Let us say, when rental income is received (by the Trust, but before distribution to the beneficiaries), would the Trust incur any income tax liability (at the Trust level)? From my limited understanding, if income is distributed to all the beneficiaries, beneficiaries will have to declare those income, and of course, tax will be incurred. My question (or rather, concern) is, would tax be incurred twice? Once at the Trust level, and once at the beneficiaries level.
最近剛好有對family trust的疑問就看到劉sir的video!太有用了,講解清晰易明!謝謝您☺️請繼續推出關於合理避稅的內容👏🏻👏🏻
可否 upload 至bilibili ,一定好有帮助。
Really good content. Thank you! Pls keep going!
劉sir, 請問海外居民在澳洲有房產投資,可以申請家庭信託嗎?
Thanks Lau Sir, very useful Ar .
想請教劉Sri,這樣的Family Trust 是否能使用境外信託進行安排(如香港或新加坡信託)?
劉Sir你好,请问我现在是不是应该先设定好family trust呢?还是等要买房子的三个月前才设定family trust呢?有谁可以帮助我设定family trust吗?您的指点是我老百姓,最大的帮助。谢谢你。
多謝分享, 內容豐富.
Thank you Lau Sir, 想問好耐, 你背後的鐘是裝飾用的嗎?
刘先生你好,我有打算开uber来增加收入,但是uber公司需要我申请ABN号码,我可不可以申请ABN号码的时候用trust的business structure来开uber呢?以后买投资房的时候再用回同一个ABN号码的trust来买投资房吗?
咁用family trust點貸款呀?
thanks share❤
Let us say, when rental income is received (by the Trust, but before distribution to the beneficiaries), would the Trust incur any income tax liability (at the Trust level)? From my limited understanding, if income is distributed to all the beneficiaries, beneficiaries will have to declare those income, and of course, tax will be incurred. My question (or rather, concern) is, would tax be incurred twice? Once at the Trust level, and once at the beneficiaries level.
Thanks Arthur, no you won't be double taxed.
Thank you for sharing.
Do you really know what are you talking about, from what you said, it is blatantly clear that you are NOT a lawyer
The content is generally ok, just some terms are not accurate. Tax evasion is a crime, so there is not a such term called reasonable tax evasion
Thanks for sharing.