@@frankandrews580 I saw exactly your point. Your attempt to use that as evidence to support climate change denialism is still a fail, just like this video's later attempts to link the two is also a fail.
Quit whining about the state paying to fix the roadway the drivers who pay gas tax are paying to fix the roadway so we can drive on it it's called maintenance.
@@ronperez5129Maybe so, but then Californians should have a say on whether they want to pay for housing, food, and healthcare for illegal aliens and homeless people too.
what a shame. I never new how lucky I was to be able to ride the entire length from Washington to the Mexican border in 1976 without any interruptions.
Nope. That route leaves the coast at several different points along the way. Congratulations, but your misinformation could cost someone their life. The Call of The Wild beautiful, honest, and without pity for fools.
We have all sorts of roads through mountains, and terrain that is not flat in California, exactly like this. Drive through the Sierras some time. That gets fixed just the same as the coast highway though less traffic. This has always been the case. I don’t see why bulldozing and small to medium sized bridges now cost multi millions of dollars when it didn’t used to. Its like state contracts have inflated to pentagon spending.
But you can't dialog with people who have no LOGIC, REASON OR TRUTH!!! climate change is the biggest world wide fraud ever put on the people. It's all about control. It is the Worlds Biggest Excuse!
Carmel is generally pronounced Car Mel, not Carm el. In any event, I’m glad that I got to drive on that road. I’d hate to see it disappear, but Mother Nature doesn’t seem to like the road.
Was going to say the same thing. And while that's bad enough to hear, there were times that we'd take out-of-state visitors there and they'd comment on how beautiful "Caramel" is - as if it's the same word as the candy. SMH.😅
Ya forget to tell all what it is. Dollars to donuts you'll describe weather. That said the video erred. Landslides there are not caused by sea level rise. Most often it's from heavy heavy rain. But as one poster noted above the recent years rains were increased by atmospheric rivers past the normal rainfall. Hint, it's from climate change.
@@cre8tvedgeAll that rain has happened before, the only difference, is the phoney belief that climate change will bring rapid and catastrophic destruction to mankind, along with new terminology, "atmospheric river". It all sounds so new and real, yet in this case the highway was a fools errand.
@@markthomas207 So destruction won't be rapid (except in the case of wildfire or catastrophic flood). Mark it's been warming for more than a century and that warming is expanding. The huge growth in the burning of fossil fuels is the cause. "Summers are, on average, now about 0.8C (1.5F) hotter across the US than this earlier period, but many places have had far more extreme summertime increases, being up to 2.8C (5F) hotter." The jet stream has delivered storms for centuries. Now the storms are increasing due to the rise in evaporation from warming. The last twelves months have shown increased warming over their year prior. Twelve in a row. No this is not a rapid crisis like an earthquake or volcanic eruption but is is ongoing and growing and will only grow worse. These are the facts that you deny at your peril and the peril especially of your descendants. Sad really.
As someone who lives just south of the area in question I can offer up this vis a vis climate change; it is not the rising seas where climate comes into play it is the 44 inches of rain we have received over the past two rainy seasons. Water can be an excellent lubricant and when things get wet and start moving around they often change places. There is no place north of SLO and south of Monterrey that has not been impacted by this drought to deluge scenario, and Sur is just the prettiest and most famous.
My thoughts? Are people really this ignorant and stubborn? The earth is a living, breathing organism, constantly moving and shifting. Let's keep hitting our heads against these same issues the same way and expect different results. BTW that's the meaning of insanity!
not many options. The money spent by the state to maintain the coastal highway is offset by income by the millions of tourists who come to see the place.
I'm sure you've never been there. The major scenic section is Big Sur and is a few dozen more miles than 100 of the 600 and change of the full length of HWY 1 as reported. It does have serious landslides but rather than the BS of the narrator (AI? that's an unpleasant voice in any case) they are commonly caused by heavy rain which is a feature of that coastal mountain range. It's not insanity. That label belongs to the Republican Party and it's buy in for an insane narcissist conning the heck out of them.
@@cre8tvedge So are you saying that it was a good thing to build this highway on this "coastal mountain range" that keeps doing what it's supposed to do? Not sure what you mean.
The slides have nothing to do with climate. It's because this coast is rising because this is where the Continental plate runs into the Pacific plate, causing the mountains to uplift. The slopes of the mountains are subject to erosion as they rise and steepen. Ate tonic environment!
44 inches of rain and the mountain says "Nope I ain't budging!", 1cm of uplift and it's all "Aaaaaaah I can't take this anymore, I'm too high man, aaaaah I'm faaaaallling!"
I must say, I took the entire route by motorcycle both ways and it was incredible, breath taking even. Land slides have been a way of life here since the road was built. Climate change has nothing to do with it and is a total fraud. Hwy 1 is my favorite stretch of road in the United States. I-70 through the Colorado Rockies in Winter is my 2nd favorite. They are both incredible and make you feel very small. Going down through Salt Lake City is also very beautiful, as is rolling off the mountain to Albuquerque at night with all the lights. Just breath taking to see it and take it all in. I've been a few places in my life.
Ocean rising? I lived on the beach in Carpinteria CA from 1972 until 2020 ... that's when CA taxes drove me out of the state. Living next to the ocean, I was an avid surf fisherman and during those years sea level had not changed at all. Climate change is a fact. However, mankind's effect on the climate is nonexistent.
Mankind's industrial revolution and your lifted truck are the drivers of climate warming which creates all these disasters (from a human impact perspective). The scientists who study this have the receipts and Faux News lies to you just as they did about the 2020 election leading to a 3/4 of a billion dollar judgement against them. Sorry for the unfounded slur as to what you drive but it's not simply gas guzzling trucks, it's the humongous number of carbon spewing vehicles, plants and machines that are the problem.
Same here. The Morro Bay mean sea level is the same since I was going there in the mid 1960's. No change apparent in 60 years. It is very apparent using the inlet strainer grill building for the PG&E Morro Bay Power Station for comparison. No changes except for the tides. The same with the pilings at the Coast Guard pier. The Green New Deal is hokum. The only green about it is the cash generated for the elite to ''fight climate change''.
