Making credits can be very individual and based on the playstyle. So my question to you is... Which premium tank is your GO-TO tank for some good credit grind? Hopefully you enjoyed the video and this type of tank review, maybe it even helped a bit. Any ideas for the future Top 10 videos you would like to see?
T26E5 need to be on this list. Standard ammo is super affordable (250 silver) with a workable pen. Even if you lose you will earn nice ammount of credit
It really depends on how people play though, because if you look at all tanks overall on tier 8, 9 or 10, a lot of the highest dpg tanks are actually single shooters, although to be fair premium tier 8's are the most autloaders. But tier 8's (techree) top 30 dpg is only 20% autloaders, top 20 all tier 9 dpg only 20% autoloaders and all top 20 tier 10's also 20% autoloaders. again tier 8 premiums (not counting ultrarares) have 45% autoloaders in top 20 dpg's, so that is alot worse.
@@_Cookie_Warrior_ You got me there, and yep I still make credits all day long. When I use standard and mix in some gold if needed, 200K Profit is not unusual.
I love Bisonte. It's probably my fave tank. My primary build is Bond Increased Shell Resistance, Improved Rotation in the firepower slot (this will be replaced with a Bounty or a Bond piece of equipment), and Mobility Improvement System T3. For the second set, I use Rotation, Vert Stabs, and the Mobility T3. Since changing to my new primary I have been able to start pushing towards the first Mark (I've been hovering at 55% for a while but now made ground) and the win rate has gone up to almost 52% in the tank. The change in mobility has really helped me.
Obj 703 II and T-103, depending upon which type of play style I'm in the mood for. Obviously T-103 is more subjective as it is dependent upon the RNG, good games most shots deal damage and print credits, bad games it's bouncy mcbounce. XD
It seemed quite weird not to see SU 130 PM or Skorpion G here, but that's probably because there are a LOT of them in the mm, balanced by a lot of 0 dmg games.
My favorite tank all time is T-34-3. I think it is the perfect hevium tank. It has armor you can definitely bounce with, and mobility of a medium. The alpha damage like you know is very good, for a medium tank. And you never see tier 10. Perfect.
EBR 75 & Progetto 46 are a couple of my favorites alongside the Renegade too. I'm surprised that the Bourrasque didn't make it in the top 10 though. 2 shot autoloaders are king.
borrat proplem is that it needs premium ammo spam. even penning some tier 8 meds 190 apcr pen is just too bad. same reason why bz 176 is not on the list.
Honestly Skorp G and Lowe are the classic credit makers for me. Now for me personally it's the tier 9 WZ-120G FT that tank is so underrated. It has excellent camo, alright gun handling, decent mobility, excellent DPM for a tier 9 Premium in fact the highest out of all of them. Not to mention the Standard AP shells have 271 average penetration and it gets 340mm heat Pen. But yet it's a bad tank to lots or they just don't know about it! XD. Armor really isnt there but you can bounce shots all in all a very good vehicle if played right and makes loads of credits. My equipment loadout is bond rammer, bond vents and bounty exhaust for most maps, on smaller maps like Himmels I would drop the Exhaust and maybe vents for something else to help with aim time and/or mobility. Field mods I have Reinforced suspension parallax adjustment, right angle periscope (so you can spot for yourself effectively without optics plus camo is already so good) and finally matte paints for that extra concealment factor. I carry about 2/3 standard AP because the pen value is just so high with the rest being Heat and maybe 2 HE shells. A hidden gem indeed!
I got the Progetto back for free years ago, crazy to see it still performing so well. Come to think of it, I got the EBR the same too lol. Just getting back into the game so I will be playing those, they were my fav back in the day, glad to see they are still good.
The low dpm on 122tm sounds bad till you realise it can do 3000 damage in a two minute game and thats enough to finish on top in most tier 8 games. Definetly one of my go to credit farmers
They're played by below average players a lot, and it's easy to have really bad games in them, so the average is down. The top 3 in this list are all high skill cap, so good players drag the average up in them. Hence more average credits. l agree the three you listed are overall the best credit makers though for sure
Stopped WoT years ago because of higher alpha damage guns being introduced and silver credits grind even with premium account. Played recently a few rounds and every game 1 or 2 shots at tiers IX/X HP was 2/3rds gone. Wow game has changed, 10 15 min matches. They used to last 30 to 45 mins or more, quite often. Now it's a gold steam rush.. Sad. Was a good game.
