Alhamdulillah. This is a beautiful khutbah, Sheikh Omar. I can't believe my story found its way into your khutbah... At 12 minutes, I was that brother with the bird on the balcony.
Jazaka Allah khayran , this topic you have discussed is one of the most important topics. You can not imagine the pain that someone feels when he is used and abused. حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
Masha Allah🌙 Treat people how you want to be treated,..The way people treat you, is a statement about who they are as a human being, it's not a statement about you,..
Thank you, Sheikh for discribing the charactors and attitudes of people who take advantage of the other ones to achieve their desire. May Allah make it easier for us, Amin
May Allah Swt bless you for giving this khutbah. I am still trying to recover from how my ex husband used me. He married me but never told me he was going to be deported until after he took me to his lawyer for me to sponsor him. Today he has a big house back in his country and refuse to have our children live in that house after all the sacrifices made for him for years. Pray for me and those who are used for material benefits. 🤲🏾
Alhamdulillah,masha allah it's such a great lecture I don't even have a word to describe to ur capabilities and talents. You have been doing a great service to the community so may allah you,show you right guidance in all ur affairs and may he give you the best of this world and the hereafter and he grant you jannathul firdous
Subhan'Allah......I'm learning to set up boundaries with people (both Muslim and non -muslim, people are people....)because of being used. Our Deen teaches us boundaries even with 'brothers and sisters'. And 'family '......Watch out for that! The issue is that there is so much communal and covert narcissism in our Muslim communities it's upsetting and disturbs me - how families manipulate the 'obligation' expected of their adult children and guilt trip them into becoming extensions of themselves, not acknowledging they are individual human beings with their own path to walk with God. These behaviours and attitudes are not unique to Muslim communities, but disturbingly widespread, and even engrained in the collective psyche ( it's still in every society and culture on this planet!). Its a sad reality because Islam teaches us to be, and engage with people in a healthy, sincere, authentic, empathic and balanced manner, 😢 not overstepping their boundaries out of some distorted view of religious teachings merged with entitlement.
Exactly what's been on my mind. Thanks for this comment. Some people (narcissists) attempt to use religious guilt to trick you into almost worshiping them. When you refuse or set boundaries without harming them, they call you a bad person and bad muslim.
Allahumma Aameen. May Allah Azza wa Jaal reward you brother. Just when I was giving up on a long time friend that we come a long way and who was now rendering me wirthless, and hurt me so much, less than an hour later I stumbled upon this video. Alhamdulillah. Iam so releaved!
Jazak’Allah khair.. beautiful Khutba as always. How many beautiful stories and practices that we don’t know from own history. A much needed topic since it’s a very common practice among Muslim community.. we’re so oblivious that we don’t even consider it a sin.. another sad part is that those people always doubt everyone else’s sincerity and think if someone is being nice to them then they must need something in return
Such a beautiful and inspiring Khutbah, Dr. Suleiman! MashAllah! May Allah SWT bless you and ALL of the amazing folks at Yaqeen Institute who make it possible for people around the world to benefit from this message and draw nearer to Allah. Ameen!
This is happening in families too. They make a so many phone calls and talked to you many times and once you send the money. They stopped calling. The worst part when they asked you to borrow them money and when you asked for your money back because you need it and start calling them they stopped picking up the phone and they stopped talking to you. ISN'T SO SAD. JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO IN THIS SITUATION???
Everytime you send money you encourage that behavior and they know it has no consequences so they'll continue doing it until you set a boundary. Stop sending money and see if their behaviour changes or if they only see you as a financial means.
This is really useful as they are many many muslims who seem to be religious but use and discard ppl and even tarnish thier images with fear that they could expose them.Its also very hurting for people who are trying to enjoin good,as these people dont return goodness with goodness but with attitude and abuse.
Very true, thank you very much for the speech, it’s a mirror of our society nowadays we ask ALLAH SOBHANOU protection and forgiveness. نسأل الله العافية، لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
Thank from the bottom of my (somewhat broken) heart for this brother!!! I reverted a year ago tomorrow… and this should be the happiest of anniversaries for me, but instead it marks a year wherein I tried to marry as Allah commands me, but was used-not once but TWO times-and tossed away by brothers. One said he’d marry me, had a haram relationship with me before I even understood the implication, and then once he got what he wanted tossed me aside, leaving my reputation ruined and lost to my “muslim family” who ostracized me, which completely emotionally devastated me; the other promised to marry me, went through the process with my wali, knowing the whole story of the previous brother and that of my previous husband as a missing person, and then ghosted me-like I didn’t even deserve an explanation (we’d never fought, I was kind, patient, honest, and faithful). To be honest, I feel now completely unsafe to try to marry Islamically… it feels I won’t be treated with basic respect.
