The poll. Mattoo tarrarrawochu lefanowochuu !!! Mothers and fathers are praying, praying, praying. "Anemayee Hailu Kessemayee ". Unity the source of Strengths !!! Divided We Fall. Ethiopia Yesterday, Ethiopia Today and Ethiopia Tomorrow, Tomorrow !!!
እንደ አቤል ደም በግፍ ወደ ፀባኦት እየጮኸ ያለው የማያባራ ሕዝብ የመከራ ሲቃ ነፍስ ሁሉን ማድረግ በሚችለው ፈጣሪ ፍርዱ በምድር በአጭር ጊዜ ሕልባት ያገኛል
በሰማይም ያለው የመጨረሻ ዘመን የሲኦል ፍርድ ባለቤቱ ይጠበቃል
ጌታ ይመስገን
The poll. Mattoo tarrarrawochu lefanowochuu !!! Mothers and fathers are praying, praying, praying. "Anemayee Hailu Kessemayee ". Unity the source of Strengths !!! Divided We Fall. Ethiopia Yesterday, Ethiopia Today and Ethiopia Tomorrow, Tomorrow !!!
Unity the source of Strengths !!!
በተለይ ጎጃም