I guess you're happy to share your ignorance with a passel of up voting Dunning Krueger buds. The BS about climate change, warming that is, is the lie that it doesn't exist. At least three years in a row now have warmer temps every year. Hundreds died in Phoenix and in the Pacific North West last year from it but you want to push the denial. Please take a class in critical thinking and learn how to understand science.
If you're understandably missing the Big Sir stretch of Hwy 1, the part north of the Golden Gate is still intact. Feel free to visit us up here. A totally different ecosystem, but equally beautiful. 😎
I took my mom north on Hwy.1 above San Francisco in the early ’80s and we called it Dramamine Drive due to the continual winding road that can make you carsick. 🤮 Be careful not to overheat your brakes or they might catch fire. It IS a gorgeous drive.
I last drove this part of PCH from Santa Barbara north to Carmel in '82. I have never known a time when Hwy 1 wasn't falling off a cliff or something overhead not tumbling down on the highway, so yes, they knew all along that this would be an ongoing fix-it project. However, if you have never driven this hunk of asphalt and you can take a little time (off season), it is an amazing drive! It is on my bucket list to get a Miata with a strong heater, a manual gearbox, pop the ragtop and take a drive. Who knows, when I was last on it, life was still in black & white--things change. Maybe it would require a midnight drive or I'd likely face people dawdling ahead of me in rental cars they do not know how to drive. PCH requires no traffic, the ability to spin the RPMs shifting up and down the gears with good tunes out of an acceptable sound system and laughing like a pirate. Well, one man's opinion.
Yeah that's one way to enjoy it. I did so in an MGB with top down on a gorgeous day. We also took time to stop and walk down to the beach with surf crashing and find jade stones. So another awesome way to enjoy it is to listen to that surf crashing while inhaling the amazing smell of the ocean mist. Incredible place.
I drove it in 1996 from Laguna Beach to Monterrey in my Mustang convertible with Pink Floyd blasting on the radio! It was quite beautiful but very scary!
Good luck with that! It's been impossible to go from San Simeon to Carmel for the past couple of years. It will probably re-open this Fall. And when it is open, getting an empty stretch depends strictly on luck as you're likely to end up behind an RV. Always check with local authorities about this road being open, I had to warn my cousin off of planning for this route this year due to the closure.
The world's surface is a very unstable crust, there are a lot more slides in India and China than in California, but we usually don't hear about them, we only hear about La-La -Land, there are other places in North America that are on the verge of major disaster at any time, but because some places are remote, we never hear about them.
Yes, anything between NYC and California doesn’t exist except for when places are hit by tornadoes and flooding. Well, the emergence of 17-yr. cicadas, too. 🤣 Oh, and maybe the last eclipse. 🌑
I used to commute San Francisco to LA a couple of times a month, for several years. Whenever possible, I took Highway 1. An utterly magical experience; its beauty has to be experienced to be believed. Sometimes I had to divert inland to US 101 or Interstate 5, but only when time or rockslides made that necrssary. I hope it can be mainained long term, but have my doubts. Drive it while you can!
It is so incredibly beautiful, end to end. I have been on almost every segment…especially the central part near UC Santa Cruz, for much of my life.😢I wonder what the future holds for this national treasure…
What did they think was going to happen, eventually, when you build a scenic, 650 mile long highway , onto the cliffs of the coastline?! I'm pretty sure the cliffs have been eroding for thousands of years, being battered on a daily basis by the powerful waves of the Pacific, no less when they're getting pummeled from storms. 🙄
I fail to see how climate change is the cause of any of the damage I have seen here. Coastal erosion is an ongoing problem since the beginning of time.
In 1950 , my dad driving his 1946 chevy sedan on highway 101 , we came around a sharp right corner heading south to his brothers' place in L.A. . The curb lane was gone , slid down the steep slope in the night . My dad swerved into the northbound lane and we survived .
Agreed. And no one is building roads on Mars or the heights of the Himalayas or for that matter the peaks of the Sierra Nevada range - all places they shouldn't be.
I love the Pacific Coast Highway! Some of my fondest childhood memories are of driving along it! It's what California is all about! The problem is California has put infrastructure on the back burner for to long. Now everything is an emergency!!!
Eh, its along hillsides and cliffs. There have always been occasional slumps & landslides. Also the most active faults are farther inland. You guys are making more out of it than there is. We have less used roads through canyons in the Sierras that have the same problems and we just bulldoze the slides & fix any subsidence there too. You have to drive up sand canyon to get to Lake Isabella. You should see the boulders that have fallen onto the road & the river below on the other side. And there are the highways from the central valley through the mountains to the coast. There is also the grapevine through the mountains to Los Angeles. Any road that is not perfectly flat has these same maintenance issues & California is a mountainous state.
Reality mid Atlantic ridge pushes North America West 2.5cm (1”) every year. The Pacific plate is sub-ducting under the North American plate. Real time Iceland is the spreading area. The sea keeps eroding the pushed up Mountian’s.
CA Bay Area native, here. I have known about this all my life; I've driven over Devil's Slide numerous times. I lived in Pacifica for 22 years, and boy, was there ever a hue and cry and fight over the building of those tunnels! You have to go way back in time before the auto highway to find the true origins of this road. It began with the Ocean Shore Railroad, a scheme to bring folks out to the beaches for recreation and land sales! They fought the same battles back then, with serious damage done by the infamous earthquake and fire of 1906, and by 1912, it was pretty much done for. There was a feeble attempt to reopen it, but was more talk than action.
The New Deal raised a lot of people out of poverty, moved rural people out of third world status,Provided them electricity which made American farming the most productive on the planet, created energy infrastructure that provided the US the ability to manufacture the massive amount of equipment to win world war II and moved on to the highest living standard for any population on the planet - but you go ahead and bash it from ignorance at the behest of the corps and their political lackies that want your living standard to decrease so they can amass more than the triple lions share they already have.
