Apparently so, but I prefer to follow UK practise of overtaking on the right only. Lane discipline is one area where the have it over us. Australia needs to be more British ( or German -keep dreaming lol) in this area. Maybe if we turned it illegal, manure brains like the Jeep driver may succumb to pressure.
This is so common in Perth, when you wanna overtake they start speeding up but when you're driving behind them, they go at least 10ks under the speed limit
You made the right choice at 3:13. In the past when I've encountered similar situations I readjust my cruise control 2 or 3MPH slower and let yahoo get way out in front. Or I take next rest stop. I take a leak wash up comb my hair walk around a bit or just relax. I may strike up a chat or visit w/the donut & coffee folks. I make sure I fiddle fart around for at least 10m. By the time I get going again douche bag is 10m out in front.
That's the second time i've seen someone drag the lights off from a right turn lane .... the first time the dude was in a blown HQ and made it with room to spare. This toss pot has an overblown belief of what his car is capable of! Wankers ... I must say that I met his cousin on the M4 tonight.
Late in here but fuck it - free world. Tool in the vid is a tool whatever he's driving. We bought a jeep and fkn LOVE it! 200kw / 315nm 24valve quad cam 9 spd auto hi/lo (48:1) range rear hydraulic diff lock - goes like stink off the line and in instantaneous accel up to 100kph or so - where it does get breathless but it is a 4wd that can just about walk on water and climb trees. It FEELS like a bloody sports car to drive - tho you do learn quickly it's actually a powerful brick that FEELS fantastic to drive. It's as tight and quiet and smooth as a $150 BMW or Mercedes on AND OFF road. In 5 years it's never broken down - tho it HAS cost a total of about $2000 in repairs for non breakdown stuff (great car but components made in fkn mexico). After 5 years we're like the still feelin it toyota ad - every time we drive it we hop out with huge smile and commenting "what an AWESOME car!!". It's easy to understand why some people - especially typical boofhead Aussies - might end up with a better than everyone else on the road attitude. Resisting that is a cross sensible jeep drivers must bear.
Same way with Jeep drivers in the states. Always camped out in the passing lane, going slower than everyone around them and always shocked and angry that anyone would want to pass them.
Dude, I’ve traveled this stretch of the F3 - now M1, over the last 10 years, I’m surprised that there has only been a few accidents. Drivers like that are a waste of time and your energy. There arrogance still surprises me to this day (2008-current). As the price rises in the Sydney property market make sure your prepared for a lot more of these wankers on the road - “the commute special”.
2:11 Mr Disturbed! He is from NZ and was the stand in for Gandalf when he met the Balrog: All he can remember is this phrase, 'You may not PASS or something like that. Pity, great movie though!
I deal with these types ALL THE TIME. Basically, because I drive a van with a ladder rack on top, it's some sort of call to the irrational nature, that they need to speed up and block me, when I am about to overtake a vehicle and would like to pass. It happens so often, that it can't just be coincidence. It may not be a conscious decision, but a decision none the less. Other times, I'll see a vehicle a mile or more behind me coming up quite quick, typically staying in the passing lane the whole time, they go by, then move in front of me and match my speed. It makes no sense. I have noticed I can control the speed of others to some degree by simply changing my speed. There seems to be some sort of subconscious attraction thing going on. People are weird, some are just a lot more weird.
I drive a semi truck concrete trailer. 46,000kg or 100,000 Lbs. This happened alllllllllll day everyday. I am passing someone and the moment I pass they match my speed! Or they cut in front of me and drive 20 kms less. I wave 2-3 times a day to say thank you. I am lucky if I 1-2 people wave thank you a month.
Wow - I had no idea that it was an offence to speed up to prevent someone overtaking you! This is how I got done at Picton Road. PS I have a flamethrower you can borrow! Keep up the great work!
Looks like the usual problem of drivers that have had no training since passing their test . They just go about their lives clueless but think all’s well 😂😂
happens all the time in UK. yes it's now illegal to hog any lane except lane 1, but unless someone is speeding the cops don't care! result is it's take 2 years for someone to be prosecuted!
Wonderful music towards the end. Curious as to the country you're driving when this video was made? Mister 4x4 with the water fording kit *racked up 17 points and $2012 US. For doing far less where I live he'd be suspended likely 6 months.*
Not saying all of them, but a good proportion of 4x4 drivers seem to think that, because they're driving what are basically scaled down tanks, that they own the road. Consequently, they tend to drive like utter fuckwits.
