10 Reasons Why Max Payne 3 Failed

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • 10 Reasons Why Max Payne 3 Failed

ความคิดเห็น • 99

  • @GamingDynamics
    @GamingDynamics  5 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    This is my personal review on why Max Payne 3 failed (though I still consider it one of the best third-person shooters). I’ll also be making another video with a positive review. Cheers!

    • @TheSilentEvil
      @TheSilentEvil 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      It's the best third-person shooter ever made.

    • @artyombychkov2134
      @artyombychkov2134 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      You forgot about Max switching to his pistol after every cutscene.
      Personally I think MP2 is worse than MP1. The love story and sad Max didn’t connect with me. Plus MP1 had better atmosphere especially chapters 3-5 of part 1, I wish the entire game could be like that. The feeling that the entire world died and you are alone but not entirely alone and there is something lurking in the shadows. Those levels were really creepy and chilling.

    • @GamingDynamics
      @GamingDynamics  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@artyombychkov2134 true! I forgot it

    • @hevitonttu2251
      @hevitonttu2251 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      So no voice reveal yet? :) I think I'll watch this but maybe a robot voice could have been useful because some people prefer listening to videos.

    • @GamingDynamics
      @GamingDynamics  4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@hevitonttu2251 I have to find an AI voice, i dont want to reveal mine, and I like text. but yea I know most of people would prefer voice. Im also trying to train an AI model with Max's voice btw

  • @danin900
    @danin900 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Max Payne 3's level design is a massive downgrade from the originals. It just sucked immensely to be interrupted every 5 minutes so that Max can open a fucking door. The originals had more of a 90's feel to them. Made for more replayable games.

  • @doncaway1178
    @doncaway1178 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    here are my only complaints:
    1.) Max can't throw grenades
    2.) Unskippable Cutscenes
    3.) No Nightmare
    4.) No Graphic Novel

  • @Ms-Islamova
    @Ms-Islamova 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    if MP3 had the same background setting(new york, dark noir) as the previous, i'd jump on it in a heartbeat. was very disappointed when I found out it's in a totally new setting. doesn't matter how good the game is in itself, if he goes to space to rescue zelda, it's not the same Max Payne.

    • @TheSilentEvil
      @TheSilentEvil 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      Yeah, it's not the same Max Payne. He changed, he found his inner peace. I call it bullshit not playing the game because its setting ain't in NY. I call it lazyness to not try to understand this masterpiece.

    • @SlurpyPie
      @SlurpyPie 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

      That’s such a close minded way of looking at something. I played through all three games and love them all equally regardless if the third game was set in Brazil plus Rockstar clearly did it to keep in line with Remedy’s vision of each Max Payne game representing Max’s mental state through the weather (with Max Payne 1 being the worst set in the snow as it gradually got better in each game until summer) while still adding their own flair to the game which I think was a nice change of pace.
      Plus it has two flashback levels where it’s set in New Jersey so I’m not sure what else you could ask for, just please give the game a chance. It’s an amazing (if not a bit flawed) game and a perfect ending to Max’s story.

    • @GustavoEBarriga
      @GustavoEBarriga 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      That was exactly my complaint back in 2012, but guess what, Sam Lake didn't listened to the fan base. They should have redo the whole location and keep it noir, Seattle at night with rain could have been pretty cool for the 3.

    • @TheSilentEvil
      @TheSilentEvil 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@GustavoEBarriga you just proved you don't know anything about the game. Sam Lake nor anyone at Remedy got any involvement on this game.

    • @GustavoEBarriga
      @GustavoEBarriga 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@TheSilentEvil Exactly, the only thing I know about the game is that it ruined the timeline of a masterpiece. This shows how much I cared about that horrible game, I did not even remembered rockstar was responsible.
      But what I can recall is that in 2012 everyone was escalating all the claims to Sam.

  • @Armin.T9
    @Armin.T9 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    It wasn't a Max Payne game, just a third person shooter with Max Payne logo.

