2011 ANZAC Day Sydney Hyde Park Bagpipes and Drums March Off

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • 2011年4月25日
    We are assembled here to commemorate that immortal day when the young men of Australia by their deeds and sacrifice demostrated to the world as Gallipoli that Australia was truly a Nation.
    The sons and daughters of ANZAC's came foward without question, accepted gladly, and discharged fully their responsibilities during the World War II, Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam conflicts and Peacekeeping and Peace making duties.
    On this day we remember the sacrifice of such men and women for an ideal; for a way of life. Let us take strength in the knowledge and hope that our sons and daughters will never forget the example set by their forefathers. In our everyday life let us endeavour to carry on those traditions established in past wars and conflicts at such tragic cost.
    We think of every man, woman and child who, in those crucial years, died so that the lights of freedom and humanity might continue to shine. We nurture too the obligation of showing gratitude for the peace we enjoyed and the resopnsibility of ensuring that the freedom and liberty so dearly won is not lost by our own indifference.
    So let us mourn with pride, but let us also remember with equal pride, those who served and still live.
    --------Speech from the Sydney Hyde Park Commemoration of ANZAC, delievered by Mr R.C Crosthwaite, OAM

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