  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • In this video I talk about pros and cons of living in Spain. If you are thinking of moving here, watch this video to decide if it makes sense for you!

ความคิดเห็น • 106

  • @TheRaul45
    @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    5:00 Little shops are closed in Spain for eat during two hours, and it's the same in France, Shops close two hours for eat.
    And it's the same in Italy .. and in Germany .. But it's not for a nap.

  • @ShikiByakko
    @ShikiByakko 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are many heating solutions. If ceramic heating, oil radiator or other type of electricity based heating you feel is expensive, try Kerosene or gas heaters.

  • @alexnavarro6941
    @alexnavarro6941 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Very good video, as a spanish/spaniard, I can confirm it all. As you say, the weather thing depends on where you live. I live in Canary Islands, and here it's never too hot or too cold (many people say we have the perfect weather). I'm not entirely sure, but I think the reason electricity is so expensive here is because a lot of our politicians (most of them corrupt) are part of these electricity corporations.It's just one of the many personal incomes they have. I suppose they want such high prices, to have their high living standards for them and their families. I imagine it's like the pharmaceutical corporations in USA, they just don't care about people, they want to win more and more money.

    • @TheRaul45
      @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Tu eres un ignorante. Como va a ser el precio de la luz mas cara por la corrupción?? Corruptos serán en tus islas. La corrupción está en cada país.. Podemos ver ahora dos casos de corrupción en Alemania. y Zarcozy en la carcel por corrupto, igual que muchisimos casos en Inglaterra o Austria (Caso Ibiza)
      Otra cosa es que no leas un periodico y no viajes.
      Francia tiene costes mas bajos de electricidad porque arriesgaron por las centrales atómicas.
      Los costes de electricidad en cada país son más complejos de lo que tu crees como para decir que son los politicos.. La salida infantil de siempre cuando algo no se entiende..

    • @alexnavarro6941
      @alexnavarro6941 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@TheRaul45 Buenos días. En ningún momento he dicho que el asunto sea simple. En eso tienes razón, no todo es cosa de los políticos, pero las decisiones políticas influyen muchas veces en los precios. Muchos cargos y ex cargos políticos tienen o han tenido algo que ver con las compañías eléctricas, muchas veces acusadas de corrupción por distintas organizaciones tanto independientes como adyacentes al gobierno central (lo que llaman la puerta giratoria de las eléctricas). Y mi comentario ha sido de todo menos infantil a mi parecer. No entiendo tu reacción desproporcionada, como si usted se hubiese sentido insultado en algún modo. No es necesario faltar al respeto y llamar ignorante a otras personas, y tampoco es necesario insultar a mi tierra natal o las gentes que lo habitan o lo dirigen, para intentar ganar un argumento a tu favor. Y sí, sigo los periódicos, y sí, he viajado. Aquí dejo algunas citas publicadas en distintos medios en distintas épocas (cercanas, siguen siendo tema de actualidad):
      "Eléctricas. El retiro dorado de la política. ¿Sueñan los políticos con las eléctricas? Desde los inicios de la privatización del sector cientos de altos cargos públicos han acabado en los consejos de administración de las pocas empresas que controlan la generación, la distribución y la comercialización de la energía. El resultado del experimento, el esperable: una política energética a medida de los intereses del oligopolio que domina el mercado eléctrico."
      "Anticorrupción acusa a Iberdrola de ganar 20 millones al manipular el precio de la luz
      El fiscal lleva ante un tribunal penal a la eléctrica por obtener un lucro ilícito"
      "La Fiscalía investiga a Industria por perdonar 3.000 millones a eléctricas
      Anticorrupción cita en secreto a altos cargos de Energía del PSOE por no reclamar dinero cobrado de más. La abogacía del Estado señaló el “enriquecimiento injusto”"
      "El record de CORRUPCIÓN en España está en el sector energético."
      "43 políticos 'enchufados' en eléctricas. Sus negocios dependen de las decisiones políticas ¿Contratan por eso a ex altos cargos y sus familiares? Los últimos fichajes: Tocino, Hernández Mancha...
      En este país de trincheras, un dato hermana a políticos de izquierdas, derechas y nacionalistas: su afición a reengancharse en empresas energéticas tras dejar el cargo. La lista de enchufados sigue creciendo mientras la factura eléctrica se dispara y algunas empresas se llevan sus inversiones al extranjero"
      "Las eléctricas reinciden en el abuso: se eleva el fraude detectado al comercializar la luz"
      "La asociación Facua ha detectado que todas las tarifas son considerablemente más elevadas que la tarifa semirregulada (PVPC), y que su publicidad e información comercial no facilita en ningún caso el precio del kilovatio (kW) de potencia contratada y el kilovatio hora (kWh) de energía consumida incluyendo el 27,19% que representan el IVA y el impuesto especial sobre la electricidad"
      "¿Sabías que el precio de la luz en España es de los más caros de europa?
      Los últimos datos publicados por la agencia Eurostat, correspondientes al último semestre del año 2018, confirman algo que ha sido tendencia en los últimos años: España es uno de los países en los que el precio del kWh es más alto.
      Además el informe muestra como en 2018 el precio de la energía pasó de una media de 21´8 € por cada 100 kWk a 24’8 €, lo que supone una subida del 13,8%.
      El único país que ha tenido un incremento superior al de España ha sido Chipre, con un aumento del precio de la luz del 19,6% respecto a sus tarifas del año 2017."
      Espero que la próxima vez tenga una respuesta más mesurada, siempre dentro del respeto y la cortesía que se merece al tratar cualquier tipo de debate. Siempre se puede ganar un argumento, una discusión o un debate, dentro del respeto y la amabilidad hacia otras personas. Gracias por tu atención, un abrazo.

