>_> that country wouldn't be in debt because they would rule the world after causing that much damage, or dead because the rest of the world wanted revenge for all that damage. either way maybe the world is a better place because that country used too much heat.
The best comment you made was about view range saturation. THAT is one of the biggest problems at Tier 8+. The maps are not big enough for everyone having maxed out view range. No real advantage for lights/TDs.
The other thing is that camo trumps view range. Most TDs kemping bush are going to stay invisible until a flank collapses and they aren't concealed from the side. Even beyond max view range, you have to get extremely close to see them, and thanks to view range saturation, they've probably already seen you.
Not really. It's pretty easy to hit 30%+ camo with a good crew. The real problem is that almost all the fighting is in corridors at point blank range where there is nowhere to hide.
@@StarkRaven59 yes this is agree with 100%. I'm going to see you first in my strv 103b and probably get off 2 shots before I'm detected. On the other side of that thier is a bunch of lane based maps where spotting and camo make no difference.
@@ARCNA442 Well corridors aren't a problem.... as long as they're not narrow :-X I liked the frontlines for that as example... they were corridors but not so narrow that you couldn't sneak around in an Lt.
Not sure about the map in this case (whattf were all those pinatas doing in that position), but pricks and tanks like this made me completely abandon my heavies.
I can tell you what they were doing.. Lemmings that goes to that spot in every single game on this map. Their brains are hardwired to do this and they are unable to compute that they are getting owned.
Thats whats wrong with T10....If i am on my T8 i have T10's firing premium 10/12 shots...and its generally "good" people by stats. Just causes people to say why play this tier if all it requires is a premium account and premium ammo.
Why is everyone bragging about gold shells, like cmon, you ain't gonna play the game with bouncing on everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It does proof on the other hand that gold shells are a bit too successful. . .
Game is pretty much ruined for tanks which are relying for armour. And it's not like people are using gold to penetrate something that has lot's of armour. They just spam it to whatever they are facing. Playing type 61 and laughing my ass of when unicums come and shoot's nothing but gold. Well done bob, well done
Knight Lulu Kun so what...his credits to spend. Jealous people always find something to complaian about...prem rounds can help but not always. Positioning...reading map...supporting team and repositioning are what wins games. People who act like using prem wins games are completely divorced from the reality of this game. There are a lot of tomatoes who use premium rounds only.
yep overall, low tier tanks fire ore rounds but less gold and at the high tier it is the opposite. the precentage for high tier is of course far more than 5%, but i dont know how much that is.
@@moneymike3062 I played the game from before release. All the arty whine was quite amusing, but when they added premium ammo for credits and autoloaders (feel free to look up the initial stats of the French) everything fell apart. The Maus was my first t10. Will never forget a 50b parking right in front of me and penning my angled turret line this: shot 1 ammo rack damaged. I repair. Shot 2 same thing, except my repair kit was gone since it could only be used once. Shot 3 detonation. And yes I did wiggle my turret. This alone is what plagued the game.
Peter Zwam well sorry to say but I did... the WZ is a tank I play in CW so I had y CW ammo load out, but my team still lost the battle, and I failed in the end, I would had went on to do similar damage to this guy, if only my brain didn’t suddenly have a brain fart
@@peterzwam8227 Thats stupid solution, thats like telling alcoholic to just drink 2 drinks a day max, it kinda works but it really doesnt, what they should do is re balance gold ammo and than all tanks
Nowhere near as impressive as that 5A video you have of the guy on El Halluff who had the same amount of damage, but actually had to make plays and play smart. Yeah this guy had an amazing statline but at the end of the day all he did was sit in one strong position while he got incredibly lucky with distracted enemies and passive teammates. Nothing special except the damage numbers
And not just distracted enemies, but enemies who chose to not drive the 30m to be able to shoot him easily. Only one tank had to do it and it should have been that is4.
"in my t8 i have to play against t10s its not the end of the world if it happens 1 in 3 games" :) but it happens much more often, than 1 in 3 games... this weekend i played 25 games in my T34... 18 of them vs. T10, 6 vs. T9 and 1 vs. T8...
Yea that spot is good... IF YOUR TEAM PROVIDES COVER FROM EAST SIDE I tried this spot numerous times, but all i achieved is getting shrekt by enemy mediums from east hill, because there is nobody to fight them
My take on this game. You have a large number of heavies on each team. The enemy had only two mediums and the rest was TDs and Arty. the map is Erlenburg which is a campy map with a heavy battleground in the middle (town). Basically almost all the players in this game followed the meta. If you're a heavy you go into the town on your side of the river and fling shells at the enemy. If you're a TD you camp in the bushes and hope for the best as there's no lights to scout for you. If you're a medium you flank but there's not much to shoot at as all the heavies are in the town and there's only two per team anyway. The 5a saw all this at the beginning of the game and took advantage of the meta to put himself in a position to farm the enemy heavies. They were the only one to think outside the box and reaped the rewards.
"vieuwrange" ehm. well, that might be because wargaming decided that maps that are as small as ensk and mines.. for tier 6 and up. those maps are fine for tier 6 and below.. but really.. tier 8? 9 ? 10????? the moment you spawn and move 5 meters you get shot at.
@@mrb692 They started the battle with more premium ammunition then regular, and before they specifically loaded gold rounds to shoot before switching to regular rounds. That's why it was gold spamming. If the player had used their regular ammunition first, then switched to premium when they needed to, or ran out of regular ap, it would have been different.
@@jackflanagan903 complaining about gold ammo just shows how yourr a garbage player. Any top player or anyone with a brain doesnt complain about gold ammo its honestly fucking hilarious when pubbies like you complai about how easy it is to do 10k dmg with gold meanwhile you can barely do 2k damage consistently in tier 10s
@@reformed_xd3653 I don't actually play World of Tanks anymore because of other reasons. However, I have continued watching other community contributors play, and it seems like more and more replays feature a player who plays well, but is only able to do large amounts of damage because they aren't afraid to spam gold ammunition at the enemy team. In my opinion, these replays only encourage other players to increase their own use of gold ammo. This snowball effect has completely dumbed down the game play. I hope that didn't seem to much like a puppy to you :)
Sat in the same place most of the game poking around a corner derping gold rounds into enemies who were, for the most part, not paying any attention. What a display of skill!
Leandro, the game is released long enough that you should understand what the heck PREMIUM term means. I know, that in your opinion, the non-paying players should have the same as the paying ones. But then, what is the reason to pay it at all if it does not make any difference? Non paying players are not supporting the game development, so all the content you can enjoy on you FREE account is because someone paid for it to be done. Do you think it would be fair to provide the same features to paying and non paying players? Would you like to pay for some service when someone else can get ot for free?
@@BLACK3737 premium players earn more silver, more xp, leading to shorter grinds, premium tanks, special cammos, etc.... getting to higher tiers faster. that´s already a huge advantage
This is pure pay 2 win. 20 HEAT rounds spammed asap. That's like 100K credits, someone without premium account and t8 premium ($) tanks to farm credits cannot do that, period. This represents almost everything wrong with the game. Broken p2w gold rounds, bad map design and poor tank balance.
@@918Mitchell He loaded out his tank to win. Next time you need to kill Maus, or Type 5 or Obj 264 you should too. He also only used prem rounds at the end after using all his standard ammo. He didn't get those 3 MOE on his barrel for sucking. And YES it is harder to get 3 MOE on good tanks than bad.
