Those boxes are awsome. Bought one last night. Looks exactly like one in video. I don't need to take off antenna. Put camera in box, then top on, then front, very easy. It also looks like you don't need to take the antenna off since it looks exactly like mine. Could be wrong. Maybe they altered it slightly. I have a slightly smaller diameter python cabel that makes it easier to go up and over camera through the box. 👍 Luck on Great Pics!
that box appears to be a royal pain in the azz! Any good lock box should be secured to the tree independent of the camera. then camera should just be inserted and the cover installed. a design change is very much needed on this box.
I wouldn't count on any of that too much. I have had 7 cameras stolen off private property that were inside camlock security boxes secured to a tree with 3 lag bolts, a master lock python cable lock and a master lock padlock. All stolen after 10/14/21 and before the morning of 11/20/21. The nearest road over a half mile away. No public land anywhere near. One was ripped completely off the tree. All padlocks and cable locks were also taken. I wonder if there is some easy to unlock the python locks or do trespasser carry bolt cutters? Of course, if the cables and padlocks were cut, why carry them away?
Good morning. I had 4 cameras up-2 by my buddies and 2 near my ladder stand on the edge of the property- 1 camera was facing my cell camera that was locked with a cable-someone still turned it away from the other and then took my sd card-i was thinking they were coming back with bolt/ wire cutters! So i took all of mine down! Just night right! Why? Didn’t wanna loose my cameras and really loved getting text from my reveal Tactacam! Have a good day
Great work thanks exactly what I was looking for
Are these cell phone
… many pictures does it trigger while setting that box up?
Those boxes are awsome. Bought one last night. Looks exactly like one in video. I don't need to take off antenna. Put camera in box, then top on, then front, very easy. It also looks like you don't need to take the antenna off since it looks exactly like mine. Could be wrong. Maybe they altered it slightly. I have a slightly smaller diameter python cabel that makes it easier to go up and over camera through the box.
👍 Luck on Great Pics!
Which box did you get I’m having trouble finding one?
What size master lock fits in that hole? I think a thicker lock may be better than that thin one you used
What can they do if they steal the camera?
Actually the cable goes through bottom holes in box and camera look thru hole in bottom and see holes in camera
that box appears to be a royal pain in the azz! Any good lock box should be secured to the tree independent of the camera. then camera should just be inserted and the cover installed. a design change is very much needed on this box.
I wouldn't count on any of that too much. I have had 7 cameras stolen off private property that were inside camlock security boxes secured to a tree with 3 lag bolts, a master lock python cable lock and a master lock padlock. All stolen after 10/14/21 and before the morning of 11/20/21. The nearest road over a half mile away. No public land anywhere near. One was ripped completely off the tree. All padlocks and cable locks were also taken. I wonder if there is some easy to unlock the python locks or do trespasser carry bolt cutters? Of course, if the cables and padlocks were cut, why carry them away?
Good morning. I had 4 cameras up-2 by my buddies and 2 near my ladder stand on the edge of the property- 1 camera was facing my cell camera that was locked with a cable-someone still turned it away from the other and then took my sd card-i was thinking they were coming back with bolt/ wire cutters! So i took all of mine down! Just night right! Why? Didn’t wanna loose my cameras and really loved getting text from my reveal Tactacam! Have a good day
Will not be long until a new design comes out. That design is horrible.