Interesting to see that is happening to the machine. I successfully transferred a lot of old tapes from a band called Phot with it..recorded on the same 238 that you used with Hoechfungdeguru.. although years ago..with no speed issues, and did manage to record with it. It's the nature of these machines I guess without servicing. I will get you more tapes to mess with next time we can hook up.
Need to replace the Caps on the left side of the motor board. Expecially C2. This one is sensitive to heat. It gets corroded when the other caps leak. I switched mine out and it runs great. Fiddly job to do but cost about $10 in components. 👍
Stop and reset is due to oxidation of the cassette sensors ar the top left corner of the cassette well. Spray some deoxit under the levers and exercise them up and down
Know how that feels .Last piece of gear that I could never get work after wasting money on it got stomped.i felt a a lot better.hope you can get it working if you cannot stomp it !
Interesting to see that is happening to the machine. I successfully transferred a lot of old tapes from a band called Phot with it..recorded on the same 238 that you used with Hoechfungdeguru.. although years ago..with no speed issues, and did manage to record with it. It's the nature of these machines I guess without servicing. I will get you more tapes to mess with next time we can hook up.
Cool! I haven't forgotten about us getting together. I'm hoping next weekend. I'm going to look into the machine more this weekend.
It might be savable. I'm sure it needs to be serviced, too. Can't hurt to try!
I'm still hopeful. I was away last week and I'm going to play around with it this weekend since I have time. :)
Need to replace the Caps on the left side of the motor board. Expecially C2. This one is sensitive to heat. It gets corroded when the other caps leak. I switched mine out and it runs great. Fiddly job to do but cost about $10 in components. 👍
Stop and reset is due to oxidation of the cassette sensors ar the top left corner of the cassette well. Spray some deoxit under the levers and exercise them up and down
I've been doing that. I need to get the speed issue fixed as well. Hopefully I can find someone close by who can fix that.
I just went to your website. Where are you located? I've love to have you fix my 238!
@@MikeFoerster Happy to help! I'm in NYC
@quietcat77 that's about 8hrs away. I could do it.
Good Rock'N Morn!!!! ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫
Know how that feels .Last piece of gear that I could never get work after wasting money on it got stomped.i felt a a lot better.hope you can get it working if you cannot stomp it !