CAN I JUST SAY ONE THING? I've listened to different renditions of this composition at least 50 times over the years, and I can't think of any other performance that was so overwhelming to my sensibilities that it made me just break down and cry. Like, over and over. It was just a random video that I picked out when I got home, and now I feel like I've had some kind of paranormal experience. Totally unexpected! Every one of those musicians deserve the highest accolades imaginable.
What a beautiful performance which captures a turningpoint between tradition and modernity. The music becomes completely transparent, and as a German I hear pure romanticism, "innig" and questionable. It touches the inner realms of my heart.
쇤베르크 정화된 밤 1악장 ~06:47 시종일관 무겁게 흐르며, 기능화성학을 따르지만 비화성음 해결을 회피하고 반음계를 극단적으로 활용, 조성을 흔든다. 해결안되는 비화성음, 7화음, 9화음 연속사용하여 불협화적음향이 자주들리는데, 대위적 짜임새 내에서 더욱 복잡한 모습을 보인다. 후기 낭만음악처럼 선율은 길게 이어지면서 불협화음이 길게 지속되고 그에 대한 조성적 해결이 상대적으로 짧아 조성감이 약하게 들림.
This is one of the most beautiful pieces...and it starts so poetically...but not in this video, I was really shocked by that stupid loud applause, what idiot thought it was a good idea to make the video with that to start. I wanted to forward it to friends, but not with that noise at the beginning.
It's difficult to imagine how someone could create work, like this, without committing every single minute, of the day, to the craft. But we all know that Schoenberg was just doing this shit on the side. Apparently, the REAL game was in the insurance business...LOL!
If I am not mistaken, I believe that it was Charles Ives that was the insurance executive and not Schoenberg. They both shared the same birth year (1874).
CAN I JUST SAY ONE THING? I've listened to different renditions of this composition at least 50 times over the years, and I can't think of any other performance that was so overwhelming to my sensibilities that it made me just break down and cry. Like, over and over. It was just a random video that I picked out when I got home, and now I feel like I've had some kind of paranormal experience. Totally unexpected! Every one of those musicians deserve the highest accolades imaginable.
The greatest string sextet composition of all time change my mind.
Mamma mia quanta bellezza
What a beautiful performance which captures a turningpoint between tradition and modernity. The music becomes completely transparent, and as a German I hear pure romanticism, "innig" and questionable. It touches the inner realms of my heart.
excellent. it's hard to find better than this performance. Literally the most beautiful music of Schonberg.
Among his tonal works the Gurrelieder is also very beautiful. His violin concerto form his later twelve-tone works is also incredibly gorgeous.
Beautiful performance.
Love it, même si chaque fois ça me brise le coeur
Cette œuvre dépeint parfaitement l’esthétique néoromantique de l’Allemagne des années 30.
쇤베르크 정화된 밤 1악장 ~06:47
시종일관 무겁게 흐르며, 기능화성학을 따르지만 비화성음 해결을 회피하고 반음계를 극단적으로 활용, 조성을 흔든다. 해결안되는 비화성음, 7화음, 9화음 연속사용하여 불협화적음향이 자주들리는데, 대위적 짜임새 내에서 더욱 복잡한 모습을 보인다. 후기 낭만음악처럼 선율은 길게 이어지면서 불협화음이 길게 지속되고 그에 대한 조성적 해결이 상대적으로 짧아 조성감이 약하게 들림.
그런 거 몰라요..... 그냥 듣기 좋아요
김귤감귤/ 생각보다는 듣기에 엄청 힘들지 않지만, 듣기 좋지는 않은데요. 이런 음악과 친해지려면 뭘 해야 할까 하는 생각이 드네요
@@hyeinkong776 처음 들었을때는 난해할지 몰라도 정화의 밤 곡은 쇤베르크가 적곡한 곡중 몇 안되는 조성음악이라 많이 들으면 진짜 너무 예쁜 곡 중 하나에요!
@@hyeinkong776 그리고 이 곡이 리하르트 헤멜이라는 시인이 집필한 두 사람이라는 시에서 영감을 받아 작곡한 곡인데 시의 이야기랑 곡이랑 연결시키면 듣기 더 편하실거에요
It seems to be the best available interpretation as a sextet.
0:00~6:47 쇤베르크 - 정화된 밤 1악장
so good!
So touching
24:12 V.
Wonderful to listen to and the first time I have listened to Schoenberg. The camera work leaves much to be desired; it is overly hectic 😊
Itchy and scratchy
쇤베르크 정화된 밤 1악장 0:31 ~ 6:47
This is one of the most beautiful pieces...and it starts so poetically...but not in this video, I was really shocked by that stupid loud applause, what idiot thought it was a good idea to make the video with that to start.
I wanted to forward it to friends, but not with that noise at the beginning.
It's difficult to imagine how someone could create work, like this, without committing every single minute, of the day, to the craft. But we all know that Schoenberg was just doing this shit on the side. Apparently, the REAL game was in the insurance business...LOL!
I think perhaps Ives might be upset to learn that you've given his life story to Schoenberg. :-)
Ives did insurance. Schoenberg committed his entire life to musical craft.
If I am not mistaken, I believe that it was Charles Ives that was the insurance executive and not Schoenberg. They both shared the same birth year (1874).
@@zanexiao4488 -- My apologies...I was being sarcastic.
not insurance, he was a banker !