@@DraconisMarchVII I don’t think so cause from what I saw of of the rebels tv show While still a different character kind of he was at least portrayed as competent
"Commander Thrawn, one of our shuttles just departed without orders and there are two dead troopers in the hanger, one of them was naked." "Ah, just as I planned."
"Thrawn, there's a guy hiding behind some boxes down in the cargo bay. He's been down there for hours as we've been hyperspacing back to the home galaxy. We all keep telling him that we can see him, but he keeps saying "no you can't." I think he's trying to use a Jedi Mind Trick on us. With your hyper-strong mind, maybe you can go down there and check to be sure." "There's no need. He's already been defeated by my vast intellect. It would be dishonorable to go down there now and throw him off the ship. Just pretend you don't see him. It's all going according to plan."
'A movie about space wizards intended for children' was a gawdawful line 3 years ago. Now it's legitimately and unironically true when talking about Star Wars content.
@@HerohammerStudios and it came from someone who's initial stance on 'The Last Jedi' was essentially 'you only hate it because it's too smart for you' it's actually kind of funny to chart the timeline of Star Wars defenses under Disney. Initially we were all just too dumb to appreciate them, then when the counter arguments kept piling up against the sequel trilogy, they did a complete 180 and now it was always just a dumb kids movie we're all just too invested in
Always hated that idiot and that line. For something intended for children, a WHOLE lot of motherfrackers are just straight-up murdered. So many people die. So many.
Wouldn’t matter even if they did.. he would be able to use the force to sling pebbles and kill a legion of storm troopers, and the Chimera Star Destroyer could bombard the turtle caravan s for months without doing any damage…
@@Beuwen_The_Dragon You're absolutely right. Protagonists are unkillable video game characters that suffer no consequences. Silly me, I forgot about that. I'd love to commission an art of tismic angry blue man watching Ahsoka, Erza and Sabine riding around giant green blasts on a wargs with the studipest expressions possible.
@@Beuwen_The_DragonI don't understand who even finds fights with fodder entertaining. There is no tension and no character in this fights. Hell, I screamed for Thrawn to just carpet bomb the heroes. I was surprised what he did, but I shouldn't have been surprised what it will do anything. Thrawn could Death Star an entire planet and they'll still found way you survive that. And SW fans say there is no plot armor in Ahsoka. Wut?
And she initiated the whole situation - she didn’t have to jump out of her ship for a fight. It’s right up there with Vader’s “did you come here to kill me?” line in Kenobi.
@@SolarDragon007The Clone Wars is the last official project George Lucas was really involved in and made major decisions. Just because you don’t like Dave the failure doesn’t mean you should blame him for stuff that Lucas was directly involved with. (Note some people have done research and have videos which you can learn that Dave’s work in the Clone Wars is vastly overstated)
This version of Thrawn is like a parody that you'd see in Robot Chicken or something. "Sir, our targets got away." "Ahh, so a rousing success then." "No, they just got away. We don't even know where they went." "All part of the plan!"
"SIr, they've broken in to our Star Destroyer and are making their way to the bridge." "That could be considered a victory." "They've pressed the self-destruct button!" "An acceptable loss."
"Oh my god!! Grand Admiral!! That jedi just stabbed you in the chest with his light saber" "Ah but you see, from the very beginning, this was my plan all along"
@@sauronplugawy3866 At least when Tzeench kills his own guys their souls can be directly turned into something else like fuel for a warp portal or something
It's a tired point by now, but the stark difference in consequences between Andor and these other shows is massive. Hera doesn't even get a slap on the wrist for getting two pilots killed in a rogue mission, whereas the ENTIRE plot of Andor is sparked by two killings. Incredible!
Syril Karn's whole plot was started from getting some of his men killed. He got fired, the whole corporation got yeeted, and empire went ham on Ferrix. Leading to his obsession with Andor. Sweet, sweeet consequences. Cause and effect go brrrrrrrr
@@parsa1372 It's crazy how a show that feels so small in scope manages to portray planet wide consequences just by showing us the events of a few men's mistakes. By comparison Ahsoka is a greatest hits album made up of individual notes from stories and ideas Dave Filoni has seen in the past. None of them even attempted to be incorporated into a coherent story, it's the definition of style over substance and the style sucks ass too.
"Ahsoka was afraid of unlocking Sabine's potential because of the Mandalorian deaths" Well she didn't give a shit when Sabine gave up the galaxy to get to Ezra
Kinda funny also when one remembers Sabine created a weapon that killed a number of Mandalorians by using their own Beskar armor against them. Try all you want Filoni, you can't sweep this under the rug.
Remember TLJ when Poe got demoted, slapped and made fun of for an entire movie because he made a right decision by sacrificing a small force to save everybody TWICE in one day? Well, Hera kills two people for nothing, she is not using any evidence she has for her case and just results to name calling and saying "but Thrawn bad" and she gets excused because reasons... Beautiful double standards.
Hey, I thought "You didn't fight in the war, shut the fuck up, pussy." was an excellent argument that really drove home her point. Though, I do think her position would have been stronger if she started making chicken noises at the senator.
Legends Thrawn: You ask me to explain my decisions in the Ahsoka series? My dear friend, have a little more faith in me than that! The truth is simple: I was never there. Oh, don’t be surprised. It’s a rather mundane trick. What better way to divert your adversaries than to convince them you’re in a separate galaxy? No, that was my brother Mitth’ras’safis, Thrass for short. He’s let himself go both mentally and physically, but he has his uses. No, I was elsewhere. Wars, after all, are not determined by the actions of three people, but by logistics and morale. I’ve ventured across the Outer Rim, using the New Republic’s supply failings to gather allies. Thousands of planets will accept an outstretched hand if they have nothing to lose, after all. I have a vast and diverse fleet, from which I was more than willing to bestow one dilapidated Star Destroyer on my brother. My intel on the New Republic is considerable, given the vast spy network of ex-Imperials I’ve placed in their military. I’ve even converted a few of their ship captains. All modest work, of course. I have much greater plans in mind- …Huh. Never mind, apparently some obscure faction was capable of wiping out five major New Republic planets. Ah, well, I’ll be on standby should Disney ever decide to properly utilize me.
Let's not be too hard on Thrass, he would've still won despite his many, many serious blunders if the fabric of the universe had not bent itself against him so hard. The minefield by itself should've worked if not for the hand of the writer.
Just a reminder that Luke Skywalker wasn't mentioned ONCE in this ENTIRE series despite being integral to Heir To The Empire. I guess he really was a "myth".
Disney is hellbent on hating Luke for some reason. - Anakin only watches over Ahsoka, but not Luke. - Obiwan in his own show just abandoned Luke completely and chose to follow around Leia to the point that Luke almost got killed by Reva if Reva didn’t have her “redemption arc” first. Miss those days when Luke was such a crucial part in these two’s lives.
I've really come to hate Filoni's tendency to have every single important or legacy character in the story constantly reaffirm his OC's stupid decisions. He desperately needs Leia and Mon Mothma to like Hera despite how stupid it makes the characters look
honestly don't think old filoni had much control voer this. especialyl with all the inconsistency with it. his cahracters used without his contorl and understanding of them.
@@taddad2641 don't be naive. Everything in current star wars seems written specifically to reaffirm that Filoni's canon is THE canon, even if it means the original trilogy now makes absolutely no sense at all You honestly believe that Filoni doesn't have his fingers knuckle deep in all of this? That he's just somehow pretty much the only one who benefits from any of this and it's all just luck? come on dude, think for ten seconds.
Stop coping, Filoni is an awful writer, this season was all him. No one to hold him back or got in his way, and THIS was the best he could acomplish.@@taddad2641
*Ahsoka* : You did well. No she did not, she acted totally selfish, betrayed you and essentially everyone else, and possibly have put the galaxy at risk.
Given how much of a dumbass Thrawn is and is only in this position because he seems to convince other idiots that he is this genius tactician with the subtle art of cope, is the galaxy REALLY in that much danger? If Thrawn tripped on a banana and fell down the stairs farted a storm in front of his underling he would say "ah yes, all according to my plan." Thrawn, buddy, it's okay to take the L once in a while.
It's not enough that the female characters have absolutely no accountability. They have to be openly praised and validated for making the wrong choices that they have no accountability for and the plot saves them from. Hera could walk right up to Mon Mothma, put a blaster to her head, and drop her right in the middle of the council chamber for absolutely no reason. And everyone would rush up and the one male character would go, "Why did you do that? You murdered one of our highest leaders! You're a terrible person!" To which, Hera would just shake her head and smirk, like the guy is being irrational and dumb, but she still can't explain why she did what she did. And then a second later, Mon Mothma would get up, perfectly fine, and go, "Somehow, your blaster was set on a low setting and I'm totally fine. In fact, I think it might have irradiated the tumor growing in my brain. I'm cured!" And then everyone would congratulate Hera for her heroism, and the stupid male character would be shown reluctantly admitting that Hera really is just the bestest evar.
@@Serby665But they're fighting against an incompetent enemy. So he's got a good chance. It's the retard fight from South Park, but even dumber and shittier. The only reason the "good guys" win is because of the sequel trilogy and because the Republic has girlbosses coming out of the woodwork.
@@Сайтамен I don't think they talked that much it was just way more memorable, in Empire it's mostly them fighting but the reveal is a major plot point & in Jedi they there's the brief conversation when Vader's taking Luke to meet the Emperor & the scene after Vader turns back, another very important & meaningful scene but it's not that long, maybe a 60 seconds. The rest of the time it's just dialogue while fighting not an actual conversation
@@ViolentMessiah666 So is here. They talked only in episode 5, and it's mostly them fighting. Episode 7 doesn't count, since it's just a recording of him.
I remember thinking Grievous genocide of the nightsisters was good from a plot perspective so that there won't be any dumb "majick" shenanigans anymore, turns out you can just invent a new history that was never hinted at before and keep such great mechanics like Zombies and Voodoo Dolls Bravo Filoni
Apparently the Nightsisters are just the Star Wars equivalent of the Forerunners or Protheans now. Like, I thought they had one planet and lived in villages and temples, not some multi galaxy spanning civilization. Grevious wiped them out in an afternoon, for fuck's sake
The one slightly good thing I did in The Clone Wars was rendered irrelevant by Dave Filoni. Thanks a lot disney… Thought I was safe now that they were out of the clone wars era, but no… gotta ruin the cyborg warlord one more time.
It's starting to look like the only reason Filoni had so much success with The Clone Wars was that he was still getting input from Lucas and some of his co-writers. Also the actor of Maul helped a lot in that he actually knew Star Wars lore and corrected him a lot on some of his gaffs that would've snarled with continuity. Like the hallucination of Anakins mother claiming to not have seen his wife when that is something we see happen in The Phantom Menace.
I think Bad Batch has really proved that. That show ranges from meh kids content to outstanding story telling (ahem, The Outpost). Filoni's name is on every episode, but I think it's pretty clear he's just rubber stamping a bunch of ghost writers who actually know what they're doing
Filoni didn't have co-writers, he had writers. Filoni has less than a handful of co-writing credits on The Clone Wars. His primary job was as supervising director. His greatest and only significant input was the creation of Ashoka Tano whom he never actually wrote for. The only reason Filoni received the undeserved credit he has is because his position was previously occupied by George Lucas.
Reminder that Sabine has ruined Mandalore three times. Once for making gas that goes through Beskar, giving Bo Katan the Darksaber, and allowing Thrawn to return
I still consider it’s only twice because I don’t see how Thrawn return is bad for them. I mean, if he keeps “winning” like this, then it’s fine for every one of his enemies.
I love how in Kenobi, our intrepid caste predicted that Qui-Gon would appear at the climax. Instead he was given a key-jangling cameo at the very end. In Ahsoka, our intrepid caste predicted that Anakin would appear at the climax. Instead he was given a key-jangling cameo at the very end. All because Disney doesn’t know basic story building. It just repeats its mistakes.
@@SolarDragon007 To be fair, out of all the bullshit characters have survived in canon now, Mace Windu's is the most narrativly survivable. He got a limb cut off and then blasted out a window where the outside is mostly obscured. It would be bullshit and ruin one of the defining moments of Anakin's fall, but...
I also want to point out that everyone is scared of Thrawn for no reason. Yes, in the original storyline, he was a scary guy, who took the Imperial Remnant from a clear defeat to almost a complete victory while he was outgunned and outmanned. However, in Disney's universe, he's the guy who fought the Rebellion before they had resources, manpower, and infrastructure and somehow lost. I love Thrawn, but every character in the show should be laughing their asses off at the idea that this guy's going to be any problem whatsoever.