    • @jgappy5643
      @jgappy5643 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@alexnavarro6941 bien dicho.

    • @MR-pr8tp
      @MR-pr8tp 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you want to experience corruption, come to the USA. Guess it is the nature of the beast. Good comment, helpful. I lived in the Canary Islands and wish I had stayed.

  • @agnesaj9199
    @agnesaj9199 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video. I have watched many videos on Spain as I am considering retiring there but you mentioned things that most other videos don't think to mention. Thank you!

  • @zauwee
    @zauwee 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great job. I’ve been there a few times, and you’re spot on.

  • @darylhopkins9796
    @darylhopkins9796 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I enjoyed the video. Spain is a country that is on the top of my vacation list.

  • @s.t.2302
    @s.t.2302 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Very true. I am from Madrid and the heat is unberable and makes sleep impossible, while the cold is big enough to need massive central heating but many cheap apartments don't have it and you have to pay it extra, being expensive. Foreigners tend to ignore it and go to cheap flats and then they die of cold.

    • @d.c.sodyssey4783
      @d.c.sodyssey4783 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      you mean they die in their flat ?

    • @TheRaul45
      @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, I think foreigners do not think that it can be cold in Spain ... so they rent an apartment without heating because it is cheaper, and then winter comes and they complain and say that in Spain the houses are cold.
      You have to make sure that the house has "Central heating, or at least radiators in all the rooms, which is the most common

    • @Ισαβέλα-ψ7τ
      @Ισαβέλα-ψ7τ 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      tengo una pregunta. lo siento si mi pregunta es tan tonta 😳☹️... pero cuando es calor en otro país, (vamos usamos estados unidos por ejemplo,) es frío para ti, ¿o no? y cuando es frío para nos, es calor para ti, ¿o no? otra vez?
      asumo que vives en españa porque de tu comentario 😃

  • @RobertRod818
    @RobertRod818 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Life in Spain sounds great

    • @oliverbold9724
      @oliverbold9724 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Aber ist es fantastisch?
      Könnte es sein das spanien von Illusionen, unerfüllbaren Wunschbildern, unwirklichen, oft unklaren Vorstellungen oder Gedanken beherrscht wird und außerhalb der Wirklichkeit oder im Widerspruch zu ihr stehend
      "in ihrem Kopf spuken allerlei fantastische Vorstellungen"

  • @MR-pr8tp
    @MR-pr8tp 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for this video.
    As an American, homes must have heating, most with AC but that depends. This would become "unsellable" in the USA. I am considering relocating to Spain and might have overlooked this. (Taking things for granted) Learning a lot from having lived in Spain long, long ago.