Wants to drive in the passing lane with no one in front of him so that he does not have to get off the cruise control but doesn’t understand he’s misusing the passing lane. He/she shouldn’t be driving if he/she can’t handle not getting his way or having his own private lane!
It's the M1, what do you expect. I was coming thr other way a few years ago and an Indian in a black camry passed me, I had the cruise control on so my speed stayed the same. About 10 minutes later he's crawling along and I repassed him. 5 minutes later he flies past, this goes on over a period of about an hour on over 8 occasions. The final time he flies up beside me swerves at me is swearing and going on at me then flies off again. I never touched the brakes or throttle once the whole time, I never swerved or came close to him or cut him off nothing at all. People are just nutcases
Scott - have you noticed an increase in the "crazies" who have just GOT to overtake, and then cut across 3 or 4 lanes of traffic to take the left hand exit slip road (that was very obviously coming up!). This used to be a (thankfully) rare occurrence, but it seems to be on the increase, especially Princes Highway between Albion Park Rail (NSW South Coast) and Wollongong. Happens (to me) 3-4 times a week nowadays, so I'll have to send you footage :-)
All roof mounted spotlights and LED Bars are actually illegal and we can be booked for having them up there according to the NSW ADR laws. The rules state we are not allowed to have lights above the lower edge level of our windscreens.
I would be willing to let all of his poor driving go except that last bit where he ran the other driver out of his lane. For that, I'd give a copy of the video to the police. That was just way too dangerous.
thats where i was at as well, the other stuff annoying a hell but i would have let it go , but the last part was the final straw , that earned him hes own video
Matthew Carson not sure exactly what you are asking , the jeep is driving on the left side of the road as that the side you drive on , I had to overtake it to the left as the jeep was breaking the law by. It staying in the left lane unless overtaking , so I had to go around him on the left which is legal , hope that explains what you were asking
Well done for your patience, I think I would have been a little more agressive. Your way was better and safer. In th UK, had a cop been there, he would have penalised the Jeep for forcing you to undertake.
He shouldn't drive like that . That particular model of jeep had a very poor crash score but at least it's likely the jeep driver won't live through a crash.
I have to put up with this sort of thing in NZ all the time. People always speed up when you try to pass, or they pass you and then slow down. Wtf is wrong with some people.
Typical behaviour on the Sydney - Gosford - Newcastle freeway. I would be very happy to have the police to deputise me and allow me to book people for the 2-3 most common failures, such as failing to keep left. No salary, but 10% of any fines handed out (with a requirement for matching video evidence). I'd make plenty of money, the state would make even more, and some f-wits might learn something about driving. Who loses? Only the people who ought to. Seems like a win all round.
Not just idiot Jeep driver you really mean TYPICAL Jeep driver !!!! Same with people who wear bright fluro coloured work shirts in their cars, their ALL agro, they NEED to drive 10-20 kph over the speed limit and EVERYBODY driving on the road around them just minding their own business just pisses them off more and more !! Has anyone else noticed that ? Seeya Rob
People have different definitions of road rage , a lot think it's just fighting or Poehler being shot , but the correct definition is any conflict resulting from driving , so cutting people off , flashing lights , hitting the horn , giving the finger is road rage at one end of the scale and hitting someone , shooting them is the other , but all are bad and shouldn't happen
Hi, the fines in the video was my tally , could be more as he did a few more than once, but yes i passed it onto the police hope they decide to charge him with all :)
I call them 90-130. You drive on cruse control at 110kph. Then 90-130 appears, you approach, they still doing 90, you still on C/C 110. slowly you change lanes to overtake, trying not too startle them. still on C/C 110 you pull along side, the temperature rises.... you carefully pull back into the left lane, THAN Ahhh. like the parting of the red sea, 90--130 finds the humiliation of being caught doing 20kph under the speed limit an affront to all they have done in life. The shock wave of acceleration not seen since the moon launch, catapults 90-130 to 130kph in less time than the blink of an eye. Than 10mins later there you are trying to attack the integrity of 90--130 yet again, this time they are ready for you, still in the right lane, to stop you. you can not overtake me! I'm in the overtaking lane!. You evil person!. Again you force the 90-130 into action defending the universe from unholy drivers than maintain the same speed (+-5kph). In 300km i have overtaken the same "$%^&" or "Special" person 4 times. to to regain the "balance in the Force" 90-130 was in front when i turned into the service center.
