This special was originally called "Showstoppers: The Best of Broadway" and premiered on the pay cable Entertainment Channel in 1982. For home video release it was retitled "That's Singing: The Best of Broadway." Wayne Cilento's performance of "I Can Do That" was cut from the VHS release.
I love Wayne Cilento.
Do you know if he's singing or lip-syncing? I'm tending towards the latter. That said, great dancing from Cilento!
Thanks for this! Do you know what show/tv special this was from?
No, sorry
This special was originally called "Showstoppers: The Best of Broadway" and premiered on the pay cable Entertainment Channel in 1982. For home video release it was retitled "That's Singing: The Best of Broadway." Wayne Cilento's performance of "I Can Do That" was cut from the VHS release.
This was cut from the VHS release of this program despite being teased in the opening credits. Where did you get it?!?
I recorded the original broadcast on VHS when the Tony's aired live.