Indeed. The characters in the show treat Thrawn like they know the Meta of him being a popular character.. When for their own point of view, he is a marginally competent officer who continually lost against a rag tag band of misfits and children… I hate how Disnusfilm has made the Empire an absolute joke.. Forget Competent Leadership, Imposing Military Forces and Vast Resources.. No no, this is Disnusfilm Star War(c) where Imperial Officers are Lazy incompetents who do not care about asset losses, where *Storm Troopers* are just Bowling Pins wobbling about, waiting to be knocked over, and Imperial Warships are made of Cardboard, armed with Über Cannons so powerful, that when fired they produce a little flag with ‘Bang” written on it….
@@Beuwen_The_Dragon to be fair, the disnoid bad guys definitely have vast resources. The amount of soldiers and technology they just pull out their ass is incredible
I'd also point out that according to this show the republic is essentially run by former imperials anyway, so why the fuck would even they care about Thrawn returning? They're already winning....
So Hera gets away with disobeying orders, going AWOL, and getting two pilots killed; and Sabine gets away with giving the map to the enemy, which gives Thrawn the opportunity to return, re-establish the Empire, and potentially start a new war. Don’t you love it when characters don’t face consequences for their actions?
Funny part is that Anakin all got punished for those things. Including saving his son’s life from the emperor (a safety for his kid, something Hera never take into consideration regarding to Jacen).
"You did a terrible selfish thing because of your attatchment to Ezra, Sabine, but because I'm personally attatched to you, I'll let it slide. After all, a good master blindly enables their student's terrible behaviour rather than actually teaching them to be better." Ahsoka's childish bullshit is the best at proving why the jedi code exists.
I don't like how this is framed - Hera was entirely correct. She should be given a medal and that senator who kept getting in her way publicly flogged for impeding her, which ultimately caused the return of Thrawn as much as Sabine did. The fact that they have this weird hearing where they criticize her after she's essentially been proven correct is what's absolutely baffling. They ask for some very specific pieces of evidence she doesn't have, okay - she has other pieces of evidence that entirely corroborate everything. Imagine if in A Few Good Men Jack Nicholson said, "Well I didn't order the code blue." and everyone just went with that. That's how bizarre that whole scene is.
Nothing ever has consequences. Shin pulled that lightsaber put of Sabine with so much care not to twist or move the blade any wider than the initial path of its entry.
@@SnakeWasRight I guess she didn't realise that Disney released a new patch in the Star Wars universe where a plain old lightsaber stab isn't enough to kill you anymore. If only she'd been playing on the old meta when it did, like with Qui-Gon
"Hitler our forces have starved and froze while invading Stalingrad! We were forced to retreat. And now we are likely to lose this war!!!" "Just as I had planned."
Ezra: Gave away his lightsaber because he thought that he didn’t need it. Also Ezra: Used the blaster right away and had to construct another lightsaber by himself. Wasting time for no reason. Sabine should have been the one to construct her own lightsaber to prove that she’s a Jedi (like Luke in ep 6) but instead she just got someone else’s weapon handed to her. She didn’t earn it.
The entire show is just wasting time. There was a three episode long subplot about Ahsoka potentially dying, and nothing came from it. Ahsoka learned nothing from the experience except "Don't die." Hera learned nothing except that she's entirely justified in constantly endangering everyone around her, and if Sabine learned anything it's that nothing bad will ever happen from her actions and everything will come up Milhouse for her no matter what she does.
Hera . . . a pilot . . . with the heart of a pilot . . . who is always dressed . . . to pilot. (Thank you, _Ahsoka 1986 TV Intro,_ for those great lines.)
I love when Ahsoka circles over the hermit crabs and Ezra under fire, then intentionally jumps out of her ship 2 miles away right next to the sith guy, and then says, "I don't have time for this."
But don't you get it? The smartest droid in the galaxy "screwed up the timing again." It was his fault because even though he's an androgynous robot, he has a male voice and pronouns.
Ezra's initial lightsaber design, which was also a ranged weapon, was made to compensate for his inability to block blaster bolts. He later changes to a more conventional design because he'd grown stronger in the force and proficient with a lightsaber, while Sabine can do it immediately.
Dave Filoni: "See, it's like my other favorite franchise, Lord of the Rings. Ahsoka doesn't really do anything to face a great evil or save her friends or prove her purity of heart or anything. She falls off a cliff and when she wakes up after being saved from drowning, she changes into another outfit she had in her closet, thus becoming Ahsoka the White. It's just like Gandalf!"
Everything is totally surface level Easter eggs. He must have learned that from JJ, who so famously loves Beastie Boys that he... blasts their music in Star Trek for no reason, and then names the droid "BB-8" in Star Wars for no reason.
@whitworth5s248 BB-8 stands for Beastie Boys? Woah. I had no idea about that. That's so much sadder; I genuinely joked that it just stood for Bowling-Ball and the 8 was his shape/silhouette
@@sentient_typewriter I never made that connection, either. I can't find whether it's verified as true or not, but it totally makes sense to be. And 8 could be either the infinity sign vertically or the number of albums they published. I don't mind it, too much, as it's not as in-your-face as other references, such as the Star Trek one. It's also far from the only Beastie Boys reference that JJ put into TFA. It's weird how obsessive he is with putting them into everything.
Thrawn could have been done and gone in about an hour if he loaded the cargo before Morgan arrived and began docking immediately. Except apparently the master genius strategist doesn't know that calling a taxi but waiting to pack until its arrived is stupid.
"Using the Great Mothers, we called to you across the stars and waited for your arrival." "And you made no preperations?" "It took longer than anticipated to teach the zombies how to chant my name for my killer entrance."
Also he could have packed so much faster. He has 2 Troopers per casket, though they float. Make it 1 Trooper, have them hurry up and you can probably do the same stuff in a third of the time. Just... don't be as slow as the rest of the show.
Could you imagine if the Eye of Sauron arrived, the Star destroyer flew straight to it, they linked, and then they left in under 3 minutes? That shit would have been absolutely hilarious!
If Thrawn was tasked with walking 20 feet straight ahead through an empty room to cross a line, he would promptly turn 90 degrees to the left, walk until he slammed his face into the wall, and say “Everything is going according to plan. The line will eventually move to my location, at which point I will have crossed it. I can already say that this is a victory for the Grand Admiral Thrawn.”
I cant wait to see the showdown between hera and thrawn. The self inflicted casualties will be off the charts. Its anyones guess which side can kill all its allies first.
The funniest part is that already happened twice in Rebels lol When Thrawn ambushed their base and when Hera lead an airstrike on Lothal's Imperial factories. Both times her entire squadron were wiped out. Not to mention that one episode where a fellow pilot gets killed by Mandalorians while she just barely survives. Death just follows this character around everywhere she goes and if I were in this world I'd stay as far away from her as physically possible.
@@nont18411 I know right? I think it's pretty obvious they just don't give a shit anymore. Like, the shit they came up with wasn't even good on paper, let alone on the execution of it. At least George had good ideas, no matter how hard he fumbled the bag in the end
SWCU Thrawn putting something in his ship's water supply to make everyone believe he's a tactical genius is an interesting reimagining of the character.
That force jump boost was so funny, bro covered himself in force oil and waited for it to force rain. Make two force users pick eachother up at the same time and just fly away please Filoni.
if Princess Leia actually has that much sway and power while also being up to date on current events, why didn’t she just authorize a legitimate military operation? is Thrwan actually a big deal or not, show?
@@DisplayThisOkay Yeah, she tried to run for New Republic Chancellor. But due to Disney Bail's newly introduced super stupidity being strangely consistent. He placed some holo disk with her true identity as Vader's daughter, on some vacation home of theirs. Thus losing her the election, and going along with the true trend of showing just how much they could torture the legacy characters' fates while vehement Disney SW fans knowingly defended it.
If Princess Leia could just overrule the governing council of the entire New Republic, what makes her any different from the Emperor in the prequels? "So this is how democracy dies... to strong independent female empowerment and girl-bossing."
@@somethingwithultra7231Man you'd think he learnt after Kenobi not to place incriminating evidence of Vader's children all over the place. Almost got Luke and his aunt and uncle killed because.... reasons. You have to wonder why anyone thought she was safe under Bail in the first place, or if he just got retarded in the decade between the prequels and Kenobi.
Luke: Struggles to pick up a lightsaber. Still almost gets killed by Wompa. Immediately goes to train with Yoda. Sabine: Struggles to pick up a lightsaber. Training complete. You can now force push a grown human male several feet FROM several feet away.
Ahsoka: Spends several years trying to train Sabine with absolutely no progress. Hears about a kid with so much potential that he destroyed the Death Star after only a day of training under Obi-Wan. Ahsoka: Gives up on Sabine. Forgets that the Death Star kid exists. Fukks off to go do literally anything but be involved in the Rebellion.
Remember how everyone was connected to the force but not all could consciously use it? Remember when acuity and discipline mattered? When things had to be earned?
People don’t have patience to wait for a build up. The character has to be great NOW, so we can get to the pew-pews, and sword slashes and EXPLOSIONS. If things let up for 5s, they’ll be on their phones and stop watching entirely. Because these people don’t care about or get invested in anything, they’re just watching it to relate to other people.
Even Harrison knows that isn’t how the force works and he hates this stuff. Sabine just pulling the force out of her arse was the point of no return for me. And by the creators of these characters no less. Another character assassination classroom from Disney.
According to Disney’s new logic, Han Solo, Boba Fett and Din Djarin are three most powerful beings in the galaxy. All of them are already skilled with weapons without the force. Now imagine them using the force combining with their preexisting skills.
@@vadandrumist1670 He had an entire episode to have the final rematch between Obi wan Kenobi and Darth Maul that was decades in the making and spent 90% of it following space Aladdin bumbling around Tatooine doing fucking nothing. This is the average Rebels episode, a cool concept with potentially cool characters completely ruined by spending 90% of it doing fucking nothing with space Aladdin.
@@chasewilson3693 I am both talking about the show Ahsoka and what he could have done differently that is supposedly very obvious. Your comment refers to Rebels and what he already executed poorly therein. This does not address what I am saying at all.
Yeeeeah...supremely doubting that thing will ever come up again considering she was shown to just have both lightsabers again in the last few shots. I'm gonna go on a hilarious limb her and say that if it does come up in Season 2 it will be because the blade killing Morgan "zombified" her and she will still be a pain in their ass throughout the season.
I unfortunately agree, she won't have the blade next season. It would however be the best choice for the character if they *did* decide that they wanted her arc to be 'overcoming turning into another Vader'(?) but I sincerely doubt they intend to do anything beyond the few action shots with it she got. Shame. @@adjectivEOreo
Oh Anakin you’re a force ghost? That’s great now tell your son that the emperors alive and he’s on another planet building an entire fleet of star destroyers with death star lasers on them and an entire planet super weapon that can destroy 5 planets at once and he’s also trying to mess with his nephew and turn him to the dark side
he does this a lot.... though i suspect it's more he doesn't give a flying fuck when he's got a new plot in mind... 'rule of cool' is the only thing that's remotely consistent in his writing.
Modern Disney acquired Star Wars to ‘gain a broad audience of tens of millions of Star Wars Fans. They’ve consistently spent the last Decade chasing away 95% of the core fanbase and the general audience. And now they are catering to the couple hundred thousand ‘Key Jangle Clappers” who remain… Good job Disnusfilm, you have burnt all the money and destroyed the legacy of a Story world that several Generations have grown up with… This show won’t have a legacy, it will be forgotten in a week, And nobody will care.
If I had a nickel for every time a Star Wars battle hinged on the idea that Star Destroyers had issues going up then I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't much but it's weird it happened twice. (In all seriousness, when the finale got to the point where Thrawn was worried about the Jedi getting near the Star Destroyer, my reaction was "Then LEAVE! You have fully loaded the ship and you are not using a Xyston, just GO UP! If you get into space now, they will be in no position to follow you, you won't even need to waste Troopers to deal with them, they will be stuck there!")
@@kingawesome5219 EXACTLY! HE LOSES NOTHING BY LEAVING AS SOON AS THE SHIP IS FULLY LOADED! At first I thought he was waiting for Shin to return based on what Baylan says to her in the previous episode but then the end montage shows that she's still on the planet!
@@Jedi_Spartan Nah, Thrawn made it clear in ep7 he didn’t care about Baylan and Shin surviving. Heard people made defenses that Thrawn couldn’t move his ship because of the damage done to it… but he moved it to the tower in his introduction and has likely moved it over the past decade
@@kingawesome5219 I remember that part but the line from Baylan was fresher in my mind and made me think that she'd be used as a useful but expendable asset by Thrawn. Also the defense of him not being able to move the ship has no validity even in isolation of just that episode because they could have called down the Eye of Sion earlier and just gotten the ship into orbit that way.
Ahsoka board: How do we make Thrawn look smart? C'mon people, what do smart people do?! +Uhh talk slowly? Yes yes. What else? +Uhh uh chess! Smart people play chess! We are making history here 🔥✍!
