Business integrity is paramount n will always determine one z financial performance n the growth of a bness! A good chunk of the bness is sustained by repeat customers based on the quality of pdts/services rendered. Case in pt, if a customer pays for 1kg, make sure they receive exactly that without any monkey tricks engaged in yo weighing scale. If a customer wants 1 kg of corn flour, make sure thats what they get. Not 80% corn n 20% junk! It takes way more energy to gain a customer than 2 loose one esp when there r a lotta options 4 the customer in form of competitors. Usually, that will determine who gets the boot or stays in bness!! Real Talk!!
Thanks bruh for always commenting and throwing more light of the videos I make for our people to understand more the basics of business. I really appreciate you. More blessings 🙏
Business integrity is paramount n will always determine one z financial performance n the growth of a bness! A good chunk of the bness is sustained by repeat customers based on the quality of pdts/services rendered. Case in pt, if a customer pays for 1kg, make sure they receive exactly that without any monkey tricks engaged in yo weighing scale. If a customer wants 1 kg of corn flour, make sure thats what they get. Not 80% corn n 20% junk! It takes way more energy to gain a customer than 2 loose one esp when there r a lotta options 4 the customer in form of competitors. Usually, that will determine who gets the boot or stays in bness!! Real Talk!!
Thanks bruh for always commenting and throwing more light of the videos I make for our people to understand more the basics of business. I really appreciate you. More blessings 🙏
Me i need to start a boutique
This video might be of help dia. Click on this link to watch it 👉
I want to start a small boutique
Watch this video dear. Link👉 . Hope it gives the idea on to start a small boutique