Funny story, when I fought the first Supreme Hunter, these military dumb shits kept dying and dropping their RPGs so I just ran around in a circle and shot the fuck out of it then picked up another rocket. There was like 18 rocket launchers in a pile.
@@kshiroddas1640tbh it's not that hard you just spam right click using whip when his down just use a random ultimate then do that over and over while jumping
@@yosefraafat7614 Or just eat - use tentacle devastator - repeat untill she falls - use shit deathray devastator (forgot its name) and back to tentacles again Repeat untill she dies *thatwaseasy.mp3*
@@sanobeats4160 In prototype 2 the gameplay was too EASY also the Elizabeth Greene fight took me 2 hours for the first time and when i re play the game that boss fights just took me 30 minutes
Specialist cross: I beat him using the whipfist which I found most effective Supreme hunter(1st encounter): I beat him using the whipfist Elizabeth Greene: I beat Elizabeth Greene on hard mode by repeatedly running up to the summit of the Woolworth building and jumping off with An aerial slice attack from 792ft it is the most powerful single strike attack available from the Blade Supreme hunter(2nd encounter): I used the whipfist,blade arm, tendril barrage,crimson mass,muscle mass to beat him.
I found better methods to defeat the Bosses in Prototype 1: Specialist Cross: Same as your opinion Supreme Hunter 1st encounter: I found Blade and Critical Pain more effective. Elizabeth Greene: Use Air stomp or Cannonball with fully upgraded MuscleMass to take out her 3 tentacles, when she’s down on the ground vulnerably, use Whipfist with a full charged sweeper. Supreme Hunter 2nd & Final encounter: Use critical pain and throwing first, then when the 3 minute timer starts use Blade.
There's even 2 electric generators in the bloodtox facility that you can destroy and they'll kill you if Alex's health is low and has no adrenaline surge.
@@DeathCrow-not necessarily as easy as you might think, Alex’s or should I say the Blacklight virus’ whole schtick is that as long as it is exposed whatever it is long enough, it’ll adapt to become more and more immune to it, similar to how Alex eventually adapted to become immune to Bloodtox which was the direct counter to the Blacklight virus.
I found better ways to defeat the bosses in this game faster and easier: Specialist Cross: I defeated him with Whipfist’s long range attack, when playing on NG+ use Blade’s air slice attack. Supreme Hunter 1st encounter: I defeated him with Blade and the critical pain devastator. When he’s stunned, instead getting on top of him and doing those doing taking forever punches on his head, use Whipfist’s sweeper fully charged to beat him faster. Elizabeth Greene: I beat her tentacles faster by using Musclemass with air stomp, cannonball and groundspike graveyard devastator. When she’s down on the ground vulnerably, defeat her using Whipfist with a fully charged street sweeper. Supreme Hunter 2nd encounter: I kept consuming marines and blackwatch soldiers to use the critical pain devastator on him multiple times. When he does his tendril barrage, skyjack a helicopter to fly close to him by using the helicopter’s flying blades. (any helicopter that you skyjacked while doing the flying blade cutting will not take any damage from cutting the Supreme Hunter) When the 3 minute timer starts, use Blade again but this time don’t use Whipfist’s sweeper if you’re playing the final boss on hard, it will be useless against him. Edit: Okay I was wrong about Whipfist in the final mission its not terrible its just not as effective to use against him as the children of blacklight version.
They could make a prototype movie, like they did with the Incredible Hulk in 2008 based on the same game, apart from the story being somewhat similar, at the end you face the final boss.
I think you mean the helicopter mission, where you have to find the right hunter when you have to pass the detrimental thingy ? Yea.. that was the hardest part for me
In Easy Mode, I have made so many Mistakes especially the Events that didn't Finish. So in Normal & Hard I made it Ended this Game Perfectly, also Events all Ranked Gold. All Abilities unlock & Secret Missions.