Use your flash, it's to let people know you are there. So you could have passed the the right and not under taken everyone. Because that's dangerous and you was being more of a nuisance than he was at that point.
hello jordan not sure what you are taking about , you are not allowed to use your lights like that and you should have to the driver should not have been in the right lane , and would move no matter what i did . and there is no such thing as under taking here you are allowed to overtake in any lane , not dangerous ! normal driving , so no i was being a nuisance at all, think maybe you didnt understand what was happening in the video , assume yo maybe from another country and not understanding the driving systems here, but jeep driver = bad :)
I'm from the UK so might be different here. But when someone is going slow in the 3rd lane. We just give them a quick flash to say move over. Safer to do that than try undertake them.
Hi jordan , yes we do that here too but you are not supposed to its illegal to use lights for that , but in this case wouldn't have helped that driver didnt want to / wasn't going to move they were holding that on purpose. and overtaking on the left is not dangerous , its illegal where you are but in most of the world its legal and its normal driving , as you are used to not doing it , probably seems as bad idea , but with our different road systems no danger doing it and very few crashes are related . take care :)
Scottish NS Rail Fan hello , I assuming from your name you are from the UK where you can't overtake on the left , that's not the case most other places such as here in Australia you can overtake in any lane !
Yes he is in the right lane not overtaking thats illegal he shouldn't be there , he should have been in the other lanes so i could pass , as i tried to pass him on the left he would speed up until we reached other traffic and stopped me passing him , that what it means :)
Excuse what'll probably sound like a silly question.... but what are the legalities of overtaking on the left in Australia? Here in the UK, where we also drive on the left.... you've only supposed to overtake on the right. Idiot drivers like this guy would infuriate most drivers because he's hogging the lane and preventing anyone from overtaking.
Hi , yes get this question a lot form people in the U.K. , you are allowed to overtake in any lane in Australia , diffenarent setup to the uk , still find it hard to understand what you do in U.K. When someone does things like this ,one driver could hold up a whole motorway
Scotts Car Cameras Thanks for the answer. To your own question, we do get people that do this, but they're generally refered to as centre-lane hoggers because that's what they do. They sit in the centre lane (of a 3-lane motorway) and annoy people because they're just too lazy to change to the left-hand lane. Generally this happens because lane1 is where trucks spend most of the time, or when you're planning to leave the motorway, but in reality you're supposed to be in the left lane unless you're overtaking. One of the annoying things is when you have trucks overtaking and the rear one jumps into lane 2 for 5 miles because when he's behind the first truck, the gap in the drag from the air gives a driver a boost..... but as soon as he's moved into lane 2, the drag returns to his own vehicle and now he's got a 1mph advantage over the first truck. So now you've got one truck doing 60mph, and the overtaking one doing 61mph for the next 5 miles before he's fully overtaken when he'll move back into lane 1.... while the average car is travelling 65-80mph (though in reality, the maximum speed allowed is 70mph). With centre lane hoggers, you're doing 70mph approaching someone doing 65, but you can't overtake4 because there's al;ways the chancers who are doing 85-88mph because they know the cops won't stop you unless you're doing 90+mph or driving irratically.
After I read the comments below it brought to mind a person I met while hiking here in Northern California. I assumed he was from Australia due to his accent but he informed me he was from NZ and seemed a little bent out of shape that I didn't know the difference between an Australian and a NZ accent. Is there much of a difference? I'm not being a wanker, I just don't know, we don't meet many NZ people here.
Hahah can't believe yo did that , that's an insult or australias more than NZ ! Lol yes big difference I guess to explain it would be saying a Canadian sounded American or an Englishman sounded Irish etc , there are many diffennces between the accents and way they say words that we make fun of each other and have rivalries and banter over , , have nice day :)
Scotts Car Cameras on a motorway you can drive in sny lane you choose to. it was apparant it was in a RHdrive country. im not sure on your highway rules but motorway rules are same as NZ. we can use any lane on a highway here as well but it is courtesy(and nothing more) to stick to the left lane.
