Just got into Plat and didn’t really have a hard time doing so. But did this reaction test and averaged 303ms I guess I’m gonna be hard stuck and found my level
Reaction time isn't everything, especially if you're climbing. Awareness, positioning and making good decisions will take you far. Reaction time is merely an indicator for spotting something obvious in terms of failing to act in good time. You are clearly doing a great job. Also, your PC setup can affect the result, as can how you're feeling on any particular day. Just wait and see, people will prob comment below about how they hit a high rank with a bad score.
Yeah. I started playing this week and I had to solo q slog my way to Gold. Very hard to carry in this game. I haven't played too much but I feel like most solo q decent players will eventually end up near Diamond if they play regularly (For context, I hit Master every season on Apex Legends including the early seasons where it was actually quite tough. I did that as a duo mostly)
Hitting Masters every season in Apex is a notch or more above “decent” dude. Literally 1 away from Predator lol. A lot of “decent” players get hard stuck Platinum. You are clearly more than “decent”.
@@tgjames011 Yeah, that's fair. I just meant that I think you really need to be teamed up and co-ordinated to get to the highest ranks on this game. I don't think I'll ever reach a level on this game when I can carry my team. The time to kill is too high with all the healing
its easy till plat, then its way harder to carry, monkey teammates and heavy eomm kicks in. It should be harder to reach plat cause at least half the players dont deserve that rank at all.
Cloak & Dagger is my fix for that; her auto-aim daggers can bounce once and I've pulled off some crazy saves. Her healing bubble also extends through walls. The biggest issues I come across are people body blocking my shots (ANYONE can...) and team mates that don't pay attention to their surroundings and run AWAY from the healer and not TOWARDS them....
No, you just don't play eight hours a day. Don't let a bunch of nerds label you. Play more and get better if that's your plan. If you have a life then just have fun with the game. This is Rag Tagg's life. He makes money playing video games and editing videos. Most people will not be successful doing his job (it's a luxury job).
Learning how to lose, or rather how to handle a loss is such a critical part of the climb that gets overlooked or put aside when things get ugly. I really agreed with the idea that despite the idea that 'well my games could've been better if x' it didn't mean that the outcome was necessarily guaranteed to change. As you said, it's very easy to put yourself in the mindset of, 'If I single out the problem and solve it, this should be a win' but the reality is that it's either A. Out of your control really since you aren't the external factor, or B. It is an internal factor and you have got to learn from it. I honestly haven't seen many people talk about handling their losses as you have and it shines a light on a very fundamental part of anyone taking this game in any sort of competitive manner, well done and thank you.
My favorite are the close games where you lose and try to find someone to blame on the scoreboard but you genuinely can’t and just stare at it dumbfounded
tbh, in my very first ranked, I was lucky to have competent teammates. We lost ofc but it was a close match went 3-4 eveyrone did their jobs and no one was blaming each other
If the stats are close enough it means yall lost in ur ult usage, probably. Ppl tend to overlook it. I've seen 2 healers on the same team both pop healer ults at the same time and everyone say, "it's ok its fine".... no it's not lol. If a dps uses ult just to get countered and doesn't kill anyone... that's a problem. Gotta remember who used what and when and not waste ur own ults. Most stuck ppl think they're better than they are and don't realize how much is being thought of at higher ranks that they aren't doing themselves in their matches.
The best piece of advice I can give for climbing early season is: know your ability, identify your strongest hero, ask politely to be allowed to play that hero, and try to improve a little bit every time you play. But importantly, understand that there will be games where you cannot do as you please, you must flex, and often just accept a loss because the difference between your version of that hero and the one your team got threw the MMR calculations into the trash. I have an 83% win rate on Strange and through Bronze and Silver ran into people who would not swap for me (with 100% win rate at that point, mind you). I just buckled down and healed or dpsed after telling them that I can flex but these aren't my natural role. I'm a bad healer, straight up. My awareness and instincts are tuned to pushing, building space, and saving DPS who overextend (if reasonable). When you finally break into Gold and Plat you're going to be playing with people who do have the ability to make rational decisions about hero swaps and, in general, players who can flex better. Diamond and GM is basically mandatory comms and role/hero swaps are fairly common even across duo/trio stacks. The second best advice I can give for climbing, period, is maximize ult value. If you can't track everyone's ult use/progress (understandable, by the way), you need to focus on implementing your ult for maximum value. On Strange, I want to drop my Eye in a way that gets the tanks and healers and lets me explode the healers immediately. Did I miss a DPS? All the DPS? That's OK, because that means they failed to peel for their healers. Do I want to get all six? Yes. I'm going to try to time my ult use with the tempo of the battle to catch all of them. The third thing is it costs you absolutely nothing to be kind. Don't complain about not getting heals. Call it out when you ARE getting good heals, make them feel appreciated, and the healing issue will often resolve itself...naturally. Do not complain about bad target priority, just call the shots. Even bad players can react to a callout like "Luna 1" and they may surprise you with their killer instinct. Compliment everyone who plays well at the end of the match, including on the other team. It will definitely help them keep a positive mental attitude, which will eventually come back to you when they pay that forward. You might end up playing with people several times over the course of a 6-8 game session. Those positive vibes will always help you out. I've had people whisper me to say that their previous positive experiences with me put me lower on their target priority list than I probably should have been. I played with a Spidey OTP for several games early in the season and instead of screaming at him about playing Spidey, I just said "Hey Spidey, can you dive their Dagger?" and when I saw things change for the better I just said "Love your work, Spidey. Great stuff." He played out of his mind in those games because he wasn't being shit on for Spidey.
I really enjoy how you radiate this gutter tier positivity that actually really helps my mental. Tbf, I did get to Gold 3 after weeks of grueling work, but that was my goal. Everything else is a cherry on top, but I do appreciate the kindly angry Scottish man voice in my skull when I start losing track in game and my mental crumbling. Thank you for what you do Rag!
Dawg im happy on a full on nostalgic way. My fav vids of yours used to be the overwatch ones, to see ya playin another class based shooter got me happy frfr thanks for the laughs over the years
Bold of you to assume that I wont hit diamond when I am plat 2 50 points and am on a 3 game losing streak but if I just keep playing I will surely hit diamond right!….. right……..?
I have to say, especially the part about accepting your shortcomings, has resonated with me. About 5 years ago a friend, that I played with a lot at the time, told me off for getting so angry at games. While we still don't see eye to eye in that regard, it got me thinking and I stopped playing competitive games for about 9 months. After that I stopped being as competitive, which in turn definitly made me play worse, but at the same time, I also got less angry. In a way this made playing games far more fun, because I started focussing on other things beside winning. Now I'm 33 years old and I still try to play for the win, but in a more chill manner, especially when there is people raging. As it's always said: be the change you want to see in the world. And hopefully that gets another rager thinking, even if for just a second. On that note, love your content, even though I watch it less nowadays, but I still like to come around from time to time, just to see what new adventuring tales you've cooked up.