I don't think I've ever seen someone play this tank and actually fire standard rounds. No surprise that this guy carries more premium rounds than standard rounds.
Sometimes playing against tier 10 in tier 8? That is a joke, unlocked the centuriun yesterday played around 12 matches with it yesterday and 8 of those i was against tier 10 tanks in a stock tier 8 medium tank, yeah fun game...
@@baklau22 tier 8 is honestly the worst tier right now, its totally broken, i guess WG wants to please the tier 10 players because they are the players who really spent money in th game.
It helps though, as you can see here. A lot of those shots could not have pierced if they were non-gold ammo. You would tell me "it's in the game", and that's true. But the replay would have been much more amazing without those.
@@Miha23_ They don't though. Yes he made credits, but if he didn't have a premium account, he would've lost 32k. That is unsustainable. In order to have the credits necessary to spam premium ammo like this and pen tanks like the Type5, you need to spend real money. On premium tanks, premium account or on gold. If you show me a single person who shoots this ratio of premium-non premium ammo that has not spent any money on the game I'll give it to you that you are right and I am wrong. I'm not expecting a real answer, don't worry, it's obvious you don't have one.
Ah the new clickers of the game, first it was SPGs, then the op Russian mediums, now it's just anyone who can afford to spam gold all game. @QB I watched your video about is WOT dying, and its a YES from me for this exact reason. GOLD is NOT skill... push the 2 button, hover your mouse somewhere near the enemy and click. I completely get it's a P2W game but what happens when average Joe public (me) decides enough is enough, who are the clickers going to play then, BOTS?
Lee Molloy - He was alone against a lot of Tier X Heavy Tank armor when he made that play. He had to make sure his tank was angled up and take-down/weaken as much as the enemy he can before he gets bumrushed. Considering their distance and city-cover as well as his gun having mediocre accuracy, I don't fault him for using HEAT for the first part of that fight. He barely made it at around 250 HP.
Davtwan thank you for your reply, but it kinda shows your lack of game play and team knowledge. He was certainly not alone as he was in a platoon (giggles to himself). The new mini map feature (sarcasm) a lot of players don't use shows several of his team covering with cross fire. This is a once in a thousand game play and showing this replay by @QB kinda makes me think it's an influencer helping the developers stop the game from dying. It's sad as this has been a game I've been playing for over 5yrs now.
@@leemolloy2438 thanks for your comment, but it kinda shows your lack of gameplay and knowledge. Try going through the front of an is7 whos angling well, or the upper plate of a well angled jageroo with your strategy of randomly aiming and firing. Gold ammo has its situations, i agree he spammed the shit out of it unneccesarily, but you still dont really know what youre talking about. Ive been playing world of tanks for 7 years. By your logic, i win.
Nearly 10K damage before his first kill. Crazy. Also, if I pushed that location over the river I would get sent to the garage immediately from fire from the hill.
Every time I've tried to make it to that position I get murdered by either guys on the hill - where they get a nice open shot at you - or get pounded by arty. He got lucky because 9 times out of 10 you get slaughtered there.
its generally not a good spot. ive never seen that many tanks cluster up on that side of the river. heavies typically go on the left side not the right. He got an extremely rare game
What would have been worse than doing 14k damage and getting pushed around a corner to death by your teammates? Doing 14k damage, running out of ammo, and watching your team loose while you continue to try and ram people. Now _that_ would be an ultimate rage quit moment.
Less people want to play anything below tier 9 and 10 because you can never be bottom tier/not have to spam gold. Low tier matchmaking is complete garbage.
Massive 14k+ damage game and cleared 30k credits....there's what's wrong with WoT in a nutshell. In the early days you could kill 2 tanks in a Type 59 and come out with 100k profit. Let players earn respectable amounts of silver again and you'll see the player base bloom. The xp grind is bad enough, when they messed with the profits per battle it became asinine.
@@Wolfbroa I realize that. The fact is you used to break almost even if you fired a premium round and it did average damage to the target. They've cut earnings back to force players to have to purchase funds and run premium to keep from losing money every time they take a tier 9 or 10 out and have anything less than a stellar game. You used to be able to grind the funds for a new tank purchase running t6-t8's, now you run those just to be able to play t9's and 10's.
Wow, what a great position he gothimself in. But honestly, I've never seen the whole team go in that one spot in the middle and just let a tank shoot at you.
agree with IS-3A, i played it again in the last couple days after it became rusty in my garage and got an ace and the first MoE. when it was first released i played around 120 battles but i was not very good at the time :D
You are wrong, this is incredibly interesting to watch. Massive damage games are by far my favorite kind to watch. It is right on par with the super clutch 1 V 5 or more kind of games.
No respect? Most players cant do half of this kind of damage with premium rounds. Only a few of those shots the player fired would not have penned with prem rounds i.e. the 60tp turret. Dont make it sound like the game had turned into "press 2 and win", cuz it hasn't. I know players who gold spam and cant do the same amount of damage i can do without using prem rounds. Its about player skill and how they use it.
@@edoc321 you're wrong. Loading heat from the game starts, and until you run out of premium ammo, has absolutely nothing to do with skill, it's a choice made by the individual players. Beside the WN8 rating, there should be a number, showing how big a percentage of the players penetrating shots, was premium ammo.
@@StupendousMand Of course itis the individual's choice lol, i wasnt saying otherwise. Also another stat showing the prem round use would only make the game more toxic than it already is, fueling the rage against unicums and tomatoes from both sides.
this is entirely my own opnion, i dont respect the spam use of these prem shots.. i found the game very boring and doll. doing HT 15 and block max dmg, gl with that, players cant pen in 1-2 shots loads gold instant. this is the game meta, a player had the edge before by knowing weakspots and outplay others, also those players would farm up dmg because others could not pen the enemy. so yes, no respect for the use of this gameplay.. when you start a game with more prem shots then normal, yeah right.. the Meta/game has turned into this all the time. and its sad tbh...
What kills WOT is that Tier 8 matchmaking kills player enthusiasm. T8 is over 90% bottom tier games. Means that playing T8 is slog that makes many player get discouraged and quit.
@@Anderson_Hwang Well the MM prioritizes on the +1/-1 MM, but it will still do +2/-2, albeit rarely. I must say, this is a REALLY WELCOMING change for the matchmaker
@@hunterkillerii1483 yes, rarely. I've played 118 games in comet in the past week, and never got into a tier 9 game. I've also played 70 games in Su-130pm, and only got into less than 5 tier 10 games
When he crossed the river and came up to the rubble pile, if one of those guys in the heavy tanks did decided to move up and engaging one on one I think that results Of Battle ended up completely different he would been able to make Side shot into tank, would have had to deal with the one tank in the lead, but nobody wanted to be that individual so they all died because of it. Enemy team lacked teamwork and that was their downfall. Kingfatboy NA
I almost always cross to that position even before I saw this game, it’s like 6k dmg every time, but I’ve never seen anyone else use that spot until now
Absolutely not true. Tier 9 is the king of WOT. If you see 10s its 5 per team and most tier 9 tanks are 90% of what the tier 10s in the same tree are and tier 9s see a ton of top tier. You will also almost never see a tier 9 only game. 8s, yeah, 8s see a tons of 10s nowadays.
