The pastor did the right thing in stepping down. I pray he learn to forgive himself. I also pray that he ask forgiveness from those affected by his actions; his family, the church, and of course God.
Then you don't know Jesus..... didn't he forgive the woman caught in adultery and the Samaritan woman at the well who was living in sin, she was living with a man that wasn't her husband.... forgiveness was Jesus way of life, unforgiveness is for the self righteous
@@chordsofgratitude2073 He does forgive but I watched hypocrite Christians my whole time growing up. They don’t practice what they preach. They use forgiveness as a get out of sin free card. You really can’t con God can you lol. The preachers are the worst ones though. That’s one of the reasons I haven’t been to church in decades.
@@justinhopper5941 , quite literally, your preaching to a PK, a preachers kid ... we're the worst of the sinners.... but hopefully we learn lessons in life and either get real about faith and religion or completely walk away. Like you, I gave up on religion but not faith in a Creator. I'm still learning life lessons and studying, searching, but just not in a church these days. Blessings. Keep your faith in a Creator even if you don't attend another church service....
Kathy Somers Yes, God forgives but that is between the sinner and God, it is not dispensed or withheld by humans. That doesnt mean there are not earthly consequences for our sins. The Bible stills admonishes us to obey the laws of the state, to pay our taxes and to do our best to sin no more. There are many Christian conversions in prison and they are grantrd forgiveness for past sins but are not 'given a pass' for their behaviour or future actions.
God forgives. That's a personal matter. But when a man in authority in God's church commits serial adultery with 4 different women, and basically embarrasses the church, he must be held accountable and should NEVER be allowed on the pulpit again.
If you know it’s wrong and you continue to do it anyway thinking you can ask for forgiveness you’re not familiar with the Bible. You should try reading it. It may shock you.
I’m not sinless never have been was not being judge mental I just looked at other comments and was saying and I guess it didn’t come out clear so I’m saying any that sin even me can repent to God and receive forgiveness.
Victory Thai cheat code - sin and just ask for forgiveness. This explains why Christian are such horrible awful people. Finally understand. They can do whatever they want and they will still be rewarded with heaven and favor. It’s scary to think that some people go through life trying to be good only because they will be rewarded for it in the long run. It’s such a selfish faith disguised by the illusion of being a good person
I was just thinking of Dr. Kennedy this morning and how I'd listen to his messages on Sunday mornings. I didn't know anything about Billy Graham's grandson. I didn't even know Dr. Kennedy had died. For sure we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I know I have. With that being said,though Grace is available to us if we mess up,it is soo important as believers to know we don't have to mess up because God's grace is available to keep us from falling into sin. When we sin we ultimately frustrate what Grace has already accomplished for us through the blood of Jesus. If you have messed up in the pass,confess it,mean it,ask Grace to be your sufficiency so that you won't keep failing in the same ways anyone more and learn from the fall and move forward. Once we truly confess our sins,God is faithful to forgive us and clean us from the filth of sin because they are blood-washed. God forgets about it. Now we must do the same and live in the freedom that Christ made us free with and not be caught up in sin's mess any longer. Glory to God!
It didn't sound like he was saying sorry about his affair. It was more like "I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids" 😬🤜
this is why people find it so hard to believe in God (me included) and follow the word because we are ALL sinners, we make mistakes but when you make a mistake as a pastor, preaching Gods word the human Judgement is so much heavier a burden. WE ALL NEED GODS LOVE, GRACE, and Forgiveness. But we must pick up our cross daily and give thanks! NONE ARE FREE FROM SIN, NO NOT ONE.
God is very real. Sin doesn't make him less real. In the end, it makes Him more real because He died for us and forgave us of our sins. Where would we be without His forgiveness. We wouldn't be anywhere. Actually we'd all be going to hell. Pastors sin. He fell into sin, but it doesn't mean that God is not there to forgive him if he cries out to God and corrects his life and is willing to live in obedience. God help this man. God help all of us, because He loves us so much. He wants to forgive and be set free so that one day we will go to heaven and see His face.
Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. - John 8:34-36
Corz Illa Jesus is a friend of sinners. The holiest, most powerful voice that ever spoke said, come to me, learn of me for I am humble and gentle in heart.
The written statement from the church did not match what the pastor said from the pulpit. So which was it? Did the bad people who attacked him "win" or did he cheat on his wife and no longer qualify to preach?
Hi, Who do you mean? Probably many celebrity marriages have double cheaters, dont you think? Two wrongs dont make a right though. I dont like that he threw her in, and I don't like that he's saying that the bad people win...he will never be a real man til he puts his mess on his own shoulders. This is not his first time getting into dutch, maybe he didnt belong on the pulpit.
