Also can we talk about how bad Blizz is at marketing their stuff? The trailer for this had no explanation on how it plays, no UI, no clarification on it being separate, etc. They let too much room for people to fill with their own negativity.
Yeah I'm feeling pretty disappointed now to find out it's something separate from the live game. I know they weren't intentionally trying to deceive in that way but the way it was presented in the roadmap, with no clarification, it was reasonable to expect that it would be part of the live game.
@@funkysouth801but they also said this could be something that would appeal to those playing Season of Discovery or Classic - which means they have to be able to jump right in. Having it on its own client means they can play more with mechanics to experiment and see what players like.
@@robmartin4775 Ok but when did they say that? I missed it where ever it was. It was on the live roadmap and checking now I see it's not on the classic roadmap. Without more clarification before hand that all suggests new content in the live game. Just feel I was kinda misled now in my expectations, even if unintentionally.
There's a reason they kept it a secret. If they had announced it, the backlash would have been worse pre-launch than if they decided to announce bobby coming back
I would rather they did NOTHING AT ALL so that we could at least be under the illusion that they were working on worthwhile projects vs. them confirming without a shadow of a doubt that they are wasting our money on stuff nobody asked for
@@audiolols i would prefer people like you leave the game permanently and never come back like you threaten to do every month but alas we cant have what we want always
@audiolols people are always complaining that that they dont do enough new and interesting things for this game. it is, quit your bitching.
that'spretty much intended this way. i imagine this is their way of trying to fix pvp. as a classic pvp player this is very cool and i'm downloading retail again just for this.
I tried it, can't really do PvE when everyone keeps ganking you, so no this is not for PvE players, even if it looks like that on paper. I hate BR and PvP in general with a vengeance and therefore this is just not for me, even if it has PvE elements on paper, but from few matches i tried i quickly realized it is a PvP gankfest. Maybe i was just unlucky, but it was enough for me to stop playing's why I just don't even bother with pvp realms (or whatever the equivalent of that is nowadays). This just sounds like pvp realms but worse.
Yeah just hoped in as a little gnome flew all the way to one side of the map , killed some rares and looted and then found a chest opened it and suddenly attacked by someone else who looted it and killed me . I was like um what happened lol I'm not a pvp person either .
@@natecw4164could be money taken from medical costs, food costs, gas costs. Yes it’s “the problem you have fixes itself if you ignore it” But this comment doesn’t invalidate anything OP said.
@@Breensprout17 Sure but if you're in that tight of a spot (trust me, I've been there) everything is a luxury. Even a crummy hamburger. I don't think $14.99 is much to your average gamer these days, but everyone's situation is different. I darn near went through medical bankruptcy 8 years ago, so life became top ramen and f2p/private servers for quite some time. Even got to move in with a roommate at 32 years old... Hooray 🙄 Money ebbs and flows.
@@natecw4164 so you get it, awesome. The announcements were a bit misleading. It needed a lot of clarity. People got excited they might get free to play wow content, all for wow fortnite to get launched. And you definitely need a sub. Sucks.
Exactly....took me 30 seconds for my smile to turn into a frown....I was hyped for something new. Perhaps ANYTHING to do with the next xpac, what poor marketing. Normally this close to a new expansion you'd think they'd add content to get players hyped for the future not some random BS gameplay the game wasn't built for.... Fucking TERRIBLE MANAGEMENT at blizz
You thought... a pirate flag would have something to do with TWW? that's on you, my dude LMFAO "I wanted something different but instead we got something different waah waaaah"@@NAHuebsch82
Thats because no matter what new stuff in your life will appear, you will always feel like its ruining your comfort zone. Nothing to do with new mode in a game. A lot of people are having so much fun playing this new mode. Its you just chose to exclude yourself from the fun. ( Take this word from a player that hated Battle Royale mode in any form, and now enjoying it to the max)
Been playing it for a couple hours. love the notion of secret patches, figuring out the ins and outs with the community.. but its just pvp, and I can't get over how much I hate pvp =(
I'd definitely call this scope creep. Judging by how the like/dislike ratio is tilting ever so much closer to 50-50, I'm thinking they lose this bet. I appreciate that they're trying to put in the effort, but seriously; who wanted this? WoW needs to go back to what it did well and stop trying to be every other game on the market all at once. "Don't you guys have consoles?"
whenever someone tries to say a pvp thing is made for pvers in mind it means one thing to me, "we need you to be content for other people so we're gonna lie and say its also for you."
Yep. If this game had No renown bar, No Transmog reward for the main game, Im sure they'd get... maybe 1/10th the population playing it? Right now its all PVEers trying to add to their collections.
@@333kazy Want it to become worse? unlock the mythic appearance on the gear you already farmed for 69,99. Take a look at how much worse off the other blizzard games are.
@jrobertlysaght "our last stand" bruh please just look at the game around you. You can LITERALLY purchase power, officially. whatever last stand you think is there by paying blizzard $15/mo is solely in your mind. You have paid mounts, paid early access to content, paid transmog, paid pets, early access bundles to cosmetics, the classic WoW token, pre-order fomo bundles for classic, and now they're testing a fucking battle royale to sell skins in. Seriously, when will you people wake up and speak with your wallet?
80% of active wow subs are playing the game right now. Solo sucks but playing duos with a friend is fun. Its pretty much like a new battleground but with a lotnof differences
Yep Agreed. its not WoW, I mean, doesn't even actually feel Piraty other than the skin on it... What pirates in. any lore. just murder each other over loot no "Crew' no "Captain" This could have been a hearthstone style release. with no renown bar and I'm sure emotions would have been more positive.
What I loved about World of Warcraft is that you go on an adventure. I would’ve rather the blizzard create a new adventure for players to experience instead of a Free-For-All battle Royale. This is a disappointment and a waste of time in my opinion. The player base will be split so I’ll logon after the events is over.
Theres literally a "new adventure" every single expansion pack and most people want that shorten so they can get to the end game content aka "real content".
There is no "PvE Stuff" Its all PVP with some NPCs in there. You will HAVE to PvP and if you're not a PvPer you will be ganked. This is not at all ANYTHING OTHER THAN a PvP match and it bloody sucks.
This is just untrue. Yes there is pvp in it but you can just farm mobs for plunder and avoid players. I've been doing it. I rarely fight others and I get a lot of plunder
@@arboris The fact that a very small minority of players on the forums are in tears? Why would I care enough to try to change that? Not everything is for everybody, the people crying about this are too self centered and entitled to understand that.
1300 posts of nonsense opinions that are incapable of providing any form of meaningful feedback until they actually play the game. Blizz know this, the players grounded in reality know this. But keep on yappin
As a non-PVP, non-battle royale player, I'm averaging less than 100 plunder per round. It takes 2500 to gain a single renown. I'll never be able to get the rewards.
Hate PvP of all kinds, those rewards do not have enough FOMO for me to give two shits about playing this hot garbage to get them, so no FOMO here, wasted time and effort by Blizz on this crap.
I just absolutely do not care, and am actively disinterested in any Battle Royale. I feel like it is one of the worst things they could have announced. Experimenting with no add-ons is great, I hope they are improving game UI and readability. I am overall sorely disappointed by this announcement.
same. I was hoping for something large and fun for everyone. Regardless of what people claim, this is clearly a PVP centered event. I will be skipping this, and looking forward to the next content. I do wish those who enjoy it though, i wish them all the fun.
