كورسات DevOps وLinux وCloud Computing: Ansible for DevOps automation mastery (Arabic) www.udemy.com/course/ansible-for-devops-automation-mastery-arabic/?couponCode=DEVOPS_ROADMAP_2025 Docker from zero to hero (Arabic) www.udemy.com/course/docker-from-zero-to-hero-arabic/?couponCode=DEVOPS_ROADMAP_2025 Markdown crash course with Obsidian, Hugo, and Ghost www.udemy.com/course/markdown-crash-course-with-obsidian-hugo-and-ghost/?couponCode=DEVOPS_ROADMAP_2025 Scrapy Unleashed: Master Python Web Scraping & Data Pipeline www.udemy.com/course/scrapy-masterclass-python-web-scraping-and-data-pipelines/?couponCode=DEVOPS_ROADMAP_2025 SSL/TLS essentials: theory and implementation www.udemy.com/course/ssltls-essentials-theory-and-implementation/?couponCode=DEVOPS_ROADMAP_2025 Secure Shell (SSH) Essentials: a hands-on guide www.udemy.com/course/master-linux-administration-using-ssh/?couponCode=DEVOPS_ROADMAP_2025 Reply 0 replies
Thanks for your efforts and time to clarify this subject. Please, can you share with us the link for the last recommendation about agile and planning etc...the one in 2:27:41 . Thanks a lot!
كورسات DevOps وLinux وCloud Computing:
Ansible for DevOps automation mastery (Arabic)
Docker from zero to hero (Arabic)
Markdown crash course with Obsidian, Hugo, and Ghost
Scrapy Unleashed: Master Python Web Scraping & Data Pipeline
SSL/TLS essentials: theory and implementation
Secure Shell (SSH) Essentials: a hands-on guide
0 replies
ما شاء الله ❤
Thanks for your efforts and time to clarify this subject. Please, can you share with us the link for the last recommendation about agile and planning etc...the one in 2:27:41 . Thanks a lot!