Add in eom and it makes the first couple weeks not even worth playing. Going from gm to plat then it placing you against gms with actual plats who got boosted in a stack to get there it’s just dumb. Games are better after diamond but if this rank reset to force you to grind thru the dogshit eom that is gold and plat every reset I am out
This was genuinely insightful. Really happy to hear you’re enjoying yourself in Rivals. Make as much or as little content as you need to not burn yourself. I am here for it all man, take care.
So... I took the Reaction Time Test... 271 ms... That explains a lot. I liked Overwatch back in the days, i had my triplet of heroes to cover all the roles: Rein for tank, Mercy for healing, and Torb with level 3 turret to do damage and the armor packs for my homies : ) But here almost all heroes require aim and quick reflexes, so im super shit. I dont play this game anymore, but i LOVE your content and watching you play a game that you enjoy is so much fun. Tyvm for the great entertainment that you (and Jelly) provide us, LOVE.
To be fair, the website does say your PC and monitor latency has an effect, and Rag and Jankz are obviously using PCs made for gaming and streaming at the same...ok this is clearly me coming up with excuses because my reflexes are trash!
If you took it on your phone, that's exactly where I was, at like 300ms... I went to my pc and took the same test, averaged 183ms. This reaction time is affected heavily by input delay or display type.
Playing with randoms is what brings you down ranks because I was diamond in solo ranking and got stuck with toxic people that die 3 times and then surrender and if the team doesn’t surrender they go afk
NO WAY, A RAG TAGG VIDEO?!?!?!! Gosh I remember his Orc Warrior song from years ago now and then all the Overwatch Orisa content, so glad to have found this, as I am loving Marvel
i actually needed this so bad you have no idea. i have been struggling so hard with my skill because i have a slow reaction time and this just helped a lot with my motivation. thank you so much.
Thank you for this video. I have been hard stuck on Gold 1 for the past three days. I will use this positive perspective and keep trying to focus on my strengths.
My teammates were more consistent before the reset. This season has been wild as far as what kind of teammates I get. I missed day 1, but day 2 of the season, I hopped on. I presumably had teammates who were all diamond or plat season 0, but they spawn rushed and wasted ults like nobody's business. Dps and other healer breaking LOS from my heals, dying, and then spam pinging for heals. Tanks that take cover on the wrong side, taking all the damage and none of the help. It's wild.
Sounds like you're getting a mixed bag. I also have had former plats and diamonds just YOLO because they think they're gonna be against bronze and silver then they get rolled.
@RagTagg Yes. And don't get me wrong, if I can't carry, I'm part of the problem. But the throws have been more frequent too. The worst was a Dr. Strange that died in the first fight and typed "gg. one fight all I need to know." Then he never left spawn again, but voted no on all surrender attempts so we were stuck. I'll take unaware over *that* any time.
I would love to see some "marvel rivels toxic coaching" it would be a lovely shot of nostalgia mixed with this new game that i think we all need in 2025 to stave off the anxiety caused by the rise of faccism in the USA and the distinct possibility of nuclear annihilation from Russia.
Just a reminder that the reaction time test is affected by the latency of your computer and monitor so the better your framerate the better your score and my bad laptop is the only possible explanation for my score. I will accept no other alternatives.
Plat is the definition of Elo hell even good player take a while because for some reason your teammates go 5 and 8 every game and this dude took 50 games in plat to rank up and then ranked up to GM in like 20 games in diamond
@Bulbmin1 yh bro 1/7 chances of getting a full team that's good. It only takes one bad player to ruin a whole game. Plus no one will change heroes if the enemy team is countering them🤦🏾♂️💀
Honestly I played overwatch and overwatch 2 for awhile when they came out but was never a die hard player. I ranked pretty high in both of those game playing tank and healer. I am in no way a professional or amazing at hero shooters but I can be very competitive and do well for the most part. The one thing that holds me back is I play on console with a controller. I have a pc but grew up playing console and played with a low sensitivity on controller my whole life. Never got good at precision aiming at higher sensitivity, something I am trying to fix in marvel rivals. Honestly the biggest handicap for a lot of people is aim especially with dps. But I think another weakness for a lot of players is not only never playing a hero shoot but also not learning or trying to learn how they work and what to do in each roll or situation. Piling on the slow reaction time and just being bad or a casual gamer like what was said in the video. There is way to many new or bad players that are tired of playing quick play with the other bad player so they hop into rank thinking there will be good players to carry them and have a good time. When in reality hero shooters really rely on everyone doing what they should be doing in their role to win. To many times people will refuse to heal or tank or dps and will go 4 dps 1 tank and 1 healer or any combination that isn't plausible , It is hard to make up for one player doing terrible and can be a huge difference in a game. Its a meme that everyone yells at their healers to heal or they aren't healing but in reality that is the main thing a healer should be doing along with good placement and knowing when to deal damage and use their ults. I run into so many players that try to dps with healers instead of healing and it throws the whole game. Along with tanks diving without their team into 6 v 1 or the healers and dps just sitting outside the fight trying to shoot or heal into the fight instead of being involved in the fight all together. Also a lot of people don't know what staggering is. They respawn and run into the fight without team mates and die then when they respawn again their team is fighting a 5 vs 6 or 3 vs 6. Waiting for your team and fighting together is huge in hero shooters and knowing when to split and chase when you have an advantage is key. Now some people might disagree with what I'm saying and that's fine, I am in no way all knowing and professional player, this is just what I see from playing solo these first 2 seasons. Love the game but it really is frustrating seeing all the toxic play and trying to dig through the bad players to climb ranks. Great game just a lot of new players that want to play because they like marvel but have no knowledge or experience with hero shooters. Which is fine but learning the game and getting help from other people and communicating is what really can make things better for everyone playing.
I just shared this with my friends and told them this- "Don't let the title of the video fool you. This is probably one of the most positive and psychologically helpful Marvel Rivals videos that I have seen." This legitimately helped me feel better about being a 40 year old gamer with lots of problems that make it difficult for me to excel at these games, despite how much I enjoy them. Just today, I had an absolutely terrible match playing my main, which is Magik. It was my first match of the day, I was tired and in pain. I played sluggishly and just couldn't get the kills like I normally do. At the end of the match (we lost, of course), my team's Psylocke said "Please explain how you are a LORD and not entirely cosmetic?" I tried to tell them that I was having a bad day and that my carpal tunnel was acting up worse than I thought, but I'm pretty sure it fell on deaf ears. I felt bummed out after that, until I watched this video. It's comforting to know that there are other gamers out there who experience similar issues but can still climb through the ranks. I can't overstate how helpful this video has been, truly. Thank you.
My pleasure. Carpal tunnel is absolutely brutal, and the younger players will have to learn that the hard way when their time comes. Crafty workarounds is how I overcome the youthful exuberance of my betters.
@@RagTagg Yeah, I tend to switch to a less physically demanding character like Invisible Woman when I'm in a lot of pain. Sure, she takes effort to play well, but in comparison to trying to one trick on Magik, it feels like a nice cool breeze as opposed to raging hellfire in my hands, wrists, and arms. As much as I LOVE Magik to death (she has been one of my favorite X-Men since I was a child), I've been seriously contemplating swapping to Sue full time due to my ailments. Still, I'm a stubborn native Texan, and the yeehaw in me is screaming "My body ain't gonna tell me wut to do! I'm gonna be a gud Magik player if it kills me, so help me gawd!" despite my better judgment.
