The point is if you couldn't your laner during a 1 v 1 lane phase then its obvious you need your team. I mean you cant 1 v 1 but are only good in team fights then you might as well play a backline like xerath champ or support.
@@natking1u1z99 meh... I don't think so If you play a late champ on top vs Darius you can't try to win lane agresively. So you play passive and get advantage with ganks. There is no Shame in winning like that. That is called playing smart Again, is a strategy 5v5 , not a street fighter.
@@natking1u1z99 yeah, that's i tell my team all the time, if u can't handle your lane 1v1 then u can't blame the jungler. It's not his fault that you're inting
"I believe all of you can get to the top 1%" There is actually some interesting math here, since league has 100M active users, and about half probs have at least touched ranked. If this video were to get 500,000 views or less. Then that 1% statement is actually completely valid and reasonable. (However I don't believe in all of you.)
QOTD: Whenever I watch replays there are moments in the laning phase where I don't go for trades or all-ins when I should because I'm not confident enough to see myself coming out on top.
I have the same problem (+ last hitting). I can literally be level up, more health, better items, and have a counter to them but am still scared running after them even tho i could easily kill them
This is 11 months ago, but play some RTS games. Legitimately go play Starcraft 2. The game was designed off of a custom game in an RTS, and RTS’s utilize the minimap and FoW for base management and defeating your enemies.
@@googlepoodle5814 now that you mentioned it, i will play Starcraft, I have been longing for something different than I'm used to and I was running out of ideas. Thank you.
Overstaying is a huge problem, It happened to me before but just don't take too long but also don't recall instantly recall after killing your laner (Unless you have some information about a jungler coming to gank etc then you run) Cause a tower plating or a minion wave is pretty good
@@SteCollects u have to be pretty chill to NOT flame all the morons that play by your side. Your mid Yasuo is 2-15 and says it's jg diff. That is pretty fucking tilting (being a jg Main)
@@rodrigokuszek you gotta fight the urge, I struggle myself too, but since I started doing this I started wining more, you can't change how they play so just focus on you and don't waste your energy on those idiots, press next game and try to win
Got perma'd for it yday my team was flaming while i was carrying their ass so i got mad. If you are Diamond and below just disable the chat for your own safety :/
QotD: I have trouble deciding when to engage in a fight, particuarly during ARAM phase when nobody is engaging, making plays or playing off my plays...
Depends on your comp vs them. League rewards high dmg comps as the games just burst burst burst. That’s why it’s so hard to carry because it’s easy to get shutdown gold if their team isn’t bad. To keep it simple if you have a lot of cc wait for a pick or wait to peel of their engage. If you have a lot of engage you mainly have to wait for a pic to eliminate their win condition or force them to miss position by forcing Barron. If you flat out lose team fights stalling and applying pressure for your 5th to give your team a lead will also work but you have to be carful when 4v5 because they can end the game if someone doesn’t respect it.
When you ARAM before a fight, that means that teams are squaring up. You should be finding an objective (kill ADC or fed player or easy target first), and as well sizing up what the other team wants to do to beat you. Then you look for those advantageous moments like other people said while avoiding the enemy team from approaching their fight win condition. In practice this means that one person is JUST in range of some skillshot or CC and then it’s a brawl, but if you play to win conditions better than the other team surprise surprise you tend to know what the advantageous trades are going to be. Kinda long winded but win conditions are a deceptively simple concept in practice.
if we're all in the 1%, then who's in the 99%? xD hah, yup, the 1% will always be on top until someone else comes along and kicks them out. All of us can't, it's mathmatically impossible!
Huh? I don't know how big the LoL player base is, but I highly doubt more than 1% of it will watch this video, so of course it's mathematically possible that all of the people watching this video will get to Diamond.
qotd: I personally struggle with team fighting, my eyes struggle to see what's happening with all the visuals effects and I lose where I am and before you know it I'm dead again
Yeah if ur using free cam best thing is to press space to center on ur champ and hold if you need it or try to use the colorblind option cuz it makes colors more clear and u may be able to see stuff better
I know this is old, but try turning down your visual effects. Make them high enough that you can tell what's happening, but low enough that it's not too overwhelming to your eyes. I struggle with that too, but it helps!
@@jakesandstorm8329 dude pantheon is a really strong pick and easy to learn, stick with him if you liked him pre rework. If you want to play him as a braindead , buy ap and wait for your ult😂
Pff. Garen still exists. Not only he is brain dead to play, he is totally one of the best top laners right now. He's got assassin damage, with tank survivability. And it matters very little what buttons you press, all of them lead to winning either way :D
@@wooyoungjung3296 oke so, I tried however it came back the day after! Why doesn't it stay gone? I accidentally hopped into solo queue and fed top lane :( I couldn't do anything!
Hey Pro Guides, I’m a fellow sub from the Philippines Server and I wanna share this with y’all. I struggle with toxic, unfriendly, and sore loser teammates who think just solo carry and win. They just don’t know how to communicate and think strategically cuz they just get on my nerve and also if they’re pissed get ready for 3 dc players. But Pro Guides has been helping me a lot and now I’m almost to platinum, thanks for the Guides keep up the good works love y’all, Mabuhay!
@@blubblub346 I have seen pyke mid carry, but as support I crush every pyke I'm against. I suppose if you're a plat+ player with pyke then yes, but if you are an average player I dont think you'll be able to carry every game with him as your support.
Jonoth123 then u just need to play your champ more. Understand your champ better. For example katarina is a high skilled champ that can go in kill someone and get out but how your gonna do that if u don’t know ur damage or how to go in get a kill and get out.
@@OminousBlast i mained kata in a time but cant win that many games then i found caitlyn and my winrate got higher and i started to carry most of my games
one thing that helps is just playing a few games with all of your main roles champs, sometimes knowing your enemies powerspikes and weaknesses is much more important than knowing your own. For example if you play garen vs nasus, you just got black cleaver(big powerspike for garen)and you got ganked and you couldnt poke nasus out well and he just got triforce(even bigger powerspike for nasus), AVOID LONG FIGHTS AT ALL COSTS, and keep your q for his w, because if you cant escape when he ults you are dead.In this case you may be like, hah i got black cleaver and im strong af, but if you dont look at nasus items and dont know his powerspikes, you're gonna take long fights and die, and he will snowball from 2 kills and he even scales harder than you, and you basically just lost your team the match
"Macro play" - OMG so true. I just realized this and it's finally helping me climb. I want to add something to this: What's the best macro play when you consider fighting, however AFTER you get your item powerspike, group up! Otherwise, look to react to fight instead of instigating them.
QOTD: Actually figuring out what I'm doing wrong in every game I lose and how to fix it. Also roleswapping. Not really comfortable doing any particular role rn.
Qotd: I always make decisions in-game, and always think "This isn't a good decision. I shouldn't be doing this," AND I'M ALWAYS RIGHT? I need to learn to listen to my little voice, and not get caught in the jungle alone, or going off with the weakest member of my team to get demolished by four enemies.