@@veppy4952 lol, no need to be a douche. That wasnt what i meant. I just dont like PVP and thought this was a waste of an event. If you like it, good for you
Nothing in this patch advances the game *_I_* want to play. It's really just that simple. Hope others enjoy it (not really, just being PC), but this isn't the direction I want to see Blizz focusing on for their flagship MMO. The chick aiming the rifle with her patched eye really sums this patch up for me. It completely "misses the mark". YMMV.
Be neat if they put something in it for pve players. Anxiety riddles me in pvp. I shake terribly. I hate it, i would much rather do island expeditions.
This is what is so disappointing about all the hype, and that they made a big deal about how this would be "playable by anyone classic or retail". Although they didn't explicitly say it, it's basically NOT playable by players who get anxiety from pvp.
90% of the gamemode is PvE the way you get plunder is by running around killing mobs/opening chests then usually someone will run up and kill you and you can immediately queue into a new match and do more PvE
@@degiguess getting roflstomped 30 seconds into the game isn't fun...and immediately re queueing to do it again isn't fun either...the pve "rewards" are not worth the aggravation...they are just bait so the hard-core pvp players have some low hanging fruit to gank
they don't split anything with this. they probably just got like a few hundred thousand players with an active wow subscription to download the retail client again. i'm glad they're doing anything new at all since i'm not going back to retail in it's current state.
@@zimek literally nobody who's currently playing sod would be playing retail if era and sod wouldn't exist. me included. this anecdotal evidence but nobody i've talked to enjoys retail since basically since around legion. in my case they killed off the story and big characters and now it's just not the same anymore
@@xMrMayhemxYou are correct about nobody playing sod would be playing retail but this "they killed the xyz" spiel ive been hearing since cata. Same old same old.
No addons = win. I won't lie. I wanna try this out. Can't wait for the day when the main game is a no addons environment and this is part of the base game with multiple seasonal rewards and themes (all playable whenever.. no fomo pls)
I'm actually relieved that it's this and I don't have to do it at all if I don't care to (which I don't). Like the digs, zero interest in that. Hope someone gets some fun out of it and also that Blizz sees that a good chunk of people are going to just ignore their new stuff.
I tried it, I died by another player, won't be back in there. I'm done with it. Maybe next time will be a PvE event. As you put it, I'm much older now and can't keep up with APM so I won't be back in Plunderstorm. It's not fun for me. Thank ye
Personally I'd rather get tokens so we could buy the stuff we prefer, rather than a 40lvl renown grind. All i want is tenders, mount and pet. Hate PvP so will try it out and see how much plunder i can get in a battle or two, but really disapointed that this was all we got.
who sat in a board room and said this was a good idea. like sat there played it and said yup this is great... combat is great well balanced, feels good, everyone has a chance...
Instead of concentrating their efforts on improving (fixing) what we already have in the game, they waste time with introducing this crapshow everyone will get tired of the very next week. Microsoft got the wrong people it seems.
i feel this mode is the start of blizzard becoming more creative , im happy to see them try stuff and not just the simple event grind farming simulator
@@TinySnowkitty At that point it's a you issue cause you're treating it like just another event, regardles of how fun it is it's clearly miles different to any event they've done before
@@Iqnacio.isn't it always a "you-issue" if you don't like something? Unless it's a bug obviously. But clearly I don't like FFA, which this is, so obviously it's a "me-issue", but I'm not the only one. If they hadn't put mounts in the rewards, I bet more than half the amount of people that're currently playing it, wouldn't be playing it. You go on telling me how I'm wrong for not liking FFA modes though, because YOU think it's "fun".
@@TinySnowkitty Except no one was talking about you, me or anyone "liking" the event or not, in fact I literally said "regardles(s) of how fun it is" (mb on the misspell). By all means, you can dislike it as much as you want, I have no issue nor care if you completely hated playing the event. But what @cotomyzer said (and what I echoed in my reply) was something in a completely different direction, the point was that this mini-patch/event is someting different to anything they have done before whenever they introduced new events during small patches, as it's not just the simple "event grind farming simulator" a la seasonal events (love is in the air, noblegarden and so on) nor is it something more simple like a new in-game community event (like the Azerothian Archives). This mini-patch/event is instead a completely different game mode in wow, to the point that it's basically just a new warcraft related mini-game that just happens to be launched within the wow client. We are not arguing that it's fun but that it shows that they are trying new things in wow.
@@TinySnowkittyApparently my reply got deleted but no idea why and I don't feel like writing it all again, the core was, no one is disagreeing nor has an issue with you (or anyone for that matters) not liking plunderstorm. What we are saying is that it's something different in wow, which shows that they are trying new things for the game in these small patches and that's good for the game.
Am I the only one who sees this as a way for them to test out a more simplified version of WoW that could work a lot better on consoles? I'm sure that's not the only reason for this but if this does well I could see them bringing back something like this as a standalone game that is on PC and Xbox. Would be a great way to have WoW begin dipping it's toes into the console market and getting console players used to it.
I think one reason FFXIV has been as successful as it has been has been the accessibility in the console market. You'd think an mmorpg with a controller isn't great, but the way XIV is designed absolutely feels very intuitive with a controller after an initial hurdle. I've raided endgame in ff14 on controller with no issues. (Only thing you'll still have difficulties with is typing, but on my ps4 I had a laptop keyboard + controller combo for an entire year before migrating to PC) WoW has had some success with more controller compatibility for accessibility, especially with addons like Consoleport, but there's still some jankiness inherently that make it less than desirable for real raiding or content.
Well, from a business point of view, if they were to simplify WoW, it would be to put it on Mobile, with all the micro transactions they have been unable to sell to the PC crowd.
I played WoW with a controller recently. I needed the Immersion and ConsolePort Mods to improve the user experience, and it took a lot of control tweaking to completely remove the need for a mouse, but I was able to play a Demon Hunter from start all the way to the end of 10.2 almost entirely with a controller. I don't think WoW actually needs to be simplified to this degree to work on consoles (like there's no point in getting rid of auto-attacks, even FFXIV has auto-attacks), it just needs a dedicated console UI and control scheme.
@@jrobertlysaght Honestly this being a test for mobile WoW also makes a lot of sense. Could easily see a game like this being ported to mobile maybe with some tweaks to how the camera works.
No classes, No addons, PvP, and battle royale?! Naaaah I couldnt be more out, to be honest I'm so out I'm refunding my expansion pre-order. If my beautiful 4th raid died for THIS there is no hope for WoW
I've been saying this is going to disappoint a lot of people. PvE people because it's PvP and PvP players because it's a limited time event. If it was something permanent it'd be fine I think. Now it's another FOMO and nothing what people imagine it would be.
The rep gains are currently woeful, made it in 17th place and got a huge 130 rep (Best I have managed out of the 10ish games I have attempted). No point playing it imho as it's been out for hr's and the hardcore players have figured out where the best spells/talents are to be found and are just mopping the floor with noobs just starting to play with no idea of what's going on or how to do stuff. If there's a tutorial / intro to it I ain't found it so far.
As much as the new event isn't that interesting to me. I hope we see how they deal with the no addons thing. And see if anything like that can be implemented in the mainline game.
Adjust fights to not have extreme instances of wipe mechanics Unification of buffs and debuffs, ex: all stuns are STUNS Implement more QoL ui options like they did with the bags It's not a matter of if they can do it, it's a matter of how long until it's finally done
The add-ons I use are for rp and ui setup because the base game one is just awful. Maybe I can see it for add-ons that give players an advantage over the other in pvp, but changing the look of my ui and having more room for my rp macros is not going to help me in pvp, raiding, mythics, ect
Hey everyone look here, Exhibit A of opinions that we should ignore: a comment from somebody who hasn’t actually tried the content yet who therefore can’t possibly provide any form of meaningful feedback. Moving on…
Tbf the community was what built up the hype and secrecy they felt was being done. The devs just didn't say much which was fair considering it was a new and experimental thing. Lots of things could have broken and gone wrong and maybe not able to deliver so they didn't want to say much. I looked back at all the official accounts said and outside of just keeping it mum, which is fine, it was the community and individuals who made it a bigger deal than Blizz did.