jadekayak01 No that's total incorrect motorway or not any road road where the keep left rules applies you must not drive in the right lane unless overtaking is a law , see the links
Scotts Car Cameras refering me to a video you made is pointless because you made it. .the road rules were better and they say you were right. all i can say is thankfully i live in a better country. we only have to keep left on a highway. motorway trafgic is uni directional and we can use any lane. also our highways dont have blanket lane restrictions like that. basically it is left=slow,middle=normal,right=fast but that is not a legislative thing. thailand,malaysia,and singapore are basicslly the same(i have driven in thailand and malaysia)
It looks like YOU were the one who wanted trouble! You could have stayed in the left passing lane and avoided him completely. But you didn't! Sometimes you just have to let it go man! 🙄
Sorta like a Jeep, but different. The Liberty is almost as poor an excuse for a Jeep as a Compass or Patriot. Won't say it's in the same pathetic league as the Renegade/Fiat.
i've heard of people being a few cents short of a dollar but with this guy someone added GST
People do stuff like this in the states all of the time too. They get some idea in their head that driving is a contest and no one must pass them.
You're right. I refer to this as "gottabeinfront" syndrome, even as approaching a red light. Stupid.
That is why undertaking is so common in Australia. He wouldn't do that for long in Europe.
undertaking is legal on multi lane roads in NSW. Not sure about the rest of the country. Scott will answer that no doubt 😁
Tim Wilson yes legal in Nsw and rest of Australia:)
Apparently so, but I prefer to follow UK practise of overtaking on the right only. Lane discipline is one area where the have it over us. Australia needs to be more British ( or German -keep dreaming lol) in this area.
Maybe if we turned it illegal, manure brains like the Jeep driver may succumb to pressure.
Scotts Car Cameras nice. you know you can give footage to police and they can issue fines.
HIGHLY questionable. The highway code states that you can only overtake on the right. I certainly wouldn't recommend it.
Some people are just... "special"...
I refer to them as slow learners
Slow in every aspect.
Just what I was gong to post. It's a shame that there were no police nearby when they jumped the queue at the end.
Igor Rebenko Isi
This is so common in Perth, when you wanna overtake they start speeding up but when you're driving behind them, they go at least 10ks under the speed limit
Welcome to California
Please tell me you passed this to the police. Hornsby Highway patrol would love this.
totally agree live on thr coast see this way too much please pass on !!!
This is the F3 and is full of right lane and middle lane hoggers. The worst road in Sydney with the worst drivers.
You made the right choice at 3:13. In the past when I've encountered similar situations I readjust my cruise control 2 or 3MPH slower and let yahoo get way out in front. Or I take next rest stop. I take a leak wash up comb my hair walk around a bit or just relax. I may strike up a chat or visit w/the donut & coffee folks. I make sure I fiddle fart around for at least 10m. By the time I get going again douche bag is 10m out in front.
I can't stand people who sit in the over taking lane. Like it's their very own, private lane.
Drives me crazy.
4:15 If he did that to me, I'd be laying on the horn and flashing my high beams at him!
That's the second time i've seen someone drag the lights off from a right turn lane .... the first time the dude was in a blown HQ and made it with room to spare. This toss pot has an overblown belief of what his car is capable of!
Wankers ... I must say that I met his cousin on the M4 tonight.
What more can be said about that fool other than he "bought a jeep"!
Late in here but fuck it - free world. Tool in the vid is a tool whatever he's driving. We bought a jeep and fkn LOVE it! 200kw / 315nm 24valve quad cam 9 spd auto hi/lo (48:1) range rear hydraulic diff lock - goes like stink off the line and in instantaneous accel up to 100kph or so - where it does get breathless but it is a 4wd that can just about walk on water and climb trees. It FEELS like a bloody sports car to drive - tho you do learn quickly it's actually a powerful brick that FEELS fantastic to drive. It's as tight and quiet and smooth as a $150 BMW or Mercedes on AND OFF road. In 5 years it's never broken down - tho it HAS cost a total of about $2000 in repairs for non breakdown stuff (great car but components made in fkn mexico). After 5 years we're like the still feelin it toyota ad - every time we drive it we hop out with huge smile and commenting "what an AWESOME car!!". It's easy to understand why some people - especially typical boofhead Aussies - might end up with a better than everyone else on the road attitude. Resisting that is a cross sensible jeep drivers must bear.
Same way with Jeep drivers in the states. Always camped out in the passing lane, going slower than everyone around them and always shocked and angry that anyone would want to pass them.
