Same here. Hope you read all of these and decide to maybe come back and do some tgeory videos about anything. I know thats alot to ask. I doubt you do but it would be cool.
Every few months I become obsessed with Bloodborne again, and I have to binge your Little Things series again. I feel like your videos really get what Bloodborne is, and they are insightful and entertaining every time I watch them. Thank you!
Me too, would you ever want to talk about bloodborne sometime Jan? My psn is Ronaldraygun94 if you're ever up for playing and just talking about the game!
Honestly I would watch your videos regardless of the topic. I think your way of talking and analyzing is very interesting and entertaining and I could easily enjoy watching any of your videos no matter the topic. You do you and as long as you like what you're making it will be good. Best of luck!
Redgrave I just was wondering... What books by H.P Lovecraft are relevant to Bloodborne? I would appreciate if you replied. Oh and by the way... sorry if my english is not very good. I'm from Portugal and don't talk nor write in english very often. x)
Oh my, Redgrave's Bloodborne new video, what a great start of a year! Just for the record: You are the highest profile youtuber of the Bloodborne community, end of story. There are a few others that do an amazing job - JSF, Aegon of Astora and most recently Mitch L joined us all. Regardless of subscription/view/like high numbers one can have, is no more than a scavenger; go around the internet collecting info and mashing together without giving any credit, or without any research/theories of their own. Deepest respect and admiration to you and the guys I mentioned, all of you satiate my obsession for Bloodborne blessing us with your Insight.
I think, if the note was truly written for the writer, it must have been the hunter. You can't compare a note like that to a reminder to get milk from the grocery store. Imagine you were researching Bloodborne and made a note for yourself that said "To find the true lore, I must pray to Marduk". It's such a strange and high-concept idea that there would be no way you need to remind yourself unless you knew you would lose your memory.
In Japanese it actually says: Scribbled in your own handwriting. Seek Paledblood to complete the hunt. The Hunter let a note for himself in case he looses his memory after the transfusion.
I’m from a foreign land and I have an incurable disease and or suffer from severe trauma. I’ve heard that Yharnum has ‘Paleblood’ and might be able to cure me. So I go to the clinic and ask about it, the man says yes we have that and you’ve come to the right place. I’ll give you some Yharnam Blood to start, But first you have to sign this contract to become a ‘Hunter’. Let me write down in my journal, in order to obtain paleblood I must complete this hunt.
Just watched all these over two weeks including the audiobook version of the Pale Blood Hunt, I just gotta thank you for the wonderful time I had. Finally got a PS4 and Bloodborne is only 9 minutes away from fully installing. I'll finally be able to visit Yarnum and explore to my heart's content.
thank you so much for making this series. and thank you for every contribution you have made to the bloodborne community, from your amazing book to your guest appearances and collaborations with other lore content creators. i understand all too well the struggles of living with severe depression, and i just wanted to say that these old videos have and continue to help keep me entertained through hard times. i hope you are doing well.
You're an inspiration to me. I also suffer from pretty bad clinical depression, and you're videos always make my day a bit better. I love the way you pick things apart in these games and it leaves me feeling giddy. You and a few others actually inspired me to start playing Dark Souls 3. I might even make content talking about it.
WHERE WERE YOU?! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO?! Just kidding. Sorry to hear about your lack of motivation. At least know that me and several others absolutely LOVE what you do and are always welcoming to new lore discussions.
Man if you never come back to make another video just know that we appreciate you thanks so much for all the awesome lore stuff you’ve done and thanks for the pale blood hunt you are a good dude a really smart selfless content creator again thank you for all of this
Hey! I just wanted to say that I've been watching all your videos and they're not only thought provoking, but are backed heavily by evidence which is something I always look for in lore videos. I'm doing my english research project on Bloodborne and I've cited you quite a few times :)
Had the Good Hunter merely turned over the handwritten scrawl they would've discovered the rest of the message... "And don't forget to finish Ring of Betrothal questline, we ship in March. signed -M"
About your channel: Just do whatever you want. It doesn't make any sense to push yourself to make stuff you don't want to. you already gave the Souls-community, especially Bloodborne so much. And you already earned your place in the very highest ranks of references when it comes to Bloodborne. It'd be nice to hear more from you about Bloodborne and I personally hope, you still enjoy the game as much as I do since its launch. But you don't need to feel the pressure to make content. Let me theorize a little here: (Edit: Oh god, that became so long...) I still think it's a good idea to look at the Japanese script for various reasons. It's still helping to know, that the note is a note to one-self. But thanks for pointing out, that there is no "proof", that the player wrote it. Another good example, where something got likely lost in translation is the Old Hunter Bone's description, at a grave in the old workshop. It would make perfect sense for various reasons to actually talk about Maria. I would like to add something about Fake Iosefka. If we assume, that she exercises the same experiments on people, that scholars at Byrgenwerth did, which eventually turn them into Celestial Mob (which is pretty safe, imo), it would make perfect sense for her to have been at the clinic long before the game events already. Maybe the blood minister and fake Iosefka both were colleagues of Iosefka. And after Iosefka ... well... becomes a Celestial Mob herself (I don't know if she did this to herself, or if the fake Iosekfa did it, it's only certain, that the fake Iosefka does it to others as well), her substitute never really reveals, that she isn't the same person, as the one one the PC was talking to before. Maybe to simply prevent any suspicions, the PC would get about the whole clinic. Maybe they're cahoots together, or maybe not and they had a fight. We won't ever know, but it doesn't change the fact, that I think, fake Iosekfa and the real Iosefka had been colleagues before. Another theory, I've had for a long time, now is, that we are never in the waking world in Bloodborne. I think, that we only see Yharnam in the waking (or "real") world at the very beginning, where we form a contract after talking to the blood minister about paleblood, and at the end of the Yharnam Sunrise ending. HP Lovecraft novels often have that theme of an outsider, coming to a strange city/place/whatever and after they escape from its strange events, they're not even sure and have no proof if it actually happened or was just a dream. In most cases, they don't even want to know anymore, as the knowledge alone is too horrible and might drive one crazy. Anyhow, we start the game during a conversation, where we as the protagonist obviously asked a blood minister about "paleblood". He offers to help us, if we sign a contract and let him give us an infusion of "Yharnam blood"... which will later keep us alive during this nightmare. This is not possible for the player, but there seem to have been hunters before you, who failed in fulfilling that contract, like Eileen or Djura. Both of them likely came into this dream, in the same way. But they are not bound to the Hunter's Dream anymore and could die at any time. Until then, they are trapped in what we just assumed to be the waking world, but which is in my theory also a dream. I guess, while they both didn't fulfill the contract, as they found other purposes for their existence in Yharnam, such as hunting other hunters, or protecting the monsters, that have once been people, too. I guess, that is the meta for quitting the game. Let's continue: If we progress through the game and actually beat bosses like Rom or Mergo's Wet Nurse, we actually transcend the hunt and all of the Yharnam we know (which I also call a dream world) and fulfill the contract. The contract typically ends with Gherman leading you out of the dream and you will forget everything (which otherwise doesn't make much sense, if Yharnam is not part of "the dream"). Where does that leave the not in my own theory? Well, it could mean a lot. In my theory, the blood minister is not in the same world anymore. He's more like someone who collects people, who come to Yharnam (in the real waking world, the doll is talking about). The note could also have been translated into something like "I have to seek paleblood to transcend the hunt.", which wouldn't make much sense for him anyway. We only find a note from someone, who is also searching for paleblood, in that strange world and he wants to transcend the hunt, what I interpret to be our term of the contract we just made. Strange... I have multiple ideas based on that. If the PC hunter himself is paleblood. It would mean, that the note is made by someone who uses this clinic to find hunters such as the PC hunter. Maybe even Gherman, who wrote, that he has to find new hunters, like the doll says in the intro, as well.