To be honest, I feel I can’t give you much marital advice in this regard, as I’ve never been married. But have faith in Allah and keep making du’a from the bottom of your heart that you will find a good Muslim man who won’t use and abuse you, and try your best to be patient. Allah knows your pain and suffering, and He was and is testing you. Don’t ever give up hope! InshaAllah you will pull through! May Allah grant you a righteous spouse, and forgive, reward and elevate you for your patience. Ameen
Hallo sister in Islam, look and practice what Islam is saying and needs not what the 'Muslims' are doing. Every soul is compelling to evil doing, just keep away from haram relationships cause it is one of the major sins.
Remember that Allah swt has chosen to guide you to Islam and this is the greatest blessing there is. We will be tested as part of our faith - this is stated in the Quran. But hold onto Allah and He will guide you and provide for you from avenues you least expected. Focus on building your relationship with Allah swt and increasing in knowledge. Surround yourself with good company - volunteer at local Muslim causes including the masjid. You will soon build a family you can trust. And when you are ready and stronger then Allah swt will provide you with what you need. Remember He has the best timing for everything.
A Revert should marry a Revert. Even Islamically, you should marry someone who is similar to you in regards to what you have both experienced in your life and logically a revert marrying a revert makes perfect sense as you both are finding Islam together. Also NEVER discuss your past with your spouse to be. Your past is your past and a decent spouse would never ask you about your past. The guys you married were not meant for you so ALLAH SWT removed them from your life. Just keep focused with your research of Islam.....if it is written in your kismet to marry then you will but don't will be ok, be positive and say Alhamdullilah. Allah SWT is watching so you will ALWAYS have that reassurance. Stay strong and stay happy.....ALLAH SWT is on your side so don't give up on are blessed 🙂
Salam Alaykum Waramotullahi Wabarakatu, Jummat Mubarak!Thanks so much for wake up call and sharing knowledge with us. May Allah SWT forgive our intentional and unintentional sins Ameen Ya Rabb. May Allah SWT increase our Eeman and make Islam easy for us Ameen Ya Rabb. May Allah SWT bless you and others propagating our beautiful Deen Islam positively in this world and next Ameen Ya Rabb. Jazakallahu Khairan.
🌟سبحان الله What an important khuthba, crucial reminder to us all . Allah guide us to fulfil the rights of other not transgress against them . What will happen to the Muslim men who approach a sister with verbal promises of having good halal intention of marriage, but internally have no intention at all . Their actions don’t match their words …. The dangle and mislead ,treating sisters like objects without any feeling , emotions , a heart . Yet they have females in their family who could easily be treated the same by predators . How will these Muslim men face Allah swt on the day of judgment??? Why is our society so harmful and damaging , why can a Muslim not feel safe from another Muslim ? Is this a sad sign of the end of times ?
Asalam ma laykum may allah bless and ease the sufferings of the ummah and may allah unite the ummah upon the quran and sunnah and may allah have mercy on all those that have passed away before us and may Allah have mercy on us when we pass away and may allah cure all those that have a sickness and a disability and may allah grant them a cure that leaves no aliment and may allah protect the muslims from hellfire and from the fitnah of dajjal and may allah grant those that don't have spouses a spouse and may allah answer all our prayers may allahs peace and blessings be upon the prophet muhammad ameen my brothers and sisters in islam return to allah before it is too late
If People feared ALLAH SWT every minute of the day then there would not be the wrongness in this World because people would CARE for Humanity, the Animal kingdom and the Environment. Fearing ALLAH SWT for His might and supremeness and His wonders, we would strive each and every day to be the best for Him.
We should not abandon people nut some people all they do its backbiting and talk about funia dunia so running away from them it's the best we can so we can focus in our diin and improving yourselves.
This happened to me. I was used & then discarded by a man. He now acts like he never knew me. Like I'm a stranger. Will he be punished for this? Will the same happen to him?