So? Everyone has failed or will fail at something. The more important question is, will they admit failure and repent or try to hide it. All hidden things will come to light eventually.
we are all sinners - as christians we should help these people get up again he should have known that the lord forgives if you are truly repentive of the sin you committed. when he quit satan won.
Listened to his testimony earlier but think this boy still hasn't grown up and is still not taking responsibility for his actions and why issue a statement as if his wife had something to do with it.
when you commit sin and ask God`s forgiveness, He will forgave you but doesn`t mean you will not face the consequences of your actions. look at king David, Adam and Eve. Lets pray for him that he will be able to endure ,overcome his trials .
Id be more willing to take him seriously if he didnt call his blatant *sin* a moral "fail". Unrepentant people never say "I'm sorry for what I did," ... they say *"I'm sorry for what happened."* As if something HAPPENED that they didn't cause! Just say what ya did man! ....say "I sinned against my wife and God and committed adultery." SMH
Just saw this video from 2 yrs ago. Proud of him for confessing. We never know how many other pastors may be guilty as well, that are wearing a mask. Seems sex, drugs, & alcohol destroys, whether ur a pastor or not. Hope he has made a positive come back, since his confession.
WE ARE NOT PERFECT..and should not JUDGE so quickly..Our Faith and Mercy brings us to the cross for forgiveness of sins..Staying positive in a negative world we live in...God bless.
The church board should never have extended a call to Graham. He was not the man to follow Dr. D. J. Kennedy, it was so obvious what were they thinking? What in the world were they thinking? The Holy Spirit was not in it at all.
Pastor repent and pick back up your cross. Perhaps Yeshua is needing you somewhere else. Yes I will pray for Your Ministry and Your Family. Our Father Forgives keep striving to be pleasing to Our Heavenly Father. We all fall, just get back up and attempt to sin no more.
Don't you just love when someone fails and then fails to admit it? Go and open your own closets and look darkly in the mirror and try not to fail to see your sin. After all, Jesus did die for our sin,,,,all of our sin. He knew we would until we die. I am thankful for His love and grace and am thankful any of you commenting will not be my judge. Jesus will be. Hope He will be judging you and NOT God. Selah!!!!
No one really can really know someone else's heart. He is either not saved, or a Christian involved in sin and needs to repent, ask God for forgiveness, and accept church discipline, at least disqualifying himself as a pastor. However, a few concerning things jump out concerning this. First, shifting even part of the blame onto the the intense scrutiny he was subjected to by the "moral monger". The use of catch phrases like moral failure, marital issues, inappropriate relationship, etc, instead of I'm a sinner! Throwing his wife under the bus immediately in his statement, suggesting her "affair", (in contrast to his "inappropriate relationship"), caused him to seek another. I see in him the spirit of Adam just after the fall, not a spirit of king David when confronted by Samuel...
It still amazed me as a Christian of 20 years that the same church as a whole that Hails the Forgiveness Jesus provided by His Crucification, are the first to throw it out the window. It's the Sin of Hypocricy Jesus warned about in more than one place in the Bible.
Who were his parents? He is not Billy Graham and Billy would be preaching repentance and salvation to him. We all are sinners and need Jesus. The grandson needs a different profession and counseling.
The problem was not his sin. The problem was that he did't want to repent. The church calls people for repentance, but if the person wishes to continue sinning, the church cannot accept that the person continues to exercise his duties, much less if he is a leader. The day that he truly repents, that day the church will return him all his privileges. The church needs to be a good example of morality and respect, and not to teach others to sin.....We always see one part of the coin, but what about the other side of the coin.... the pain of his wife and his children?
The word of God tells to judge not and those with out sin cast the first stone, to make sure to take sure you take the log out of your own eye before you take the speck out if your brothers eye!
I've always wondered this one thing. Is it usually that when one patriarch becomes a pastor that the wife and children and grandchildren follow suit? I see it is like a kingdom where you optimistically become a princess ansorunce and it stays in the family so ends up being a family "business kind of".is it right? If there is a calling and anointing on one member of the family to preach should the other also jump onto thatbpersons anointing and claim same appointment by God to be shepherds?
I like this former Pastor for having the honor to admit his failure and step down as senior pastor. He at least comprehends the need for integrity in a Shepard.
How come God can forgive a repentant heart but humans can't humans have flaws and that is why God invokes grace a repentance, The godless media should not be taken as factual in anything
We all are not perfect and thear will come times that we will fail the Lord . But don't you forget that Jesus died for our sins. For god knows we will fall into temptation And fail at times. But thru the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord when we come befor our Lord and ask him to forgive us he forgives you nomatter how great your sin is the bible says we as humans will never forgive because our nature of not forgiving others but thear is one that can allways forgive you and thru his blood we are forgiven and that's thru Jesus Christ our Lord our savior . So don't let anyone in this world tell you that you will not b forgiving . What you do is go to your room close the door and get on your knees and pray to the Lord he will forgive you. People read your bibles very important to know what the Lord tells us and for no one can deceive you. Remember when you fail put your trust in the Lord. He will forgive you. Amen to our lord. God bless.