  • @TravelDrone
    @TravelDrone 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you, wonderful and interesting video, I would like to move to Alicante in couple of years 👍

  • @TheRaul45
    @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have not known a house in Spain without radiator heating in each room. Most of us have gas through your pipes ... and we do not experience any cold. It's the first time I've heard something like this.

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      really? :o where do you live?

  • @pedroalvarez2119
    @pedroalvarez2119 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Nice video but your comments are suitable only for Mediterranean Spain, In the North things are different

  • @QueenBee-mk8xm
    @QueenBee-mk8xm 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good video. You speak and explain very well.
    If you check the temperature inside, you may find that it is actually colder than outside by around 5 degrees. That is the reality of Spanish apartments and houses unless they are newly built according to EU standards, something which is only just starting to be followed. Most have no insulation in the walls and no heating. It is pretty crazy. I strongly suggest to everyone to check the energy efficiency rating of any apartment or house that you rent or buy in Spain and try to stick to A, B, or C because otherwise you are going to be very cold, can easily get sick, and your bills are going to be very high. Also, try to get a place with airconditioning if you can.

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wow, it's crazy, I didn't know that the temperature is ACTUALLY lower inside ! 😀

    • @QueenBee-mk8xm
      @QueenBee-mk8xm 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@polina-kova94 Yes. We could see it from the thermostat. Even with the radiators on, there was essentially no point having them on as the walls were like ice and you could only feel any heat if you literally were touching the radiator. Usually there is no central heating. These were electric and very expensive and as I said, usually no point even switching them on. It´s really important to find an apartment with an energy efficiency rating of A or B is you can.

  • @stevieh2752
    @stevieh2752 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video, well delivered with some very good information, you talk to us like we are already friends, fantastic trait to have :)

  • @delchavid
    @delchavid 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have to change the floor to a wooden floor that helps. If you own the place.

  • @ansarmehmood4252
    @ansarmehmood4252 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for new information about Spain's country.

  • @jw8749
    @jw8749 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    And this lady’s point about cars is totally real! A car is a necessity, not everyone comes from a walking or public transportation culture, so your car is like your shoes, you need them everyday. Parking is complicated in most European cities and super expensive, you can spend up to EUR 40.00 a day just to park your car in the city. Ah, and everything can be closed on Sundays and holidays, so you really have to plan well around your shopping needs. In my opinion, life can be hard and complicated in Europe; ah, and the generally lower salaries, exorbitant prices, and taxes.......well, that’s a totally separate topic for another day. So, think well and consider all your options between thinking about moving to live in Europe. While people and the culture and the history in Europe are amazing, living your everyday life is more than that. Don’t say I didn’t warn you 👍🏻😃

  • @rimbraketakesthewin7846
    @rimbraketakesthewin7846 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    how is the cycling scene in Cataluña ?

  • @___Will__Ferrell
    @___Will__Ferrell 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi. I'm from Manhattan, New York City. Here I can order food online and they deliver boxes of food to my house. Do they also deliver food to houses in Catalonia or other parts of Spain from supermarkets to a customer's house ? Great channel.

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, they do but only in big cities, I know there is a service in Barcelona, for example, but where I lived there was nothing like that! Thank you ♥

  • @ayeheisania6807
    @ayeheisania6807 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for your information. By the way your eyes are extremely beautiful... may God bless you, MashAllah 💙

  • @TheRaul45
    @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Being cold indoors is an option for each person. Most homes have whole house heating pre-installed, or central heating. In fact, most have gas installation through pipes. It is true that it is not a communist country where the Government exploits the resources and offers them free or almost free to the people.

  • @TheRaul45
    @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "A policeman in Barcelona earns € 35,000 per year.
    Where it does show a wage gap is in the United Kingdom. In the British archipelago, an agent of Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police that operates in London, earns an average of 35,616 pounds a year, about 40,028 euros.
    The annual salary of policemen in England (excluding those in the capital) and Wales is 32,616 pounds, about 36,655 euros per year. In Scotland and Northern Ireland it is lower, 31,971 pounds (35,930 euros) and 28,098 pounds (31,516 euros). "

    • @TheRaul45
      @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      An apartment in Barcelona can cost € 800, but in London there are no less than € 2,000 or € 3,000 per month.
      Food is more expensive, and all services are much more expensive, not to mention transportation.