‘Ashoka is unpredictable, therefore we must control every outcome possible, and then we, somehow, set Ashoka, the unpredictable, onto her own path, that way whichever unpredictable path she chooses, we will, somehow, stay one step ahead of her unpredictability….” ~ Grand Daveril Thrawlonie
I imagine the writers room constantly played out like that scene from Holy Grail. Filoni: "So you say Sabine needs to find Ezra. Tell me, what else is good at finding things?" Writers: "Uh... Dogs!" Filoni: "Ah, but aren't dogs also total cowards?" Writers: "Oh yeah..." Filoni: "What else has eyes on long stalks that might be used to find something?" One brave writer: "Hmm... crabs?" Other writers: "HAVE SABINE FIGHT A GIANT ENEMY CRAB!!!" Filoni (dismissing the idea with a wave): "What else do crabs sometimes look like?" Writers: "Apples! Diversity! Dinosaurs! uh... Diversity!" [Filoni shakes his head in disappointment] One lone writer in the corner: "A rock!" Filoni (impressed) "Exactly! So, logically..." Writers: "If... Sabine- trips on a rock.... the crabs will lead her to Ezra..."
Original Thrawn: "I must apologize for Filoni Thrawn, he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke." Filoni Thrawn: "Your foot to my face-style, how'd you like it? I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
My favorite was how Hera smirks when C3P0 shows up because she knows she is getting bailed out.😂 Thrawn a brilliant strategist written by an idiot . This show is unintentionally hilarious
I can feel it in my *bones* that the reason they had Ezra be chirpy and upbeat was because of how mixed Luke's disposition was in TLJ, so instead of being rightfully angry or maybe even bitter, he's just a bundle of joy
You know how much Luke would want that ancient Jedi droid? A major factor of EU Luke was the fact that he knew basically nothing about how the Jedi of old operated and he was trying to build everything completely from scratch.
He literally had 3 Force Ghosts of 3 of the greatest Jedi ever. They literally could have told and shown him everything in both EU and "new canon". Plus he doesn't need to know about how they operated in like a militaristic, political, philosophical way, that was the whole point of his order, to not do the same things that led to their fall... like the opposite of Dishit's version...
@@OG-ColorfulAbyss. In the old EU the Force ghosts didn't actually stick around forever. They weren't at his beck and call, especially later on in his career. Hell Luke didn't even know where the original Jedi Temple was. All of the history was purged by the Empire and they did a very good job.
@@cellulanus in the EU Anakin appears to a descendant from like 100 years after Luke dies for good. He definitely could have said something. I never said they were around ALL the time, but they exist indefinitely and are technically immortal, and CAN freely come and go from places strong in the Force.
Welp thanks Disney for taking one of my favorite villains from the Extended Universe and making him a clown. I have expected him to say "We're not retreating, we're advancing in a different direction" seriously in the episode
>flies to a planet a whole galaxy away >encounters human raiders on the planet seems infinitely more interesting on how that happened, than whatever happened in ahsoka.
Don't worry, Ahsoka. Sabine was dangerous even *without* you training her, so you might as well have done it. Shes managed to bring back the warlord you specifically feared returning...
@@HerohammerStudios Cause it'd be the funniest shit I've ever seen. Just the concept of the visual of that is so baffilingly garbage I don't think they'd ever be able to do anything worse then it.
@@calumbarry1829it would be hilarious, but not even giving me a bag of gold Coins and all the land Disney owns in Florida would be enough to make me forgive them for their treatment of Starwars,…
If, in the Andor universe, this Star Destroyer rained down all its guns on the earth, I would be scared. But watching this series, it just makes me laugh
If in the EU, *any* Star Destroyer had let loose with her main batteries upon a planetary surface - the destruction would have been immense - the yields in the old cut-away diagram books put the weapons at Gigaton yield. This is just... Firecracker levels. Stupid.
@TheMaleRei in the EU the empire committed what they called 'Base Delta Zero' attacks, where star destoryers litterally turn the surface of a continent or even an entire planet's surface to molten slag and in atleast 1 case litterally atomising the topsoil. Not only could imperial star destoryers do BDZs but smaller weaker ones too like the victory class. In legends they were used enmasse by the Republic against Rhe separatists long before order 66 (back when star wars comics took the "heroes on both side, evil everywhere" of revenge of the sith's opening crawl seriously). And it's not just legends but it is also referencing in Disney, and the orginal ending planned for rebels was to have the empire wipe out lothal in a base deta zero, but they changed their minds.
@matthiuskoenig3378 Yes. BDZ I think was first referenced in and by West End Games and their table top Star Wars RPG. Their books remain of very high quality. Again, the EU I far superior to the offal Disney has put out.
These final 2 episodes made Morgan and Shin sympathetic. They were surrounded by such incompetence and were good sports about it even though they looked like they were dying inside.
@nont18411 Fuck, there's so little between him and Lea after RoTJ that I legitimately didn't know who you were talking about for a second. Well, saying 'little' is being generous. There's fucking nothing.
There was really nothing different that could not have existed in the main universe. Also in the EU the Jedi hated the idea of leaving the galaxy because they *might* not have the force. Filoni never thought that. Maybe because he might have to write a story.
okay, this is a bit out there but, Imagine, this season opens with thrawn and Ezra right after they make it to the new galaxy. First episode is entirely about the DECADE GAP between rebels and this. Over the episode, with minimal resources you see Thrawn slowly take over and establish an Empire presence in this new galaxy; quickly adapting to the politics of the new galaxy and leveraging his position as an outside. All the from the perspective of Ezra, you witness first how the rot of the Empire can spread to new galaxy a slowly see how a town he's integrated into slowly comes under the empire's foot...just one thread of an idea of something so much more meaningful an thoughtful what drivel star wars has been reduced to
I was imagining something similar, with thrawn rising to power in this new galaxy whilst Ezra was building a resistance, even thought about how the good guys could lament how they’ve brought their own conflict to a new galaxy that didn’t need to get sucked into this but has been because of their actions
The sad part is they had the original author write a whole new origin for Thrawn to fit with the mess they made by throwing away everything and they still screwed it up.
You won't be disappointed. The Thrawn trilogy is not only a better sequel than anything Disney has made, it even makes the Clone Wars seem way more interesting and complex than what they ended up being in canon.
Think about the fact that Anakin cares more and gives more advice to his padawan who went AWOL during the clone Wars than his own son who saved him from the dark side! Let that fact sink in!
I remember in Genndy Tartovsky’s Clone Wars just how much of a menace the gunships were in that show and how useful they were to suppress the Droid army and even General Grievous. Now air support isn’t even a thought for these technologically advanced militaries.
Just a quick example, and far from the only example, of how someone that watched and liked Rebels might find this show confusing and the characters unrecognizable. This is all concerning just the relationship between Ahsoka and Sabine and the final scene in Rebels. Like I said, there are _MANY_ more examples and I find it hard to understand how people that are fans of the characters or show (Rebels) would like this show or think it lines up at all. Regardless of if you liked Rebels or not, there's a serious disconnect, as even Theo (who dislikes Rebels) mentions: 1. During Rebels, Ahsoka knew Ezra and had gone on a few adventures with him and had given him some training and advice. He later saved her life when he pulled her out of time. At the end of Rebels, the narration fully implies that Ahsoka and Sabine are teaming up with the clear objective to find Ezra. She never met Thrawn and was not around when the Rebels fought Thrawn. In this show, Ahsoka doesn't seem to give any shits about Ezra and seems to not have a prior mentor relationship with him (or any relationship, at all, for that matter). And she's ultra concerned about some blue guy coming back to take over the galaxy or something. But, not concerned enough to let Luke know, who she's recently spent some time with and who currently doesn't have any students and is just sitting around on pause. 2. In Rebels, Ahsoka and Sabine had met, but they didn't really know each other or have any relationship to each other at all. I'm not certain, without rewatching the whole show, if they had ever even spoken to each other. The only time they're indicated to have any common ground at all is in the final scene of the show, where the intention is clear that they're going off together to find Ezra. The only basis for them to have a relationship at all is over a shared fondness for Ezra and a desire to find him. In this show, they apparently had a whole life together where Sabine was Ahsoka's apprentice. Also, judging by this show, that couldn't have lasted more than 10 minutes because Sabine seems to know nothing about the Force or training to be a Jedi at all. 3. From the time Ezra saves Ahsoka to the next time we see her again, it's many years. It's heavily implied that she's kept off the grid and gone on a personal journey of spiritual growth and transformation in the years that've passed. We don't actually know what she's been up to, but it seems clear that she stayed out of the limelight and seems like she didn't help out with the Civil War in any known way. In this show, it's still very ambiguous as to what she's done the last ten+ years, but people seem to be pretty aware that she's alive and well and zipping around. 4. The whole Ahsoka the White thing originated in the final scene of Rebels where Ahsoka and Sabine are clearly going off to find Ezra. It's because she was wearing white clothing and a white cloak and white head covering. She also had some big white staff instead of lightsabers. It's similar to what she has after becoming Ahsoka the White in this series, but still more regal and with a wizard's staff. The scene is supposedly in this series, but with a completely different context and she's not wearing white yet and never does get a wizard's staff. Also, in the Rebels scene, she doesn't stand there with her arms crossed, like an asshole. She does in this series. There's so much more, but whether you liked Rebels or not, this show is a betrayal of its story and its characters, without improving either.
this show is terrible in such bizarre ways To get anything out of it you need to be intimately familiar with 30 years worth of back story written by other people, some of it officially not even canon anymore But the more of this information you have, the more infuriating this show becomes because it's all been so amateurishly bastardized just to keep you from losing what little interest you might have had And the less of this information you have, the more just incomprehensible it all is because they completely skipped anything to do with world or character building to rush into the memberberries This isn't a show for old fans. This isn't a show for normies. This isn't a show for children. This isn't really a show even for clone wars fans..... this is a show for new star wars fans who barely pay attention until they hear a lightsaber so remind them to look up from their phone.... like, holy fuck Dave, what is actually wrong with your brain?
There also a few more things to add. Her relationship with her long time friends Rex is never mentioned at all. Ahoska once kind and caring personality is replace overly stoic and look that say she look down on everyone else's. Honestly Ahsoka is like a worse vision of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli at this point. Luminara Stoic but did show actual motion unlike Ahoksa. When both Ahoska and her Padawan Barriss was under an collapse droid factory on Genesis. She believes they were already dead and were or close to it so a rescue attempt would be in vain. Luminara had made peace and her Padawan likely dead and was ready to move on. Ahoska seem to think anything that go wrong is just fate and was man't to happen that way. I'm surprised no one else made the connection yet.
The existence of Ahsoka through the entire OT is totally fucked because none of it makes sense when you put it under any scrutiny. Ahsoka was friends with the Rebel Alliance, and presumably someone like Hera would know Princess Leia (They outright imply they're best friends in this series). Leia knew of Jedi because she sent the Death Star plans to Obi-Wan in EP4, and now canonically she had an adventure with him as a child where there were lightsaber wielding force users all over the place. At some point, Hera would have mentioned to Leia, "Oh yeah, I palled around with a bunch of Force users all the time. I was even married to one." And certainly Ahsoka would have been brought up. (No one in this series or in Mando ever implies that they're surprised that she's alive, so we can't say that no one knew about her.) So for the entire OT, she's puttering around the Galaxy, and now presumably trying to train Sabine to be a jedi even though she has no potential. And everyone knows about her. So consider the following: Empire Strikes Back takes place a full THREE YEARS after A New Hope. Presumably Obi-Wan Kenobi coming out of hiding with a new Padawan who single-handedly destroyed the Death Star would have been a big deal. Surely Hera would have heard about this young kid who is now in need of Force training. And both of them being pilots, they would have crossed paths at least once during those three years. Leia, too, being Luke's close personal friend would have known that for those three full years he was fully invested in this Force thing, and he just lost his master. He'd be looking for new master, but with no more Jedi around, he must be out of luck... Leia looks like a total fuckhead for holding that information back for three years. Obi-Wan's force ghost must have been sitting around going, "Am I really going to have to play the Yoda card?" Hera would be a total c*nt when she meets this enthusiastic pilot who can't shut up about the force, and she just goes "Cool story jedi kid." And Ahsoka, she's just spent a good year by the time of A New Hope trying to coax Sabine into moving a freaking cup to no avail... assuming she hears about some kid who came from nowhere and destroyed the Death Star with the Force, she's the biggest dipsh*t of all that she doubles down on training the total fu*kwit that is Sabine that entire time instead of dropping everything to find Luke.
