I made, yet again, another 4 note cane flute, and realized afterwards it had notes between chromatic notes. It sounds great, but I didn't realize it till I pulled out the tuner. I'll leave it alone and move on to the next. I can easily spend a week making 1 flute per day with 1 stalk of cane. The physics is fascinating indeed! THanks for THinking!
Instead of having to learn the ney, this is a great substitute for the person who wants to play Arabic music but already knows the Western concert flute! Peace.
Very cool smart lady making these beautiful flutes!
Very useful in classical Arabic music and Shakuhachi repertoire also.
These wonderful flutes are EXPENSIVE
I made, yet again, another 4 note cane flute, and realized afterwards
it had notes between chromatic notes. It sounds great, but I didn't
realize it till I pulled out the tuner. I'll leave it alone and move on to the next.
I can easily spend a week making 1 flute per day with 1 stalk of cane.
The physics is fascinating indeed!
THanks for THinking!
That's my dream to play a Kingma Flute someday, but these flutes is not for poor workers like me. Unfortunately big costs separes us to the reality.😢
Instead of having to learn the ney, this is a great substitute for the person who wants to play Arabic music but already knows the Western concert flute! Peace.
Nice Manuel & Eva !
Great Vid! Thanks!
If you’re wondering the flute is out of tune, it’s not. It’s your ear that’s out of tune and not trained.
did you buy one? if so, Brannen or Sankyo?
@jprush omg so true. i studied with Eva for a few semesters too. :D
@mcochofel cool thanks :)
this has really inspired my to be more contemporary and stuff by the way and made me research eva, so thanks :D
I am just wondering how much does it cost one of this flutes??
must take quite a while to get used to this system
is that a conta-alto or a conta-bass at @5:08 ???
good video, really interesting :)
Yes, that's a contabass flute. (there is a sub-contrabass flute - but they are even more rare).