Loved this video, and after watching it, I was inspired to play a few games instead of going to bed. I played healer, and had DPS teammates who couldn't kill a single backline enemy in a 4v1 while being endlessly healed. I played DSP, and had to keep finding my own health pickups, because my healer teammates were cosplaying as DPS characters. I played tank, and couldn't survive any pushes, because the healers insisted on running in front of me to 1v6 the enemy team instead of staying behind to heal the frontline. I learned nothing from your video and went to bed angry. And I'll do it all over again the next to you upload, because your videos are so fun, I almost forget how triggered I get after multiple games in a row with bad teammates, and how I'm definitely NOT good enough to carry on my own! Also, I tried the reaction test and scored 260. I blame my teammates...
I will be satisfied if I can make it to gold. I really only want the skin and if I can prove that I have golden skills I'd be very content with my own skill level. obviously being able to go higher is a plus, but I don't want to force myself, less I lose the enjoyment of the game.
150-170 ms on average. I am more then solid at shooters, however i find myself thinking developing game sense and being able to flex when you have to is far more important. I find my reflexes aren't the same as they use to be. However, i am 31 years old now so i am deteriorating lmfao. Grinded ranked now and I hit diamond, and I'm on my way to GM with a 75% win rate so far in Marvel. I think it helped that i use to play overwatch passionately 6 years ago and was top 500 for most of it. I think it carried over easier for me, more so then my friends that didn't play it at all or very little.
Hearing about your musical talent reminds me of when you would witness something so gutter tier in OW that you'd burst out singing on the piano. You were given the vocal chords of an angel.
Im currently p3 console and I like that you gave different tips from other rank up videos. These are all things to consider. Be self critical rather than critical of others in these lower roles. But yea, sometimes there are just trash players.
I never watched your videos because you were goated. I watch them because I can relate to getting stuck on walls, fat fingering my abilities, and playing well out of position. I can relate to your gameplay and I enjoy your jokey story telling! I will always wrather watch you have fun vs stressing over a rank climb!
Solo grinded to Gold 1 and nearly Plat III. It has so many ups and downs and I've learned to simply take a break when you get back to back losses, but when you get back to back Wins, ride the wave as long as it lasts.
I used to watch your OW content, then watched most of your Apex content. So I can't believe youtube took this long to recommend me one of your Marvel Rival videos when I'm watching other MR videos on the daily. Oh well, at least now I have plenty of videos to go back and watch!
Imagine my happiness when after saying goodbye to Rag Tagg when he took a break from Apex, and then leaving the game myself and never really getting into again, I find my favorite gaming TH-camr back at it, now on Rivals which I've been loving since I was a comic nerd as a kid and still am. Today's a good day
Been climbing, but I been saying for the last few weeks or so, "I wish there was an easier way for me to know when my team was dying mid fight so I could adjust accordingly..." Upvote for the first 10 seconds of your video, sir! I'ma give the whole thing a watch to help your algo.
Ever since I turned on the teammate KO sound I have paid much more attention to my teammates dying and me retreating. Just that sound alone is enough to make me stop and wait to regroup or fall back. It also makes me pay attention to the kill feed a lot more.
Sleep was destroying as i just came home exhausted from work. So i was convinced for the first few seconds i saw wrong when i saw rag tag. Until my brain started screaming at my eyes, WAKE UP RAG TAG!!!!¡!
Marvel Rivals is my first hero shooter, so I think I'm far from being burned out playing it. That said, I now fully grasp what my nephew (yeah, I'm old-ish) told me about the hero shooter culture, where in higher ranks trash talks and passive-aggressive remarks are the norm. Just last night, one of my teammates called me out for playing "sissy", in that I was too cowardly as Psylocke. I mean, I still struggle with my aim at times, so when I feel like I'm at a disadvantage after engaging enemies in the backline, I don't stay long enough to see myself killed. Oh, but I brushed it off, especially after seeing my score: 30-2-0. I even scored the highest kill in that winning match! Anyway, I chose not to gloat. I think I'm more resilient than I thought! My best advice is: just turn off your audio chat and ignore nasty chat remarks. The in-game ping system works great for the most part anyway.
I've seen too many people whine about being stuck while simply missing most of their shots...I'm not trying to be rude here, but most people simply can't aim and also have an incredible lack of spatial/game awareness.
I use to watch your videos Daily when i played Rein in Overwatch , Toxic Coaching and now you're back! Welcome BACK! Excited for more videos. Who knew that a 350 year old X Firefighter with blurry vision can make it to Plat! Haha welcome back. Gandalf Voice and many more reading the toxic chat. Now Roll it Now Roll it , new content is so Lit , it's so Lit , Where is it , where is it. Ah It's here :)
I read the title, and pondered about my Bronze 3 rank where i fell from being ONE GAME away from Silver bc my teams suddenly became very bad. Duelists are just garbage in Bronze. And i am convinced that I’ll never leave that rank as solo queue, bc if even one person on the team plays like a regard, your chances to win are cooked
Just got to diamond 1 and I believe the biggest issues I see is players who can't feel comfortable outside of a "meta" and people who don't understand that doesn't matter what stats you have if you don't win an objective based game
A friend of mine has this motto. "If you're losing games, git gud and carry better." It doesn't necessarily apply perfectly to a hero shooter, but the point is that instead of finding every excuse under the sun as to why you lost that game, analyze your own gameplay and try to figure out what you could have done better.
RagTagg making hero shooter (Rivals) content again after OW fucked us all over & after the Apex arc has come to an end is just what I needed. We're so BACK, dude.
Marvel Rivals is the perfect example of the saying: "If you aren't paying for the product, then you are the product." The matchmaking system is highly manipulative, pampering you with easy wins before hitting you with a frustrating loss streak. I played Quickplay for about 100 hours before starting ranked for the first time a week ago. I reached Diamond within a week and then uninstalled the game because the ranking system is absolutely worthless. Rank doesn’t truly matter, as I experienced the same ratio of good and bad teammates with similar skill levels across all ranks, from Bronze to Diamond. This feels like a game designed for the participation trophy generation, where everyone is meant to feel equally frustrated-just enough to push them into buying skins to compensate for their frustration.
I'm trying out ranked. I don't usually play ranked and recently had a heartbreaking game so I'm taking a break from the game for a bit. Toxicity seems to be worse when winning than losing, and the gameplay is so strangely loaded depending on the last season's rank vs people (me) who're just starting to gain a decent foothold in this game. Got real good at the variety, other people got better. BTW died three times in a row to Spider Man camping the spawn in a payload match. Zero chance to counter, as I was playing Iron Man and despite my "epic" dodging was still a great punching bag. 😢
Rag Tagg?? I've missed you man. Holy shit it's been years since watching your Overwatch vids. Of course I'd see you in these parts XD Good to see you're doing well and keeping up the content. You're fucking hilarious!