I've lived in Big Sur in the 1970's for three years and the road was washed out ever so often. As years went on, I would return to take up short term rentals from old friends wanting a vacation in the winter months, the rainy months. Which invariable would have a wash out from the Rains coming in off the Pacific. From small slides needing a few days to repair... to ones that took months to repair, and the stranded longer stay made it a longer drive for supplies. We've got to be thankful for all the hard work and money put put for this roads care. The few who live there and the natural beauty if gives know the tough times. The views give one a sense of God, Heaven and the Divine for such beauty causes one to wonder about God any God
the coast highway has been falling since it was built (example - 1984 Big Sur -150 landslides in 1 night w/ one being 1000 ft high and taking over a year to clear). Everyone loves it, so it ain't going to disappear for a long time, it will be repair as needed and thats it.. Insanity ? - Hell the whole world insane so no big deal. anyone who thinks otherwise is "Sane" and thats really scary
This is part of our government not maintaining our highways or city’s instead let’s send money for wars that makes more sense instead of investing that money into our fast train we need they will make that money back in a couple of years to begin with
…….Car-Mel. (perhaps the most charming hamlet in California, Carmel-by-the-sea. Clint Eastwood was mayor back in the 1980’s, and still lives there). ……Car-Mel. 🤷🏼♂️👌
We love to be scared. Hollywood figured it out decades ago and now UNCLE SAM is taking it to the max. Thanks AL GORED. Notice Al hasn't been around for a while. His wife figured him out but we can't.
when he said climate change, he lost me. The main reason for the slides is natural movement of the earth and poor engineering many years ago. My wife and I have driven along the entire PCH in the past. Beautiful area. No problems on the hwy and met a lot of great people along the way. Saw Hearst Castle which was a highlight of our trip
Wow video editing. Stick with a map picture for more than a second please... and I really appreciate the added film splotches especially over stills. Ugh
This is easily my favorite road in America. I have seen the ocean washing over the highway near Santa Barbara and Pismo Beach. I hope they don't underestimate the value of that road. Fix it!
Nothing more fun than being behind an rv going up the coast highway. I had to make the trip at night. I got behind a winner that put on his turn indicator at ever turn in the road. Long night.
Can't imagine building that road with the equipment they had at the time. Took him 6 minutes to say the words "climate change". That is an improvement over most of his videos. Personally, I think the next ice age is going to take it out.
There is no connection to "climate change" and those coastal hillsides collapsing! It was always unstable soil of soft 'sand stones' and the ocean is not 'rising' either. Just deal with it and keep fixing it as it goes. Millions of tourists and astronomical gas taxes we Californians are paying should cover it.
Opening new highways is sexy for politicians. Maintenance not so much. It's not a surprise that such a difficult road at that lengths causes a lot if annual work and cost.
That, and it has become a Sacramento tradition to rob the supposedly untouchable highway funds for the politicians latest pet project, or to cover general budget deficits. As with many of our problems in California, poor road maintenance is man-made due to piss-poor planning and decision making.
Fact: increase in number & intensity of storms increases erosion rates and the increase in wild fires that leaves exposed soil means lands are more likely to slide. Whatever the cause, it's a result.
California has always been known nationally as the: "Road Closed // Landslide Covering Road" state!! Mother Nature insisted "Don't Do This Foolish Thing" ! But prideful greedy politicians said: "Our Dumb Naive Taxpayers Will Pay The Bill, and We'll Rake-In Tourist Dollar$$!" 🚬 Of course our Commie-Socialist parties jumped on that Pork Band-Wagon then there was no stopping these Federal Megga-Pork Projects !! 🐖🥓🐷
Nice idea for the video and a lot of it is well done, but the quick cuts of map sections are confusing, irritating and pretty much useless, better to cut them out unless you talk to them directly and for long enough for a viewer to figure out why they are included at all. Also, at 2:38, have we switched to Great Britain? The car moving upwards in bottom part of the scene is traveling on LEFT side of the road, pretty sure there are no streches of CA 1 with that feature...
One of the problems with relying on AI narration and not monitoring it: regional names get mispronounced in predictable ways. Carmel-by-the-Sea in Monterey County on the Central Coast is known as Carmel -- but not pronounced like the candy. It's "car-MEL", not "CAR-mul". Like many Californian towns and cities, it was founded by Spanish colonists (in 1797) and had a Spanish name, in this case there was a Catholic Mission called Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo. Borromeo was the Archbishop of Milan, Italy, in the latter 16th century. So we have an English interpretation of a Spanish interpretation of an Italian town. Of course it's going to be idiosyncratic and require someone presenting an historical overview to keep on top of such details.
Amazing it doesn't happen more often. If you ever stopped your car. got out and looked up and saw what could possibly come crashing down on the highway, you are truly brave to use this highway. Sheer 500ft cliffs with loose boulders enough to give the bravest butterflies. If nature wants you dead, this WILL get the job done.
Just a thought: Is there a way to construct a surge barrier at sea to slow down the impact of the sea? Retainer walls aren’t going to be of any use until the sea impact is reduced!
There is a retaining wall north of Santa Barbara right at the rocky shore. It's possible that the road originally went right along the shore there but the majority of Big Sur is steep high cliffs right to the water some a few locked narrow beaches. The road is 60 to over a hundred feet high for most of the way. The sea impact is not the cause of slides. It's rain and the steepness of the terrain.
when will you make a video about the northern portion of Hwy 101 from SF to Oregon? Oh- and dont forget all the landslides on the Oregon coast. Oh wait-- there are so many failures of the soil supporting the roadway even on the portions of roadway that are inland!! AUGH! We're all gonna dye..... while you are contemplating all of this, look up Last Chance Grade, a section of US 101 in Del Norte County, which has experienced decades of soil failures and they keep fixing it. The spice, er, traffic (yeah thats it) - the traffic must flow...
It's all there. Minor changes below BIg Sur proper and the Devils slide portion although still a road is now an hiking park with the highway skirting through the tunnel shown (from the north end).
Basically a very good video. Living in Michigan, I often have dreamed of driving the Coast hwy, but have heard of several of the slides closing the road. I think my days of going there are disappearing as the slides become more numerous and chances for driving the whole thing are less likely. Climate change has been evolving since the beginning of the world and are not necessarily caused by human intervention. Our attempts to ignore it until now have not changed the fact that it will always be an issue that we cannot address and will always be there. Politicians say its our fault for encroaching on nature, but it would happen whether we're here or not.