@@whitworth5s248 Definitely. Ahsoka's presence during the Galactic Civil War was always a concern. It was basically fixed when she was implied to be killed by Vader, but there were still ways to not entirely fuck things up when using the WBW to bring her back - not that they should have because it was a pretty good ending for the character, aside from other issues arising from the WBW. Now, they've decided to address the whole issue of her existence by... not really addressing it at all. But the implications that she was there and everyone knew it are very present.
Re Dawson's poor fighting abilities and if she had any training- she was cast for the show a year and a half before filming started, and she's said that she trained 2 hours a day for many months. That could be promotional talk, like when Thor 4 was coming out and it was claimed that Portman had worked out to get such muscular arms- and then it turned out the muscles were CGI. But assuming Dawson did train that much, I guess she's just not a natural fighter. Why did they keep matching her up with superior fighters and expect us to pretend she was better than them? Would've made more sense to have her against equally slow fighters and then speed it up or something. Or else cast someone they knew could do it well, heh.
Part of it is the choreography. They seriously hired someone to put together the fight scenes and have Ahsoka punch with her lightsabers facing the wrong direction. Not even Hayden could pull off that goofy nonsense. But I really don't understand why they didn't use motion capture and have a stunt double. Ahsoka vs. Maul in CW S7 has some of the best choreography in all of Star Wars because they got sctual professionals in the mocap costumes
Just how tone dead people at lucasfilm are? That ending is equivalent of avengers in infinity war seeing everyone getting blipped but the final shots is of remaining cast just shrugging and smiling like “damn Thanos got us this time but what’s important is the friends we made along the way”
From what I've been seeing, this show in a nutshell: Thrawn (small smile) "It's all going as I planned!" Ahsoka: (folds arms) "No, it's all going as *I planned."
Cope Admiral Thrawn was promoted to his current position after Palpatine heard him describe the loss of the first Death Star as a "crushing Imperial victory thanks to the death of Porkins and the survival of Lord Darth Vader despite overwhelming odds"
THAT was an Excellent example of ‘Acceptable Losses” actually having a proper Meaning. A half dozen small craft in exchange for a massive super dreadnought. Disnusfilm writers constantly conflate Arrogance with Intelligence.
Your take on the Star Wars theory guy is so spot on. He eat up the entire series and after episode 5, 🤦🏻♂️ he just went nuts over it. He conceptualize everything that’s wrong with the people who liked the series: because it’s flashy, nostalgic, and boring. Because of it I have stopped watching his content because he was a Star Wars skeptic… until now that he chugged the show and all it’s nostalgic juice
I believe this Thrawn would unironicaly say "If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate" and think he's smart.
I'm genuinely wondering why they didn't just have Thrawn exiled to a distant, unknown part of the galaxy instead of a totally new galaxy, because they do absolutely nothing with making this new galaxy seem stranger or more dangerous than the original
It is an absolutely wasted concept, and also destroys the idea that as fast as ships can go, the technology to span to whole other galaxies is beyond technological abilities of any civilization. There was an old Lore EU story about a Scientific venture to explore outside of the Known Galaxy, it was called the ‘Outbound Flight”, and even they couldn’t leave too far beyond the known galaxy. In fact there are Races that came from outside of the galaxy, but they were travelling in Fleets of Generational Ships, the process of crossing the vast expanse between galaxies taking many many centuries.. This whole season of bollocks is a waste, it establishes nothing, and only serves to Retcon the Star Wars Lore to make the Witches of DaftPunk the ‘true real biggerer originators of Galactic Space Travel, and have Magical powers that are Older and more bettererer than the Force or the Jedi…”
Want to know the reason? Because it sounded cool to them and because they wanted to make it sound impactful and profound. No other real reason. It's been said before, but Filoni is a fanfic-tier writer and there are fan fictions that have more respect for the material than this tripe. The writers do not view this as a valued setting. They probably know next to nothing about Star Wars on average. If you know Star Wars lore, you would be less likely to get the job. That is how they hire nowadays.
Glad Rags pointed out Sabin's flagging problem. She also has crap trigger discipline too... If you notice her finger was on the trigger when she pointed the gun at Ezra.
Grand Admiral, our troops ran into Ahsoka, but she killed every single one of them! Thrawn: Excellent, now we just have to follow the trail of bodies to see where she went!
So, in effectively in a show with a run time of over 240 minutes, the equivalent of an over 4 hour movie, all Filoni managed to accomplish was swapping Thrawn and Ezra with Ashoka and Sabine. Where does one manage to learn such an art of having so much time to do something with and yet managing to do so little with that time?
Reaaaaally makes you wander what monstrosity we will be dealing with in Season 2. Clearly we gotta fight Thrawn, but OH NO! We gotta get Ahsoka and Sabine back too. So they'll be bouncing back and forth between whatever Thrawn is doing and trying to figure out how to get back to that planet, considering, apparently, Ahsoka made it there by luck. Shen (Shin?) is all pissy at her master and is now leading a band of raiders (to what end, I have no idea. Maybe she wants to kill him now. Or just is really pissy at Sabine). Baylan is looking for SOMETHING (look, all those visuals mean shit all to me. I can't remember that much of the Clone Wars show.) Ahsoka and Sabine are...camping out with turtle bros like Ezra was? Probably until Shen(?) tries to kill them. Or Ahsoka (or Sabine, at this point), has a feeling and they go off to look for w/e Baylan is after. OH! And I can't remember...oh wait, no, Ventress died =[ It would have just been another memberberry, anyway. Eh, they may mention her.
Ezra: “The force is my ally.”
Ezra (3 minutes later): “The second amendment is my ally.”
Based Disney. Now if only they would show guns actually WORKING.
He became an uncivilised savage
There's no Force like "Deadly Force"! 🇺🇸 🦅 🔫 🔫 💥
Blasting is my ally. I came out blasting!🎉
Mando claims weapons to be part of his religion when beskar is only for armor, but the final stage of becoming a Jedi is making a lightsaber
Thrawn continuously coping and pretending he's winning is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.
Writers can't write a character smarter than themselves.
Writer's Guild: "I reject your offer!" *Waits 4 weeks, goes broke, accepts the same offer.
"It was all part of my plan!"
@@DraconisMarchVIIthat plus Filoni didn’t create Thrawn so automatically he has to be portrayed as incompetent
@ComradeCommissarYuri Generally yeah, but I think the showrunners genuinely thought they were portraying him as competent all along here.
@@DraconisMarchVII I don’t think so cause from what I saw of of the rebels tv show
While still a different character kind of he was at least portrayed as competent
"Commander Thrawn, one of our shuttles just departed without orders and there are two dead troopers in the hanger, one of them was naked."
"Ah, just as I planned."
"Thrawn, there's a guy hiding behind some boxes down in the cargo bay. He's been down there for hours as we've been hyperspacing back to the home galaxy. We all keep telling him that we can see him, but he keeps saying "no you can't." I think he's trying to use a Jedi Mind Trick on us. With your hyper-strong mind, maybe you can go down there and check to be sure."
"There's no need. He's already been defeated by my vast intellect. It would be dishonorable to go down there now and throw him off the ship. Just pretend you don't see him. It's all going according to plan."
*pulls out a remote detonator
'A movie about space wizards intended for children' was a gawdawful line 3 years ago. Now it's legitimately and unironically true when talking about Star Wars content.
A show about Space bitches intended for troglodytes. ^.-.^
Holy fuck, you're right....
@@HerohammerStudios and it came from someone who's initial stance on 'The Last Jedi' was essentially 'you only hate it because it's too smart for you'
it's actually kind of funny to chart the timeline of Star Wars defenses under Disney. Initially we were all just too dumb to appreciate them, then when the counter arguments kept piling up against the sequel trilogy, they did a complete 180 and now it was always just a dumb kids movie we're all just too invested in
Always hated that idiot and that line.
For something intended for children, a WHOLE lot of motherfrackers are just straight-up murdered.
So many people die. So many.
Not sure what value a child can extract from this.
Witches can pinpoint Ahsoka location in a massive bonefield, yet can't find Erza that's ridding on an open field with crab people for 10 years xD
Wouldn’t matter even if they did.. he would be able to use the force to sling pebbles and kill a legion of storm troopers, and the Chimera Star Destroyer could bombard the turtle caravan s for months without doing any damage…
@@Beuwen_The_Dragon You're absolutely right. Protagonists are unkillable video game characters that suffer no consequences. Silly me, I forgot about that.
I'd love to commission an art of tismic angry blue man watching Ahsoka, Erza and Sabine riding around giant green blasts on a wargs with the studipest expressions possible.
@@Beuwen_The_DragonI don't understand who even finds fights with fodder entertaining. There is no tension and no character in this fights.
Hell, I screamed for Thrawn to just carpet bomb the heroes. I was surprised what he did, but I shouldn't have been surprised what it will do anything. Thrawn could Death Star an entire planet and they'll still found way you survive that.
And SW fans say there is no plot armor in Ahsoka. Wut?
@@Arko777777 video game characters would just reload a save. These guys just have god mode on.
Or on the same Star Destroyer with them at the end.
“I don’t have time for this.”
*proceeds to lift her two lightsabers at a sloth’s pace*
*proceeds to strike a pose at a snail’s pace*
And she initiated the whole situation - she didn’t have to jump out of her ship for a fight. It’s right up there with Vader’s “did you come here to kill me?” line in Kenobi.
I was so fucking ready for her to start spinning when she stretched out her arms like a moron in that scene
It really feels like these are anime lines. I swear I've seen these in dozens of manga and the better ones even understand that they are overused.
@@Wyzai And even than do they usually not do all of this posing when under a time limit.
Fun Fact: Disney canon Thrawn isn’t Chiss. He’s human.
He’s just inhaled so much copium that his face turned blue and his eyes turned red.
And gained one helluva a beer belly.
You actually had me there in the first half of your comment lol. Reminded me of when Hack Filoni made Jango and Boba not real Mandolorians in TCW.
@@SolarDragon007The Clone Wars is the last official project George Lucas was really involved in and made major decisions. Just because you don’t like Dave the failure doesn’t mean you should blame him for stuff that Lucas was directly involved with.
(Note some people have done research and have videos which you can learn that Dave’s work in the Clone Wars is vastly overstated)
@@lembitmoislane. Fair enough. I certainly think Lucas's own talent and list of good ideas are vastly overrated/overstated by most fans.
Before Disney canon I never thought I'd think Thrawn would be an insult to the Chiss race.
This version of Thrawn is like a parody that you'd see in Robot Chicken or something.
"Sir, our targets got away."
"Ahh, so a rousing success then."
"No, they just got away. We don't even know where they went."
"All part of the plan!"
"SIr, they've broken in to our Star Destroyer and are making their way to the bridge."
"That could be considered a victory."
"They've pressed the self-destruct button!"
"An acceptable loss."
"Oh my god!! Grand Admiral!! That jedi just stabbed you in the chest with his light saber"
"Ah but you see, from the very beginning, this was my plan all along"
Damn, i know that Thrawn is blue but I didin't know that he was Tzeench's mentally ill younger brother.
@@Jordie_42Light sabers are barely harmful when inserted in the chest, I'll be up and walking around tomorrow.
@@sauronplugawy3866 At least when Tzeench kills his own guys their souls can be directly turned into something else like fuel for a warp portal or something
It's a tired point by now, but the stark difference in consequences between Andor and these other shows is massive. Hera doesn't even get a slap on the wrist for getting two pilots killed in a rogue mission, whereas the ENTIRE plot of Andor is sparked by two killings. Incredible!
Two self-defense killings*
One show actually has cause and effect in the plot. I don't think Filoni understands that concept
Syril Karn's whole plot was started from getting some of his men killed. He got fired, the whole corporation got yeeted, and empire went ham on Ferrix. Leading to his obsession with Andor. Sweet, sweeet consequences. Cause and effect go brrrrrrrr
One was self-defense, the second was absolutely second-degree murder.@@sivad1025
@@parsa1372 It's crazy how a show that feels so small in scope manages to portray planet wide consequences just by showing us the events of a few men's mistakes. By comparison Ahsoka is a greatest hits album made up of individual notes from stories and ideas Dave Filoni has seen in the past. None of them even attempted to be incorporated into a coherent story, it's the definition of style over substance and the style sucks ass too.
Andor was a happy accident and I'm sure all those writers were executed by Disney for trying to make good Star Wars content.
"Never interrupt my enemy, whilst I'm making a mistake" Sun Thrawn
"Ahsoka was afraid of unlocking Sabine's potential because of the Mandalorian deaths"
Well she didn't give a shit when Sabine gave up the galaxy to get to Ezra
Kinda funny also when one remembers Sabine created a weapon that killed a number of Mandalorians by using their own Beskar armor against them.
Try all you want Filoni, you can't sweep this under the rug.
@@strategicperson95and she spent two seasons fixing this mistake. But given what we learn in Mandalorian, it was all for nothing.