Dude, I’ve traveled this stretch of the F3 - now M1, over the last 10 years, I’m surprised that there has only been a few accidents. Drivers like that are a waste of time and your energy. There arrogance still surprises me to this day (2008-current). As the price rises in the Sydney property market make sure your prepared for a lot more of these wankers on the road - “the commute special”.
Well He Showed You! I WIN I'm Driving my Phallic Symbol.
2:11 Mr Disturbed! He is from NZ and was the stand in for Gandalf when he met the Balrog: All he can remember is this phrase, 'You may not PASS or something like that. Pity, great movie though!
I deal with these types ALL THE TIME. Basically, because I drive a van with a ladder rack on top, it's some sort of call to the irrational nature, that they need to speed up and block me, when I am about to overtake a vehicle and would like to pass. It happens so often, that it can't just be coincidence. It may not be a conscious decision, but a decision none the less.
Other times, I'll see a vehicle a mile or more behind me coming up quite quick, typically staying in the passing lane the whole time, they go by, then move in front of me and match my speed. It makes no sense.
I have noticed I can control the speed of others to some degree by simply changing my speed. There seems to be some sort of subconscious attraction thing going on. People are weird, some are just a lot more weird.
That scene from Bruges is magnificently placed.
I drive a semi truck concrete trailer. 46,000kg or 100,000 Lbs. This happened alllllllllll day everyday. I am passing someone and the moment I pass they match my speed! Or they cut in front of me and drive 20 kms less. I wave 2-3 times a day to say thank you. I am lucky if I 1-2 people wave thank you a month.
Times two on this lol
Here in Canada and THE UK it IS an offence to block the passing lane. While rarely enforced it is a HTA offence in Ontario.
He must be in training....looking for a Darwin award!
Wow - I had no idea that it was an offence to speed up to prevent someone overtaking you! This is how I got done at Picton Road. PS I have a flamethrower you can borrow! Keep up the great work!
Looks like the usual problem of drivers that have had no training since passing their test . They just go about their lives clueless but think all’s well 😂😂
Please tell me the police got this guy.
I gave video to them , I'm sure they will be having a chat to him :)
I absolutely hope so.
happens all the time in UK. yes it's now illegal to hog any lane except lane 1, but unless someone is speeding the cops don't care! result is it's take 2 years for someone to be prosecuted!
"I drive really slow, in the ultra fast lane, while people behind me are going insane! I'M AN ASSHOLE!" - Jeep driver
And proud of it :)
You got yourself another subscriber! :D
wocko1 thanks , welcome to the party pal :)
Now imagine India is full of these guys
you forgot to mention him forcing the white car at end into the other lane to avoid an accident...
FnixGhod1 Hi , no I don't ;) that was covered under rules 89 and 148
Scotts Car Cameras ah, didn't realize, Canadian here, sorry.
Wonderful music towards the end. Curious as to the country you're driving when this video was made? Mister 4x4 with the water fording kit *racked up 17 points and $2012 US. For doing far less where I live he'd be suspended likely 6 months.*
This is Australia , if those points were applied to his licence he would lose it for 3 years minimum
If this silliness qualifies as "road rage" where you live, then you should count your blessings.
I'm not for turning anyone in, yet I would make an exception with this mental giant. Is that wrong?
I think you mean "Mental Midget"
Not saying all of them, but a good proportion of 4x4 drivers seem to think that, because they're driving what are basically scaled down tanks, that they own the road. Consequently, they tend to drive like utter fuckwits.
Wants to drive in the passing lane with no one in front of him so that he does not have to get off the cruise control but doesn’t understand he’s misusing the passing lane. He/she shouldn’t be driving if he/she can’t handle not getting his way or having his own private lane!
Would have loved to see a Karma moment on him!!!!
I see this kind of behaviour all the time here in Oz. It's annoying as hell.
Ohhh bring on the future where justified PIT maneuvers are allowed...
Id do it anyways. Fuck my car, its on its final legs...
As the sticker on a lot of jeeps says:
“It’s a Jeep thing ....... “
....... and now it’s clear why!
What's the title of the melody approx. 4:42 to 4:49? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
sad, sad little person 😑
It's the M1, what do you expect.
I was coming thr other way a few years ago and an Indian in a black camry passed me, I had the cruise control on so my speed stayed the same. About 10 minutes later he's crawling along and I repassed him. 5 minutes later he flies past, this goes on over a period of about an hour on over 8 occasions. The final time he flies up beside me swerves at me is swearing and going on at me then flies off again. I never touched the brakes or throttle once the whole time, I never swerved or came close to him or cut him off nothing at all. People are just nutcases
I hate when people don't obey the keep left unless overtaking rule...