Just spent the past couple of days binging your videos, and I just want to check in honestly and ask how you're doing. I hope your having a good time with whatever you've found yourself getting into, and I'd just like to thank you for making this series. I found it really cool and informative. It answered a lot of questions I had. I really love how the souls-borne games hide their lore, and how it made an entire community to find it! If your looking for a game to pick apart, not particularly for a video, but just for fun, I would suggest Blade and Bone on steam. Me and my friend tried, but neither of us are very good with the game's combat, so we didn't get very far. Again, I hope you're doing ok, especially with everything that's going on recently. Your videos have been so fun and amazing. So thank you!
I feel you fam, I suffer from clinical depression as well. I'm an artist and I struggle with drawing everday. do whatever keeps you sane, and happy. and best of luck. it was good seeing you again redgrave
After recently starting my first blood-borne Adventure I heard Whispers And mentions of your Channel and I had to find out for myself your discussion videos about the little things in yarnham is one of the greatest lore Series of videos on blood-borne that has been uploaded to TH-cam.
Great to have you back Redgrave, always nice to see a video of yours. The way I see it, who wrote the letter is really not important to the story, nor will it answer any kind of question the player might have about the story. What matters really is what is stated in it, just like all the other notes in the game. However, the way I like to imagine it is that the player wrote it to himself to remind him of what his purpose is. There is alot of implications in the game about how Paleblood hunters forget the dream once the hunt is over, evidence to this can be taken from djura and eilleen and their hunter's mark drawings in an attempt to remind themselves of the hunt, and also what Gherman says when faced with the question of what your purpose is in the game "just hunt a few beasts, the rest isnt really important". So the main character obviously has a main goal when he reaches Yharnam, its the first lines being spoken in the game, you came to Yharnam in search of Paleblood but as soon as you get the blood transfusion, you completely forget wth you are supposed to do in this game, there is no exposition like demons souls or dark souls, it feels intentional in a story sense that you dont know what your purpose is. Its like real life, to become lucid in a dream, you have to remind yourself you are indeed in a dream otherwise you have no control over your subconscience, and when you wake up the dream fades even quicker, so its not far fetched to assume the main character wrote that note for himself to make him lucid once ensnared by the dream, especially when its obvious he knows what Paleblood is. As for what Paleblood is, maybe the blood minister injects you with it, and the evidence as to why is because of the fever dream you have once the blood is transfused. It cant be ignored the heavy symbolism of the beast coming out of your blood only to be burned away by the messengers, its heavily implying that the disease befallen to Yharnam will not affect you. Now, is the beast coming out of your blood a symbol of something every human has inside him? or is it a representation that the blood the minsiter gave you is contaminated with the beast plague? And maybe the Moon Presence is interfering simply through your sleep and not actually through the blood the minister gives you, the possibilies are endless. But either way, I think that the identity of the note writer is pointless information in the sense that it wont answer to the significant lore questions.
Thank you for all the content you have created and "The Paleblood Hunt." You've been an inspiring catalyst for discussion amongst the bloodborne community, and for that (and I'm sure I speak for many) am very grateful. I always thought the player wrote the note for ourselves - especially after beating the game and getting the "hunt begins again" ending. To me that seems like replacing Gehrman as the "host" of the dream was not our goal. The player wanted to "transcend" the hunt "lest the night carry on forever." - note from Hunter's Dream. So we returned to the waking world to try again to transcend the hunt. Of course this would mean that somewhere between beating the game and starting NG+ the player went back to the waking world, and left the note for themselves. But then - how would you start all over again with another transfusion, and Gehrman "finds himself a hunter" when you were already … fuck. Now the Iosefka theory is making more sense. Maybe even Djura or Eileen?
Awesome to see you again! Sad to hear about the depression. I hope you find the motivation to make more of these videos. It is very fun to listen to you talk about bloodborne with such passion. I get exited to replay the game every time you unravel something new! Good luck with everything!
Wow, I was just on a giant Bloodborne lore binge for the last few days and I get a new freaking Redgrave video? Golly jee, feels amazing. Also, great work on these videos and the Paleblood hunt. I especially love the Oedon LTiY episode.
Went through all your videos just because I finally played Bloodborne, great stuff man. I hope all is good with you. Thanks for all the insight and lore. Amazing stuff
I believe the transfusion you receive is the same that makes the celestials except while you are different and maybe what adds to the use of insight and cords and why we don't change in the first place
I just discovered your channel a few weeks ago and watched all the Bloodborne stuff so I'm glad you're still making content periodically! I came here for the Souls, but I'll stick around for whatever you got. You're a very intelligent and analytical person.
Thank you for taking your time to share your mind and thoughts but most gratful cause you find the courage to fight your illness, it might not seem like a big deal but the fact that you having this condition, make a 20 minutes video, just to make somebody dive in to the fantasy, that is very very good, hope you keep fighting and enjoying the little things not only in Yharnam but on everything.
i haven't really been interested in any 'lore' videos since enb was doing this stuff in 2012, but your insight and reasoning on this stuff is a cut above and every time you post something it manages to rekindle that passion for me, so just know that it's appreciated no matter how infrequent. i'm sure any other subjects you did would bring the same interesting perspective
The "Paleblood -> Mensis -> Iosefka" connection is a very interesting one, and one that would give some sense to that damn blood vial in the Nightmare of Mensis. Anyway, do you think that the Official Bloodborne Artbook, due to release in May in english language, could shed some light on any unanswered questions about the lore of the game?
Just glad to see you back, even if its once every 9 months haha. Stay up dude and do what makes you feel good! Anyway that connection of Iosefka with the School of Mensis is mind shattering and make complete sense. Finally having a possible explanation for the Blood Vial in Mergo's Loft. Also we know that Mensis and the Choir didnt really see eye to eye, so it sort of makes sense that Fake Iosefka would come after a possible Mensis associate(real Iosefka).
YESSSSS!FUCKING YES! I had to work 3 more hours today,got a back pain and flue to some extent.But seeing you back in action nullifies every negative aspect i had.YESS!
I'm delighted to see you're still there. even though your videos are the creme de la creme of soulsborne lorehunting, you shouldn't feel pressure to create content!! I'm convinced those subscribed to you are not only intrigued by the unique information you can provide but also the working of your mind and your views. So head into the direction YOU enjoy and take the time YOU need. We'll follow gladly, at least i know i will!!