@@Сайтаменand then she makes the same mistake to try and get Ezra back.
@@grandarkfang_1482 Yep. She was assassinated.
Remember TLJ when Poe got demoted, slapped and made fun of for an entire movie because he made a right decision by sacrificing a small force to save everybody TWICE in one day?
Well, Hera kills two people for nothing, she is not using any evidence she has for her case and just results to name calling and saying "but Thrawn bad" and she gets excused because reasons...
Beautiful double standards.
Leia's standards are absolutely wild.
Hey, I thought "You didn't fight in the war, shut the fuck up, pussy." was an excellent argument that really drove home her point. Though, I do think her position would have been stronger if she started making chicken noises at the senator.
Leia suffered severe head trauma during the battle of Endor, as well as native fungal spores had rotted her brain.
@@Beuwen_The_DragonThe Ewoks braided her hair too tightly that it cracked through her skull and affected her decision making in the future.
its because Poe has dangly bits.
Legends Thrawn: You ask me to explain my decisions in the Ahsoka series? My dear friend, have a little more faith in me than that! The truth is simple: I was never there.
Oh, don’t be surprised. It’s a rather mundane trick. What better way to divert your adversaries than to convince them you’re in a separate galaxy? No, that was my brother Mitth’ras’safis, Thrass for short. He’s let himself go both mentally and physically, but he has his uses.
No, I was elsewhere. Wars, after all, are not determined by the actions of three people, but by logistics and morale. I’ve ventured across the Outer Rim, using the New Republic’s supply failings to gather allies. Thousands of planets will accept an outstretched hand if they have nothing to lose, after all. I have a vast and diverse fleet, from which I was more than willing to bestow one dilapidated Star Destroyer on my brother. My intel on the New Republic is considerable, given the vast spy network of ex-Imperials I’ve placed in their military. I’ve even converted a few of their ship captains. All modest work, of course. I have much greater plans in mind-
…Huh. Never mind, apparently some obscure faction was capable of wiping out five major New Republic planets. Ah, well, I’ll be on standby should Disney ever decide to properly utilize me.
Narrator: He was never properly utilized
I'll do you one better, Thrawn cloned himself at least twice. For almost this exact reason.
Let's not be too hard on Thrass, he would've still won despite his many, many serious blunders if the fabric of the universe had not bent itself against him so hard. The minefield by itself should've worked if not for the hand of the writer.
Not only that, but they wasted so many resources on Star Killer which Thrawn utterly DESPISES.
And yes, I won't mention episode nine.
@@zigzag1630 poor Thrass, man. He's trying his best despite his disabilities
Just a reminder that Luke Skywalker wasn't mentioned ONCE in this ENTIRE series despite being integral to Heir To The Empire. I guess he really was a "myth".
As is obvious by now, Ahsoka’s going to replace Luke in this story.
Disney is hellbent on hating Luke for some reason.
- Anakin only watches over Ahsoka, but not Luke.
- Obiwan in his own show just abandoned Luke completely and chose to follow around Leia to the point that Luke almost got killed by Reva if Reva didn’t have her “redemption arc” first.
Miss those days when Luke was such a crucial part in these two’s lives.
@@nont18411they hate Luke because he’s a blonde haired white guy. Just like how they hate white redheads. It’s a symbol of white power.
@@Lobsterwithinternet yup
@@nont18411ahsoka is a girlboss. Luke is a guy.
I've really come to hate Filoni's tendency to have every single important or legacy character in the story constantly reaffirm his OC's stupid decisions. He desperately needs Leia and Mon Mothma to like Hera despite how stupid it makes the characters look
honestly don't think old filoni had much control voer this. especialyl with all the inconsistency with it. his cahracters used without his contorl and understanding of them.
no, he straight up did.
@@taddad2641Filoni made this show solely for Filoni
@@taddad2641 don't be naive. Everything in current star wars seems written specifically to reaffirm that Filoni's canon is THE canon, even if it means the original trilogy now makes absolutely no sense at all
You honestly believe that Filoni doesn't have his fingers knuckle deep in all of this? That he's just somehow pretty much the only one who benefits from any of this and it's all just luck?
come on dude, think for ten seconds.
Stop coping, Filoni is an awful writer, this season was all him. No one to hold him back or got in his way, and THIS was the best he could acomplish.@@taddad2641
*Ahsoka* : You did well.
No she did not, she acted totally selfish, betrayed you and essentially everyone else, and possibly have put the galaxy at risk.
Given how much of a dumbass Thrawn is and is only in this position because he seems to convince other idiots that he is this genius tactician with the subtle art of cope, is the galaxy REALLY in that much danger? If Thrawn tripped on a banana and fell down the stairs farted a storm in front of his underling he would say "ah yes, all according to my plan." Thrawn, buddy, it's okay to take the L once in a while.
@@Jordie_42I’m not the only one who sees this Disney Thrawn as the generic mustache twirling villain an I?
@@Jordie_42lol true. One useless Thrawn, one useless star destroyer, a few useless storm troopers. The Galaxy has never been safer.
It's not enough that the female characters have absolutely no accountability. They have to be openly praised and validated for making the wrong choices that they have no accountability for and the plot saves them from.
Hera could walk right up to Mon Mothma, put a blaster to her head, and drop her right in the middle of the council chamber for absolutely no reason. And everyone would rush up and the one male character would go, "Why did you do that? You murdered one of our highest leaders! You're a terrible person!"
To which, Hera would just shake her head and smirk, like the guy is being irrational and dumb, but she still can't explain why she did what she did.
And then a second later, Mon Mothma would get up, perfectly fine, and go, "Somehow, your blaster was set on a low setting and I'm totally fine. In fact, I think it might have irradiated the tumor growing in my brain. I'm cured!"
And then everyone would congratulate Hera for her heroism, and the stupid male character would be shown reluctantly admitting that Hera really is just the bestest evar.
@@Serby665But they're fighting against an incompetent enemy. So he's got a good chance. It's the retard fight from South Park, but even dumber and shittier. The only reason the "good guys" win is because of the sequel trilogy and because the Republic has girlbosses coming out of the woodwork.
Anikin spent more time talking to Ahsoka in this series than he spent speaking to his son in 9 movies & a half dozen tv shows
Not sure about that, they talked a lot in Empire and Jedi...
@@Сайтамен I don't think they talked that much it was just way more memorable, in Empire it's mostly them fighting but the reveal is a major plot point & in Jedi they there's the brief conversation when Vader's taking Luke to meet the Emperor & the scene after Vader turns back, another very important & meaningful scene but it's not that long, maybe a 60 seconds. The rest of the time it's just dialogue while fighting not an actual conversation
He has a son?
@@Fra_Sausageball I am a father? That's amazing! We should tell everyone!!!
@@ViolentMessiah666 So is here. They talked only in episode 5, and it's mostly them fighting. Episode 7 doesn't count, since it's just a recording of him.
"Maybe if they'll kill enough of us they'll get depressed and give up" thrawn, noted genius grand admiral
He sent wave after wave of his own men at them until Ahsoka and crew hit their preset kill limit.
@@bjrnhalfhand2258 I can't unsee Thrawn as a shitty live action Zapp brannigan now lol thank you
Reminds me of that old Frankie Boyle skit from Mock The Week:
"Our best hope is that the enemy kills so many of us, they become slightly depressed."
@@jacksimpson8529god I miss Frankie Boyle.
I remember thinking Grievous genocide of the nightsisters was good from a plot perspective so that there won't be any dumb "majick" shenanigans anymore, turns out you can just invent a new history that was never hinted at before and keep such great mechanics like Zombies and Voodoo Dolls
Bravo Filoni
I've never seen a creator do over so much of his own work so constantly and consistently.
@@thejemstone9219He learned it from the best.
Apparently the Nightsisters are just the Star Wars equivalent of the Forerunners or Protheans now. Like, I thought they had one planet and lived in villages and temples, not some multi galaxy spanning civilization. Grevious wiped them out in an afternoon, for fuck's sake
The one slightly good thing I did in The Clone Wars was rendered irrelevant by Dave Filoni. Thanks a lot disney… Thought I was safe now that they were out of the clone wars era, but no… gotta ruin the cyborg warlord one more time.
That was also the only episode in 2008 CW where Grevious was an actual badass villain
I think “Ladies, prepare your balls!” is one my favorite Rags quotes.
"here is your ball, dont lose it please"
"you'll also find some handy soaps"
Well, it's Disney War of Stars, women are the only ones who're allowed to have balls.
It's starting to look like the only reason Filoni had so much success with The Clone Wars was that he was still getting input from Lucas and some of his co-writers. Also the actor of Maul helped a lot in that he actually knew Star Wars lore and corrected him a lot on some of his gaffs that would've snarled with continuity. Like the hallucination of Anakins mother claiming to not have seen his wife when that is something we see happen in The Phantom Menace.
I think Bad Batch has really proved that. That show ranges from meh kids content to outstanding story telling (ahem, The Outpost). Filoni's name is on every episode, but I think it's pretty clear he's just rubber stamping a bunch of ghost writers who actually know what they're doing
Yes and he also was not a writer just a supervisor director just said do and that. He has not done enough writing to write a show.
Filoni didn't have co-writers, he had writers. Filoni has less than a handful of co-writing credits on The Clone Wars. His primary job was as supervising director. His greatest and only significant input was the creation of Ashoka Tano whom he never actually wrote for.
The only reason Filoni received the undeserved credit he has is because his position was previously occupied by George Lucas.
Reminder that Sabine has ruined Mandalore three times. Once for making gas that goes through Beskar, giving Bo Katan the Darksaber, and allowing Thrawn to return
She's the gift that keeps on giving.
I still consider it’s only twice because I don’t see how Thrawn return is bad for them. I mean, if he keeps “winning” like this, then it’s fine for every one of his enemies.
Not gas, lighting machine. Which she destroyed eventually.
did Bo Katan lose the Darksaber after Sabine gave it to her, and then got it given back to her again by Mando?
@@DarkTakanuva Yes, she lost it to Moff Gideon (or gave it to protect Mandalore, I don't remember).
Thrawn : *his plan fails every step of the way*
Also thrawn: I'm bleeding, making me the Victor 😎👌
Palpatine: This is Thrawn, we purposely train him wrong as a joke
AH! I love that movie reference! I need to watch it again.
@@eFRapidfire "I see you like my 'Sacrificing dozens of Storm troopers to your light saber' technique."
"Even a child could beat him"
I love how in Kenobi, our intrepid caste predicted that Qui-Gon would appear at the climax. Instead he was given a key-jangling cameo at the very end.
In Ahsoka, our intrepid caste predicted that Anakin would appear at the climax. Instead he was given a key-jangling cameo at the very end.
All because Disney doesn’t know basic story building. It just repeats its mistakes.
Brace yourself for Mace Windu force ghost cameo in the end of Andor season 2
@@nont18411 The sad part about that is that I could absolutely see star wars bringing back mace windu despite him never learning force ghosting
@@xXnoscopeheadshots I could see Mace being alive and coming back in one of the shows.
@@SolarDragon007 To be fair, out of all the bullshit characters have survived in canon now, Mace Windu's is the most narrativly survivable. He got a limb cut off and then blasted out a window where the outside is mostly obscured. It would be bullshit and ruin one of the defining moments of Anakin's fall, but...
@@nobody2996 They already ruined Anakin’s victory by bringing Palpatine back so why don’t just ruin everything about Anakin the whole way?
I also want to point out that everyone is scared of Thrawn for no reason. Yes, in the original storyline, he was a scary guy, who took the Imperial Remnant from a clear defeat to almost a complete victory while he was outgunned and outmanned.
However, in Disney's universe, he's the guy who fought the Rebellion before they had resources, manpower, and infrastructure and somehow lost. I love Thrawn, but every character in the show should be laughing their asses off at the idea that this guy's going to be any problem whatsoever.
Indeed. The characters in the show treat Thrawn like they know the Meta of him being a popular character..
When for their own point of view, he is a marginally competent officer who continually lost against a rag tag band of misfits and children…
I hate how Disnusfilm has made the Empire an absolute joke.. Forget Competent Leadership, Imposing Military Forces and Vast Resources.. No no, this is Disnusfilm Star War(c) where Imperial Officers are Lazy incompetents who do not care about asset losses, where *Storm Troopers* are just Bowling Pins wobbling about, waiting to be knocked over, and Imperial Warships are made of Cardboard, armed with Über Cannons so powerful, that when fired they produce a little flag with ‘Bang” written on it….
@@Beuwen_The_Dragon to be fair, the disnoid bad guys definitely have vast resources. The amount of soldiers and technology they just pull out their ass is incredible
I'd also point out that according to this show the republic is essentially run by former imperials anyway, so why the fuck would even they care about Thrawn returning? They're already winning....