Zug Zug motherfckers Its Rrrrag Tagg here! OMG it was like 10 years ago. maan such good memories. your channel got a lot bigger since then :D happy to see it.
There is something about an Aussie insult you and the game you love. Suddenly I remembered watching an Aussie Apex player back in season 1or 2, basically when the game just came out. He loves shot guns and insult everything in the most Aussie way. I forgot what is his channel, but I'm sure is still in my subscription list so I think I can dig it out if I try. Rag Tagg gave me the same feelings when watching him.
If it can be of comfort to anyone my reaction times are worse than rag tagg's (and my mom's), being above 200ms no matter how hard i try. I still managed to get to diamond few days ago, if i could do it then you can as well!
Made Diamond in season 0, I've played comp games off and on for years. The biggest problem most people have is being consistent with how they play. You can do very good one game and then run it down in the next so the trick to climb up to the midranges of ELO is to just chill out, pay attention to your fundamentals and stop going on autopilot.
i am unbelievably glad that The Ranked Experience™ isnt an Oceanic-Exclusive like it is with some of the other competitive games always had a rather low reaction time to game events due to growing up with max of 55-60fps (usually 5-30 fps) from having 5 year old tech that i was playing on or free screens from neighbours and friends, and didnt really have the mouse space for low sensitivity so would often be playing on 5cm per 360 also it was a whole year (about 400 hours in tf2, 600 hours in dota 2, before finding out what mouse acceleration was) the cherry on top is that my entire life, i've had a dark-humour inside-joke with my friends that i might have parkinsons because if i get excited about something, i start to shake in my arms/wrists climbing through bronze and silver for me in season 0, wasnt about knowing the abilities, but learning the things that most other people already learnt in overwatch, tf2, fortnite, dota 2, lol, aoe2 etc and then to top it off is learning effective team based communication i've now got about ~1100 hours in dota 2, ~800 hours in tf2, ~300 hours in hl2dm, and ~4000 hours in wow (mostly for lore and casual raiding, last time i did mythic raiding was bfa uldir) the last team sport i played was indoor soccer in early highschool and im 30 years old now, studying computer science, and actively losing the social skills i developed working in call centres/service desks biggest advice for anyone with a similar story: * lots of small achievable goals * learn to be patient with your development * "comparison is the thief of joy" * review your own replays * use the training range for aim practice * if you can afford it, get a bigger desk and lowering your sensitivity * if you can afford it, get a better mouse with more buttons and ease into using it (if you dont have the early childhood contorsions of the hands and muscle memory, solo keyboard is suffering - an mmo player) * if you can afford it, look at getting a better rig including a 1-5ms response rate screen with a high refresh rate (75-144Hz or something). this will take time to get use to though * maybe update your eye prescription if you have astigmatism like me, maybe with a anti-glare/blue light filter * take regular breaks * hand-eye coordination exercises like playing catch with a small bottle or water or something while you're walking some place * if you have a $2 keyboard, it's likely not able to handle more than 2-3 keys pressed simultaneously so looking into getting a higher quality one if you can, mechanical are getting much cheaper now
Adding on to your "psychology and teammates counterpicks" section: our backline was getting RINSED by a Panther the entire match. Including me. We were running triple support but although I had never tried Namor in a match before I was like well we can't lose any harder than we already are, swapped from Loki to Namor and actually managed to make a push for the objective. We still got streamrolled but hey an attempt was made. Also somehow managed to have a better KD ratio than our Punisher who was DPS the whole match, think that guy was playing blindfolded
@@RagTagg i mean, i did, but sorry if i misunderstood? edit: or maybe i shouldve phrased it better, im saying im also trash and thats why im not winning that many games past plat (at least thats what i meant to say)
Ye I've had some 3 rounds 4k dps and 9k healers a few times now. It's.....pretty interesting ;) I was a 4k+ all roles OW player for multiple seasons so seeing people play ranked as if they're in a hero shooter for the first time (which they are) is pretty frustrating. I see it as a good chance to practice heroes I don't usually get to play in higher ranks. Just have a good time and improve.
Just got into Plat and didn’t really have a hard time doing so. But did this reaction test and averaged 303ms I guess I’m gonna be hard stuck and found my level
Reaction time isn't everything, especially if you're climbing. Awareness, positioning and making good decisions will take you far. Reaction time is merely an indicator for spotting something obvious in terms of failing to act in good time. You are clearly doing a great job. Also, your PC setup can affect the result, as can how you're feeling on any particular day. Just wait and see, people will prob comment below about how they hit a high rank with a bad score.
Yeah. I started playing this week and I had to solo q slog my way to Gold. Very hard to carry in this game.
I haven't played too much but I feel like most solo q decent players will eventually end up near Diamond if they play regularly
(For context, I hit Master every season on Apex Legends including the early seasons where it was actually quite tough. I did that as a duo mostly)
Hitting Masters every season in Apex is a notch or more above “decent” dude. Literally 1 away from Predator lol. A lot of “decent” players get hard stuck Platinum.
You are clearly more than “decent”.
@@tgjames011 Yeah, that's fair. I just meant that I think you really need to be teamed up and co-ordinated to get to the highest ranks on this game.
I don't think I'll ever reach a level on this game when I can carry my team. The time to kill is too high with all the healing
its easy till plat, then its way harder to carry, monkey teammates and heavy eomm kicks in. It should be harder to reach plat cause at least half the players dont deserve that rank at all.
Hey, we healers can see through walls, so we can watch you die as we can't health through walls.
I thought about fixing that error but I'd already uploaded it and nothing else stuck out so eh, yeah.
Best part of the game😊
Cloak & Dagger is my fix for that; her auto-aim daggers can bounce once and I've pulled off some crazy saves. Her healing bubble also extends through walls. The biggest issues I come across are people body blocking my shots (ANYONE can...) and team mates that don't pay attention to their surroundings and run AWAY from the healer and not TOWARDS them....
@@shadowking3986this - so many times clutch the heal for the teammate to run away, even from the bubble and get shredded. lol
@@shadowking3986yeah thats why i use rocket and cloak and dagger but sometimes when your teammate is bodyblocking the heals, it really hurts 😭
Love the warm welcome to the video, because it is true, I am, in fact, trash LOL
See ya in the bin m8 ✌️
I think I just accepted this after someone told me I was throwing a match as iron man in bronze 1 😭😔
No, you just don't play eight hours a day. Don't let a bunch of nerds label you. Play more and get better if that's your plan. If you have a life then just have fun with the game. This is Rag Tagg's life. He makes money playing video games and editing videos. Most people will not be successful doing his job (it's a luxury job).
@nasstynate lol its insane to me that ppl can act like that at the lower ranks
Learning how to lose, or rather how to handle a loss is such a critical part of the climb that gets overlooked or put aside when things get ugly. I really agreed with the idea that despite the idea that 'well my games could've been better if x' it didn't mean that the outcome was necessarily guaranteed to change. As you said, it's very easy to put yourself in the mindset of, 'If I single out the problem and solve it, this should be a win' but the reality is that it's either A. Out of your control really since you aren't the external factor, or B. It is an internal factor and you have got to learn from it. I honestly haven't seen many people talk about handling their losses as you have and it shines a light on a very fundamental part of anyone taking this game in any sort of competitive manner, well done and thank you.
