Speaking as someone who put off the Defiant until mid 40's I 100% agree with this video. I whole heatedly regret not focusing on it harder even going so far, as a spender, to wish I would of just bought it outright versus the slow f2p bp drip. The Defiant and Bajoran faction in general help your account a MASSIVE amount!
One thing that you didn't mention, was its warp range. Me being level 39, gives me access to Deep Space. Being without a ISS Jelly, having s T3 Defiant with a 100 warp range helps me to travel even farther than using a Franklin-A or Amalgam. This helped me to complete more missions earlier than I maybe should be able to do. As a result, giving me more rss and 4* mats from mission rewards which helps me further my research and/or tiering ships.
Voyager has the best long warp range that I’ve found. I’m a free player so I end up doing a lot of grinding to get my ships. The Enterprise and the Augur are my power hitters, but Voyager is my long range explorer. I’m content to work on long range mining ships now since I do a lot of mining.
The massive problem is that after having spent money on the ship, it now will take months before it is at my level (41) because of the slow drip of armor parts. So it is nerfing my ability to hit on-level rare and epic solo armadas with the Defiant because the ship is so underpowered, which means no edict bonuses for those. I do love the material token chest that gives a healthy amount of 4* materials. For me that is the best part so far. But something needs to be done to get it on-level way faster.
Not everything Is going to be a diamond out the gate. I'm going the free route on the defiant. But just saying it appears the dynamic is more credits with the defiant but less of the elite stuff. So just use it when you need a lot of credits? Also, it literally just came out and there's still another ds9 arc.
completely agree with you. But I still like it, because somehow the bajoran grind is much more entertaining for me than the stella or borg probe grind and feels less like a chore. But yeah, that's one of the reasons why I don't have a mantis yet. Don't want another of these daily/weekly tasks.
As a f2p I wont be seeing the defiant till feb/mar next year so being honest I dont really care about it, entire ds9 arc was the one we have all been looking forward to and the main thing people have been interested in is locked behind a 100 quid paywall so not interested, will just plod away and do dailys but not puting nearly as much time in game as I have before
Same here. I’ve stalled at ops 45 and just don’t care as much anymore. The ratio for joy vs amount I play is bad…I do not have as much fun as I should. Feels like a second job and I’m soft quitting it
I understand Scopely needs to make money but they need to understand if i have to wait several weeks to a month ok i can deal. But when i have to wait SEVERAL MONTHS, kiss my ***. Then people say, “Oh, wait til event store!” Guess what as F2P i will not get enough tokens especially when i need to get Mantis, Cerritos, and Defiant. Let alone Amalgam. Event store is a waste when it only comes around every 3-4 months and i still wont get ships to keep up.
Im happy to grind here and there if worth it. But the game is becoming a grind fest daily with little payout of my time or i need to drop hundreds and i have better things to do. Ive seen significant drop on my server 36. People getting bored of this game.
As many including yourself Rev have pointed out, it’s a great new mechanic to the game and definitely useful - just wish it wasn’t the defiant (unless it’s got some more coming next month). My only other issue is the part sourcing. I wish like the research and many other things in the game, you could choose to do double or triple part pulls to get it lvled up faster
Regarding the strength in space, see the vidar, that is still useful as a warship 20 levels after unlocking it... Defiant really should be able to be something similar..
I wanted Sisko and the Defiant for 3 years, I finally got both and I love both. That being said the Defiant is a good ship that could be a great ship. The problem is it will take forever to tier it up. I got it to tier 3 and my level calls for tier 8. To say it will take years to get there FTP is not hyperbole. Scopely has to improve parts sourcing for the ship to be worked into the rotation. I love the Bajoran store with all the choices
Here's a question for those at Scopely - When I clink on the STFC Icon/Button on your main page why does it take so incredibly long to log into the store? Nine times out of Ten I have to let it run and after several minutes come back to the main page and start the process all over again so I can enter into the STFC Store page to obtain my free epic officer shard. Better yet when I select the "Remember Me" option the game never remembers my login name nor my password. Boys and girls its time to get you shit together.
Their store really does suck donkey toes...It frequently hangs on my iphone safari attempts to log into get my daily free shard and so I'm stuck unless I have access to my mac computer and then it works
Because the defiant research buffs are absolute garbage until you get to 46+ and can start unlocking the big crit researches. As it is they basically took one node off the cerritos research (penetration) and split it out to 6 penetration researches for the defiant buff. IMO the biggest disappointment of the defiant is how incredibly weak it's buffs are pre-46. Was very much hoping it would be more on the lines mantis level potency but for armadas (even if just for solo armadas). I've barely touched cerritos research for my level at 44 but it's buff is farm more impact-full than defiant's that I have maxed.