Stop blaming landslides on climate change! The climate isn’t that severe and every other place has its challenges too. You don’t have mud season when there is a Spring thaw and when you have wild fires that burn off the plants that hold the soil plant some thing ASAP to keep down the erosion so the soil will be stable. Manzanita burns very hot and shades the ground so it isn’t that good for ground cover so it needs other things to help it hold the soil.
Give up, and give Big Sur back to the animals. Make the whole area a, walk-in-only. Give up a Billion dollars, to save 1000 Billion Dollars, and save countless lives.
*They need to learn to build a Hwy that can move around so when the earth shift no big deal. The guys go down and move it back or add some more support poles or beams like Lego blocks if the mountain slid again. It's not that hard to do. And way more cost effective in the long run.*
Pretty good, very important. Same old story any time humans come up with shortcuts against Nature. I don't know if a real human is narrating this, but they sure need to brush up on their pronunciation of quite a few words in the doc.
If it’s possible to build an elevated double track with multipurpose trail that is resistant to the geological issues identified, I think the highway aspect should be abandoned in favor of people getting access without being distracted where attention to the road is crucial
The smartest climate change program would be to move the communities along the highway inland. Don't bother demoing the highway, it'll do that by itself.
BTW, you keep saying, car-mel, like the candy. I believe it should be pronounced, car, like a vehicle you drive, mel, like the name. Check it out. Ask the local Chamber of Commerce. Over all I enjoyed the video.
There is a very good answer, that is being ignored. The Old Coast Road cut in south of Pfeiffer and then crossed Rocky Creek about a mile inland, then came out to the coast again, continuing north where the land is more level near the ocean.
Yes and that area is north of the steep cliffs without any broad valleys to build a road through. Between the mountain peaks and the roaring surf is the beauty of the road.
Slides along this highway have been occurring since long before climate change was even a thing.
The video said that at the very beginning. Did you not watch it?
@@whiteknightcat You missed my point. Maybe read it again.
@@frankandrews580 I saw exactly your point. Your attempt to use that as evidence to support climate change denialism is still a fail, just like this video's later attempts to link the two is also a fail.
No doubt.
Of course even before the time of dinosaurs.
When you build on the edge of a Cliff, you can sort of expect that. Natural erosion.
Quit whining about the state paying to fix the roadway the drivers who pay gas tax are paying to fix the roadway so we can drive on it it's called maintenance.
Californians should have a right to vote on wither or not they want tax dollars to continue repairing this road.
@@ronperez5129Maybe so, but then Californians should have a say on whether they want to pay for housing, food, and healthcare for illegal aliens and homeless people too.
I think you mean the drivers that pay gas tax are paying for high speed rail boondoggles, servicing debt, and subsidizing rich people's electric cars.
Except those funds are constantly being raided by the state government for their pet projects and the roads don’t see any of the money.
@@Sugarsail1 HAW!! Jesus.
Slides along this highway have been occurring since long before this highway was even a thing.
what a shame. I never new how lucky I was to be able to ride the entire length from Washington to the Mexican border in 1976 without any interruptions.
Fortunate indeed. I have a friend who did the same route on bicycle in the 80's. Must have been a trip of a lifetime.
Nope. That route leaves the coast at several different points along the way.
Congratulations, but your misinformation could cost someone their life.
The Call of The Wild beautiful, honest, and without pity for fools.
Mother nature will always win, when will man learn.
We have all sorts of roads through mountains, and terrain that is not flat in California, exactly like this. Drive through the Sierras some time. That gets fixed just the same as the coast highway though less traffic. This has always been the case. I don’t see why bulldozing and small to medium sized bridges now cost multi millions of dollars when it didn’t used to. Its like state contracts have inflated to pentagon spending.
@@kanders7391 because everything is corrupt.
Building roads and maintaining them is only a pretense for taxing and spending into oblivion to enrich the political class PERIOD!!!
Yep, nature prevails and always will. We need to stop trying to conquer it and learn to live with it and be its stewards, as was intended.
The Earth's surface thin layer crust is always shifting about way before mankind was ever around and will continue to do so climate change or not.
Climate change may indeed be real but it's being politicized by those with their own agenda and blaming automobiles.
But you can't dialog with people who have no LOGIC, REASON OR TRUTH!!! climate change is the biggest world wide fraud ever put on the people. It's all about control. It is the Worlds Biggest Excuse!
Crazy thing that Happens to Mountains . They Fall Down . Continuously . Until there is nothing left to Fall .
Except when they rise up to become mountains in the first place.
The original highway construction cost millions of dollars, not billions of dollars. Today, it would cost billions.
Possibly adjusted for inflation.
@@SmooveTV718Most likely.
Carmel is generally pronounced Car Mel, not Carm el. In any event, I’m glad that I got to drive on that road. I’d hate to see it disappear, but Mother Nature doesn’t seem to like the road.
Thanks for educating AI.
I laugh when I heard carmel. So glad you mention it is pronounced Car Mel!
Was going to say the same thing. And while that's bad enough to hear, there were times that we'd take out-of-state visitors there and they'd comment on how beautiful "Caramel" is - as if it's the same word as the candy. SMH.😅
Climate change? I don’t think you know what climate is.
Ya forget to tell all what it is. Dollars to donuts you'll describe weather. That said the video erred. Landslides there are not caused by sea level rise. Most often it's from heavy heavy rain. But as one poster noted above the recent years rains were increased by atmospheric rivers past the normal rainfall. Hint, it's from climate change.
"climate" is the way to rob and control the masses, world wide!! PT Barnum was right on!!
@@cre8tvedgeAll that rain has happened before, the only difference, is the phoney belief that climate change will bring rapid and catastrophic destruction to mankind, along with new terminology, "atmospheric river". It all sounds so new and real, yet in this case the highway was a fools errand.