Same,im totally retarded. Sometimes my inner voice tells me "dont 1v1 him He will kill U" and 1 sec later i Go in Like im on Autopilot and ofc die. After it i Always ask myself If i should uninstall lmao
I've started taking tp/ignite on shaco supp and it's helped me get so much better at the game. The amount of times I've been able to tp top, get them a kill, and put the game ahead is amazing.
i was 0/4 at 8mins as dr mundo jg bc their warwick was in my jungle and better. i told my team i was frustrated but then i did /fullmute all. They ff’d at 27min when i was 17/4. Fullmute is OP
Im in Bronze 2 and ranked is so damn intense. You just get flamed for doing anything. I was flamed for “feeding” (I died 3 times the whole game), flamed for not healing when my heal was on cool down, flamed for playing Yuumi, flamed for losing bot lane when I was the midlaner, flamed for not putting a shield on multiple people when I only have one shield, flamed for not healing enough when it was early game, etc. hopefully I’ll still be able to climb ranks by ignoring those people tho
Just /mute all at the start of the game, I forget that I even have done that and the game is 100x more enjoyable. This game's community is way too toxic
QotD: Transitioning my lead in lane to the map. I know it sounds like everyone else complaining about it but when ima talon with a lead almost every game cause people underestimate the burst at 6 and I have 4-6 kills in 15 mins and jung cant stop me, it's hard when I'm the only one who has a lead on my team, and I find it difficult to help my team when they keep pushing when they should just be freezing or holding under tower so I can help. Or when i fall off late and cant make picks late cause they stay grouped so i side lane and the team just loses the fights.
So thats the Point of the video. U are ahead ingame but other lanes are pushed? Team up with jgl and invide the enemy jgl. I had this many times in my games as jgl. Where i wonna Farm up and then there is allways this freaking talon in my jgl. Dont think too much about what bot is doing wrong. Just think about the best u can do in this Situation. And if ur team looses the 4 v 5. Well. Sidelane isnt the best Place then, isnt it? Maybe try to get some defensive items late like GA or black cleaver. Or both. I mean if u cant oneshot enemy adc. Then just 2 shot em. Or just drag enough attention and spells on u, so your adc dont get all these spells and dps the enemy. :) No Flame. Just friendly advise from a jgl/adc main:)
Qotd: i have issues with quite a few things. Using actives to certain items, i forget. I also don’t know when to freeze lane, and when to push lane and back, I’m real greedy over the turret plating. Like if my opponent backs I’ll shove the lane and just sit there and hit the turret. Most times I’ll get ganked and prolly end up dying. I also get tilted way too fast if things don’t go my way. Not too sure how to come back in a game when I’m behind.
Please talk about tilting your own teammates. Literally one of the best ways to win is to communicate as a team and cheer eachother up. Low elo players can't seem to notice this
QOTD: I need to work on when to dodge and sticking to 1 champion, I usually end up going into loosing games or my team has autofilled roles. I also need to stick to a small champion pool, rn I play skarner and mordekaiser in the top lane after I narrowed it down from: shen,urgot,maokai,morde,galio,lissandra,skarner, and so on. Im saving up my BE for ornn rn
A long time ago, i was hardstuck silver 2 and everybody told me i would never reach platinum. Currently, i am diamond 2 as a mid laner and climbing. Perseverance is key
that moment when you are 4 0 10, the other best player of your team is 2 6 and you get flamed by the entire team, no one really knows why, while they are running it down because they are dumb fucks :D
QoTD: Map Awareness (Be that lone anti-blind spots for goodsake), Discipline (Learn when to restrain or all in), Mute teammates for being brash yet though muted try to reach out by plainly telling them your efficient suggestions (Some Counter Builds and Plain Details because most likely notice chat over ping)
QOTD: I get really impatient sometimes, and that can screw up whole lanes (botlane main - adc and supp too). My other big problem was typing. It affected me even when i said 'i dont care'. I simply disabled chat a few weeks ago, it helped a lot
QOTD: I have issues converting a lead into a win. I play jungle and support; I can consistently get a lead in jungle or get my adc ahead as a Support, however consistently I let my games fall apart...
Qotd: My biggest problem was chatting & being toxic. However, after my latest ban in January, I just felt like changing. I disabled every chat and only turned it on for seconds if needed, for example if I wanna throw in a game plan. Now since that is gone, my biggest problem is actually looking at the map. I'm kinda cosplaying Lee Sin in terms of being blind and missing out on a lot of opportunitys to get kills or to avoid ganks.
QOTD: Been struggling both - like you - with typing, as well as deciding a main role to play. I originally mained top lane but right now I hate the role and feel it has weak impact, also been playing jungle and mid lane however and find both roles comforting. Yet I can't decide which role to play mainly because I'm good at around 5 or 6 champions: Quinn, Katarina, Karthus, Master Yi, Garen and Tryndamere. So I can either play Top with Quinn or Trynd, Mid with Kat, Garen or Quinn, or jungle with Karthus and Yi. The frustrating thing is I'm not terrible at any of these 3 roles with these champions, and honestly I think Kat has the most potential. But I'm really torn what to do...
This is honestly all great advice. A lot of the suggestions out there focus on the most accurate plays for high elo, but low elo is playing a very different game and you have to adapt your strategy to that skill level.
Good advice. So many advice vids focus on telling the ‘right’ plays and strategy. But I like that you admit that challenger plays can be wrong in low elo.
QotD: My thing I’m definitely bad at is showing dominance in lane, trying to ward more, pay attention to where my laner(s) is at and if I react badly when my laner roams, then to take advantage and bully my laner for roaming
@@tcsm0023 hitting gold was more of a mental Block for me, as soon as I got close I would freeze up. Playing in silver 1 is exactly the same as playing in gold IV or gold III, just think about it that way.
QOTD: Actually remembering I have item actives that will make me and my team win a fight and survive. I've always forgotten about Zhonya's active more times than I've missed skillshots.
QOTD: Last hitting, Skill shot dodging, Vision, the whole shabang really. I may be a simple silver 3 sylas one trick but I watch my replays and always add to my notes to keep improving as I know I can get out of low elo and possibly go even higher then Diamond one day
honestly struggling to tell myself to play ranked more, I have a 70% winrate with 40 games. The thought of noobs feeding makes flame and I dont want too.
This is me. I would play more but I try my hardest, do everything I can, just to get shitty teammates, forcing me to only play like two games a day. It's really demotivating.
I always autopilot in games and don't pay attention to what I'm doing, I just do it. Sometimes it's bad bc I don't think abt what's the best option, sometimes I split when I should be grouping or I shove when I should be freezing, stuff like that
QOTD: I recently destroyed my mmr by losing 8 games straight when I was promoted from Bronze 1 to Silver 4. Right now I am hard stuck and lose more LP losing than winning
You need to practice a lot in nornals, and when you see the difference, in a couple of months, go back to ranked. Build a qin streak and recover your mmr
I fell from d4 to p3 0 lp. Now it's so hard not to tilt because I'm just trying to get back what I lost and I'm so sick of playing the same few boring champs that I'm best at
Dang bro that second advice my mentality is at a higher level and above platinum. Me trying to make high elo plays and decision for my teamates teaching them what is the best decision in the game or what should they do. Now I need to be a high skilled player but adapting my self in my own bracket
A fun tip for learning to farm I found was making a smurf. I'm currently plat 1 and farm like I'm in silver. But when I play on my smurf, I just treat the other player like a bot and try not to kill them. Also a great way to practice freeze and pushing a lane. I try not to care about winning or losing in these games.