Bajorans are a worth while grind, period. Scopely should add a building where you can park a ship to auto-level up for an X amount of time where you can't use it for the time you locked it in. Because on top of all the grinds, you also need to grind Ship XP. A Feesha for instance needs 10 million ship rep at 60. Insane...
it would be interesting to see the Defiant or another ship be able to adopt the ability of another ship (Franklin A, Vidar, Stella, etc) to give extra ability to grind those.
My opinion as an ops 39, it does a good job even at my level, its really under powered though even though I have as much defiant research done as you did for the start of this video. I think the ops locks should be adjusted in reality, I think ops 50 is where it should be maxed out and the tiers and ops adjusted accordingly, this would allow us even below level 40 to be able to utilize this ship as something other than an armada/solo armada only ship. Because it would then have the power to keep up with our epic 3* ships we have access to at that point anyway. I also feel like the base warp range needs to be addressed, it should start out just like the jellyfish does. I ended up having to disco in my defiant to do deep space armadas which really is a waste when my Augur had no problem getting to the armadas I am running, but now I got to tie up three ships/docks to run those armadas, or just not use the defiant for a weeks while running them if I couldn't disco them in. Also change the ability to not just work in solo armadas but all armadas even if its slightly less than the solo armada loot bonus. If we are going to make this an armada ship then lets do it full circle here.
Hey Rev. Thanks for all the videos. They are very helpful. What are your thoughts on active armadas not being protected from PVP? Directives can take a long time to accrue (especially rare and epics) or cost real $$. We have some players on our servers who actively hunt and hit active armadas, which leads to lost directives. It’s a painful thing. I think Scopely should either protect ships that have joined the armada or build in some way to bypass the timer. What are your thoughts?
He's shared these thoughts and this dead horse has been beaten time and time before. Tl;dr... "Scopely Does. Not. Care. About. Your. ROE!!!" Bring your own protection. It's a PvP game.
@@ColonelFusion thanks for the link. I’ll watch it. At no point did I mention server ROE. I will not spend money on something that I may not be able to use. I’d buy armada directives if I knew I’d be able to use it. As for bringing my own protection, how am I to defend against a player whose ship is twice the power of mine but can still hit me? There is no one I’m my alliance who can defend against it. So, are the only solutions to 1) spend more money to get stronger, 2) stop running armadas, 3) quit the alliance and join a stronger one, or 4) quit the game? Seems to me like it would make most sense for Scopely to add a mechanism to skip the armadas timer. That way I can run my armada before a-holes show up.
Rev, clicked the link, is that what you wanted? Or is there supposed to be something on the linked page that we need to interact with? If so there is nothing. (latest Android OS, using Chrome, OnePlus Phone)
On an unrelated note, what is up with the anniversary “gift”. Is the gift reflective of the state of the game? If so, they are bang on. Thanks for the reward for playing for 4 years.
Did I miss any discussion on improvements in the faction store as the ship is obtained and then leveled? Seems like the "Defiant Amplified Claim" might change with acquisition of the ship?
Hey Rev I love my Defiant. It is my primary ship. I use it for my Ex Borg grind. I have Worf, SNW Uhura, and Moreau. I swap Moreau out and use LaForge on Klingon PVE and Troi on Romulan PVE. And Armadas with Sisko, O’Brien, and Changeling Kira. Cheers!
$ 99.99 Scopely store for 100 Defiant blueprints. Wait until another Opelian Keystone type event to buy Defiant blueprints. Either choice is much faster than the grind.
Seems like it will be useful, but they choke the ish out of progress with ablative armor parts. I know it was last moth's arc, but they won't even sell them rn. stuck at tier one for over 2 weeks. am I missing something here?
@@WALTERBROADDUS The end reward was brilliant. I give scopely that - full unlock of Pike. However the actual event meta imho was a bit meh. Also the fact the scoring mechanics/meta was broken for some players, which lead to the extra points pack for the full unlocks 😕Another oopsy pack..... [ not that i'm complaining about freebies]
I sure wish I had seen this video before noon EST today, I would have bought the ship. I hadn't planned on buying it, and its going to take a long time to get it for free. Too late though, they took the ship BPs out of the store as of noon today. :(
Sorry off topic but what are the daily requirements for sation level 34? I need to know if I can go ahead and advance my level or do I need to put in more work before I make the jump
@@WALTERBROADDUS I know dude, but I maxed my vidar and the defiant was made to fight the borg according to cannon (Siko sed it himself) when it was introduced, one of its many aspects, I'd personally scrap my vidar for a defiant refit, that would allow me to fight the borg
As an Ops 56 player i have just left my defiant at tier 1. Scopely needs to at minimum Triple the max power from Mid 50mil at max tier to more like 150m at max tier before i will consider it a ship. Not sure why whales are left out of this important Star Trek ship. Seems odd to me.