He did the right thing to step down. God forgives, but he needs time to get his heart right again. And work on his marriage. Then if its God's will, he will be restored back to preach.
It's all about money with these preachers are that are not living in the spirit.They cannot fullfill the obligations that the spirit demands. A total submission of the flesh. Pick up thine cross and follow him approach is whats needed to fullfill the obligations of a perfect walk living out the word of God. You must love God with all you're heart and fear him and no that the implications of violating his word before a congregation is very sloppy and slacking thing to do!! Woe unto you for such a thing!! Repent and never stand before a pulpit again.
WOW...Poor Tullian. The bible says judgement begins at the pulpit. To begin with he was never saved. Nothing in his countenance showed that. He had no peace in his humbleness. He looked & dressed like the world. He brought the world into Coral Ridge Ministries & destroyed the flock. He was supposed to be the shepherd, instead he turned out to be a wolf. Bible says...test the fruits to see if they are of God. He wasn't of God. Tullian was never truly repentant of his past sin. His heart never fully changed. He was living a lie from the pulpit he preached from. If he was truly in Christ and the Cross he would've never fallen. There was no reverence for God. He was nothing like his grandfather...Billy Graham. In Jesus & the Cross he will have to confess & repent. Take the consequences of his sinful behaviour. Jesus...God's salvation plan. That's what Billy Graham preached.
Mary Mclocke...The Holy Bible says judgement begins at the pulpit. Tullian was the Pastor of a great mega church. They trusted him to feed them God's Word. He betrayed them. The Bible says... Jesus tells us to test the fruit whether it is good or evil. Check out Tullian's past history. He was wayward since he was 16ys old. Poor Tullian he destroyed his family, his ministry, his credibility; because he was of the world & not of God. God allowed him to fall from grace. Maybe his best calling is to be an Uber driver...not preaching God's Word.
wadapalava Hoo...Only God knows Tullian's heart...whether it be good or evil. If Tullian is going to preach from the pulpit he has to be beyond reproach. Seems he wants the notoriety to preach, but, doesn't want the responsibility to live it in truth. The Bible says...from such turn away.
And this is why so many have left the "church." So many resemble hate, judgement, and a refusal to acknowledge that Christ died to ALL sin. It isn't good enough for them. They want to be the judge and jury.
Jesus gets down with a towel washing the disciples feet; his grand father emulates Jesus and here he is throwing down his towel exposing himself so to speak! How much hurt did this cause to Jesus and his grand dad. Whilst his grand father leaves behind lasting memories all this guy cared about was leaving some liquid memories!
The only one who NEVER sinned was Jesus Christ. Everyone else is infected with sin AND it is not a surprise to GOD when we do. We are supposed to REPENT, by admitting our failure, tell El Shaddai that we regret and am very sorry for our sin and give praise that His Son Jesus Christ already paid our PENALTY on the cross. Knowing that the price has already been paid, isn't supposed to give us free reign to sin freely, but it assures that we DON'T have to throw in the towel and give the devil a feel good moment. It took me a long time to understand this and not have the constant feeling of defeat. Jesus Christ defeated the devil on the cross and by the RESURRECTION. Jesus Christ is KING and UNDEFEATED. Anyone related to Billy Graham should SURELY know this and have a little more fortitude.
No man is not prone to sin. That is,why Jesus died. I am responsible for me. Just me will stand before God. I won't answer for his sin just mine. I still love Jesus. No matter who falls. I just need to pray for him. No one is perfect. Not one except For JESUS CHRIST. You are in my prayers.
The Bible lays out the requirements to be an elder in the church and of course the standard is just as high for a pastor. Of course God forgives all sin but if he feels he should resign then that's what he should do. Leaders and teachers are put to a higher standard. Read it. It's in the Bible, as his grandfather always said.
Your transgression are covered the blood of Jesus .We are over come by the blood of lamb and the words of our testimony .We as saint's stick together I pray for you and wife continue in and contend for the faith.God is not done with you yet. (Pastor Graham) We are all like clay in the hand of the potter. I hope you haven't step down ask the your flock to forgive you now that you have confess your sin before God pray fast and keep going but don't give up for place in God he called you not man.Love your honesty stay strong.And by the way your Grandfather Billy Graham would want you to stay the course.
If U become a pastor,without the calling from GD,U are in danger! Cuz the demons know who is called by GD and who is not called. and if u dont have the calling, the demons will have a fieldday with U! u cannot do pastorwork,and your not anointed by GD!
This was a hustler from the get go. People are so gullible especially facing an obvious con artist. Way back when he told of drugs,drinking and sex. BUT when in trouble they turn to religion as a way to financial help and sanctification.