In the end I just wonder, why make a PVP game and not also a PVE one, with the same renown track, so we can CHOOSE how we play? Just like the normal game!
my instant reaction the moment i realized it was a battle royal was to go 'bleh'. I don't have an issue with this being a pvp focused event but out of all the things blizzard chose to do it just had to be a battle royal bleh is the only way i can describe my feeling to it
This sounds and looks like a play test for another game. They scraped their survival game, and like project titan that turned into overwatch, this could be testing what they can turn the work thats already done on the survival game into.
I hate pvp in wow, but I am loving this game mode. Really feels like everyone starts at the same place, bit of luck in drops and some skill involved. It's just a shame its a limited time thing. Hoping it just means there will be a different set of rewards/map after that.
Bellular you know what gets people interested? Asking players what we want. There’s a reason they didn’t ask us if we wanted this… we don’t want it ❤ This was clearly just someone’s project for a paycheck. (Also why would a LIMITED TIME game mode separate from normal gameplay get new players…?)
I appreciate the willingness to try new things, but as a currently inactive player, this doesn’t appeal to me at all and even a free weekend wouldn’t entice me to even try it.
@@Skub_Yeah, I don’t think anyone has said otherwise. I see that as a positive. It is well known that Blizzard is at its best when taking existing ideas and putting their spin on it. I’m not going to re-subscribe for this alone but I am happy to see that they’re putting in an experimental game mode for those who might enjoy it.
Personally, I really would have preferred some kind of mini-island like Mechagon or the Timeless Isle. It's reassuring to hear that I can try to grind this out without doing much PVP, because I've never really enjoyed PVP games, but I do really hope I dont have to play 30 hours worth of this in order to get the coat transmog since I probably wouldn't have touched it without that specific reward.
You're totally right, this is kind of the "problem" that WoW has had for a long time, they've had a really hard time making content either mandatory and tedious or optional and irrelevant. I kind of want to play this, but do I care about another cosmetic reward?
I think they missed the opportunity to make this successful by locking it behind a subscription. it should of been free-to-play to get servers active and introduce the game to a new audience as well as get returning members back into it. Similar to how Fortnite was originally had a PvE mode that was paid model and a PvP mode that was free.
Was thinking about trying this, but subbing just to play a seasonal mode, eh. Also apparently you have to wait for the match to finish before you can leave?
No wonder they have been keeping this silent the whole time its just F-ing Fortnite and its a absolute joke, I would keep my mouth shut too if I were to release this as a patch....
Exactly. This doesn't fix or improve wow in any way. It won't draw new players and people that don't like pvp won't enjoy it. Think about the dev time put into this, put into the retail client instead. Really disappointing.
Totally agree. this would be the same as them adding a renown bar to Warcraft Reforged or Hearthstone and Calling it WoW. Blunderstorm is not an MMORPG. its not World of Warcraft. its a bunch of.. braindead pirates killing each other Over Plunder. No wonder we can't have a Pirate themed expansion. if all pirate crews acted like they did in blunderstorm, then there wouldn't be enough Pirates for an expansion.
This isnt WoW. It does nothing positive to help classic or retail WoW be better, but it also does nothing negative to make classic or retail worse. All the hype, all the effort, for something that doesnt even attempt to make WoW a better game.
Pvp, battle royale, not my cup of tea. I was looking forward to some more retail content, maybe an invasion, maybe a revamp of some of the existing events, maybe some extra quests throughout the world for fun and lore, or simply time spend on the next expansion. No interest in this, will have to do without the transmorg and goodies they reward in retail and classics.
Thank you Michael for doing a great job explaining how this all works. Sadly, it leaves me completely cold. I feel like this was way over hyped for what it turned out to be
I get killed instantly, no matter how good my weapons are or how well I move and dodge. At least in regular pvp I can last a little while, but the instant death is not fun.
Watch where the other parrot mounts are headed and then just fly and nosedive to an area where they aren't. Bonus points for hitting elite mobs because you can one shot them.
Just wanted to add to the conversation as a LONG time WoW player that hasn’t really been invested in many years…this mode excites me. It excites me so much i’d love to see them keep this or iterate this as a full game. Think warzone for call of duty. I know yall might not care about a WoW BR but i would personally love that! This will absolutely earn a 1 month sub from me!
So can we even call it a WoW patch? Also why were they all secretive? I was under the impression that they wanted to keep things all hush hush so people can discover things in game. Instead I log into WoW and see nothing new.
The main attack is cemented to the "r" key. No way to rebind. Your right and left clicks are pretty much dead keys. Already it feels bad compared to any other battle royal game. You have to find chests to populate the 1-4 keys with useful spells (offensive, ranged and shield spells to name a few). The player(s) that grabs these chests own the map. If you're not lucky, you just need to picture how futile and clunky it is to WASD and spam the R key while trying to get into melee range to use your sword.
The more "action" focused combat feels bad because everything still feels like WoW. It's weightless. Not to mention this still uses mmo style keybinds so attacking and moving is awkward. There should be a controller option and you should be able to hold a button to keep attacking instead of mashing over and over.
It is always illuminating to see how many people tell other people they are enjoying the game wrong and not seeing their own narcissistic motivations. What I see is a way to dangle loot out there to draw PvE players into PvP so there is fodder for players that enjoy that style of game play. "Plunder is all PvE based!" Oh my summer child, the wolves have planted clover to draw you to the slaughter. BUT it will be interesting to see if a game of 90% PvEers happens. I can hear the complaining "these carebears just want to pick flowers, no one is PvPing!!! Force them to play the way I want them to play!!!" I try not to think about the opportunity costs. What additional content could we have had if the resources that were used to build this limited time event would have been put to the base game.
Why would I play something I don't like just to slum it out and get some cosmetics? This was a waste of resources imo. Here's a bunch of cool stuff! Do this thing you will absolutely hate to grind through to get them. Fun!
Whos forcing u to get these cosmetics? i u dont wanna play it, dont, its as simple as that, my god the wow community is so dmb, allways finds reasons to complain no matter what blizz do
I'm honestly not that interested. I'm reminded both of BFA islands and Fortnite. I've also lost interest in FOMO rewards, because I won't use them in a game I currently don't feel like playing.
Agree with half of this. I prefer an arsenal of various tools and abilities outside the core rotation and even for the core rotation to be mixed up a bit here and there depending on situation. Pressing the same order of a few buttons gets really old really fast. That said, I fully endorse complete removal of add-ons and also BOOSTING. At that point, why even sub.
Played a few rounds. My immediate impression was that the combat feels janky. It’s funny that Ascension got brought up in the video and the comments because the combat feels like private servers who have modified the combat system in such a way to where it feels awkward or wrong. Also, silly pirate themes are cringe and I wish they would stop using them.