There is a certain class of driver who wish to drive slower than other drivers - so long as they can be in front as well. Stupid.
What a jerk. Nice footage thank you😊🐝😊
Cheers 😁
In the States this jerk would be from Texas and driving a pick-up he never gets dirty.
What country is this? Some road sign designs seem familiar but car registrations definitely not. Fines in dollars, Australia or Canada?
Australia :)
Good maths. If only maths were that simple 😕
Thom; That's Common Core ;
Scott - have you noticed an increase in the "crazies" who have just GOT to overtake, and then cut across 3 or 4 lanes of traffic to take the left hand exit slip road (that was very obviously coming up!). This used to be a (thankfully) rare occurrence, but it seems to be on the increase, especially Princes Highway between Albion Park Rail (NSW South Coast) and Wollongong. Happens (to me) 3-4 times a week nowadays, so I'll have to send you footage :-)
Yes I have , planning ahead is a dying concept and thinking before acting is getting even rarer !
All roof mounted spotlights and LED Bars are actually illegal and we can be booked for having them up there according to the NSW ADR laws. The rules state we are not allowed to have lights above the lower edge level of our windscreens.
didn't notice or check that, but sure you right with his attitude sure he doesn't think the rules apply to him about that either !
Hey I was at the same lights when this happened lol
That's Jeep drivers for you..
I would be willing to let all of his poor driving go except that last bit where he ran the other driver out of his lane. For that, I'd give a copy of the video to the police. That was just way too dangerous.
thats where i was at as well, the other stuff annoying a hell but i would have let it go , but the last part was the final straw , that earned him hes own video
FUCKWIT ! forced the classic xp falcon to change lanes to avoid an accident ....
5:10 was the best 🤣
Why is it driving on the left side of the road but you overtake in what in the UK would be an undertake?
Matthew Carson not sure exactly what you are asking , the jeep is driving on the left side of the road as that the side you drive on , I had to overtake it to the left as the jeep was breaking the law by. It staying in the left lane unless overtaking , so I had to go around him on the left which is legal , hope that explains what you were asking
Well done for your patience, I think I would have been a little more agressive. Your way was better and safer.
In th UK, had a cop been there, he would have penalised the Jeep for forcing you to undertake.
So far this guy would’ve lost 15 dermit points if he got caught.
Love the commentary - especially the ending....
Thanks :)
He was just letting you know his headlights worked
bwoolno hahaha .. so funny 😂😂😂
Perfect karma would have had a copper pull a u-turn at that junction
Or a guy had a camera recording it all to be given to the police :)
Simple solution to why the Jeep driver is so stupid. His Mother's Doctor had thrown out the wrong bit of after birth material.
looks like he pissed off that white car so he might have gotten tailgated the rest of the way
Did you use iMovie at the end credits🤔🤔
Yes :)
In the States we call this, a typical drive to anywhere.
And he'll be raging next week because it's back at the dealer for mechanical repairs for the eleventy second times this month.
What did you expect? He was driving a Jeep.
His first problem is he bought a Jeep. Next he's just a bloody idiot.
Keep up the good work Scott. Tossers like that will never change. They think they own the roads.
thanks :)
Hey Scott, did you submit this to the cops?
Yes :)
I hope he paid for it. That's the story of my life.
He shouldn't drive like that . That particular model of jeep had a very poor crash score but at least it's likely the jeep driver won't live through a crash.
thanks a lot now I have Married with Children theme stuck in my head
Love and marriage .....Love and marriage and marriage :)
Half, at least, of the drivers seen here should have to retake their license test. The driving is just complete dogshit.
nice to know idiots are all over not just on my roads
I do hope this was passed on to the Highway Patrol....he needs the reality check big time
I have to put up with this sort of thing in NZ all the time. People always speed up when you try to pass, or they pass you and then slow down. Wtf is wrong with some people.
Typical behaviour on the Sydney - Gosford - Newcastle freeway.
I would be very happy to have the police to deputise me and allow me to book people for the 2-3 most common failures, such as failing to keep left. No salary, but 10% of any fines handed out (with a requirement for matching video evidence).
I'd make plenty of money, the state would make even more, and some f-wits might learn something about driving.
