FAQ Review, New Easterlings, Rings of Power photos

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 26

  • @shaunscott4773
    @shaunscott4773 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for this, I actually enjoy the long ones because I can listen to them at work.
    The points about characters getting changed to be almost unplayable is a very valid point and it does concern me too, I'd love to see them change how alliances are done all together rather than a simple yes no kinda. Thanks again.

  • @Kircholm
    @Kircholm 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Btw it is funny about dice probability, couse
    +3 is 33% better than 4+, and 3+ got 16 percent points higher chances to succeed than 4+. So i guess Mat was kinda right ;)
    Love how you guys managed to focus on all those positive sides of movie. There is a lot of criticism, but I hope the show will be great and people are just grumpy !

    • @PK-ny1kx
      @PK-ny1kx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm with Matt, too. Going from a 50% chance to a 67% chance does in fact improve the original odds (50%) by 33% (one-third of 50% is 16.67%), even if it only improves your overall odds by 16.67%... So yeah. :-P

  • @Scartenable
    @Scartenable 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I did the casting while Prone all the time. Cirdan projects his Aura of Dismay from behind the lines but would also cast Enchanted Blades the turns after. Having him Prone made him almost invisible. Now I cannot do that anymore.

  • @anthonygeleynse2199
    @anthonygeleynse2199 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey folks! Love your work, it's been a great way to learn as I'm pretty new to the game :)
    I'm heading to my first tournament in a couple week and would love some thoughts on this list! I want to try Harad (mostly because I have access to a lot of the models), with a focus around The Betrayer and his poison. General plan of the list is to whittle down forces with effective poison archery, then have one or two high might damage turns with heroes + cavalry to take out key pieces and hopefully cripple them. The tournament is a 700 point list, 4 rounds, randomly generated scenarios with no repeats.
    4x Serpent Riders
    7x Serpent Guard
    7x Haradrim warriors + Spear
    The Betrayer:
    9x Haradrim warriors + bow
    3x Haradrim warriors + bow + spear
    1x Haradrim warrior + bow + spear + Banner
    3x Haradrim Raider + bow + Spear
    6x Haradrim warriors + bow
    2x Haradrim warrios + spear
    2x Watcher of Karn + Twin blades
    My biggest questions:
    Should I sacrifice some of my warriors to put the betrayer on a fell beast? Is Hasharin okay or is Haragrim king just objectively better? Should I have bows on the watchers of Karna? And should I replace some of my frontlines with Abrakhan Merchant Guards for some extra strength?
    Thanks so much for any advice from you guys or other viewers :)

  • @MrPiggy-ys5kw
    @MrPiggy-ys5kw 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    “Evil is not capable of creating anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

  • @SonsOfGondor1
    @SonsOfGondor1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In re: War Bats, I didn't ask this one, but because the rule said that you make the second roll if the model didn't die, it could sound like it's conditional on surviving the S4 hit (and if the hit isn't triggered, then the knock prone doesn't happen).

  • @Legolas-ro3ju
    @Legolas-ro3ju 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi guys, big fan of your podcast, keep up the great work!
    I am also attending my first tournament end of April this year at 522 points, one army only and the four pools you discussed in this very episode with a veto system (pools 2, 4, 5 and 6). Big chances I am attending the same tournament as the person who commented with the list you guys went over in this episode!
    Considering this, what do you think of the following list:
    Shadowlord on horse (Leader)
    4 Black Numenorians
    4 Morannons with shield and spear
    1 Morannon with shield, spear and banner
    1 Warg Rider with shield and throwing spears
    4 Black Numenorians
    4 Morannons with shield and spear
    1 Warg Rider with shield and throwing spears
    Gorbag with shield
    4 Black Numenorians
    3 Morannons with shield and spear
    1 Orc Tracker
    522 points, 30 models, 8 might and 1 bow
    Not sure if the list can work as it has no real punch other than the troops, as Gorbag is the only Striker and only has S4 with 2 or 3 attacks on foot. I am expecting heavy shooting lists, so I think the Shadowlord is mandatory. Would you maybe replace one of the orc heroes with Kardush or maybe Goroth? Any other ideas to improve the list?
    Would be very excited to hear your thoughts! Thank you

  • @SonsOfGondor1
    @SonsOfGondor1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think the clarification about Monstrous Mounts providing in-the-ways for melee attacks are because it sounds similar to how chariots work. I was never confused, but I could see how others were . . .