My favorite are the close games where you lose and try to find someone to blame on the scoreboard but you genuinely can’t and just stare at it dumbfounded
tbh, in my very first ranked, I was lucky to have competent teammates. We lost ofc but it was a close match went 3-4 eveyrone did their jobs and no one was blaming each other
Sometimes, the better team just wins
And I think that's interesting. For me it's a time to watch a replay and learn what was wrong and progress.
If the stats are close enough it means yall lost in ur ult usage, probably. Ppl tend to overlook it. I've seen 2 healers on the same team both pop healer ults at the same time and everyone say, "it's ok its fine".... no it's not lol. If a dps uses ult just to get countered and doesn't kill anyone... that's a problem. Gotta remember who used what and when and not waste ur own ults. Most stuck ppl think they're better than they are and don't realize how much is being thought of at higher ranks that they aren't doing themselves in their matches.
Especially when your team has more overall damage and healing and kills than the other team, but still somehow lost?!
The best piece of advice I can give for climbing early season is: know your ability, identify your strongest hero, ask politely to be allowed to play that hero, and try to improve a little bit every time you play. But importantly, understand that there will be games where you cannot do as you please, you must flex, and often just accept a loss because the difference between your version of that hero and the one your team got threw the MMR calculations into the trash. I have an 83% win rate on Strange and through Bronze and Silver ran into people who would not swap for me (with 100% win rate at that point, mind you). I just buckled down and healed or dpsed after telling them that I can flex but these aren't my natural role. I'm a bad healer, straight up. My awareness and instincts are tuned to pushing, building space, and saving DPS who overextend (if reasonable). When you finally break into Gold and Plat you're going to be playing with people who do have the ability to make rational decisions about hero swaps and, in general, players who can flex better. Diamond and GM is basically mandatory comms and role/hero swaps are fairly common even across duo/trio stacks.
The second best advice I can give for climbing, period, is maximize ult value. If you can't track everyone's ult use/progress (understandable, by the way), you need to focus on implementing your ult for maximum value. On Strange, I want to drop my Eye in a way that gets the tanks and healers and lets me explode the healers immediately. Did I miss a DPS? All the DPS? That's OK, because that means they failed to peel for their healers. Do I want to get all six? Yes. I'm going to try to time my ult use with the tempo of the battle to catch all of them.
The third thing is it costs you absolutely nothing to be kind. Don't complain about not getting heals. Call it out when you ARE getting good heals, make them feel appreciated, and the healing issue will often resolve itself...naturally. Do not complain about bad target priority, just call the shots. Even bad players can react to a callout like "Luna 1" and they may surprise you with their killer instinct. Compliment everyone who plays well at the end of the match, including on the other team. It will definitely help them keep a positive mental attitude, which will eventually come back to you when they pay that forward. You might end up playing with people several times over the course of a 6-8 game session. Those positive vibes will always help you out. I've had people whisper me to say that their previous positive experiences with me put me lower on their target priority list than I probably should have been. I played with a Spidey OTP for several games early in the season and instead of screaming at him about playing Spidey, I just said "Hey Spidey, can you dive their Dagger?" and when I saw things change for the better I just said "Love your work, Spidey. Great stuff." He played out of his mind in those games because he wasn't being shit on for Spidey.
I really enjoy how you radiate this gutter tier positivity that actually really helps my mental. Tbf, I did get to Gold 3 after weeks of grueling work, but that was my goal. Everything else is a cherry on top, but I do appreciate the kindly angry Scottish man voice in my skull when I start losing track in game and my mental crumbling. Thank you for what you do Rag!
Dawg im happy on a full on nostalgic way. My fav vids of yours used to be the overwatch ones, to see ya playin another class based shooter got me happy frfr thanks for the laughs over the years
Bold of you to assume that I wont hit diamond when I am plat 2 50 points and am on a 3 game losing streak but if I just keep playing I will surely hit diamond right!….. right……..?
Narrator: Unfortunately he hit bronze that same day
It's alright pal I got your back. *Season has 1 day left* Alright, just 49 points left to go...
So who's going to tell him?
I’ve come to announce…… I JUST HIT DIAMOND!!!!!!!
@ 🙂
I have to say, especially the part about accepting your shortcomings, has resonated with me. About 5 years ago a friend, that I played with a lot at the time, told me off for getting so angry at games. While we still don't see eye to eye in that regard, it got me thinking and I stopped playing competitive games for about 9 months. After that I stopped being as competitive, which in turn definitly made me play worse, but at the same time, I also got less angry. In a way this made playing games far more fun, because I started focussing on other things beside winning.
Now I'm 33 years old and I still try to play for the win, but in a more chill manner, especially when there is people raging. As it's always said: be the change you want to see in the world. And hopefully that gets another rager thinking, even if for just a second.
On that note, love your content, even though I watch it less nowadays, but I still like to come around from time to time, just to see what new adventuring tales you've cooked up.
Yeah, the older we get, the less is on the line with every game.
Rank reset was pain😂 the mix of real silvers and reset one was crazy lol
It's absolute CHAOS when you get a wide mix of skills in one match.
Add in eom and it makes the first couple weeks not even worth playing. Going from gm to plat then it placing you against gms with actual plats who got boosted in a stack to get there it’s just dumb.
Games are better after diamond but if this rank reset to force you to grind thru the dogshit eom that is gold and plat every reset I am out
This was genuinely insightful. Really happy to hear you’re enjoying yourself in Rivals. Make as much or as little content as you need to not burn yourself. I am here for it all man, take care.
So... I took the Reaction Time Test... 271 ms...
That explains a lot.
I liked Overwatch back in the days, i had my triplet of heroes to cover all the roles:
Rein for tank, Mercy for healing, and Torb with level 3 turret to do damage and the armor packs for my homies : )
But here almost all heroes require aim and quick reflexes, so im super shit.
I dont play this game anymore, but i LOVE your content and watching you play a game that you enjoy is so much fun.
Tyvm for the great entertainment that you (and Jelly) provide us, LOVE.
To be fair, the website does say your PC and monitor latency has an effect, and Rag and Jankz are obviously using PCs made for gaming and streaming at the same...ok this is clearly me coming up with excuses because my reflexes are trash!
You and me both lol. Even got sub 300 once :(
Cloak and dagger auto aim, scarlet auto aims, rocket ricochet heals, squirrel girl is splash damage. A few heroes can still work for poor aim.
If you took it on your phone, that's exactly where I was, at like 300ms... I went to my pc and took the same test, averaged 183ms. This reaction time is affected heavily by input delay or display type.
Holy fuck its 200s up in here with me....
Playing with randoms is what brings you down ranks because I was diamond in solo ranking and got stuck with toxic people that die 3 times and then surrender and if the team doesn’t surrender they go afk
LMAOOO THE “ GOOD GRIEF!!!” Had me laughing so much! Thanks for the the videos rag tag
NO WAY, A RAG TAGG VIDEO?!?!?!! Gosh I remember his Orc Warrior song from years ago now and then all the Overwatch Orisa content, so glad to have found this, as I am loving Marvel
It's kinda like having Sheogorath himself in my ear telling me things I needed to hear. Thank you god of madness.