  • @mdhasnat6918
    @mdhasnat6918 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I want to go Spain

  • @dongwang3569
    @dongwang3569 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    what beatiful blue eyes

  • @estelamino6356
    @estelamino6356 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello. Yes. Tell us rent. Transportation. Etc...

  • @abdullahhakan1
    @abdullahhakan1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Spain has culture of fiestas, siestas and Spain's infrastructure, motorway lengths, fast train railway lengths , Seat car, jeep mass productions surpass Turkey 200 years time. Turks work 6 days a week without siestas, fiestas.Minimum wage in Turkey is 300 usd. Half of turkish workers work for 300 usd/ month in all throughout Turkey. 2.100.000 turkish pensioners earn 1500 tl per month. Among 18 years old to 35 years age, unemployment rate is 25 percent. Total number of blue and white collar workers are 24 million. With Golden Investorship programme, 7400 foreigners have become Turkey citizen in the world. Among recent 4 million refugees in Turkey only 50.000 refugees become Turkey citizens with their educations.

  • @ash9x9
    @ash9x9 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you share names of small villages/towns in Catalonia to visit from barna?

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ufff, there is a lot! coast or mainland?

  • @abdullahhakan1
    @abdullahhakan1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In Spain tourists can visit all 550.000 square kms of the country. Spain has 26.000 kms of motorways, all cities are connected by fast trains ren fe. In Turkey , motorway length is 3800 kms, fast train railway length is 1700 kms. Tourists mostly visit only 300.000 square kms area in Turkey from Edirne to Kayseri, Capadoçcia and from Istanbul to Fethiye and Antalya cities as well as Mersin, Adana cities.

  • @parisfrance6483
    @parisfrance6483 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Move to northern spain

  • @rojoberto
    @rojoberto 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you live in Mataró? If you do, we are neighbours jajaja. I'm a mexican expat and I totally agree when you say that the houses here are not built properly according to the weather. Frozen fingers are the worst part of home office nowadays. Congratulations on your channel, I'll be checking out here what is life here for a russian expat. Saludos!

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey, I used to live there for 5 years! Now I'm in Sitges :)

    • @rojoberto
      @rojoberto 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@polina-kova94 Ohhhh great place, I've heard. Unfortunately I haven't been there yet. I hope this year I can go for the film festival. Anyway, great thing what you're doing with your videos. I'll keep checking out your channel. Fins ara!

  • @hermles
    @hermles 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have always had central heating in every house I have lived in Spain. Not air conditioning but yes gas heating with water radiators or irradiant floor. I have heard in Catalonia and Balearic Islands it is uncommon and the weather in winter is cold and humid. But Catalán speaking areas are famous for the bad quality of construction because they are quite stingy and miserable in every way.

    • @TheRaul45
      @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have not known a house in Spain without radiator heating in each room. Most of us have gas through your pipes ... and we do not experience any cold. It's the first time I've heard something like this.

    • @Olguis76
      @Olguis76 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are full of envy and hate. 🤮🤮🤮

  • @SureshKesraniOfficial
    @SureshKesraniOfficial 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    palena donde estas vives en Spain

  • @karamjitsingh355
    @karamjitsingh355 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello polina ❤❤❤
    How i learn driving license test in Spain...German language ext..?

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't think you can do it in German!

    • @karamjitsingh355
      @karamjitsingh355 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@polina-kova94 in English...?

    • @karamjitsingh355
      @karamjitsingh355 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@polina-kova94 And careful plz for Corona virus..👍👍👍👍👍😷😷 No going out side 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@karamjitsingh355 yes, in Barcelona there are schools in English ;)

    • @karamjitsingh355
      @karamjitsingh355 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@polina-kova94 thx for information 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @muktiprasadupreti2263
    @muktiprasadupreti2263 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am learn Spanish

  • @jesusperezvigil2087
    @jesusperezvigil2087 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    May be you don t know how the heating system works, because all houses in Spain have heating.

