Just bought one yesterday. In 130 miles of driving, my displayed average MPG is 43! That included about 50 miles of city driving. I hunted for, and found a manual transmission. I feel very confident in this combination of mechanics - tried and true engine, with no Turbo to worry about, conventional manual transmission (not a CVT). On top of that, the dealership extends the 60 month/60,000 mile drive train warranty from Nissan to a Lifetime/Unlimited mileage warranty of the engine, transmission, and drive axle - in writing. I will agree with others, I wish Nissan offered the manual transmission with a few more of the options they offer with the CVT. A lot of us are not buying the manual transmission only because we want a stripped down vehicle, we enjoy a manual transmission! All in all, well equipped, but a couple of more options would have been very welcome, for me: Android Auto and fold down rear seat. Still, worth the compromise for the dependability and reasonable price. One more note: I've driven a mix of manual transmissions and automatics since the 1960s. About half of my vehicles over the years have had manual transmissions. I was impressed with this one. It is the easiest I ever recall driving. Very little "feathering" of the gas needed when starting out, very smooth starts, and zero problems with the synchronizer. If someone decides to learn to drive a "manual", you won't find one much easier than this.
Just bought one myself. Mine has the s+ package with the apple CarPlay and android auto. Also having the dealer install a remote start. I’ll have to get used to not having a key fob anymore but I like the car enough in other respects that I can live with having to use the key to get in. Old school for sure but a great car for the price
@@jayk5731 Unfortunately, if you want a manual transmission, Nissan says you cannot have Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. You can also not have folding rear seats. They clearly want to push buyers to the CVT transmission.
Looks like it to me? Maybe not to the dollar, but close. Nissan says $18,060 plus $1,140 S&H. For a total of $19,200. This sticker says $17,800 plus $1,115 S&H plus options for $19,465. It’s roughly 1% different,even with the added options.
Thank you for your precise comments and polite opinions. Great video, clean explanation
Great car for the money. I wish the manual transmission was available in the SR.
FYI there is an armrest for the front it’s a $320 option
Great Job 👏 I need a new vehicle 🚗 and this Versa just might be the one ❤
Just bought one yesterday. In 130 miles of driving, my displayed average MPG is 43! That included about 50 miles of city driving. I hunted for, and found a manual transmission. I feel very confident in this combination of mechanics - tried and true engine, with no Turbo to worry about, conventional manual transmission (not a CVT). On top of that, the dealership extends the 60 month/60,000 mile drive train warranty from Nissan to a Lifetime/Unlimited mileage warranty of the engine, transmission, and drive axle - in writing.
I will agree with others, I wish Nissan offered the manual transmission with a few more of the options they offer with the CVT. A lot of us are not buying the manual transmission only because we want a stripped down vehicle, we enjoy a manual transmission! All in all, well equipped, but a couple of more options would have been very welcome, for me: Android Auto and fold down rear seat. Still, worth the compromise for the dependability and reasonable price.
One more note: I've driven a mix of manual transmissions and automatics since the 1960s. About half of my vehicles over the years have had manual transmissions. I was impressed with this one. It is the easiest I ever recall driving. Very little "feathering" of the gas needed when starting out, very smooth starts, and zero problems with the synchronizer. If someone decides to learn to drive a "manual", you won't find one much easier than this.
Just bought one myself. Mine has the s+ package with the apple CarPlay and android auto. Also having the dealer install a remote start. I’ll have to get used to not having a key fob anymore but I like the car enough in other respects that I can live with having to use the key to get in. Old school for sure but a great car for the price
@@jayk5731 Unfortunately, if you want a manual transmission, Nissan says you cannot have Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. You can also not have folding rear seats. They clearly want to push buyers to the CVT transmission.
Telescope steering wheel?
Cvt ??
There's manual for the S trim, & it's the cheapest car which offers manual.
Yes Cvt
Just need to be a base stick and under 16k. The Sentra S is 2ok before discounts, this wouldn’t make sense. 19k for this car is far too much.
That's NOT the MSRP according to Nissan.
Looks like it to me? Maybe not to the dollar, but close. Nissan says $18,060 plus $1,140 S&H. For a total of $19,200. This sticker says $17,800 plus $1,115 S&H plus options for $19,465. It’s roughly 1% different,even with the added options.
Plus your local dealership will add their taxes. Mine was $20,900. Having said that, i got an S plus which came with tinted windows & rain guards.
Cvt is pewp. Get a five speed and save yourself money and headache in the long run.
Nissan cvt? No thanks.
Manual only.
🤣 *Promosm*