What really signals stagnation is an increased focus on developing things that aren't the game, rather than developing the game. Things that aren't the game: Hearthstone Fortnite Twitch
This is not what I expected when I heard it was a battle royale. I thought this was going to be pick a class and spec and be an actual battle royale where you play the class you like and Mabye rotate zones with unique rewards. Kind of like cyrodil in elder scrolls online
So I didn’t care for the announcement but tried it and I’m addicted. I would like to see quite a few changes but it’s fun as is. I think certain spells are way overtuned and the baseline attack is way way undertuned
I don't have a problem with this because it is "PvP(vE)" (and the fact that I'm by _no_ means a PvP player), or that it is limited time only (FOMO alert) playmode, or anything like that. I have a problem with this being marketed as a retail content patch. Here I was, expecting maybe a questline setting the course (pun intended) towards TWW, or at least giving some in-game hints of it. A one- or two-boss raid or a couple new world bosses, or even a new dungeon would not have been off the table. Perhaps a shiny new trinket and a bunch of flightstones to earn, a new transmog set to earn, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this offers nothing to the retail experience other than some cosmetics. No questline/cutscenes/lore, no character progression, nothing. For me, this is a nothingburger. So why is it on the retail roadmap, and named 10.2.6? Yes, I know, it uses the retail engine or w/e. Don't care. Retail roadmap should be for retail content. Announce the thing. Don't tell us what it is, but say _straight up_ that it is a new, limited time playmode, and keep it away from any of the "regular" playmode roadmaps. Also, give us a date as soon as possible (maybe they did). Having a date does not spoil the secrecy. Secret content is good, release date is good.
So... it's basically PVP content...? Or a mix of PVE & PVP? Like running around the open world in war mode is currently? Also the fact they added trading post tender - do they NOT expect people to assume they are going to have to grind this out to cap the rep?
Yeah, it's literally the tender for the trading post thing that is making me feel I have to grind it out. They should've had it be its own thing. BUT that's how Blizzard do. Always has to try advertising one thing through the other. It's why we spent the last week dealing with Hearthstone nonsense in WoW to collect all the things.
@@Paranitisits how they are gonna get good numbers for a week or two to say this new game mod is a massive success when i bet you see a big player count drop off when people get those tenders.
Personally, I don’t think this game mode is for WoW. Watching the gameplay, everything just looks so clunky and knowing how the game plays, I can mentally feel it and it makes me not excited for it. I mean, I’ll still give it a try for the rewards but after seeing it, I don’t understand the hype they tried to raise.
Well technically its not part of the ''core'' wow experience just an experiment. I would also prefer something like a small secret hunt or maybe some pve brawling/world bosses but i will be trying this out since it may be lots of fun.
@@The86Ripper Oh I know the clear separation of the two, I just don’t think the BR style gameplay works with WoW engine wise. It’s hard to explain but hopefully someone understands what I mean but just by watching the gameplay, I feel the clunkyness, I feel the cooldowns, I feel the character interaction with the spells and it’s just off putting. The best way I can describe it now is vehicle combat in WoW, none of it has ever felt good, it’s always felt lacking in some way.
Also can we talk about how bad Blizz is at marketing their stuff? The trailer for this had no explanation on how it plays, no UI, no clarification on it being separate, etc. They let too much room for people to fill with their own negativity.
They put quite a lot into the longer interview video. I agree tho - they needed a slick 3-4m long 'What Is Plunderstorm" video.
Yeah I'm feeling pretty disappointed now to find out it's something separate from the live game. I know they weren't intentionally trying to deceive in that way but the way it was presented in the roadmap, with no clarification, it was reasonable to expect that it would be part of the live game.
what happened to discovering new things instead of being spoon fed like a child lol get real.
@@funkysouth801but they also said this could be something that would appeal to those playing Season of Discovery or Classic - which means they have to be able to jump right in. Having it on its own client means they can play more with mechanics to experiment and see what players like.
@@robmartin4775 Ok but when did they say that? I missed it where ever it was. It was on the live roadmap and checking now I see it's not on the classic roadmap. Without more clarification before hand that all suggests new content in the live game. Just feel I was kinda misled now in my expectations, even if unintentionally.
There's a reason they kept it a secret. If they had announced it, the backlash would have been worse pre-launch than if they decided to announce bobby coming back
Yup rather have an actual raid tier then this bs and fated season.
I would rather they did NOTHING AT ALL so that we could at least be under the illusion that they were working on worthwhile projects vs. them confirming without a shadow of a doubt that they are wasting our money on stuff nobody asked for
@@audiolols "wasting OUR MONEY" LMAO what a entitled bitch
@@audiolols i would prefer people like you leave the game permanently and never come back like you threaten to do every month but alas we cant have what we want always
@audiolols people are always complaining that that they dont do enough new and interesting things for this game. it is, quit your bitching.
Players will most likely play this for the renown rewards, then never touch the mode again.
That would include me ✋🏻
@@TinySnowkitty That would have included me, but the rep is SO slow that it won't...
Ya I just want the rewards and then I'm done also it's not really that fun br isn't a wow thing imo
yup, which is why it's such a grind
that'spretty much intended this way. i imagine this is their way of trying to fix pvp.
as a classic pvp player this is very cool and i'm downloading retail again just for this.
I tried it, can't really do PvE when everyone keeps ganking you, so no this is not for PvE players, even if it looks like that on paper. I hate BR and PvP in general with a vengeance and therefore this is just not for me, even if it has PvE elements on paper, but from few matches i tried i quickly realized it is a PvP gankfest. Maybe i was just unlucky, but it was enough for me to stop playing's why I just don't even bother with pvp realms (or whatever the equivalent of that is nowadays). This just sounds like pvp realms but worse.
This is PvP plain and simple
Yeah just hoped in as a little gnome flew all the way to one side of the map , killed some rares and looted and then found a chest opened it and suddenly attacked by someone else who looted it and killed me . I was like um what happened lol I'm not a pvp person either .
so just get ganked. it's not a big deal. i'm really happy people like you are reminded what pvp is.
@@pavle480 Then it is simple, just tell people it is a PvP time limited event and everything is ok
Cant believe no one wrote Blunderstorm yet.
Asking people to resub to wow in order to try this is a very high barrier to entry
It's like $3 more than going to McDonald's
Don't be poor?
@@natecw4164could be money taken from medical costs, food costs, gas costs. Yes it’s “the problem you have fixes itself if you ignore it” But this comment doesn’t invalidate anything OP said.
@@Breensprout17 Sure but if you're in that tight of a spot (trust me, I've been there) everything is a luxury. Even a crummy hamburger. I don't think $14.99 is much to your average gamer these days, but everyone's situation is different. I darn near went through medical bankruptcy 8 years ago, so life became top ramen and f2p/private servers for quite some time. Even got to move in with a roommate at 32 years old... Hooray 🙄
Money ebbs and flows.
@@natecw4164 so you get it, awesome. The announcements were a bit misleading. It needed a lot of clarity. People got excited they might get free to play wow content, all for wow fortnite to get launched. And you definitely need a sub. Sucks.
Ive never gone from so excited to so immediately apatheic so fast when i saw the "battle royal"
Exactly....took me 30 seconds for my smile to turn into a frown....I was hyped for something new. Perhaps ANYTHING to do with the next xpac, what poor marketing. Normally this close to a new expansion you'd think they'd add content to get players hyped for the future not some random BS gameplay the game wasn't built for.... Fucking TERRIBLE MANAGEMENT at blizz
You thought... a pirate flag would have something to do with TWW? that's on you, my dude LMFAO
"I wanted something different but instead we got something different waah waaaah"@@NAHuebsch82
100%. I'm actually just glad it came out today before my subscription renewed tomorrow and I saved some money.
Thats because no matter what new stuff in your life will appear, you will always feel like its ruining your comfort zone. Nothing to do with new mode in a game. A lot of people are having so much fun playing this new mode. Its you just chose to exclude yourself from the fun. ( Take this word from a player that hated Battle Royale mode in any form, and now enjoying it to the max)
@furious173 Your wall of text boils down to, "Waaa I like shiny new things, and everyone that doesn't is a giant piece of s***."
