We also stand with Palestine 🇵🇸
Thats a lie the majotry of bosnian pepole dosent care about Israel or Palestine you really think those pepole will help you if war happens again 😂
السلام عليكم from Bosnia
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Brother or sister from Kenya 🇰🇪
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته.
A Muslima from Australia ❤
salam from pakistan
Zivjela! Sve za Bosnu, Bosnu ni za sta! ❤ ⚜
Što su oni tebi točno donijeli? Jeli živimo danas bolje …..?
Bolje od 1980ih Jugoslavija i 1990ih BiH
@@Tvrtko_I po čemu? Svake godine više i više mladih i to prvenstveno pametni idu u inostranstvu. Ljudi nemaju čega živjeti dok političari se kupaju u novac a jeste bolje jelda…..
zivio alija i nezavisna republika bosna,bez hercegovine
I remember 1995 when the UN did nothing to stop the genocide happening. Thank you for researching this. Jazakalla Khair
you mean 150 000 serbs dissapeared from sarajevo?
you mean when Izetbegovic negotiated with Clinton administration, arranging how many people should die and when he called genocide something that did not even happen at that moment? It is not strange that UN did nothing. Nothing had to be done in order for genocide to be proclaimed and Serbs held responsible so that history is reverted and lands stolen. Hollywood... but real. Not that any responsibility should be taken away from those who actually committed crimes.
Having sad that, may they all rest in peace, all dear Yugoslav brothers and sister, regardless of their faith, they did not deserve to be thrown into that horrible war, to be displaced, tortured, raped, murdered, years of their lives to be stolen, to be separated form their loved ones in so many unspeakable ways... May all people of Yugoslavia find peace in their hearts in memory of those who suffered. And may all people around the world free themselves form prejudices and false prophets.
I am Bosnian myself, and I see my now 91-year-old grandfather crying because the Arabs are not helping the Palestinians. This just makes me angry after we experience real genocide ourselves. We Bosnians have great respect for the Arab nations and praise them for helping us and being our brothers in faith. It only hurts me even more that all the Muslim nations that once gave us the chance to survive and defend ourselves are now just watching the Palestinians die anderen have been doing so for decades! We are far away, in Europe, surrounded by a predominantly Christian Europe that does not want to see a Muslim country, but the Palestinians are among Muslims. They all have no European nation that could intervene in their territories.
I realize that smuggling arms and getting aid worked, as in our case, but that is not enough.
75 years of this existence are not possible under such conditions without the complicity of the Naibhours.
We are aware that the treatment that we as Muslims in Europe still receive is in many ways unacceptable and is being repressed,we are not accepted in Europe but I am in disbelief that the Palestinian receive the same treatment, since they are Muslims and among other Muslims states and jet are treated like Bosnia among Europeans.
Not Bosnian Boshniak bosnian is genersl for sll people serbs croats and muslims. Boshniak
لأن الأنظمة العربية عميلة للغرب و هدفها تحقيق أمان إسرائيل و ما يحصل في فلسطين حصل في سوريا و مازال يحصل في الشمال السوري ، النفوذ الإيراني المجوسي في سوريا و لبنان و العراق لايختلف عن خطر إسرائيل كلاهما يكرهان المسلمين
You are crying about Arabs, meanwhile how do you help them?
You don't. You are where? In some western country.
If you want to help, you know what yous should do, I will buy you ticket.
Well said
Trust me the Arabs are also crying.. and I mean the people
Esselamu Aleykoom, I love my Muslim Bosnian brothers!
Selam from Kosova
Alejkumuselam brother.
Thank you for shining light on our first and greatest president ever. He as terrific human being and a great leader and above all he was a great Muslim! El Fatiha 🤲
The same monsters committing GENOCIDE today 😢
Thank you for doing a great job with researching and presenting the late Alija Izetbegovic. I want to add some things to this great analysis. I am a Bosnian who was present in Bosnia during the last war and I am greatly interested in our history and politics. I own and read all books and works written by Izetbegovic. So here is what I want to add:
- Even though it may sound complicated, our ethnicity is called "Bosniak" not Muslim. Our religion is Islam but the ethnicity is Bosniak. On the other hand "Bosnian" means anyone who is from Bosnia.