  • @punished-venom-snake
    @punished-venom-snake 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    I agree with every point you made, when I bought the Max Payne trilogy, I was really excited to play MP3 since I saw a bunch of gameplay clips of Max flying through the air, headshoting an entire room of full armed men. I played it on hard for my first playthrough and the bullets hurt like hell! I died a lot and while does the game does have frequent checkpoints, it's really frustrating for me since takes so long for me to load after I die.
    And there's points where I die so many times in a checkpoint that could've been made easier by just keeping quick-saving, since I know the game loads fast when you restart from a checkpoint. And they should've scrapped last man standing, it's pointless and incentivizes people to treat painkillers as extra lives rather than heals.
    The game also incentivizes ducking behind cover by slowing Max down and making him walk and get up slowly, despite the first two games having a run and gun play style. They also made most of the maps tight corridors, basically crippling your ability to shoot dodge and the maps are really empty with no room to explore or parkour to find secrets, which really sucks since that was one of my favorite parts of the other games.
    But most of all the story is a headache and toothache combined. They made "Max 'Die Hard' Payne: Man on fire in Brazil." and butchered Max's character a lot to make him fit the action orientated plot. Gone was the Noir-inspired John Woo shooter detective who dishes out max pain while going through some max pain and came in dumb and fat John McClane gringo with anger issues who even can't tell the difference between a stick and a rock despite being a detective.
    When I finished the game and I was left really mixed by the entire experience, I didn't like it but couldn't bring myself to hate either. Max Payne 3 is a great game, and a really fun playthrough but it should been just a reboot since it story doesn't even do much with Max's back story. And compared to Max Payne 1 and 2, it just falls short in a lot of places. With that being said I think they should make Max Payne 4, fuck Max's peace they already screw him over since he found it in Max Payne 2.
    TLDR; I played the game and I didn't like: long load times when I die, not keeping quick-saving like other games, the game incentivizing cover shooting with slow movement instead of running and gunning, short maps with tight corridors giving you no space to shoot dodge, last man standing, dumb story with a dumb Max Payne. Overall it's a ton of fun and fuck Max's happy ending, I want Max Payne 4.

    • @devanshujoeldhali2334
      @devanshujoeldhali2334 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I know right

    • @SlurpyPie
      @SlurpyPie 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      @@punished-venom-snake I respect your opinion but I just wanna correct you by saying that the game doesn't really incentive a more cover based play style as Rockstar stated in gameplay trailers that the cover served more as a rest break from the action so you could heal and plan your next line of attack, there's tons of aspects to the game that try to encourage more run and gun gameplay. For one if you stay in cover for too long the enemies will try to flush you out by either throwing grenades, charging towards you or shooting you through cover although not all the cover is destructive unfortunately.
      Rockstar never properly tells the players but it also has features that definitely added alot to the gunplay like being able to disarm enemies and being able to shoot while vaulting over cover, the game also rewards you with more bullet time the more risks you take in combat which helped encourage me to engage in a more run and gun play style the series is known for so while I get where you're coming from and respect your opinion it's not entirely accurate.
      Edit: Also as much as I'd love MP4, Max deserves the happy ending he got in MP3 so I'm fine with us getting just the remakes instead.

  • @TheMerantau
    @TheMerantau 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I didn’t like how the game gives you a mission failure if you linger in one room for too long. This really pissed me off when I wanted to look around for golden parts.

  • @CasualGamerDanny
    @CasualGamerDanny 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    Okay! Here's my two cents...
    This game is anything but Max Payne except the game title and OG voice actor. You can also call it an infamous "GTA 4.5" since it just got released a year before GTA V.
    The thing is MP series ended flawlessly with second game and the original development team Remedy focused on more innovative and new games. While R* is their official publisher so this is more like a desperate attempt for reviving something that's what not necessary in today's age.
    Even they did tried but this game has all the things Rockstar is pioneer at such as: narrative driven stories, profanity, scandals, foreign language characters, and what not.
    MP1&2 might have violence and sexual references but they hardly had any swear or cursed language than this game. Like you can't even count on your fingers how times James said the word "fuck" in this game. 😅

    • @Artific1al2s
      @Artific1al2s 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      I think he says fuck like four to five times

    • @CasualGamerDanny
      @CasualGamerDanny 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@Artific1al2s Well, I doubt that since you can watch whole cutscenes of the game to determine an exact amount of his swears.
      As a matter of fact, in the OG max payne series, only Vlad has used such word when talking about Mona which pissed off Max in the second game xD

    • @Artific1al2s
      @Artific1al2s 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@CasualGamerDanny yes Max swears a lot in the game I was jus pointing out that he only says fuck a hand full of times

  • @GustavoEBarriga
    @GustavoEBarriga 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Did not liked a single bit of it, none, nothing, nada.
    Heck I was even avoiding the previous video about it, lol

  • @metazare
    @metazare 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I didn't get MP3 when it released. I could tell by looking at it I wasn't going to like the direction it was going. I got it years later on sale on PC, and I've never even finished it. I think I got up to the level just after the one where you're on a boat and I put it down, never picking it back up again. I hated the unskippable cut scenes. I hated the stupid flashes of distorted color in the cut scenes. I hated the dialoged. I hated that it was turned into a cover shooter. I hated the environment.
    The game has no soul. It's a knock off made by a developer who didn't get the appeal of the first two. A tightly scripted train ride that gives you no freedom to get off and look around. You're ushered from set piece to set piece. Enter a room, kill everyone in it, move onto the next room. Cutscene, kill everyone in the room. Repeat for however many levels there are in the game. If it wasn't called Max Payne, and the protag wasn't voiced by McCaffrey, it would be just another unremarkable 3rd person cover shooter with slow mo mechanics.