Advice pls. How did you get so many defiant parts and such high amount of research part. I say parts for both as didn’t check names. You had so many. I collect mine each day and get double chests. I have nothing close. I’m obviously missing something. If someone can advise pls. Thanks
research, officers, exos, defiant boost, cerritos boost, and cloak are some other factors. I was able to hit 40 uc when I had my ent at T8, augar at T7, defiant at T1 with Picard, bev, eurydice but I still need an exo.
I did it with Ent T4 Augur T7 and Sally T9 at around 10.5m total power. The key for me was using 3 shield regen crews as without it they all died too fast. Enterprise used Sisko Miles TOS Kirk, Augur 5 K S, Sally Bev Lorca GG. The first time I did it with double Cerritos exo and Augur cloak, I did it again with just Augur cloak but only just managed it.
For me at Ops 39, I don't see that much of a need for it from where I stand. I can beat lvl 40 Uncommon Solo Armadas right now without it and get 263k loot from one. Granted the extra Edicts would speed up the acquisition of the elite chest, that is not tempting enough for me to try to pay for the ship. I can just ignore it till February or so until I F2P grind it and might care about it when I push to the 40s.
As a player that has been here since March of 2021 I've seen some minor improvements but, with those also other things that worked ok. Anyone that has worked both in IT and done any programming knows the difficulty in running on various platforms. With that being said as a player mostly f2p I would like to see more free paths and cheaper packs for players like that and cap higher players from being able to hitmore then five levels be low them. As for the new ships added I can only speak about the ones that I have like the Cerritos which is a nice looking ship but is lack luster in preference. ( My Opinion ) Do the other newer ships look ok yes but otherwise cannot add an opinion on theme at this time.
I think the f2p path 2 obtain is too long, I had a stack of Diplomacy tokens before it came out and now I'm up to around 22 bps I've blown thru them all and it's much slower I can now claim 1 bp every 2-3 days or so.
For what should’ve been one of the most powerful PvP badasses in the fleet, this nerfed version and specialty use only, makes me (I’m not alone) VERY disappointed. A lot of us were waiting for the kick butt ship from the series, and we got this instead. And for the price, it should’ve come w/a built in cloak. Higher impulse speeds. And more weapons damage. In my alliance of 70, I think only 2 or 3 bought one. The Bajoran Store add-one are nice, but this “flagship” of sorts was short-changed. Hopefully we are heard, and some modifications happen. Thank you.
The defiant will be nice eventually but the solo armadas and bajorian store are much better features than the defiant and you don't need the defiant to do those well.
The defiant should have been a whale beater or a overpowered ship with cloak and high dodge this whole arc gets a D- they had some positive aspects but overall it wasn’t worth the hype….
I still don't have it. Never bothered as the free oath looked so time consuming, it looks poor for general use and it's a one trick pony. That said the new Incursions exchange offering blue prints has moved it up my agenda. I cashed in all my incursion coins, unspent as Incursions is dreadful, and am burning through my solo armada directives. So it was a useful intro video.
I think you shouldn’t invest in many ships till you reach level 60. Keep it to a bare minimum. Officers are timeless, ships are not. Keep investing in officers. Besides, ship power is pretty skewed these days. In other words, the value of ship power means much less as the emphasis is more on officers rather than how much ship power you have.
Scopely seize the pay, and make the game a job we don't get paid to play. Us f2p can't get ahead in the game, like being said months till we'll be able to get any ship they add. So just doing dailies and battle pass points. Be nice to have rewards worth playing for.
ah ok...as a f2p it will take some time till i get the defiant. so maybe ill watch this in march next year..or never-.- still dissapointed over the weak ds9 arc..to much things gone downhill
We all had to go through a SHITton of resources to claim that 'heroic' ripoff, for those eight weyoun shards. the officer sourcing has taken a turn for the worse.
I really want auto battle or some kind of auto farming to be implemented. Auto attacks from hostiles sucks. Low lvls need access to new stuff. Why is it 35 plus?. Even the 50s got the enterprise D. We got some skin whooped d fuking do. Why is the Cerritos a lvl 35 ship its only a buffer. Low lvls need sourcing help to. I feel like I have to buy packs just to get to the good parts. I shouldn't have to. 20 plus need love. Also why can a ops 39 blow up an ops 23 when I can't even touch ops 20. How is that fair?