People think if they carry the name Graham,they are intitled to being a pastor! BUt u are wrong. U eed a calling from GD to be a pastor. U cnnot just nilly willy become a pastor ,cuz u want to be a pastor when u have the calling,The holy spirit himself will enter U,and speak for U. only when U have the calling
Dr. Kennedy is not a critic of gay and abortion rights, omg! He’s preaching the WORD OF GOD! I hope this pastor repent though. He did the wrong thing. Did Jesus say, “I’m not dying for none of y’all sinners who spit on me.” He completed the job.
You have let very evil men deceive you. In approx. 600 BC the Jews were taken to Babylon. When they got to Babylon the Jews started calling upon their god Yahweh. The Babylonians did not KNOW the God Yahweh and said: YAH WHO." At this time the abominations called Rabbi's came into existence. The Rabbi's thought that the Babylonians were making fun of their GOD YAHWEH. The evil Rabbi's told the people they were not to say the NAME Yahweh ever again. The Babylonians were asking a question:" WHO is Yahweh. " This shows that all Rabbi's are children of the devil. After 70 years the Jews and the children of Israel came back to Yahweh's LAND. They had been forbidden from saying the CREATORS NAME for 70 years. On the appointed day Yahweh SENT His literal genetic SON Yahshua to declare His Fathers NAME. John 17: 26. THE JEWS hated Yahweh's SON Yahshua because He was saying the NAME Yahweh. The JEWS had HIDDEN the NAME of THE Creator Yahweh and to this very day The JEWS are forbidden from saying THE NAME of THE Creator Yahweh. In approx. 276 BC The JEWS translated the HEBREW scriptures into GREEK so they could REMOVE the NAME of THE Creator Yahweh. There were NO Christians before 320 AD. WHEN Christianity was invented the Christians translated the HEBREW scriptures into GREEK and REMOVED THE NAME of the Creator from the HEBREW scriptures and Added their PAGAN Greek god Iesous in the bible. The Christians and the JEWS are HIDING the NAME of THE Creator Yahweh. Approx 500 years ago the Christians CHANGED the name of their PAGAN god Iesous to Jesus. The entire scriptures were written in HEBREW. EVERYTHING that comes from the GREEK is the words from evil men. I say again:" THE JEWS and the Christians are HIDING THE NAME of the Creator Yahweh from the world. This shows that The Jews and Christians are in obedience to their father the devil. 1 John 3: 8. May THE Creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures. Heb. 12: 14. Bless you
The pastor did the right thing in stepping down. I pray he learn to forgive himself. I also pray that he ask forgiveness from those affected by his actions; his family, the church, and of course God.
this guys tatoos, body language and proud look makes it clear that he is of the world
A true con man...You can’t just cheat on your wife all week and preach the word to people on Sundays.
Then you don't know Jesus..... didn't he forgive the woman caught in adultery and the Samaritan woman at the well who was living in sin, she was living with a man that wasn't her husband.... forgiveness was Jesus way of life, unforgiveness is for the self righteous
@@chordsofgratitude2073 He does forgive but I watched hypocrite Christians my whole time growing up. They don’t practice what they preach. They use forgiveness as a get out of sin free card. You really can’t con God can you lol. The preachers are the worst ones though. That’s one of the reasons I haven’t been to church in decades.
@@justinhopper5941 , quite literally, your preaching to a PK, a preachers kid ... we're the worst of the sinners.... but hopefully we learn lessons in life and either get real about faith and religion or completely walk away. Like you, I gave up on religion but not faith in a Creator. I'm still learning life lessons and studying, searching, but just not in a church these days. Blessings. Keep your faith in a Creator even if you don't attend another church service....
For all have sinned and fall short of his glory, no one is perfect
I am, but then again I'm not a religious hypocrite.
No one is righteous no not one ...... no one is perfect even pastors screw up.... and guess what God still forgives
Jesus said, "Cut his wiener off!"
Kathy Somers Yes, God forgives but that is between the sinner and God, it is not dispensed or withheld by humans. That doesnt mean there are not earthly consequences for our sins. The Bible stills admonishes us to obey the laws of the state, to pay our taxes and to do our best to sin no more. There are many Christian conversions in prison and they are grantrd forgiveness for past sins but are not 'given a pass' for their behaviour or future actions.
God forgives. That's a personal matter. But when a man in authority in God's church commits serial adultery with 4 different women, and basically embarrasses the church, he must be held accountable and should NEVER be allowed on the pulpit again.
If you know it’s wrong and you continue to do it anyway thinking you can ask for forgiveness you’re not familiar with the Bible. You should try reading it. It may shock you.
Not cheating on your spouse isn’t hard
Many people in the Bible sinned and had consequences and yet were repentant to God and forgiven .
Ye who are sinless, you throw the first stone!