He will get his comeuppance so do not worry. Do not look backwards....move on and go forward. ALLAH SWT watches all, sees all, knows all. Do not give up on Allah SWT, HE is the only support, guide, protection, love we need. You will be ok and your life will be better because Allah Almighty has removed a bad person out of your life so say Alhamdullilah. If it was meant to be then you both would still be together. You stay positive and carry on with your life with Allah SWT in your heart. You will be ok 👌
As salaamu wa alaikum there's a Muslim brother who currently works for ICNA in California. This brother has been playing revert sisters. Promising marriage and or getting married for a few months then kicking the sister's out. Currently there's a sister he brought from Africa abused her and has left her stranded. We have exhausted all Islamic 'justice' avenue's with the intention to having this brother to account for his deeds and help the sister who's is still in a domestic abuse shelter and no legal immigration status. What does the ummah do in these cases?
Why does every bad deed or sin always attribute to men always being the perpetrators? You think women are not capable of doing the same thing but in a different manner ?
@@anothergoogleuser4915 I agree. On top of that just demonizing men for simply being men and women are innocent delicate flowers who are incapable of any sinister acts if malice, and the angels giving them extra coating of sparkling blessing dust that immunes them from satan. I am tired of men insulating women and dying in the process. Fuck off with this when ‘he does this that is bad’ horseshit
Alhamdulillah. This is a beautiful khutbah, Sheikh Omar. I can't believe my story found its way into your khutbah... At 12 minutes, I was that brother with the bird on the balcony.
Mashallah 🤩
Ma sha Allah. May Allah keep you firm on His path.
SubhanAllah, may Allah make your journey easy 🙏
Mashaa Allah,May Allah make you steadfast on His path.
May Allah bless you my beloved brother. Your journey inspired me, and I’m so glad you heard this!
Yaa Rabb help me and the ummah to build a character that reflects the teachings of Islam 🙏🙏
آمین ثم آمین
اللهم آمين
Ameen, ya Rabb
Ameen yaa Rabb
Jazaka Allah khayran , this topic you have discussed is one of the most important topics. You can not imagine the pain that someone feels when he is used and abused.
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
It aches heart to go through such a thing..
Thank you for talking about this topic. I've been through it and it destroys you mentally and emotionally.
This khutbah is gold!!!
May Allah Make us the best of Muslims
Sadly those who have wronged/used others won’t be the ones hearing this khutbah
In shaa Allah they will eventually 🤲🤍
Masha Allah🌙 Treat people how you want to be treated,..The way people treat you, is a statement about who they are as a human being, it's not a statement about you,..
Thank you, Sheikh for discribing the charactors and attitudes of people who take advantage of the other ones to achieve their desire. May Allah make it easier for us, Amin
May you all be blessed. This is a beautiful reminder.
May Allah Swt bless you for giving this khutbah. I am still trying to recover from how my ex husband used me. He married me but never told me he was going to be deported until after he took me to his lawyer for me to sponsor him.
Today he has a big house back in his country and refuse to have our children live in that house after all the sacrifices made for him for years.
Pray for me and those who are used for material benefits. 🤲🏾
May Allah ease all your affairs in this world and in akhira.
Alhamdulilah 🤲❤️🥺 This was needed. As a new convert and people including family revealing true colors. Trust Allah 🤲
Alhamdulillah,masha allah it's such a great lecture I don't even have a word to describe to ur capabilities and talents. You have been doing a great service to the community so may allah you,show you right guidance in all ur affairs and may he give you the best of this world and the hereafter and he grant you jannathul firdous
Subhan'Allah......I'm learning to set up boundaries with people (both Muslim and non -muslim, people are people....)because of being used. Our Deen teaches us boundaries even with 'brothers and sisters'. And 'family '......Watch out for that!
The issue is that there is so much communal and covert narcissism in our Muslim communities it's upsetting and disturbs me - how families manipulate the 'obligation' expected of their adult children and guilt trip them into becoming extensions of themselves, not acknowledging they are individual human beings with their own path to walk with God. These behaviours and attitudes are not unique to Muslim communities, but disturbingly widespread, and even engrained in the collective psyche ( it's still in every society and culture on this planet!). Its a sad reality because Islam teaches us to be, and engage with people in a healthy, sincere, authentic, empathic and balanced manner, 😢 not overstepping their boundaries out of some distorted view of religious teachings merged with entitlement.