I appreciate the time and effort you put to help us out but after watching this video I feel I screwed up getting the defiant. I found your video too long, too complicated, not easy to follow, and not helpfull in guiding me on how to use the defiant. sorry but thats how I feel on this video
I thought there would be value when the defiant came out, now I think otherwise. The grind just to level it is not worth the time or even the money if your buying packs. This game is made for people with money :-/
The defiant would be great for FTP but it will take 100 days if you log in daily to get the bps. Almost 4 months later the Defiant will be forgotten about as the next arc series will be half way through. The Mantis is a prime example as it is a boring grind and the only thing talked about is fixing the Apex ship not spawning. For a pay to use ship (no ftp path) I am very dissapointed and because of the Mantis I chose not buy the Defiant.
I think the defiant is powered perfectly for what it is... the defiant was in cannon NOT the baddest ship in the fleet... it was a very good support ship and a helper in battles. No where in any cannon is the defiant in the same class as the Ent-D, or any other flagship from any other faction. So the defiant as it is in game is actually a very good representation of what it is in Star Trek lore. Sorry for all of those who think the defiant is the best thing since sliced bread. But it never was that. If you think that the defiant could beat the flagship of any faction handily you are sorely mistaken. So why should it be that way in the game. For those of you who say the ship can't even do well in our mottos at the higher tiers. Maybe it shouldn't even be in those armadas. Maybe it should just be the support ship for those really big armadas. The only thing I would change is that at some point the defiant Loop bonus should apply to the ships it supports even if it is not in the Armada itself. My suggestion would be that at some cut off either Ops level or level of armada that the loot bonus from the defiant gets applied to the whole Armada. Other than that the ship is perfect the way it is
Click the link!
Is it just supposed to go to their default page or should we see some form of survey?
What Walt said!!!
It's just a tracking link, you won't see anything. Click and close the window/tab
@@OrangeKhaos What Orange said!
what is the point of the anniversary rewards ? was this meant to celebrated? also what is the point of the espionage?
Speaking as someone who put off the Defiant until mid 40's I 100% agree with this video. I whole heatedly regret not focusing on it harder even going so far, as a spender, to wish I would of just bought it outright versus the slow f2p bp drip. The Defiant and Bajoran faction in general help your account a MASSIVE amount!
One thing that you didn't mention, was its warp range. Me being level 39, gives me access to Deep Space. Being without a ISS Jelly, having s T3 Defiant with a 100 warp range helps me to travel even farther than using a Franklin-A or Amalgam. This helped me to complete more missions earlier than I maybe should be able to do. As a result, giving me more rss and 4* mats from mission rewards which helps me further my research and/or tiering ships.
Voyager has the best long warp range that I’ve found. I’m a free player so I end up doing a lot of grinding to get my ships. The Enterprise and the Augur are my power hitters, but Voyager is my long range explorer. I’m content to work on long range mining ships now since I do a lot of mining.
The massive problem is that after having spent money on the ship, it now will take months before it is at my level (41) because of the slow drip of armor parts. So it is nerfing my ability to hit on-level rare and epic solo armadas with the Defiant because the ship is so underpowered, which means no edict bonuses for those.
I do love the material token chest that gives a healthy amount of 4* materials. For me that is the best part so far. But something needs to be done to get it on-level way faster.
Maybe do the higher level armadas without defiant?
@@johnyavornitzky5006 That is the issue though. Why get the Defiant to not use it?
Not everything Is going to be a diamond out the gate. I'm going the free route on the defiant. But just saying it appears the dynamic is more credits with the defiant but less of the elite stuff. So just use it when you need a lot of credits? Also, it literally just came out and there's still another ds9 arc.
Finally just got Defiant yesterday through the f2p path. This was super helpful to review now that I can put it into use. Thanks Rev!
here's the problem: grinding
You have:
1: Stella
2: Swarms
3: Dominion
4: Augment
5: your dailies
6: events
7: fraction exp grinding
it doesn't end here!
Ship XP
completely agree with you. But I still like it, because somehow the bajoran grind is much more entertaining for me than the stella or borg probe grind and feels less like a chore.
But yeah, that's one of the reasons why I don't have a mantis yet. Don't want another of these daily/weekly tasks.
Mantis grind is also up there.