    • @ahinoavicente1970
      @ahinoavicente1970 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      What you've said is not accurate.
      All houses in Spain do not have central heating.
      In the south for instance it is very unlikely to have central heating and Valencia or Almería... I would say the same.
      It's not like there is not central heating in all houses in Spain because there are areas which have central heating in every house but what you've said isn't correct and I'm sure she will perfectly know how the central heating works if she had one in her building

    • @jesusperezvigil2087
      @jesusperezvigil2087 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ahinoa Vicente Mi querida Ahinoa, como,puedes ver soy tan español como tú, y sí la calefacción en España puede no ser central pero eso no significa que no haya calefacción, puede tratarse de una calefacción individual, piso por piso.

    • @ahinoavicente1970
      @ahinoavicente1970 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jesusperezvigil2087 Estimadisimo Jesus, No en todas las casas de España hay calefacción.hay en zonas de España que las viviendas NO disponen de calefacción. El que tú te compres un calefactor o un radiador eléctrico o de aceite o te calientes las manos con el secador.... No cambia el hecho de que no hay calefacción en las casas.

    • @jesusperezvigil2087
      @jesusperezvigil2087 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ahinoa Vicente. Vamos a ver, ¿quién ha hablado de calefactores? La norma, no general sino generalísima, es que las casas en España tengan calefacción. Hasta ahora (hará 2 o 3 años) lo normal era una calefacción central con una caldera que calentaba todos los pisos a la misma temperatura y durante el mismo período de tiempo; pero hace unos años se decidió trasladar al Ordenamiento Jurídico español, una Directiva comunitaria ( por si no lo sabes es una norma de obligado cumplimiento en toda la UE), para que cada piso individualizara su consumo de calefacción, así que ahora cada piso tiene que tener calefacción individualizada. ¿Hay algún lugar en España que no tenga calefacción? Puede ser, pero que la tienen el 90% de las casas me parece evidente, y por supuesto en la Comunidad Valenciana, tal vez no en Andalucía, vale. De lo que se queja la chica es de que en su casa no puede ir prácticamente sin ropa ( he visto más vídeos de rusos quejándose de esto, porque parece ser que allí las casas tienen una calefacción súper potente, lo cual es bastante lógico). Queridísima Ainhoa esta es la última vez que escribo, porque no voy a estar perdiendo más tiempo respondiendo a obviedades

    • @ahinoavicente1970
      @ahinoavicente1970 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jesusperezvigil2087 en mi primera respuesta a tu comentario lo único que he indicado es que No es cierto tu afirmación, que no en todas las casas de España hay calefaccion y sigues negando la mayor.
      Ruego te remitas al Intituto Nacional De Estadística y hagas una búsqueda del porcentaje de viviendas con calefacción en España. Si el resultado es 100% confirmaras que tu afirmación era correcta... Pero creo que va a ser un 70,3% por lo tanto... Lo que afirmaste es Incierto.

  • @rubenfernandezcampos8648
    @rubenfernandezcampos8648 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you're middle-low class isn't life, it's survival.

  • @oliverbold9724
    @oliverbold9724 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nach über 20 jahren in diesen Land Namens Spanien kann ICH einige Wahrheiten erleutern.

  • @jw8749
    @jw8749 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sorry, but what can be better than Miami! 🏖🏖🏖

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      😀 haven't been there, but now I'm intrigued!

  • @nikkigreen1854
    @nikkigreen1854 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @ThomasBussmann
    @ThomasBussmann 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    El frio durante la noche, el calor por los días durante los meses de verano... y los camiones de basura a las 2 de la madrugada. ;-)
    Lo veo como una prueba de resiliencia y obstinación... en mi parte.

    • @TheRaul45
      @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well other days they have the cold during the day ... the cold at night and the garbage happens every 5 days, when it already smells bad.

  • @jw8749
    @jw8749 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Been to most countries in Europe for extended periods of time and its generally cold, housing and gas are very expensive, driving is complicated with too many traffic and environmental restrictions, salaries are lower than in the US, and the standard of living is really not the best. I admit, food, beer and wine can be great, but life is more than that! Sorry European lovers 👎🏻

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Huh, that's really interesting view, thanks for sharing, US lover 🤗 I would love to visit States, have never been there yet 🙂 it feels like people either hate it or love it, I'm really curious!