Exactly what's been on my mind. Thanks for this comment.
Some people (narcissists) attempt to use religious guilt to trick you into almost worshiping them. When you refuse or set boundaries without harming them, they call you a bad person and bad muslim.
Ma Shaa Allah Tabarallah
What a profound and beneficial khutba. Jazzakumu allahou khayran dear Sheikh Omar Suleiman for this amazing lecture
Allahumma Aameen. May Allah Azza wa Jaal reward you brother. Just when I was giving up on a long time friend that we come a long way and who was now rendering me wirthless, and hurt me so much, less than an hour later I stumbled upon this video. Alhamdulillah. Iam so releaved!
Everything happened for a reason
Jazak’Allah khair.. beautiful Khutba as always. How many beautiful stories and practices that we don’t know from own history. A much needed topic since it’s a very common practice among Muslim community.. we’re so oblivious that we don’t even consider it a sin.. another sad part is that those people always doubt everyone else’s sincerity and think if someone is being nice to them then they must need something in return
Such a beautiful and inspiring Khutbah, Dr. Suleiman! MashAllah! May Allah SWT bless you and ALL of the amazing folks at Yaqeen Institute who make it possible for people around the world to benefit from this message and draw nearer to Allah. Ameen!
Allah, istahmak barakatuk ala Shaikh Omar.
Salaams I always enjoy your khutbas Masha’Allah Subhan’Allah Jazak’Allah khairan kasiran
This is happening in families too. They make a so many phone calls and talked to you many times and once you send the money. They stopped calling. The worst part when they asked you to borrow them money and when you asked for your money back because you need it and start calling them they stopped picking up the phone and they stopped talking to you. ISN'T SO SAD. JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO IN THIS SITUATION???
Give a gap and then ask again after a few months. U may not see the money take it as a lesson. Keep asking evwry few months or so
May Allah return your money back very soon inshalah 🙏 try to make positive affirmations.
Dont worry,, it will be only bad for them, you will get much more than money on judgment day
I understand how you feel. It's painful and frustrating when your own blood and relatives only see you as a tool of convenience.
Everytime you send money you encourage that behavior and they know it has no consequences so they'll continue doing it until you set a boundary. Stop sending money and see if their behaviour changes or if they only see you as a financial means.
May Allah protect us from sins and forgive our sins.
This is really useful as they are many many muslims who seem to be religious but use and discard ppl and even tarnish thier images with fear that they could expose them.Its also very hurting for people who are trying to enjoin good,as these people dont return goodness with goodness but with attitude and abuse.
Very true, thank you very much for the speech, it’s a mirror of our society nowadays we ask ALLAH SOBHANOU protection and forgiveness.
نسأل الله العافية، لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
what a beautiful khutbah, jazak Allah Khair brother
Thank from the bottom of my (somewhat broken) heart for this brother!!! I reverted a year ago tomorrow… and this should be the happiest of anniversaries for me, but instead it marks a year wherein I tried to marry as Allah commands me, but was used-not once but TWO times-and tossed away by brothers. One said he’d marry me, had a haram relationship with me before I even understood the implication, and then once he got what he wanted tossed me aside, leaving my reputation ruined and lost to my “muslim family” who ostracized me, which completely emotionally devastated me; the other promised to marry me, went through the process with my wali, knowing the whole story of the previous brother and that of my previous husband as a missing person, and then ghosted me-like I didn’t even deserve an explanation (we’d never fought, I was kind, patient, honest, and faithful).
To be honest, I feel now completely unsafe to try to marry Islamically… it feels I won’t be treated with basic respect.
To be honest, I feel I can’t give you much marital advice in this regard, as I’ve never been married. But have faith in Allah and keep making du’a from the bottom of your heart that you will find a good Muslim man who won’t use and abuse you, and try your best to be patient. Allah knows your pain and suffering, and He was and is testing you. Don’t ever give up hope! InshaAllah you will pull through! May Allah grant you a righteous spouse, and forgive, reward and elevate you for your patience. Ameen
I think you are better off marrying a revert like you. May Allah find you a spouse just like you.
Hallo sister in Islam, look and practice what Islam is saying and needs not what the 'Muslims' are doing. Every soul is compelling to evil doing, just keep away from haram relationships cause it is one of the major sins.