Can you guys do a guide on drafting and understanding when a champion is good or bad into the enemies or your team needs a certain champ. Clash is coming up and I would find this knowledge very helpful, thnx
Okay I'm justing telling my thoughts because I feel they might be useful. I got diamond for the first time in s6, then I stopped playing and now I restarted from bronze, altough I'm already plat again now, so I can quite tell the difference between those leagues. What I noticed is that people now (compared to s6) understand what is needed to win, even in bronze people wanna do drakes, turrets, etc. But the most important difference is farming: it was so clear what elo I was in. In Bronze-low Silver people were struggling to get to 150 cs in 30 minutes, in gold people were easily getting 200-250 at that time and in plat no one gets less than 250 cs in 30 mins (obv not talking about supports and assassins also usually get less cs). Also it's almost always better to teamplay than try to carry alone. I mean, when I was Silver I was just picking Irelia top, getting 150 cs more than my opponent, stay top and win the game alone, but if you're evenly matched you need to cooperate: if you're a 8/0 toplaner and you stay top, it's your fault if suddenly your opponents just took the dragon soul without you giving a fck about it.
ok, i actually have a very good tip for you. Place more wards, watch the minimap a LOT more, take your teammates position into consideration, take favorable fights. Note: going ham for a pick on the support without the knowledge of the rest of the enemy team might be throwing your games :)
I'm new to the game, not even able to play ranked yet. I have trouble last hitting and playing safe. I like to play aggressively but it doesn't always turn out well I also can't play without locking the camera yet and I forget some items have actives. Building is also something I still have to learn.
I’ve been diamond almost 3 seasons in a row but still get rekt by irons in normals on champs I don’t play much. I want to find a new main and just get better, challenger feels so far out of reach lol
Try champions that are likely unnoticed yet has a variety of builds. Maokai with Ninja Tabi, Liandry's & Iceborn Gauntlet against a Bruiser Yasuo. Just realized that Shyvana and Warwick has been very great especially Warwick.
QOTD: Finishing the game when getting an early lead. Last ranked game, we got 3 barons and an elder and we only won on a backdoor. Granted I was hitting 3 people with Sion ults and getting their carries cc'd, but the rest of my team would not prio the Trist and Teemo.
QOTD: I struggle to spread my lead to the rest of the map. I usually get ahead mid-lane after some scuttle fights and some kills in the lane, but I cannot bring that lead to the rest of the team effectively
QotD: As an exclusive Jungler, I'm struggling with solo laners rage quitting after they go 0/2 crying: "ganks". Solo laners should read jungler guides, then they'll understand why we do the things we do.
QOTD: im currently a noob, and i have immense trouble trying to get used to the unfixed camera. i feel so much more comfortable with the camera fixed on my champ, but people have told me to break that habit and learn to use the unfixed camera. thoughts?
Play Shen with fixed cam. Basically you can also play with fied cam. If it fits your playstyle. But if you want to learn the free cam I recommend to turn down the speed in the settings for the camara movement.
QOTD: Positioning and map awareness. Especially if I start red side, it's so hard for me to focus on csing, the Minimap, and just the screen in general. I miss easy picks or get caught in ganks that I really shouldn't because we had half the map warded. Rip
I play mid in diamond. Some tips that really helped me were: 1. Identify jungler starting camps (check which lanes leashed) and understand their pathing. Champs like Yi/WW like to full clear whereas Lee/Elise like to hit 3 and gank, and some other champs like Xin/Shaco can cheese gank lvl 2. I watched a ton of Jg replays and guides to help me better understand how junglers path. 2. Knowing where each jungler is and wants to be, you can "foresee" fights (usually over scuttle) before they may happen so you can prepare yourself and the wave so you show up first or can get away from a gank. 3. If you don't know where the enemy jg is, play towards your warded side or your jungler. 4. Anytime there's downtime in lane (basically not trading or right before you need to cs) check your map. Remember that your champ is locked into their auto animation once you go for cs, so I can quickly check the map right when I throw out my auto attack. This is probably the most important habit - watch any high elo streamer's facecam and you can see them checking the map constantly. 5. Identify patterns in the enemy - generally enemies that walk up to trade at an inopportune time are trying to bait you unless you know that they're bad. Enemies that hug one side of the lane (and therefore making you hug the opposite side) have their jungler on that side and are setting up for a gank. GL HF!!
I am just stuck. I dont know any methods of climbing out of Silver 1. I also type when I’m tilted, thinking that I’m doing something good. Thanks for making this video now I’ll give a like and watch it!
One of the advices that i don't hear often is don't forget you are playing to have fun remember that only a handfull of players can have those 80% winrates. You are going to lose at least 50% of the times so learn to have fun even when losing, maybe set some goals so that you feel like you won even when the screen says otherwise. Do not forget that those points on the screen (LP) are not real, they don't actually mean anything you are not in the spotlight so there's no reason to be angry at losing some LP, remember there is always a next game you can win.
Just pick a champion you comfortable with. And play tons of it. No matter it got nerf or not. Just have fun with it even it already out of meta. Ex: ivern, janna,gnar,zed
QOTD: My timings and decision making on when to roam. I watch so many of my opponents just leave lane, ill ping everyone back and still get kills, and my roams are really underwhelming and the enemy usually backs off as soon as i leave lane.
u might wanan stop playing olaf as he as a champ can only create leads and needs them to be justifyable mid-late so if ANY of ur lanes lose hard and make it an even playing field ur pick is just garbage
I main melee supports and my biggest struggle is knowing when I can engage the enemy to punish positioning. Sometimes I think I'm making the right call but I end up just getting demolished, mostly by minion damage.
Jg main biggest flaw for me is throwing my lead for tilting lanes plat/diamond. Most common lane Ints for example I’ll do a red/blue/gromp gank and ping opposite lane to back off if I know jg is their. They don’t respect it so overall it’s a loss if I’m top but a slight lead if I’m bot. Mid late game biggest flaw is well farming/tracking jg/ shadowing team players get caught and I commit to saving them when it’s not worth it and end up getting the enemy team in the game with shutdown on me. Another flaw is when teams flame to contest an objective when we clearly lose the fight compared to just letting me steal and flash out (they over commit to helping me) also getting tilted when teams don’t react to your vision and jg tracking example I’ll invade deny a side and will have vision to counter their jg doing the right thing (getting my camps) and they let it go for free even if all have priority. Some games you have great teams that rotate or help on scuttle fights. Overall my biggest tilt is lanes crying for help when they refuse to help jg ever like their lanes more important where I’d argue jg should get more help to share the impact unless it’s a good roaming mid. I main Zac around 65% wr 4.5kda, trundle, and hec
I personaly love your content and for the QOFD, I have the same issue as U. This video is what I was looking for for a last month. I can not believe how helpful U guys can be. Thank U so much! ♥️😇
QOTD: Sometimes, I just cant manage my mana. So with mage champions, I always find myself with all my abilities on cooldown and almost no mana after a trade.
QOTD: When to roam and forfeit your CS because of it and when to recall. I try my best to shove the lane in when my opponent mid laner roams and after I shove, I follow up or recall and that’s usually my mistake.
