clone andy day to day.. +1 repair on all properties, power: +1 movement & +2 repair of all units. Super: +2 movement, +10% attack, defense, repairs for 3 hp & next day units repair for 2 more hp.
Balance Idea for a Clone Andy in a hypothetical new AW game where he's back and fleshed out more. D2D: All Mechanized Infantry and Neo Tanks repair 1 point per turn. Neo Tanks can traverse Mountains at 1 tile per turn. Power: Hyper Adjustment: All units are restored 1 HP. 1 Unit of choice is restored an additional 4 HP. Super: Hyper Overhaul: All units are restored 3 HP. Firepower becomes 120% and defense 100(+10)%. +2 Movement.
Love how the theme is mostly techno and mysterious but it has bits of Andy's theme in there.
love how i look up andycap theme, this comes up. this makes me happy
The cooler Andy
Andy wishes he was clone andy
Clone Andy Gang, representing.
Green Earth won't know what hit it.
@@a-s-greig eagle sure as hell didnt.
@@MasterOfTruck completely true
for a clone, they seem intent on making him uniqe
Let me tell you what an airport is
"He's too dangerous to be left alive!"- Max Windu
have you forgotten the "just like Andy in every way" part on the CO dossier that is on this screen for 1 hour and 45 seconds?
clone andy day to day.. +1 repair on all properties,
power: +1 movement & +2 repair of all units.
Super: +2 movement, +10% attack, defense, repairs for 3 hp & next day units repair for 2 more hp.
Shadow clone money gang
Balance Idea for a Clone Andy in a hypothetical new AW game where he's back and fleshed out more.
D2D: All Mechanized Infantry and Neo Tanks repair 1 point per turn. Neo Tanks can traverse Mountains at 1 tile per turn.
Power: Hyper Adjustment: All units are restored 1 HP. 1 Unit of choice is restored an additional 4 HP.
Super: Hyper Overhaul: All units are restored 3 HP. Firepower becomes 120% and defense 100(+10)%. +2 Movement.
Andy after dating Lash