  • @W4l0p
    @W4l0p 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Thank you, it's odd how rarely these blaring faults are mentioned when talking about Max Payne 3.
    It was an insanely expensive production and they poured all that money to the most boring details and dozens of flow breaking cutscenes.
    The first thing that comes to mind from this game is incessant cutscenes making me hate the game more and more for constantly making me wait to be able to actually play it and with the glitches the cutscenes even got sometimes stuck sift-locking the game.
    I don't think I will ever play it a second time and would not recommend to a fan of the amazing Remedy games.
    Even with the more story heavy focus after Max Payne Remedy still understands they are making games and not taking off the control from the player too often or unnecessarily, so I would expect the remakes not to be a pain to play like this one.

  • @АнтонМриглод
    @АнтонМриглод 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Even though my first entry into the series been with Max Payne 1, eventually I ended up liking Max Payne 3 the most of all games. I dunno, most of the complaints of other people been no that relevant to me, what I saw in the game is the bitter tale of a person who tries to do a good thing after hitting the rock bottom. Tho can't also agree that MP3 lacks stuff, that makes Max Payne unique and distinctive. It has noir, not New-York one, but still, the imagery is fairly gloomy and unsaturated with colours. Does he withstand inhuman challenges and trials, both mentally and physically throughout his path? True, that is the very essence of series that lies even in the name of both protagonist and the game itself. (I'd even dare to say, he goes through more pain in MP3 than in MP2)
    so dunno, MP3 is a great game, obviously it's different cause it's been developed by Rockstar, but it does not obstruct the game from not only being great, but a "Max Payne" game.
    upd. maybe y'all gonna beat me, but I'd also dare to say that Max Payne 1 and 2 are not that noir as Max Payne 3, since 1 and 2 portray rather grotesque stories, with almost literally comic-vibe which does not goes along with actual noir, whereas MP3 portrays the Max's struggle with hardly any lenses of any style whatsoever. Perhaps that's may be the reason why I related to Max in third game the most, since his struggle was primary focus of the game.

    • @jackmeowmeowmeow2177
      @jackmeowmeowmeow2177 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Correct, I hate the "This game wasn't dark or dreary" despite it surrounding a corrupt police unit and politician who are chopping people up for profit.

    • @Endru85x
      @Endru85x 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@jackmeowmeowmeow2177 People seem to ignore the fact that Mp2 has a bit different mood than MP1. Winter, raging storm following the destruction done by Max was replaced by gloomy autumn which IMO feels more in line with Max being more introspective. MP3 seems too sunny, but is really not. Max fought before with corrupt copes, but not the kind he meets in Brazil. He lives in a city where he needs to take a short walk to walk from wealthy district into a place run by drugs and violence.I got my share of problems with MP3, but not the mood, people whining about it sound Snyder bots thinking that "dark and gloomy" means mature stuff.

  • @fadeskywards1245
    @fadeskywards1245 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I love this game. It's good, but it didn't retain faith towards it's predecessors in many ways.
    The unskippable cutscenes, which replace loading screens, and more importantly, the graphic novels.
    Very densely packed cutscenes, which break immersion and momentum - even the skippable ones.
    Glitches, freezing, falling through the floor - fellow those who have played New York Minute Hardcore and froze late in the game know how daunting this is.
    Also, the poetic inner monologues were replaced by cynical ones.
    I don't mind the change in clothing and time of day. They are a refreshment.
    The game "failed" because it didn't remain true to form of its predecessors. On its own, and even in negative comparison with the previous two games of the trilogy, it is still a success and a fantastic game. 💪❤️

    • @GamingDynamics
      @GamingDynamics  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      oh, I forgot about the graphic novels...

    • @fadeskywards1245
      @fadeskywards1245 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​​@@GamingDynamics It doesn't matter. It's understood. Also, have you ever played NY Minute Hardcore?