My hardest struggle is not in solo q but in duo/flex q, my friends formed a team and i wanted to be shootcaller but i struggle in the macro so i often make the wrong decision for my team
QOTD: 4:56. Thats my problem. I keep expecting people to do the somewhat smart moves and thus get taken off guard by people doing stupid things. Especially when I expect junglers to take an actually optimal route.
QoTD: when i started playing ranked the season started, riot placed me on Iron III and after i tried to play again, i find it hard to climb because of trolls like, the jungler doesnt gank and get objectives, 2-17 Yasuo top lane, 61 cs of the ADC on 31 mins...
I don't play any ranked because I don't like the social climate of the ranked queue but if there was something I could work on it'd be early cs. No matter how hard I try to really focus on cs early I always miss some because I'm trying to poke my laner more than I need to (which is also why I'm perpetually low on mana).
Qotd: i only engage in perfect situations and fight in perfect situations. So this makes me miss out on small opportunities. Also i never bother to read the stats or item powers because long phrases of words stresses me out and causes me to shut down
Qotd: (support main) I try to deep ward a bunch, but often end up caught out. So I've been trying to ping *assist me* when I take more than 5 steps away from a teammate.
I don't have problems getting caught out when going to ward (sup main as well), but my problem is pinging my adc to play safe when I go to ward and then them flaming me because they over extend and die while I'm not there.
Try to deepward when the enemy bot just backed, that'll keep your adc alive. Be sure to keep an eye on the mini map. If the enemy jungler is top you are free to go. Also be sure to use vision skills, like Thresh lantern to scout for you.
You know that macro play part truly hit the nail on the head. Both during my climb to plat and now after the rank reset with me back in silver for a time. I see a lot of players, in particular mid laners for some reason, who after being fed go to a side lane to push towers. As you said this might not be the bad play in mid plus elo. But 90% of the time the other 3 players don't even notice that the one fed members isn't present or that they should give up a tower cause they can't defend it. This then results in a bunch of people dying. Seen this happen from both sides. Sometimes they do it with champions like Trynda and Dianna who are particularly good at split pushing and other times I see a fed Aviana abandon the team of low elo players to split push and then complain in all chat that their team died. I am a supp main so I am usually in the thick of things trying to get people to not die when someone split pushes but... low elo players and often myself included don't know when an objective is just lost and not worth even trying to contest.
QOTD: Playing from behind as a support main... whenever everyone in my team is doing badly I have a hard time impacting the game and helping my team scale, specially since I love playing enchanters so i feel my impact is very little...
I would have laughed so hard if it just said "Get good" and then blasted the Ali-A intro for 10 minutes
Good times.
Bronce players gettin ganked be like "you can't kill me alone you chicken?"
Like the game is not a 5v5 strategy game and not a fckn street fighter
ahahahhahha i felt that one tbh, gold though
The point is if you couldn't your laner during a 1 v 1 lane phase then its obvious you need your team. I mean you cant 1 v 1 but are only good in team fights then you might as well play a backline like xerath champ or support.
@@natking1u1z99 meh... I don't think so
If you play a late champ on top vs Darius you can't try to win lane agresively. So you play passive and get advantage with ganks.
There is no Shame in winning like that. That is called playing smart
Again, is a strategy 5v5 , not a street fighter.
@@natking1u1z99 yeah, that's i tell my team all the time, if u can't handle your lane 1v1 then u can't blame the jungler. It's not his fault that you're inting
@@rodrigobertoa5916 ic there is something i learned is that 80% of low elo don't understand the concept of "play passive"
"I believe all of you can get to the top 1%"
There is actually some interesting math here, since league has 100M active users, and about half probs have at least touched ranked. If this video were to get 500,000 views or less. Then that 1% statement is actually completely valid and reasonable. (However I don't believe in all of you.)
Love you to
What is your elo, "master" ?
Hahaha 🤣
I believe in you to
"Learn to farm" me an iron 1 sup main: what is this "farm" you speak of?
That's when you make your ADC mad by stealing the money
Thats when you play yummi top
life isboss respects for maining support in iron
Why are you playing support in iron play a carry
@@toitzv3558 why do u care? also someone has to
Me: *Farming side lanes*
Team: Takes a bad fight and everyone dies
Team: Wtf where were you?
*Cries in Ryze main*
Especially when you ping where you're going before they took that fight and told them NOT to do it. Rip
@@Celestiaal. we're down 3000 gold, and up 2 dragons to 1... Yeah definitely seems like time to contest this cloud drake 4v5.
The most truest thing I have ever heard
Just ignore them for that,its not your bad they did that
QOTD: Whenever I watch replays there are moments in the laning phase where I don't go for trades or all-ins when I should because I'm not confident enough to see myself coming out on top.
I have the same problem (+ last hitting).
I can literally be level up, more health, better items, and have a counter to them but am still scared running after them even tho i could easily kill them
Low elo people are bad, and you're better . Don't respect them, go for the trade , you're better.
Hell yeah. I played other moba and I noticed that I'm afraid of all-ins. I wanted to play it safe
@@JorgitoInSpace Well they are the same really or they would be higher elo.
@@hungerxhunger2548 Yeah but when you're aware of how the game works you can pretty much stomp low elo games
QOTD: I have a hard time looking constantly at the minimap. Also I have a hard time using my active items when I need to.
Αδερφε και εγω το ιδιο θεμα εχω
And im so sad about it
This is 11 months ago, but play some RTS games. Legitimately go play Starcraft 2. The game was designed off of a custom game in an RTS, and RTS’s utilize the minimap and FoW for base management and defeating your enemies.
@@googlepoodle5814 now that you mentioned it, i will play Starcraft, I have been longing for something different than I'm used to and I was running out of ideas. Thank you.
@@lukev.evergarden9048 np bud!
QOTD: My main problem is playing way too aggressive and not having the maturity to back off when I should.
Overstaying is a huge problem, It happened to me before but just don't take too long but also don't recall instantly recall after killing your laner (Unless you have some information about a jungler coming to gank etc then you run) Cause a tower plating or a minion wave is pretty good
Iron players: lets fight cuz yes
Silver players: aram mid at 16 and for the rest of the game cuz yes
best advice in 2 steps:
-disable all chat
-if u want to badly type in chat after the game just press next
Best thing I did 2 months ago, haven’t flamed or been tilted since
@@SteCollects u have to be pretty chill to NOT flame all the morons that play by your side. Your mid Yasuo is 2-15 and says it's jg diff. That is pretty fucking tilting (being a jg Main)
@@rodrigokuszek you gotta fight the urge, I struggle myself too, but since I started doing this I started wining more, you can't change how they play so just focus on you and don't waste your energy on those idiots, press next game and try to win
U could'v told me before i got permabanned twice after 1 year of league...
Got perma'd for it yday my team was flaming while i was carrying their ass so i got mad. If you are Diamond and below just disable the chat for your own safety :/
QotD: I have trouble deciding when to engage in a fight, particuarly during ARAM phase when nobody is engaging, making plays or playing off my plays...