@@ShinjiteruYT mantis grind is atrocious - Stella very annoying, both takes hours
As a f2p I wont be seeing the defiant till feb/mar next year so being honest I dont really care about it, entire ds9 arc was the one we have all been looking forward to and the main thing people have been interested in is locked behind a 100 quid paywall so not interested, will just plod away and do dailys but not puting nearly as much time in game as I have before
Same here. I’ve stalled at ops 45 and just don’t care as much anymore. The ratio for joy vs amount I play is bad…I do not have as much fun as I should. Feels like a second job and I’m soft quitting it
I understand Scopely needs to make money but they need to understand if i have to wait several weeks to a month ok i can deal. But when i have to wait SEVERAL MONTHS, kiss my ***. Then people say, “Oh, wait til event store!” Guess what as F2P i will not get enough tokens especially when i need to get Mantis, Cerritos, and Defiant. Let alone Amalgam. Event store is a waste when it only comes around every 3-4 months and i still wont get ships to keep up.
Im happy to grind here and there if worth it. But the game is becoming a grind fest daily with little payout of my time or i need to drop hundreds and i have better things to do. Ive seen significant drop on my server 36. People getting bored of this game.
As many including yourself Rev have pointed out, it’s a great new mechanic to the game and definitely useful - just wish it wasn’t the defiant (unless it’s got some more coming next month).
My only other issue is the part sourcing. I wish like the research and many other things in the game, you could choose to do double or triple part pulls to get it lvled up faster
Thanks Rev. Street Hawk here. This video was very informative and a big help in advancing my Defiant, which is among my favourite STFC ships.
Regarding the strength in space, see the vidar, that is still useful as a warship 20 levels after unlocking it... Defiant really should be able to be something similar..
I wanted Sisko and the Defiant for 3 years, I finally got both and I love both. That being said the Defiant is a good ship that could be a great ship. The problem is it will take forever to tier it up. I got it to tier 3 and my level calls for tier 8. To say it will take years to get there FTP is not hyperbole. Scopely has to improve parts sourcing for the ship to be worked into the rotation. I love the Bajoran store with all the choices
Here's a question for those at Scopely - When I clink on the STFC Icon/Button on your main page why does it take so incredibly long to log into the store? Nine times out of Ten I have to let it run and after several minutes come back to the main page and start the process all over again so I can enter into the STFC Store page to obtain my free epic officer shard. Better yet when I select the "Remember Me" option the game never remembers my login name nor my password. Boys and girls its time to get you shit together.
Their store really does suck donkey toes...It frequently hangs on my iphone safari attempts to log into get my daily free shard and so I'm stuck unless I have access to my mac computer and then it works
Just got this through the event store. Thanks for this and how about an update please.
Definitely find your episodes very helpful
why was there no solo armada after the research upgrade? it would have made sense to see the difference.
Because the defiant research buffs are absolute garbage until you get to 46+ and can start unlocking the big crit researches. As it is they basically took one node off the cerritos research (penetration) and split it out to 6 penetration researches for the defiant buff. IMO the biggest disappointment of the defiant is how incredibly weak it's buffs are pre-46. Was very much hoping it would be more on the lines mantis level potency but for armadas (even if just for solo armadas). I've barely touched cerritos research for my level at 44 but it's buff is farm more impact-full than defiant's that I have maxed.
I like the look of the Defiant and I think it's a pretty good ship.
It's just a shame I won't have it quickly enough.
It's my fav ship of all time cant wait to get it. But as ftp not sure I will be able to. Lvl 20 right now I was sad to see it wasn't stronger
It really takes off in the 40s!
Taken Def to T2, starting further upgrades, ablative armour first
Thanks for sharing. I've been on the fence about getting a Defiant. I think I will go out and get one
Just got my defiant this afternoon so. Finally. 1 node from tier 2 after first hr
Bajorans are a worth while grind, period. Scopely should add a building where you can park a ship to auto-level up for an X amount of time where you can't use it for the time you locked it in. Because on top of all the grinds, you also need to grind Ship XP. A Feesha for instance needs 10 million ship rep at 60. Insane...
it would be interesting to see the Defiant or another ship be able to adopt the ability of another ship (Franklin A, Vidar, Stella, etc) to give extra ability to grind those.
It WAS designed as an answer to the Borg threat after all. It really should be able to fight them in-game.
Rev - thanks for all the hardwork and love the videos - random question, is there any way or reason to provide feedback directly to Scopely?
Customer tickets. Content creators. Contacting Community Managers directly.
My opinion as an ops 39, it does a good job even at my level, its really under powered though even though I have as much defiant research done as you did for the start of this video. I think the ops locks should be adjusted in reality, I think ops 50 is where it should be maxed out and the tiers and ops adjusted accordingly, this would allow us even below level 40 to be able to utilize this ship as something other than an armada/solo armada only ship. Because it would then have the power to keep up with our epic 3* ships we have access to at that point anyway. I also feel like the base warp range needs to be addressed, it should start out just like the jellyfish does. I ended up having to disco in my defiant to do deep space armadas which really is a waste when my Augur had no problem getting to the armadas I am running, but now I got to tie up three ships/docks to run those armadas, or just not use the defiant for a weeks while running them if I couldn't disco them in. Also change the ability to not just work in solo armadas but all armadas even if its slightly less than the solo armada loot bonus. If we are going to make this an armada ship then lets do it full circle here.