Hope you're doing good Red! And I'm not talking about lore stuff. YOU, as a person. This video was published quite some years ago, so I hope your absence means you're doing good in life!
Firstly, a tremendous thank you for your incredible work Redgrave, as for many others it's given me huge pleasure. I felt inclined to comment just to give my vote on which of the four note author possibilities you suggest in your summary. I'm most drawn to it being written by the Blood Minister, and I actually find him to be a very intriguing character who my instinct always tells me is more than just a simple Blood Minister. Even that name feels somehow out of place and I'm curious as to the chain of events that led the community to decide on that as his official name. The reason I find him intriguing is the whole deal with signing a contract. Why would we need to sign and seal a contract just to receive some Yarnham blood? It doesn't seem likely to me that every Yarnhamite who came to the clinic would be signing contracts like this, so I feel that this contract is the Hunter's contract. Which then makes me wonder about the rank (so to speak) of the 'Minister' given he must be authorised to have an outsider sign up to be a hunter (assuming this is what he is doing of course.) Now look at the immediate events after we sign the contract. We wake, see a beast (the effects of Yarnham blood coursing our veins I believe), the beast is torched (by the messengers?!?) and the messengers get friendly. We then hear the Doll, saying 'so you've found yourself a hunter'. She must be speaking to the messengers and the messengers must have been drawn to us because they sensed us as a newly found hunter. But do they come to us and consider us a hunter simply because we just signed a contract? Or is it because the Yarnham blood is now in us? It surely can't just be the latter as ever random Joe on the street in Yarnham who receives some blood isn't instantly a Hunter (in the sense of a Hunter that can access the dream, and not just an amateur pitchfork wielding self proclaimed hunter.) All this makes me feel that the Minister has in fact made us into a Hunter, through the combination of contract and Yarnham blood. And so I find myself wanting to believe he is quite an important chap. He has the bandage eyes, reminiscent of Gascoigne, which is as I recall the blood drunk eye effect? So is the Minister perhaps an old Hunter himself? Perhaps that's going too far. Anyway, to tie this back to the note, the reason I like to believe he (the Minister) wrote it is I hugely influenced by its location and the way it's described as 'scrawl'. Being left on that chair, it feels to me like that's where we might find something intended for us after completing a consultation. I can imagine entering the clinic, putting my coat on that chair (spooky as it may be) before getting up onto the operating table. Maybe when we arrived, we sat in that chair whilst the Minister greeted us even? So finding the note there feels in my own imagination like it's been left for us to take on our way out, and so intuitively I feel that this is the final 'words' of our consultation with the Minister. It's like he knows what will happen to us next, that the Messengers will find us, and his work is done, so before scarpering he hastily *scrawls* his final advice for us. And there it is, that word 'scrawl' which seems to say so much. It could have just been 'handwritten note' but scrawl suggests haste, or a shaky hand, which seems fitting for an elderly guy who is by all appearances in a bit of a state! I just don't imagine Iosefka 'scrawling' in this way. So yeh, my vote (or what I like to believe) is that it's the Minster who left it, but that he's a much more aware character than his name alludes to. Apologies if all this is twaddle for those who are much more lore aware, I just enjoyed the thoughts the video gave me, and I guess this seems like a respectable place to air my thoughts, even if just to read them back to myself!
What if....gherman instructed one of the countless hunters who has passed through the dream to leave the note for a new hunter in the hopes that you would find paleblood which is the moon presence and dispose of him to free gherman from the dream as he cannot do that himself and laurence is takinhg too long or failed in some way of freeing gherman
yes! i love that this game came out years ago and srill has a strong community. thank you for making content for us people who like the lore. im on my most in depth run of bloodborne. im in the middle of your analysis. and im loving the depth you and other lore hunters put into your videos.
I always considered the note a figment of the dream. The old fella gives us our transfusion and it's off to a twisted, nightmare version of our world. Of course the dream wants us to seek Paleblood. We see in the "true" endings where we meet the creature called Paleblood that it wants us to replace Gherman. Whether we do or don't is optional, but that is its intention for us. The dream and the Yarnham we all take for granted as the real world is obviously a nightmare induced by our transfusion. If people can turn into beasts, and we can literally walk into a nightmare while "awake," a letter can appear on our bedside table because the god like entity controlling the dream wills that too.
Seeing your videos always makes me happy. I appreciate you taking the time to make them, it's always a pleasure. Not just about Souls stuff, but in general, I always enjoy hearing your perspective on things. Thank you for taking the time to make this, and I wish you the best. Probably doesn't mean much coming from a stranger, but I mean it sincerely.
dude I love your videos and you're honestly you are so underappreciated in the community your analysis of all the details in these games is pure genius to say the least
I like your videos very much. How ever your direction is and how long it takes, thats totally just your way to do your hobby and have fun and just this way it should be. If there comes a vid of you i am happy about. All best to you Redgrave.
what if the note was left by the messengers. like seeing as we start to see new things after the transfusion, they could have taken pity and have given us a major piece of the puzzle in order to release gerhman. seeing as you cant resist the moon presence without the umbilical cords, they could have hoped that we would go straight to the dream and upon asking there, gerhman would be released and we would take his place
I don't even own Bloodborne (I only have a PC) and I still go out of my way to watch your videos. That's how fucking great you are! Make videos whenever you feel like it and talk about the things you want to talk about, I know I'll be staying here.