Engage when you have an advantage. It's that simple. Look for a pick or important moment
Depends on your comp vs them. League rewards high dmg comps as the games just burst burst burst. That’s why it’s so hard to carry because it’s easy to get shutdown gold if their team isn’t bad. To keep it simple if you have a lot of cc wait for a pick or wait to peel of their engage. If you have a lot of engage you mainly have to wait for a pic to eliminate their win condition or force them to miss position by forcing Barron. If you flat out lose team fights stalling and applying pressure for your 5th to give your team a lead will also work but you have to be carful when 4v5 because they can end the game if someone doesn’t respect it.
When you ARAM before a fight, that means that teams are squaring up. You should be finding an objective (kill ADC or fed player or easy target first), and as well sizing up what the other team wants to do to beat you. Then you look for those advantageous moments like other people said while avoiding the enemy team from approaching their fight win condition. In practice this means that one person is JUST in range of some skillshot or CC and then it’s a brawl, but if you play to win conditions better than the other team surprise surprise you tend to know what the advantageous trades are going to be. Kinda long winded but win conditions are a deceptively simple concept in practice.
"I believe all of you can get to the top 1%"
Uhh I think your math is off here brother.
You all "can" not will
if we're all in the 1%, then who's in the 99%? xD hah, yup, the 1% will always be on top until someone else comes along and kicks them out. All of us can't, it's mathmatically impossible!
Summoner's Gift can not will
Huh? I don't know how big the LoL player base is, but I highly doubt more than 1% of it will watch this video, so of course it's mathematically possible that all of the people watching this video will get to Diamond.
qotd: I personally struggle with team fighting, my eyes struggle to see what's happening with all the visuals effects and I lose where I am and before you know it I'm dead again
Yeah if ur using free cam best thing is to press space to center on ur champ and hold if you need it or try to use the colorblind option cuz it makes colors more clear and u may be able to see stuff better
There is an option in the graphic settings called "hide eye candy" or something. That helps hiding the shit on the screen
I know this is old, but try turning down your visual effects. Make them high enough that you can tell what's happening, but low enough that it's not too overwhelming to your eyes. I struggle with that too, but it helps!
@@angeloptz1475 whenever there’s a team fight I always keep a distance cuz all the shit on my screen makes it laggy
"Just play a brain dead champ in top lane if your mechanics suck"
Riot keeps reworking all of my brain dead top lane champs =[
@@aleksandarkurbalija Warwick top was my first main pre-rework. Pantheon was my main for several seasons.
J S if u have no pride u can always try garen 😂
@@jakesandstorm8329 dude pantheon is a really strong pick and easy to learn, stick with him if you liked him pre rework.
If you want to play him as a braindead , buy ap and wait for your ult😂
Pff. Garen still exists. Not only he is brain dead to play, he is totally one of the best top laners right now. He's got assassin damage, with tank survivability. And it matters very little what buttons you press, all of them lead to winning either way :D
I feel personally attacked asa yi otp
@@merfex123 you must be a very sad soul to otp a champ like yi
@@kishredbird3599 its called I like free elo and am huge on attack speed characters
Merfex still a sad soul
@@TheFurinfuretto indeed
How to improve at life
Step 1: Close League of Legends
Step 2: Go to Remove a Program
Step 3: Click Uninstall
Which program do I uninstall? You forgot a step there man, I'm stuck :/
Julien M Oh whoops sorry, choose League of Legends 😉
@@wooyoungjung3296 oke so, I tried however it came back the day after! Why doesn't it stay gone? I accidentally hopped into solo queue and fed top lane :( I couldn't do anything!
You forgot the last step. Install league again
Didn't work, ended up reinstalling later.
"What's something you're struggling with?"
Talking abt that, im a main qiyana high kda like 7/5/6 kda average but i have 18% win rate, yes 18 and i feel like my games are all 1v5 or 2v5
@@baptiste7674 dont play qiyana
@@csgo8614 cringe
@@csgo8614 cringe
@@csgo8614 cringe
I one tricked talon now I’m epic done that’s how you get good
Hey Pro Guides, I’m a fellow sub from the Philippines Server and I wanna share this with y’all.
I struggle with toxic, unfriendly, and sore loser teammates who think just solo carry and win. They just don’t know how to communicate and think strategically cuz they just get on my nerve and also if they’re pissed get ready for 3 dc players.
But Pro Guides has been helping me a lot and now I’m almost to platinum, thanks for the Guides keep up the good works love y’all, Mabuhay!
pinoy here
Pinoy here cant leave silver because of cancerous junglers
Ey kabayan same here...
Lol same, bcus of it I don't even care if I lose ranked or not haha
Hey im from the ph server to. ive been struggling to climb when i was place in the silver tier.
The most important advice: Dont play support in low elo. Relying on your team is the best way to stay in silver/gold.
pyke can carry easily low elo as sup
@@blubblub346 I have seen pyke mid carry, but as support I crush every pyke I'm against. I suppose if you're a plat+ player with pyke then yes, but if you are an average player I dont think you'll be able to carry every game with him as your support.
@@blubblub346 anything can carry easily in any role in low elo, but dont play pyke if are in there, it is too hard champ for you
@@masaboih pyke is not a difficult champ in my opinion
Wrong pick soraka carry ur team
Im mostly struggling with estimating my power or see wich fights I can take or not.
Jonoth123 then u just need to play your champ more. Understand your champ better. For example katarina is a high skilled champ that can go in kill someone and get out but how your gonna do that if u don’t know ur damage or how to go in get a kill and get out.
Try limit testing as much as you can in normals, to understand better the limits of your champs
@@OminousBlast i mained kata in a time but cant win that many games then i found caitlyn and my winrate got higher and i started to carry most of my games
one thing that helps is just playing a few games with all of your main roles champs, sometimes knowing your enemies powerspikes and weaknesses is much more important than knowing your own. For example if you play garen vs nasus, you just got black cleaver(big powerspike for garen)and you got ganked and you couldnt poke nasus out well and he just got triforce(even bigger powerspike for nasus), AVOID LONG FIGHTS AT ALL COSTS, and keep your q for his w, because if you cant escape when he ults you are dead.In this case you may be like, hah i got black cleaver and im strong af, but if you dont look at nasus items and dont know his powerspikes, you're gonna take long fights and die, and he will snowball from 2 kills and he even scales harder than you, and you basically just lost your team the match
You have to play riskier then in norms or something so you can feel confident in your own plays
"Macro play" - OMG so true. I just realized this and it's finally helping me climb. I want to add something to this: What's the best macro play when you consider fighting, however AFTER you get your item powerspike, group up! Otherwise, look to react to fight instead of instigating them.
QOTD: Actually figuring out what I'm doing wrong in every game I lose and how to fix it. Also roleswapping. Not really comfortable doing any particular role rn.
Love your content and how fast/much you deliver. Big thumbs up!
Qotd: I always make decisions in-game, and always think "This isn't a good decision. I shouldn't be doing this," AND I'M ALWAYS RIGHT? I need to learn to listen to my little voice, and not get caught in the jungle alone, or going off with the weakest member of my team to get demolished by four enemies.
That DEFINITELY is a downfall of mine. You’re trying too hard to think about what your other teammates would say about you, just follow your gut.
