Thanks for the detailed analysis! Recession is coming obviously and further interest rate cut will at the expenses of our Canadian dollars causing inflation from our imported goods!😂 Less population means lower GDP Generally, our future is dim and housing bubble could be burst very soon.
Your experience is outdated. Do you know it takes a family income of $290k to qualify for an average house? That amount is way above double professional income.
👍🏻Thanks 22
Thanks for the detailed analysis! Recession is coming obviously and further interest rate cut will at the expenses of our Canadian dollars causing inflation from our imported goods!😂 Less population means lower GDP Generally, our future is dim and housing bubble could be burst very soon.
Thanks for sharing
唔好9up, Joey's restaurant 要排隊两個鐘頭,costco 人多車多到插針難入。
@@Vicleafman Joey’s restaurant 要排隊兩個鐘頭 ?或許這是個別情況吧. 我去個溫哥華其他唐人的餐館, 從來未試過要等兩個小時才拿到位. 至於 去Costco 購物, 一般家庭是 weekend 去, (因為 weekdays 要上班), 通常是購買大量家庭用品(包括吃的和不能吃的), 至於吃進肚子裏又可以存放在storeroom 的食物是一箱一箱的買回家. Costco 人多車多到插針難入應該是 weekend 或假日. 一般正常的家庭不會天天駕車去 Costco 大量入貨.
加拿大 經濟好不好? 那些公報的數字不可靠的。 看看身邊周圍的情況實在啲。 我看見的都是比較差的。 自己留意觀察一下吧。
@ 👍
加拿大 是冇特色的國家. 只有冷地方大 冇乜工作 稅重
雜種人多 尤其是亞洲. 冇乜吸引 😪屋價貴 到爆炸了.
好快 下調! 🤕
@tt08ck02 I am not there. Europe is much better as more historical buildings n history
唔該你們若沒有住過, 不完亂說. 我們及很多朋友二三代人都安居樂業, 子女大都有專業, 工資高, 生活穩定. 每個人移民都要經過因難. 若找不到工, 就說這地方不好. 那就不要來. 每代人都有因難. 若不願努力, 請不要來.
這個視頻所提供的資料是事實 !我家的祖先在第二次大戰之前已經移民加拿大溫哥華. 溫哥華的經濟一向欠推動力, 加上加拿大又被人叫萬稅國, 所以一個普通的打工仔想在加拿大創業發達, 十分有難度. 靜係講去溫哥華的中國酒樓飲茶, 食一籠十分十分 cheap 的點心也要加幣 八元(未計稅). 另外在屋租方面, 例如在列治文市(距離機場大約 10 分鐘車程)一個兩房單位, 一個月屋租是加幣二千多元. 你似乎不是長期住在那裏的居民.
Your experience is outdated. Do you know it takes a family income of $290k to qualify for an average house? That amount is way above double professional income.
@@edwinskwokwhat is the price for average house?
移民大減 !!
真大喜訊 !
The price decreases a lot already, with the new immigration policy, the price will drop a lot. Don't forget about the 25% tariff imposed by Trump