@@petriew2018hell at this point I would be happy to live under the Empire again…
The Rebellion already had resources at that point.
So Hera gets away with disobeying orders, going AWOL, and getting two pilots killed; and Sabine gets away with giving the map to the enemy, which gives Thrawn the opportunity to return, re-establish the Empire, and potentially start a new war.
Don’t you love it when characters don’t face consequences for their actions?
Funny part is that
Anakin all got punished for those things.
Including saving his son’s life from the emperor (a safety for his kid, something Hera never take into consideration regarding to Jacen).
Tell me again why it's such a bad thing for Thrawn to conquer the galaxy if the alternative is the overstuffed clown car that is the new republic?
@@petriew2018because he's also a dipshit, Baylen for supreme leader
"You did a terrible selfish thing because of your attatchment to Ezra, Sabine, but because I'm personally attatched to you, I'll let it slide. After all, a good master blindly enables their student's terrible behaviour rather than actually teaching them to be better." Ahsoka's childish bullshit is the best at proving why the jedi code exists.
I don't like how this is framed - Hera was entirely correct. She should be given a medal and that senator who kept getting in her way publicly flogged for impeding her, which ultimately caused the return of Thrawn as much as Sabine did. The fact that they have this weird hearing where they criticize her after she's essentially been proven correct is what's absolutely baffling. They ask for some very specific pieces of evidence she doesn't have, okay - she has other pieces of evidence that entirely corroborate everything. Imagine if in A Few Good Men Jack Nicholson said, "Well I didn't order the code blue." and everyone just went with that. That's how bizarre that whole scene is.
I swear Ahsoka's ship has come back from the brink of destruction more times than the Toyota Hilux from Top Gear
Great reference
More times than my girlfriend's asshole.
Nothing ever has consequences. Shin pulled that lightsaber put of Sabine with so much care not to twist or move the blade any wider than the initial path of its entry.
@@SnakeWasRight I guess she didn't realise that Disney released a new patch in the Star Wars universe where a plain old lightsaber stab isn't enough to kill you anymore. If only she'd been playing on the old meta when it did, like with Qui-Gon
"Hitler our forces have starved and froze while invading Stalingrad! We were forced to retreat. And now we are likely to lose this war!!!"
"Just as I had planned."
Ezra: Gave away his lightsaber because he thought that he didn’t need it.
Also Ezra: Used the blaster right away and had to construct another lightsaber by himself. Wasting time for no reason.
Sabine should have been the one to construct her own lightsaber to prove that she’s a Jedi (like Luke in ep 6) but instead she just got someone else’s weapon handed to her. She didn’t earn it.
What *I* think is that Ezra knew that Sabine sucked so much that she would need all the weapons that they had, lol.
That would mean having to hold a girl boss to equal standards as a man, and we just can't be having that.
Ezra is just doing his part for equality. a female jedi doing the same amount of work will only receive 70% the amount of a male jedi's light sabers.
Emasculation isn’t even a joke is it. Damn
The entire show is just wasting time. There was a three episode long subplot about Ahsoka potentially dying, and nothing came from it. Ahsoka learned nothing from the experience except "Don't die." Hera learned nothing except that she's entirely justified in constantly endangering everyone around her, and if Sabine learned anything it's that nothing bad will ever happen from her actions and everything will come up Milhouse for her no matter what she does.
Hera . . . a pilot . . . with the heart of a pilot . . . who is always dressed . . . to pilot.
(Thank you, _Ahsoka 1986 TV Intro,_ for those great lines.)
Also the robot that has all the knownledge is responsible for ship maintenance 😂😂. Video is too funny...😂
Love it. That one is a comedy. The Andor trailer is excellent.
"I'M a GEnerAL nOThiNg'S ClaSSIfiED tO Me!"🤪
I love when Ahsoka circles over the hermit crabs and Ezra under fire, then intentionally jumps out of her ship 2 miles away right next to the sith guy, and then says, "I don't have time for this."
Big "Have you come to destroy me?" energy. Like master, like padawan I suppose.
But don't you get it? The smartest droid in the galaxy "screwed up the timing again." It was his fault because even though he's an androgynous robot, he has a male voice and pronouns.
"It's a race to save one of the last Jedis, as one of the last Jedis is hunted by the last remnants of the Jedis."
Ezra's initial lightsaber design, which was also a ranged weapon, was made to compensate for his inability to block blaster bolts. He later changes to a more conventional design because he'd grown stronger in the force and proficient with a lightsaber, while Sabine can do it immediately.
Dave Filoni: "See, it's like my other favorite franchise, Lord of the Rings. Ahsoka doesn't really do anything to face a great evil or save her friends or prove her purity of heart or anything. She falls off a cliff and when she wakes up after being saved from drowning, she changes into another outfit she had in her closet, thus becoming Ahsoka the White. It's just like Gandalf!"
Everything is totally surface level Easter eggs. He must have learned that from JJ, who so famously loves Beastie Boys that he... blasts their music in Star Trek for no reason, and then names the droid "BB-8" in Star Wars for no reason.
Gandalf who sacrificed his life to save the others while Ahsoka sort of just dies for no reason.
@whitworth5s248 BB-8 stands for Beastie Boys? Woah. I had no idea about that. That's so much sadder; I genuinely joked that it just stood for Bowling-Ball and the 8 was his shape/silhouette
@@sentient_typewriter I never made that connection, either. I can't find whether it's verified as true or not, but it totally makes sense to be. And 8 could be either the infinity sign vertically or the number of albums they published. I don't mind it, too much, as it's not as in-your-face as other references, such as the Star Trek one. It's also far from the only Beastie Boys reference that JJ put into TFA. It's weird how obsessive he is with putting them into everything.
Thrawn could have been done and gone in about an hour if he loaded the cargo before Morgan arrived and began docking immediately. Except apparently the master genius strategist doesn't know that calling a taxi but waiting to pack until its arrived is stupid.
His genius is beyond our comprehension
"Using the Great Mothers, we called to you across the stars and waited for your arrival."
"And you made no preperations?"
"It took longer than anticipated to teach the zombies how to chant my name for my killer entrance."
Also he could have packed so much faster. He has 2 Troopers per casket, though they float. Make it 1 Trooper, have them hurry up and you can probably do the same stuff in a third of the time. Just... don't be as slow as the rest of the show.
Could you imagine if the Eye of Sauron arrived, the Star destroyer flew straight to it, they linked, and then they left in under 3 minutes? That shit would have been absolutely hilarious!
If Thrawn was tasked with walking 20 feet straight ahead through an empty room to cross a line, he would promptly turn 90 degrees to the left, walk until he slammed his face into the wall, and say “Everything is going according to plan. The line will eventually move to my location, at which point I will have crossed it. I can already say that this is a victory for the Grand Admiral Thrawn.”
I cant wait to see the showdown between hera and thrawn. The self inflicted casualties will be off the charts. Its anyones guess which side can kill all its allies first.
The funniest part is that already happened twice in Rebels lol When Thrawn ambushed their base and when Hera lead an airstrike on Lothal's Imperial factories. Both times her entire squadron were wiped out. Not to mention that one episode where a fellow pilot gets killed by Mandalorians while she just barely survives. Death just follows this character around everywhere she goes and if I were in this world I'd stay as far away from her as physically possible.
@@nagger8216 And yet the one who got focused on for having the legacy of death is Ahsoka instead of these two
@@nont18411 I know right? I think it's pretty obvious they just don't give a shit anymore. Like, the shit they came up with wasn't even good on paper, let alone on the execution of it. At least George had good ideas, no matter how hard he fumbled the bag in the end
"Thrawn you're such a fucking smurf, what are you doing?"
Absolutely send me with that one.
SWCU Thrawn putting something in his ship's water supply to make everyone believe he's a tactical genius is an interesting reimagining of the character.
SWCU - is it Star Wars Castrated Universe?
That force jump boost was so funny, bro covered himself in force oil and waited for it to force rain. Make two force users pick eachother up at the same time and just fly away please Filoni.
Homie hit the tf2 rocket jump. Straight pyro gas blasted up and away 😂
Why not do the Star Wars version of using a fishing rod on a minecart in Minecraft? Just stand on a rock. Then lift the rock and fly away.
I'm pretty sure that worked in the alpha, but was patched halfway through development.
People online are now calling people who liked Andor and compare it to Asoka "annoying Andor fans'. Because good writing is annoying now.
But mah bright colors and catchphrases!
Lightsabers and explosions! *PEW PEW PEW PEW* 💥💥💥
"I have lost and therefore, learned something, Making me the true victor."
: thrawn probably
if Princess Leia actually has that much sway and power while also being up to date on current events, why didn’t she just authorize a legitimate military operation? is Thrwan actually a big deal or not, show?
Even more interesting because nobody listens to her or cares in TFA.
Maybe all this stupid finally caught up with her?
@@HerohammerStudios She lost her postion between this and TFA. Not that it will ever be shown in any of these shows or movies.
@@DisplayThisOkay Yeah, she tried to run for New Republic Chancellor. But due to Disney Bail's newly introduced super stupidity being strangely consistent. He placed some holo disk with her true identity as Vader's daughter, on some vacation home of theirs. Thus losing her the election, and going along with the true trend of showing just how much they could torture the legacy characters' fates while vehement Disney SW fans knowingly defended it.
If Princess Leia could just overrule the governing council of the entire New Republic, what makes her any different from the Emperor in the prequels?
"So this is how democracy dies... to strong independent female empowerment and girl-bossing."
@@somethingwithultra7231Man you'd think he learnt after Kenobi not to place incriminating evidence of Vader's children all over the place. Almost got Luke and his aunt and uncle killed because.... reasons. You have to wonder why anyone thought she was safe under Bail in the first place, or if he just got retarded in the decade between the prequels and Kenobi.
Luke: Struggles to pick up a lightsaber. Still almost gets killed by Wompa. Immediately goes to train with Yoda.
Sabine: Struggles to pick up a lightsaber. Training complete. You can now force push a grown human male several feet FROM several feet away.
Ahsoka: Spends several years trying to train Sabine with absolutely no progress. Hears about a kid with so much potential that he destroyed the Death Star after only a day of training under Obi-Wan.
Ahsoka: Gives up on Sabine. Forgets that the Death Star kid exists. Fukks off to go do literally anything but be involved in the Rebellion.
And Sabine was supposed to be very poorly Force sensitive.
@@sugartoothYTthe worst student that the lightsaber robot guy had ever seen. And he was the guy all the way back from prequel times.
@@mesaplayer9636 not only that , according to Dave this robot is as old as republic itself, so Sabine is the worst student in 25 000 years ...
Remember how everyone was connected to the force but not all could consciously use it? Remember when acuity and discipline mattered? When things had to be earned?
Nah. At this point that's the vast minority. George's characters just sucked, I guess
People don’t have patience to wait for a build up. The character has to be great NOW, so we can get to the pew-pews, and sword slashes and EXPLOSIONS. If things let up for 5s, they’ll be on their phones and stop watching entirely. Because these people don’t care about or get invested in anything, they’re just watching it to relate to other people.
Why should a STroNg fEmALe chARAcTer ever have to work hard and make good choices?
Even Harrison knows that isn’t how the force works and he hates this stuff. Sabine just pulling the force out of her arse was the point of no return for me. And by the creators of these characters no less. Another character assassination classroom from Disney.
According to Disney’s new logic, Han Solo, Boba Fett and Din Djarin are three most powerful beings in the galaxy. All of them are already skilled with weapons without the force. Now imagine them using the force combining with their preexisting skills.
Everyone: "Thrawn you failed..."
Thrawn: "NA HUH"
Dave Filoni ignored extremely obvious and cool ways to take the story and characters in favor of just not really having a story or characters.
To be fair, it is his specialty
Would you kindly elaborate? As a person who hasn't watched Rebels I'm curious what these extremely obvious and cool ways might be.
@@vadandrumist1670 He had an entire episode to have the final rematch between Obi wan Kenobi and Darth Maul that was decades in the making and spent 90% of it following space Aladdin bumbling around Tatooine doing fucking nothing.
This is the average Rebels episode, a cool concept with potentially cool characters completely ruined by spending 90% of it doing fucking nothing with space Aladdin.
"I'm not much more than an interpreter, and not very good at telling stories."
- Dave Felony
@@chasewilson3693 I am both talking about the show Ahsoka and what he could have done differently that is supposedly very obvious. Your comment refers to Rebels and what he already executed poorly therein. This does not address what I am saying at all.
Keep in mind, Ahsoka may have lost her one lightsaber, but she rolled the Legendary Blade of Talzin on the random magical item chart.
Yeeeeah...supremely doubting that thing will ever come up again considering she was shown to just have both lightsabers again in the last few shots. I'm gonna go on a hilarious limb her and say that if it does come up in Season 2 it will be because the blade killing Morgan "zombified" her and she will still be a pain in their ass throughout the season.