I think it's Marco No RTFly (Marc Not Ready To Fly) - when using remote controlled Helis you can purchase RTF versions (Ready To Fly) or some assembly required models.
@@2Razzv Really ? YOu think you can spam that manyu Premium rounds without paying any form of real money ? 1. Premium accounts are with gold (purchased with real money) or with real money. 2. Premium vehicles are once again purchased with gold (purchased with real money) or with real money. 3. Gold which again is purchased with real money. If you can play 50 games at Tier 9-10 and make enough credits every round to allow you to spam premium ammo, then please provide a link to a live stream proving it. It cannot be done. Simple.
@@MrDuncanDonut what's wrong in buying premium account? Its like blaming someone he went to cinema to see a movie, which you are not willing to pay for. Cmon, be a grown man. If the game provides entertainment, why you consider paying for it as something wrong? Don't you pay for your entertainment? I will never understand this constant baby whining about results made on gold, with premium accounts or even pc monitors. Why does the ones, who are not willing to pay for the premium account or premium ammo always drag everyone around to their level denying everything they have done, just because premium features were used? It's childish man.
Saying that wallet warriors don't break the game is stupid. I mean the guy is a very good player, but using HEAT to shoot until he runs out, no matter the situation, gives him less credit than if he had an accurate round management.
Who gives a fuck about damage, he didn't need HEAT for majority of the shots he took. All he did was sit in a position farming damage, which literally anybody can do. This game is PTW.
@@lumbagel2102 So if he didnt need heat in this game (i agree with that), whats the problem? I mean he was sabotaging his own credit making potential, but, judging by the 3 marks he knows what he is doing
@@rontap7146 He's spamming HEAT for absolutely no reason, and if you're the one receiving the spam, then the game doesn't seem much fun. He probably got 3 marks just by using HEAT anyways. There was nothing interesting in this replay, it's just the fact that he got high amount of damage with a high amount of idiots on the other team that got QB to make a video about this. I see no point in playing this game if everybody is allowed to continue to do this, and like QB said, people are going to see this video and use the same position he was in with the same tank. It doesn't matter if he made credits in this game anyways because he could just use a premium tank to get all of it back. This game is a complete joke.
@@lumbagel2102 Thats right, everyone is allowed to do that - it means the same conditions for everyone as well. And talking about wot being PTW is bullshit anyway, WG gave you 3 opportunities to get urself 3 premium tanks this year for free (doesnt mean WG has all my love and support - thats not really happening). I dont like this replay either but not because of using heats. And if u think that using premium shells gives you 3 MoE automatically, u have no idea my friend
@@ant-nihilator9918 Show me a game like this in an E100. THEN I will say wow.....that's amazing. Because we all know.....compared with any other T10.....its garbage. Show me THAT
Enemy was certainly willing to stay infront of his gun barrel. As this tank came in the "type heavy" era, in my book its part of the more gold, more armor race. Yes you can say "it has bad AP, so lets take more gold", or "gold is part of the game deal with it". At he end, maybe only these players and a bunch of bots will be part of the WOT player base.... Hmmm, I wonder if the bots will spam HEAT ... QB, any news on how those bots AI is programmed?
Its a bit of a cop-out, but I think the best tank for just racking up damage changes from player to player based on style and preference. Although its likely a Russian tank or Russian clone.
We need to create a drinking game, the rules would be simple; every time quicky says "meta" you take a drink. Most people would be drunk in the first half of one video lmao
I got 3.2k on my E50M 3.6k on Cent AX 3.2k on Leopard 1 3.7k on OBJ 430U 3.2k on T62A If you got skilled crews with good setups, you can get there dude
Your comments were totally right, its the combination of bad positioning or bad play of the enemy team plus he had the best heavy tank in the game. interestingly most of the times I get to the exact same position and there is always 10 time more pressure on me compare to this replay.
@@fastcxanyways in this replay all those heavies could easily push our hero but yet they decided to sit in open in front of a hull down WZ and pay almost zero attention to the main threat...i mean thats just very bad play by enemy. Honestly I have never seen such a bad play in t10 battle.
@@mahmoud7188 well, mid town had his teammates there to make enemy rethink. They could fall to next line (the place e5 went) to push again but they didn't, probably afraid those from mid town will push in if they fall back
Fabulous? Yes. Skilled? Certainly not, not by a large margin, the guy is more lucky than skilled. That position is a literal arty magnet and few if any players would go down that line from the other side. Of course there is all that gold flying down range.
Eng Hwaixi I'd say this round didn't involve much skill, but to say he's not skilled is false. It takes a lot of skill and effort to three mark tier X tanks, especially those that are favorites of experienced players. I'm not sure this is what you're saying, but don't criticize because he had a lucky match
He is lucky in the sense that there’s no arty to prevent him from camping. But why he was able to farm so much was because of his skill. Good players are defined by the positions that they are in and this guy was good enough to put himself in a very strong hull down position very early on in the game that allowed him to farm all the enemies
@@TheGreatBandoodler I will not comment on any other games the guy had since we have no videos on it. But I am going to point out the obvious problems of calling this match "skilled".
@@blau1296 In this game he has more luck than skill because 1) Arty is blind enough to miss a juicy target like him 2) No enemy tanks when to the hill on the other side, even one MT firing down on him from there will be enough to ruin his day. On personal experiance, I too once had a monster game in my T-54 on Mines. Got to the hill without any scratch and start raining fire down on the enemy team. Got 10k damage in the end, but I know full well that it was only possible because there was no arty in game and none of the enemy team contested me on that ground. I will call it fun, but skilled ? Nah, any one with half a brain could have figured out the value of that place. And all the accompanying dangers with it.
Why is almost everyone complaining about his gold usage? The ammo is there for you to use, why not use it? You do whatever you can to win. People gotta chill out lmao
@@rotundubeniamin4 that is up to you. Yes you can play 5 or 6 tier to earn credits but it takes long time or you can buy premium staff to earn credits faster. But premium account does not give you advantage in one battle :-) But I understand what you mean. Who wants to play 10 battles on 6 tier to earn credits for one battle on 10 tier :-/
Before anyone gets pissed about him "gold spamming", look at his ammo at the end of the battle... He finished with 1 AP round and no HEAT... He wouldve had 1 HEAT shell left if he started with AP at the start, so it makes no difference... Either way, hes firing HEAT.
Thats a horrible argument.... he started the game with a loadout of 20 HEAT shells and 17 AP shells. He is a gold spammer because he cleary uses premium rounds as the first option. It would be completely different if he started with 30 AP shells and 7 HEAT shells.
Every player that I See play a WZ 5a (or any in general) always use gold eventhough it's completely unnecessary. Total Gold noobs lol. (Is that why this game is dying? 🤔 If anyone can dab 2 key, theres no point in being the most heavy armored. (Kind of...))
I've 3 marked every tier 10 in my garage without any gold rounds fired except the E100 when it had the shitty pen, it's totally unnecessary. I have 12 tier 10s. The sad thing is most of these players have convinced themselves that they need gold to be competitive.
@@moose8337 yeah sadly, with the E 100 I fully understand but with vehicles with 250+ pen like come on right? But then again thats what the player base has evovled to.