Yeah when I play hard mode I was stress asf and think what is my mistake and finally I realized I didn't play all the event and collect the landmark and hint objects so now before the game end I collect them all and then after all events unlock I play all of them to get platinum and I get so f powerful and then I find some glitches which is invincible glitch damn I go wild asf
If anyone is wondering why Cross is strong enough to fight Mercer, its because...(SPOILER ALERT) He is secretly a Supreme Hunter a very smart one at that
I think at this point in the story he is just the regular Cross tho, since the Supreme Hunter isn't even born yet. Cross injects Alex with the parasite, Ragland cures it, then gives him that modified parasite injection so that he can inject Greene with it to weaken her, at which point, Greene's body forcefully rejects the parasite, and the Supreme Hunter is born out of the parasite remains that Greene expulses from her body. Cross doesn't get consumed by the Supreme Hunter until a bit later.
@@AlaReDuS cross didn’t get consumed by the supreme hunter because he always was the supreme hunter even the first time you fight him in his normal form. He was Greene son that’s why he had the ability to transform into the SH and actually give Mercer a run for his money 1 on 1
Firstly, late timestamp, 26:51 is closer. Secondly, there's a perk called "adrenaline surge", which activates when Alex is nearly dead. It gives the player a short temporary invincibility and also an opportunity to use a devastator despite the lack of health and critical mass.
@@samannbd9436 Dude i respect but this game really sucks. I think it doesnt have any re-playing. Missions feels like side-missions and replays all the time. Freeroam events are very boring. Especially story, ending was kinda ok but other parts of the game is just not interesting at all. There is no much boss fight; and the final boss is just a copy of second boss.
@@ibrahimandirin I respectfully understand your opinion. But for me, this game really has such fun replay value. Enemies are very challenging. Missions are actually fun. (Except that mission called “the world set free” that mission was stupid) And the story well I think it could have been better, but if you consumed all the web of intrigue targets and watch their memories in the correct order. The story is actually pretty good.
@@DeathCrow- I understand. But im a normal player, i didn't have any fun while playing. So didn't make it more boring with the web of intrigue side event. I think games shouldnt hide the story in side quests. Game wasnt fun for me so i didnt try to get all of them and try to learn them. Because it wasnt interesting. Maybe the story is great with it but game doesnt tell it to you directly. It has to be a main mission with cinematics for me. And all of the missions are: destroy the helicopters, tanks, soldiers, monsters, zombies, water tanks. Just to destroy and nothing more and nothing creative. If you really dive into the mechanics and practice you can make a good combat but im just a normal player i dont want to practice something that you dont enjoy. But thats why i understand why there is people who loved this game. People really dive into it. But that doesnt change that the mission are too linear for a game like that. I found enemies too hard but you found challanging. Its more about perspective i think.
Big fan of prototype 2, 1 is cool and all but the combat for boss fights took all the fun out of it for me. They werent even fights in all honesty. You just run and throw paper balls
@@DeathCrow- not without getting smacked up Aint talkin about the easy difficulty either, the hardest. The bosses in prototype give you little to no notification of what they will do next for you to be fighting close range. Mix that in with those quadruped monsters that come out if no where and whack tf outta you, you r not going to be able to fight close range without taking damage.
@@Life-qo2uj Just learn to dive roll twice or jump air dash from their attacks. And if there too many monsters in one area that you’re in, just tendril barrage them if you have enough critical mass so you can fight the boss without them.
To me for the first encounter it really scared me that I really had to throw objects at it after using lock on targeting & glide with dashing to avoid its attacks as the military attacks it to distract it. As the 2nd encounter again with cross is really a struggle with the military distracting it. Including the highly recommended use of rocket launchers including throw some military soldiers with objects & at the 2nd phase is on a time limit as: hurry up & kill the supreme hunter or be killed by bomb or by the monster itself.
when i played this game the bosses are so hard cross was hard ass pain and the 2 supremes hard and Elizabeth hard as hell because you have to restart the whole boss when you die im like fuck shit dam and the ending boss cake work for me because i have a plan just run around attack run around and do all of that over and over again and some times i go full send mode but you know pain is gain
In my opinion, Specialist Cross and Supreme Hunter are actually not bad. But Elizabeth Greene, oh my god, I hate that boss fight so much because of her spitting rocks and green orbs.
Nah this man is crazy he purposely lowered his health just to use devastator for 2nd supreme hunter when the time is very less this man is taking risks
i used skill of blade R2 + Rectangle , i did try helicopters but they are useless take long time and destroyed fast and even worse when i pilot it i be at very high location and waist time and be destroyed already. 3 times i die when he at 5% so frustrated. last blow was lucky Rectangle from air with blade lucky he did not shield him self. So annoyed can not freely attack from air.Worst thing i could not do tendril always fail.