Who loses? Only the people who ought to. Seems like a win all round.
Sounds good.
Can you start Monday?
that was boring you should have cut him off or made him get mad so he crashed
Not just idiot Jeep driver you really mean TYPICAL Jeep driver !!!! Same with people who wear bright fluro coloured work shirts in their cars, their ALL agro, they NEED to drive 10-20 kph over the speed limit and EVERYBODY driving on the road around them just minding their own business just pisses them off more and more !! Has anyone else noticed that ? Seeya Rob
It’s a Laredo poor man’s keep… 😂😂
ahhh ok, was thinking it would be an undertake, but not because he just wants to hog the lane for his own use. thanks for the quick reply :)
Sadly, what you consider road rage is pretty much everyday traffic in my country
People have different definitions of road rage , a lot think it's just fighting or Poehler being shot , but the correct definition is any conflict resulting from driving , so cutting people off , flashing lights , hitting the horn , giving the finger is road rage at one end of the scale and hitting someone , shooting them is the other , but all are bad and shouldn't happen
did you pass this on to the cops . or was that you estimate?
Hi, the fines in the video was my tally , could be more as he did a few more than once, but yes i passed it onto the police hope they decide to charge him with all :)
I call them 90-130. You drive on cruse control at 110kph. Then 90-130 appears, you approach, they still doing 90, you still on C/C 110. slowly you change lanes to overtake, trying not too startle them. still on C/C 110 you pull along side, the temperature rises.... you carefully pull back into the left lane, THAN Ahhh. like the parting of the red sea, 90--130 finds the humiliation of being caught doing 20kph under the speed limit an affront to all they have done in life. The shock wave of acceleration not seen since the moon launch, catapults 90-130 to 130kph in less time than the blink of an eye. Than 10mins later there you are trying to attack the integrity of 90--130 yet again, this time they are ready for you, still in the right lane, to stop you. you can not overtake me! I'm in the overtaking lane!. You evil person!. Again you force the 90-130 into action defending the universe from unholy drivers than maintain the same speed (+-5kph). In 300km i have overtaken the same "$%^&" or "Special" person 4 times. to to regain the "balance in the Force" 90-130 was in front when i turned into the service center.
2:14 Maybe your speed is above the limitation?
No ! 110KMH motorway drivers coasting at 100 in middle lane as i pass on cruise control at 109 :)
Use your flash, it's to let people know you are there. So you could have passed the the right and not under taken everyone. Because that's dangerous and you was being more of a nuisance than he was at that point.
hello jordan not sure what you are taking about , you are not allowed to use your lights like that and you should have to the driver should not have been in the right lane , and would move no matter what i did . and there is no such thing as under taking here you are allowed to overtake in any lane , not dangerous ! normal driving , so no i was being a nuisance at all, think maybe you didnt understand what was happening in the video , assume yo maybe from another country and not understanding the driving systems here, but jeep driver = bad :)
I'm from the UK so might be different here. But when someone is going slow in the 3rd lane. We just give them a quick flash to say move over. Safer to do that than try undertake them.
Hi jordan , yes we do that here too but you are not supposed to its illegal to use lights for that , but in this case wouldn't have helped that driver didnt want to / wasn't going to move they were holding that on purpose.
and overtaking on the left is not dangerous , its illegal where you are but in most of the world its legal and its normal driving , as you are used to not doing it , probably seems as bad idea , but with our different road systems no danger doing it and very few crashes are related . take care :)
Please tell me you submitted this to the police. That would have been the sweetest icing on the cake
Yes I did :)
Scotts Car Cameras haha awesome
He might have had a good reason for going slow, like maybe He was on the phone.
I had problems with jeep drivers before but that's something new
When passing on the inside, it is undertaking, according to police statements.
Scottish NS Rail Fan hello , I assuming from your name you are from the UK where you can't overtake on the left , that's not the case most other places such as here in Australia you can overtake in any lane !
Thank God you don't live in the UK if you think that is road rage......just a normal day.
What is this song from 0:05 to 0:14?
Lol it’s married with children tv shown theme , love and marriage
🎵🎵ya can't have one without the other🎵🎵
Okay... so what do you mean he doesn't keep left? He is in the right lane. And when did he ever block you?