Wow… My hype for the pirate patch was instantly put to death when I heard battle royale… oh well, back to mount farming then.
it is ABSOLUTELY NOT 500 average per match.
it is.
no it's not for sure
If you get less than 300,you need to do the objective
It is if you get good and know where to land, where to scout and complete the captain's quest.
Been playing it for a couple hours. love the notion of secret patches, figuring out the ins and outs with the community.. but its just pvp, and I can't get over how much I hate pvp =(
This is shit PVP,not Class pvp,it s just a garbage battle royal
@@EleosGamesThats PVP dingus
pvp is the best
I'd definitely call this scope creep. Judging by how the like/dislike ratio is tilting ever so much closer to 50-50, I'm thinking they lose this bet. I appreciate that they're trying to put in the effort, but seriously; who wanted this? WoW needs to go back to what it did well and stop trying to be every other game on the market all at once. "Don't you guys have consoles?"
Pretty close to how I feel as well. If I really wanted to play Fortnite I'd be playing Fortnite instead of WoW.
Right. This game mode could be amazing.
But its now wow. And it's sold as an update to wow. That fairly will upset many people.
I have all of the consoles, and lots of games. Maybe that's another reason this isn't fun for me after a bunch of games trying to give it a go.
Agreed, what do we get next, Wow Themed Minecraft? Its time for Warcraft: Undermine! a... uh.. Classic patch. yeah that's right... classic patch...
I wanted to run for the hills but gave it a try anyway. Now I still want to run for the hills.
whenever someone tries to say a pvp thing is made for pvers in mind it means one thing to me, "we need you to be content for other people so we're gonna lie and say its also for you."
They also say it to bait us into playing so that the pvp players have someone to gank
Yep. If this game had No renown bar, No Transmog reward for the main game, Im sure they'd get... maybe 1/10th the population playing it? Right now its all PVEers trying to add to their collections.
I just want WoW to succeed. If they made this game mode available as a Free to Play game mode to everybody. That might bring in new players to WoW.
Disagree. Monthly Sub is our last stand argument against loot boxes and other rampant microtransactions.
@@jrobertlysaghtits not an argument, you already have ways to buy gold, shitty mtx and all kinds of shit
@@333kazy Want it to become worse? unlock the mythic appearance on the gear you already farmed for 69,99. Take a look at how much worse off the other blizzard games are.
@jrobertlysaght "our last stand" bruh please just look at the game around you. You can LITERALLY purchase power, officially. whatever last stand you think is there by paying blizzard $15/mo is solely in your mind. You have paid mounts, paid early access to content, paid transmog, paid pets, early access bundles to cosmetics, the classic WoW token, pre-order fomo bundles for classic, and now they're testing a fucking battle royale to sell skins in. Seriously, when will you people wake up and speak with your wallet?
@@shimapanzer9930when we care? I have no issues with the cosmetics and early access. I fortunately have no issue with the sub.
When the PvP community asked for more PvP content, this is not what we meant lol
Theres a pvp community still? :P
What on Earth ever made you think Blizzard cared about what the PvP community wanted?
womp womp
Apparently, they think we want fortnite...
80% of active wow subs are playing the game right now. Solo sucks but playing duos with a friend is fun. Its pretty much like a new battleground but with a lotnof differences
It's more of a separate game than a WoW patch.
Yep Agreed. its not WoW, I mean, doesn't even actually feel Piraty other than the skin on it... What pirates in. any lore. just murder each other over loot no "Crew' no "Captain" This could have been a hearthstone style release. with no renown bar and I'm sure emotions would have been more positive.
@@GeargutzMekshop good point this event sucks even more when you put it that way
Looks like Spellbreak, which they acquired, makes sense.
None of the spell combos though
@@Balloonbotya cuz its wow players lol
What I loved about World of Warcraft is that you go on an adventure. I would’ve rather the blizzard create a new adventure for players to experience instead of a Free-For-All battle Royale. This is a disappointment and a waste of time in my opinion. The player base will be split so I’ll logon after the events is over.
Theres literally a "new adventure" every single expansion pack and most people want that shorten so they can get to the end game content aka "real content".
Ya I'm just gonna get my mounts and mogs and be done with it as soon as I can I ain't feeling it br don't fit the wow theme imo
This provoked zero interest in me, but I do hope it finds a wider audience and people find it fun. Not for me though.
especially in todays age, this is the take!
Yeah I was really let down by this. But oh well.
Only good thing I can see is the no addons…that’s a big plus
@@TheCommentFactory That, I completely agree with.
You haven’t even tried it lol
its basically patch without content from what it seems so far, what a letdown
its only fitting that i get Ascension WoW adds during this video lol
There is no "PvE Stuff" Its all PVP with some NPCs in there. You will HAVE to PvP and if you're not a PvPer you will be ganked. This is not at all ANYTHING OTHER THAN a PvP match and it bloody sucks.
I mean.. you gotta grind mobs and explore to level up. If you've not been doing PvE, it explains why you're getting wrecked
This is just untrue. Yes there is pvp in it but you can just farm mobs for plunder and avoid players. I've been doing it. I rarely fight others and I get a lot of plunder
Exactly. Once players can kill other players, the E part of PvEvP goes right out the window.
Literally wtf were they thinking
Regardless of how positive you are about this Bellular, there is a thread on the WoW forums with 1300 posts that is the exact opposite.
Okay... 1300 virgins breaking down in tears is not uncommon for literally ANY change in WoW. It means nothing.
@@godlygamer911 you can try to insult every negative comment like a little toddler, but it won't change the fact.
And we do not care?
@@arboris The fact that a very small minority of players on the forums are in tears? Why would I care enough to try to change that? Not everything is for everybody, the people crying about this are too self centered and entitled to understand that.
1300 posts of nonsense opinions that are incapable of providing any form of meaningful feedback until they actually play the game. Blizz know this, the players grounded in reality know this. But keep on yappin
As a non-PVP, non-battle royale player, I'm averaging less than 100 plunder per round. It takes 2500 to gain a single renown. I'll never be able to get the rewards.
Hate PvP of all kinds, those rewards do not have enough FOMO for me to give two shits about playing this hot garbage to get them, so no FOMO here, wasted time and effort by Blizz on this crap.
Not with that attitude... but how are you averaging so little? Just loot chests. Ive played for 30min and have 3900.. it aint hard.
@@Sarkli at that rate it would be quite easy to get
Who cares stop crying pve nerd
Skill issue
I just absolutely do not care, and am actively disinterested in any Battle Royale. I feel like it is one of the worst things they could have announced. Experimenting with no add-ons is great, I hope they are improving game UI and readability. I am overall sorely disappointed by this announcement.
same. I was hoping for something large and fun for everyone. Regardless of what people claim, this is clearly a PVP centered event. I will be skipping this, and looking forward to the next content. I do wish those who enjoy it though, i wish them all the fun.
@@sabrevanson4412 Yeah I wanted a short questline and some boring kill 10 mob dailies for free shit too :(
@@veppy4952 lol, no need to be a douche. That wasnt what i meant. I just dont like PVP and thought this was a waste of an event. If you like it, good for you
Nothing in this patch advances the game *_I_* want to play. It's really just that simple. Hope others enjoy it (not really, just being PC), but this isn't the direction I want to see Blizz focusing on for their flagship MMO.
The chick aiming the rifle with her patched eye really sums this patch up for me. It completely "misses the mark". YMMV.