Probably ISU122-2 because I just love the feeling of hittign a double. Before that it was the SHKPT-TVP 100 where hitting HE shots is just so satisfying. And before that I loved playing KPZ 07 RH. Not sure if it was making big money, but I had fun doing it.
Ppl completely forgot about Strv s1. Yeah, i know it's pretty situational but if you calculate things right and you pay attention on ammo costs and how easily you'll gonna farm, let's say, 2,3k dmg, which is not a problem at all for 390 alpha and great dpm, even in bad games you're losing in couple of minutes... You have potential to earn, overall, more credits per 10 games than in most lower alpha dmg tanks
Best part is,that you don't have to fire gold ammo. Ever. Sad part it is situational, thats why I am trying again my 122 TM and grinding bonds for my T-34-3. Btw IS-6 can also surprise in a better battle :)
I'm an old 34-3 and T34 fanboy, so the 122's DPM isn't alien to me. It definitely is a long reload though, that's where you feel it most. Especially with modern meta. But, it can also be a very good brawly tank so long as it doesn't get overwhelmed.
I have the EBR FL, but it doesn't make as many credits as the SU130PM TD. So surprised that the SU isn't on the list Example I often get 100K credits in an average SU game. Whereas In the EBR I really have to work my arse off all game to get as many credits.
Im too old for this😢 my best credit makers is (was long time ago when i playd) unmached trio Type59, Super Pershing and T34-3 tons of credits and good games makes me emotional 😢😢😢
When im hardcore farming I mainly rotate Bisonte, Progetto, Elc 90 and ebr depending on mood i also slap Skorpion G and good old Cyka pershing into the mix for fun
I'm purely free-to-play, and my rotation is the T26 Patriot, m41 black dog, and STG guard. Guard is my best credit-maker, maybe because it suits my playstyle.
Cool video just bare in mind literally 0 available most of the time of the year on market on one way or the other. Only Progetto was available 2 weeks ago and that's it. Good luck finding them on sale.
Hey Dez, thx for the content. It helped me a lot. Keep it up! PS: When do we get your commander? I want that voice on my commander! Would be awesome! See you in the stream...and at five! 😂🤘
I wanted to make some credits so I was ready to buy one. Not a single prem tank mentioned in video exists in Tech Tree. Not sure what is the point of the video.
So in these days to calculate profit margin we need to look other tank stats besaides that DPM. First one mobility, good mobility means being able to move into the action faster and thats also kind of +DPM because you start firing earlier. Second one decent survivability, specially for HT. Good armor of good maneuverability for fight more confident. Third and most important one is the choose tanks that fit your playstyle. Progetto 46 print money but honestly i choose to play with Skorpion G. instead of playing progetto 46. It's depends to your playstyle.
As a player with most of the tier 8 premiums i have to say that you can earn credits with either of them, just pick the one you play the best with standard/HE shells. When i m grinding credits i usually go for Renegate with full bond equipment, Charlemagne, Astron Rex, SkhPTK TVP 100 with lots of HE and sometimes obsidian, jagtig8.8 and sometimes Bz 176 with AP, ofc full bond equipment 1-2years ago i used Patriot and Liberte with t44 100 and t54 mod1 122TM feels bad man, i d rather play the obj 270 or cs52 Lis
Im surprised I dont see Skorpion, SU - 130PM, BZ 176 and Bourrasque in this list. For me Skorpion and SU 130 are top cows. Also some underratted, underdog tank, M4A1 Revalorisé, which has some very cheap 390 alpha std shell. T-103 can make some nice credits, std shell cheap, good pen and 440 alpha.