Prototype 2 has better gameplay and graphics but the characters and story were fucking garbage instead of playing as alex mercer we played as a boring, overused, angry, loud, "badass" character like holy shit
@@alexmercer536 in terms of story yes absolutely Heller was unbearable to play as, but in terms of graphics and actual gameplay Prototype 2 was better than the first game.
Man prototype 1 needs more boss fights it's not alot and there is difference actually from prototype and prototype 2 the difference about bosses is Prototype has not alot of boss fights but prototype 2 has alot and difference of that is prototype boss fights takes longer time than prototype 2
Easy way to kill elizabeth greene- 1. Go to upgrades menu 2. Purchase tendrill barrage devastator and adernaline surge 3. Go, consume a normal hunter and once you are in critical mass, go near elizabeth greene (not much closer) use the devastator 4. Reapeat step 3, 4-5 times and once she is on the ground, spam blade on her 5. Do step 4 only 3 times and she will be dead. Thank me later 😙🙂
SDG: Saad the Dark Gamer hè chopped off his arm when green bite him. Hè didnt kill pariah, hè took him in blackwatch and raised him and Made him his top righthand man in biological warfare
Whipfist is actually a good power if you use it properly. Claws are the REAL weakest powers in the game because they’re the first powers you get in the beginning, and they struggle to beat one Hunter on hard difficulty. Even the groundspike is not that good, a fully charged attack from a maxed groundspike against Captain Cross is slightly weaker than Whipfist’s long range attack not fully charged.
These boss fights are disappointing for a great game, all you had to do to damage them was throw stuff at them. If they remake this game, I want to fight the bosses directly, hackin' n' slashin' is what this game is all about.
user-vr3nv7jf4r i-sa aLmasIh yEshuA jEsUs KhrIst yEsUs krIstUs bUkan sEtan baIk 🇺🇦🇵🇸 🇰🇷🇲🇾 jhO lOw bEbaskan victoria amelina jhO lOw free gaze jhO lOw bEbaskan mh370 jhO lOw PercUma zayn rayyan amin KorOna VS banI IsraEl byE shAlOm assalamualaikum warahmatullahi negara george floyd i love nurin jazlin kanada free vina cirebon free windra nur fadila from amerika amEn
0:00 - Specialist Cross
4:25 - Supreme Hunter (1st Encounter)
14:39 - Elizabeth Greene
33:17 - Supreme Hunter (2nd Encounter)
43:40 - Ending
I don't like how prototype barely have any bosses like prototype 2
Randall: “You have four hours, then it’s out of my hands!”
Me: Bruh you got one hand.
Oof XD
Underrated as hell lmao
Hey hey show some respect, he's trying to make sure things don't get out of HAND
Friend: How do you beat the first Surpreme Hunter!?
Me: *t h r o w*
Funny story, when I fought the first Supreme Hunter, these military dumb shits kept dying and dropping their RPGs so I just ran around in a circle and shot the fuck out of it then picked up another rocket. There was like 18 rocket launchers in a pile.
@@brazilnumerouno7902 i just spammed whipfist on his ass and it worked :D
people in game: wear suits + mask and still get infected
people during covid-19: pathetic
@@gs64gaming9 LMAO Covid is a joke compared to the Blacklight virus
@@lonerplay7872 you dare underestimate me!
Specilist Cross: you don't know what fucking game your playing
Me: yes I do I'm playing prototype
I swear Elizabeth Greene was the hardest boss I had to fight
Me and my brother were playing these long time ago and we always go up to that building with a build board the. Amount of nostolgia hit me hard.
Yeah bro i dead 7 times
@@kshiroddas1640tbh it's not that hard you just spam right click using whip when his down just use a random ultimate then do that over and over while jumping
@@yosefraafat7614 Or just eat - use tentacle devastator - repeat untill she falls - use shit deathray devastator (forgot its name) and back to tentacles again
Repeat untill she dies
4:33 tho you'll know what I mean 😉
Prototype 2 will never have intense boss fights like this...