  • @SonsOfGondor1
    @SonsOfGondor1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Requiring Elrond/Glorfindel/Celeborn to get Galadriel into a list does look bad - but I will say that if you were already bringing in Gwaihir, then dropping Gwaihir for one of these guys isn't changing your cost that much (Gwaihir they are not, but they're still good).
    For armies that where "+ Galadriel only" (like Minas Tirith or Erebor Reclaimed), you could still see her added, but you'd need to commit to having a big hero paired with a really cheap hero (like Boromir CotWT with Denethor) or by downsizing two heroes to make room for another big killing piece (like taking Gloin and Bifur in Erebor Reclaimed with Thorin instead of Dwalin and Dain).
    Or maybe armies like Minas Tirith actually have a reason to run Gandalf now. :)

  • @robertsnook7443
    @robertsnook7443 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love the long podcast don’t worry!

  • @marcuslancashire2443
    @marcuslancashire2443 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great review as always. Now the profiles have come out I'm a big fan of Rutabi in particular. Obviously 3, 3, 3 for heroics would have been better but 3, 2, 2 is still respectable (I prefer it to 3, 3, 1) and she seems very well costed for what she does.
    Out of interest, you mention that you have reviewed the new orc heroes but I can't seem to find that video, which one was that?

  • @Fire123Dude
    @Fire123Dude 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey guys, would love some analysis of my 600 point Minas Tirith list. I usually play evil armies, so this is new territory for me. I’m hosting a fun four-man tournament next month.
    Warband #1
    -Boromir, captain of the white tower w/ banner, horse, shield-215 pts
    -5x guard of the fountain court w/ shields-55 pts
    -5x rangers of Gondor, 1x w/ spear-41 pts
    -5x warriors of Minas Tirith, 5x w/ shields and 1x spear-41 pts
    352 pts
    Warband #2
    -Irolas, captain of the guard
    -5x guard of the fountain court w/ shields-55 pts
    -2x rangers of Gondor w/ spears-18 pts
    -5x warriors of Minas tirith w/ shields-40 pts
    178 pts
    Warband #3
    -Gondor avenger bolt thrower w/ crew and swift reload-70 pts
    Total 600 points, 10 might, March, big hero, decent shooting w/ 7 bows and bolt thrower. Susceptible to magic.
    Any recommendations or critiques? Thanks!
    Brook S

  • @robertsnook7443
    @robertsnook7443 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi guys
    Harad List for you (shooty shooty)
    Suludan on horse
    9 Merchant Guard
    9 Warriors with spears
    Betrayer on horse
    8 warriors with bows
    7 warriors with bows and spears
    Chieftain with spear
    5 warriors with bow
    2 with spear
    43 models, 7 might
    I’ve heard you guys talk about this type of list and wonder what you recommend as the most optimal set up. Cheers!

  • @PK-ny1kx
    @PK-ny1kx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey guys, Thanks for the content as always. I am still looking for a Durin / Hearthguard / Ballista list that I like. I've never found a points level where I felt good about the mix of heroes and the model count. :-/
    Switching gears, I'm looking at taking this list to an 800-point competitive tournament in April, and would appreciate your thoughts. The "theme" ended up being a pseudo "Let's Storm the Black Gate" force, led by King Aragorn (Minas Tirith), allied with Fiefdoms and Misty Mountains (convenient alliance). We're doing three rounds and using three scenario pools with a veto system. The three pools are: (1) Domination/Capture & Control/Breakthrough pool; (2) Lords of Battle/Contest of Champions/To the Death; and (3) Storm the Camp/Reconnoiter/Divide & Conquer. There are no list-building restrictions other than no blending Legendary Legions and standard armies.
    King Aragorn on Armored Horse (Army Leader)
    x9 Fountain Court Guard with Shields
    x4 Gondor Rangers with Spears
    x2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Shields
    x3 Knights of Minas Tirith with Shields
    Angbor the Fearless
    x6 Clansmen of Lamedon
    x2 Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth
    x4 Blackroot Vale Archers with Spears
    Bolt Thrower
    Siege Veteran with 2 Siege Crew
    Gwaihir the Wind Lord
    800/800, 36 models; 4 heroes (9* Might), 32 warriors, 8 archers with 1 siege engine
    I want to have Aragorn, Gwaihir, the three knights, and at least 6 Fountain Court Guard; but everything else is negotiable. ;-) I'd appreciate any thoughts and suggestions. Thanks!

    • @yaketysaks
      @yaketysaks 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey mate, my two cents, a few takeaways I’m getting are:
      -You need to update those numbers, def want to swap some of your elites for more regular guys, def want more WoMTs in there
      -the 4 Blackeroot vale archers are redundant, especially with 4 regular rangers (who are strictly better) and the bolt thrower. Def sub them out for more pike boys
      -Aragorn and Gwahir are two massive point sinks that need to be doing and moving a lot, yet the bolt thrower is a very static unit that likes to make your enemy come to you. There might be a bit of a mismatch here, as the bolt thrower isn’t really going to be synergising that well. Maybe sub it out for more knights and up the mobility of your force? Or, go far heavier on the shooty side of your list, and drop your elite melee dudes to up your bow limit?

