Hi Medicorp, today is Tian Gong Dan, we should have more of such videos or even 8 world news videos or detailed documentaries on this like Tuesday reports :)
@@deschan2246 Sorry I don't use tske the effort to use reduce, reuse and recycle on my regular daily life so that I can burn away all the effort on some special ritual day. Not to mention the ashes and smoke pollutes the environment and flies into your neighbour houses. Even the Huat Cakes left on the floor attracts pests like mouse and ants... My poor dog keeps going for the Huat cakes whenever I bring him out on a walk. To those who pray using food, please clear the food after praying... do a good deed and YOUR god will reward you. I am sure no god asks his follower to leave thrash on the floor for cleaners to clean. Do good deeds and be rewarded naturally... if you commit sins and crime... no amount of offering and praying will help you.
有華語教育的海外華人 才有傳統文化習俗 永不間斷 ! 祝福大家 : 新年快了 !
He is Singapore awesome 👍👍😍 lawyer
Hope God 🙏 bless no more virus 😷 . Virus missing .
Hi Medicorp, today is Tian Gong Dan, we should have more of such videos or even 8 world news videos or detailed documentaries on this like Tuesday reports :)
恭迎 🍑(今天)农历 正月初九 (天公生)
恭贺禮敬 玉皇大帝 圣诞吉日 🌸
🙏祝愿民间 国泰民安 风调雨顺
合家团圆感恩顶礼之心 玉皇上帝 帝釋天尊福報是修來的,今生不修待何時。感恩阿彌陀佛
有好报, 好因定有好果种瓜得瓜"、"善有善报"、"积极进取"、相信人的命运非由天注定,人们可以掌握自己的未来,改造自己的命运。
戒杀,放生。修 持 五 戒,十善业道, 福德 无 量·。
生死有命,富貴在天,無需擔憂, 除了生死,其他根本就是小事,何必执着呢,只要身体健康,就要感恩🙏智者勤修積德行善,人有德必有福人無德必有災,品德可真是人的最大福份,
Hokkien 都写错 ,下衰
发音是一样的,难道你对hokkien 和hokkian 的发音不一样?你BTC???
@@hokkian 你联邦人当然啊是写hokkian啦 😊😁
@@hokkian🐎国hokkian 啊笑 🤪😜😝
U hv lost part of yr hokkien tradition.
@@hokkian NMSL ,恭喜发财
@@deschan2246 Sorry I don't use tske the effort to use reduce, reuse and recycle on my regular daily life so that I can burn away all the effort on some special ritual day. Not to mention the ashes and smoke pollutes the environment and flies into your neighbour houses. Even the Huat Cakes left on the floor attracts pests like mouse and ants... My poor dog keeps going for the Huat cakes whenever I bring him out on a walk. To those who pray using food, please clear the food after praying... do a good deed and YOUR god will reward you. I am sure no god asks his follower to leave thrash on the floor for cleaners to clean. Do good deeds and be rewarded naturally... if you commit sins and crime... no amount of offering and praying will help you.