Yes but dont u think five is a small number
@@sanobeats4160 In prototype 2 the gameplay was too EASY also the Elizabeth Greene fight took me 2 hours for the first time and when i re play the game that boss fights just took me 30 minutes
@@kiroauditore1941 to this day Elizabeth Green is the hardest boss in [PROTOTYPE] to me
@@CallMeMitochondria for the first time I beat it for 7 hours the second time after I died and knowing how to defeat her sorry bad english:v
nuh uh prototype 2 is peak
Specialist cross: I beat him using the whipfist which I found most effective
Supreme hunter(1st encounter): I beat him using the whipfist
Elizabeth Greene: I beat Elizabeth Greene on hard mode by repeatedly running up to the summit of the Woolworth building and jumping off with An aerial slice attack from 792ft it is the most powerful single strike attack available from the Blade
Supreme hunter(2nd encounter): I used the whipfist,blade arm, tendril barrage,crimson mass,muscle mass to beat him.
I found better methods to defeat the Bosses in Prototype 1:
Specialist Cross: Same as your opinion
Supreme Hunter 1st encounter: I found Blade and Critical Pain more effective.
Elizabeth Greene: Use Air stomp or Cannonball with fully upgraded MuscleMass to take out her 3 tentacles, when she’s down on the ground vulnerably, use Whipfist with a full charged sweeper.
Supreme Hunter 2nd & Final encounter: Use critical pain and throwing first, then when the 3 minute timer starts use Blade.
Before, I thought that Cole would hardly beat Mercer, but looking more closely, the electricity does great damage to Mercer.
There's even 2 electric generators in the bloodtox facility that you can destroy and they'll kill you if Alex's health is low and has no adrenaline surge.
nah mercer would definitely beat cole
@@DeathCrow-not necessarily as easy as you might think, Alex’s or should I say the Blacklight virus’ whole schtick is that as long as it is exposed whatever it is long enough, it’ll adapt to become more and more immune to it, similar to how Alex eventually adapted to become immune to Bloodtox which was the direct counter to the Blacklight virus.
What damage are you talking about? It just blocks his attacks not hurts him
@@FunnySansManYes to this. The virus constantly mutates and becomes even more powerful.
I found better ways to defeat the bosses in this game faster and easier:
Specialist Cross: I defeated him with Whipfist’s long range attack, when playing on NG+ use Blade’s air slice attack.
Supreme Hunter 1st encounter: I defeated him with Blade and the critical pain devastator. When he’s stunned, instead getting on top of him and doing those doing taking forever punches on his head, use Whipfist’s sweeper fully charged to beat him faster.
Elizabeth Greene: I beat her tentacles faster by using Musclemass with air stomp, cannonball and groundspike graveyard devastator. When she’s down on the ground vulnerably, defeat her using Whipfist with a fully charged street sweeper.
Supreme Hunter 2nd encounter: I kept consuming marines and blackwatch soldiers to use the critical pain devastator on him multiple times. When he does his tendril barrage, skyjack a helicopter to fly close to him by using the helicopter’s flying blades. (any helicopter that you skyjacked while doing the flying blade cutting will not take any damage from cutting the Supreme Hunter) When the 3 minute timer starts, use Blade again but this time don’t use Whipfist’s sweeper if you’re playing the final boss on hard, it will be useless against him.
Edit: Okay I was wrong about Whipfist in the final mission its not terrible its just not as effective to use against him as the children of blacklight version.
When he was stunned I used Air blade slice.
@@ravindersangwan5098 That's slower than using the Whipfist's street sweeper.
For Greene: I spamed groundspikes and when Greene was down I started spamming blade
For greene: I used tanks because holy moly the damage is too OP took me 10 min to beat her lol.
The fastest way to kill the supreme hunter is with fully upgraded muscle mass , take up objects and throw it
blade & armor with a perfect timing of diveroll can easily defeat him
I have everything upgraded thx for this tip I can use Vs him I learned that I can just use blade to make him lose he's attack
Just charge up whipfist and get point blank range close kills him in no tume
Or just fly a helicopter into it
i think for me prototype 1 was the most satisfying when it come to consuming rather than prototype 2 :)
want the game the prototype as movie live action
Me to
No live action we don't need another DB Evolution.
With the way entertainment has become today, Prototype is just way better off remaining a video game.
I’d prefer an animation movie tbh
They could make a prototype movie, like they did with the Incredible Hulk in 2008 based on the same game, apart from the story being somewhat similar, at the end you face the final boss.