Remember that Allah swt has chosen to guide you to Islam and this is the greatest blessing there is. We will be tested as part of our faith - this is stated in the Quran. But hold onto Allah and He will guide you and provide for you from avenues you least expected. Focus on building your relationship with Allah swt and increasing in knowledge. Surround yourself with good company - volunteer at local Muslim causes including the masjid. You will soon build a family you can trust. And when you are ready and stronger then Allah swt will provide you with what you need. Remember He has the best timing for everything.
A Revert should marry a Revert. Even Islamically, you should marry someone who is similar to you in regards to what you have both experienced in your life and logically a revert marrying a revert makes perfect sense as you both are finding Islam together. Also NEVER discuss your past with your spouse to be. Your past is your past and a decent spouse would never ask you about your past. The guys you married were not meant for you so ALLAH SWT removed them from your life. Just keep focused with your research of Islam.....if it is written in your kismet to marry then you will but don't will be ok, be positive and say Alhamdullilah. Allah SWT is watching so you will ALWAYS have that reassurance. Stay strong and stay happy.....ALLAH SWT is on your side so don't give up on are blessed 🙂
Jazaq Allahkum Khairan Shaikh 💐💐💐💐💐
Very Important Message for Our times when People and Relationships have just become a commodity.
Great video. Thank you. May God grant us all Aljana and guide our children to the right path.
Allahuakbar Subhanallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulilahi Rabilaalamin I love you more than you can tell me about you inshaAllah ❤
Salam Alaykum Waramotullahi Wabarakatu, Jummat Mubarak!Thanks so much for wake up call and sharing knowledge with us. May Allah SWT forgive our intentional and unintentional sins Ameen Ya Rabb. May Allah SWT increase our Eeman and make Islam easy for us Ameen Ya Rabb. May Allah SWT bless you and others propagating our beautiful Deen Islam positively in this world and next Ameen Ya Rabb. Jazakallahu Khairan.
Maashallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulila Allahuakbar ❤ 💚 💙 💕 😍
جزاكم الله خيرا وبارك الله فيكم
Always learn something new from your khutbah...alhamdulillah
Subhanallah beautiful reminder 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽
Imam 😍😍Jazakillah Khair
Allahuakbar and I love you so much for Allahuakbar ❤ ♥
Mansha'Allah beautiful reminding. May Allah bless you and your family. May Allah guide us. Ameen
It's a beautiful reminder
beautiful khutbah. So true in every aspect. We need to fear at most our conduct towards humans.
Can we get to one million inshallah yaqeen institute
Amazing, alhumdulilah
Laailahailallah Muhammad Rasurullah Allahuakbar ❤ ♥ 😍 💖 ✨ 💕 ❤ ♥ 😍 💖 ✨ 💕 ❤ ♥ 😍 💖 ✨ 💕 ❤ ♥ 😍
Something needed !!
جزاكم الله خير الجزاء !
خطبة رائعة ما شاء الله اللهم بارك دكتور عمر الله يحفظك!!
May Allah swt always bless you. Greetings from AustinTx
Allah knows all your intentions no matter how much you keep them secret 🤫 just don’t hurt humans though your feelings change about them✌🏾
Maashallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulilahi ❤ 💚 💙 💕 😍 ♥ ❤ 💚 💙 💕 😍 ♥ ❤ 💚 💙 💕 😍 ♥ ❤
Thenk you can also help me with this and I will also help me with this and I will also help me with this and
Asalamualekumu shekhe mashaallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri the first man for me and I love you so much for Allahuakbar
Maashallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulilahi Rabilaalamin you can also help me with this information 🙏 😊 😀
Allahuakbar Subhanallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulila you can also help me with this information 🙏 😊 😀 🙂 ☺ 😄 🙏 😊
Alhamdulillah much needed lecture……..
جزاك اللهُ خيرً sheikh
Al’humdolliah, story of my life.
Jazakhallah Khairan
💔 very sad truth of today's society...
Beautiful 💓 lecture
🌟سبحان الله
What an important khuthba, crucial reminder to us all .
Allah guide us to fulfil the rights of other not transgress against them .