Same,im totally retarded. Sometimes my inner voice tells me "dont 1v1 him He will kill U" and 1 sec later i Go in Like im on Autopilot and ofc die. After it i Always ask myself If i should uninstall lmao
I've started taking tp/ignite on shaco supp and it's helped me get so much better at the game. The amount of times I've been able to tp top, get them a kill, and put the game ahead is amazing.
i was 0/4 at 8mins as dr mundo jg bc their warwick was in my jungle and better. i told my team i was frustrated but then i did /fullmute all. They ff’d at 27min when i was 17/4. Fullmute is OP
Daamn, I gotta try this sstrat right now!!
Nah its worse.I rather communicate with teammates xd
@@janzalokar568 I'd rather report my 0-16 adc ratherr talking w him and watching him blame me
Im in Bronze 2 and ranked is so damn intense. You just get flamed for doing anything. I was flamed for “feeding” (I died 3 times the whole game), flamed for not healing when my heal was on cool down, flamed for playing Yuumi, flamed for losing bot lane when I was the midlaner, flamed for not putting a shield on multiple people when I only have one shield, flamed for not healing enough when it was early game, etc. hopefully I’ll still be able to climb ranks by ignoring those people tho
Just /mute all at the start of the game, I forget that I even have done that and the game is 100x more enjoyable. This game's community is way too toxic
QotD: Transitioning my lead in lane to the map. I know it sounds like everyone else complaining about it but when ima talon with a lead almost every game cause people underestimate the burst at 6 and I have 4-6 kills in 15 mins and jung cant stop me, it's hard when I'm the only one who has a lead on my team, and I find it difficult to help my team when they keep pushing when they should just be freezing or holding under tower so I can help. Or when i fall off late and cant make picks late cause they stay grouped so i side lane and the team just loses the fights.
One tip: dont go too aggressive even if you dominating your opponent :)
So thats the Point of the video. U are ahead ingame but other lanes are pushed? Team up with jgl and invide the enemy jgl. I had this many times in my games as jgl. Where i wonna Farm up and then there is allways this freaking talon in my jgl. Dont think too much about what bot is doing wrong. Just think about the best u can do in this Situation. And if ur team looses the 4 v 5. Well. Sidelane isnt the best Place then, isnt it? Maybe try to get some defensive items late like GA or black cleaver. Or both. I mean if u cant oneshot enemy adc. Then just 2 shot em. Or just drag enough attention and spells on u, so your adc dont get all these spells and dps the enemy. :)
No Flame. Just friendly advise from a jgl/adc main:)
@@AntiProElite I know that's the point of the video, just answering the question
Qotd: i have issues with quite a few things. Using actives to certain items, i forget. I also don’t know when to freeze lane, and when to push lane and back, I’m real greedy over the turret plating. Like if my opponent backs I’ll shove the lane and just sit there and hit the turret. Most times I’ll get ganked and prolly end up dying. I also get tilted way too fast if things don’t go my way. Not too sure how to come back in a game when I’m behind.
Please talk about tilting your own teammates. Literally one of the best ways to win is to communicate as a team and cheer eachother up. Low elo players can't seem to notice this
QOTD: I need to work on when to dodge and sticking to 1 champion, I usually end up going into loosing games or my team has autofilled roles. I also need to stick to a small champion pool, rn I play skarner and mordekaiser in the top lane after I narrowed it down from: shen,urgot,maokai,morde,galio,lissandra,skarner, and so on. Im saving up my BE for ornn rn
qotd: when im behind i cant valuate my damage correctly and start feeding even more cause i think i can finish of that 20% hp enemy
A long time ago, i was hardstuck silver 2 and everybody told me i would never reach platinum. Currently, i am diamond 2 as a mid laner and climbing. Perseverance is key
I’ve been struggling with teammates literally being trilobites and running it down
just tell them a joke
for example "imagine being hentai"
GD Kepler wtf😂
GD Kepler being hentai? XD
that moment when you are 4 0 10, the other best player of your team is 2 6 and you get flamed by the entire team, no one really knows why, while they are running it down because they are dumb fucks :D
@@pedrooliveira8937 Disable ally chat , best thing i ever did !! They cant tilt me with word and i cant tily them !
QoTD: Map Awareness (Be that lone anti-blind spots for goodsake), Discipline (Learn when to restrain or all in), Mute teammates for being brash yet though muted try to reach out by plainly telling them your efficient suggestions (Some Counter Builds and Plain Details because most likely notice chat over ping)
Qotd: I tend to fall during the mid game whenever I got a lead in early game I tend to throw it away by making stupid mistake
QOTD: I get really impatient sometimes, and that can screw up whole lanes (botlane main - adc and supp too). My other big problem was typing. It affected me even when i said 'i dont care'. I simply disabled chat a few weeks ago, it helped a lot
QOTD: Definetly transitioning the lead I get into the late game, also farming sorta
QOTD: I have issues converting a lead into a win. I play jungle and support; I can consistently get a lead in jungle or get my adc ahead as a Support, however consistently I let my games fall apart...
"Dont overthink things"
Yeah might be a bit hard for me bro. I do that in everyday life lol
Qotd: My biggest problem was chatting & being toxic. However, after my latest ban in January, I just felt like changing. I disabled every chat and only turned it on for seconds if needed, for example if I wanna throw in a game plan. Now since that is gone, my biggest problem is actually looking at the map. I'm kinda cosplaying Lee Sin in terms of being blind and missing out on a lot of opportunitys to get kills or to avoid ganks.
Qotd: My friends say my micro play is amazing. My macro play tho, well let's just say Im gonna practice that alot
what does micro and macro mean?
Plot twist
You don’t have friends
@@main741 Micro is mechanics sidesteps, hitting abilities, 1v1 outplays and macro is playing the map using game knowledge
QOTD: Been struggling both - like you - with typing, as well as deciding a main role to play. I originally mained top lane but right now I hate the role and feel it has weak impact, also been playing jungle and mid lane however and find both roles comforting. Yet I can't decide which role to play mainly because I'm good at around 5 or 6 champions: Quinn, Katarina, Karthus, Master Yi, Garen and Tryndamere. So I can either play Top with Quinn or Trynd, Mid with Kat, Garen or Quinn, or jungle with Karthus and Yi. The frustrating thing is I'm not terrible at any of these 3 roles with these champions, and honestly I think Kat has the most potential. But I'm really torn what to do...
Qotd: Terrible random outbursts and bursts of ranked anxiety, not watching my replays
This is honestly all great advice. A lot of the suggestions out there focus on the most accurate plays for high elo, but low elo is playing a very different game and you have to adapt your strategy to that skill level.
Qotd: just starting 2 months ago there is just so much idk and playing against players who have that makes me feel like im just worse
Just mute all
Honestly, playing with friends really helps, at least until you're pretty accustomed to it all.