Done! You rule Rev! Listen too Rev Scopley!
Clicked the link.
I am guessing the Defiant is a decent ship but I am not dropping $100 for a ship.
Hey Rev. Thanks for all the videos. They are very helpful.
What are your thoughts on active armadas not being protected from PVP? Directives can take a long time to accrue (especially rare and epics) or cost real $$. We have some players on our servers who actively hunt and hit active armadas, which leads to lost directives. It’s a painful thing. I think Scopely should either protect ships that have joined the armada or build in some way to bypass the timer. What are your thoughts?
He's shared these thoughts and this dead horse has been beaten time and time before. Tl;dr... "Scopely Does. Not. Care. About. Your. ROE!!!" Bring your own protection. It's a PvP game.
Here's his exact thoughts on the subject of complicated ROE and Armada killing: th-cam.com/video/7vkYwlv4UF8/w-d-xo.html
@@ColonelFusion thanks for the link. I’ll watch it. At no point did I mention server ROE. I will not spend money on something that I may not be able to use. I’d buy armada directives if I knew I’d be able to use it.
As for bringing my own protection, how am I to defend against a player whose ship is twice the power of mine but can still hit me? There is no one I’m my alliance who can defend against it. So, are the only solutions to 1) spend more money to get stronger, 2) stop running armadas, 3) quit the alliance and join a stronger one, or 4) quit the game?
Seems to me like it would make most sense for Scopely to add a mechanism to skip the armadas timer. That way I can run my armada before a-holes show up.
I'm dying to know if another armory build event is coming.
Rev, could you post a list of ships and their warp ranges, beginning and maximum?
ty for the video Rev Deuce and LLAP! Oh did u get the cloak forgot!?
Good sales pitch you almost got me ready to purchase it
I think it should have better stats for Pve against Jem'Hadar hostile ships.
Rev, clicked the link, is that what you wanted? Or is there supposed to be something on the linked page that we need to interact with? If so there is nothing. (latest Android OS, using Chrome, OnePlus Phone)
I can't wait to build it!
Is there a break even? I need to try and get to lvl 40m
I really expected the second most iconic ship in ST to have more teeth when it comes to pvp. That is my only disappointment
I know you like your Romulan and Klingon ships, right now I only have the kelvin and I would like to know how you would work it in the solo armada's
How do I get the credits for the plasma conduits??
Needs to be stronger in PVP. Armada only is disingenuous to the ship.
Where do I go to grind?
On an unrelated note, what is up with the anniversary “gift”. Is the gift reflective of the state of the game? If so, they are bang on. Thanks for the reward for playing for 4 years.
The grind will be real once I get a Defiant and the Mantis. It’s long now so I’m going to not do some grinds but maybe once a week.
Did I miss any discussion on improvements in the faction store as the ship is obtained and then leveled? Seems like the "Defiant Amplified Claim" might change with acquisition of the ship?
Weyoun token's, if we didnt get enough for a full pull. Is there going to be anything that will be done with them?
Hey Rev I love my Defiant. It is my primary ship. I use it for my Ex Borg grind. I have Worf, SNW Uhura, and Moreau. I swap Moreau out and use LaForge on Klingon PVE and Troi on Romulan PVE. And Armadas with Sisko, O’Brien, and Changeling Kira. Cheers!
I wonder, you have two defiants... do they stack up their loot bonus?
Where can i find those charts you are showing in the video
$ 99.99 Scopely store for 100 Defiant blueprints. Wait until another Opelian Keystone type event to buy Defiant blueprints. Either choice is much faster than the grind.
I think it needs a damage boost to or something against Borg
Seems like it will be useful, but they choke the ish out of progress with ablative armor parts. I know it was last moth's arc, but they won't even sell them rn. stuck at tier one for over 2 weeks. am I missing something here?
Needs to jem'hadar across the board
Can you speak to them about taking limit of 5 off spending iso chips.. So we can spend how we want not how they dictate.
But at 2 mil vs an ent at 2 mil. Or 4 mil to 4 mil. Can it pvp
What about the 4 yr anniversary???? was this meant to be celebrated?
I'm trying to understand your question? It is being celebrated.
@@WALTERBROADDUS The end reward was brilliant. I give scopely that - full unlock of Pike.
