What is Free Software (Open Source)? Software Freedom explained in less than 3 minutes!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • Four Freedoms explained in under 3 minutes. Free Software guarantees you the essential four freedoms to use, study, share, and improve the software. These rights, that define software freedom, help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press, and privacy.
    We explain in less then 3 minutes why this is good and what it means.
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ความคิดเห็น • 19

  • @AntoineViallonDevelloper
    @AntoineViallonDevelloper 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you for making it so simple. I'll share it with my family.

  • @MrRolloTamasi
    @MrRolloTamasi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    great video! Free is so much more than just zero cost.

    • @SamimPezeshki
      @SamimPezeshki 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's free as in freedom, not as in free beer.

  • @hanzdegog7129
    @hanzdegog7129 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    super video 👍

  • @ClaudioClemens
    @ClaudioClemens 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Really nice explanation! Stressing the rights is great.

  • @androidtester702
    @androidtester702 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Das Video ist gut , aber wie Sytoka Modon schon sagte, erst mit den verschiedenen EU-Hauptsprachen kann man die Masse erreichen.

    • @federicofromvenice8205
      @federicofromvenice8205 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think not only with the main languages of the EU, but also those of all EU countries. I think it would invite a lot more people...

  • @sytokamodon7773
    @sytokamodon7773 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In the EU, almost nobody speaks native English (the Irish). If you want to broadcast in the EU, you have to make videos in the main EU languages.

  • @davidfdzp
    @davidfdzp 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I would have said that the fourth freedom is to modify the software. Improving it is what you try to do by modifying it, but sometimes the result is a disaster, he, he, although someone can come and fix it fast.

  • @z-anatomy
    @z-anatomy ปีที่แล้ว

    Completely under-rated !

  • @alatto
    @alatto 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Free Software and Open Source are not the same thing

  • @RobertAbraham1986
    @RobertAbraham1986 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    99% of open source software starts as a (professional) hobby project by its original creator regardless the interest in the software because this is the best way to learn new technologies. Then, as the interest grows, the developer starts taking the project more seriously providing better upgrade process and making the software more secure. Usually it is done beside a normal full-time job and there is not necessarily income from it but it still consumes a huge amount of time of its developer as people start expecting updates and tech support so it can easily become an unwanted burden for some people.
    I prefer open source software upon proprietary software but proprietary software is still way more user-friendly than most open source software due to its better financial basis as the licensor is able to hire other developers to help improving the software and it becomes their full-time job to make the software widely usable instead of a few geeks so - unfortunately - I cannot get completely rid of proprietary software. For instance: developing applications on Windows and starting the development/test environment with a few clicks instead of using dozens of commands or using WinSCP+PuTTY to login the server is still more effective than using SSH or Midnight Commander on Linux. I can work at least 2 times faster.
    It's not open source to blame though, their developers really do everything they can to make it as effective as possible - it's the low financial and/or community support. I've seen impressive open source software projects to start and I've seen them die - due poor financial and community support.

    • @unbekannter_Nutzer
      @unbekannter_Nutzer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      "For instance: developing applications on Windows and starting the development/test environment with a few clicks ... " - how is that related to Midnight-Commander?
      Starting a new project in Eclipse or IntelliJ is the same process on Linux and Windows and pretty similar to using Visual-C and the like, isn't it?
      I had a closed-source Pentool, which was able to draw on paper and meanwhile plot the lines into a proprietary format via USB, only official support for Windows 98, but XP was already coming. In XP, it didn't work any longer and the manufactor didn't provide new drivers and software, so it was waste. Since it was CS, it wasn't possible to modify the source, to make it work again. I never had such experiences on Linux. Once some hardware was supported, it kept supported for long, long times.

    • @RobertAbraham1986
      @RobertAbraham1986 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@unbekannter_Nutzer "...or using WinSCP+PuTTY to login the server...": you quoted the wrong section. MC refuses to store my password despite my fully encrypted and secure home dir and PuTTY is still more conformatble and effective than SSH-ing from terminal.
      But I can also mention some KDE bug, which made Chromium forget all cookies after upgrade and it also warmed up my notebook brutally (above 80 degrees) while in idle state so I'm not using it any more. I also had to turn of CPU throttling permanently on Ubuntu (18.04 LTS) because it was warming my Dell G5 notebook. Windows doesn't do such things - at least not in idle state.
      Updating my PHP stuff is also faster on Windows because I have permission to write files directly on the web server by default and I don't have to start the IDE with sudo - we are talking about a desktop OS, to which noone has acces but me, so I absolutely don't have to worry about local attackers which would make special permissions reasonable. I was also looking for a good open source documentation tool for PostgreSQL - found autodoc, which produces a very uggly HTML output. I tried many things to make it human readable but I couldn't so I finally decided to buy a propertiary program to do the job. Now I can finally make a pretty PDF API documentation for any of my PostgreSQL databases (and not just PDF, basically anything that's requested).
      So yes, I can do everything on Linux that I can do on Windows but on Linux I have to workaround a lot of things while on Windows I don't have to and always doing workaround for everything is slowing me down.