Good advice. So many advice vids focus on telling the ‘right’ plays and strategy. But I like that you admit that challenger plays can be wrong in low elo.
that voice I was hearing all this time is a human; really though always he was a robot,,,,LOL thank you for the video
yeah, I too was disappointed when I saw a dude
QotD: My thing I’m definitely bad at is showing dominance in lane, trying to ward more, pay attention to where my laner(s) is at and if I react badly when my laner roams, then to take advantage and bully my laner for roaming
Hi proguides love your content this helps me a lot and yet I'm still silver 1
PokeDude23 belive me if you play and play then you can get in gold
@@goodmindgaming856 yeah man ur right, I almost hit gold but i stopped playing, but I didnt stop playing and got better
@@goodmindgaming856 ok thanks for the advice
PokeDude23 no problem
@@tcsm0023 hitting gold was more of a mental Block for me, as soon as I got close I would freeze up. Playing in silver 1 is exactly the same as playing in gold IV or gold III, just think about it that way.
QOTD: Actually remembering I have item actives that will make me and my team win a fight and survive. I've always forgotten about Zhonya's active more times than I've missed skillshots.
damn none of this works here in my server where your teammates already have 5 deaths even it's been just 5 mins yet
I feel you a lot, but there are factors that let u still carry, like the champion u play, etc some champs are hypercarrys some are not.
Are you in the PH server hahaha
@@tevii1699 wellp brother
QOTD: Last hitting, Skill shot dodging, Vision, the whole shabang really. I may be a simple silver 3 sylas one trick but I watch my replays and always add to my notes to keep improving as I know I can get out of low elo and possibly go even higher then Diamond one day
honestly struggling to tell myself to play ranked more, I have a 70% winrate with 40 games. The thought of noobs feeding makes flame and I dont want too.
stop thinking anybody cares about ur winrate nobody does
@@iFParasit they asked a question, I answered. chill
This is me. I would play more but I try my hardest, do everything I can, just to get shitty teammates, forcing me to only play like two games a day. It's really demotivating.
I always autopilot in games and don't pay attention to what I'm doing, I just do it. Sometimes it's bad bc I don't think abt what's the best option, sometimes I split when I should be grouping or I shove when I should be freezing, stuff like that
QOTD: I recently destroyed my mmr by losing 8 games straight when I was promoted from Bronze 1 to Silver 4. Right now I am hard stuck and lose more LP losing than winning
You need to practice a lot in nornals, and when you see the difference, in a couple of months, go back to ranked. Build a qin streak and recover your mmr
I fell from d4 to p3 0 lp. Now it's so hard not to tilt because I'm just trying to get back what I lost and I'm so sick of playing the same few boring champs that I'm best at
Would love to play with u :) but ur on na Right?
@@kevrank1yasuo450 yes I am
Dang bro that second advice my mentality is at a higher level and above platinum. Me trying to make high elo plays and decision for my teamates teaching them what is the best decision in the game or what should they do. Now I need to be a high skilled player but adapting my self in my own bracket
I have a ton of problems with feeding so how do I resist that when playing in any lane
A fun tip for learning to farm I found was making a smurf. I'm currently plat 1 and farm like I'm in silver. But when I play on my smurf, I just treat the other player like a bot and try not to kill them. Also a great way to practice freeze and pushing a lane. I try not to care about winning or losing in these games.
Can you guys do a guide on drafting and understanding when a champion is good or bad into the enemies or your team needs a certain champ. Clash is coming up and I would find this knowledge very helpful, thnx
Word brother, maybe a general team comp guide? :)
Okay I'm justing telling my thoughts because I feel they might be useful. I got diamond for the first time in s6, then I stopped playing and now I restarted from bronze, altough I'm already plat again now, so I can quite tell the difference between those leagues.
What I noticed is that people now (compared to s6) understand what is needed to win, even in bronze people wanna do drakes, turrets, etc.
But the most important difference is farming: it was so clear what elo I was in. In Bronze-low Silver people were struggling to get to 150 cs in 30 minutes, in gold people were easily getting 200-250 at that time and in plat no one gets less than 250 cs in 30 mins (obv not talking about supports and assassins also usually get less cs).
Also it's almost always better to teamplay than try to carry alone. I mean, when I was Silver I was just picking Irelia top, getting 150 cs more than my opponent, stay top and win the game alone, but if you're evenly matched you need to cooperate: if you're a 8/0 toplaner and you stay top, it's your fault if suddenly your opponents just took the dragon soul without you giving a fck about it.
i'm struggling with not trolling away my lead for no reason
Fiszt good good
ok, i actually have a very good tip for you. Place more wards, watch the minimap a LOT more, take your teammates position into consideration, take favorable fights. Note: going ham for a pick on the support without the knowledge of the rest of the enemy team might be throwing your games :)
Try inting :v
Relatable, especially in plat and below. Once I reached Diamond and I couldnt believe how much more tactical were my teammates
Pedro Oliveira its very very good advice
Damn the "it's a marathon, not a race" thing is really inspirational bot just for league but for everything
Meanwhile hashinshin: "top has no influence whether I'm fed or not
meanwhile Hashinshin is a higher rank than 90% of everyone in the comment section
I'm new to the game, not even able to play ranked yet. I have trouble last hitting and playing safe. I like to play aggressively but it doesn't always turn out well
I also can't play without locking the camera yet and I forget some items have actives.
Building is also something I still have to learn.
I’ve been diamond almost 3 seasons in a row but still get rekt by irons in normals on champs I don’t play much. I want to find a new main and just get better, challenger feels so far out of reach lol
Try champions that are likely unnoticed yet has a variety of builds. Maokai with Ninja Tabi, Liandry's & Iceborn Gauntlet against a Bruiser Yasuo. Just realized that Shyvana and Warwick has been very great especially Warwick.
QOTD: Finishing the game when getting an early lead. Last ranked game, we got 3 barons and an elder and we only won on a backdoor. Granted I was hitting 3 people with Sion ults and getting their carries cc'd, but the rest of my team would not prio the Trist and Teemo.
I struggle with getting offline when I'm tilted
QOTD: I struggle to spread my lead to the rest of the map. I usually get ahead mid-lane after some scuttle fights and some kills in the lane, but I cannot bring that lead to the rest of the team effectively
As an exclusive Jungler, I'm struggling with solo laners rage quitting after they go 0/2 crying: "ganks".
Solo laners should read jungler guides, then they'll understand why we do the things we do.
Lolguides: it’s a marathon not a race
Me: but a marathon is a race...
Even when i ping im going to a certain lane to help they just sit there
QOTD: im currently a noob, and i have immense trouble trying to get used to the unfixed camera. i feel so much more comfortable with the camera fixed on my champ, but people have told me to break that habit and learn to use the unfixed camera. thoughts?
Play Shen with fixed cam.
Basically you can also play with fied cam. If it fits your playstyle. But if you want to learn the free cam I recommend to turn down the speed in the settings for the camara movement.
@@philipkaelin9012 cool thanks
I'm struggling with the tons of noobs every time i get in my series
I feel you, I got to 90+ lp for 7 times and 1 series in Gold 1 cuz of my teamates throwing. Hardstuck Gold 1 rn
What if the true noob is you?
@UCzXI8fPvXjF15nj4JbxRnwQ lol y'll got triggered
@@Iz8rr hahahahaha just kidding XD
QOTD: Positioning and map awareness. Especially if I start red side, it's so hard for me to focus on csing, the Minimap, and just the screen in general.
