Really enjoyed this masterclass... ! Great playing - and so interesting to hear the suggestions from Helen Sung at this level. Is Seth playing on the form most of time - how would you teach less advanced students to follow the time and the form?
I’m sad that nobody responded to your question. The form of Seth’s improvisation followed the basic 12-bars blues progression. Her comments were spot on. His original improvisation basically stuck to the original form, but the ideas were incredibly varied. For this particular song, I would advise students to hear the changes by breaking it down to its bare bones - four measures of the I chord, two measures of the IV, two measures of the I followed by a four bar cadence back to I consisting of V, IV, V. Maybe listen to the bass to hear the roots of these changes. Or play the bass along with Seth at .5 speed to hear where he is in the form.
I personally loved the combination of styles of the first go 👏🏼
Great playing, Seth
Great playing from Seth. He was really able to take a suggestion and run with it.
Really enjoyed this masterclass... ! Great playing - and so interesting to hear the suggestions from Helen Sung at this level. Is Seth playing on the form most of time - how would you teach less advanced students to follow the time and the form?
I’m sad that nobody responded to your question. The form of Seth’s improvisation followed the basic 12-bars blues progression. Her comments were spot on. His original improvisation basically stuck to the original form, but the ideas were incredibly varied. For this particular song, I would advise students to hear the changes by breaking it down to its bare bones - four measures of the I chord, two measures of the IV, two measures of the I followed by a four bar cadence back to I consisting of V, IV, V. Maybe listen to the bass to hear the roots of these changes. Or play the bass along with Seth at .5 speed to hear where he is in the form.