I play that tank got my 52% win rate not through loading up the gold but through loading just normal AP and letting my 50% average Win rate do the rest. Though I admit the amount of enemies I see shooting gold from this tank is immense but then that is every tank at tier 10 now.
@@aking4459 It doesn't bother me at all, but exactly like you said, he shot heat at the bc. He is really only concerned about positioning. If the players he was fighting were smart they could have easily pushed him out and with a little knowledge on how heat works, they could have out played him. Again I don't lose sleep over people firing gold. I get the mentality of doing every thing right only to have RNG drop your pen roll to the point where you bounce. I understand why people shoot gold, it's just that it is really unnecessary and for me at least, it feels good that I do well without needing ammo that makes people's armor totally dogshit. How often do you just shit on an E-100 because you loaded gold and buttered their turret to the point where they're wondering why they are even playing the tank in the first place? Also for me, the bad shell velocity of heat makes it pretty hard to hit targets on the move with distance. Mainly because I'm shit at leading, some tanks with premium apcr I'll shoot a bit when firing at distance so I don't have to lead as much, but not as often as people do like in this replay.
Comply to WG, not players. WG made it that way and forced players to use gold. If someone can afford to play full gold, whats the problem? You blame Ferrari owners for having them?
“Father, why is our country’s economy so awful? Why are we in such large debt?”
“We spammed too much heat, my child.”
>_> that country wouldn't be in debt because they would rule the world after causing that much damage, or dead because the rest of the world wanted revenge for all that damage. either way maybe the world is a better place because that country used too much heat.
You just jealous cuz you dont have enough credits to spam premium rounds
Poor idiot
@@freePeca lol ok buddy.
@@freePeca oh poor thing, i can't imagine to be that delusional and dumb.
the round was so good he had to dip into his normal rounds :O
nice one xD
I coughed laughing so hard when I saw this!!
The best comment you made was about view range saturation. THAT is one of the biggest problems at Tier 8+. The maps are not big enough for everyone having maxed out view range. No real advantage for lights/TDs.
I agree. As you go up the teirs veiw range increases, camo decreases and maps stay the same size. Active scouting is not a good idea at high teirs.
The other thing is that camo trumps view range. Most TDs kemping bush are going to stay invisible until a flank collapses and they aren't concealed from the side. Even beyond max view range, you have to get extremely close to see them, and thanks to view range saturation, they've probably already seen you.
Not really. It's pretty easy to hit 30%+ camo with a good crew. The real problem is that almost all the fighting is in corridors at point blank range where there is nowhere to hide.
@@StarkRaven59 yes this is agree with 100%. I'm going to see you first in my strv 103b and probably get off 2 shots before I'm detected. On the other side of that thier is a bunch of lane based maps where spotting and camo make no difference.
Well corridors aren't a problem.... as long as they're not narrow :-X I liked the frontlines for that as example... they were corridors but not so narrow that you couldn't sneak around in an Lt.
Ah the golden triumvirate of balanced tank, solid map design and premium rounds. Heartwarming.
*Heatwarming ;)
Pretty smart! :D
Not sure about the map in this case (whattf were all those pinatas doing in that position), but pricks and tanks like this made me completely abandon my heavies.
I can tell you what they were doing.. Lemmings that goes to that spot in every single game on this map. Their brains are hardwired to do this and they are unable to compute that they are getting owned.
This game is a joke
QB posts 'why is wot dying vid'
QB posts this a day later
trolling isn't even remotely clever anymore it's just a bunch of pussies bitching about everything.
*dump bunch of HEAT rounds*
The 2 key is strong with this one.
yeah... get your wz, load it with full go .. and do 10k damage. eazy ...no?
Thats whats wrong with T10....If i am on my T8 i have T10's firing premium 10/12 shots...and its generally "good" people by stats. Just causes people to say why play this tier if all it requires is a premium account and premium ammo.
do it after him with the 2 key
What I do to work around prem rounds, is Just play tanks that will get penned with normal ammo as well gold rounds, then it doesn’t matter.
Yeah, he should move his prem to the 1 key like i do in my t-54 :)
(also it would be nice if I didn't have to shoot them all the time . . .)
Damn those gold rounds.
5% Right?
5% of all gold shells. Lower tiers fire more shells but fire less gold. The % on high tiers is higher but they fire less shells overall.
@@NotADuncon Which is why the whole 5% shitcake wg is talking about flat out stupid
Why is everyone bragging about gold shells, like cmon, you ain't gonna play the game with bouncing on everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It does proof on the other hand that gold shells are a bit too successful. . .
yeah because for each prem shot a WZ-111-4 fires a Pz 1C somewhere fires 20 salvos of AP from his autocannon.
Game is pretty much ruined for tanks which are relying for armour. And it's not like people are using gold to penetrate something that has lot's of armour. They just spam it to whatever they are facing. Playing type 61 and laughing my ass of when unicums come and shoot's nothing but gold. Well done bob, well done
Oh boy he has more premium rounds than AP rounds
Better get the Hazard suit out for this comment section
I mean, most of them were just wasted without a proper reason, to be honest.
kind of to be expected as it is highest dmg qb have seen
No worries. Most comments are from those who think they were first...
Knight Lulu Kun so what...his credits to spend. Jealous people always find something to complaian about...prem rounds can help but not always. Positioning...reading map...supporting team and repositioning are what wins games. People who act like using prem wins games are completely divorced from the reality of this game. There are a lot of tomatoes who use premium rounds only.
Rob O Carrying a few, that’s fine, spamming is ruining the game, people who can’t be arsed to aim for weak points, and expect to just fire and damage.
@8:30 "He made it look easy" the dude literally sat there and spammed gold and farmed damage lol
you couldnt even do the sitting part
so stfu bot
Ronnie, show your replays with best results.
@@KSA-iwnl- but you could? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
But at least he knows to go to that position early game, bet you dont:)
@@KSA-iwnl- Bellend
That 5% gold right wg?
yep overall, low tier tanks fire ore rounds but less gold and at the high tier it is the opposite. the precentage for high tier is of course far more than 5%, but i dont know how much that is.
@@davidsnoek8686 i know, but they knew exactly what they were doing when they said 5%, trying to trick us.
@@LeMrAlpaca thats true. And sad aswell
Yep they think low tier auto cannons spamming regular ammo balances out tier x gold spam. Hmmmm
I have tried that position in the past, but the enemies usually get you from the side where the obj 430 was.
yeah he was lucky with a lot of absence on the hill
Yeah, hill billies would screw you in that position 🗻
I wonder how much it would change if War Gaming dropped the alpha damage of premium rounds compared to the regular rounds.
animal16365 would make the game 100% better. We’ve been asking for this for years
Yeah. I play the blitz version and they did that there. You still get the penitration but you lose 20-30% alpha damage
This is what they announced this week, coming next year, base dmg of prem rounds reduced by 25-30%
@@moneymike3062 I played the game from before release. All the arty whine was quite amusing, but when they added premium ammo for credits and autoloaders (feel free to look up the initial stats of the French) everything fell apart. The Maus was my first t10. Will never forget a 50b parking right in front of me and penning my angled turret line this: shot 1 ammo rack damaged. I repair. Shot 2 same thing, except my repair kit was gone since it could only be used once. Shot 3 detonation. And yes I did wiggle my turret. This alone is what plagued the game.
@@Crowbayt when is it gonna happen dude?