    • @louaceveu1925
      @louaceveu1925 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I suppose you like daily shootings, keeping up with the Joneses, being constantly in debt, insufficient health coverage and living to work more.

  • @fueifsumvzkh9253
    @fueifsumvzkh9253 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is Spain’s standard of living good? A lot of poverty?

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Spanish economy is not doing great since years ago, so yes, I think there is quite much poverty, more than in UK. the overall quality of life is lower than in nothern or central europe, for example. But still it's Europe and as I come from Russia, for me the standard is higher than what i saw in my home country. may be I will make a video about that!

    • @fueifsumvzkh9253
      @fueifsumvzkh9253 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your Better Today and how would you rate the UK? The economy and and poverty

    • @polina-kova94
      @polina-kova94  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@fueifsumvzkh9253 I have never been in UK, can't tell from my experience.
      Check this one

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes..a lot of poverty

    • @CayetanoenJapon1980
      @CayetanoenJapon1980 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Spain is the best country in the World according the Bloomberg about quality of life, infrastructures, technology, high salaries for pensions gastronomy, safest, healthcare system, etc...Uk?? Jesus Christ, they don'T have skylines(outside of London),subway in all the cities, nice infrastructures, extremely dangerous in many places, and shitlife ever.

  • @parisfrance6483
    @parisfrance6483 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's better in the North of Spain

    • @AnthonyJstark-vz4so
      @AnthonyJstark-vz4so 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @JoseGomez-it7mj
      @JoseGomez-it7mj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Visit both and then decide! I live in Málaga!!

    • @AnthonyJstark-vz4so
      @AnthonyJstark-vz4so 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JoseGomez-it7mj i can say for sure that Spain has it all. I've been in the basque country as well in South..sevilla. you name it👍

  • @CayetanoenJapon1980
    @CayetanoenJapon1980 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    7:58 "pretty low salary level in Barcelona"
    WRONG, Barcelona is the 5th richest city in the EU(2th in Spain after Madrid) with a average salary of 2.532 euros monthly. Maybe you are earning the minimum wage that is around 1.200e.
    "alot of people here in Spain go abroad to work oportunities"
    WRONG, I wish is like that, but unfortunately people still prefer to live in Spain(in their parent house) and living by Taxpayers(Inem) that going abroad. Spain is ranked the 23th country of the EU about expats with around 1.2million abroad(almost 900.000 are latinos and arabas with Spanish passport) and Germany is ranked the n1th with over 8 million people living about that represent almost a 10% of their population.
    I think you need to stop spreading lies in Internet, learn Spanih or back to your shihole country extremely poor called "Russia" because all we know what Russian girls are doing here in Spain...

    • @TheRaul45
      @TheRaul45 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No hace falta ser ofensivo
      Hay mucha gente que se informa en canales Comunistas o gente pro comunista que se han pasado AÑOS hablando lo peor de España para justificar su llegada al Gobierno.
      Esto NO pasa en algunos paises comunistas, donde el dictador de turno siempre habla maravillas de su país, y de lo bien que viven aunque tengan jubilaciones de 90$ al mes (China, Rusia Venezuela, como ejemplo)
      Yo soy de Bilbao, y en Pais vasco, y tengo familia ganando 2.800€ al mes pintando aero generadores, sin estudios. De hecho si sería un Estado Alemán, sería el 5º más rico en cuanto a PIB per capita (pero con los costes de vida la mitad de bajos)
      Y no es una cuestión de que Pais Vasco se aproveche por la gestión de sus impuestos, pues es la tercera región de Europa con más estudiantes Universitarios, por detrás de Suecia y Dinamarca, pero es la primera región en Europa en Estudiantes Universitarios con carreras técnicas.

  • @aminerachid4393
    @aminerachid4393 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    are you single ?

  • @wokeupandsmellthecoffee214
    @wokeupandsmellthecoffee214 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I heard the govt and councils are corrupt, that puts me off.

    • @on1manshow
      @on1manshow 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      then you won't like living anywhere )))

    • @CayetanoenJapon1980
      @CayetanoenJapon1980 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well, you are from Italy, your country is like the Mexico of Europe...