    • @unbekannter_Nutzer
      @unbekannter_Nutzer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RobertAbraham1986 a) The part about MC/putty does not invalidate my argument about Eclipse and IntelliJ. I used both in different Jobs, so they are in professional use and both start with a mouse click, If you need a dozen of commands, write them to a shell script and just start that instead. If you are a developer, you should be able to figure it out and know sources, to get you over some hurdles, which there might be.
      b) The part about MC/putty doesn't make sense to me, SSH is now available for Windows, too. I guess you have to go to the windows menu and type "feature" to get access to the menu, where to unlock it, but I'm rarely forced to use Windows, it might be somewhere else. So why did MS integrate SSH into Windows - maybe a huge demand? There are plenty of terminal multiplexers, to improve the comfort of using remote connections like tmux, byobo and so on - again I don't use them often enough, to be a good consultant in that question, but research and find!
      However, Putty IS free software (MIT license), so this is hardly in any regard an argument contra free software.
      Your KDE-bug is only an anecdote. Do you believe nobody had such experiences with windows?
      If DELL doesn't support the Linux community with insights to their firmware, they are to blame, not the devs of free software - just buy hardware, without such issues.
      Windows meanwhile collects telemetry data and sends it home. You need a permanently running virus and malware detection - do you know how many data gets downloaded for this purpose every day?
      c) I don't know your working process but of course, you shouldn't run an IDE from the root account. Since you aren't the first PHP-programmer, there should be others, who ran in the same or similar problem before and are able to tell you the solution. Sounds like an issue for CI to me: Write to a dev - dir where you have write permissions, run automated tests, on success, automatically upload the files to the production dir. The inotifywait command might help you further, to trigger actions on file save and the sudoers file, to grant special permissions to run commands without password for a single or a group of users.
      d) I don't know your Postgresql issues - btw., Postgresql, another project like the linux kernel, apache, the unix utils, the apache web server, many programming languages (think: Java), firefox, ... which are open source, and did not die - and the problems you face. In FOSS projects, documentation, especially developer documentation is often done with markdown and pandoc, which I can often recommend, but if you like to visualize tables, markdown is not very comfortable and I don't have a recommendation for you, but at least it is an open format, agnostic to the tools you use to process it and since it is just text based, it integrates very well with git, another FOSS project which isn't dead.

    • @RobertAbraham1986
      @RobertAbraham1986 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@unbekannter_Nutzer I never said open source devs are to blame for my problems. It's the low financial support behind them - take ReactOS, for instance: the project is going on for a long time but only for a few years does it have a full-time developer.
      "...just buy hardware, without such issues...": no. I like my Dell G5 15 5590 notebook, it's amazing to work on it on Windows. If a specific software does not work on it properly than the software is to replace.
      Again: my problem is not being unable to solve my problems with open source software. My problem is that I need a lot of workround for those to make them productive and that consumes time. I hate making workarounds. I like solving problems the right way. I hate editing config files manually (especially configuring Postfix/Dovecot/Roundcube, which change frequently enough for the tutorials to become obsolete and most of the time I don't really know what I'm doing because there is no proper user manual for dummies, I'm just trying to set everything correctly and I'm very happy when it finally starts working - I'm a developer, not a mail server guru but I still have to install it, configure it and use it), I like when there is a GUI for all options. Open source takes a long time to configure properly so the most effective way for me is to combine it with propertiary software, which leads us back to the original problem: I cannot get rid of propertiary software because I don't have time to learn everything about all open source softwares I'm using, I have to do my job because my employers and their customers are not gonna wait until I learn everything about my open source apps.

  • @awuuwa
    @awuuwa 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I would appreciate if you removed "open source" from the title of this video. There is no reason to bend the knee to it, mentioning it won't help with viewers finding this video or with promoting the cause. The promotion of "open source" only serves to weaken the ideological standing of the movement. Instead I would recommend replacing it with (Libre Software) instead since that is actually relevant and is far more appropriate.