Scorp G. I don't reliably have good games in it. But it's got good silver ammo. And that Arnold Patton. It's not a go-to tank. But it's got 230'ish silver ammo. And it's better in game than the paper stats would let you believe. The Renegade used to be my all time favourite tank, but lately I just can't seem to get good games in it anymore 😢
Disappointed but not surprised Cent 5/1 didn’t make this list. That thing prints credits like nobodies business. Super cheap repairs, super cheap AP ammo that is effective on many T9 flanks. My go-to for credits
T-34-3 special MM and high alpha. er even in an platoon. (fake platoon) to shoot at tier 10. Yeah you have to position because of the just "good enough" pen... but I like its high alpha for a medium tier 7.5
The bisonte im not suprised about at all, it is my all time favorite tank as its pretty much the progetto46 fat old cousin. Im currently going for the 3marks on it and using full gold ammo and in a game where i get 2.5k dmg and like 500assistance i will already make like 50k credits profit and before i decided to go for 3marks i used standard ammo also and i would make like 150k profit every game
Tier 8 matchmaking nowadays = World of Premiums. In a lot of my recent battles the premium to tech tree tank ratio in teams is almost 50-50 and sometimes 65-35.
yeah but isn't that obvious? T8 is THE premium tier. Why would you play tier 8 if not for credit grinding? No really good tier 8s out there anyway to play and the tier suxx because u face T10 tanks.. At least for me i like tier 9s because u can play vs tier 10 but have better mm than tier 10 because u don't get t10 only battles. And then tier 10, because of course top tier gameplay and coolest/best tanks. Tier 8 is only for credit farming. As it probably is for many others. Also nowadays there are so much players that play the game for a DECADE and probably have all grinds finished.. so why would they play tech tree tanks.. So yeah before mimimi, think about it first for a second.
i understand why bourrasque is not there because it's such a risky tank, one wrong move or calculation and you're back to the garage but listen, if you manage to land 6-8 shots per game, you can get absurd amount of credits even if all those shots are gold ammo, there' something wrong with that tank
As an Old player who stopped few years ago, makes me sad all the tanks I got are now obsolette si'ce WG continued the "must be better than its predecessors to sell" policy for new tanks
Making credits can be very individual and based on the playstyle. So my question to you is... Which premium tank is your GO-TO tank for some good credit grind?
Hopefully you enjoyed the video and this type of tank review, maybe it even helped a bit. Any ideas for the future Top 10 videos you would like to see?
Lorraine 40t and Emil 1951 for me
Old reliable Mr lowe
Skorpion G works fine with me
Skorpion is my money cow
T26E5 need to be on this list. Standard ammo is super affordable (250 silver) with a workable pen. Even if you lose you will earn nice ammount of credit
Was about to comment this i always make between 50 and 200k credits profit without boost on
For me it prints as well, and overall it was pretty high in the list, Top 20 for sure.
@DezGamez + It can be bought from the bond shop. So even F2P can have it
I agree it’s a great credit printer, but according to tanksgg it didn’t make top ten. The site measures results, not potential
It's a list of the top 10 tier 8 credit makers... It's not on the list because it isnt in the top 10 earners..
I have the SkorpionG, LT-432, Skoda T56, ShPTK-TVP and TS-54. My best credit maker is Skorpiong
Solid list.
Rheinmetall Skorpion is my best credit maker ❤
i play it nearly since it came out and i can say one think, this think still can slapping
@@ck4yt148 true
Skorpion G the best for me
For me, SU-130PM is better somehow
generally it's becoming "World of Autoloaders".
any single shot tanks are at a severe disadvantage these days.
it's pathetic.
your exactly right !! if you have less then 1000 hp your basically dead at tier 8
It really depends on how people play though, because if you look at all tanks overall on tier 8, 9 or 10, a lot of the highest dpg tanks are actually single shooters, although to be fair premium tier 8's are the most autloaders. But tier 8's (techree) top 30 dpg is only 20% autloaders, top 20 all tier 9 dpg only 20% autoloaders and all top 20 tier 10's also 20% autoloaders. again tier 8 premiums (not counting ultrarares) have 45% autoloaders in top 20 dpg's, so that is alot worse.
with auto loaders i aim to ammo rack them thats the reload buggered if they have used repair kit
It's more arguably become World of Deadeye to counter the autoloaders
@@Kel.the.Bakker have you played at tier 8 recently ? 80 % of both teams are premium tanks , no one plays tech tree tanks except for grinding
Very surprised that the Bourrasque is not in this list. It's my go-to tank for credit grinding.