I’m not sinless never have been was not being judge mental I just looked at other comments and was saying and I guess it didn’t come out clear so I’m saying any that sin even me can repent to God and receive forgiveness.
Victory Thai cheat code - sin and just ask for forgiveness. This explains why Christian are such horrible awful people. Finally understand. They can do whatever they want and they will still be rewarded with heaven and favor. It’s scary to think that some people go through life trying to be good only because they will be rewarded for it in the long run. It’s such a selfish faith disguised by the illusion of being a good person
I was just thinking of Dr. Kennedy this morning and how I'd listen to his messages on Sunday mornings. I didn't know anything about Billy Graham's grandson. I didn't even know Dr. Kennedy had died. For sure we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I know I have. With that being said,though Grace is available to us if we mess up,it is soo important as believers to know we don't have to mess up because God's grace is available to keep us from falling into sin. When we sin we ultimately frustrate what Grace has already accomplished for us through the blood of Jesus. If you have messed up in the pass,confess it,mean it,ask Grace to be your sufficiency so that you won't keep failing in the same ways anyone more and learn from the fall and move forward. Once we truly confess our sins,God is faithful to forgive us and clean us from the filth of sin because they are blood-washed. God forgets about it. Now we must do the same and live in the freedom that Christ made us free with and not be caught up in sin's mess any longer. Glory to God!
His message remains the same .... keep those donations rolling in! hallelujah!
What a DISGRACE to his family and the church.. people like this are common in the church these days.
Yeah right, like he's the only one. You holier than thou assholes are just as dirty as he is.
His family is pretty much a disgrace. At least this one confessed.
@@jelynn6463how do you figure that?
@@taylorcurtis9063 do some research on Billy Graham. He was part of the club.
@@taylorcurtis9063 go research the truth on Billy Graham. Infiltrates are also in the church. Ever wonder why Queen Elizabeth loved him so much?
It would be hard to fill the shoes of D. James Kennedy. Hopefully Tullian has found his way back. God is always faithful even when are not.
What I feel bad about is not only did he cheat, but SHE cheated. I feel bad for the congregation.
It didn't sound like he was saying sorry about his affair. It was more like "I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids" 😬🤜
EXACTLY. I heard precisely the same thing.
Praying for him, he's only human. God please bless him and heal his heart in the name of Jesus, amen.
How many times do you have to be kicked before you realize your ass is getting sore?
Amen, let the one has no sin cast the 1st stone.
I'll bet you've got more than a few lumps on your head.
this is why people find it so hard to believe in God (me included) and follow the word because we are ALL sinners, we make mistakes but when you make a mistake as a pastor, preaching Gods word the human Judgement is so much heavier a burden. WE ALL NEED GODS LOVE, GRACE, and Forgiveness. But we must pick up our cross daily and give thanks! NONE ARE FREE FROM SIN, NO NOT ONE.
Corz Illa amen very well said
God is very real. Sin doesn't make him less real. In the end, it makes Him more real because He died for us and forgave us of our sins. Where would we be without His forgiveness. We wouldn't be anywhere. Actually we'd all be going to hell. Pastors sin. He fell into sin, but it doesn't mean that God is not there to forgive him if he cries out to God and corrects his life and is willing to live in obedience. God help this man. God help all of us, because He loves us so much. He wants to forgive and be set free so that one day we will go to heaven and see His face.
Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. - John 8:34-36
Corz Illa Jesus is a friend of sinners. The holiest, most powerful voice that ever spoke said, come to me, learn of me for I am humble and gentle in heart.
Bianca Hotca t
The written statement from the church did not match what the pastor said from the pulpit. So which was it? Did the bad people who attacked him "win" or did he cheat on his wife and no longer qualify to preach?
Hi, Who do you mean? Probably many celebrity marriages have double cheaters, dont you think? Two wrongs dont make a right though. I dont like that he threw her in, and I don't like that he's saying that the bad people win...he will never be a real man til he puts his mess on his own shoulders. This is not his first time getting into dutch, maybe he didnt belong on the pulpit.
Wow ❗
He took a solid church into the "hip and trendy" era of compromise and pop culture. Inevitable.
So? Everyone has failed or will fail at something. The more important question is, will they admit failure and repent or try to hide it. All hidden things will come to light eventually.
we are all sinners - as christians we should help these people get up again he should have known that the lord forgives if you are truly repentive of the sin you committed. when he quit satan won.
Pray for him. No matter what we think, & we are not his Maker. He made a mistake, needs forgiveness from the Lord & people who love him.
Amen. Best comment.
Why do these evangelicals have problems with affairs and money?
Because they are humans
Self control, lack of greed, loving the wife . Paul says "Husbands love your wives" and "your body belongs to your wife" not a mistress
Ya, I agree it is definitely wrong, but no one is perfect.