@@markthomas207 So destruction won't be rapid (except in the case of wildfire or catastrophic flood). Mark it's been warming for more than a century and that warming is expanding. The huge growth in the burning of fossil fuels is the cause. "Summers are, on average, now about 0.8C (1.5F) hotter across the US than this earlier period, but many places have had far more extreme summertime increases, being up to 2.8C (5F) hotter." The jet stream has delivered storms for centuries. Now the storms are increasing due to the rise in evaporation from warming. The last twelves months have shown increased warming over their year prior. Twelve in a row. No this is not a rapid crisis like an earthquake or volcanic eruption but is is ongoing and growing and will only grow worse. These are the facts that you deny at your peril and the peril especially of your descendants. Sad really.
Climate has been changing since the beginning of time and it is tied to the cycles of the sun.
As someone who lives just south of the area in question I can offer up this vis a vis climate change; it is not the rising seas where climate comes into play it is the 44 inches of rain we have received over the past two rainy seasons. Water can be an excellent lubricant and when things get wet and start moving around they often change places. There is no place north of SLO and south of Monterrey that has not been impacted by this drought to deluge scenario, and Sur is just the prettiest and most famous.
SLO for all the viewers unfamiliar with California is the city of San Luis Obispo.
My thoughts? Are people really this ignorant and stubborn? The earth is a living, breathing organism, constantly moving and shifting. Let's keep hitting our heads against these same issues the same way and expect different results. BTW that's the meaning of insanity!
not many options. The money spent by the state to maintain the coastal highway is offset by income by the millions of tourists who come to see the place.
I'm sure you've never been there. The major scenic section is Big Sur and is a few dozen more miles than 100 of the 600 and change of the full length of HWY 1 as reported. It does have serious landslides but rather than the BS of the narrator (AI? that's an unpleasant voice in any case) they are commonly caused by heavy rain which is a feature of that coastal mountain range. It's not insanity. That label belongs to the Republican Party and it's buy in for an insane narcissist conning the heck out of them.
@@cre8tvedge So are you saying that it was a good thing to build this highway on this "coastal mountain range" that keeps doing what it's supposed to do? Not sure what you mean.
@@Shiryone Are you really this ignorant and stubborn? That's not the definition of insanity.
@@JakeSoulFreeTravels Let's stay calm, shall we? This is just supposed to be a platform for dialogue. I'm sorry if you were triggered.
The slides have nothing to do with climate. It's because this coast is rising because this is where the Continental plate runs into the Pacific plate, causing the mountains to uplift. The slopes of the mountains are subject to erosion as they rise and steepen. Ate tonic environment!
It's "All of the Above."
44 inches of rain and the mountain says "Nope I ain't budging!", 1cm of uplift and it's all "Aaaaaaah I can't take this anymore, I'm too high man, aaaaah I'm faaaaallling!"
I must say, I took the entire route by motorcycle both ways and it was incredible, breath taking even. Land slides have been a way of life here since the road was built. Climate change has nothing to do with it and is a total fraud. Hwy 1 is my favorite stretch of road in the United States. I-70 through the Colorado Rockies in Winter is my 2nd favorite. They are both incredible and make you feel very small. Going down through Salt Lake City is also very beautiful, as is rolling off the mountain to Albuquerque at night with all the lights. Just breath taking to see it and take it all in. I've been a few places in my life.
AI...STOP calling it Carmel, like it's a sauce for your ice cream! It is car-MEL.
Thank you! That was irritating the crap out of me! Like non-residents calling the state "Cali" AGH!!
I think it's funny how people of Carmel, an extremely elite group, are so sensitive about the pronunciation of their town.
These are computer generated voices so I just over look it. But you are right.
Who cares
That has nothing to do with "climate change" and everything to do with stupidity.
Did you say stupidity? Uh, do you happen to have a mirror handy?
Billions? It was built by prison labor. Hardly billions.
Ocean rising? I lived on the beach in Carpinteria CA from 1972 until 2020 ... that's when CA taxes drove me out of the state. Living next to the ocean, I was an avid surf fisherman and during those years sea level had not changed at all. Climate change is a fact. However, mankind's effect on the climate is nonexistent.
Mankind's industrial revolution and your lifted truck are the drivers of climate warming which creates all these disasters (from a human impact perspective). The scientists who study this have the receipts and Faux News lies to you just as they did about the 2020 election leading to a 3/4 of a billion dollar judgement against them.
Sorry for the unfounded slur as to what you drive but it's not simply gas guzzling trucks, it's the humongous number of carbon spewing vehicles, plants and machines that are the problem.
Same here. The Morro Bay mean sea level is the same since I was going there in the mid 1960's. No change apparent in 60 years. It is very apparent using the inlet strainer grill building for the PG&E Morro Bay Power Station for comparison. No changes except for the tides. The same with the pilings at the Coast Guard pier. The Green New Deal is hokum. The only green about it is the cash generated for the elite to ''fight climate change''.
climate change = summer, fall, winter and spring. Hasn't changed in gillions of years.
lol you're dodging responsibility. but that's typical...
Endless fight against nature…it is a stunning highway ,no question,but crazy expensive to maintain !
It does this EVERY winter with rain. Nothing new, just physics
HWY 1 problems aren't due to climate change. It's more the geography and engineering.
First off get rid of the climate change BS.
……keep enjoying your huge Pickup truck!! 🤷🏼♂️🤔👎🏻
@@eddieg6436your denial will not stop the warming.
I guess you're happy to share your ignorance with a passel of up voting Dunning Krueger buds. The BS about climate change, warming that is, is the lie that it doesn't exist. At least three years in a row now have warmer temps every year. Hundreds died in Phoenix and in the Pacific North West last year from it but you want to push the denial. Please take a class in critical thinking and learn how to understand science.
@@captainsalty9022Absolute BS.
👍 climate change 💩
I have lived riding that highway over the years. Absolutely beautiful.
If you're understandably missing the Big Sir stretch of Hwy 1, the part north of the Golden Gate is still intact. Feel free to visit us up here. A totally different ecosystem, but equally beautiful. 😎
I took my mom north on Hwy.1 above San Francisco in the early ’80s and we called it Dramamine Drive due to the continual winding road that can make you carsick. 🤮 Be careful not to overheat your brakes or they might catch fire. It IS a gorgeous drive.