Cause most bourrque players shoot only gold
@@_Cookie_Warrior_still making credits with bourrasque when shooting gold i am at my 83% for my mark
@@_Cookie_Warrior_ You got me there, and yep I still make credits all day long. When I use standard and mix in some gold if needed, 200K Profit is not unusual.
Im shocked it is not here because if played right you make allot of credits even when facing tier 10
same thing dude, i fire gold shells 70-90% at a time and i still make very good credits
I love Bisonte. It's probably my fave tank. My primary build is Bond Increased Shell Resistance, Improved Rotation in the firepower slot (this will be replaced with a Bounty or a Bond piece of equipment), and Mobility Improvement System T3. For the second set, I use Rotation, Vert Stabs, and the Mobility T3. Since changing to my new primary I have been able to start pushing towards the first Mark (I've been hovering at 55% for a while but now made ground) and the win rate has gone up to almost 52% in the tank. The change in mobility has really helped me.
26:50 April 4. 2014 😂😂😂 didn't know that's relevant 10 years later
Damn. :D That one slipped away.
Obj 703 II and T-103, depending upon which type of play style I'm in the mood for.
Obviously T-103 is more subjective as it is dependent upon the RNG, good games most shots deal damage and print credits, bad games it's bouncy mcbounce. XD
T-103 can be very nice indeed. And being in the bond store for 8,000 bonds, I think it is a good credit machine.
Yes a great tank for F2P players :D
It seemed quite weird not to see SU 130 PM or Skorpion G here, but that's probably because there are a LOT of them in the mm, balanced by a lot of 0 dmg games.
My favorite tank all time is T-34-3. I think it is the perfect hevium tank. It has armor you can definitely bounce with, and mobility of a medium. The alpha damage like you know is very good, for a medium tank. And you never see tier 10. Perfect.
Same. I play it with everything which improves gun handling: bond stab, bounty aiming, vent. And food. It makes the gun quite acceptable.
I like it.
EBR 75 & Progetto 46 are a couple of my favorites alongside the Renegade too. I'm surprised that the Bourrasque didn't make it in the top 10 though. 2 shot autoloaders are king.
borrat proplem is that it needs premium ammo spam. even penning some tier 8 meds 190 apcr pen is just too bad. same reason why bz 176 is not on the list.
When I pop the credit reserves, I tend to play TS-5 and Emil 1951 a lot. Straight forward tanks. You know what you're good at and do that.
Honestly Skorp G and Lowe are the classic credit makers for me. Now for me personally it's the tier 9 WZ-120G FT that tank is so underrated. It has excellent camo, alright gun handling, decent mobility, excellent DPM for a tier 9 Premium in fact the highest out of all of them. Not to mention the Standard AP shells have 271 average penetration and it gets 340mm heat Pen. But yet it's a bad tank to lots or they just don't know about it! XD. Armor really isnt there but you can bounce shots all in all a very good vehicle if played right and makes loads of credits. My equipment loadout is bond rammer, bond vents and bounty exhaust for most maps, on smaller maps like Himmels I would drop the Exhaust and maybe vents for something else to help with aim time and/or mobility. Field mods I have Reinforced suspension parallax adjustment, right angle periscope (so you can spot for yourself effectively without optics plus camo is already so good) and finally matte paints for that extra concealment factor. I carry about 2/3 standard AP because the pen value is just so high with the rest being Heat and maybe 2 HE shells. A hidden gem indeed!
I got the Progetto back for free years ago, crazy to see it still performing so well. Come to think of it, I got the EBR the same too lol. Just getting back into the game so I will be playing those, they were my fav back in the day, glad to see they are still good.