- AI (Alija Izetbegovic) was a great thinker, aleem, philosopher, and a leader. However, he did not have one crucial thing that makes you a "great" politician. He was a genuinely good man by nature and could not play all the crooked games that his opponents played. That's why he was pressured into signing the Dayton Agreement that gave Serbs their own mini-republic and divided Bosnia into separate ethnic regions.
- AI was a rare leader (like Nelson Mandela and George Washington) who stepped aside from the presidency willingly after serving his terms and got out of politics for good. This is a sign of only the greatest leaders and it shows his qualities as a human.
- There are so many similar things that happened to him and Nelson Mandela and it actually happened at the same time.
- AI had friends all over the world among Muslim world and Western countries
- Bosnia was indeed helped by most Muslim countries but it was not public because of the arms embargo.
- AI was traveling a lot during the war to get help from other countries and he would only eat soup and other simple things on those trips because he felt bad that his people did not have anything to eat and did not want to eat anything that we don't have access to.
-Just before the Dayton Agreement was about to be signed Bosnian Army was advancing and the whole country was on standby as a huge freedom offensive was about the begin. The Serbian army was already starting to make plans for withdrawal and that's when NATO and Bill Clinton threatened AI with air strikes. They said: "You Bosniaks and Croats now have half the country and Serbs have the other half, if you choose to try to get the rest of the country back, we will bomb you". Bill Clinton wrote this himself in his autobiography called "My life"
- Bosniaks are most likely the last ethnic group that accepted Islam collectively
He didn't save islam he saved himself by islam .
Islam is perfect protected by the master of Universes .
My mother told me stories of how many orphaned bosnian children were migrated to Pakistan. They were beutiful, innocent children who lost entire families. Their was a tough criteria for their adoption as many people wanted them and only those who could provide good living standard were given the children. This shows th scale of the genocide.
I hope they were returned back home to their extended families
@@mostlysunny4987 Same in Malaysia, most already returned to Bosnia but some who married locals stays.
What gncde they had 60k death including soldiers
Search for the map of mass cemetaries in Bosnia, you will see what genocide we mean. Genocide lasted throught whole war, but sentence covered only Srebrenica, sadly.
@@muris989that is false, many of people that lays there are not from war, or moved from another sides, many of them are still alive today, but that is what muslims do, support for Izrael 🇮🇱🇮🇱 we know what peoblems they have, sadly this is only way to fi ish job
you should talk about how Bosnian army defend it self aganist serbs.Muslim should learn that
Salam Alaikum. Thank you for the video about greatest and biggest modern Bosnian hero. In the days of war Alija had many other heroes with him ( like Izet Nanić) , but he was tze biggest of them all. Let me tell you a bit about war. Siege of the Sarajevo was the longest siege of Capital city in modern history. It went on for 44 months. For 44 months enemies of Muslims blocked food, aid , tried to disrupt water. Electricity was very very rare occurence. Only real way to get the suplies to thousands of people was a top secret little tunnel built by brave amazing men called Tunnel of Hope. Siege of Sarajevo went on more than 3 times as long as siege of Stalingrad. In avreage enemies shot 329 projectiles on Sarajevo EVERY DAY for the duration of the siege. Sinpers would play the game of shoting the youngest first, while mortars would play the game of hitting the most crowded areas where civilians went for water and traded for food one of the biggest was Markale Massacre where they killed 68 and wounded 144 civilians who came to trade for food. All in all četnici ( Serbs who did atrocities) killed 14011. From which is over 1600 children. Now for one of the most twisted things. There is a movie called Sarajevo Safari ( sniper tourism). That is a documentary where its shown how influental and famous people came to sarajevo and paid big money to try their hand at sniping civilians and children. That was dark dark time for every Muslim in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For any of you who read this, sorry if I made you upset, but plase like the comment so others learn beaware of evil like that. If you have a stomach for more reality check google Srebrenica genocide, Prijedor genocide, Ahmići massacre. Thank you for reading and pray for Gaza and whole world so stuff like this stops happennig. Salam alaikum
Hoce nevjernici jevrejski i kriscani da uniste Muslimanski Umet.A arapi him pomazu.Jedina drzava Muslimanska Pakistan nisu izdajnici Muslimanskog Umeta.Ubise Sadama Huseina zato sto je stitio Muslimanski Umet i PALESTINU.UBISE GADAFIJA DA BIH UNISTILI MUSLIMANE ALLAH NEKA NJIH KAZNI SVOJOM KAZNOM AMIN YARABI
I didn't know this, may ALLAH reward and help the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina,Albania,Cechenia Palästina Syria,Irak,Lybia,Jemen,Sudan and all martyred muslims.Allahuma Amiin❤🤲
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢May Allah Subhana Ta’Ala protect all Muslims from the enemies of Islam! Thank you for sharing
Thanks for this video. Goosebumps!