    • @PK-ny1kx
      @PK-ny1kx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@yaketysaks Thanks for the feedback!
      I'm not wedded to the bolt thrower per se, but my thought process was that four of our nine potential scenarios are objective based, and the bolt thrower offers a way to camp on a back objective in scenarios like Domination, Capture and Control, Breakthrough, or Divide and Conquer while threatening other objectives, so the core of the army (including the three remaining heroes) can press the attack on the forward objectives. Even if the bolt thrower doesn't shoot the whole game because no one approaches the objectives it's defending (or my board edge on Reconnoiter), that seems like a win. At just S3, Minas Tirith also tends to lack offensive punch against D6/7--something Gondor Rangers don't really help with--so the bolt thrower helps with that as well, especially if Aragorn, Gwaihir, and the Knights have to deal with other threats away from the main battle line (the Blackroots also help, since they have the potential to reroll failed to-wounds as part of a heroic shoot, which you can call for free with Aragorn). Plus, I'd like to have a shot at avoiding a draw in Storm the Camp by forcing the enemy out of their camp and into battle, and I'm not sure S2 bows (in any number I could field them) are going to do that as effectively as the threat of up to six S7 shots.
      I agree the numbers are on the smaller side, so I am counting on Aragorn, Gwaihir, and the ranged units to even the odds. I have also considered other variations of the list with more Rangers in place of the bolt thrower, as well as cheaper warriors to bulk out the numbers, but the problem I kept running into is the number of warrior slots. Aragorn's warband is full as I've currently built the list, and Angbor has three slots remaining. Without adding another hero who can lead troops, 36 models is the most I can field with Aragorn and Gwaihir (19 + 16 + 1). And unless that extra hero is Denethor (or one of the 35 point Ranger heroes), it seems unlikely to me that the 50 points from the Bolt Thrower (combined with some points saved here or there from converting a few Fountain Court to WoMT) will net more than the three models I'm giving up from the Bolt Thrower, while sacrificing a fair bit of hitting power. But if you have some suggestions on that front, I'll gladly consider them!
      Thanks again!

  • @cameronthompson1943
    @cameronthompson1943 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does the easterling drummer on mount lose the drum when dismounted? Do I need to model an on foot version or does he magically have a sword in hand instead?

  • @adampaul677
    @adampaul677 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there!
    Long time listener, I love Guritz and after you sing praises of Suladan, I want to try him out.
    Warband 1
    Witch king on fell beast, crown, 3/14/3 (Leader)
    7 Black numenoreans
    3 morannons with shield and spear
    2 orc warriors with shield
    2 orc warriors with spear
    Warband 2
    4 morannons with shield
    2 orc warriors with shield and spear
    2 orc warriors with spear
    2 trackers
    Warband 3
    Warband 4
    Suladan on armoured horse
    2 serpent riders
    4 merchant guard
    2 haradrim with bow
    4 haradrim with bow and spear
    750 points
    40 models
    8 bows
    9 might
    3 striking heroes
    2 marching heroes
    Maelstrom buffs
    Theoretically, I like the combo of suladan and shelob (as she needs help to win combats), with the triple threat of the WK on fell. I intend to mix F3 and F4 throughout and throw some harad spears behind numenoreans.
    Let me know what you guys think!

  • @Tapase
    @Tapase 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey! Great episode as always!
    I'm looking for ideas for mid March 650p. turnament. Siege engines wont be alloved here. Thats ruined my plan - Boromir, Hurin and trebuchet/avenger and ~ 33 men... This trebuchet is quite nice protection from enemys shooting - but its forbiden in this turnament. I think this points level is not high enough for Gandalf (maybe with Denethor, but then i will have no might and hitting power). I dont want Boromir and Hurin alone, cos I'm affraid of enemys casters transfixing Boromir for whole game. So maybe somethink "stupid" but hard to counter.
    Faramir on horse, h. armor, shield, lance.
    6 WoMT with shield,
    1 WoMT with shield, spear and banner,
    4 Rangers of Gondor with spears
    2 KoMT with shields.
    Hurin on horse,
    6 WoMT with shields
    4 RoG with spears,
    1 KoMT with shield.
    Forlong on horse,
    2 KoDA on a. horse, with lance,
    9 Lossarnach Axemans.
    38 models, 9 might, 8 bows. No special tools.
    I didnt take any bodyguard units, but i think Forlongs horn + MT army bonus is enough courage in frontline. 38 models (8 mounted) on 650 sounds good IMO. I have fv4 everythere by support, quite strong charge (3 heroic combats can kill up to 12 models in single turn), i dont lose much killing power when horses under my heroes will be dead - Hurin still have master forget 2h sword, Farlong have S5. I dont have oblivious target for enemys casters - Faramir have 3 will and h. resolve (never used it, but who know?), Faramir also have h. defence aganist monsters etc. Even when fara is dead Hurin protecting VP for killing leader. I have only 8 bows - i have to come to every shooting list, and dont have march, but i hope i have enough units with shieldwall in frontrank to survive a long walk - 8 horses can jump last 10 " and catch few units too for a turn. 8 RoG are just aganist armies without shooting or just to try luck and kill enemys super hero horses. They can also just keep an objective behind. In battle line I hope i can feint with WoMT and reroll 1 on axemans from forlong special rules. Here is banner for scenes and to use it where i need it most... I was thinking about pure MT, maybe with Madril insted of Forlong, or Denethor too, but without siege engines it looks hard for this point level. I also dont want total horde army. ; D Maybe do you have any Idea? ; D I have large MT army but just started my Fiefdoms.