Listened to his testimony earlier but think this boy still hasn't grown up and is still not taking responsibility for his actions and why issue a statement as if his wife had something to do with it.
If someone will lie to and deceive their significant other and their children, who won’t they lie to and deceive...?
when you commit sin and ask God`s forgiveness, He will forgave you but doesn`t mean you will not face the consequences of your actions. look at king David, Adam and Eve. Lets pray for him that he will be able to endure ,overcome his trials .
Id be more willing to take him seriously if he didnt call his blatant *sin* a moral "fail". Unrepentant people never say "I'm sorry for what I did," ... they say *"I'm sorry for what happened."* As if something HAPPENED that they didn't cause! Just say what ya did man!
....say "I sinned against my wife and God and committed adultery." SMH
God will forgive you ... she won't.
Just saw this video from 2 yrs ago. Proud of him for confessing. We never know how many other pastors may be guilty as well, that are wearing a mask. Seems sex, drugs, & alcohol destroys, whether ur a pastor or not. Hope he has made a positive come back, since his confession.
Sex, drugs, & alcohol. Yeah, preachers have all the fun.
That's why women love the movie The Notebook. The male character loves his wife even when she develops dementia.
well? he's no Dr. Billy Graham...
Its all coming out ☹️
So Sad
WE ARE NOT PERFECT..and should not JUDGE so quickly..Our Faith and Mercy brings us to the cross for forgiveness of sins..Staying positive in a negative world we live in...God bless.
The church board should never have extended a call to Graham. He was not the man to follow Dr. D. J. Kennedy, it was so obvious what were they thinking? What in the world were they thinking? The Holy Spirit was not in it at all.
Time will tell.
Pastor repent and pick back up your cross. Perhaps Yeshua is needing you somewhere else. Yes I will pray for Your Ministry and Your Family. Our Father Forgives keep striving to be pleasing to Our Heavenly Father. We all fall, just get back up and attempt to sin no more.
I only obeyed God, he said, "Go Forth and Procreate" so I did, was 12 too many? I mean he never gave me a specific number.
Don't you just love when someone fails and then fails to admit it? Go and open your own closets and look darkly in the mirror and try not to fail to see your sin. After all, Jesus did die for our sin,,,,all of our sin. He knew we would until we die. I am thankful for His love and grace and am thankful any of you commenting will not be my judge. Jesus will be. Hope He will be judging you and NOT God. Selah!!!!
He cheated, she's heartbroken .... Alrighty then. He's convinced her it was her fault.
He looks not very pastor-like to begin with
No one really can really know someone else's heart. He is either not saved, or a Christian involved in sin and needs to repent, ask God for forgiveness, and accept church discipline, at least disqualifying himself as a pastor. However, a few concerning things jump out concerning this. First, shifting even part of the blame onto the the intense scrutiny he was subjected to by the "moral monger". The use of catch phrases like moral failure, marital issues, inappropriate relationship, etc, instead of I'm a sinner! Throwing his wife under the bus immediately in his statement, suggesting her "affair", (in contrast to his "inappropriate relationship"), caused him to seek another. I see in him the spirit of Adam just after the fall, not a spirit of king David when confronted by Samuel...
It still amazed me as a Christian of 20 years that the same church as a whole that Hails the Forgiveness Jesus provided by His Crucification, are the first to throw it out the window. It's the Sin of Hypocricy Jesus warned about in more than one place in the Bible.
Who were his parents? He is not Billy Graham and Billy would be preaching repentance and salvation to him. We all are sinners and need Jesus. The grandson needs a different profession and counseling.
He can't take it anymore? Poor little thing! Bless his little heart. Gag.
The problem was not his sin. The problem was that he did't want to repent. The church calls people for repentance, but if the person wishes to continue sinning, the church cannot accept that the person continues to exercise his duties, much less if he is a leader. The day that he truly repents, that day the church will return him all his privileges. The church needs to be a good example of morality and respect, and not to teach others to sin.....We always see one part of the coin, but what about the other side of the coin.... the pain of his wife and his children?
Do you ever think that maybe there would be less scandals if these ministers had some authority over them?
You mean like a Pope? ... Bahahahahahahahahaha
@@cletusspucklerstablejeaniu1059 LOL! Good point. Maybe not the Pope, but the Protestant equivalent.
JOHN 3:16
... and money gets you the women.
He was never called to preach because he was never filled with the HOLY GHOST
The word of God tells to judge not and those with out sin cast the first stone, to make sure to take sure you take the log out of your own eye before you take the speck out if your brothers eye!
I've always wondered this one thing. Is it usually that when one patriarch becomes a pastor that the wife and children and grandchildren follow suit? I see it is like a kingdom where you optimistically become a princess ansorunce and it stays in the family so ends up being a family "business kind of".is it right? If there is a calling and anointing on one member of the family to preach should the other also jump onto thatbpersons anointing and claim same appointment by God to be shepherds?