Yes he is in the right lane not overtaking thats illegal he shouldn't be there , he should have been in the other lanes so i could pass , as i tried to pass him on the left he would speed up until we reached other traffic and stopped me passing him , that what it means :)
Excuse what'll probably sound like a silly question.... but what are the legalities of overtaking on the left in Australia?
Here in the UK, where we also drive on the left.... you've only supposed to overtake on the right.
Idiot drivers like this guy would infuriate most drivers because he's hogging the lane and preventing anyone from overtaking.
Hi , yes get this question a lot form people in the U.K. , you are allowed to overtake in any lane in Australia , diffenarent setup to the uk , still find it hard to understand what you do in U.K. When someone does things like this ,one driver could hold up a whole motorway
Scotts Car Cameras
Thanks for the answer.
To your own question, we do get people that do this, but they're generally refered to as centre-lane hoggers because that's what they do.
They sit in the centre lane (of a 3-lane motorway) and annoy people because they're just too lazy to change to the left-hand lane.
Generally this happens because lane1 is where trucks spend most of the time, or when you're planning to leave the motorway, but in reality you're supposed to be in the left lane unless you're overtaking.
One of the annoying things is when you have trucks overtaking and the rear one jumps into lane 2 for 5 miles because when he's behind the first truck, the gap in the drag from the air gives a driver a boost..... but as soon as he's moved into lane 2, the drag returns to his own vehicle and now he's got a 1mph advantage over the first truck.
So now you've got one truck doing 60mph, and the overtaking one doing 61mph for the next 5 miles before he's fully overtaken when he'll move back into lane 1.... while the average car is travelling 65-80mph (though in reality, the maximum speed allowed is 70mph).
With centre lane hoggers, you're doing 70mph approaching someone doing 65, but you can't overtake4 because there's al;ways the chancers who are doing 85-88mph because they know the cops won't stop you unless you're doing 90+mph or driving irratically.
After I read the comments below it brought to mind a person I met while hiking here in Northern California. I assumed he was from Australia due to his accent but he informed me he was from NZ and seemed a little bent out of shape that I didn't know the difference between an Australian and a NZ accent. Is there much of a difference? I'm not being a wanker, I just don't know, we don't meet many NZ people here.
Hahah can't believe yo did that , that's an insult or australias more than NZ ! Lol yes big difference I guess to explain it would be saying a Canadian sounded American or an Englishman sounded Irish etc , there are many diffennces between the accents and way they say words that we make fun of each other and have rivalries and banter over , , have nice day :)
It still amazes me how some people get their license... from a cereal box?
Probably mail-ordered it from Russia. . .
MyMagic111 dammit was he supposed to tick the mail order bride box and got the wrong one by accident?
***** Maybe that was what it was and she drove him crazy.
MyMagic111 at least the latter would have been worth it ;p
foward this to the police
Have done :)
its not an offence to not keep to the left on a motorway,what country are you in?
Martin Whalley not really-that driver did a few things wrong deliberately,especially at the end
Yes it is , this is Australia , you must not be in the far right lane unless overtaking , the fine etc was shown at the end of the video :)
Scotts Car Cameras on a motorway you can drive in sny lane you choose to.
it was apparant it was in a RHdrive country.
im not sure on your highway rules but motorway rules are same as NZ.
we can use any lane on a highway here as well but it is courtesy(and nothing more) to stick to the left lane.
jadekayak01 No that's total incorrect motorway or not any road road where the keep left rules applies you must not drive in the right lane unless overtaking is a law , see the links
Scotts Car Cameras refering me to a video you made is pointless because you made it.
.the road rules were better and they say you were right.
all i can say is thankfully i live in a better country.
we only have to keep left on a highway.
motorway trafgic is uni directional and we can use any lane.
also our highways dont have blanket lane restrictions like that.
basically it is left=slow,middle=normal,right=fast but that is not a legislative thing.
thailand,malaysia,and singapore are basicslly the same(i have driven in thailand and malaysia)
It looks like YOU were the one who wanted trouble! You could have stayed in the left passing lane and avoided him completely. But you didn't! Sometimes you just have to let it go man! 🙄
Sorta like a Jeep, but different. The Liberty is almost as poor an excuse for a Jeep as a Compass or Patriot. Won't say it's in the same pathetic league as the Renegade/Fiat.
Beautiful country is that in Australia mite?
Thanks you , Yes it's Australia , the coast near Sydney , Mate :)
i hope all of that was sent to the cops, he shouldnt be on the road