This is the rag tagg I missed from back in my Overwatch days, glad I rediscovered you
Class is back in session at Ragg Tagg’s gutter tier school of hard flops. Love it man and i’m here for all of it.
i actually needed this so bad you have no idea. i have been struggling so hard with my skill because i have a slow reaction time and this just helped a lot with my motivation. thank you so much.
Honestly the best and most motivating climbing video I've seen. Love Rag Tagg!
Thank you for this video. I have been hard stuck on Gold 1 for the past three days. I will use this positive perspective and keep trying to focus on my strengths.
seeing this in my recommended was like coming across an old friend on the street. glad you're still staying healthy and making great videos!
*click bait title tries to tell me it has the information I need to rank up.* "Pass!"
*click bait title insults me* "You SOB, I'm in."
My teammates were more consistent before the reset. This season has been wild as far as what kind of teammates I get. I missed day 1, but day 2 of the season, I hopped on. I presumably had teammates who were all diamond or plat season 0, but they spawn rushed and wasted ults like nobody's business. Dps and other healer breaking LOS from my heals, dying, and then spam pinging for heals. Tanks that take cover on the wrong side, taking all the damage and none of the help. It's wild.
Sounds like you're getting a mixed bag. I also have had former plats and diamonds just YOLO because they think they're gonna be against bronze and silver then they get rolled.
@RagTagg Yes. And don't get me wrong, if I can't carry, I'm part of the problem. But the throws have been more frequent too. The worst was a Dr. Strange that died in the first fight and typed "gg. one fight all I need to know." Then he never left spawn again, but voted no on all surrender attempts so we were stuck. I'll take unaware over *that* any time.
Yeah it's wild. After one fight it's time to give up?? These guys are fortune tellers moonlighting as gamers.
Hahaha I’m dying bro, this video was too good and too funny. Definitely makes a lot of sense and resonates with me as a recent Gold2 player
As a gamer also born in the 70's the reasons for mistakes due to age i can confirm are completely accurate
I would love to see some "marvel rivels toxic coaching" it would be a lovely shot of nostalgia mixed with this new game that i think we all need in 2025 to stave off the anxiety caused by the rise of faccism in the USA and the distinct possibility of nuclear annihilation from Russia.
Haven’t watched you in years! Glad you’ve joined rivals now. I’ll continue watching you again.
Just a reminder that the reaction time test is affected by the latency of your computer and monitor so the better your framerate the better your score and my bad laptop is the only possible explanation for my score. I will accept no other alternatives.
Ah so you're why we keep losing
Been hard stuck plat all season and it's doing my head in😂
Plat is the definition of Elo hell even good player take a while because for some reason your teammates go 5 and 8 every game and this dude took 50 games in plat to rank up and then ranked up to GM in like 20 games in diamond
@Bulbmin1 yh bro 1/7 chances of getting a full team that's good. It only takes one bad player to ruin a whole game. Plus no one will change heroes if the enemy team is countering them🤦🏾♂️💀
Honestly I played overwatch and overwatch 2 for awhile when they came out but was never a die hard player. I ranked pretty high in both of those game playing tank and healer. I am in no way a professional or amazing at hero shooters but I can be very competitive and do well for the most part. The one thing that holds me back is I play on console with a controller. I have a pc but grew up playing console and played with a low sensitivity on controller my whole life. Never got good at precision aiming at higher sensitivity, something I am trying to fix in marvel rivals. Honestly the biggest handicap for a lot of people is aim especially with dps. But I think another weakness for a lot of players is not only never playing a hero shoot but also not learning or trying to learn how they work and what to do in each roll or situation. Piling on the slow reaction time and just being bad or a casual gamer like what was said in the video. There is way to many new or bad players that are tired of playing quick play with the other bad player so they hop into rank thinking there will be good players to carry them and have a good time. When in reality hero shooters really rely on everyone doing what they should be doing in their role to win. To many times people will refuse to heal or tank or dps and will go 4 dps 1 tank and 1 healer or any combination that isn't plausible , It is hard to make up for one player doing terrible and can be a huge difference in a game. Its a meme that everyone yells at their healers to heal or they aren't healing but in reality that is the main thing a healer should be doing along with good placement and knowing when to deal damage and use their ults. I run into so many players that try to dps with healers instead of healing and it throws the whole game. Along with tanks diving without their team into 6 v 1 or the healers and dps just sitting outside the fight trying to shoot or heal into the fight instead of being involved in the fight all together. Also a lot of people don't know what staggering is. They respawn and run into the fight without team mates and die then when they respawn again their team is fighting a 5 vs 6 or 3 vs 6. Waiting for your team and fighting together is huge in hero shooters and knowing when to split and chase when you have an advantage is key. Now some people might disagree with what I'm saying and that's fine, I am in no way all knowing and professional player, this is just what I see from playing solo these first 2 seasons. Love the game but it really is frustrating seeing all the toxic play and trying to dig through the bad players to climb ranks. Great game just a lot of new players that want to play because they like marvel but have no knowledge or experience with hero shooters. Which is fine but learning the game and getting help from other people and communicating is what really can make things better for everyone playing.
Thank you as a dimond player learning about the speaker kill feed will benefit me a lot as a vanguard main
I just shared this with my friends and told them this- "Don't let the title of the video fool you. This is probably one of the most positive and psychologically helpful Marvel Rivals videos that I have seen." This legitimately helped me feel better about being a 40 year old gamer with lots of problems that make it difficult for me to excel at these games, despite how much I enjoy them.
Just today, I had an absolutely terrible match playing my main, which is Magik. It was my first match of the day, I was tired and in pain. I played sluggishly and just couldn't get the kills like I normally do. At the end of the match (we lost, of course), my team's Psylocke said "Please explain how you are a LORD and not entirely cosmetic?" I tried to tell them that I was having a bad day and that my carpal tunnel was acting up worse than I thought, but I'm pretty sure it fell on deaf ears.
I felt bummed out after that, until I watched this video. It's comforting to know that there are other gamers out there who experience similar issues but can still climb through the ranks. I can't overstate how helpful this video has been, truly. Thank you.
My pleasure. Carpal tunnel is absolutely brutal, and the younger players will have to learn that the hard way when their time comes. Crafty workarounds is how I overcome the youthful exuberance of my betters.
@@RagTagg Yeah, I tend to switch to a less physically demanding character like Invisible Woman when I'm in a lot of pain. Sure, she takes effort to play well, but in comparison to trying to one trick on Magik, it feels like a nice cool breeze as opposed to raging hellfire in my hands, wrists, and arms.
As much as I LOVE Magik to death (she has been one of my favorite X-Men since I was a child), I've been seriously contemplating swapping to Sue full time due to my ailments.
Still, I'm a stubborn native Texan, and the yeehaw in me is screaming "My body ain't gonna tell me wut to do! I'm gonna be a gud Magik player if it kills me, so help me gawd!" despite my better judgment.