I like this former Pastor for having the honor to admit his failure and step down as senior pastor. He at least comprehends the need for integrity in a Shepard.
How come God can forgive a repentant heart but humans can't humans have flaws and that is why God invokes grace a repentance, The godless media should not be taken as factual in anything
We all are not perfect and thear will come times that we will fail the Lord . But don't you forget that Jesus died for our sins. For god knows we will fall into temptation
And fail at times. But thru the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord when we come befor our Lord and ask him to forgive us he forgives you nomatter how great your sin is the bible says we as humans will never forgive because our nature of not forgiving others but thear is one that can allways forgive you and thru his blood we are forgiven and that's thru Jesus Christ our Lord our savior . So don't let anyone in this world tell you that you will not b forgiving . What you do is go to your room close the door and get on your knees and pray to the Lord he will forgive you.
People read your bibles very important to know what the Lord tells us and for no one can deceive you. Remember when you fail put your trust in the Lord. He will forgive you. Amen to our lord.
God bless.
He did the right thing to step down. God forgives, but he needs time to get his heart right again. And work on his marriage. Then if its God's will, he will be restored back to preach.
The dude goes to tanning beds and has tattoos.
SO WHAT !!!!???? "Man looks at outward appearances
YOU don't know God or His Word.
It's all about money with these preachers are that are not living in the spirit.They cannot fullfill the obligations that the spirit demands. A total submission of the flesh. Pick up thine cross and follow him approach is whats needed to fullfill the obligations of a perfect walk living out the word of God. You must love God with all you're heart and fear him and no that the implications of violating his word before a congregation is very sloppy and slacking thing to do!! Woe unto you for such a thing!! Repent and never stand before a pulpit again.
they probably need a sinless person to fill the pulpit now.
Update the quoted executive pastor in the video is now the senior pastor
How disgusting.
Pam Lovell : Sin is disgusting and we are all sinners. Be Thankful we have Yeshua who stood in the place for all us sinners and show us the way.
WOW...Poor Tullian. The bible says judgement begins at the pulpit. To begin with he was never saved. Nothing in his countenance showed that. He had no peace in his humbleness. He looked & dressed like the world. He brought the world into Coral Ridge Ministries & destroyed the flock. He was supposed to be the shepherd, instead he turned out to be a wolf. Bible says...test the fruits to see if they are of God. He wasn't of God. Tullian was never truly repentant of his past sin. His heart never fully changed. He was living a lie from the pulpit he preached from. If he was truly in Christ and the Cross he would've never fallen. There was no reverence for God. He was nothing like his grandfather...Billy Graham. In Jesus & the Cross he will have to confess & repent. Take the consequences of his sinful behaviour. Jesus...God's salvation plan. That's what Billy Graham preached.
+ Larry Geary-- this is *3 years old* and you judge him TODAY? Jesus has forgiven by now....can't you?
Mary Mclocke...The Holy Bible says judgement begins at the pulpit. Tullian was the Pastor of a great mega church. They trusted him to feed them God's Word. He betrayed them. The Bible says... Jesus tells us to test the fruit whether it is good or evil. Check out Tullian's past history. He was wayward since he was 16ys old. Poor Tullian he destroyed his family, his ministry, his credibility; because he was of the world & not of God. God allowed him to fall from grace. Maybe his best calling is to be an Uber driver...not preaching God's Word.
Larry Geary I'm sure he's sorry he's not perfect
wadapalava Hoo...Only God knows Tullian's heart...whether it be good or evil. If Tullian is going to preach from the pulpit he has to be beyond reproach. Seems he wants the notoriety to preach, but, doesn't want the responsibility to live it in truth. The Bible says...from such turn away.
And this is why so many have left the "church." So many resemble hate, judgement, and a refusal to acknowledge that Christ died to ALL sin. It isn't good enough for them. They want to be the judge and jury.
Jesus gets down with a towel washing the disciples feet; his grand father emulates Jesus and here he is throwing down his towel exposing himself so to speak! How much hurt did this cause to Jesus and his grand dad. Whilst his grand father leaves behind lasting memories all this guy cared about was leaving some liquid memories!
+zorin40 -- you're all ASLEEP! This news is *3 years old* and you judge him NOW? Jesus has forgiven by now....can't you?
The only one who NEVER sinned was Jesus Christ. Everyone else is infected with sin AND it is not a surprise to GOD when we do. We are supposed to REPENT, by admitting our failure, tell El Shaddai that we regret and am very sorry for our sin and give praise that His Son Jesus Christ already paid our PENALTY on the cross. Knowing that the price has already been paid, isn't supposed to give us free reign to sin freely, but it assures that we DON'T have to throw in the towel and give the devil a feel good moment. It took me a long time to understand this and not have the constant feeling of defeat. Jesus Christ defeated the devil on the cross and by the RESURRECTION. Jesus Christ is KING and UNDEFEATED. Anyone related to Billy Graham should SURELY know this and have a little more fortitude.