I unfortunately agree, she won't have the blade next season. It would however be the best choice for the character if they *did* decide that they wanted her arc to be 'overcoming turning into another Vader'(?) but I sincerely doubt they intend to do anything beyond the few action shots with it she got. Shame. @@adjectivEOreo
Oh Anakin you’re a force ghost? That’s great now tell your son that the emperors alive and he’s on another planet building an entire fleet of star destroyers with death star lasers on them and an entire planet super weapon that can destroy 5 planets at once and he’s also trying to mess with his nephew and turn him to the dark side
I think he wasn’t born yet,
A good story, for another time.
- Maz Kanagginz
@@TH-camrAnalyst123 Ben Solo is 4 years old at this point.
@@TH-camrAnalyst123you _think?_
@@TH-camrAnalyst123 He was born 9 months after the Battle of Endor, Han and Leia wasted no time.
"Maybe the real victory is the failures we made along the way."
- Thrilbo Thraggins
It's truly an interesting ability as a writer to be able to turn barely one episodes worth of story (if even that) into an eight episode season.
AND the fucker still didnt answer how ezra or thrawn survived the end of rebels, they were on the bridge in hard vacuum with 0 planet in sight.
Absolutely nothing in this series was not an "And then..."
But Yuhang wouldn't know Kanan as Kanan, he would know him as Caleb Dume. God dammit Dave, you forgot your own lore.
He forgot how Beskar and Dark Saber worked, so… seems like a common theme
He mentioned him as "Caleb" in that scene but yeah it's weird he calls him that
he does this a lot.... though i suspect it's more he doesn't give a flying fuck when he's got a new plot in mind... 'rule of cool' is the only thing that's remotely consistent in his writing.
He already referred to him as Kanan in episode 5, so Ahsoka and Hera told him.
Good to know that Thrawn fills his space mines with Magpie's explosive ink from Batwoman season 1
Now that's a deep fucking cut right there! A bona fide classic!
Well what else would they fill it with? Thrawn ran out of jellybeans
Modern Disney acquired Star Wars to ‘gain a broad audience of tens of millions of Star Wars Fans.
They’ve consistently spent the last Decade chasing away 95% of the core fanbase and the general audience.
And now they are catering to the couple hundred thousand ‘Key Jangle Clappers” who remain…
Good job Disnusfilm, you have burnt all the money and destroyed the legacy of a Story world that several Generations have grown up with…
This show won’t have a legacy, it will be forgotten in a week, And nobody will care.
If I had a nickel for every time a Star Wars battle hinged on the idea that Star Destroyers had issues going up then I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't much but it's weird it happened twice.
(In all seriousness, when the finale got to the point where Thrawn was worried about the Jedi getting near the Star Destroyer, my reaction was "Then LEAVE! You have fully loaded the ship and you are not using a Xyston, just GO UP! If you get into space now, they will be in no position to follow you, you won't even need to waste Troopers to deal with them, they will be stuck there!")
He could’ve just left or destroy the tower once he was done loading the isd
At first I thought he was waiting for Shin to return based on what Baylan says to her in the previous episode but then the end montage shows that she's still on the planet!
@@Jedi_Spartan Nah, Thrawn made it clear in ep7 he didn’t care about Baylan and Shin surviving.
Heard people made defenses that Thrawn couldn’t move his ship because of the damage done to it… but he moved it to the tower in his introduction and has likely moved it over the past decade
@@kingawesome5219 I remember that part but the line from Baylan was fresher in my mind and made me think that she'd be used as a useful but expendable asset by Thrawn. Also the defense of him not being able to move the ship has no validity even in isolation of just that episode because they could have called down the Eye of Sion earlier and just gotten the ship into orbit that way.
Ahsoka board: How do we make Thrawn look smart?
C'mon people, what do smart people do?!
+Uhh talk slowly?
Yes yes. What else?
+Uhh uh chess! Smart people play chess!
We are making history here 🔥✍!
‘Ashoka is unpredictable, therefore we must control every outcome possible, and then we, somehow, set Ashoka, the unpredictable, onto her own path, that way whichever unpredictable path she chooses, we will, somehow, stay one step ahead of her unpredictability….”
~ Grand Daveril Thrawlonie
I imagine the writers room constantly played out like that scene from Holy Grail.
Filoni: "So you say Sabine needs to find Ezra. Tell me, what else is good at finding things?"
Writers: "Uh... Dogs!"
Filoni: "Ah, but aren't dogs also total cowards?"
Writers: "Oh yeah..."
Filoni: "What else has eyes on long stalks that might be used to find something?"
One brave writer: "Hmm... crabs?"
Filoni (dismissing the idea with a wave): "What else do crabs sometimes look like?"
Writers: "Apples! Diversity! Dinosaurs! uh... Diversity!"
[Filoni shakes his head in disappointment]
One lone writer in the corner: "A rock!"
Filoni (impressed) "Exactly! So, logically..."
Writers: "If... Sabine- trips on a rock.... the crabs will lead her to Ezra..."
Original Thrawn: "I must apologize for Filoni Thrawn, he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke."
Filoni Thrawn: "Your foot to my face-style, how'd you like it? I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
My favorite was how Hera smirks when C3P0 shows up because she knows she is getting bailed out.😂 Thrawn a brilliant strategist written by an idiot . This show is unintentionally hilarious
I can feel it in my *bones* that the reason they had Ezra be chirpy and upbeat was because of how mixed Luke's disposition was in TLJ, so instead of being rightfully angry or maybe even bitter, he's just a bundle of joy
You know how much Luke would want that ancient Jedi droid?
A major factor of EU Luke was the fact that he knew basically nothing about how the Jedi of old operated and he was trying to build everything completely from scratch.
He literally had 3 Force Ghosts of 3 of the greatest Jedi ever. They literally could have told and shown him everything in both EU and "new canon". Plus he doesn't need to know about how they operated in like a militaristic, political, philosophical way, that was the whole point of his order, to not do the same things that led to their fall... like the opposite of Dishit's version...
@@OG-ColorfulAbyss. In the old EU the Force ghosts didn't actually stick around forever. They weren't at his beck and call, especially later on in his career.
Hell Luke didn't even know where the original Jedi Temple was. All of the history was purged by the Empire and they did a very good job.
@@cellulanus in the EU Anakin appears to a descendant from like 100 years after Luke dies for good. He definitely could have said something. I never said they were around ALL the time, but they exist indefinitely and are technically immortal, and CAN freely come and go from places strong in the Force.
Welp thanks Disney for taking one of my favorite villains from the Extended Universe and making him a clown. I have expected him to say "We're not retreating, we're advancing in a different direction" seriously in the episode
I miss George Lucas’s willingness to dismember troopers.
I miss George Lucas' willingness to have logic in his stories.
I miss George Lucas’ willingness to care.
I miss George Lucas…
I miss stories.
I miss George.
Curious George.
>flies to a planet a whole galaxy away
>encounters human raiders on the planet
seems infinitely more interesting on how that happened, than whatever happened in ahsoka.
Are they human raiders? Seem like humanoid aliens.
Don't worry, Ahsoka. Sabine was dangerous even *without* you training her, so you might as well have done it. Shes managed to bring back the warlord you specifically feared returning...
Not gonna lie I would forgive literally everything Star Wars has ever done if I saw a "Star Whale" pull a Holdo maneuver on Thrawn's ship.
…. No. -.-.-
@@HerohammerStudios Cause it'd be the funniest shit I've ever seen. Just the concept of the visual of that is so baffilingly garbage I don't think they'd ever be able to do anything worse then it.
@@calumbarry1829Blubber just going *everywhere*
@@calumbarry1829it would be hilarious, but not even giving me a bag of gold Coins and all the land Disney owns in Florida would be enough to make me forgive them for their treatment of Starwars,…
If, in the Andor universe, this Star Destroyer rained down all its guns on the earth, I would be scared. But watching this series, it just makes me laugh
If in the EU, *any* Star Destroyer had let loose with her main batteries upon a planetary surface - the destruction would have been immense - the yields in the old cut-away diagram books put the weapons at Gigaton yield.
This is just...
Firecracker levels.
They also tried that already in Mando S3 where a giant pirate ship bombarded the city and killed zero people.
@TheMaleRei in the EU the empire committed what they called 'Base Delta Zero' attacks, where star destoryers litterally turn the surface of a continent or even an entire planet's surface to molten slag and in atleast 1 case litterally atomising the topsoil.
Not only could imperial star destoryers do BDZs but smaller weaker ones too like the victory class.
In legends they were used enmasse by the Republic against Rhe separatists long before order 66 (back when star wars comics took the "heroes on both side, evil everywhere" of revenge of the sith's opening crawl seriously).
And it's not just legends but it is also referencing in Disney, and the orginal ending planned for rebels was to have the empire wipe out lothal in a base deta zero, but they changed their minds.
BDZ I think was first referenced in and by West End Games and their table top Star Wars RPG.
Their books remain of very high quality.
Again, the EU I far superior to the offal Disney has put out.
These final 2 episodes made Morgan and Shin sympathetic. They were surrounded by such incompetence and were good sports about it even though they looked like they were dying inside.
Don't worry. Shin will be the next Reva in season 2.
Is this why Anakin was so glaringly absent during the sequels? Because he was being an emotional support ghost for Ahsoka?
He forgot he had a son. Because he was too busy protecting his *daughter* Ahsoka. 😒🙄😘🥲
@@ggt47 He also forgot about his own daughter.
@nont18411 Fuck, there's so little between him and Lea after RoTJ that I legitimately didn't know who you were talking about for a second.
Well, saying 'little' is being generous. There's fucking nothing.
Crazy how Filoni brought us to a new galaxy just to reveal shit from the old one. There's not a creative bone in the man's body.
There was really nothing different that could not have existed in the main universe. Also in the EU the Jedi hated the idea of leaving the galaxy because they *might* not have the force. Filoni never thought that. Maybe because he might have to write a story.
okay, this is a bit out there but, Imagine, this season opens with thrawn and Ezra right after they make it to the new galaxy. First episode is entirely about the DECADE GAP between rebels and this. Over the episode, with minimal resources you see Thrawn slowly take over and establish an Empire presence in this new galaxy; quickly adapting to the politics of the new galaxy and leveraging his position as an outside. All the from the perspective of Ezra, you witness first how the rot of the Empire can spread to new galaxy a slowly see how a town he's integrated into slowly comes under the empire's foot...just one thread of an idea of something so much more meaningful an thoughtful what drivel star wars has been reduced to
I was imagining something similar, with thrawn rising to power in this new galaxy whilst Ezra was building a resistance, even thought about how the good guys could lament how they’ve brought their own conflict to a new galaxy that didn’t need to get sucked into this but has been because of their actions
All this series has done is given me an urge to read the Heir to the Empire books so I can see what the actual Thrawn is like.
The sad part is they had the original author write a whole new origin for Thrawn to fit with the mess they made by throwing away everything and they still screwed it up.
There is also a decent comic book adaption of the trilogy if comics are more to your liking.
You can read it.. or
Listen to Lorn Conners read it..
Or watch the animations that guy is steadily making of heir to the empire
You won't be disappointed. The Thrawn trilogy is not only a better sequel than anything Disney has made, it even makes the Clone Wars seem way more interesting and complex than what they ended up being in canon.
I am reading it. The first chapter felt more cinematic and was better written than most of the stuff in the "adaptation".
I still can't believe that they named something in the show "The Eye of Scion". They have absolutely no subtlety whatsoever.
I'm still trying to figure out who the "warlock" is from that cringe title
@@sivad1025 Thrawn
Sauron plus Zion (Matrix) plus Darth Cion.
You know how in the EU Thrawn studied art..
Apparently Disney Thrawn has been reading Tolkien
@@ComradeCommissarYuri he's been looking at pictures at least, i'm not entirely sure i believe he can read....
Think about the fact that Anakin cares more and gives more advice to his padawan who went AWOL during the clone Wars than his own son who saved him from the dark side! Let that fact sink in!
None of this is real. It’s Disney Star Wars
And he had recordings of himself yet he never gave them to Luke or Artoo who probably give them to Luke? Make him a better Jedi.
I remember in Genndy Tartovsky’s Clone Wars just how much of a menace the gunships were in that show and how useful they were to suppress the Droid army and even General Grievous. Now air support isn’t even a thought for these technologically advanced militaries.
Never let your enemy know the color of your lightsaber.