I last drove this part of PCH from Santa Barbara north to Carmel in '82. I have never known a time when Hwy 1 wasn't falling off a cliff or something overhead not tumbling down on the highway, so yes, they knew all along that this would be an ongoing fix-it project.
However, if you have never driven this hunk of asphalt and you can take a little time (off season), it is an amazing drive!
It is on my bucket list to get a Miata with a strong heater, a manual gearbox, pop the ragtop and take a drive. Who knows, when I was last on it, life was still in black & white--things change. Maybe it would require a midnight drive or I'd likely face people dawdling ahead of me in rental cars they do not know how to drive.
PCH requires no traffic, the ability to spin the RPMs shifting up and down the gears with good tunes out of an acceptable sound system and laughing like a pirate.
Well, one man's opinion.
Yeah that's one way to enjoy it. I did so in an MGB with top down on a gorgeous day. We also took time to stop and walk down to the beach with surf crashing and find jade stones. So another awesome way to enjoy it is to listen to that surf crashing while inhaling the amazing smell of the ocean mist. Incredible place.
I only drove it once from LA to SF July 1982. Unforgettable.
Same weather we have always Hot one year extreme rain extreme last 78 years
I drove it in 1996 from Laguna Beach to Monterrey in my Mustang convertible with Pink Floyd blasting on the radio! It was quite beautiful but very scary!
Good luck with that! It's been impossible to go from San Simeon to Carmel for the past couple of years. It will probably re-open this Fall. And when it is open, getting an empty stretch depends strictly on luck as you're likely to end up behind an RV. Always check with local authorities about this road being open, I had to warn my cousin off of planning for this route this year due to the closure.
That ground is extremely unstable. Slides will continue to occur.
Driven it a few times. My preferred way to get from LA to N CA. starting in 70s....Always a wonderful, memorable experience.
Beautiful highway must see all if possible thank God fiat fiat fiat ❤❤❤
The world's surface is a very unstable crust, there are a lot more slides in India and China than in California, but we usually don't hear about them, we only hear about La-La -Land, there are other places in North America that are on the verge of major disaster at any time, but because some places are remote, we never hear about them.
Start reading/watching India, China news.
Yes, anything between NYC and California doesn’t exist except for when places are hit by tornadoes and flooding. Well, the emergence of 17-yr. cicadas, too. 🤣 Oh, and maybe the last eclipse. 🌑
I used to commute San Francisco to LA a couple of times a month, for several years. Whenever possible, I took Highway 1. An utterly magical experience; its beauty has to be experienced to be believed. Sometimes I had to divert inland to US 101 or Interstate 5, but only when time or rockslides made that necrssary. I hope it can be mainained long term, but have my doubts. Drive it while you can!
It is so incredibly beautiful, end to end. I have been on almost every segment…especially the central part near UC Santa Cruz, for much of my life.😢I wonder what the future holds for this national treasure…
Find a way to keep this highway open. CA's natural beauty is its greatest asset.
It's only asset.
What did they think was going to happen, eventually, when you build a scenic, 650 mile long highway , onto the cliffs of the coastline?! I'm pretty sure the cliffs have been eroding for thousands of years, being battered on a daily basis by the powerful waves of the Pacific, no less when they're getting pummeled from storms. 🙄
I fail to see how climate change is the cause of any of the damage I have seen here. Coastal erosion is an ongoing problem since the beginning of time.
In 1950 , my dad driving his 1946 chevy sedan on highway 101 , we came around a sharp right corner heading south to his brothers' place in L.A. . The curb lane was gone , slid down the steep slope in the night . My dad swerved into the northbound lane and we survived .
Yeah cause traffic in 1950 especially at night was at or below 1 1 100th of what it is today.
Here is a wild idea, don't build roads were they should not be!!
The reason it continues to be maintained is because it produces way more tourist dollars than it does to maintain it.
Agreed. And no one is building roads on Mars or the heights of the Himalayas or for that matter the peaks of the Sierra Nevada range - all places they shouldn't be.
Quit with the climate change baloney.
Your denial will not stop the warming. I’m 74 and have noticed the warming changes since the 1970’s.
@@captainsalty9022 Oh boy, I'd hate to be a brainwashed sheep like you.
Hottest 12 months on record was just recorded, shitburger.
The majority of people know better and do not want to go backward to the low critical thinking and lack of comprehension of facts clear in your post.
@@cre8tvedge Once something is seen, it cannot be unseen.
I ride Hwy 1 every weekend; it's actually less windy than inland freeways. The state is not about to abandon the road as the narration alludes.
I love the Pacific Coast Highway! Some of my fondest childhood memories are of driving along it! It's what California is all about! The problem is California has put infrastructure on the back burner for to long. Now everything is an emergency!!!
Why is it most infrastructure projects in the USA are: over budget, unsafe, impossible to build safe and a money drain?
Because actually they aren't all of those things all of the time. It's just in your head.
Eh, its along hillsides and cliffs. There have always been occasional slumps & landslides. Also the most active faults are farther inland. You guys are making more out of it than there is. We have less used roads through canyons in the Sierras that have the same problems and we just bulldoze the slides & fix any subsidence there too. You have to drive up sand canyon to get to Lake Isabella. You should see the boulders that have fallen onto the road & the river below on the other side. And there are the highways from the central valley through the mountains to the coast. There is also the grapevine through the mountains to Los Angeles. Any road that is not perfectly flat has these same maintenance issues & California is a mountainous state.
Reality mid Atlantic ridge pushes North America West 2.5cm (1”) every year. The Pacific plate is sub-ducting under the North American plate. Real time Iceland is the spreading area. The sea keeps eroding the pushed up Mountian’s.
I love this picturesque road. Traveled many times. I will pay taxes to maintain it and & keep it functional.
CA Bay Area native, here. I have known about this all my life; I've driven over Devil's Slide numerous times. I lived in Pacifica for 22 years, and boy, was there ever a hue and cry and fight over the building of those tunnels!
You have to go way back in time before the auto highway to find the true origins of this road. It began with the Ocean Shore Railroad, a scheme to bring folks out to the beaches for recreation and land sales! They fought the same battles back then, with serious damage done by the infamous earthquake and fire of 1906, and by 1912, it was pretty much done for. There was a feeble attempt to reopen it, but was more talk than action.