As a Bosnian...I thank you for highlighting the history of a man who's given so much for the people... I thank him for being here today ❤...
One of the best documentaries there is
He didn't only save Islam, he saved the Bosniaks
Just he wanted call them Muslims with big M, but when realise that people don't want it, started promoting return of Bosniak national identity...bad, very bad man
Good very good man
@@mx9985 never go full retard
Tvrtko Kotromanić I, Bosnian king
@@Tvrtko_Itvrko kingdom was conqired by turks, his lineage put to sword, he himself a catolic, opposed turkish presence in balkans. You a bit confused and use feather that dont come from your history,today you celebrate same turks like its your own history, same would be for a jew celebrate nazis, tvrtko was not friend of islam and his land was forced into religion, was definetly not friendly takeover
One of the best explanations I have seen. Many thanks from a Bosnian guy who was part of that unfortunate war… 👏🏼🙌🏼
As salami alaykum from bosnian girl. I was 18 years old when the war started and yes, he saved Islam in Bosnia ❤
ne zadugo vjv
Thank you for this video
I m from Bosnia ❤❤❤❤
A tremendously important expose on the life of a truly important Muslim! Thank you for presenting this video to us!
Thank you for video...respect from bosnia.
This man reminds me of the Meccan struggle of the seerah. We think he was weak when in fact he showed the greatest strength. We need to read the books and better ourselves!
MALAYSIA LOVE BOSNIAN!.. at that time we Malaysia people help what we can help, I love bosnian people, At that time Malaysia was prime minister TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, he was the one who extended help to the Bosnian leader and helped form the armed forces. I think there is a point in the name,TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD in Bosnia to commemorate his service to the Bosnian people, the Malaysian army was once sent to Bosnia under the banner of the UN, the Malaysian army helped the Bosnian Mujahideen fight against the Serbs, even the saddest thing is that there are Malaysian soldiers who Killed and injured during Malaysian military operations in Bosnia, I'm not mistaken, the Malaysian army helped build a mosque in Bosnia and the mosque was named after the Malaysian mosque,And the Malaysian army helped build a bridge for the bosnians, At that time, we couldn't bear to see our fellow Muslims in Bosnia killed, raped, tortured by the Serbs.That's why TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, the prime minister at that time, helped Bosnians in all kinds of ways, may TUN MAHATHIR's life be extended this year, he is 99 years old
The UN guarded Srebrenica. we all saw how it ended. genocide
بارك الله بك على هذا الجهد المبارك أن شاء الله ونسال الله العلي القدير ان يحفظ اهل بوسنيا وسائر بلاد الإسلام من كل شر
JazakAllah khair for bringing this piece of history to life. I was ignorant of this. Now I am interested in learning more about it. May Allah have mercy on the ummah
Ameen ya Rab
Thank You.
He is a great person known all over the islamic world, love from Türkiye
Thank you for the Video my Dear Brother
Incredible work, truly! May Allah reward you for this. ✨
Informative video. Especially for current time!
Well documented, thank you so much ❤❤❤
I learned about a great leader, Alija Ali Izetbegovic Rahima *Allah.*
I love learning new history. 100 years is not enough time to learn all of the recorded human histories.
Jazakum Allahu khairan for this much needed video. I will immediately share it with everyone!