Be neat if they put something in it for pve players. Anxiety riddles me in pvp. I shake terribly. I hate it, i would much rather do island expeditions.
This is what is so disappointing about all the hype, and that they made a big deal about how this would be "playable by anyone classic or retail". Although they didn't explicitly say it, it's basically NOT playable by players who get anxiety from pvp.
90% of the gamemode is PvE the way you get plunder is by running around killing mobs/opening chests then usually someone will run up and kill you and you can immediately queue into a new match and do more PvE
@@degiguess getting roflstomped 30 seconds into the game isn't fun...and immediately re queueing to do it again isn't fun either...the pve "rewards" are not worth the aggravation...they are just bait so the hard-core pvp players have some low hanging fruit to gank
"shake terribly" Maybe get some help man. Very weird
@wk7996 bro shut your goofy ass up you thought you sounded so cool saying that shit huh
Fix standard game, dont make clones which splits community.....
Ya good thing it's a limited time event
they don't split anything with this. they probably just got like a few hundred thousand players with an active wow subscription to download the retail client again. i'm glad they're doing anything new at all since i'm not going back to retail in it's current state.
@@xMrMayhemx how about classic, sod and now they are testing this...
@@zimek literally nobody who's currently playing sod would be playing retail if era and sod wouldn't exist. me included.
this anecdotal evidence but nobody i've talked to enjoys retail since basically since around legion. in my case they killed off the story and big characters and now it's just not the same anymore
@@xMrMayhemxYou are correct about nobody playing sod would be playing retail but this "they killed the xyz" spiel ive been hearing since cata. Same old same old.
No addons = win. I won't lie. I wanna try this out. Can't wait for the day when the main game is a no addons environment and this is part of the base game with multiple seasonal rewards and themes (all playable whenever.. no fomo pls)
the base ui is such garbage this will be a hard pass for me
OK, I'm sure I can just learn to play right handed, without Bartender. I'm out.
If you want no fomo go find a different genre. Time passing is part of MMOS and part of what makes them so much fun.
@@jrobertlysaght Bye
Given the base game doesn't have TRP, a no addons WoW is gonna suck ass for roleplayers like me.
I'm actually relieved that it's this and I don't have to do it at all if I don't care to (which I don't). Like the digs, zero interest in that. Hope someone gets some fun out of it and also that Blizz sees that a good chunk of people are going to just ignore their new stuff.
I tried it, I died by another player, won't be back in there. I'm done with it. Maybe next time will be a PvE event.
As you put it, I'm much older now and can't keep up with APM so I won't be back in Plunderstorm. It's not fun for me. Thank ye
Maybe step out of your comfort zone once every now and then.
Its ok to suck at PvP, that's why you have instances, so no one will even know you were there. just an invisible ghost, the same as in your real life.
Personally I'd rather get tokens so we could buy the stuff we prefer, rather than a 40lvl renown grind. All i want is tenders, mount and pet. Hate PvP so will try it out and see how much plunder i can get in a battle or two, but really disapointed that this was all we got.
Any date on when this ends?
not soon enough
@@mkuhnactual agreed
who sat in a board room and said this was a good idea. like sat there played it and said yup this is great... combat is great well balanced, feels good, everyone has a chance...
Is this the garbage they wasted time on instead of improving their most important product?
Its really fun go suck eggs
Instead of concentrating their efforts on improving (fixing) what we already have in the game, they waste time with introducing this crapshow everyone will get tired of the very next week. Microsoft got the wrong people it seems.
i feel this mode is the start of blizzard becoming more creative , im happy to see them try stuff and not just the simple event grind farming simulator
I see no difference. I'll do this, get all the rewards, and never touch it again. Just another event to grind and farm renown to get rewards.
@@TinySnowkitty At that point it's a you issue cause you're treating it like just another event, regardles of how fun it is it's clearly miles different to any event they've done before
@@Iqnacio.isn't it always a "you-issue" if you don't like something? Unless it's a bug obviously. But clearly I don't like FFA, which this is, so obviously it's a "me-issue", but I'm not the only one. If they hadn't put mounts in the rewards, I bet more than half the amount of people that're currently playing it, wouldn't be playing it.
You go on telling me how I'm wrong for not liking FFA modes though, because YOU think it's "fun".
@@TinySnowkitty Except no one was talking about you, me or anyone "liking" the event or not, in fact I literally said "regardles(s) of how fun it is" (mb on the misspell). By all means, you can dislike it as much as you want, I have no issue nor care if you completely hated playing the event.
But what @cotomyzer said (and what I echoed in my reply) was something in a completely different direction, the point was that this mini-patch/event is someting different to anything they have done before whenever they introduced new events during small patches, as it's not just the simple "event grind farming simulator" a la seasonal events (love is in the air, noblegarden and so on) nor is it something more simple like a new in-game community event (like the Azerothian Archives).
This mini-patch/event is instead a completely different game mode in wow, to the point that it's basically just a new warcraft related mini-game that just happens to be launched within the wow client. We are not arguing that it's fun but that it shows that they are trying new things in wow.
@@TinySnowkittyApparently my reply got deleted but no idea why and I don't feel like writing it all again, the core was, no one is disagreeing nor has an issue with you (or anyone for that matters) not liking plunderstorm.
What we are saying is that it's something different in wow, which shows that they are trying new things for the game in these small patches and that's good for the game.
Am I the only one who sees this as a way for them to test out a more simplified version of WoW that could work a lot better on consoles? I'm sure that's not the only reason for this but if this does well I could see them bringing back something like this as a standalone game that is on PC and Xbox. Would be a great way to have WoW begin dipping it's toes into the console market and getting console players used to it.
I think one reason FFXIV has been as successful as it has been has been the accessibility in the console market. You'd think an mmorpg with a controller isn't great, but the way XIV is designed absolutely feels very intuitive with a controller after an initial hurdle. I've raided endgame in ff14 on controller with no issues.
(Only thing you'll still have difficulties with is typing, but on my ps4 I had a laptop keyboard + controller combo for an entire year before migrating to PC)
WoW has had some success with more controller compatibility for accessibility, especially with addons like Consoleport, but there's still some jankiness inherently that make it less than desirable for real raiding or content.
I made a comment on the trailer saying it’s a classless wow test. But you also have a good idea. Did not consider that.
Well, from a business point of view, if they were to simplify WoW, it would be to put it on Mobile, with all the micro transactions they have been unable to sell to the PC crowd.
I played WoW with a controller recently. I needed the Immersion and ConsolePort Mods to improve the user experience, and it took a lot of control tweaking to completely remove the need for a mouse, but I was able to play a Demon Hunter from start all the way to the end of 10.2 almost entirely with a controller. I don't think WoW actually needs to be simplified to this degree to work on consoles (like there's no point in getting rid of auto-attacks, even FFXIV has auto-attacks), it just needs a dedicated console UI and control scheme.
@@jrobertlysaght Honestly this being a test for mobile WoW also makes a lot of sense. Could easily see a game like this being ported to mobile maybe with some tweaks to how the camera works.
No classes, No addons, PvP, and battle royale?! Naaaah I couldnt be more out, to be honest I'm so out I'm refunding my expansion pre-order. If my beautiful 4th raid died for THIS there is no hope for WoW
I've been saying this is going to disappoint a lot of people. PvE people because it's PvP and PvP players because it's a limited time event. If it was something permanent it'd be fine I think. Now it's another FOMO and nothing what people imagine it would be.
