On Dating and Relationships - Douglas Wilson | Collegiate Reformed Fellowship
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Collegiate Reformed Fellowship is the campus ministry of Christ Church and Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, Idaho. Our goal is to teach and exhort young men and women to serve, to witness, to stand fast, and to mature in their Christian Faith. We desire to see students get established in a godly lifestyle and a trajectory toward maturity. We also desire to proclaim the Christian worldview to the university population and the surrounding communities. CRF is not an independent ministry. All our activities are supplemental to the teaching and shepherding ministry of CC & TRC. Students involved with CRF are regularly reminded that the most important student ministry takes place at Lord’s Day worship.
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Discerning by your abilities, opportunities, and desires is gold. That's Godly wisdom, simple and submitted. No new-agey, extra-biblical methodology involved.
Been watching a lot of Doug Wilson...been spreading his message.
'God's perspective between the relationship of a man and a woman is the only one that can be trusted.' Great point.
When we take God's Word out of the relationship what we have left is a perversion of how it is meant to peaceably and cooperatively function.
I love this video, but C flat and G sharp together form a major 6th interval (B to G#) which is actually a rather pleasant interval. In fact, the major 6th is the interval that creates romantic tension in the Han and Leia love theme in star wars, and the emotional tension in the chorus of 'fix you' by Coldplay.
So, perhaps next time the illustration should be moving from C and E (major 3rd, very nice) to C flat and E sharp (Augmented 4th, very discordant).
Love your work Doug! please hear this comment in a spirit of jest.
My people! When he mentioned the chords I thought that maybe he had googled it but didn’t ask anyone who is musically inclined.
41:27 Great advice
This is excellent.
ofc it is, it's Doug Wilson,
36:53 - Character vs Personality
Such good stuff.
I want to add as a post script, to any young people watching this video, that Rev. Wilson hasn’t explicitly said it here, but another very important piece of advice (which he veritably assumed would be in place) is WISE COUNCIL. Do not hesitate to reach out to older Christian men and women for guidance.
I think same dude in that crowd had a crush on Doug..based in on the disproportionate laughter.
There is no reason to date or marry when everything is going to be gone anyways. If the people that are doing all this evil are eventually ending this country there is no point to be with anyone. It only sets us up for loss.
Okay now go tell that to the Israelites as they were being invaded by Babylon, or after. Stop being nihilistic and “black pilled”. It will be okay, trust in God.
Hey fam, I hope that you and your loved ones are well. I would like to ask you the most important question ever asked:
Who is Jesus? Not who is He to you. Rather, who is He really?
Jesus is the Son of God, who came to the world as a man. He lived a perfect and sinless life . Even though He was perfect and sinless, on the cross of Calvary God wrathfully punished Him for the sins of the world. 3 days later He rose from death. Now He is seated at the right hand of God, ruling as King over Heaven and Earth.
On the judgment day He will judge you, me and every human being that has ever lived. Those who believed in Him will enter eternal joy with Him, but those who did not believe in Jesus will be sent to eternal condemnation.
So turn from your sins and believe in the Jesus. Believe and hope that you can be forgiven for all your sins because of His death and resurrection. He took your place in Hell, so that if you submit to Him as your Lord and God, you can be forgiven and take His place in heaven- you will be made sinnless and perfect before the Holy Father. He'll also give you a new heart and mind that can love and obey Him.
Jesus lives so that you can have true life and freedom, and most importantly so that you can have an eternally peaceful relationship with God.
You are dead, and Jesus is your Hope of love.
Acts 15:11
”On the contrary, we believe it is through the grace of the Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are."
Ephesians 1:7
”In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace"
Ephesians 2:8
”For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God,”
John 11:25-26: "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'
1 Corinthians 6:14: "And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power."
Romans 6:9: "We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him."
For the algorithm
The thing is, men are commanded to love their wives. Not make them feel loved. There is an important distinction.
18:30 😅😂
18:18 - 😂😂😂😂😂😂
These are not the words of God. They are the words of man. I dated a fundamentalist. Decades later I put the experience in one of my own vids. But in a nutshell this was how it went. I was an agnostic/unspecified theist as I am today. Probably closer to a Jew than anything else. The family was friendly to me only until they realized I wasn't going to convert--which they attempted to intrude on the second they met me. They told the daughter how I "had to get to church etc." And I knew more about the bible than all of them put together. Her family and friends eventually got her to break it off. It was like trying to push against a tidal wave. But the real eye opener was the hypocrisy. The father had another illegitimate daughter from an affair, the sister was a stripper and their pastor hanged himself after he got caught sleeping with a fifteen year old. But the guy who considered marriage to the daughter was a red flag because he dared question a book he knew from cover to cover which they had never even read. Saying I have a problem with fundamentalists? That is an understatement. They are a cult, pure and simple. Cheers, DCF
if you are an agnostic, yet know more about the bible then all of them, then you would know, that based on your evidence, clearly they were not christian's, as Jesus himself said "many will come to me in that day, and say did we not do all these things in your name? and I will say to them, depart from me, I never knew you"... labels are easy to use, people do it far too often, not attacking you, but I've seen the same thing in my own family, all "christians" but after actually meeting christian's, well it turned my world upside down, because in one I saw love, in the other I didn't see it at all.. there have always been Two "churches" an actual one, and then a sort of moralistic group, which just culturally blends in, you are right in that description of them, they are likely just a cult, with the label of Christian on it, not surprising really anymore, which is sad, but america is a socialist country, with the label of democracy on it.
The actions of people not following the word, don't undo the bible. It's people sinning. Christians sin as much as anyone. We are all born sinners. God Bless.
Good thoughts but painful-to-listen delivery, so I had to quit.
I hate to hear that. You missed out.
Painful why?