Prototype 1 was peak, i miss these times.
Dat FPS... pleasure
I'm stuck on the mission where Cptn. Cross injected mercer that his powers are disabled. ( nvm i passed it and it was really hard )
I think you mean the helicopter mission, where you have to find the right hunter when you have to pass the detrimental thingy ? Yea.. that was the hardest part for me
@@keziakattersingh3543 same here
@@TheMakemebad25 for me the hardest part was Elizabeth Green, second hardest is final boss battle, the one where Mercer's powers are disabled is 3rd
@@CallMeMitochondria Elizabeth green was a challenge I agree
@Kezia Kattersingh it took me like seriously almost 1 hour to find that SPECIFIC hunter
The Infamous franchise’s cousin
Now imagine if we had a Cross moving and fighting just like Mercer during the final fight instead of....this ?
In Easy Mode, I have made so many Mistakes especially the Events that didn't Finish. So in Normal & Hard I made it Ended this Game Perfectly, also Events all Ranked Gold. All Abilities unlock & Secret Missions.
Yeah when I play hard mode I was stress asf and think what is my mistake and finally I realized I didn't play all the event and collect the landmark and hint objects so now before the game end I collect them all and then after all events unlock I play all of them to get platinum and I get so f powerful and then I find some glitches which is invincible glitch damn I go wild asf
0:00 STAGE 2 Area 3
If anyone is wondering why Cross is strong enough to fight Mercer, its because...(SPOILER ALERT)
He is secretly a Supreme Hunter a very smart one at that
I think at this point in the story he is just the regular Cross tho, since the Supreme Hunter isn't even born yet. Cross injects Alex with the parasite, Ragland cures it, then gives him that modified parasite injection so that he can inject Greene with it to weaken her, at which point, Greene's body forcefully rejects the parasite, and the Supreme Hunter is born out of the parasite remains that Greene expulses from her body. Cross doesn't get consumed by the Supreme Hunter until a bit later.
@@AlaReDuS cross didn’t get consumed by the supreme hunter because he always was the supreme hunter even the first time you fight him in his normal form. He was Greene son that’s why he had the ability to transform into the SH and actually give Mercer a run for his money 1 on 1
@@TheStatisfiedOne he isnt greene son, his son is parya (or something like that) its revealed in a memory
@@agustinsoler6616 captain cross is pariah. Pariah is just a codename they gave to him when he was born. Like mercer codename is Zeus
@@TheStatisfiedOne no no no. Cross got consumed by Supreme. He's not Pariah.
Fastest way to defeat the 1st boss is: using the muscle mass arm and use cannon ball/throw stuff at him (for me whipfist is slow compared to this)
This gives me good memories...
I forgot how chaotic and the potential that this game showed for shapeshifting in a viral outbreak
27:05 how you use a Super attack, when your HP was is very low?
Firstly, late timestamp, 26:51 is closer.
Secondly, there's a perk called "adrenaline surge", which activates when Alex is nearly dead. It gives the player a short temporary invincibility and also an opportunity to use a devastator despite the lack of health and critical mass.
I finished this game for like 20 times lol.
This game has great replay value very under rated game.
@@Uohhhh777 i still play it 😂
@@samannbd9436 Dude i respect but this game really sucks. I think it doesnt have any re-playing. Missions feels like side-missions and replays all the time. Freeroam events are very boring. Especially story, ending was kinda ok but other parts of the game is just not interesting at all. There is no much boss fight; and the final boss is just a copy of second boss.
@@ibrahimandirin I respectfully understand your opinion. But for me, this game really has such fun replay value. Enemies are very challenging. Missions are actually fun. (Except that mission called “the world set free” that mission was stupid) And the story well I think it could have been better, but if you consumed all the web of intrigue targets and watch their memories in the correct order. The story is actually pretty good.
