Very interested in the large book of motif designs. You mentioned in an earlier comment response that the book is not for sale, that you used to check it out from the library; and that the book title changed after the cover was damaged. I'd like to see if I can find a used copy of the book for a friend; inside the book is there a title page or copyright page that would name the original title of the book? What does it say the original title was, what year was it published, what city? Thank you for your help and sharing such beautiful designs!
Hello, because of this is old book and the cover, title, information from this book has been lost. so I don't know how to identify it. the cover simplyt replaced with blank paper. If you have another question or request, don't hesitate to tell me. Thank you.
Jadi pengen buat batik sendiri pak .. ya Allah 😊
Silahkan dicoba kak
Mantap mas Bukunya
Betul hehe
Very interested in the large book of motif designs. You mentioned in an earlier comment response that the book is not for sale, that you used to check it out from the library; and that the book title changed after the cover was damaged. I'd like to see if I can find a used copy of the book for a friend; inside the book is there a title page or copyright page that would name the original title of the book? What does it say the original title was, what year was it published, what city? Thank you for your help and sharing such beautiful designs!
Hello, because of this is old book and the cover, title, information from this book has been lost. so I don't know how to identify it. the cover simplyt replaced with blank paper. If you have another question or request, don't hesitate to tell me. Thank you.
Mas, itu buku aslinya terbitan mana? Pengen nyari 🥺
Mas itu bukunya judule apa? Dijual tidak?
Enggak dijual kak. Judulnya sudah diubah karna sampul yg asli rusak. Dulu hanya pinjam di perpustakaan lalu FC
Mas kenapa warna yg di colet di campur waterglass setelah di lorod warnanya banyak hilangnya ,pake warna mati
Mungkin larutan warnanya sudahlama.