MY Dream since I was a kid in Canada in the 70s/80s with my dad's home made cage with our cuthroats. Living in Morangup WA now. If your ever in the area.. love to build an Avery but never sure where to put it . Balance of having it close enough to give it lots of attention/enjoyment when I pass everyday, sunlight/shade, my partners considerations. I Have a happy cage of about 7 Australians finches at the moment including my favourite Parsons. In the winter it is inside my garage at night as it's so cold. I've hooked up a thermostat to a ceramic heat bulb and a hue bulb that slowly dims at sunset to give them time to settle in. During the day weather permitting I roll the whole thing out onto the driveway pad. We are on 25 acres, so nowhere near any cars passing. Have to remove the water first as of course it sloshes when it goes over the bricks. I even tried to fill a section of haps with mortar. I really need a little tram track. Imagine timing it like a giant cuckoo clock that rolls itself out in the morning. Cheers and love the podcast. PS popular native bird window is covered in stickers and reflective ribbons so the local wrens are safe.
Sounds pretty fabulous actually. I was just looking at our aviaries the other day.. when we got 43mm in a day. If I ever built again I am thinking I would put in within a shed as such...stops all the issues with leaking roof joins and different roof levels. One thing with birds... and it always amazes me...they can put up with cold..but not draughts. We have kept gouldians here quite successfully...and being from up north and feathers to suit... they cope ok with cold...just need to be able to get up and draught free. Aviary position... facing north; near to services water, electricity and storm water drainage... away from big trees and vegetation, enough clearance to get a vehicle behind/around... I personally like them closer to general living space...but not too close that light gets on them full on..our closest one is about 5m from back patio but has tall shrubs in between to block light and vision. We have the rat walls... so solid colourbond from small things don't startle them.
MY Dream since I was a kid in Canada in the 70s/80s with my dad's home made cage with our cuthroats. Living in Morangup WA now. If your ever in the area.. love to build an Avery but never sure where to put it . Balance of having it close enough to give it lots of attention/enjoyment when I pass everyday, sunlight/shade, my partners considerations. I Have a happy cage of about 7 Australians finches at the moment including my favourite Parsons. In the winter it is inside my garage at night as it's so cold. I've hooked up a thermostat to a ceramic heat bulb and a hue bulb that slowly dims at sunset to give them time to settle in. During the day weather permitting I roll the whole thing out onto the driveway pad. We are on 25 acres, so nowhere near any cars passing. Have to remove the water first as of course it sloshes when it goes over the bricks. I even tried to fill a section of haps with mortar. I really need a little tram track. Imagine timing it like a giant cuckoo clock that rolls itself out in the morning. Cheers and love the podcast. PS popular native bird window is covered in stickers and reflective ribbons so the local wrens are safe.
Sounds pretty fabulous actually. I was just looking at our aviaries the other day.. when we got 43mm in a day. If I ever built again I am thinking I would put in within a shed as such...stops all the issues with leaking roof joins and different roof levels. One thing with birds... and it always amazes me...they can put up with cold..but not draughts. We have kept gouldians here quite successfully...and being from up north and feathers to suit... they cope ok with cold...just need to be able to get up and draught free. Aviary position... facing north; near to services water, electricity and storm water drainage... away from big trees and vegetation, enough clearance to get a vehicle behind/around... I personally like them closer to general living space...but not too close that light gets on them full on..our closest one is about 5m from back patio but has tall shrubs in between to block light and vision. We have the rat walls... so solid colourbond from small things don't startle them.