The low dpm on 122tm sounds bad till you realise it can do 3000 damage in a two minute game and thats enough to finish on top in most tier 8 games. Definetly one of my go to credit farmers
i'm surprised that skorpion/skorpion G, SU-130PM and Lowe is not on the list..
that's my creditos makeros
They're played by below average players a lot, and it's easy to have really bad games in them, so the average is down. The top 3 in this list are all high skill cap, so good players drag the average up in them. Hence more average credits. l agree the three you listed are overall the best credit makers though for sure
KV-5 ramming build. short batttles but high damage / minute. I do this with my friend. 2 KV-5 ramming stuff is so much fun :)
Hi Dez. Would you make same ranking but, without premium tanks, just tech-trees tanks?
Awesome idea
Elc, all day. Do 1000 combined and you make money even if you die. Do 3000 avg, which i do now, and its 50-150k per game.
XM66F has made me THE most credits by A MILE. Idk it's slept on. I avg 80k a game. Over 100k with boosters. 120k with clan/personal boosters
A lot of people trashed it on release. I agree it is a very solid credit printer. Like a hull down version of a T28 Proto.
Stopped WoT years ago because of higher alpha damage guns being introduced and silver credits grind even with premium account. Played recently a few rounds and every game 1 or 2 shots at tiers IX/X HP was 2/3rds gone. Wow game has changed, 10 15 min matches. They used to last 30 to 45 mins or more, quite often. Now it's a gold steam rush.. Sad. Was a good game.
Tf? I don’t the match timer has ever been more than 15 minutes. Been playing since 2014
The 122TM and T-34-3 are my money makers.
Probably ISU122-2 because I just love the feeling of hittign a double. Before that it was the SHKPT-TVP 100 where hitting HE shots is just so satisfying. And before that I loved playing KPZ 07 RH. Not sure if it was making big money, but I had fun doing it.
Ppl completely forgot about Strv s1. Yeah, i know it's pretty situational but if you calculate things right and you pay attention on ammo costs and how easily you'll gonna farm, let's say, 2,3k dmg, which is not a problem at all for 390 alpha and great dpm, even in bad games you're losing in couple of minutes... You have potential to earn, overall, more credits per 10 games than in most lower alpha dmg tanks
Best part is,that you don't have to fire gold ammo. Ever.
Sad part it is situational, thats why I am trying again my 122 TM and grinding bonds for my T-34-3.
Btw IS-6 can also surprise in a better battle :)
@@Malthus_85 With T-34-3 you will enjoy your time because of preferential MM, and it's also good money maker
Thing is, youre only really gonna get damage when your team is losing and occassionally a bit of damage on winning games.
I love farming credits with the Renegade, SU-130pm and Skoda T56.
SU-130 pm is my favorite due to the good pen of the AP and the high Alpha DMG.
I make the most in the Lowe, elc or bourassqe
Has always been my S1 for me. =P
I'm an old 34-3 and T34 fanboy, so the 122's DPM isn't alien to me. It definitely is a long reload though, that's where you feel it most. Especially with modern meta. But, it can also be a very good brawly tank so long as it doesn't get overwhelmed.
By far my fav t8 TD. Basically a fast Russian Borsig.
Yep. Bisonte C45 is one of my most reliable credit earners. You always come out with something.
I have the EBR FL, but it doesn't make as many credits as the SU130PM TD. So surprised that the SU isn't on the list Example I often get 100K credits in an average SU game. Whereas In the EBR I really have to work my arse off all game to get as many credits.
Im too old for this😢 my best credit makers is (was long time ago when i playd) unmached trio Type59, Super Pershing and T34-3 tons of credits and good games makes me emotional 😢😢😢
I must name T-103 as one of the best credit maker in my opinion.
I make tons of credits in caliban, n i shoot only gold. If someone is getting lucky with h.e. they can make even more
Love your video's BUT one correction, it is not called a clip it is a magazine.
When im hardcore farming I mainly rotate Bisonte, Progetto, Elc 90 and ebr depending on mood i also slap Skorpion G and good old Cyka pershing into the mix for fun
Mars was availble twice, last year during the Black Friday event as well.
I'm purely free-to-play, and my rotation is the T26 Patriot, m41 black dog, and STG guard. Guard is my best credit-maker, maybe because it suits my playstyle.
Cool video just bare in mind literally 0 available most of the time of the year on market on one way or the other. Only Progetto was available 2 weeks ago and that's it. Good luck finding them on sale.