Thank you for the tips Rag, really helpful! 😁
Loved this video, and after watching it, I was inspired to play a few games instead of going to bed.
I played healer, and had DPS teammates who couldn't kill a single backline enemy in a 4v1 while being endlessly healed.
I played DSP, and had to keep finding my own health pickups, because my healer teammates were cosplaying as DPS characters.
I played tank, and couldn't survive any pushes, because the healers insisted on running in front of me to 1v6 the enemy team instead of staying behind to heal the frontline.
I learned nothing from your video and went to bed angry.
And I'll do it all over again the next to you upload, because your videos are so fun, I almost forget how triggered I get after multiple games in a row with bad teammates, and how I'm definitely NOT good enough to carry on my own!
Also, I tried the reaction test and scored 260. I blame my teammates...
I will be satisfied if I can make it to gold. I really only want the skin and if I can prove that I have golden skills I'd be very content with my own skill level. obviously being able to go higher is a plus, but I don't want to force myself, less I lose the enjoyment of the game.
You're doing the right thing. The moment a pursuit of a badge becomes more important than the fun of playing, joy turns to ash.
Missed you dearly Mr Tag
150-170 ms on average. I am more then solid at shooters, however i find myself thinking developing game sense and being able to flex when you have to is far more important. I find my reflexes aren't the same as they use to be. However, i am 31 years old now so i am deteriorating lmfao. Grinded ranked now and I hit diamond, and I'm on my way to GM with a 75% win rate so far in Marvel. I think it helped that i use to play overwatch passionately 6 years ago and was top 500 for most of it. I think it carried over easier for me, more so then my friends that didn't play it at all or very little.
Hearing about your musical talent reminds me of when you would witness something so gutter tier in OW that you'd burst out singing on the piano. You were given the vocal chords of an angel.
so glad to see your video - I really missed you when you stopped doing ow content
Been a long time rag.
Haven't watched your videos in a couple years after leaving Apex. It's nice to see another video from you.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that just has voice chat off. I didn’t even realize you had to toggle it on for the longest. But I wish I never did
I remember your coaching videos back in the day with Overwatch. Hope you bring them back for this game.
literally im drunk as hell, refreshed youtube with my dinner, saw ragtagg,clicked and said.... take me away ragtagg
Perfect timing. I finally broke out of plat this morning, & let me say, MAN IT FEELS GOOD TO BE A GANGSTA 🙌🏽
This video has the best "ranking" advice that I've seen yet.
I literally woke up, watched this video and then got Platinum finally. Thank you Ragg
this video opened exactly the way i didnt want it too lmao. rag tagg hits a homerun again
Im currently p3 console and I like that you gave different tips from other rank up videos. These are all things to consider. Be self critical rather than critical of others in these lower roles. But yea, sometimes there are just trash players.
i wait for these rivals uploads like i waited for toxic coaching. we back af.
I absolutely LOVE Rag Tagg! Glad he is playing Rivals.
I never watched your videos because you were goated. I watch them because I can relate to getting stuck on walls, fat fingering my abilities, and playing well out of position. I can relate to your gameplay and I enjoy your jokey story telling! I will always wrather watch you have fun vs stressing over a rank climb!
I'm still gearing myself up to even jump into this bloody mosh pit, tbh. I am, therefore, by definition, trash! 😂
Cheers for ya vids, big man.
nae bother pal. You'll be fine!
What a great video Rag Tagg! Definitely more philosophical than most of yours, but just as inspiring. Thanks for everything you do!
My pleasure!
All these years later and you continue to be an inspiration to all us little pieces of trash out here ♥️
I gotchu!
Glad to see you making rivals content.
Solo grinded to Gold 1 and nearly Plat III. It has so many ups and downs and I've learned to simply take a break when you get back to back losses, but when you get back to back Wins, ride the wave as long as it lasts.
Love you man, keep playing the game you like
I used to watch your OW content, then watched most of your Apex content. So I can't believe youtube took this long to recommend me one of your Marvel Rival videos when I'm watching other MR videos on the daily.
Oh well, at least now I have plenty of videos to go back and watch!
I can’t believe I just got called trash by Mimir
I didn't even know there was a kill feed audio. Definitely turning that bad boy on today
Imagine my happiness when after saying goodbye to Rag Tagg when he took a break from Apex, and then leaving the game myself and never really getting into again, I find my favorite gaming TH-camr back at it, now on Rivals which I've been loving since I was a comic nerd as a kid and still am. Today's a good day
Lmaoo😂😂 W intro. Just subbed!
Been there done that just me and my little bro carrying our team every game lol, at diamond 2 rn.
Been climbing, but I been saying for the last few weeks or so, "I wish there was an easier way for me to know when my team was dying mid fight so I could adjust accordingly..."
Upvote for the first 10 seconds of your video, sir! I'ma give the whole thing a watch to help your algo.
Ever since I turned on the teammate KO sound I have paid much more attention to my teammates dying and me retreating. Just that sound alone is enough to make me stop and wait to regroup or fall back. It also makes me pay attention to the kill feed a lot more.
Sleep was destroying as i just came home exhausted from work. So i was convinced for the first few seconds i saw wrong when i saw rag tag. Until my brain started screaming at my eyes, WAKE UP RAG TAG!!!!¡!
Marvel Rivals is my first hero shooter, so I think I'm far from being burned out playing it. That said, I now fully grasp what my nephew (yeah, I'm old-ish) told me about the hero shooter culture, where in higher ranks trash talks and passive-aggressive remarks are the norm. Just last night, one of my teammates called me out for playing "sissy", in that I was too cowardly as Psylocke. I mean, I still struggle with my aim at times, so when I feel like I'm at a disadvantage after engaging enemies in the backline, I don't stay long enough to see myself killed. Oh, but I brushed it off, especially after seeing my score: 30-2-0. I even scored the highest kill in that winning match!
Anyway, I chose not to gloat. I think I'm more resilient than I thought! My best advice is: just turn off your audio chat and ignore nasty chat remarks. The in-game ping system works great for the most part anyway.
I’m in grandmaster 2, and the longer I wait the easier I notice the lobbies get the more people rank up into grandmaster and diamond
As someone who is currently diamond 1 and got gm during season 0. Dont know why im watching the whole thing
Hey Rag loving the rivals content! Hope you get to team up with some friends for the climb!
Thanks! I queue with friends sometimes but mostly solo queue 😅
I've seen too many people whine about being stuck while simply missing most of their shots...I'm not trying to be rude here, but most people simply can't aim and also have an incredible lack of spatial/game awareness.
I use to watch your videos Daily when i played Rein in Overwatch , Toxic Coaching and now you're back! Welcome BACK! Excited for more videos. Who knew that a 350 year old X Firefighter with blurry vision can make it to Plat! Haha welcome back. Gandalf Voice and many more reading the toxic chat. Now Roll it Now Roll it , new content is so Lit , it's so Lit , Where is it , where is it. Ah It's here :)
I read the title, and pondered about my Bronze 3 rank where i fell from being ONE GAME away from Silver bc my teams suddenly became very bad. Duelists are just garbage in Bronze. And i am convinced that I’ll never leave that rank as solo queue, bc if even one person on the team plays like a regard, your chances to win are cooked
That Autobiography line was the best thing I have heard.