Best and fairest award goes to the 2 key
Yay I did 11.7k damage in the same tank on the same map... well this guy played better... but mine only got featured by small channels, I’m happy
Sir_Flankalot i hope you didnt waste that Manu gold rounds....that loadout. Wargaming have to maximise 1/3 premium rounds max
Did you do that much damage by flanking a lot?
Peter Zwam well sorry to say but I did... the WZ is a tank I play in CW so I had y CW ammo load out, but my team still lost the battle, and I failed in the end, I would had went on to do similar damage to this guy, if only my brain didn’t suddenly have a brain fart
Sparrow nah, I farmed a lot, on 2 E 100s, a Super Conq and.. many other interesting free damage giving fellows
@@peterzwam8227 Thats stupid solution, thats like telling alcoholic to just drink 2 drinks a day max, it kinda works but it really doesnt, what they should do is re balance gold ammo and than all tanks
Nowhere near as impressive as that 5A video you have of the guy on El Halluff who had the same amount of damage, but actually had to make plays and play smart. Yeah this guy had an amazing statline but at the end of the day all he did was sit in one strong position while he got incredibly lucky with distracted enemies and passive teammates. Nothing special except the damage numbers
And not just distracted enemies, but enemies who chose to not drive the 30m to be able to shoot him easily. Only one tank had to do it and it should have been that is4.
FINALLY someone who is actually focusing on the fact that the enemy team was a bunch of retards and not saying *but he is shooting goldd, buuuu*
That was SirFoch. Check his channel out (on TH-cam and twitch), he's an awesome dude.
exactly. this battle showed no skill yet the dude somehow got 14k damage. Just goes to show stats mean nothing in this game.
ShadowAssasinMitchell 12 ishjsjwkejieiie olllkziuydywus
"in my t8 i have to play against t10s its not the end of the world if it happens 1 in 3 games" :) but it happens much more often, than 1 in 3 games... this weekend i played 25 games in my T34... 18 of them vs. T10, 6 vs. T9 and 1 vs. T8...
Dam son, you got lucky there, getting a tier 8 game.
Yea i had the same thing with my t34 but when i played my is3 tier 6 and 7 only maybe t34 matchmaking fucked¿
Tier 9 is the best tier to play in
@@quantum2364 im not sure, but playing T34 is butthurt, when you are in T10 battle on a map where you cant use your turret...
@ but even if you can your turret all those gold shells go right true ur turret
I tried this spot numerous times, but all i achieved is getting shrekt by enemy mediums from east hill, because there is nobody to fight them
Cause its a shit part of the map
It only works if you have turret +sidescrape and low profile else youre dead. tomorrow bunch of idiots will try it and fail.
can confirm if your team doesnt cover the east you get wreked from the hill by TDs and mediums
Yeah, but as he said "all things gone right" and lets face it, games like these happens only under the right circumstances.
My take on this game. You have a large number of heavies on each team. The enemy had only two mediums and the rest was TDs and Arty. the map is Erlenburg which is a campy map with a heavy battleground in the middle (town).
Basically almost all the players in this game followed the meta. If you're a heavy you go into the town on your side of the river and fling shells at the enemy. If you're a TD you camp in the bushes and hope for the best as there's no lights to scout for you. If you're a medium you flank but there's not much to shoot at as all the heavies are in the town and there's only two per team anyway.
The 5a saw all this at the beginning of the game and took advantage of the meta to put himself in a position to farm the enemy heavies. They were the only one to think outside the box and reaped the rewards.
"vieuwrange" ehm. well, that might be because wargaming decided that maps that are as small as ensk and mines.. for tier 6 and up.
those maps are fine for tier 6 and below.. but really.. tier 8? 9 ? 10?????
the moment you spawn and move 5 meters you get shot at.
What makes this replay amazing is the 30k profit, not the high damage numbers
Daniel Vestøl true
"That's a lot of damage"
The enemy should try to use some flextape :)
Jack R how about little more?
Gold sure is a dominating player.....
Another replay showcasing gold spamming at its finest.
They finished with 1 non-HE round left. Is it still gold spam if it would’ve been fired anyways?
@@mrb692 They started the battle with more premium ammunition then regular, and before they specifically loaded gold rounds to shoot before switching to regular rounds. That's why it was gold spamming. If the player had used their regular ammunition first, then switched to premium when they needed to, or ran out of regular ap, it would have been different.
@@jackflanagan903 complaining about gold ammo just shows how yourr a garbage player. Any top player or anyone with a brain doesnt complain about gold ammo its honestly fucking hilarious when pubbies like you complai about how easy it is to do 10k dmg with gold meanwhile you can barely do 2k damage consistently in tier 10s
@@reformed_xd3653 I don't actually play World of Tanks anymore because of other reasons. However, I have continued watching other community contributors play, and it seems like more and more replays feature a player who plays well, but is only able to do large amounts of damage because they aren't afraid to spam gold ammunition at the enemy team. In my opinion, these replays only encourage other players to increase their own use of gold ammo. This snowball effect has completely dumbed down the game play. I hope that didn't seem to much like a puppy to you :)
@@reformed_xd3653 Aww. They never replied. I guess that's just one less poisonous commenter we all have to deal with...
Sat in the same place most of the game poking around a corner derping gold rounds into enemies who were, for the most part, not paying any attention. What a display of skill!
The problem is that free2play players are in a huge disavantage in relation to pay2win players in terms of equipment, consumables, ammunition etc
do you know what pay to win means ?
free2pay? lel
@@vince.508 Excuse me if i missed 1 letters, don´t get so triggered
Leandro, the game is released long enough that you should understand what the heck PREMIUM term means. I know, that in your opinion, the non-paying players should have the same as the paying ones. But then, what is the reason to pay it at all if it does not make any difference? Non paying players are not supporting the game development, so all the content you can enjoy on you FREE account is because someone paid for it to be done. Do you think it would be fair to provide the same features to paying and non paying players? Would you like to pay for some service when someone else can get ot for free?
@@BLACK3737 premium players earn more silver, more xp, leading to shorter grinds, premium tanks, special cammos, etc.... getting to higher tiers faster. that´s already a huge advantage
This is pure pay 2 win. 20 HEAT rounds spammed asap. That's like 100K credits, someone without premium account and t8 premium ($) tanks to farm credits cannot do that, period. This represents almost everything wrong with the game. Broken p2w gold rounds, bad map design and poor tank balance.
Boo Hoo.
not to mention a broken CHINESE tank hahaha
They should get rid of gold rounds and watch the pretenders fall.
@@918Mitchell He loaded out his tank to win. Next time you need to kill Maus, or Type 5 or Obj 264 you should too. He also only used prem rounds at the end after using all his standard ammo. He didn't get those 3 MOE on his barrel for sucking. And YES it is harder to get 3 MOE on good tanks than bad.
john Tuttle you sure we watched the same replay? He was spamming gold at the start.
I don't think I've ever seen someone play this tank and actually fire standard rounds. No surprise that this guy carries more premium rounds than standard rounds.
Sometimes playing against tier 10 in tier 8? That is a joke, unlocked the centuriun yesterday played around 12 matches with it yesterday and 8 of those i was against tier 10 tanks in a stock tier 8 medium tank, yeah fun game...
Oh damn, that was a pain. Were there Japanese monsters or even Maus?