Surfs up, Bro...!!!
Let's see, who said "Let he who is without sin cast forth the 1st stone",'s right on the tip...AHhhhh can't remember.
Just another day in Babylon
Babylon Bar & Grill ... Got 4 stars.
No man is not prone to sin. That is,why Jesus died. I am responsible for me. Just me will stand before God. I won't answer for his sin just mine. I still love Jesus. No matter who falls. I just need to pray for him. No one is perfect. Not one except For JESUS CHRIST. You are in my prayers.
The Bible lays out the requirements to be an elder in the church and of course the standard is just as high for a pastor. Of course God forgives all sin but if he feels he should resign then that's what he should do. Leaders and teachers are put to a higher standard. Read it. It's in the Bible, as his grandfather always said.
Your transgression are covered the blood of Jesus .We are over come by the blood of lamb and the words of our testimony .We as saint's stick together I pray for you and wife continue in and contend for the faith.God is not done with you yet. (Pastor Graham) We are all like clay in the hand of the potter. I hope you haven't step down ask the your flock to forgive you now that you have confess your sin before God pray fast and keep going but don't give up for place in God he called you not man.Love your honesty stay strong.And by the way your Grandfather Billy Graham would want you to stay the course.
Love the sinner, hate your own sin.
If U become a pastor,without the calling from GD,U are in danger! Cuz the demons know who is called by GD and who is not called. and if u dont have the calling, the demons will have a fieldday with U! u cannot do pastorwork,and your not anointed by GD!
why did we hear it from you and not him? fake news again.
This was a hustler from the get go. People are so gullible especially facing an obvious con artist. Way back when he told of drugs,drinking and sex. BUT when in trouble they turn to religion as a way to financial help and sanctification.
modern warlock...
The irony!
I know most of the evangelicals are not religious people they are sometimes else.
People think if they carry the name Graham,they are intitled to being a pastor! BUt u are wrong. U eed a calling from GD to be a pastor. U cnnot just nilly willy become a pastor ,cuz u want to be a pastor when u have the calling,The holy spirit himself will enter U,and speak for U. only when U have the calling
Dr. Kennedy is not a critic of gay and abortion rights, omg! He’s preaching the WORD OF GOD! I hope this pastor repent though. He did the wrong thing. Did Jesus say, “I’m not dying for none of y’all sinners who spit on me.” He completed the job.
Well who is any 1 to judge him for what he has done, the lord forgave him, take a look what is at your door, Jesus forgive them for what they do.
Boy, he sure looks like Billy Graham
Ahhhh, so do what you want and repent in the end ... got it!
The guy looks like con artist. Like the all are!
You have let very evil men deceive you.
In approx. 600 BC the Jews were taken to Babylon. When they got to Babylon the Jews started calling upon their god Yahweh.
The Babylonians did not KNOW the God Yahweh and said: YAH WHO."
At this time the abominations called Rabbi's came into existence. The Rabbi's thought that the Babylonians were making fun of their GOD YAHWEH. The evil Rabbi's told the people they were not to say the NAME Yahweh ever again.
The Babylonians were asking a question:" WHO is Yahweh. "
This shows that all Rabbi's are children of the devil.
After 70 years the Jews and the children of Israel came back to Yahweh's LAND. They had been forbidden from saying the CREATORS NAME for 70 years.
On the appointed day Yahweh SENT His literal genetic SON Yahshua to declare His Fathers NAME. John 17: 26.
THE JEWS hated Yahweh's SON Yahshua because He was saying the NAME Yahweh.
The JEWS had HIDDEN the NAME of THE Creator Yahweh and to this very day The JEWS are forbidden from saying THE NAME of THE Creator Yahweh.
In approx. 276 BC The JEWS translated the HEBREW scriptures into GREEK so they could REMOVE the NAME of THE Creator Yahweh.
There were NO Christians before 320 AD. WHEN Christianity was invented the Christians translated the HEBREW scriptures into GREEK and REMOVED THE NAME of the Creator from the HEBREW scriptures and Added their PAGAN Greek god Iesous in the bible.
The Christians and the JEWS are HIDING the NAME of THE Creator Yahweh.
Approx 500 years ago the Christians CHANGED the name of their PAGAN god Iesous to Jesus.
The entire scriptures were written in HEBREW.
EVERYTHING that comes from the GREEK is the words from evil men.
I say again:" THE JEWS and the Christians are HIDING THE NAME of the Creator Yahweh from the world.
This shows that The Jews and Christians are in obedience to their father the devil. 1 John 3: 8.
May THE Creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures.
Heb. 12: 14.
Bless you