I know this is an old video but i like listening to these still and something dawned on me. Just this one thing, Due to the massive ambiguity around it, i wouldn't be surprised if they (fromsoftware) themselves never decided where that note would come from. I think the fact that the nature of this game in particular and how little is solidified for the player character, that they figure we might as well just throw this in there. I like to think of Miyazaki laughing as he made the decision and thought to himself "f**king peasants, try figuring this out"
Great to see another video from you, @Redgrave. I've enjoyed your content from day 1; often more so than any other "high profile" TH-camr. I'm really sorry to hear about your condition, and that it's hard to find motivation to produce these videos (it can even be difficult using a script, let alone being such a smooth talker on the fly). If you find you need to force yourself to make them, then maybe your heart's in a different place now. No doubt your ideas and intelligent yet natural delivery have motivated others to make their own content; you've certainly helped me to feel inspired. Dunno if that's any consolation... Hope you just keep managing to do what brings you some amount of joy. Edit: Now, seeing as you claim to enjoy being wrong, I would like to play devil's advocate for a moment and say that your (and/or Yuta's) interpretation of the note's origin could well be incorrect. The word 自筆 (jihitsu) in Japanese literally means “one’s own handwriting” or “holographic.” There’s a separate word for plain 手書き (tegaki) “handwriting,” and the English in the instance of the Handwritten Scrawl actually only takes the latter part of the Japanese, which is 走り書き (hashirigaki), or “hastily scribbled.” Of course, it’s hard to tell for certain who wrote any of the notes in Bloodborne, but I feel it’s worth pointing out that no other notes have such a prefix as 自筆. It could have simply said “Handwritten Scrawl,” or not said anything at all, but the fact is that the Japanese effectively reads “Scrawled by/in One’s Own Hand.” I’d argue that the vast majority of notes lying around Yharnam are *handwritten* by *someone* in the game world, but “written by *someone* in their *own hand*” seems like a tautology. It’s possible some notes could have been printed using a typewriter, but I imagine these are mostly memos scribbled by people either on the brink of, or in the depths of madness as they struggle to understand the world around them. One other note near the entrance to Upper Cathedral Ward directly references “The Choir,” but there’s nothing suggesting a member of The Choir wrote it. This note in the starting room is the only one that carries such implications. Why would they make that distinction? Now, it *is* pretty difficult to translate 自筆 without sounding too plain or unnatural. The idea of the first thing you find reading “Note to self:” is pretty funny, and as you point out, it doesn’t fit the game’s tone or writing style. This prefix clearly isn’t actually written down, because not even the Japanese language with all its nuance can justify someone writing, “This is a letter I hastily wrote to myself!” It’s obliquely telling *you* - the player, the audience - that this letter was written by none other than yourself, and that you wrote it in a bit of a hurry. Still, with that all said, the question remains: who was it for? I personally believe that it’s written *by* the protagonist, *for* the protagonist. Why you ask? Because some people will inevitably skip (or not pay attention to) the intro cutscene (where the Minister makes it clear that we are looking for Paleblood), and this is just one tiny “objective” in a game that doesn’t believe in leading the player by the hand :)
So glad to you see you back my friend! Really appreciate and cherish your work, and though I certainly don't wish to overstep any bounds, I hope your personal goings-on are levelling out and have been as kind to you as possible :) props, support and kudos from Australia \m/
Two or three things I want to mention regarding certain possibilties: - Why is it, that the real Iosefka needs to be heavily involved? She might have known, what was going on, but does not have to be involved that much. I am not saying she is completely innocent, but that does not mean she is the only possible reason for all of this. - Iosefka could be a family name. Why would you name a clinic after someones first name? The clinic is maybe run by papa Iosefka, the bloodminister. He is the one reffering dreams, which implies to me, that he knows more than it seems. Iosefka on the other hand does not say many things, if anything at all that makes her look suspicious (I also take into account, that Miyazaki wanted her to be a good character, that even could have been saved, but that is of course not canon, since it is not in the game. I know) and following that train of thought, it would explain, why she does not recognize you. She is not onvolved with the blood fusion, but only treats the patients. It is also unlikely that a clinic like this is run by one person only. And why would the head of this facility be on the door, when someone knocks? And 'minister' appears to be a title within the ranks of the church. So, I view him as a person with at least a little bit insight and as well authority within this city run by the church. - Therefore I am completely consent with you, if you say, that someone in this clinic is involved with mensis to a certain degree. This institution does not seem to be very official, though there is a minister present. But this guy gets eventualy killed by the Impostor, which seems to be a more official person, within the church - whatever that implies but who knows... Once there pops up a note in the game, that is nowhere written down saying: "Ritual secret broken. Seek the nightmare newborn." (After defeating Rom and waking up infront of the gate of Yahar Gul) The cries of maergo were only recieved by our ears, weren't they? We were there, when rom died and we were the one person seeing yharnam. So, it is possible, that this is partial a first-person told story. And finally: Thank you! I really like your way of thinking and working. Therefore I hope to see some more of you, because it gets me thinking over and over again about this fantastic game.
As long as you keep being as true to yourself as you've always been with videos like this, I couldn't care less what topic they're over. Honestly, I hope you find a way to continue creating content in a way that makes you feel satisfied, because you don't owe us a thing. Just look out for yourself man, we love you, and we support you.
Redgrave, Love the content, you are my favorite blood borne lore master. However, There was one "little thing" that was missing in this video Calvin. Anyways great to see another one of your videos! Give Calvin my regards.
Thank you Redgrave. Your videos are the best souls related videos on youtube, and it's always a real pleasure to have your insights about the Lore. Know that all of us realy like your job, and i realy like your personality too, wich makes watching your content even more enjoyable. (Pardon my bad english, it's not my native language, i try to do my best though)
Sorry to hear about your clinical depression situation and how it affects your motivation to make these videos. I absolutely adore your "The Little Things in Yharnam" series and have printed out the entire "Paleblood Hunt" and binded it for personal use and reference whenever I need to refresh my mind on the vast lore of Bloodborne. I was actually hoping you'd transcribe all the information you lay bare in these videos in a literary format just like you did with your "Paleblood Hunt". That way I would have another few dozens of pages to print out and bind together to complement my little Bloodborne compendium! I thought about doing it myself at some point, but it definitely is a lot of work and I don't think I'd ever do your style of writing justice. Anyways, saying that I thoroughly enjoy watching these lore videos is an understatement. I do hope you keep doing these for as long as you can. I learn something new with every new video. Keep up the good work!
I really miss you, man. Not just because of bloodborne lore. I hope you are doing ok.
He’s like a smart Angry Joe
Same, i just recently discovered him and i hope he’s happy, healthy and satisfie
Same here 💜
Same here. Hope you read all of these and decide to maybe come back and do some tgeory videos about anything. I know thats alot to ask. I doubt you do but it would be cool.
Same here dude. Give us an update. Let us know you're ok
"Ahhhh Red... or some say Redgrave..."
"Do you hear our prayers? Grant us lore, grant us lore!"
Tongue but hole
Redgrave it’s been about 4 years since we heard from you, hope you’re doing okay man. Bless you sir
We miss you dude, we need someone that is not a poser doing lore stuff.
Ahh you see now too
He is truly still the best. a real Caryll of Bloodborne.
@@AttiMatter spicy, who's the poser?
@@TheMetpower Vaati.
@@TheMetpower i think they're talking about vaati since he copied most of the bloodborne stuff from red
Every few months I become obsessed with Bloodborne again, and I have to binge your Little Things series again. I feel like your videos really get what Bloodborne is, and they are insightful and entertaining every time I watch them. Thank you!
Me too, would you ever want to talk about bloodborne sometime Jan? My psn is Ronaldraygun94 if you're ever up for playing and just talking about the game!
Thank the Gods! Grant us eyes, Redgrave. Grant.Us.Eeeeeyeees.
GreedAndSelfishness I wanna bathe in the lake of mud with this man.
Honestly I would watch your videos regardless of the topic. I think your way of talking and analyzing is very interesting and entertaining and I could easily enjoy watching any of your videos no matter the topic. You do you and as long as you like what you're making it will be good. Best of luck!
Could not agree more strongly! Love to see a new Redgrave video, no matter what the topic.
* a wild redgrave appeared*
King Fancy he used theory
super effective
wat. New Redgrave? I thought you'd gone mad in the dungeons. Glad to see you back.
is he okay and still alive? anyone.....?
MakesMoves Idk, but man I miss his videos. Bloodborne or not, the way he delves into lore is so awesome
@@FloorPilled he sometimes streams weaboo fighting games on Twitch now. he's well i think ;^}
A new JSF and Redgrave video on the same day?! What the fuck even is life.
Classic Australian :'D
Da heck is a JSF
oh, yeh.