However the actual event meta imho was a bit meh. Also the fact the scoring mechanics/meta was broken for some players, which lead to the extra points pack for the full unlocks 😕Another oopsy pack..... [ not that i'm complaining about freebies]
I sure wish I had seen this video before noon EST today, I would have bought the ship. I hadn't planned on buying it, and its going to take a long time to get it for free. Too late though, they took the ship BPs out of the store as of noon today. :(
Sorry off topic but what are the daily requirements for sation level 34? I need to know if I can go ahead and advance my level or do I need to put in more work before I make the jump
A OK addition once you pop ops 40 but below that not worth the effort like everything to do with the bajoran grind
Yes it should bit should have some PVP to it
need more cath shards
scopely gave you freebies?
make it a borg grinder and a pvp ship as it's supposed to be
THE Vidar does that...
@@WALTERBROADDUS I know dude, but I maxed my vidar and the defiant was made to fight the borg according to cannon (Siko sed it himself) when it was introduced, one of its many aspects, I'd personally scrap my vidar for a defiant refit, that would allow me to fight the borg
off topic but I threw everything I had at the away team mission for 2 days and I'm still gonna be short
That's why it's important to know the schedule 📅
As an Ops 56 player i have just left my defiant at tier 1. Scopely needs to at minimum Triple the max power from Mid 50mil at max tier to more like 150m at max tier before i will consider it a ship. Not sure why whales are left out of this important Star Trek ship. Seems odd to me.
Advice pls. How did you get so many defiant parts and such high amount of research part. I say parts for both as didn’t check names. You had so many. I collect mine each day and get double chests. I have nothing close. I’m obviously missing something. If someone can advise pls. Thanks
You're not missing out! Only way to speed up the process is spending. This video is a reference point to show players what the costs are
whats the minimum for lvl40 solo armadas? T5 enterprise, T8 bortas and T6 Sala are to weak, when should i try again?
research, officers, exos, defiant boost, cerritos boost, and cloak are some other factors. I was able to hit 40 uc when I had my ent at T8, augar at T7, defiant at T1 with Picard, bev, eurydice but I still need an exo.
I did it with Ent T4 Augur T7 and Sally T9 at around 10.5m total power. The key for me was using 3 shield regen crews as without it they all died too fast. Enterprise used Sisko Miles TOS Kirk, Augur 5 K S, Sally Bev Lorca GG. The first time I did it with double Cerritos exo and Augur cloak, I did it again with just Augur cloak but only just managed it.
@@markoconnor7163 @kevinwilliamson7158 tyvm will try again at that point, got no defiant and zero cerritos research, completely ignored it :(
For me at Ops 39, I don't see that much of a need for it from where I stand. I can beat lvl 40 Uncommon Solo Armadas right now without it and get 263k loot from one. Granted the extra Edicts would speed up the acquisition of the elite chest, that is not tempting enough for me to try to pay for the ship. I can just ignore it till February or so until I F2P grind it and might care about it when I push to the 40s.
As a player that has been here since March of 2021 I've seen some minor improvements but, with those also other things that worked ok. Anyone that has worked both in IT and done any programming knows the difficulty in running on various platforms. With that being said as a player mostly f2p I would like to see more free paths and cheaper packs for players like that and cap higher players from being able to hitmore then five levels be low them. As for the new ships added I can only speak about the ones that I have like the Cerritos which is a nice looking ship but is lack luster in preference. ( My Opinion ) Do the other newer ships look ok yes but otherwise cannot add an opinion on theme at this time.
wish they would have a special engageable ability called RAMMING SPEED......like cloaking. need more luv for Worf
the defiant should level like the Vidar. by using it.
did anyone else notice he left the chart up blocking the "cost of each" research or was that just me?
The chart shows the cost
Just make it exceptionally good at killing cardassian and jem Hadar ships/bonus loot for them.
I sort of get the ship, but unless the wider grind in the game is reduced massively, it’s just another tasks, so a fail for me.
Clicked and done!
I think the f2p path 2 obtain is too long, I had a stack of Diplomacy tokens before it came out and now I'm up to around 22 bps I've blown thru them all and it's much slower I can now claim 1 bp every 2-3 days or so.
Why no epics and rares for 35-39s
It was all designed for 40+ originally, then they altered for so 35-39 can start the loop.
For what should’ve been one of the most powerful PvP badasses in the fleet, this nerfed version and specialty use only, makes me (I’m not alone) VERY disappointed. A lot of us were waiting for the kick butt ship from the series, and we got this instead. And for the price, it should’ve come w/a built in cloak. Higher impulse speeds. And more weapons damage. In my alliance of 70, I think only 2 or 3 bought one. The Bajoran Store add-one are nice, but this “flagship” of sorts was short-changed. Hopefully we are heard, and some modifications happen. Thank you.