@@DeathCrow- I understand. But im a normal player, i didn't have any fun while playing. So didn't make it more boring with the web of intrigue side event. I think games shouldnt hide the story in side quests. Game wasnt fun for me so i didnt try to get all of them and try to learn them. Because it wasnt interesting. Maybe the story is great with it but game doesnt tell it to you directly. It has to be a main mission with cinematics for me. And all of the missions are: destroy the helicopters, tanks, soldiers, monsters, zombies, water tanks. Just to destroy and nothing more and nothing creative. If you really dive into the mechanics and practice you can make a good combat but im just a normal player i dont want to practice something that you dont enjoy. But thats why i understand why there is people who loved this game. People really dive into it. But that doesnt change that the mission are too linear for a game like that. I found enemies too hard but you found challanging. Its more about perspective i think.
the 2nd supreme hunter really said. NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Elizabeth Green was a major pain in the ass to fight
If anyone is watching this in 2020 then he is big fan of prototype
Big fan of prototype 2, 1 is cool and all but the combat for boss fights took all the fun out of it for me.
They werent even fights in all honesty. You just run and throw paper balls
im a big fan of prototype 1 and 2 in this 2021
@@Life-qo2uj “you just run and throw paper balls” Smh. You can fight the bosses in this game without doing that type of stuff.
@@DeathCrow- not without getting smacked up
Aint talkin about the easy difficulty either, the hardest. The bosses in prototype give you little to no notification of what they will do next for you to be fighting close range. Mix that in with those quadruped monsters that come out if no where and whack tf outta you, you r not going to be able to fight close range without taking damage.
@@Life-qo2uj Just learn to dive roll twice or jump air dash from their attacks. And if there too many monsters in one area that you’re in, just tendril barrage them if you have enough critical mass so you can fight the boss without them.
man, i hate these type of videos where the gameplay is in amazing fps and HD quality but the player just sucks at fighting the enemies and bosses.
The supreme hunter was so fucking infuriating to beat both times.
To me for the first encounter it really scared me that I really had to throw objects at it after using lock on targeting & glide with dashing to avoid its attacks as the military attacks it to distract it.
As the 2nd encounter again with cross is really a struggle with the military distracting it. Including the highly recommended use of rocket launchers including throw some military soldiers with objects & at the 2nd phase is on a time limit as: hurry up & kill the supreme hunter or be killed by bomb or by the monster itself.
when i played this game the bosses are so hard cross was hard ass pain and the 2 supremes hard and Elizabeth hard as hell because you have to restart the whole boss when you die im like fuck shit dam and the ending boss cake work for me because i have a plan just run around attack run around and do all of that over and over again and some times i go full send mode but you know pain is gain
The 2nd encounter of supreme hunter was very hard but I defeated it after 4 tries
Nice counter. 7:27
14:39 if only it was that ez
That's damn boss I can't even beat him 😂
Honestly this games bosses kinda blow.
In my opinion, Specialist Cross and Supreme Hunter are actually not bad. But Elizabeth Greene, oh my god, I hate that boss fight so much because of her spitting rocks and green orbs.
@@DeathCrow- FR but I use armor and whip fist that was the best thing I ever did
I love how the game has a secret cutscene of mercer silencing his ex
Hunters speciallist cross Leader Hunter supreme Hunter Elizabeth Greene supreme Hunter (Final Boss)
Nah this man is crazy he purposely lowered his health just to use devastator for 2nd supreme hunter when the time is very less this man is taking risks
great game...rather play this one...then the 2nd...
u should use blade and mercer armor it will help u kill the 1st surpreme Hunter alot of fast
I beat them all with whipfists because i didn't know you could do special moves
1:03 should’ve used the sweeper
elizabeth greene is most annoying boss i ever fought in many game i played.
Why were you using only whipist??
AleX _DAgamer I swear shit make the game look repetitive and boring as fuck too
the sword is literally the best way to fight him
@@aarons0z992 Ya
Whipfist is actually very cool tho
The gigantic monster is the best one. Very similar to infamous too
My favorite character is specialista cross, the stronger man! 💪💪💪
Bruh it only took me three days to complete prototype 1
Howww i am only 1 day and i re play the game like 5-10 times
@@kiroauditore1941 your either joking or lying, because respectfully I just don't believe that
@@CallMeMitochondria I mean- I don't have anything to do so I spamming play button also the game like assassin creed II for me but it easier
@@kiroauditore1941 ur capping hard as fuck. U cant beat the game 5-10 times in a day.
i used skill of blade R2 + Rectangle , i did try helicopters but they are useless take long time and destroyed fast and even worse when i pilot it i be at very high location and waist time and be destroyed already.