I just was wondering... What books by H.P Lovecraft are relevant to Bloodborne? I would appreciate if you replied.
Oh and by the way... sorry if my english is not very good. I'm from Portugal and don't talk nor write in english very often. x)
Fuck yeah, the best BB lore youtuber is back! Missed you man.
you didn't know vaati ? kappa
Nah fuck that guy lol
Redgrave makes Vaati look like a casual schmuck.
Vaati is fun like cable tv. Redgrave is a goddamn monolithic Library that never closes.
Oh my, Redgrave's Bloodborne new video, what a great start of a year!
Just for the record: You are the highest profile youtuber of the Bloodborne community, end of story. There are a few others that do an amazing job - JSF, Aegon of Astora and most recently Mitch L joined us all.
Regardless of subscription/view/like high numbers one can have, is no more than a scavenger; go around the internet collecting info and mashing together without giving any credit, or without any research/theories of their own.
Deepest respect and admiration to you and the guys I mentioned, all of you satiate my obsession for Bloodborne blessing us with your Insight.
if you make them, we will watch
Young scholar your work shall not be forgotten
Thank you
I miss these videos. What a legend
I think, if the note was truly written for the writer, it must have been the hunter. You can't compare a note like that to a reminder to get milk from the grocery store.
Imagine you were researching Bloodborne and made a note for yourself that said "To find the true lore, I must pray to Marduk". It's such a strange and high-concept idea that there would be no way you need to remind yourself unless you knew you would lose your memory.
In Japanese it actually says: Scribbled in your own handwriting. Seek Paledblood to complete the hunt. The Hunter let a note for himself in case he looses his memory after the transfusion.
I’m from a foreign land and I have an incurable disease and or suffer from severe trauma. I’ve heard that Yharnum has ‘Paleblood’ and might be able to cure me. So I go to the clinic and ask about it, the man says yes we have that and you’ve come to the right place. I’ll give you some Yharnam Blood to start, But first you have to sign this contract to become a ‘Hunter’. Let me write down in my journal, in order to obtain paleblood I must complete this hunt.
Just watched all these over two weeks including the audiobook version of the Pale Blood Hunt, I just gotta thank you for the wonderful time I had. Finally got a PS4 and Bloodborne is only 9 minutes away from fully installing. I'll finally be able to visit Yarnum and explore to my heart's content.
thank you so much for making this series. and thank you for every contribution you have made to the bloodborne community, from your amazing book to your guest appearances and collaborations with other lore content creators.
i understand all too well the struggles of living with severe depression, and i just wanted to say that these old videos have and continue to help keep me entertained through hard times.
i hope you are doing well.
You're an inspiration to me.
I also suffer from pretty bad clinical depression, and you're videos always make my day a bit better. I love the way you pick things apart in these games and it leaves me feeling giddy.
You and a few others actually inspired me to start playing Dark Souls 3. I might even make content talking about it.
i hope you're okay man. take care, thanks for all the amazing content
Just kidding. Sorry to hear about your lack of motivation. At least know that me and several others absolutely LOVE what you do and are always welcoming to new lore discussions.
Bloodborne is one of my favorite game of all time. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to appreciate it even more (I subed back in 2017)
I like the idea that we came to Yharnam looking for paleblood, but lost our memories in the transfusion. The note was left by ourselves, just in case.
Miss you, good hunter.
welcome back, we've missed you
Man if you never come back to make another video just know that we appreciate you thanks so much for all the awesome lore stuff you’ve done and thanks for the pale blood hunt you are a good dude a really smart selfless content creator again thank you for all of this
What a treat seeing this in my sub feed
Hey! I just wanted to say that I've been watching all your videos and they're not only thought provoking, but are backed heavily by evidence which is something I always look for in lore videos. I'm doing my english research project on Bloodborne and I've cited you quite a few times :)
Had the Good Hunter merely turned over the handwritten scrawl they would've discovered the rest of the message...
"And don't forget to finish Ring of Betrothal questline, we ship in March.
signed -M"
About your channel: Just do whatever you want. It doesn't make any sense to push yourself to make stuff you don't want to. you already gave the Souls-community, especially Bloodborne so much. And you already earned your place in the very highest ranks of references when it comes to Bloodborne. It'd be nice to hear more from you about Bloodborne and I personally hope, you still enjoy the game as much as I do since its launch. But you don't need to feel the pressure to make content.
Let me theorize a little here: (Edit: Oh god, that became so long...)
I still think it's a good idea to look at the Japanese script for various reasons. It's still helping to know, that the note is a note to one-self. But thanks for pointing out, that there is no "proof", that the player wrote it. Another good example, where something got likely lost in translation is the Old Hunter Bone's description, at a grave in the old workshop. It would make perfect sense for various reasons to actually talk about Maria.
I would like to add something about Fake Iosefka. If we assume, that she exercises the same experiments on people, that scholars at Byrgenwerth did, which eventually turn them into Celestial Mob (which is pretty safe, imo), it would make perfect sense for her to have been at the clinic long before the game events already. Maybe the blood minister and fake Iosefka both were colleagues of Iosefka. And after Iosefka ... well... becomes a Celestial Mob herself (I don't know if she did this to herself, or if the fake Iosekfa did it, it's only certain, that the fake Iosefka does it to others as well), her substitute never really reveals, that she isn't the same person, as the one one the PC was talking to before. Maybe to simply prevent any suspicions, the PC would get about the whole clinic. Maybe they're cahoots together, or maybe not and they had a fight. We won't ever know, but it doesn't change the fact, that I think, fake Iosekfa and the real Iosefka had been colleagues before.
Another theory, I've had for a long time, now is, that we are never in the waking world in Bloodborne. I think, that we only see Yharnam in the waking (or "real") world at the very beginning, where we form a contract after talking to the blood minister about paleblood, and at the end of the Yharnam Sunrise ending. HP Lovecraft novels often have that theme of an outsider, coming to a strange city/place/whatever and after they escape from its strange events, they're not even sure and have no proof if it actually happened or was just a dream. In most cases, they don't even want to know anymore, as the knowledge alone is too horrible and might drive one crazy.
Anyhow, we start the game during a conversation, where we as the protagonist obviously asked a blood minister about "paleblood". He offers to help us, if we sign a contract and let him give us an infusion of "Yharnam blood"... which will later keep us alive during this nightmare. This is not possible for the player, but there seem to have been hunters before you, who failed in fulfilling that contract, like Eileen or Djura. Both of them likely came into this dream, in the same way. But they are not bound to the Hunter's Dream anymore and could die at any time. Until then, they are trapped in what we just assumed to be the waking world, but which is in my theory also a dream. I guess, while they both didn't fulfill the contract, as they found other purposes for their existence in Yharnam, such as hunting other hunters, or protecting the monsters, that have once been people, too. I guess, that is the meta for quitting the game. Let's continue: If we progress through the game and actually beat bosses like Rom or Mergo's Wet Nurse, we actually transcend the hunt and all of the Yharnam we know (which I also call a dream world) and fulfill the contract. The contract typically ends with Gherman leading you out of the dream and you will forget everything (which otherwise doesn't make much sense, if Yharnam is not part of "the dream").