-Grand admiral Baggins
Just a quick example, and far from the only example, of how someone that watched and liked Rebels might find this show confusing and the characters unrecognizable. This is all concerning just the relationship between Ahsoka and Sabine and the final scene in Rebels. Like I said, there are _MANY_ more examples and I find it hard to understand how people that are fans of the characters or show (Rebels) would like this show or think it lines up at all. Regardless of if you liked Rebels or not, there's a serious disconnect, as even Theo (who dislikes Rebels) mentions:
1. During Rebels, Ahsoka knew Ezra and had gone on a few adventures with him and had given him some training and advice. He later saved her life when he pulled her out of time. At the end of Rebels, the narration fully implies that Ahsoka and Sabine are teaming up with the clear objective to find Ezra. She never met Thrawn and was not around when the Rebels fought Thrawn. In this show, Ahsoka doesn't seem to give any shits about Ezra and seems to not have a prior mentor relationship with him (or any relationship, at all, for that matter). And she's ultra concerned about some blue guy coming back to take over the galaxy or something. But, not concerned enough to let Luke know, who she's recently spent some time with and who currently doesn't have any students and is just sitting around on pause.
2. In Rebels, Ahsoka and Sabine had met, but they didn't really know each other or have any relationship to each other at all. I'm not certain, without rewatching the whole show, if they had ever even spoken to each other. The only time they're indicated to have any common ground at all is in the final scene of the show, where the intention is clear that they're going off together to find Ezra. The only basis for them to have a relationship at all is over a shared fondness for Ezra and a desire to find him. In this show, they apparently had a whole life together where Sabine was Ahsoka's apprentice. Also, judging by this show, that couldn't have lasted more than 10 minutes because Sabine seems to know nothing about the Force or training to be a Jedi at all.
3. From the time Ezra saves Ahsoka to the next time we see her again, it's many years. It's heavily implied that she's kept off the grid and gone on a personal journey of spiritual growth and transformation in the years that've passed. We don't actually know what she's been up to, but it seems clear that she stayed out of the limelight and seems like she didn't help out with the Civil War in any known way. In this show, it's still very ambiguous as to what she's done the last ten+ years, but people seem to be pretty aware that she's alive and well and zipping around.
4. The whole Ahsoka the White thing originated in the final scene of Rebels where Ahsoka and Sabine are clearly going off to find Ezra. It's because she was wearing white clothing and a white cloak and white head covering. She also had some big white staff instead of lightsabers. It's similar to what she has after becoming Ahsoka the White in this series, but still more regal and with a wizard's staff. The scene is supposedly in this series, but with a completely different context and she's not wearing white yet and never does get a wizard's staff. Also, in the Rebels scene, she doesn't stand there with her arms crossed, like an asshole. She does in this series.
There's so much more, but whether you liked Rebels or not, this show is a betrayal of its story and its characters, without improving either.
This show falls apart on every level. It's nuts.
But did you see it when that guy Vadered? 10/10
this show is terrible in such bizarre ways
To get anything out of it you need to be intimately familiar with 30 years worth of back story written by other people, some of it officially not even canon anymore
But the more of this information you have, the more infuriating this show becomes because it's all been so amateurishly bastardized just to keep you from losing what little interest you might have had
And the less of this information you have, the more just incomprehensible it all is because they completely skipped anything to do with world or character building to rush into the memberberries
This isn't a show for old fans. This isn't a show for normies. This isn't a show for children. This isn't really a show even for clone wars fans..... this is a show for new star wars fans who barely pay attention until they hear a lightsaber so remind them to look up from their phone....
like, holy fuck Dave, what is actually wrong with your brain?
There also a few more things to add. Her relationship with her long time friends Rex is never mentioned at all.
Ahoska once kind and caring personality is replace overly stoic and look that say she look down on everyone else's.
Honestly Ahsoka is like a worse vision of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli at this point. Luminara Stoic but did show actual motion unlike Ahoksa. When both Ahoska and her Padawan Barriss was under an collapse droid factory on Genesis. She believes they were already dead and were or close to it so a rescue attempt would be in vain. Luminara had made peace and her Padawan likely dead and was ready to move on. Ahoska seem to think anything that go wrong is just fate and was man't to happen that way. I'm surprised no one else made the connection yet.
The existence of Ahsoka through the entire OT is totally fucked because none of it makes sense when you put it under any scrutiny.
Ahsoka was friends with the Rebel Alliance, and presumably someone like Hera would know Princess Leia (They outright imply they're best friends in this series). Leia knew of Jedi because she sent the Death Star plans to Obi-Wan in EP4, and now canonically she had an adventure with him as a child where there were lightsaber wielding force users all over the place. At some point, Hera would have mentioned to Leia, "Oh yeah, I palled around with a bunch of Force users all the time. I was even married to one." And certainly Ahsoka would have been brought up. (No one in this series or in Mando ever implies that they're surprised that she's alive, so we can't say that no one knew about her.)
So for the entire OT, she's puttering around the Galaxy, and now presumably trying to train Sabine to be a jedi even though she has no potential. And everyone knows about her.
So consider the following: Empire Strikes Back takes place a full THREE YEARS after A New Hope. Presumably Obi-Wan Kenobi coming out of hiding with a new Padawan who single-handedly destroyed the Death Star would have been a big deal. Surely Hera would have heard about this young kid who is now in need of Force training. And both of them being pilots, they would have crossed paths at least once during those three years. Leia, too, being Luke's close personal friend would have known that for those three full years he was fully invested in this Force thing, and he just lost his master. He'd be looking for new master, but with no more Jedi around, he must be out of luck...
Leia looks like a total fuckhead for holding that information back for three years. Obi-Wan's force ghost must have been sitting around going, "Am I really going to have to play the Yoda card?" Hera would be a total c*nt when she meets this enthusiastic pilot who can't shut up about the force, and she just goes "Cool story jedi kid." And Ahsoka, she's just spent a good year by the time of A New Hope trying to coax Sabine into moving a freaking cup to no avail... assuming she hears about some kid who came from nowhere and destroyed the Death Star with the Force, she's the biggest dipsh*t of all that she doubles down on training the total fu*kwit that is Sabine that entire time instead of dropping everything to find Luke.
@@whitworth5s248 Definitely. Ahsoka's presence during the Galactic Civil War was always a concern. It was basically fixed when she was implied to be killed by Vader, but there were still ways to not entirely fuck things up when using the WBW to bring her back - not that they should have because it was a pretty good ending for the character, aside from other issues arising from the WBW. Now, they've decided to address the whole issue of her existence by... not really addressing it at all. But the implications that she was there and everyone knew it are very present.
Not even Godskin Apostles godly OST could help the Ashoka v Night Sista fight marginally epic.
Re Dawson's poor fighting abilities and if she had any training- she was cast for the show a year and a half before filming started, and she's said that she trained 2 hours a day for many months. That could be promotional talk, like when Thor 4 was coming out and it was claimed that Portman had worked out to get such muscular arms- and then it turned out the muscles were CGI. But assuming Dawson did train that much, I guess she's just not a natural fighter. Why did they keep matching her up with superior fighters and expect us to pretend she was better than them? Would've made more sense to have her against equally slow fighters and then speed it up or something. Or else cast someone they knew could do it well, heh.
Part of it is the choreography. They seriously hired someone to put together the fight scenes and have Ahsoka punch with her lightsabers facing the wrong direction. Not even Hayden could pull off that goofy nonsense.
But I really don't understand why they didn't use motion capture and have a stunt double. Ahsoka vs. Maul in CW S7 has some of the best choreography in all of Star Wars because they got sctual professionals in the mocap costumes
Or use stunt doubles...
Just how tone dead people at lucasfilm are? That ending is equivalent of avengers in infinity war seeing everyone getting blipped but the final shots is of remaining cast just shrugging and smiling like “damn Thanos got us this time but what’s important is the friends we made along the way”
From what I've been seeing, this show in a nutshell: Thrawn (small smile) "It's all going as I planned!" Ahsoka: (folds arms) "No, it's all going as *I planned."
"People are familiar with the concept of a Pyrrhic victory. We're going to familiarize our audience the concept of the Pyrrhic loss." - Dave Filoni
"Sir, we've lost hundreds of men and we've done nothing but fail at every turn."
"Its all part of Thrawn's failsafe plan!"
David is the fanfiction writer that never matured and now has a million dollars
Waiting 3 hours from now feels like waiting for Ahsoka and Sabine to reply to each other! Brutal. See ya in 3 hours!
I love how stormtroopers just run instead of boarding the gunsips. I guess they can run all the way to home base.
"I thought you were dead."
Cope Admiral Thrawn was promoted to his current position after Palpatine heard him describe the loss of the first Death Star as a "crushing Imperial victory thanks to the death of Porkins and the survival of Lord Darth Vader despite overwhelming odds"
Hey, remember that time Leia demoted someone for destroying a "Fleet Killer" that was a clear and present danger to the entire rebelsistance?
THAT was an Excellent example of ‘Acceptable Losses” actually having a proper Meaning.
A half dozen small craft in exchange for a massive super dreadnought.
Disnusfilm writers constantly conflate Arrogance with Intelligence.
Your take on the Star Wars theory guy is so spot on. He eat up the entire series and after episode 5, 🤦🏻♂️ he just went nuts over it. He conceptualize everything that’s wrong with the people who liked the series: because it’s flashy, nostalgic, and boring. Because of it I have stopped watching his content because he was a Star Wars skeptic… until now that he chugged the show and all it’s nostalgic juice
Thrawn learned everything he knows from Zapp Brannigan's Big Book of War.
I believe this Thrawn would unironicaly say "If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate" and think he's smart.
@@Arko777777 bullseye of Sauron
I'm genuinely wondering why they didn't just have Thrawn exiled to a distant, unknown part of the galaxy instead of a totally new galaxy, because they do absolutely nothing with making this new galaxy seem stranger or more dangerous than the original
It is an absolutely wasted concept, and also destroys the idea that as fast as ships can go, the technology to span to whole other galaxies is beyond technological abilities of any civilization.
There was an old Lore EU story about a Scientific venture to explore outside of the Known Galaxy, it was called the ‘Outbound Flight”, and even they couldn’t leave too far beyond the known galaxy. In fact there are Races that came from outside of the galaxy, but they were travelling in Fleets of Generational Ships, the process of crossing the vast expanse between galaxies taking many many centuries..
This whole season of bollocks is a waste, it establishes nothing, and only serves to Retcon the Star Wars Lore to make the Witches of DaftPunk the ‘true real biggerer originators of Galactic Space Travel, and have Magical powers that are Older and more bettererer than the Force or the Jedi…”
Want to know the reason?
Because it sounded cool to them and because they wanted to make it sound impactful and profound. No other real reason. It's been said before, but Filoni is a fanfic-tier writer and there are fan fictions that have more respect for the material than this tripe.
The writers do not view this as a valued setting. They probably know next to nothing about Star Wars on average. If you know Star Wars lore, you would be less likely to get the job. That is how they hire nowadays.
I’m Beginning To Think Qui-Gon Just Died For Our Sins
After all, he is Aslan.
Disney Thrawn: "There's no need to waste resources."
Also Disney Thrawn: wastes resources.
You know it’s bad when Batwoman has better fight scenes than a Star Wars show!
Oh my God, you're right! 😢
Oh god... it actually might...
Glad Rags pointed out Sabin's flagging problem. She also has crap trigger discipline too... If you notice her finger was on the trigger when she pointed the gun at Ezra.
Looks like the director and others weren't doing their jobs.
Grand Admiral, our troops ran into Ahsoka, but she killed every single one of them!
Thrawn: Excellent, now we just have to follow the trail of bodies to see where she went!
Reminder that every death from Thrawn's actions in season 2 is Sabine's fault
Of course they let Alice run away to kill again lol
So, in effectively in a show with a run time of over 240 minutes, the equivalent of an over 4 hour movie, all Filoni managed to accomplish was swapping Thrawn and Ezra with Ashoka and Sabine.
Where does one manage to learn such an art of having so much time to do something with and yet managing to do so little with that time?
Reaaaaally makes you wander what monstrosity we will be dealing with in Season 2. Clearly we gotta fight Thrawn, but OH NO! We gotta get Ahsoka and Sabine back too. So they'll be bouncing back and forth between whatever Thrawn is doing and trying to figure out how to get back to that planet, considering, apparently, Ahsoka made it there by luck.
Shen (Shin?) is all pissy at her master and is now leading a band of raiders (to what end, I have no idea. Maybe she wants to kill him now. Or just is really pissy at Sabine).
Baylan is looking for SOMETHING (look, all those visuals mean shit all to me. I can't remember that much of the Clone Wars show.)
Ahsoka and Sabine are...camping out with turtle bros like Ezra was? Probably until Shen(?) tries to kill them. Or Ahsoka (or Sabine, at this point), has a feeling and they go off to look for w/e Baylan is after.
OH! And I can't remember...oh wait, no, Ventress died =[ It would have just been another memberberry, anyway. Eh, they may mention her.
I like how if the main characters did nothing then nothing would change other than them swapping places with Ezra