@@SneakyWooddha yeah... a lot of those.
I've been doing that with a mostly stock panther 2 -_-
@@baklau22 tier 8 is honestly the worst tier right now, its totally broken, i guess WG wants to please the tier 10 players because they are the players who really spent money in th game.
Try playing a stock leopard pta or a tvp the tier 8 czeck one them 2 I spent real money on I don't mind though cos I'm rich
20 HEAT and 17 AP. That's the reason I quit WoT, pay to win
@123mxd123 But it gives you definitely a hand over the no Prem ammo users. So more you have, the more chance you have to win.
If someone has credits to shoot gold why do u cry about that ? Pussy.
It helps though, as you can see here. A lot of those shots could not have pierced if they were non-gold ammo. You would tell me "it's in the game", and that's true. But the replay would have been much more amazing without those.
Yes, "gold" makes you OP player...lmao
Go and try to play with the same amount of HEAT as him, I bet you won't do even 3k dmg
@@Miha23_ They don't though. Yes he made credits, but if he didn't have a premium account, he would've lost 32k. That is unsustainable. In order to have the credits necessary to spam premium ammo like this and pen tanks like the Type5, you need to spend real money. On premium tanks, premium account or on gold. If you show me a single person who shoots this ratio of premium-non premium ammo that has not spent any money on the game I'll give it to you that you are right and I am wrong. I'm not expecting a real answer, don't worry, it's obvious you don't have one.
Look at all those muppets ignore a solo heavy exposed on their flank. They deserve what they got.
So true. This replay was simple natural selection doing its job.
Can you do video about 1.3?
EDIT: I'm blind, he did it already...
He already did one a few weeks ago showcasing the update. There may be some low number changes, but the big stuff is all covered in there.
The maps are too small.
True dat.
With some tanks, Like LTs, They can spot the entire map. A t10 LT with maxed view range covering an entire map isnt fair.
You still didnt played World of Tanks Blitz....maps are not small....but microscopic!😑
Cries in maus
and the render distance is too small either
Ah the new clickers of the game, first it was SPGs, then the op Russian mediums, now it's just anyone who can afford to spam gold all game. @QB I watched your video about is WOT dying, and its a YES from me for this exact reason. GOLD is NOT skill... push the 2 button, hover your mouse somewhere near the enemy and click. I completely get it's a P2W game but what happens when average Joe public (me) decides enough is enough, who are the clickers going to play then, BOTS?
Lee Molloy - He was alone against a lot of Tier X Heavy Tank armor when he made that play. He had to make sure his tank was angled up and take-down/weaken as much as the enemy he can before he gets bumrushed. Considering their distance and city-cover as well as his gun having mediocre accuracy, I don't fault him for using HEAT for the first part of that fight. He barely made it at around 250 HP.
Davtwan thank you for your reply, but it kinda shows your lack of game play and team knowledge. He was certainly not alone as he was in a platoon (giggles to himself). The new mini map feature (sarcasm) a lot of players don't use shows several of his team covering with cross fire. This is a once in a thousand game play and showing this replay by @QB kinda makes me think it's an influencer helping the developers stop the game from dying. It's sad as this has been a game I've been playing for over 5yrs now.
Not like those clickers can differentiate bots from f2p players anyway lmao, they'll still shoot skills ammo
@@leemolloy2438 thanks for your comment, but it kinda shows your lack of gameplay and knowledge. Try going through the front of an is7 whos angling well, or the upper plate of a well angled jageroo with your strategy of randomly aiming and firing. Gold ammo has its situations, i agree he spammed the shit out of it unneccesarily, but you still dont really know what youre talking about. Ive been playing world of tanks for 7 years. By your logic, i win.
Nearly 10K damage before his first kill. Crazy. Also, if I pushed that location over the river I would get sent to the garage immediately from fire from the hill.
Gold proponents forget that:
If their fathers had used premium condoms, many imbeciles could have been prevented
so wot could be far better!
Every time I've tried to make it to that position I get murdered by either guys on the hill - where they get a nice open shot at you - or get pounded by arty. He got lucky because 9 times out of 10 you get slaughtered there.
I tried this position today in 277. Did not go well. Apparently I am an arty magnet and noone protected the hill.
its generally not a good spot. ive never seen that many tanks cluster up on that side of the river. heavies typically go on the left side not the right. He got an extremely rare game
Yeah, every time I've gotten into this position I got shot to pieces by mediums on the hill and arty.
What would have been worse than doing 14k damage and getting pushed around a corner to death by your teammates? Doing 14k damage, running out of ammo, and watching your team loose while you continue to try and ram people. Now _that_ would be an ultimate rage quit moment.
Less people want to play anything below tier 9 and 10 because you can never be bottom tier/not have to spam gold. Low tier matchmaking is complete garbage.
WZ5A is a beast of a tank. But he indeed got lucky with the enemy team. No body came at him trying to stop his farming. Nice game.
Massive 14k+ damage game and cleared 30k credits....there's what's wrong with WoT in a nutshell. In the early days you could kill 2 tanks in a Type 59 and come out with 100k profit. Let players earn respectable amounts of silver again and you'll see the player base bloom. The xp grind is bad enough, when they messed with the profits per battle it became asinine.
He spammed like 20 prem rounds that took out a lot of the total credits he would have made
@@Wolfbroa I realize that. The fact is you used to break almost even if you fired a premium round and it did average damage to the target. They've cut earnings back to force players to have to purchase funds and run premium to keep from losing money every time they take a tier 9 or 10 out and have anything less than a stellar game. You used to be able to grind the funds for a new tank purchase running t6-t8's, now you run those just to be able to play t9's and 10's.
they fixed that in WoW and you can get over 700k credits in a good game in some of the higher tiers... but WoT.... rip WoT
Wow, what a great position he gothimself in. But honestly, I've never seen the whole team go in that one spot in the middle and just let a tank shoot at you.
first things i will do when update 1.3 is here:
- Put a dice decal on my fv4005 stage 2
- play my is-3a
agree with IS-3A, i played it again in the last couple days after it became rusty in my garage and got an ace and the first MoE.
when it was first released i played around 120 battles but i was not very good at the time :D
You are wrong, this is incredibly interesting to watch. Massive damage games are by far my favorite kind to watch. It is right on par with the super clutch 1 V 5 or more kind of games.
@MRGamers CJX Ya, I am such a noob player. You know nothing about me and jump to a poor conclusion, sounds like a noob comment...
I wish i had enemys that completely ignore me
2018 5% gold loadout
There no fun in here, only slapping people with gold
he got the holy trinity of wot
broken tank , hold rounds , a cheeky spot
9k dmg with prem. No respect at all... this is what the game is turned to. Even in low tiers, and all stats padders are only using gold.
No respect? Most players cant do half of this kind of damage with premium rounds. Only a few of those shots the player fired would not have penned with prem rounds i.e. the 60tp turret. Dont make it sound like the game had turned into "press 2 and win", cuz it hasn't. I know players who gold spam and cant do the same amount of damage i can do without using prem rounds. Its about player skill and how they use it.
@@edoc321 you're wrong. Loading heat from the game starts, and until you run out of premium ammo, has absolutely nothing to do with skill, it's a choice made by the individual players. Beside the WN8 rating, there should be a number, showing how big a percentage of the players penetrating shots, was premium ammo.
