My wife, our son and I really appreciate the sound, systematic Bible teaching of Dr. Andy Woods. We recommend him regularly to others and would encourage others to do so.
The question is , what is scripture? You say Christ read from the Old Testament. The Old Testament was not even a “thing” before Christ. They had individual scrolls written by prophets and teachers from the times when Israel was made up of Hebrews. People today just accept what they heard from a man who was taught by a man who was taught by a man and so on. The “church leaders” will tell you to only read what “they” determine to be scripture, usually consisting of the 66 books. But in the book of second esra it says that there was 90 + books and that only a few were for the masses and some books for the “learned”. So as I said what do you call scripture? The catholic selected cannon or do you read all material and come to your own conclusions?
My wife, our son and I really appreciate the sound, systematic Bible teaching of Dr. Andy Woods. We recommend him regularly to others and would encourage others to do so.
A really good message, given by a really good spaker.
Excellent message!
Absolutely brilliant brilliant teaching bless you Andy and congratulations on your baby girl
So thankful for this ministry
Thank you! Amen
The question is , what is scripture? You say Christ read from the Old Testament. The Old Testament was not even a “thing” before Christ. They had individual scrolls written by prophets and teachers from the times when Israel was made up of Hebrews. People today just accept what they heard from a man who was taught by a man who was taught by a man and so on. The “church leaders” will tell you to only read what “they” determine to be scripture, usually consisting of the 66 books. But in the book of second esra it says that there was 90 + books and that only a few were for the masses and some books for the “learned”. So as I said what do you call scripture? The catholic selected cannon or do you read all material and come to your own conclusions?