I had to contact the neighbor's landlord once or five time about his people parking in my numbered space. It was closer than the space that went with their condo. I finally left a not that said I was going to be gone for 1/2 hour and if their car was still there I would call a tow truck. I had their car towed and they threatened to sue me after they called the police and reported their car stolen. I explained to the cop they had had repeated requests and notes asking them not to park in my space I owned that space literally. I was on the HOA board so the board finally had to take action by fining the landlord for his tenants behavior. They would lock their Chow Chow dog on their balcony. One evening he peed all over a neighbor who was grilling burgers below. It landed on the grill as well ruining their food as well as the woman below getting covered in dog pee. They would also let their dog out to roam the complex without being on leash or even being watched. He bit one of the owners as he went to his car from his unit. They tried to say we were being mean because of their race but that didn't fly either. The landlord cancelled their rental agreement (section 8) and they were given 30 days in which to move. This was after his being fined several times and meeting with the board.
Story one: Since they're renting, contact their landlord. Inform him of the issues with his tenants (late night parties, trash, parking issues, them using the charger without permission). Given the issues, he may have grounds for evicting them.
Put a locked waterproof bag or cupboard over the charger, or have a switch inside the house! Simple and effective, if they cut the lock call the police for theft and properly damage.
One thing that could have helped was to turn the power off as well. And turn it on when you were home. If they kept doing it while you were there shut it down and wait for that moment. The garage would have been my 1st choice.
Partly your own fault,you let them rule the roost for to long,as for the rubbish just pick it up and throw on their side of the drive or call the authorities,dont be a chicken shitstanding around taking things in is just wasting time. Get a isolator fitted to the charger
This would be one time (and probably the only time, lol) that an HOA would be helpful. Just contact the HOA and have them contact the owner of the house. Have the renters kicked out.
she should have had the installer put a on and off switch inside her garage that would helped some. some people just fill entitled to other people's stuff.
My first thought upon hearing OP had a garage was why he wouldn't have put it in there to begin with. He also should have been reporting the noise and trash issues from the beginning, to their landlord, then the police if the landlord did nothing. And if he was going to pick up their trash, he should have then dumped it on their welcome mat, stairs, car hood, anyplace it would annoy them.
I would have just disconnected the charger on the electric part and get a new one in your own garage. She could still plug it in but not get any electricity from it.
I had to contact the neighbor's landlord once or five time about his people parking in my numbered space. It was closer than the space that went with their condo. I finally left a not that said I was going to be gone for 1/2 hour and if their car was still there I would call a tow truck. I had their car towed and they threatened to sue me after they called the police and reported their car stolen. I explained to the cop they had had repeated requests and notes asking them not to park in my space I owned that space literally. I was on the HOA board so the board finally had to take action by fining the landlord for his tenants behavior. They would lock their Chow Chow dog on their balcony. One evening he peed all over a neighbor who was grilling burgers below. It landed on the grill as well ruining their food as well as the woman below getting covered in dog pee. They would also let their dog out to roam the complex without being on leash or even being watched. He bit one of the owners as he went to his car from his unit. They tried to say we were being mean because of their race but that didn't fly either. The landlord cancelled their rental agreement (section 8) and they were given 30 days in which to move. This was after his being fined several times and meeting with the board.
Karen should go to jail for stealing.
All that needs to be done is for the charger owner to have a disconnect switch installed inside the house.
Story one: Since they're renting, contact their landlord. Inform him of the issues with his tenants (late night parties, trash, parking issues, them using the charger without permission). Given the issues, he may have grounds for evicting them.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
The charger should be set up on its own breaker switch. Turn it off when not in use.
Every time I would see their car plugged into my charger. I would turn off the electricity to that charger.
I'd have had the electrician put a shut off switch inside the house,
Put a locked waterproof bag or cupboard over the charger, or have a switch inside the house! Simple and effective, if they cut the lock call the police for theft and properly damage.
Should have contacted the landlord/homeowner.
I had to flip the breaker to off position when I wasn’t using it so they could hook it up and find out it didn’t charge their vehicle
That karen is terrible,hope she gets arrested for stealing an ordered to pay for the ekectric she stol.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
110 %
If you had any sense you would have installed the charger in your garage to begin with.
This is what happens when a homeowner lives beside a renter. Renters don't give a damn....well, that's my current experience anyway
Never understood why people don’t just turn the breaker off.
Get a karan lock to stop this happening
Put a lock on the charger and a cutoff switch next to it. And every time you find their car plugged in, unplug it.
I greatly admire this guy's patience. Personally, I would never allow such neighbor behavior to continue for weeks.
One thing that could have helped was to turn the power off as well. And turn it on when you were home. If they kept doing it while you were there shut it down and wait for that moment.
The garage would have been my 1st choice.
Partly your own fault,you let them rule the roost for to long,as for the rubbish just pick it up and throw on their side of the drive or call the authorities,dont be a chicken shitstanding around taking things in is just wasting time. Get a isolator fitted to the charger
It’s called “theft of utilities”.
This would be one time (and probably the only time, lol) that an HOA would be helpful. Just contact the HOA and have them contact the owner of the house. Have the renters kicked out.
I would just unplug from her car...and send her the electric bill....make her pay and see thar you weren't playing
I was expecting the woman going into the woman's garage, and it being caught on cameras.
she should have had the installer put a on and off switch inside her garage that would helped some. some people just fill entitled to other people's stuff.
Call the police and your utility company and their landlord! Indoor shut off switch for your charger! Charger lock for when your charging!
Should have called the police the very first time,,,
You just need a switch inside to turn off the charger. Im sure you have a switch on the circuit breakers.
You need to go over there and do your laundry take a bath. Eat their grocery. Having a communal drive way is bad. I. Run a fence up there.
You let them walk all over you for so long. They assume because no one stands up th them
Did that Karen ever get a bill for the electricity she was using?or did she just assume the electricity was free or else part of her rent.
Get a locking connecter. END OF PROBLEM! Stop talking because they don't care about you at all.
My first thought upon hearing OP had a garage was why he wouldn't have put it in there to begin with.
He also should have been reporting the noise and trash issues from the beginning, to their landlord, then the police if the landlord did nothing. And if he was going to pick up their trash, he should have then dumped it on their welcome mat, stairs, car hood, anyplace it would annoy them.
Make her pay for the hydro she used👍
All you had to do is get the cops out again,still being a chicken shit.
Contact the owner. Go to court
I would have just disconnected the charger on the electric part and get a new one in your own garage. She could still plug it in but not get any electricity from it.
Op too much of a doormat.
Stupid for having an EV in the first place, especially when electricity prices are so high .EVs are dangerous and environmentally unfriendly.
Another good reason not to have an electric car.
Go to a charging station & pay for it! Move, get your own place, buy a charger.
Holy god, why did it take you this long, that is rediculous.
Stupid call the police and lawyer up
See there was a fire