They're worried about electric vehicles and not the infrastructure they're on the ball
The Ai voice said " CLIMATE CHANGE " one million times in 10 mins....
Blaming a bad idea on climate change doesn't make it any smarter.
It's more fun to throw good money after bad!! And you can destroy the economy in the process!
The "New Deal" was a raw deal..Read your history!!
Very true indeed.
The New Deal raised a lot of people out of poverty, moved rural people out of third world status,Provided them electricity which made American farming the most productive on the planet, created energy infrastructure that provided the US the ability to manufacture the massive amount of equipment to win world war II and moved on to the highest living standard for any population on the planet - but you go ahead and bash it from ignorance at the behest of the corps and their political lackies that want your living standard to decrease so they can amass more than the triple lions share they already have.
Shhhh, that's our secret. Another dumbocrap con.
Just how much has the sea risen along the California coast? Do you really think that has caused any of this? Really?
I've lived in Big Sur in the 1970's for three years and the road was washed out ever so often. As years went on, I would return to take up short term rentals from old friends wanting a vacation in the winter months, the rainy months. Which invariable would have a wash out from the Rains coming in off the Pacific. From small slides needing a few days to repair... to ones that took months to repair, and the stranded longer stay made it a longer drive for supplies. We've got to be thankful for all the hard work and money put put for this roads care. The few who live there and the natural beauty if gives know the tough times. The views give one a sense of God, Heaven and the Divine for such beauty causes one to wonder about God any God
the coast highway has been falling since it was built (example - 1984 Big Sur -150 landslides in 1 night w/ one being 1000 ft high and taking over a year to clear). Everyone loves it, so it ain't going to disappear for a long time, it will be repair as needed and thats it.. Insanity ? - Hell the whole world insane so no big deal. anyone who thinks otherwise is "Sane" and thats really scary
i think the problem is the cost to maintain. make it a toll road to offset the cost.
This is part of our government not maintaining our highways or city’s instead let’s send money for wars that makes more sense instead of investing that money into our fast train we need they will make that money back in a couple of years to begin with
Obviously not a road collapse but a landslide. I 70 in Colorado has the same issues.
Newsom won't solve this problem either.
Keep your politics in your head in this kind of story. It makes you look ignorant.
Amen to that.
California hwy 1 did not cause billions! What is your source for that?
A.I. make a fact programming.
…….Car-Mel. (perhaps the most charming hamlet in California, Carmel-by-the-sea. Clint Eastwood was mayor back in the 1980’s, and still lives there). ……Car-Mel. 🤷🏼♂️👌
OMG !!! 101 IS FALLING INTO THE OCEAN !!!! .... just like it's been doing ever since it was built ... but let's make a "shocker" video about it....
We love to be scared. Hollywood figured it out decades ago and now UNCLE SAM is taking it to the max. Thanks AL GORED. Notice Al hasn't been around for a while. His wife figured him out but we can't.
I like CA SR 1, keep it open whatever the costs!
stupid beyond reason. Maybe we could try to figure out how to help the homeless. Help man and not a pile of rocks.
is it ironic that a 'scenic highway' makes a place less scenic
when he said climate change, he lost me. The main reason for the slides is natural movement of the earth and poor engineering many years ago. My wife and I have driven along the entire PCH in the past. Beautiful area. No problems on the hwy and met a lot of great people along the way. Saw Hearst Castle which was a highlight of our trip
It's not the engineering. It's the steepness and the heavy rains in the winter. Period.
Wow video editing. Stick with a map picture for more than a second please... and I really appreciate the added film splotches especially over stills. Ugh
This is easily my favorite road in America. I have seen the ocean washing over the highway near Santa Barbara and Pismo Beach. I hope they don't underestimate the value of that road. Fix it!
It's not just for scenic beauty. The coastal towns are virtually isolated without it.
My family calls it the RV Highway. If you like being behind a slow RV for hours and hours, go here.
Or any side street in California where the RV homeless have set up their homestead.
@@iGame3D Driving behind a parked RV on a side street?
You're on the wrong highway, you're on Roseville road in Sacramento.
Nothing more fun than being behind an rv going up the coast highway. I had to make the trip at night. I got behind a winner that put on his turn indicator at ever turn in the road. Long night.
Can't imagine building that road with the equipment they had at the time.
Took him 6 minutes to say the words "climate change". That is an improvement over most of his videos.
Personally, I think the next ice age is going to take it out.
There is no connection to "climate change" and those coastal hillsides collapsing! It was always unstable soil of soft 'sand stones' and the ocean is not 'rising' either. Just deal with it and keep fixing it as it goes. Millions of tourists and astronomical gas taxes we Californians are paying should cover it.
Like I say, just make it a TOLL ROAD, like Disneyland!!
Opening new highways is sexy for politicians. Maintenance not so much. It's not a surprise that such a difficult road at that lengths causes a lot if annual work and cost.
That, and it has become a Sacramento tradition to rob the supposedly untouchable highway funds for the politicians latest pet project, or to cover general budget deficits.
As with many of our problems in California, poor road maintenance is man-made due to piss-poor planning and decision making.
Climate change ? lol
Fact: increase in number & intensity of storms increases erosion rates and the increase in wild fires that leaves exposed soil means lands are more likely to slide. Whatever the cause, it's a result.
You’re a fool.
@@sus8e462according to the most recent ipcc report their isn't an increase. That's not in the summary or headlines, which is somewhat perplexing.
California has always been known nationally as the: "Road Closed // Landslide Covering Road" state!!
Mother Nature insisted "Don't Do This Foolish Thing" !
But prideful greedy politicians said: "Our Dumb Naive Taxpayers Will Pay The Bill, and We'll Rake-In Tourist Dollar$$!" 🚬
Of course our Commie-Socialist parties jumped on that Pork Band-Wagon then there was no stopping these Federal Megga-Pork Projects !!
Nice idea for the video and a lot of it is well done, but the quick cuts of map sections are confusing, irritating and pretty much useless, better to cut them out unless you talk to them directly and for long enough for a viewer to figure out why they are included at all.
