Mass Effect Legendary Edition Chapter 17 Thanes Regret

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ม.ค. 2025
  • Commander Shepard helps Thane find his son on the Citadel and hopefully prevent him from committing an assassination.
    Hello Mass Effect fans and welcome to Mass Effect 2. This play through and recording was made using the Nvidia GeForce NOW gaming service on the RTX 3080 membership tier. For more information about this service I provided a link below. I'm very new at creating gaming videos so I hope you can forgive my many flaws and hopefully I'll get better at it. Feel free to give me tips in the comment section and yes, it's OK to poke fun at my game play. I'm just an old retired fella who really enjoys playing video games. I'm not no pro player and my eyes and hands are not as fast as when I was a young whipper snapper so I'll be making a lot of dumb moves and wild shots. I hope you will enjoy my journey through the whole Mass Effect Legendary series. Thank you for watching and thank you for your likes and subscriptions.
    GeForce NOW:
    Video Editor Used:
    My Rig:
    MSI Lap Top Leopard series
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210H CPU@2.90 GHz
    7.92 GB Ram
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M
    1920x1080, 100 Hz
    @Gammafox Games

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