The rep gains are currently woeful, made it in 17th place and got a huge 130 rep (Best I have managed out of the 10ish games I have attempted). No point playing it imho as it's been out for hr's and the hardcore players have figured out where the best spells/talents are to be found and are just mopping the floor with noobs just starting to play with no idea of what's going on or how to do stuff. If there's a tutorial / intro to it I ain't found it so far.
I get like 800-1.1k every game lol
Its not as much based on your placing but how much gold you get. If you spend your time collecting loot as much as possible you should get more rep.
As much as the new event isn't that interesting to me. I hope we see how they deal with the no addons thing. And see if anything like that can be implemented in the mainline game.
Im pretty sure that's the entire idea. To test things for the main game...
Adjust fights to not have extreme instances of wipe mechanics
Unification of buffs and debuffs, ex: all stuns are STUNS
Implement more QoL ui options like they did with the bags
It's not a matter of if they can do it, it's a matter of how long until it's finally done
The add-ons I use are for rp and ui setup because the base game one is just awful. Maybe I can see it for add-ons that give players an advantage over the other in pvp, but changing the look of my ui and having more room for my rp macros is not going to help me in pvp, raiding, mythics, ect
I am honestly extremely disappointed... I can now see why they hid this in datamining and why the survival game was cancelled...
Hey everyone look here, Exhibit A of opinions that we should ignore: a comment from somebody who hasn’t actually tried the content yet who therefore can’t possibly provide any form of meaningful feedback. Moving on…
It's a side game that's all you need to know to have a take on what you would have preferred or not@@e4zypeel
Agree. I have zero interest in this event.
Yeah, they shouldn't have kept this secret. The mode needs explaining and those of us who arent interested are getting nothing after the buildup.
Tbf the community was what built up the hype and secrecy they felt was being done. The devs just didn't say much which was fair considering it was a new and experimental thing. Lots of things could have broken and gone wrong and maybe not able to deliver so they didn't want to say much. I looked back at all the official accounts said and outside of just keeping it mum, which is fine, it was the community and individuals who made it a bigger deal than Blizz did.
@Rainbow_Jellyfish exactly. They said nothing and now we have a game mode that no one understands unless they find a video like this.
In the end I just wonder, why make a PVP game and not also a PVE one, with the same renown track, so we can CHOOSE how we play? Just like the normal game!
my instant reaction the moment i realized it was a battle royal was to go 'bleh'. I don't have an issue with this being a pvp focused event but out of all the things blizzard chose to do it just had to be a battle royal bleh is the only way i can describe my feeling to it
This sounds and looks like a play test for another game. They scraped their survival game, and like project titan that turned into overwatch, this could be testing what they can turn the work thats already done on the survival game into.
They incorporated the studio that made a battle royale game called Spellbreak into the WoW dev team during Dragonflight. So more likely due to that.
Tried it was, it was shit as I expected. Glad if you like it, but hard pass for me.
"Its battle royale BUT different!"
It never is, no thanks.
Renown gain is way too low...and this imo is a miss because it does not progress your character.
I hate pvp in wow, but I am loving this game mode. Really feels like everyone starts at the same place, bit of luck in drops and some skill involved. It's just a shame its a limited time thing. Hoping it just means there will be a different set of rewards/map after that.
Tender is the only thing I would collect, the rest is rather boring and not worth doing PVP. I think I will pass on most of it.
Bellular you know what gets people interested? Asking players what we want. There’s a reason they didn’t ask us if we wanted this… we don’t want it ❤ This was clearly just someone’s project for a paycheck. (Also why would a LIMITED TIME game mode separate from
normal gameplay get new players…?)
I'm actually looking forward to this. Glad there's no add-ons allowed. Transmog rewards look decent.
I dont know how addons can help you here
I appreciate the willingness to try new things, but as a currently inactive player, this doesn’t appeal to me at all and even a free weekend wouldn’t entice me to even try it.
mate.. you can call it what ever you want.. its a battle royal
did anyone dispute that?
@@Skub_Yeah, I don’t think anyone has said otherwise. I see that as a positive. It is well known that Blizzard is at its best when taking existing ideas and putting their spin on it. I’m not going to re-subscribe for this alone but I am happy to see that they’re putting in an experimental game mode for those who might enjoy it.
Personally, I really would have preferred some kind of mini-island like Mechagon or the Timeless Isle. It's reassuring to hear that I can try to grind this out without doing much PVP, because I've never really enjoyed PVP games, but I do really hope I dont have to play 30 hours worth of this in order to get the coat transmog since I probably wouldn't have touched it without that specific reward.
Ya, like to actually sail away somewhere. Maybe even add some ship-on-ship cannon ball-destroying event.
You're totally right, this is kind of the "problem" that WoW has had for a long time, they've had a really hard time making content either mandatory and tedious or optional and irrelevant. I kind of want to play this, but do I care about another cosmetic reward?
this is a test for a way to sell another season pass, mark my words.
@@41Nizmo Another season pass?
When did wow have season pass exactly?
@@lukaskonecny9992 I mean another way for Blizzard to implement one in one of their games.
WoW is a RPG, by all means innovate in the RPG genre.. but doing other genres with WoW assets is not a direction they should pursue
0:17 I didn't, was instantly targeted, accomplished nothing and died. Never touching this dumpster fire again.
Read the room, blizzard. So out of touch 😂
I think they missed the opportunity to make this successful by locking it behind a subscription.
it should of been free-to-play to get servers active and introduce the game to a new audience as well as get returning members back into it.
Similar to how Fortnite was originally had a PvE mode that was paid model and a PvP mode that was free.
Was thinking about trying this, but subbing just to play a seasonal mode, eh. Also apparently you have to wait for the match to finish before you can leave?
Not true, you can leave right when you get knocked out / win.
i bet 95% of comments complaining about that mode, dosent even tried it...
No wonder they have been keeping this silent the whole time
its just F-ing Fortnite and its a absolute joke,
I would keep my mouth shut too if I were to release this as a patch....
The stagnent point doesnt mske sense at the end.
This doesnt help with that issue, because it isnt wow.
Exactly. This doesn't fix or improve wow in any way. It won't draw new players and people that don't like pvp won't enjoy it. Think about the dev time put into this, put into the retail client instead. Really disappointing.
Totally agree. this would be the same as them adding a renown bar to Warcraft Reforged or Hearthstone and Calling it WoW. Blunderstorm is not an MMORPG. its not World of Warcraft. its a bunch of.. braindead pirates killing each other Over Plunder. No wonder we can't have a Pirate themed expansion. if all pirate crews acted like they did in blunderstorm, then there wouldn't be enough Pirates for an expansion.
The two things that I hate most in gaming are Battle Royal and PvP ... that's why I play an MMO and not a Battle Royal.
I don't want BR in my Wow or WoW in my BR. I'm indifferent to BR's but having tried it for several round.. it's not good.
This isnt WoW. It does nothing positive to help classic or retail WoW be better, but it also does nothing negative to make classic or retail worse. All the hype, all the effort, for something that doesnt even attempt to make WoW a better game.
Pvp, battle royale, not my cup of tea. I was looking forward to some more retail content, maybe an invasion, maybe a revamp of some of the existing events, maybe some extra quests throughout the world for fun and lore, or simply time spend on the next expansion. No interest in this, will have to do without the transmorg and goodies they reward in retail and classics.
Thank you Michael for doing a great job explaining how this all works. Sadly, it leaves me completely cold. I feel like this was way over hyped for what it turned out to be
As much as I despise the Fortnite clone...Vampire Suvivors would have been worse...
I get killed instantly, no matter how good my weapons are or how well I move and dodge. At least in regular pvp I can last a little while, but the instant death is not fun.