I miss easy picks or get caught in ganks that I really shouldn't because we had half the map warded. Rip
I play mid in diamond. Some tips that really helped me were:
1. Identify jungler starting camps (check which lanes leashed) and understand their pathing. Champs like Yi/WW like to full clear whereas Lee/Elise like to hit 3 and gank, and some other champs like Xin/Shaco can cheese gank lvl 2. I watched a ton of Jg replays and guides to help me better understand how junglers path.
2. Knowing where each jungler is and wants to be, you can "foresee" fights (usually over scuttle) before they may happen so you can prepare yourself and the wave so you show up first or can get away from a gank.
3. If you don't know where the enemy jg is, play towards your warded side or your jungler.
4. Anytime there's downtime in lane (basically not trading or right before you need to cs) check your map. Remember that your champ is locked into their auto animation once you go for cs, so I can quickly check the map right when I throw out my auto attack. This is probably the most important habit - watch any high elo streamer's facecam and you can see them checking the map constantly.
5. Identify patterns in the enemy - generally enemies that walk up to trade at an inopportune time are trying to bait you unless you know that they're bad. Enemies that hug one side of the lane (and therefore making you hug the opposite side) have their jungler on that side and are setting up for a gank.
Qotd: internet 200ms
Fps some time drop to 20 middle the team fights
My monitor stop from working for 5 sec evey time i fight
I am just stuck. I dont know any methods of climbing out of Silver 1. I also type when I’m tilted, thinking that I’m doing something good. Thanks for making this video now I’ll give a like and watch it!
I can't bring myself to play enough league to rank up and that's why I'm out of my elo
Same. I rarely EVER play ranked
One of the advices that i don't hear often is don't forget you are playing to have fun remember that only a handfull of players can have those 80% winrates. You are going to lose at least 50% of the times so learn to have fun even when losing, maybe set some goals so that you feel like you won even when the screen says otherwise. Do not forget that those points on the screen (LP) are not real, they don't actually mean anything you are not in the spotlight so there's no reason to be angry at losing some LP, remember there is always a next game you can win.
im struggling with adc mains flaming me for no dragons after they go ezreal
and tp on mage midlaners
Seeing the face behind the voice is awesome - good job on the new setup!!!
I'm struggling to find my main.
try to main untouched champions
Just pick a champion you comfortable with. And play tons of it. No matter it got nerf or not. Just have fun with it even it already out of meta. Ex: ivern, janna,gnar,zed
@@eric-fz4xp Janna is meta tho
@@ohCran not a lot playing her right now. Only high elo play her now
U can main anything just don't main yasuo,yi or teemo
QOTD: My timings and decision making on when to roam. I watch so many of my opponents just leave lane, ill ping everyone back and still get kills, and my roams are really underwhelming and the enemy usually backs off as soon as i leave lane.
Push big wave to tower and check if any of the lanes have overextended
I lose because of my botlane. Look at my opgg “Gonna Fly Now” in LAS
u might wanan stop playing olaf as he as a champ can only create leads and needs them to be justifyable mid-late so if ANY of ur lanes lose hard and make it an even playing field ur pick is just garbage
I main melee supports and my biggest struggle is knowing when I can engage the enemy to punish positioning. Sometimes I think I'm making the right call but I end up just getting demolished, mostly by minion damage.
Jk im too early
Jg main biggest flaw for me is throwing my lead for tilting lanes plat/diamond. Most common lane Ints for example I’ll do a red/blue/gromp gank and ping opposite lane to back off if I know jg is their. They don’t respect it so overall it’s a loss if I’m top but a slight lead if I’m bot. Mid late game biggest flaw is well farming/tracking jg/ shadowing team players get caught and I commit to saving them when it’s not worth it and end up getting the enemy team in the game with shutdown on me. Another flaw is when teams flame to contest an objective when we clearly lose the fight compared to just letting me steal and flash out (they over commit to helping me) also getting tilted when teams don’t react to your vision and jg tracking example I’ll invade deny a side and will have vision to counter their jg doing the right thing (getting my camps) and they let it go for free even if all have priority. Some games you have great teams that rotate or help on scuttle fights. Overall my biggest tilt is lanes crying for help when they refuse to help jg ever like their lanes more important where I’d argue jg should get more help to share the impact unless it’s a good roaming mid. I main Zac around 65% wr 4.5kda, trundle, and hec
I personaly love your content and for the QOFD, I have the same issue as U. This video is what I was looking for for a last month. I can not believe how helpful U guys can be. Thank U so much! ♥️😇
QOTD: Sometimes, I just cant manage my mana. So with mage champions, I always find myself with all my abilities on cooldown and almost no mana after a trade.
QOTD: When to roam and forfeit your CS because of it and when to recall. I try my best to shove the lane in when my opponent mid laner roams and after I shove, I follow up or recall and that’s usually my mistake.
My hardest struggle is not in solo q but in duo/flex q, my friends formed a team and i wanted to be shootcaller but i struggle in the macro so i often make the wrong decision for my team
Dr.Katagi if you work hard you will get better
QOTD: 4:56. Thats my problem. I keep expecting people to do the somewhat smart moves and thus get taken off guard by people doing stupid things. Especially when I expect junglers to take an actually optimal route.
This is the best advice video I've seen since I came back to this game in pre season
QoTD: when i started playing ranked the season started, riot placed me on Iron III and after i tried to play again, i find it hard to climb because of trolls like, the jungler doesnt gank and get objectives, 2-17 Yasuo top lane, 61 cs of the ADC on 31 mins...
I don't play any ranked because I don't like the social climate of the ranked queue but if there was something I could work on it'd be early cs. No matter how hard I try to really focus on cs early I always miss some because I'm trying to poke my laner more than I need to (which is also why I'm perpetually low on mana).
Qotd: i only engage in perfect situations and fight in perfect situations. So this makes me miss out on small opportunities. Also i never bother to read the stats or item powers because long phrases of words stresses me out and causes me to shut down
Qotd: (support main) I try to deep ward a bunch, but often end up caught out. So I've been trying to ping *assist me* when I take more than 5 steps away from a teammate.
I don't have problems getting caught out when going to ward (sup main as well), but my problem is pinging my adc to play safe when I go to ward and then them flaming me because they over extend and die while I'm not there.
Try to deepward when the enemy bot just backed, that'll keep your adc alive. Be sure to keep an eye on the mini map. If the enemy jungler is top you are free to go. Also be sure to use vision skills, like Thresh lantern to scout for you.
You know that macro play part truly hit the nail on the head. Both during my climb to plat and now after the rank reset with me back in silver for a time. I see a lot of players, in particular mid laners for some reason, who after being fed go to a side lane to push towers. As you said this might not be the bad play in mid plus elo. But 90% of the time the other 3 players don't even notice that the one fed members isn't present or that they should give up a tower cause they can't defend it. This then results in a bunch of people dying. Seen this happen from both sides. Sometimes they do it with champions like Trynda and Dianna who are particularly good at split pushing and other times I see a fed Aviana abandon the team of low elo players to split push and then complain in all chat that their team died.
I am a supp main so I am usually in the thick of things trying to get people to not die when someone split pushes but... low elo players and often myself included don't know when an objective is just lost and not worth even trying to contest.
QOTD: Playing from behind as a support main... whenever everyone in my team is doing badly I have a hard time impacting the game and helping my team scale, specially since I love playing enchanters so i feel my impact is very little...