Where does that leave the not in my own theory? Well, it could mean a lot. In my theory, the blood minister is not in the same world anymore. He's more like someone who collects people, who come to Yharnam (in the real waking world, the doll is talking about). The note could also have been translated into something like "I have to seek paleblood to transcend the hunt.", which wouldn't make much sense for him anyway. We only find a note from someone, who is also searching for paleblood, in that strange world and he wants to transcend the hunt, what I interpret to be our term of the contract we just made. Strange... I have multiple ideas based on that.
If the PC hunter himself is paleblood. It would mean, that the note is made by someone who uses this clinic to find hunters such as the PC hunter. Maybe even Gherman, who wrote, that he has to find new hunters, like the doll says in the intro, as well.
I had to stop myself from screaming when I saw you uploaded a video 😭 Glad to see you're alive!!
Just spent the past couple of days binging your videos, and I just want to check in honestly and ask how you're doing. I hope your having a good time with whatever you've found yourself getting into, and I'd just like to thank you for making this series. I found it really cool and informative. It answered a lot of questions I had. I really love how the souls-borne games hide their lore, and how it made an entire community to find it! If your looking for a game to pick apart, not particularly for a video, but just for fun, I would suggest Blade and Bone on steam. Me and my friend tried, but neither of us are very good with the game's combat, so we didn't get very far. Again, I hope you're doing ok, especially with everything that's going on recently. Your videos have been so fun and amazing. So thank you!
I feel you fam, I suffer from clinical depression as well. I'm an artist and I struggle with drawing everday. do whatever keeps you sane, and happy. and best of luck. it was good seeing you again redgrave
After recently starting my first blood-borne Adventure I heard Whispers And mentions of your Channel and I had to find out for myself your discussion videos about the little things in yarnham is one of the greatest lore Series of videos on blood-borne that has been uploaded to TH-cam.
Great to have you back Redgrave, always nice to see a video of yours.
The way I see it, who wrote the letter is really not important to the story, nor will it answer any kind of question the player might have about the story. What matters really is what is stated in it, just like all the other notes in the game.
However, the way I like to imagine it is that the player wrote it to himself to remind him of what his purpose is.
There is alot of implications in the game about how Paleblood hunters forget the dream once the hunt is over, evidence to this can be taken from djura and eilleen and their hunter's mark drawings in an attempt to remind themselves of the hunt, and also what Gherman says when faced with the question of what your purpose is in the game "just hunt a few beasts, the rest isnt really important".
So the main character obviously has a main goal when he reaches Yharnam, its the first lines being spoken in the game, you came to Yharnam in search of Paleblood but as soon as you get the blood transfusion, you completely forget wth you are supposed to do in this game, there is no exposition like demons souls or dark souls, it feels intentional in a story sense that you dont know what your purpose is.
Its like real life, to become lucid in a dream, you have to remind yourself you are indeed in a dream otherwise you have no control over your subconscience, and when you wake up the dream fades even quicker, so its not far fetched to assume the main character wrote that note for himself to make him lucid once ensnared by the dream, especially when its obvious he knows what Paleblood is.
As for what Paleblood is, maybe the blood minister injects you with it, and the evidence as to why is because of the fever dream you have once the blood is transfused. It cant be ignored the heavy symbolism of the beast coming out of your blood only to be burned away by the messengers, its heavily implying that the disease befallen to Yharnam will not affect you.
Now, is the beast coming out of your blood a symbol of something every human has inside him? or is it a representation that the blood the minsiter gave you is contaminated with the beast plague? And maybe the Moon Presence is interfering simply through your sleep and not actually through the blood the minister gives you, the possibilies are endless.
But either way, I think that the identity of the note writer is pointless information in the sense that it wont answer to the significant lore questions.
Thank you for all the content you have created and "The Paleblood Hunt." You've been an inspiring catalyst for discussion amongst the bloodborne community, and for that (and I'm sure I speak for many) am very grateful.
I always thought the player wrote the note for ourselves - especially after beating the game and getting the "hunt begins again" ending. To me that seems like replacing Gehrman as the "host" of the dream was not our goal. The player wanted to "transcend" the hunt "lest the night carry on forever." - note from Hunter's Dream. So we returned to the waking world to try again to transcend the hunt.
Of course this would mean that somewhere between beating the game and starting NG+ the player went back to the waking world, and left the note for themselves. But then - how would you start all over again with another transfusion, and Gehrman "finds himself a hunter" when you were already … fuck. Now the Iosefka theory is making more sense. Maybe even Djura or Eileen?
Awesome to see you again! Sad to hear about the depression. I hope you find the motivation to make more of these videos. It is very fun to listen to you talk about bloodborne with such passion.
I get exited to replay the game every time you unravel something new!
Good luck with everything!
stay strong Redgrave I'm praying that you get through you're troubles.
Wow, I was just on a giant Bloodborne lore binge for the last few days and I get a new freaking Redgrave video? Golly jee, feels amazing.
Also, great work on these videos and the Paleblood hunt. I especially love the Oedon LTiY episode.
5 years later come back for Elden Ring
He's die. Sorry man
Welcome back, sir. You have been greatly missed.
Thank you for your contributions to the community. Wherever you are, I hope you’re doing well and that you’re happy.
Went through all your videos just because I finally played Bloodborne, great stuff man. I hope all is good with you. Thanks for all the insight and lore. Amazing stuff
I believe the transfusion you receive is the same that makes the celestials except while you are different and maybe what adds to the use of insight and cords and why we don't change in the first place
I appreciate your work, Redgrave! No matter what you do, or when you do it, we'll always be ready for more! Keep it up!
I just discovered your channel a few weeks ago and watched all the Bloodborne stuff so I'm glad you're still making content periodically! I came here for the Souls, but I'll stick around for whatever you got. You're a very intelligent and analytical person.
Man, very sorry to hear that, hope your depressive phases get shorter and shorter.
Thank you for taking your time to share your mind and thoughts but most gratful cause you find the courage to fight your illness, it might not seem like a big deal but the fact that you having this condition, make a 20 minutes video, just to make somebody dive in to the fantasy, that is very very good, hope you keep fighting and enjoying the little things not only in Yharnam but on everything.
you made the best lore between all of their games...
i haven't really been interested in any 'lore' videos since enb was doing this stuff in 2012, but your insight and reasoning on this stuff is a cut above and every time you post something it manages to rekindle that passion for me, so just know that it's appreciated no matter how infrequent. i'm sure any other subjects you did would bring the same interesting perspective
The "Paleblood -> Mensis -> Iosefka" connection is a very interesting one, and one that would give some sense to that damn blood vial in the Nightmare of Mensis.
Anyway, do you think that the Official Bloodborne Artbook, due to release in May in english language, could shed some light on any unanswered questions about the lore of the game?
You were the man
Just glad to see you back, even if its once every 9 months haha. Stay up dude and do what makes you feel good!
Anyway that connection of Iosefka with the School of Mensis is mind shattering and make complete sense. Finally having a possible explanation for the Blood Vial in Mergo's Loft.