What will happen to the Muslim men who approach a sister with verbal promises of having good halal intention of marriage, but internally have no intention at all . Their actions don’t match their words …. The dangle and mislead ,treating sisters like objects without any feeling , emotions , a heart . Yet they have females in their family who could easily be treated the same by predators .
How will these Muslim men face Allah swt on the day of judgment???
Why is our society so harmful and damaging , why can a Muslim not feel safe from another Muslim ? Is this a sad sign of the end of times ?
Subhan Allah
Good Afternoon
Amen thank you sir
Assalamualakum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatohu everyone Jummah Mubarak to all May Allah Swt bless you all Ameen ya Rabilaillahmeen
Jazak Allah
Asalam ma laykum may allah bless and ease the sufferings of the ummah and may allah unite the ummah upon the quran and sunnah and may allah have mercy on all those that have passed away before us and may Allah have mercy on us when we pass away and may allah cure all those that have a sickness and a disability and may allah grant them a cure that leaves no aliment and may allah protect the muslims from hellfire and from the fitnah of dajjal and may allah grant those that don't have spouses a spouse and may allah answer all our prayers may allahs peace and blessings be upon the prophet muhammad ameen my brothers and sisters in islam return to allah before it is too late
Not all parent's are good but rather evil. But, Allah helped in others ways.
Wel come ustaz
If People feared ALLAH SWT every minute of the day then there would not be the wrongness in this World because people would CARE for Humanity, the Animal kingdom and the Environment. Fearing ALLAH SWT for His might and supremeness and His wonders, we would strive each and every day to be the best for Him.
Allahuakbar Subhanallah I have to pay for Allahuakbar birthday messages from me today thank you so much for Allahuakbar ❤ ♥ 💖 💗
Allahuakbar Subhanallah Allahuakbar jazakallah kheri Alhamdulilahi Rabilaalamin you can also help me with this information 🙏 😊 😀 🙂 ☺ 😄 🙏 😊 😀
We should not abandon people nut some people all they do its backbiting and talk about funia dunia so running away from them it's the best we can so we can focus in our diin and improving yourselves.
Jazakallah kheri Alhamdulilahi Rabilaalamin you can also help me with this information 🙏 😊 😀 🙂 ☺ 😄 🙏
As-Salaam Alaikum.
Cant hear clearly please do something about the microphone. The sound is very low
This happened to me. I was used & then discarded by a man. He now acts like he never knew me. Like I'm a stranger. Will he be punished for this? Will the same happen to him?
😔 I will make dua for you. We shouldn't make dua against someone but we can always ask Allah s.w.t., the most just, to do justice
Allah does not wrong His slaves. All we have to remember is Allah is the Most Just
He will get his comeuppance so do not worry. Do not look backwards....move on and go forward. ALLAH SWT watches all, sees all, knows all. Do not give up on Allah SWT, HE is the only support, guide, protection, love we need. You will be ok and your life will be better because Allah Almighty has removed a bad person out of your life so say Alhamdullilah. If it was meant to be then you both would still be together. You stay positive and carry on with your life with Allah SWT in your heart. You will be ok 👌
As salaamu wa alaikum there's a Muslim brother who currently works for ICNA in California. This brother has been playing revert sisters. Promising marriage and or getting married for a few months then kicking the sister's out. Currently there's a sister he brought from Africa abused her and has left her stranded. We have exhausted all Islamic 'justice' avenue's with the intention to having this brother to account for his deeds and help the sister who's is still in a domestic abuse shelter and no legal immigration status. What does the ummah do in these cases?
Thenk you can also help me with this and I will also help me with this and I will also help me with this information 🙏
Usury is a my humble opinion.
I am being used as we speak 😞😢
What’s mahr?
A compulsory fee or gift(determined by the lady) to be given by the husband to his new wife
Basically a dowry.
Why does every bad deed or sin always attribute to men always being the perpetrators? You think women are not capable of doing the same thing but in a different manner ?
Because those holding the funding behind the scenes have a liberal agenda to emasculate men.
@@anothergoogleuser4915 I agree. On top of that just demonizing men for simply being men and women are innocent delicate flowers who are incapable of any sinister acts if malice, and the angels giving them extra coating of sparkling blessing dust that immunes them from satan. I am tired of men insulating women and dying in the process. Fuck off with this when ‘he does this that is bad’ horseshit
Djinn is plural. The djinn ARE friendly.