I dont remember a single time i used double shot driving 703 in battle
You are missing out mate, landing a double or two can make a boring round enjoyable.
My currently best credit makers are Obsidian, T26E5 and ShPTK-TVP 100.
Hey Dez, thx for the content. It helped me a lot. Keep it up!
PS: When do we get your commander? I want that voice on my commander! Would be awesome!
See you in the stream...and at five! 😂🤘
Elc Even, Skorpion G, Su130pm, & BZ176 are on my rotation when i am farming credits.
I wanted to make some credits so I was ready to buy one. Not a single prem tank mentioned in video exists in Tech Tree. Not sure what is the point of the video.
Skoda T27 man that Tank hauls truckloads of Credits for me
Super Pershing top15 for sure
The bourasque and mars are probably my best credit makers!
rienmetal skorpian , t-34-85 , and my type 63 are my go to credit makers
So in these days to calculate profit margin we need to look other tank stats besaides that DPM.
First one mobility, good mobility means being able to move into the action faster and thats also kind of +DPM because you start firing earlier.
Second one decent survivability, specially for HT. Good armor of good maneuverability for fight more confident.
Third and most important one is the choose tanks that fit your playstyle. Progetto 46 print money but honestly i choose to play with Skorpion G. instead of playing progetto 46. It's depends to your playstyle.
Im enjoying the AMX 30 PT its good little credit earner and as always the Super Perishing
Im grinding with the knight or the captured king tiger. Both damn nice tanks especially with premium playtime
As a player with most of the tier 8 premiums i have to say that you can earn credits with either of them, just pick the one you play the best with standard/HE shells.
When i m grinding credits i usually go for Renegate with full bond equipment, Charlemagne, Astron Rex, SkhPTK TVP 100 with lots of HE and sometimes obsidian, jagtig8.8 and sometimes Bz 176 with AP, ofc full bond equipment
1-2years ago i used Patriot and Liberte with t44 100 and t54 mod1
122TM feels bad man, i d rather play the obj 270 or cs52 Lis
Honestly I thought it would have been one of the black tanks. Since they have a highest credit earn of any premium tanks
Im surprised I dont see Skorpion, SU - 130PM, BZ 176 and Bourrasque in this list. For me Skorpion and SU 130 are top cows. Also some underratted, underdog tank, M4A1 Revalorisé, which has some very cheap 390 alpha std shell. T-103 can make some nice credits, std shell cheap, good pen and 440 alpha.
Scorp G. I don't reliably have good games in it. But it's got good silver ammo. And that Arnold Patton. It's not a go-to tank. But it's got 230'ish silver ammo. And it's better in game than the paper stats would let you believe. The Renegade used to be my all time favourite tank, but lately I just can't seem to get good games in it anymore 😢
Do same list, but free tech tree tanks.
For me personally - Skorpion, SU-130PM & ELC Even 90. Laser accurate and mobile, big alpha and sneaky or broken invisibility is what I'm after.
Somua SM is too really good credit maker.
Really very surprising to not see the Bourrasque on this top 10.
Most likely because of derpy gun and low standard pen. People dab the 2 key a lot in it which hurts credits.
@@DezGamez Makes sense. Same for the BZ-176, where *everybody* uses gold because HESH is the whole point of the tank.
I didn't get the chance to get progetto 46 but when the mars was available i had to get it!
Best credit grinders are actually TDs
SU-130PM and
Rheinmetall Scorpion
Lowe used to be the king, as befitting its high price tag. Now i guess its DPM cant keep up with the new kids.
elc, 130, skorp, 176 end up 80-100k ish profit usually
For Bisonte grousers work better than a turbo 😎
my favourite are Nomad, SU-130PM and MITTLERER KPZ. PR. 68 (P) for making credits
Which tank do you suggest for bond in bond store. may be tier 8, please reply to this command.
Disappointed but not surprised Cent 5/1 didn’t make this list. That thing prints credits like nobodies business. Super cheap repairs, super cheap AP ammo that is effective on many T9 flanks. My go-to for credits
How about regular tank sir? can u make any recommendation or list?
