Admiral Green Bull's Devil Fruit has a lot of potential and versatility, for example: He _could_, upon being struck turn that part of his body into either a softer kind of grass, leaves or cotton allowing those attacks to pass through. Or even start soft like much of the above then turn his body into something sharp, thorny and the like immediately afterwards. With imagination and even some planning Green Bull could plausibly be like One Piece's version of Groot, Man-Thing or even some of Swamp Things more moderate showings.
Imagine how overzealous/despicable you have to be to make AKAINU looks like a calm and reasonable person...
Admiral Green Bull time!
Admiral Green Bull's Devil Fruit has a lot of potential and versatility, for example: He _could_, upon being struck turn that part of his body into either a softer kind of grass, leaves or cotton allowing those attacks to pass through. Or even start soft like much of the above then turn his body into something sharp, thorny and the like immediately afterwards.
With imagination and even some planning Green Bull could plausibly be like One Piece's version of Groot, Man-Thing or even some of Swamp Things more moderate showings.
I love his fruit. Too bad the character himself is unlikeable