Also, at 2:38, have we switched to Great Britain? The car moving upwards in bottom part of the scene is traveling on LEFT side of the road, pretty sure there are no streches of CA 1 with that feature...
One of the problems with relying on AI narration and not monitoring it: regional names get mispronounced in predictable ways. Carmel-by-the-Sea in Monterey County on the Central Coast is known as Carmel -- but not pronounced like the candy. It's "car-MEL", not "CAR-mul". Like many Californian towns and cities, it was founded by Spanish colonists (in 1797) and had a Spanish name, in this case there was a Catholic Mission called Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo. Borromeo was the Archbishop of Milan, Italy, in the latter 16th century. So we have an English interpretation of a Spanish interpretation of an Italian town. Of course it's going to be idiosyncratic and require someone presenting an historical overview to keep on top of such details.
hwy 1 always is falling down
Although I’ve driven and love PCH, probably time to rewild some areas and retreat from the coast in some areas.
Treason! You just committed TREASON against the people of the great state of California...
Amazing it doesn't happen more often. If you ever stopped your car. got out and looked up and saw what could possibly come crashing down on the highway, you are truly brave to use this highway. Sheer 500ft cliffs with loose boulders enough to give the bravest butterflies. If nature wants you dead, this WILL get the job done.
It's stunningly beautiful. That alone makes it a highway that deserves being rebuilt.
Just a thought: Is there a way to construct a surge barrier at sea to slow down the impact of the sea? Retainer walls aren’t going to be of any use until the sea impact is reduced!
There is a retaining wall north of Santa Barbara right at the rocky shore. It's possible that the road originally went right along the shore there but the majority of Big Sur is steep high cliffs right to the water some a few locked narrow beaches. The road is 60 to over a hundred feet high for most of the way. The sea impact is not the cause of slides. It's rain and the steepness of the terrain.
when will you make a video about the northern portion of Hwy 101 from SF to Oregon? Oh- and dont forget all the landslides on the Oregon coast. Oh wait-- there are so many failures of the soil supporting the roadway even on the portions of roadway that are inland!! AUGH! We're all gonna dye.....
while you are contemplating all of this, look up Last Chance Grade, a section of US 101 in Del Norte County, which has experienced decades of soil failures and they keep fixing it. The spice, er, traffic (yeah thats it) - the traffic must flow...
"dye", what color?!
I drove down it in 1990 from SF to LA. I wonder how much of what I drove down is still there?. IMHO, it was worth it.
It's all there. Minor changes below BIg Sur proper and the Devils slide portion although still a road is now an hiking park with the highway skirting through the tunnel shown (from the north end).
Misleading title as usual, it's bee collapsing into the sea every since it was first constructed.
Don’t Plants need Carbon Dioxide to survive?
I read once that CALTRANS spends more on PCH than any other road in the state. All because of tourism.
Basically a very good video. Living in Michigan, I often have dreamed of driving the Coast hwy, but have heard of several of the slides closing the road.
I think my days of going there are disappearing as the slides become more numerous and chances for driving the whole thing are less likely.
Climate change has been evolving since the beginning of the world and are not necessarily caused by human intervention. Our attempts to ignore it until now have not changed the fact that it will always be an issue that we cannot address and will always be there.
Politicians say its our fault for encroaching on nature, but it would happen whether we're here or not.
Like may bring June flowers Rock slides bring gold
I actually drove this hwy many times years ago beautiful drive.😅
The problem with the road is, and this gets mentioned in the video, that it's The Pacific Coast Highway... Why 99 and The 5 are inland...
Stop blaming landslides on climate change! The climate isn’t that severe and every other place has its challenges too. You don’t have mud season when there is a Spring thaw and when you have wild fires that burn off the plants that hold the soil plant some thing ASAP to keep down the erosion so the soil will be stable. Manzanita burns very hot and shades the ground so it isn’t that good for ground cover so it needs other things to help it hold the soil.
Give up, and give Big Sur back to the animals. Make the whole area a, walk-in-only. Give up a Billion dollars, to save 1000 Billion Dollars, and save countless lives.
Makes sense, so it won't happen.
*They need to learn to build a Hwy that can move around so when the earth shift no big deal. The guys go down and move it back or add some more support poles or beams like Lego blocks if the mountain slid again. It's not that hard to do. And way more cost effective in the long run.*
Pretty good, very important. Same old story any time humans come up with shortcuts against Nature. I don't know if a real human is narrating this, but they sure need to brush up on their pronunciation of quite a few words in the doc.
If it’s possible to build an elevated double track with multipurpose trail that is resistant to the geological issues identified, I think the highway aspect should be abandoned in favor of people getting access without being distracted where attention to the road is crucial
There's no rise in sea level either
Is the green line, the San Andreas Faultline?
As soon as you said climate change I stopped watching.
It is Monterey County, NOT Santa Cruz County.
Trying to count how many times the narrator said “climate change”. Ugh.
The smartest climate change program would be to move the communities along the highway inland. Don't bother demoing the highway, it'll do that by itself.
BTW, you keep saying, car-mel, like the candy. I believe it should be pronounced, car, like a vehicle you drive, mel, like the name. Check it out. Ask the local Chamber of Commerce. Over all I enjoyed the video.
Yes, plus accent on the second syllable:}
Its AI or a bot that is doing the narration. How can it be that hard to have a real person speaking????
We say caramel.
I got an idea, let's split hairs while the highway slides away!! Just think if we could outlaw gravity the problem would be solved!
Not everything you mentioned is factual !
That includes a number of their clips such as the construction of freeways not hwy 1.
including you.
It doesn’t have to be a paved road. Just make a basic gravel road. That would be much easier to build and maintain all while keeping the hwy usable.
Excellent Presentation 💐
There is a very good answer, that is being ignored. The Old Coast Road cut in south of Pfeiffer and then crossed Rocky Creek about a mile inland, then came out to the coast again, continuing north where the land is more level near the ocean.
Yes and that area is north of the steep cliffs without any broad valleys to build a road through. Between the mountain peaks and the roaring surf is the beauty of the road.