I am bosnian and you described this better than I ever could 👏👏🇧🇦
Great video. I have been fascinated and interested in this man’s life. I have been reading his book ‘Islam between the East and West’. Very interesting book
Jazzakum Allahu khairan for re-uploading
May Allah grant him Jannah. Ameen!
Ameen thumma Ameen 🤲💖
Salam to brave Bosnia from Egypt
I was 4 years in Occupate Sarajevo, from my 9 years life.The day when Alija had burial, it's was raining all day, i didn't see that much people in my life to stand on rain all day because one man. El Fatiha
Jazakallah khayr. Excellence video.
Just wanted to note. I lived under the siege of Sarajevo for 4 years. Watching what israel is doing to Gaza makes me think that the siege we lived under was a 5 star resort compared to what Palestinians are enduring.
O God...I was thinking the same. And I am thanking God every day that Serbs did not have weapons Israel has. They tried to exterminate us with what they had and would do the same if they had means.
Assalamu alaikum. I am from Bosnia and I thank you for making this video. I was 7 years old when war started in our country in 1992. War was tough for us but it was maybe the best time for Islam in Bosnia. Many people have returned to Allah s.w.t. because of it. During the war the mosques were full of people. Many returned to Allah s.w.t. because of war. Islam was revived. The war was a blessing in some sense no matter how wild that may seem to those who have not experienced it. Keep note that the young Muslims were inspired by Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt and Sayyid Qutb and that there were other strong intellectuals who were companions of Alija Izetbegovic and that also produced great literary works that served as guardians of Islamic thought within Muslim community(e.g. Mustafa Spahic and Munir Gavrankapetnovic). Also we are welcoming of all sorts of Muslims in Bosnia even though we are mostly Hanafi oriented Muslims. Hanafis, Salafis, Sufis, Shias all have their presence here and are exerting their influence. The sad thing is that 30 years later we now don't have any strong intellectual like Alija Izetbegovic. We have dozens upon dozens of parties that are battling for power and all sorts of semi-literate individuals that are nowhere close to what Alija Izetbegovic was. I hope Allah keeps us safe and helps Islam stay here till the end of times.
Aameen ya rabul alameen..May Allah subhan'wa tah'ala bless peace to Palestine 🇵🇸 as same as he blessed 🇧🇦 Bosina.Aameen ya rabul alameen
"War was a blessing"? I know you don't mean that literally but seriously - i think you are insane. I'm Bosniak - I don't want Bosnia that you are describing. We are European Slavs - muslims or atheists. Either way, like it or not - but the brutal truth is that we have even more in common with Russians than with Salafis, Shias or whatever you are ranting about. External, non-Bosnian Islamic influence is equally dangerous to Bosnia like Serbo-Croatian nationalism. Alija Izetbegovic never wanted Bosnia you are describing. He said that in his death bed.
Where I can find their books?
Over 2 Billion Muslims and still we are suffering! Shame on the Ummah Arab leaders
Shame on all Muslims, no one stood up and travelled to Palestine.
When Muslims won't wakeup for fajr, it's too much to expect an military operation from them.
yep each man/individual needs to take responsibility and not waste time on pointing fingers, just like this man in this video, he was a MAN and intelligent one and got presidency and could do things
Nas Poslanik Muhamed je rekao da su Arapi izdajnici prodane duse Muslimanskog Umeta.I sada imamo prodane duse na vladi koje za fotelju prodaju BH i bosnjacke Muslimane za fotelje daju BH na dlanu HR i SR. Bog da him otvori oci i usi da se povrate u vjeru bosansku.Srbi su dosli iz rumunije vlaho.
I love Alija Izetbegovic. He was a great person. May Allah reward him with paradise 🤲🏻
Ja sam rodzen u Bosni i hvala dragom Allahu sto nam je poslao rahmetli Aliju Izetbegovica i istina je da je on jedini sto nebi ni za sve bogatsvo svjeta prodao bosnu. Hvala na ovom videu.
Always pray for my Bosnian Brothers and Sisters.
He's well knowing in Türkiye🇹🇷💪
We call him wise king
Bilge kral 🇹🇷💪
He's son is also good 👍🏻