How do i just do the PVE part? Bc as soon as I landed, I got jumped by someone.
Watch where the other parrot mounts are headed and then just fly and nosedive to an area where they aren't. Bonus points for hitting elite mobs because you can one shot them.
@@zurgnutthanks for the tip about landing on an elite.
Just wanted to add to the conversation as a LONG time WoW player that hasn’t really been invested in many years…this mode excites me.
It excites me so much i’d love to see them keep this or iterate this as a full game. Think warzone for call of duty. I know yall might not care about a WoW BR but i would personally love that!
This will absolutely earn a 1 month sub from me!
So can we even call it a WoW patch? Also why were they all secretive? I was under the impression that they wanted to keep things all hush hush so people can discover things in game. Instead I log into WoW and see nothing new.
Correct, Not a WoW patch. its like them claiming Warcraft Reforged is a Classic patch.
When they announced SoD I KNEW they were paying attention to Ascension. Which is very fun and like a free PTR for Blizz
>how many years of raids did this cost us tho?
would have been better if it was just pve like Helldivers 2, 4 players, bunch of objectives, big map, waves of enemies...
The main attack is cemented to the "r" key. No way to rebind. Your right and left clicks are pretty much dead keys. Already it feels bad compared to any other battle royal game. You have to find chests to populate the 1-4 keys with useful spells (offensive, ranged and shield spells to name a few). The player(s) that grabs these chests own the map. If you're not lucky, you just need to picture how futile and clunky it is to WASD and spam the R key while trying to get into melee range to use your sword.
You can rebind the keys.. If you just open your eyes and go to the options..
I have my attack on E as well as the other abilities bound to my mouse
@@Dengen88How did you do that? There's no gameplay settings to rebind under Plunderstorm lobby, just hardware settings. for display, audio etc.
The more "action" focused combat feels bad because everything still feels like WoW. It's weightless. Not to mention this still uses mmo style keybinds so attacking and moving is awkward. There should be a controller option and you should be able to hold a button to keep attacking instead of mashing over and over.
U acculy can use a controller for this.
Waste of time and money. This is one of the stupidest things they have ever done.
Was it just me or did the audio cut out at 15:15
Edit: it seems like the audio was desynced from the video
It is always illuminating to see how many people tell other people they are enjoying the game wrong and not seeing their own narcissistic motivations. What I see is a way to dangle loot out there to draw PvE players into PvP so there is fodder for players that enjoy that style of game play. "Plunder is all PvE based!" Oh my summer child, the wolves have planted clover to draw you to the slaughter. BUT it will be interesting to see if a game of 90% PvEers happens. I can hear the complaining "these carebears just want to pick flowers, no one is PvPing!!! Force them to play the way I want them to play!!!"
I try not to think about the opportunity costs. What additional content could we have had if the resources that were used to build this limited time event would have been put to the base game.
So much hype, but is it really what the player base wanted? Time will tell but doesn't interest me in the least.
Why would I play something I don't like just to slum it out and get some cosmetics? This was a waste of resources imo. Here's a bunch of cool stuff! Do this thing you will absolutely hate to grind through to get them. Fun!
Whos forcing u to get these cosmetics? i u dont wanna play it, dont, its as simple as that, my god the wow community is so dmb, allways finds reasons to complain no matter what blizz do
I'm honestly not that interested. I'm reminded both of BFA islands and Fortnite. I've also lost interest in FOMO rewards, because I won't use them in a game I currently don't feel like playing.
I'd be pretty happy with multiple non-character game modes that unlock stuff for your character tbh
I would prefer if they just reduced ability bloat, get rid of AddOns completely and added a few new BGs.
Agree with half of this. I prefer an arsenal of various tools and abilities outside the core rotation and even for the core rotation to be mixed up a bit here and there depending on situation. Pressing the same order of a few buttons gets really old really fast. That said, I fully endorse complete removal of add-ons and also BOOSTING. At that point, why even sub.
Played a few rounds. My immediate impression was that the combat feels janky. It’s funny that Ascension got brought up in the video and the comments because the combat feels like private servers who have modified the combat system in such a way to where it feels awkward or wrong.
Also, silly pirate themes are cringe and I wish they would stop using them.
Im at a loss for words. Legit completely dumbfounded by this...
What really signals stagnation is an increased focus on developing things that aren't the game, rather than developing the game.
Things that aren't the game:
This fomo game mode will soon have boxes to bait payments. Calling it now.
This is not what I expected when I heard it was a battle royale. I thought this was going to be pick a class and spec and be an actual battle royale where you play the class you like and Mabye rotate zones with unique rewards. Kind of like cyrodil in elder scrolls online
No thanks.
So I didn’t care for the announcement but tried it and I’m addicted. I would like to see quite a few changes but it’s fun as is. I think certain spells are way overtuned and the baseline attack is way way undertuned
I don't have a problem with this because it is "PvP(vE)" (and the fact that I'm by _no_ means a PvP player), or that it is limited time only (FOMO alert) playmode, or anything like that. I have a problem with this being marketed as a retail content patch. Here I was, expecting maybe a questline setting the course (pun intended) towards TWW, or at least giving some in-game hints of it. A one- or two-boss raid or a couple new world bosses, or even a new dungeon would not have been off the table. Perhaps a shiny new trinket and a bunch of flightstones to earn, a new transmog set to earn, etc.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this offers nothing to the retail experience other than some cosmetics. No questline/cutscenes/lore, no character progression, nothing. For me, this is a nothingburger. So why is it on the retail roadmap, and named 10.2.6? Yes, I know, it uses the retail engine or w/e. Don't care. Retail roadmap should be for retail content.
Announce the thing. Don't tell us what it is, but say _straight up_ that it is a new, limited time playmode, and keep it away from any of the "regular" playmode roadmaps. Also, give us a date as soon as possible (maybe they did). Having a date does not spoil the secrecy. Secret content is good, release date is good.
Ran for the hills. Hard-as-diamond pass
So... it's basically PVP content...? Or a mix of PVE & PVP? Like running around the open world in war mode is currently?
Also the fact they added trading post tender - do they NOT expect people to assume they are going to have to grind this out to cap the rep?
Yeah, it's literally the tender for the trading post thing that is making me feel I have to grind it out. They should've had it be its own thing. BUT that's how Blizzard do. Always has to try advertising one thing through the other. It's why we spent the last week dealing with Hearthstone nonsense in WoW to collect all the things.
well, yes.
@@Paranitisits how they are gonna get good numbers for a week or two to say this new game mod is a massive success when i bet you see a big player count drop off when people get those tenders.
@@Paranitisyou problem not a blizzard problem. I was completely unbothered about missing out on the hearthstone event
Personally, I don’t think this game mode is for WoW. Watching the gameplay, everything just looks so clunky and knowing how the game plays, I can mentally feel it and it makes me not excited for it. I mean, I’ll still give it a try for the rewards but after seeing it, I don’t understand the hype they tried to raise.
Well technically its not part of the ''core'' wow experience just an experiment. I would also prefer something like a small secret hunt or maybe some pve brawling/world bosses but i will be trying this out since it may be lots of fun.
@@The86Ripper Oh I know the clear separation of the two, I just don’t think the BR style gameplay works with WoW engine wise. It’s hard to explain but hopefully someone understands what I mean but just by watching the gameplay, I feel the clunkyness, I feel the cooldowns, I feel the character interaction with the spells and it’s just off putting. The best way I can describe it now is vehicle combat in WoW, none of it has ever felt good, it’s always felt lacking in some way.
Bet u there are ppl fuming about having no addons to play for them, telling them when to move and hit