@@StupendousMand Of course itis the individual's choice lol, i wasnt saying otherwise. Also another stat showing the prem round use would only make the game more toxic than it already is, fueling the rage against unicums and tomatoes from both sides.
this is entirely my own opnion, i dont respect the spam use of these prem shots.. i found the game very boring and doll. doing HT 15 and block max dmg, gl with that, players cant pen in 1-2 shots loads gold instant. this is the game meta, a player had the edge before by knowing weakspots and outplay others, also those players would farm up dmg because others could not pen the enemy. so yes, no respect for the use of this gameplay.. when you start a game with more prem shots then normal, yeah right.. the Meta/game has turned into this all the time. and its sad tbh...
Yeah you should go and do 9k dmg with prem if its that easy. I guarantee that youre garbage player.
Remember historical battles back in the day????
*hits an penetrates every shot*
*hits light tank and gets a critical hit*
Map knowledge is everything.
What kills WOT is that Tier 8 matchmaking kills player enthusiasm. T8 is over 90% bottom tier games. Means that playing T8 is slog that makes many player get discouraged and quit.
Come to Asia server. WG has been testing out +1 matchmaking here. And it is really comfortable to play in
@@Anderson_Hwang Well the MM prioritizes on the +1/-1 MM, but it will still do +2/-2, albeit rarely. I must say, this is a REALLY WELCOMING change for the matchmaker
@@hunterkillerii1483 yes, rarely. I've played 118 games in comet in the past week, and never got into a tier 9 game. I've also played 70 games in Su-130pm, and only got into less than 5 tier 10 games
Now why is it I can never hit a fully aimed shot in my Tiger but this dude can pull off all of those ridiculous shots?
And this is how you know most players are bots.
Can you do a review on the tree from tier 5 to 10 of the deep British td? I'm really I interested in it
When he crossed the river and came up to the rubble pile, if one of those guys in the heavy tanks did decided to move up and engaging one on one I think that results Of Battle ended up completely different he would been able to make Side shot into tank, would have had to deal with the one tank in the lead, but nobody wanted to be that individual so they all died because of it. Enemy team lacked teamwork and that was their downfall. Kingfatboy NA
Very risky play
I almost always cross to that position even before I saw this game, it’s like 6k dmg every time, but I’ve never seen anyone else use that spot until now
I agree with the 5A being the best tier X heavy.
its not
Wow this is bizarre.. In before WG makes a mission that requires you to deal 14k damage in 1 game - for 5 large repair kits.
So much “skill” shown in this game...
This was an amazing replay. He went to really good position and dominated that flank.
Why would anyone want to play tier 8 or 9 when you end up in a tier 10 game more often than not....
Absolutely not true. Tier 9 is the king of WOT. If you see 10s its 5 per team and most tier 9 tanks are 90% of what the tier 10s in the same tree are and tier 9s see a ton of top tier. You will also almost never see a tier 9 only game. 8s, yeah, 8s see a tons of 10s nowadays.
Thanks QB for another thought provoking VOD.
Nice heat spam
I think it's Marco No RTFly (Marc Not Ready To Fly) - when using remote controlled Helis you can purchase RTF versions (Ready To Fly) or some assembly required models.
Yup another pay to win heat spam game.
@@2Razzv "the only reason I'm not purple is because I dont shoot the gold"
2Razzv and can you sustain it by using it like this dude in the video did? Even after this epic round he would have lost a LOT without a prem account.
@@2Razzv Really ? YOu think you can spam that manyu Premium rounds without paying any form of real money ? 1. Premium accounts are with gold (purchased with real money) or with real money. 2. Premium vehicles are once again purchased with gold (purchased with real money) or with real money. 3. Gold which again is purchased with real money. If you can play 50 games at Tier 9-10 and make enough credits every round to allow you to spam premium ammo, then please provide a link to a live stream proving it. It cannot be done. Simple.
@@2Razzv so the most i get out of a GREAT game in tier 10 without shooting gold and without having premium account is about 3k
@@MrDuncanDonut what's wrong in buying premium account? Its like blaming someone he went to cinema to see a movie, which you are not willing to pay for. Cmon, be a grown man. If the game provides entertainment, why you consider paying for it as something wrong? Don't you pay for your entertainment? I will never understand this constant baby whining about results made on gold, with premium accounts or even pc monitors. Why does the ones, who are not willing to pay for the premium account or premium ammo always drag everyone around to their level denying everything they have done, just because premium features were used? It's childish man.
Also big respect u give him credit for this route thats really a clever 1
well i used this route even before the map was changed and now its even easier
@@nickkill3r454 its ure replay ?
@juist weet het beter no but i already knew the route years ago
how much did he pay WG for that Godlike RNG :D
Now that's a lot of damage!
For everyone crying about heats - choose any tank u want with full premium ammo and Im looking forwards to seeing u dealing 14k dmg
Saying that wallet warriors don't break the game is stupid. I mean the guy is a very good player, but using HEAT to shoot until he runs out, no matter the situation, gives him less credit than if he had an accurate round management.
Who gives a fuck about damage, he didn't need HEAT for majority of the shots he took. All he did was sit in a position farming damage, which literally anybody can do. This game is PTW.
@@lumbagel2102 So if he didnt need heat in this game (i agree with that), whats the problem? I mean he was sabotaging his own credit making potential, but, judging by the 3 marks he knows what he is doing
He's spamming HEAT for absolutely no reason, and if you're the one receiving the spam, then the game doesn't seem much fun. He probably got 3 marks just by using HEAT anyways. There was nothing interesting in this replay, it's just the fact that he got high amount of damage with a high amount of idiots on the other team that got QB to make a video about this. I see no point in playing this game if everybody is allowed to continue to do this, and like QB said, people are going to see this video and use the same position he was in with the same tank. It doesn't matter if he made credits in this game anyways because he could just use a premium tank to get all of it back. This game is a complete joke.
@@lumbagel2102 Thats right, everyone is allowed to do that - it means the same conditions for everyone as well. And talking about wot being PTW is bullshit anyway, WG gave you 3 opportunities to get urself 3 premium tanks this year for free (doesnt mean WG has all my love and support - thats not really happening). I dont like this replay either but not because of using heats. And if u think that using premium shells gives you 3 MoE automatically, u have no idea my friend
Man premium rounds make heavy tanks useless. It's like having a light tank that can't spot
D A M A G E just use flex tape
What about the WT Auf E 100 15k from back in the day? It's on your channel somewhere.
I actually saw this replay a few weeks ago on WOT Replays channel, but it's so much better with your comments and observations QB!
Am i the only one noticing his rounds go exactly where his crossair dot is....every....time.....never deviates. Seems fishy
I love your videos, QuickyBaby! Please keep producing these awesome videos!
Best T10 heavy spamming HEAT. Wow. Well played......wtf ever.
hueydevoted that’s not the point of this video -.-
@@ant-nihilator9918 Show me a game like this in an E100. THEN I will say wow.....that's amazing. Because we all know.....compared with any other T10.....its garbage. Show me THAT
Enemy was certainly willing to stay infront of his gun barrel.
As this tank came in the "type heavy" era, in my book its part of the more gold, more armor race.
Yes you can say "it has bad AP, so lets take more gold", or "gold is part of the game deal with it".