Why's this guy one of the funniest people I've ever heard on this platform ? xD
Just got to diamond 1 and I believe the biggest issues I see is players who can't feel comfortable outside of a "meta" and people who don't understand that doesn't matter what stats you have if you don't win an objective based game
10 out of 10. Best chicken impression I've heard today.
A friend of mine has this motto. "If you're losing games, git gud and carry better." It doesn't necessarily apply perfectly to a hero shooter, but the point is that instead of finding every excuse under the sun as to why you lost that game, analyze your own gameplay and try to figure out what you could have done better.
RagTagg making hero shooter (Rivals) content again after OW fucked us all over & after the Apex arc has come to an end is just what I needed.
We're so BACK, dude.
Marvel Rivals is the perfect example of the saying: "If you aren't paying for the product, then you are the product." The matchmaking system is highly manipulative, pampering you with easy wins before hitting you with a frustrating loss streak.
I played Quickplay for about 100 hours before starting ranked for the first time a week ago. I reached Diamond within a week and then uninstalled the game because the ranking system is absolutely worthless. Rank doesn’t truly matter, as I experienced the same ratio of good and bad teammates with similar skill levels across all ranks, from Bronze to Diamond.
This feels like a game designed for the participation trophy generation, where everyone is meant to feel equally frustrated-just enough to push them into buying skins to compensate for their frustration.
Dude i haven't seen ragtag in years. He used to make hilarious overwatch content. Glad to see you're doing well and back in the hero shooter space.
I need More Ragtagg
I'm trying out ranked. I don't usually play ranked and recently had a heartbreaking game so I'm taking a break from the game for a bit. Toxicity seems to be worse when winning than losing, and the gameplay is so strangely loaded depending on the last season's rank vs people (me) who're just starting to gain a decent foothold in this game. Got real good at the variety, other people got better.
BTW died three times in a row to Spider Man camping the spawn in a payload match. Zero chance to counter, as I was playing Iron Man and despite my "epic" dodging was still a great punching bag. 😢
Rag Tagg?? I've missed you man. Holy shit it's been years since watching your Overwatch vids. Of course I'd see you in these parts XD Good to see you're doing well and keeping up the content. You're fucking hilarious!
Zug Zug motherfckers Its Rrrrag Tagg here! OMG it was like 10 years ago. maan such good memories. your channel got a lot bigger since then :D happy to see it.
Jankz mention! Love that dude.
There is something about an Aussie insult you and the game you love.
Suddenly I remembered watching an Aussie Apex player back in season 1or 2, basically when the game just came out. He loves shot guns and insult everything in the most Aussie way.
I forgot what is his channel, but I'm sure is still in my subscription list so I think I can dig it out if I try.
Rag Tagg gave me the same feelings when watching him.
If it can be of comfort to anyone my reaction times are worse than rag tagg's (and my mom's), being above 200ms no matter how hard i try. I still managed to get to diamond few days ago, if i could do it then you can as well!
Made Diamond in season 0, I've played comp games off and on for years. The biggest problem most people have is being consistent with how they play. You can do very good one game and then run it down in the next so the trick to climb up to the midranges of ELO is to just chill out, pay attention to your fundamentals and stop going on autopilot.
i am unbelievably glad that The Ranked Experience™ isnt an Oceanic-Exclusive like it is with some of the other competitive games
always had a rather low reaction time to game events due to growing up with max of 55-60fps (usually 5-30 fps) from having 5 year old tech that i was playing on or free screens from neighbours and friends, and didnt really have the mouse space for low sensitivity so would often be playing on 5cm per 360
also it was a whole year (about 400 hours in tf2, 600 hours in dota 2, before finding out what mouse acceleration was)
the cherry on top is that my entire life, i've had a dark-humour inside-joke with my friends that i might have parkinsons because if i get excited about something, i start to shake in my arms/wrists
climbing through bronze and silver for me in season 0, wasnt about knowing the abilities, but learning the things that most other people already learnt in overwatch, tf2, fortnite, dota 2, lol, aoe2 etc and then to top it off is learning effective team based communication
i've now got about ~1100 hours in dota 2, ~800 hours in tf2, ~300 hours in hl2dm, and ~4000 hours in wow (mostly for lore and casual raiding, last time i did mythic raiding was bfa uldir)
the last team sport i played was indoor soccer in early highschool and im 30 years old now, studying computer science, and actively losing the social skills i developed working in call centres/service desks
biggest advice for anyone with a similar story:
* lots of small achievable goals
* learn to be patient with your development
* "comparison is the thief of joy"
* review your own replays
* use the training range for aim practice
* if you can afford it, get a bigger desk and lowering your sensitivity
* if you can afford it, get a better mouse with more buttons and ease into using it (if you dont have the early childhood contorsions of the hands and muscle memory, solo keyboard is suffering - an mmo player)
* if you can afford it, look at getting a better rig including a 1-5ms response rate screen with a high refresh rate (75-144Hz or something). this will take time to get use to though
* maybe update your eye prescription if you have astigmatism like me, maybe with a anti-glare/blue light filter
* take regular breaks
* hand-eye coordination exercises like playing catch with a small bottle or water or something while you're walking some place
* if you have a $2 keyboard, it's likely not able to handle more than 2-3 keys pressed simultaneously so looking into getting a higher quality one if you can, mechanical are getting much cheaper now
my reaction time is high cause of all the competitive fighting games i play :) feelsgood
Rag tagg ❤ I've missed your content
Adding on to your "psychology and teammates counterpicks" section: our backline was getting RINSED by a Panther the entire match. Including me. We were running triple support but although I had never tried Namor in a match before I was like well we can't lose any harder than we already are, swapped from Loki to Namor and actually managed to make a push for the objective. We still got streamrolled but hey an attempt was made. Also somehow managed to have a better KD ratio than our Punisher who was DPS the whole match, think that guy was playing blindfolded
"As useless as shaving cream for a wookie" i gotta use that sometime
the first thing you have to realize is that its also your fault you're not gm, and this video depicts it very well
You didn't watch it if that's the comment you lead with
@@RagTagg i mean, i did, but sorry if i misunderstood?
edit: or maybe i shouldve phrased it better, im saying im also trash and thats why im not winning that many games past plat (at least thats what i meant to say)
Ah I thought you meant that I'm not GM and my trash gameplay is why. Makes more sense now. Lol.
@ yeah sorry about that one, thats on me lol, i shouldve phrased that better I wont lie 😂
I miss your toxic coaching
Ye I've had some 3 rounds 4k dps and 9k healers a few times now. It's.....pretty interesting ;) I was a 4k+ all roles OW player for multiple seasons so seeing people play ranked as if they're in a hero shooter for the first time (which they are) is pretty frustrating.
I see it as a good chance to practice heroes I don't usually get to play in higher ranks. Just have a good time and improve.
Hey ragtagg! Love you using basic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy principles in your videos! great work