Also we know that Mensis and the Choir didnt really see eye to eye, so it sort of makes sense that Fake Iosefka would come after a possible Mensis associate(real Iosefka).
Great video as usual. Totally understand not wanting to do more videos but if they come, we will watch them!
I had to work 3 more hours today,got a back pain and flue to some extent.But seeing you back in action nullifies every negative aspect i had.YESS!
i am so happy about this. discovered you months after your previous video.
I'm delighted to see you're still there. even though your videos are the creme de la creme of soulsborne lorehunting, you shouldn't feel pressure to create content!!
I'm convinced those subscribed to you are not only intrigued by the unique information you can provide but also the working of your mind and your views.
So head into the direction YOU enjoy and take the time YOU need. We'll follow gladly, at least i know i will!!
You do what you need to do Redgrave. Just know that you have given me immeasurable amounts of joy through your Souls content. Thank you.
Nice to see you back, my man!
Hope you're doing good Red! And I'm not talking about lore stuff. YOU, as a person. This video was published quite some years ago, so I hope your absence means you're doing good in life!
We miss you man
Firstly, a tremendous thank you for your incredible work Redgrave, as for many others it's given me huge pleasure.
I felt inclined to comment just to give my vote on which of the four note author possibilities you suggest in your summary.
I'm most drawn to it being written by the Blood Minister, and I actually find him to be a very intriguing character who my instinct always tells me is more than just a simple Blood Minister. Even that name feels somehow out of place and I'm curious as to the chain of events that led the community to decide on that as his official name.
The reason I find him intriguing is the whole deal with signing a contract. Why would we need to sign and seal a contract just to receive some Yarnham blood? It doesn't seem likely to me that every Yarnhamite who came to the clinic would be signing contracts like this, so I feel that this contract is the Hunter's contract. Which then makes me wonder about the rank (so to speak) of the 'Minister' given he must be authorised to have an outsider sign up to be a hunter (assuming this is what he is doing of course.)
Now look at the immediate events after we sign the contract. We wake, see a beast (the effects of Yarnham blood coursing our veins I believe), the beast is torched (by the messengers?!?) and the messengers get friendly. We then hear the Doll, saying 'so you've found yourself a hunter'.
She must be speaking to the messengers and the messengers must have been drawn to us because they sensed us as a newly found hunter.
But do they come to us and consider us a hunter simply because we just signed a contract? Or is it because the Yarnham blood is now in us? It surely can't just be the latter as ever random Joe on the street in Yarnham who receives some blood isn't instantly a Hunter (in the sense of a Hunter that can access the dream, and not just an amateur pitchfork wielding self proclaimed hunter.)
All this makes me feel that the Minister has in fact made us into a Hunter, through the combination of contract and Yarnham blood. And so I find myself wanting to believe he is quite an important chap. He has the bandage eyes, reminiscent of Gascoigne, which is as I recall the blood drunk eye effect? So is the Minister perhaps an old Hunter himself? Perhaps that's going too far.
Anyway, to tie this back to the note, the reason I like to believe he (the Minister) wrote it is I hugely influenced by its location and the way it's described as 'scrawl'. Being left on that chair, it feels to me like that's where we might find something intended for us after completing a consultation. I can imagine entering the clinic, putting my coat on that chair (spooky as it may be) before getting up onto the operating table. Maybe when we arrived, we sat in that chair whilst the Minister greeted us even? So finding the note there feels in my own imagination like it's been left for us to take on our way out, and so intuitively I feel that this is the final 'words' of our consultation with the Minister. It's like he knows what will happen to us next, that the Messengers will find us, and his work is done, so before scarpering he hastily *scrawls* his final advice for us.
And there it is, that word 'scrawl' which seems to say so much. It could have just been 'handwritten note' but scrawl suggests haste, or a shaky hand, which seems fitting for an elderly guy who is by all appearances in a bit of a state! I just don't imagine Iosefka 'scrawling' in this way.
So yeh, my vote (or what I like to believe) is that it's the Minster who left it, but that he's a much more aware character than his name alludes to.
Apologies if all this is twaddle for those who are much more lore aware, I just enjoyed the thoughts the video gave me, and I guess this seems like a respectable place to air my thoughts, even if just to read them back to myself!
What if....gherman instructed one of the countless hunters who has passed through the dream to leave the note for a new hunter in the hopes that you would find paleblood which is the moon presence and dispose of him to free gherman from the dream as he cannot do that himself and laurence is takinhg too long or failed in some way of freeing gherman
yes! i love that this game came out years ago and srill has a strong community. thank you for making content for us people who like the lore. im on my most in depth run of bloodborne. im in the middle of your analysis. and im loving the depth you and other lore hunters put into your videos.
I always considered the note a figment of the dream. The old fella gives us our transfusion and it's off to a twisted, nightmare version of our world. Of course the dream wants us to seek Paleblood. We see in the "true" endings where we meet the creature called Paleblood that it wants us to replace Gherman. Whether we do or don't is optional, but that is its intention for us. The dream and the Yarnham we all take for granted as the real world is obviously a nightmare induced by our transfusion. If people can turn into beasts, and we can literally walk into a nightmare while "awake," a letter can appear on our bedside table because the god like entity controlling the dream wills that too.
Seeing your videos always makes me happy. I appreciate you taking the time to make them, it's always a pleasure. Not just about Souls stuff, but in general, I always enjoy hearing your perspective on things. Thank you for taking the time to make this, and I wish you the best. Probably doesn't mean much coming from a stranger, but I mean it sincerely.
Great to see a video by you on my subscriptions. You're the number 1 lore guy bloodborne wise, never forget it!
dude I love your videos and you're honestly you are so underappreciated in the community your analysis of all the details in these games is pure genius to say the least
Hail to the Paleblood Chief
Hynox Xitio paleblood chef
Snailblood chef
watched all your videos about bloodborne this week. Perfect timing thank you
I only found you recently, but your videos are absolutely hypnotizing. Thank you for your Bloodborne videos.
I like your videos very much. How ever your direction is and how long it takes, thats totally just your way to do your hobby and have fun and just this way it should be. If there comes a vid of you i am happy about. All best to you Redgrave.
what if the note was left by the messengers. like seeing as we start to see new things after the transfusion, they could have taken pity and have given us a major piece of the puzzle in order to release gerhman. seeing as you cant resist the moon presence without the umbilical cords, they could have hoped that we would go straight to the dream and upon asking there, gerhman would be released and we would take his place
I don't even own Bloodborne (I only have a PC) and I still go out of my way to watch your videos. That's how fucking great you are! Make videos whenever you feel like it and talk about the things you want to talk about, I know I'll be staying here.
it's good to see a new video from you
I know this is an old video but i like listening to these still and something dawned on me. Just this one thing, Due to the massive ambiguity around it, i wouldn't be surprised if they (fromsoftware) themselves never decided where that note would come from. I think the fact that the nature of this game in particular and how little is solidified for the player character, that they figure we might as well just throw this in there. I like to think of Miyazaki laughing as he made the decision and thought to himself "f**king peasants, try figuring this out"
omg good to see you back RedGrave ! all my support !