3 times i die when he at 5% so frustrated. last blow was lucky Rectangle from air with blade lucky he did not shield him self. So annoyed can not freely attack from air.Worst thing i could not do tendril always fail.
43:25 10,9...3,2,1😅🤣
I like that game it's the best game!
You die so fast in this game then when you die in prototype 2
Compared to Prototype 1, Prototype 2 was a cheesecake
the final boss was easy as fuck but the game has the wacky wacky cool physics so 2 is better
Prototype 2 has better gameplay and graphics but the characters and story were fucking garbage instead of playing as alex mercer we played as a boring, overused, angry, loud, "badass" character like holy shit
@@lavilityisliability1576 no it's stupid worst video Game sequel Alex Mercer is protagonist not James heller
@@alexmercer536 in terms of story yes absolutely Heller was unbearable to play as, but in terms of graphics and actual gameplay Prototype 2 was better than the first game.
I need a reboot or remake.
Blade is powerful I Defeat Last Boss only in 2 min
what happen to boss hunter?
But I think Elizabeth Green is more like a boss than a cross
ay bro watch yo jet
Thr supreme hunter looks like a dollar store tyrant
I can finish this game in 7 hours
Seriously why prototype have not that much bosses like prototype 2
The elizabeth greene fight is probably one of the worst in the game
What happen if Mercer go in Resident Evil world? 🤔
I first time to battle of super soldier
Man prototype 1 needs more boss fights it's not alot and there is difference actually from prototype and prototype 2 the difference about bosses is
Prototype has not alot of boss fights but prototype 2 has alot and difference of that is prototype boss fights takes longer time than prototype 2
This game is way too easy I wish it had a update I finished it 9 or 10 times and 4 times without dying and of course in hard mode
Yeah, right.
프로토타입 루나ver bosses
This is Resident Evil-level shit.
This game is some SCP 610 shit.
Most of the bosses are easy if u just spam weapons
I defeat supreme hunter in 4 minutes
In easy?
Easy way to kill elizabeth greene-
1. Go to upgrades menu
2. Purchase tendrill barrage devastator and adernaline surge
3. Go, consume a normal hunter and once you are in critical mass, go near elizabeth greene (not much closer) use the devastator
4. Reapeat step 3, 4-5 times and once she is on the ground, spam blade on her
5. Do step 4 only 3 times and she will be dead.
Thank me later 😙🙂
Isnt captain cross pariah the supreme hunter?
yes final Supreme Hunter its CROSS
BigGameBoss do u you know how hè came out of Greene?
some memories shows that General Randal has killed Pariah
Nilakshi Neog cross= the supreme hunter hè never got consumed by one. Hè had 2 forms probably since his birth
SDG: Saad the Dark Gamer hè chopped off his arm when green bite him. Hè didnt kill pariah, hè took him in blackwatch and raised him and Made him his top righthand man in biological warfare
I have done a better job when I had this game.
Whoever is playing this damn games is using the weakest weapon there is 😂
Tyshun Abraham Istg the dumb whiplash
Whipfist is actually a good power if you use it properly. Claws are the REAL weakest powers in the game because they’re the first powers you get in the beginning, and they struggle to beat one Hunter on hard difficulty. Even the groundspike is not that good, a fully charged attack from a maxed groundspike against Captain Cross is slightly weaker than Whipfist’s long range attack not fully charged.
@@DeathCrow- I think the best is the blade worh armor, it really just gives you a tanky vibe
@@DeathCrow- I saw ur comment about how you don't like world set free can you tell me why i actually like it
easy I beat him too in fast time
These boss fights are disappointing for a great game, all you had to do to damage them was throw stuff at them. If they remake this game, I want to fight the bosses directly, hackin' n' slashin' is what this game is all about.
What an fps!!!
with garbage gameplay
user-vr3nv7jf4r i-sa aLmasIh yEshuA jEsUs KhrIst yEsUs krIstUs bUkan sEtan baIk 🇺🇦🇵🇸 🇰🇷🇲🇾 jhO lOw bEbaskan victoria amelina jhO lOw free gaze jhO lOw bEbaskan mh370 jhO lOw PercUma zayn rayyan amin KorOna VS banI IsraEl byE shAlOm assalamualaikum warahmatullahi negara george floyd i love nurin jazlin kanada free vina cirebon free windra nur fadila from amerika amEn