3 gun marks on my ts54 and 2 on my turtle, usually netting 100 150k a game with boosters and ur fine with stock pen
T-34-3 special MM and high alpha.
er even in an platoon. (fake platoon) to shoot at tier 10.
Yeah you have to position because of the just "good enough" pen... but I like its high alpha for a medium tier 7.5
Chrysler k and Chrysler K GF are my go to. With one hour of credit booster i can profit anywhere between 700,000 to 1 million credits!
The bisonte im not suprised about at all, it is my all time favorite tank as its pretty much the progetto46 fat old cousin. Im currently going for the 3marks on it and using full gold ammo and in a game where i get 2.5k dmg and like 500assistance i will already make like 50k credits profit and before i decided to go for 3marks i used standard ammo also and i would make like 150k profit every game
Thanks for this. I am new to the game, literally, I am a nub.
Its mad the Ts5 isn't up there - and i guess the turtle now as well, but BZ176 is missing as well, or did you cancel it?
Cause most of these tanks only shoot gold
I love this tank!! I go top of the team alot!
thank you big droodles for telling
What about how to get them all? That would be great to mention.
Sucks not having the ebr 75, wasn't playing when they released that marathon.
got one and dont play it as its too fast for me lol
How did you change thee color of your enemies to purple?
My credit maker is my beloved ELC 90 😊
Yay! I place 2nd!! Mars baby! I fire the gold then the other half is standard with a few he shells
Tier 8 matchmaking nowadays = World of Premiums. In a lot of my recent battles the premium to tech tree tank ratio in teams is almost 50-50 and sometimes 65-35.
yeah but isn't that obvious?
T8 is THE premium tier.
Why would you play tier 8 if not for credit grinding?
No really good tier 8s out there anyway to play and the tier suxx because u face T10 tanks..
At least for me i like tier 9s because u can play vs tier 10 but have better mm than tier 10 because u don't get t10 only battles.
And then tier 10, because of course top tier gameplay and coolest/best tanks.
Tier 8 is only for credit farming. As it probably is for many others.
Also nowadays there are so much players that play the game for a DECADE and probably have all grinds finished.. so why would they play tech tree tanks..
So yeah before mimimi, think about it first for a second.
Su130pm is my credit maker, I feel dirty using the ebr.
Is rheimetall skorpion better than 122 tm?
Are the light bulbs on enemy team a mod? if yes, can u please tell me the name? thx!
I like the American t-34 tier 8 very old but it claps still very hard
Why is only 1 tank from your top 10 available and that’s the Skoda how do I get any of the others?
i understand why bourrasque is not there because it's such a risky tank, one wrong move or calculation and you're back to the garage but listen, if you manage to land 6-8 shots per game, you can get absurd amount of credits even if all those shots are gold ammo, there' something wrong with that tank
i thought bourassque and progetto 46 ( maybe elc 90 too) will be on the list cz that shit swarming over asia server
some tanks like the Bisonte C45 cant be perched anymore so why include them?
Skorpion G is my perfect credit maker😅
3 Marks on it and a lot of credits
As an Old player who stopped few years ago, makes me sad all the tanks I got are now obsolette si'ce WG continued the "must be better than its predecessors to sell" policy for new tanks
Man what happened to old school credit maker Lowe? :(
I still use mine and its pretty decent.
Nice job BUT you left out a top credit maker being Bourrasque
Bour without gold is pretty bad
For me nowadays, Tigermaus and obj 703
What's your setup for isu-122-2?
he is showing the setup in the video
You can see every tanks setup next to the ammunition.
@@DezGamez Thanks it was hard to see on my phone because of how small it is
@@franciscoverjan7397 in that case : IA, Vents, IRM :) I thought you was just being lazy :D
@@knallpistolen Appreciate you 🙏
When do you guys think, will the EBR return to the premium shop? I want to have it so much!!!
EBR and BZ176 will never be sold again
yeah, they've pretty much said as much to the CCs as I understand it
@@MrSupahLMFAOthey sayd same thing about E25 but we all know what happened
Me who got the 56TP instead of new best gundepression or double barrel TD