Great to see another video from you, @Redgrave. I've enjoyed your content from day 1; often more so than any other "high profile" TH-camr. I'm really sorry to hear about your condition, and that it's hard to find motivation to produce these videos (it can even be difficult using a script, let alone being such a smooth talker on the fly). If you find you need to force yourself to make them, then maybe your heart's in a different place now. No doubt your ideas and intelligent yet natural delivery have motivated others to make their own content; you've certainly helped me to feel inspired. Dunno if that's any consolation... Hope you just keep managing to do what brings you some amount of joy.
Now, seeing as you claim to enjoy being wrong, I would like to play devil's advocate for a moment and say that your (and/or Yuta's) interpretation of the note's origin could well be incorrect. The word 自筆 (jihitsu) in Japanese literally means “one’s own handwriting” or “holographic.” There’s a separate word for plain 手書き (tegaki) “handwriting,” and the English in the instance of the Handwritten Scrawl actually only takes the latter part of the Japanese, which is 走り書き (hashirigaki), or “hastily scribbled.”
Of course, it’s hard to tell for certain who wrote any of the notes in Bloodborne, but I feel it’s worth pointing out that no other notes have such a prefix as 自筆. It could have simply said “Handwritten Scrawl,” or not said anything at all, but the fact is that the Japanese effectively reads “Scrawled by/in One’s Own Hand.” I’d argue that the vast majority of notes lying around Yharnam are *handwritten* by *someone* in the game world, but “written by *someone* in their *own hand*” seems like a
tautology. It’s possible some notes could have been printed using a typewriter, but I imagine these are mostly memos scribbled by people either on the brink of, or in the depths of madness as they struggle to understand the world around them. One other note near the entrance to Upper Cathedral Ward directly references “The Choir,” but there’s nothing suggesting a member of The Choir wrote it. This note in the starting room is the only one that carries such implications. Why would they make that distinction?
Now, it *is* pretty difficult to translate 自筆 without sounding too plain or unnatural. The idea of the first thing you find reading “Note to self:” is pretty funny, and as you point out, it doesn’t fit the game’s tone or writing style. This prefix clearly isn’t actually written down, because not even the Japanese language with all its nuance can justify someone writing, “This is a letter I hastily wrote to myself!” It’s obliquely telling *you* - the player, the audience - that this letter was written by none other than yourself, and that you wrote it in a bit of a hurry.
Still, with that all said, the question remains: who was it for? I personally believe that it’s written *by* the protagonist, *for* the protagonist. Why you ask? Because some people will inevitably skip (or not pay attention to) the intro cutscene (where the Minister makes it clear that we are looking for Paleblood), and this is just one tiny “objective” in a game that doesn’t believe in leading the player by the hand :)
Oh my god, it's happened. So glad to see you again.
Love you, mate.
So glad to you see you back my friend! Really appreciate and cherish your work, and though I certainly don't wish to overstep any bounds, I hope your personal goings-on are levelling out and have been as kind to you as possible :) props, support and kudos from Australia \m/
Two or three things I want to mention regarding certain possibilties:
- Why is it, that the real Iosefka needs to be heavily involved? She might have known, what was going on, but does not have to be involved that much. I am not saying she is completely innocent, but that does not mean she is the only possible reason for all of this.
- Iosefka could be a family name. Why would you name a clinic after someones first name? The clinic is maybe run by papa Iosefka, the bloodminister. He is the one reffering dreams, which implies to me, that he knows more than it seems. Iosefka on the other hand does not say many things, if anything at all that makes her look suspicious (I also take into account, that Miyazaki wanted her to be a good character, that even could have been saved, but that is of course not canon, since it is not in the game. I know) and following that train of thought, it would explain, why she does not recognize you. She is not onvolved with the blood fusion, but only treats the patients.
It is also unlikely that a clinic like this is run by one person only. And why would the head of this facility be on the door, when someone knocks? And 'minister' appears to be a title within the ranks of the church. So, I view him as a person with at least a little bit insight and as well authority within this city run by the church.
- Therefore I am completely consent with you, if you say, that someone in this clinic is involved with mensis to a certain degree. This institution does not seem to be very official, though there is a minister present. But this guy gets eventualy killed by the Impostor, which seems to be a more official person, within the church - whatever that implies but who knows...
Once there pops up a note in the game, that is nowhere written down saying: "Ritual secret broken. Seek the nightmare newborn." (After defeating Rom and waking up infront of the gate of Yahar Gul) The cries of maergo were only recieved by our ears, weren't they? We were there, when rom died and we were the one person seeing yharnam.
So, it is possible, that this is partial a first-person told story.
And finally: Thank you! I really like your way of thinking and working. Therefore I hope to see some more of you, because it gets me thinking over and over again about this fantastic game.
As long as you keep being as true to yourself as you've always been with videos like this, I couldn't care less what topic they're over. Honestly, I hope you find a way to continue creating content in a way that makes you feel satisfied, because you don't owe us a thing. Just look out for yourself man, we love you, and we support you.
Hey, 3 years later, I hope you're doing okay
Holy shit this is something to wake up to.
Love your videos man. If only you uploaded more often...
Love the content, you are my favorite blood borne lore master. However, There was one "little thing" that was missing in this video Calvin. Anyways great to see another one of your videos! Give Calvin my regards.
I'm afraid Calvin is no longer with us, unfortunately.
I'm sorry to hear that, my condolences.
We need you man Elden ring is here but I understand your situation
Glad to have you back, bro. Love your take on things. Keep it up.
I always figured it was the hunter. That's why I love your shit. Mind blown.
Yo glad to see you back dude! Always a pleasure when there's a new video
Miss you man! Hope you are well
Godspeed to your new work. you were great while you lasted dear Redgrave, and I am deeply aggrieved you are not a sure thing
Thank you Redgrave. Your videos are the best souls related videos on youtube, and it's always a real pleasure to have your insights about the Lore. Know that all of us realy like your job, and i realy like your personality too, wich makes watching your content even more enjoyable. (Pardon my bad english, it's not my native language, i try to do my best though)
Sorry to hear about your clinical depression situation and how it affects your motivation to make these videos. I absolutely adore your "The Little Things in Yharnam" series and have printed out the entire "Paleblood Hunt" and binded it for personal use and reference whenever I need to refresh my mind on the vast lore of Bloodborne. I was actually hoping you'd transcribe all the information you lay bare in these videos in a literary format just like you did with your "Paleblood Hunt". That way I would have another few dozens of pages to print out and bind together to complement my little Bloodborne compendium! I thought about doing it myself at some point, but it definitely is a lot of work and I don't think I'd ever do your style of writing justice. Anyways, saying that I thoroughly enjoy watching these lore videos is an understatement. I do hope you keep doing these for as long as you can. I learn something new with every new video. Keep up the good work!
Finds the misterious letter's author:
"It was just a prank, bro!"
Really enjoyed the video, appreciate the work.
Good to see ya, RG. Cool video, thanks for all the content over the years, looking forward to whatever you want to do next!
You did it!! Good to see you redgrave!
Hope you are doing well man, these lore videos have been excellent