I recently, meaning in 2022 I think, saw two if not three pairs of this cabinet for sale on eBay. One pair a Altec 604s installed. The price was decent in my opinion. In fact I had given serious thought to buying them. Can’t remember if they were built in Vietnam or Thailand or ??? In addition, they looked very well made, with a nice finish. If you all are the same individuals please respond.
I am not that person. There are many experts in Vietnam and Thailand, but I think that the level of speaker production in Korea is the best in the world. Those made in Vietnam are of poor quality. In fact, when you look at the product, the quality is poor, and the finish is poor. If you are looking for vintage speakers of the same quality, Korea is probably a pretty good alternative. Thank you,, And have a good day...
위 스피커 제작소는 용인시 처인구 모현면 초부리 775-2 에 위치하고 있습니다. 네이버 까페 "철가방 공방"에 가시면 여러가지 스피커가 많으며, 본인이 원하는 디자인으로 스피커 제작이 가능합니다.
I recently, meaning in 2022 I think, saw two if not three pairs of this cabinet for sale on eBay. One pair a Altec 604s installed. The price was decent in my opinion. In fact I had given serious thought to buying them. Can’t remember if they were built in Vietnam or Thailand or ??? In addition, they looked very well made, with a nice finish. If you all are the same individuals please respond.
I am not that person. There are many experts in Vietnam and Thailand, but I think that the level of speaker production in Korea is the best in the world. Those made in Vietnam are of poor quality. In fact, when you look at the product, the quality is poor, and the finish is poor. If you are looking for vintage speakers of the same quality, Korea is probably a pretty good alternative. Thank you,, And have a good day...
옛날 생각 나네요~~~ ^^
두번 다시는 없을 기회에 참여하게 되어 영광이었습니다.
철가방을 여기서 보다니....^^
철가방이 많이 유명한 것 같습니다. 사장님이 워낙 심성이 좋으셔서요, 언젠가는 복 받으실 겁니다
@@smart_factory 넵. 저도 그러시길 바랍니다.
개인적으로 친분이 좀 있습니다.^^
기왕이면 1:1 로 하지
스피커 자작이야 본인들 맘이지만 소리는 장담 못하지
당연하신 말씀입니다. 통을 제작할 때 피스 하나 박는 것이나 접착제 바르는 것 모두 소리의 이해가 없거나 노하우없이 그냥 도면 대로 제작한다는 것은 참으로 무의미한 행위라고 생각합니다. 항상 공부해야 한다는 것을 실감합니다
맞아요..접합 부위의 접착제와 오리지날과 같은 나무재질의 좋은 합판을 구하면
90점 따고 들어 간다고 합니다..
도면은 어디서 구하지요?