The grind never ends.... Smh. Burnt out.
Bajoran faction wast best thing of 2022 Deuce!
Your link is broken at the …
The defiant will be nice eventually but the solo armadas and bajorian store are much better features than the defiant and you don't need the defiant to do those well.
If you put 2 Defiants in a solo armada, do the rewards stack? If not, feel free to send me your extra Defiant. Thanks!
Followed the link, got a bad token error, lmao :)
Wish we could have seen a research only difference.
It needs to unlock quicker.
The defiant should have been a whale beater or a overpowered ship with cloak and high dodge this whole arc gets a D- they had some positive aspects but overall it wasn’t worth the hype….
I still don't have it. Never bothered as the free oath looked so time consuming, it looks poor for general use and it's a one trick pony. That said the new Incursions exchange offering blue prints has moved it up my agenda. I cashed in all my incursion coins, unspent as Incursions is dreadful, and am burning through my solo armada directives. So it was a useful intro video.
I think you shouldn’t invest in many ships till you reach level 60. Keep it to a bare minimum. Officers are timeless, ships are not. Keep investing in officers. Besides, ship power is pretty skewed these days. In other words, the value of ship power means much less as the emphasis is more on officers rather than how much ship power you have.
Scopely seize the pay, and make the game a job we don't get paid to play. Us f2p can't get ahead in the game, like being said months till we'll be able to get any ship they add. So just doing dailies and battle pass points. Be nice to have rewards worth playing for.
ah ok...as a f2p it will take some time till i get the defiant. so maybe ill watch this in march next year..or never-.- still dissapointed over the weak ds9 arc..to much things gone downhill
Bad idea to tier it up😂😂😂
The defiant is not worth spending a dime for. I am disappointed with Scopely by taking a highly anticipated ship and making it useless trash.
I bought it just to see all the tears hahahahaha
I’m taking the long way around for it
Wow I have seen the defiant over 30 million power and have been told that some are 100 million power
The whole game isn’t first false advertising still can’t find how to change my deflector and necelles doesn’t seem to be in game
We all had to go through a SHITton of resources to claim that 'heroic' ripoff, for those eight weyoun shards. the officer sourcing has taken a turn for the worse.
Are players ignoring that ship ???????
The way this is set up...grinding can take 2 years...
I really want auto battle or some kind of auto farming to be implemented. Auto attacks from hostiles sucks. Low lvls need access to new stuff. Why is it 35 plus?. Even the 50s got the enterprise D. We got some skin whooped d fuking do. Why is the Cerritos a lvl 35 ship its only a buffer. Low lvls need sourcing help to. I feel like I have to buy packs just to get to the good parts. I shouldn't have to. 20 plus need love. Also why can a ops 39 blow up an ops 23 when I can't even touch ops 20. How is that fair?
I need help..slowly.....lol
I appreciate the time and effort you put to help us out but after watching this video I feel I screwed up getting the defiant. I found your video too long, too complicated, not easy to follow, and not helpfull in guiding me on how to use the defiant. sorry but thats how I feel on this video
Sorry you feel that way!
I thought there would be value when the defiant came out, now I think otherwise. The grind just to level it is not worth the time or even the money if your buying packs. This game is made for people with money :-/
The defiant would be great for FTP but it will take 100 days if you log in daily to get the bps. Almost 4 months later the Defiant will be forgotten about as the next arc series will be half way through. The Mantis is a prime example as it is a boring grind and the only thing talked about is fixing the Apex ship not spawning. For a pay to use ship (no ftp path) I am very dissapointed and because of the Mantis I chose not buy the Defiant.
As f2p you need at least 4 months to get it. Anyway is not as hard to get as mantis 😞
I think the defiant is powered perfectly for what it is... the defiant was in cannon NOT the baddest ship in the fleet... it was a very good support ship and a helper in battles. No where in any cannon is the defiant in the same class as the Ent-D, or any other flagship from any other faction. So the defiant as it is in game is actually a very good representation of what it is in Star Trek lore. Sorry for all of those who think the defiant is the best thing since sliced bread. But it never was that. If you think that the defiant could beat the flagship of any faction handily you are sorely mistaken. So why should it be that way in the game. For those of you who say the ship can't even do well in our mottos at the higher tiers. Maybe it shouldn't even be in those armadas. Maybe it should just be the support ship for those really big armadas. The only thing I would change is that at some point the defiant Loop bonus should apply to the ships it supports even if it is not in the Armada itself. My suggestion would be that at some cut off either Ops level or level of armada that the loot bonus from the defiant gets applied to the whole Armada. Other than that the ship is perfect the way it is