At he end, maybe only these players and a bunch of bots will be part of the WOT player base....
Hmmm, I wonder if the bots will spam HEAT ...
QB, any news on how those bots AI is programmed?
Its a bit of a cop-out, but I think the best tank for just racking up damage changes from player to player based on style and preference. Although its likely a Russian tank or Russian clone.
We need to create a drinking game, the rules would be simple; every time quicky says "meta" you take a drink. Most people would be drunk in the first half of one video lmao
Think of a kranvagn in that position
The 430U would have recked it after he emptied his first clip.
@@adrickherregodts4194 you could pull back into The water
that guy is lucky that type 5 and death star didnt take fat dump inside his turret
@2:05 "Tier ten medium tanks are packing like 3000 dpm"
E50 m 2437 yeah 3000 😃
It's a "very" balanced game
E 50M is weak mate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@@marekotec2540 yep 😂
I got 3.2k on my E50M
3.6k on Cent AX
3.2k on Leopard 1
3.7k on OBJ 430U
3.2k on T62A
If you got skilled crews with good setups, you can get there dude
Your comments were totally right, its the combination of bad positioning or bad play of the enemy team plus he had the best heavy tank in the game. interestingly most of the times I get to the exact same position and there is always 10 time more pressure on me compare to this replay.
Probably because castle was taken by enemy, and mid town didn't had that much opposition from your team
@@fastcxanyways in this replay all those heavies could easily push our hero but yet they decided to sit in open in front of a hull down WZ and pay almost zero attention to the main threat...i mean thats just very bad play by enemy. Honestly I have never seen such a bad play in t10 battle.
@@mahmoud7188 well, mid town had his teammates there to make enemy rethink. They could fall to next line (the place e5 went) to push again but they didn't, probably afraid those from mid town will push in if they fall back
shots always dead center... and no problem to pen anywehre. Congrats for tanks like this..
He seems to have forgotten the Wtf E 100 15000 damage game he posted when it got removed
My win avg has dropped significantly in my tier 10 since the matchmaker update. Anyone finding the same thing?
Cuz I just got my t 10 :D.
39 bonds in a single game :O
Now try the same without gold ammo, ok?
My favorite T10 heavy is the Obj 705A. I LOVE it.
14k dmg and only 3 kills...…….it feels like he was robbed!
That sick position he picked will become the next dive spot.
Fabulous? Yes. Skilled? Certainly not, not by a large margin, the guy is more lucky than skilled. That position is a literal arty magnet and few if any players would go down that line from the other side. Of course there is all that gold flying down range.
Eng Hwaixi I'd say this round didn't involve much skill, but to say he's not skilled is false. It takes a lot of skill and effort to three mark tier X tanks, especially those that are favorites of experienced players. I'm not sure this is what you're saying, but don't criticize because he had a lucky match
Yeah, I certainly agree with you. I believe that you can kill the entire enemy team on your own with your keyboard.
He is lucky in the sense that there’s no arty to prevent him from camping. But why he was able to farm so much was because of his skill. Good players are defined by the positions that they are in and this guy was good enough to put himself in a very strong hull down position very early on in the game that allowed him to farm all the enemies
@@TheGreatBandoodler I will not comment on any other games the guy had since we have no videos on it. But I am going to point out the obvious problems of calling this match "skilled".
@@blau1296 In this game he has more luck than skill because
1) Arty is blind enough to miss a juicy target like him
2) No enemy tanks when to the hill on the other side, even one MT firing down on him from there will be enough to ruin his day.
On personal experiance, I too once had a monster game in my T-54 on Mines. Got to the hill without any scratch and start raining fire down on the enemy team. Got 10k damage in the end, but I know full well that it was only possible because there was no arty in game and none of the enemy team contested me on that ground.
I will call it fun, but skilled ? Nah, any one with half a brain could have figured out the value of that place. And all the accompanying dangers with it.
Well, when the planets line up and things truely go your way in WOT it can be extremely satisfying.
Why is almost everyone complaining about his gold usage? The ammo is there for you to use, why not use it? You do whatever you can to win. People gotta chill out lmao
Give me money so i can shoot all day long premium ammo !
stupid idiot
@@rotundubeniamin4 you don't need money to shot premium ammo. It cost like 4000 credits. :-)
Tomáš Široký and how do you earn credits? Farming at tier 5? Or buy a premium account, a premium tank?!!
@@rotundubeniamin4 that is up to you. Yes you can play 5 or 6 tier to earn credits but it takes long time or you can buy premium staff to earn credits faster. But premium account does not give you advantage in one battle :-) But I understand what you mean. Who wants to play 10 battles on 6 tier to earn credits for one battle on 10 tier :-/
I think a Type 5 would make better use of the position as there was a gap in the wall that was too high for the Chinese tank to shoot through.
That flat turret won't work
Before anyone gets pissed about him "gold spamming", look at his ammo at the end of the battle... He finished with 1 AP round and no HEAT... He wouldve had 1 HEAT shell left if he started with AP at the start, so it makes no difference... Either way, hes firing HEAT.
Thats a horrible argument.... he started the game with a loadout of 20 HEAT shells and 17 AP shells. He is a gold spammer because he cleary uses premium rounds as the first option. It would be completely different if he started with 30 AP shells and 7 HEAT shells.
@@yaukalam1852 You're telling me you would only carry 7 HEAT rounds in this tank?
i have pushed that spot before the out come is usually getting wreked from hill by TDs
Every player that I See play a WZ 5a (or any in general) always use gold eventhough it's completely unnecessary. Total Gold noobs lol. (Is that why this game is dying? 🤔 If anyone can dab 2 key, theres no point in being the most heavy armored. (Kind of...))
I've 3 marked every tier 10 in my garage without any gold rounds fired except the E100 when it had the shitty pen, it's totally unnecessary. I have 12 tier 10s. The sad thing is most of these players have convinced themselves that they need gold to be competitive.
@@moose8337 yeah sadly, with the E 100 I fully understand but with vehicles with 250+ pen like come on right? But then again thats what the player base has evovled to.
I play that tank got my 52% win rate not through loading up the gold but through loading just normal AP and letting my 50% average Win rate do the rest.
Though I admit the amount of enemies I see shooting gold from this tank is immense but then that is every tank at tier 10 now.
@@aking4459 It doesn't bother me at all, but exactly like you said, he shot heat at the bc. He is really only concerned about positioning. If the players he was fighting were smart they could have easily pushed him out and with a little knowledge on how heat works, they could have out played him. Again I don't lose sleep over people firing gold. I get the mentality of doing every thing right only to have RNG drop your pen roll to the point where you bounce. I understand why people shoot gold, it's just that it is really unnecessary and for me at least, it feels good that I do well without needing ammo that makes people's armor totally dogshit.
How often do you just shit on an E-100 because you loaded gold and buttered their turret to the point where they're wondering why they are even playing the tank in the first place? Also for me, the bad shell velocity of heat makes it pretty hard to hit targets on the move with distance. Mainly because I'm shit at leading, some tanks with premium apcr I'll shoot a bit when firing at distance so I don't have to lead as much, but not as often as people do like in this replay.
Comply to WG, not players. WG made it that way and forced players to use gold. If someone can afford to play full gold, whats the problem? You blame Ferrari owners for having them?
Hype 600k congrats