  • @snaithiusproductions8445
    @snaithiusproductions8445 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey guys! I'm entering my first ever singles tournament at 750pts cap. I know I'm probably not going to win just due to my experience level (I've played a random doubles tournament before but that's about as far as competitive games go), so I'm focusing on having fun and giving my opponents at least a challenge using models I've got. It's a mix Isengard/Dunland force as I have both armies.let me know what you think! I'm having a day of practice games in four days time and running this list for two games, then a slightly altered list in the next two games. Thank you for your time.
    Warband One - 254pts (11/15)
    Lurtz with shield 90pts (3m) (leader)
    1x Uruk hai Drummer 35pts
    3x Uruk hai with shield 30pts
    1x Uruk hai with pike and banner 35pts
    4x Crossbows 44pts
    2x Crebain 40pts
    Warband Two - 149 (6/12)
    Vrasku 65pts (3m)
    4x Crossbows 44pts
    2x Crebain 40pts
    Warband Three - 215pts (12/12)
    Gorulf 70pts (3m)
    8x Uruk hai with shield 80pts
    3x Uruk hai with pike 30pts
    1x Uruk hai with pike and banner 35pts
    Warband Four - 132pts (12/12)
    Oathmaker 55pts (3)
    7x Wildmen with axes 35pts
    2x Wildmen with two handed axes 12pts
    3x Uruk hai with pikes 30pts
    Total - 750pts
    Might - 12
    Bows - 14
    Models - 45 (40 isengard models)
    Break 50% - 23
    Break 66% - 27

  • @nyb0318
    @nyb0318 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi! I have been working on an erebor reclaimed force and want your opinions on it.
    Thorin III Stonehelm (leader)
    1 Iron Hills Dwarves w/Shield, Spear, Banner
    1 Goat Rider
    8 Iron Hills Dwarves w/Shield and Spear
    4 Iron Hills Dwarves w/Crossbow
    1 Iron Hills Dwarf w/Crossbow and Spear
    Dwalin Champion of Erebor
    1 Goat Rider
    8 Iron Hills Dwarves w/Shield and Spear
    4 Iron Hills Dwarves w/Crossbow
    1 Iron Hills Dwarf w/Crossbow and Spear
    Bifur Champion of Erebor
    6 Iron Hills Dwarves w/ Shield and Spear
    2 Iron Hills Dwarves w/Crossbow
    1 Iron Hills Dwarf w/Crossbow and Spear
    41 Models. 9 Might (+Cool-Headed and Bifur). 13 Crossbows. 2 Goats.
    A couple things about the list. I am aware that Thorin III at the time of writing this means the army has no army bonus, however I want to use Thorin III in some way. Also Dwalin cannot take a goat while in the same army as Thorin III which I otherwise would have done. And finally yes I am aware of the lack of march, yet I chose to take Bifur and the higher model count above it. Do you think it is the right call or should I stick with Iron Hills Captain and a few less models?

  • @JM.....
    @JM..... 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    hearing evan complain about over strength of magic is deeply funny to me, as magic is widely seen to have been nerfed by the NZ community (compared to pre-hobbit era)

    • @evaniverson1958
      @evaniverson1958 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It was absolutely nerfed. Just because something was nerfed doesn't mean it's bad. I used magic then, I've used magic now. There are plenty of differences but the core system is intact and there are plenty of buffed magic users (witch king and barrow wights being prime examples). Being able to completely remove a part of you opponents game plan with little chance to resist is extremely powerful.

  • @samrobert8713
    @samrobert8713 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Like I'm back sitting in springfield total wine

  • @MrPiggy-ys5kw
    @MrPiggy-ys5kw 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Galadriel wasn't a fking commander, give elves fking long hair and give all dwarves heroes