  • @devanshujoeldhali2334
    @devanshujoeldhali2334 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +28

    Because people are blinded with nostalgia, and are not able to give a chance to new, just like cod community, where new games are hated first and then loved eventually

    • @magusmax4278
      @magusmax4278 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      But the new COD’s are garbage XD

    • @devanshujoeldhali2334
      @devanshujoeldhali2334 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@magusmax4278 that maybe true bro,
      But it's becoming a tradition to hate new and love old, just pointing out.

    • @Volition_To_The_Max
      @Volition_To_The_Max 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      No, because Max Payne 3 is only a Max Payne game by name, bullet time, Shoot Dodge, and James McCaffrey. Nothing more. It's a good game itself though.

    • @devanshujoeldhali2334
      @devanshujoeldhali2334 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Volition_To_The_Max yeah, I really like this Max Payne installment so cool and realistic

    • @DrundeFPS
      @DrundeFPS 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      COD was never good to begin with.

  • @SashaEgorov96
    @SashaEgorov96 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Max Payne 3 had a different look, thx to McCaffrey for giving his voice to Max again, thx Rockstar for making absolutely new gameplay. Agree, no noir, no nightmares, but to me it's diamond value... Goodbye Max Payne...

  • @Sercil00
    @Sercil00 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Last stand is spoiling the fun of using a grenade launcher. Those grenades ALSO travel in slow motion, and they usually won't hit the target until last-stand runs out of time.
    Also, parts like these ruin the hardest difficulty: 8:54 - Look how the laser is already on Max, but he's still transitioning out of the cutscene, meaning you can't move yet. I have gotten killed here before I could even control Max again. The game does this thing way too often, where a cutscene leaves you in a godawful spot and by the time you can finally play again, you're already shot, which is just an annoyance on easier difficulties but devastating on the highest one.

  • @SlurpyPie
    @SlurpyPie 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    The only real problems I have with the game are the glitches/bugs, unskippable cutscenes and the lack of nightmare levels especially since Rockstar is incredible when it comes to horror so they would’ve knocked it out of the park if they did so it’s a shame they never did. I personally like a lot of the different aspects to it like the limited inventory or that they changed the setting, it made this game feel like a different beast while still providing a similar experience to the previous games, some people might disagree but that’s just my opinion cause I still think MP3 is an amazing game and perfect ending to Max’s story.
    Also I just wanna let you know the reason they didn’t give the player the ability to throw Grenades or Molotovs is because the enemies use them to flush the player out of cover to prevent them from staying in cover for too long in order to encourage more run and gun gameplay that the series is known. I can still understand why people might be upset about it but given the reason behind it I can also understand why they did it too.

    • @Endru85x
      @Endru85x 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I like limited equipment because it provides a challenge. In many Mp2 levels you carry so much ammo around, you don,t feel uncomfortable about your gun running out of bullets , you just use another one. Guns feel more powerful, coupled with physics, it provides a better experience. Mp2 a lot of time feels like you are shooting dummies with ASG gun, the sounds are awful in Mp2.

  • @littlegamer32
    @littlegamer32 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    As many people said already, I think it's a really good game, but not a good Max Payne game. It has practically no reason to be called Max Payne in the first place, that was pretty much a marketing move by Rockstar.

  • @desktorp
    @desktorp 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I still haven't played 2 or 3. I have them now, but I've been using Linux for the last 20 years, so while I'm pretty sure 2 will run fine, I'm not so sure about 3. I'll try eventually. I have read that 3 contains excessive GTA-style cursing in the dialogue and I think that would kill the Max Payne mood somewhat. The original had a very limited use of vulgar language. I read a review that said Max Payne 3 suffered from GTAification.

  • @PieroMinayaRojas
    @PieroMinayaRojas 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    2:09 "This was hell on Earth" no shit Max

  • @koolandblue
    @koolandblue 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Gameplay wise, 3 was fantastic. It was challenging in a way the other 2 games weren’t and you always had to be at your best. Even at lower difficulties you just couldn’t tear through recklessly. The gunfights are fast paced and I loved the on rail shooting sections of the game like the boat chase. The airport shootout with “Tears” playing as the background song is truly one of the best moments in any action game.
    What was really disappointing was the story and presentation. The game didn’t have any comic book style cutscenes, which was a real let down. Also aside from a couple brief refrences in the graveyard level, the story had nothing to do with the previous 2 games and you’d never know this was the last game in a trilogy. This game’s story wasn’t bad and it really showed off the worst of Sao Paulo. But I think we all would have preferred another noir detective style game set in New York. Max getting sent to Brazil just wasn’t what long time fans wanted.
    Still, I would rather have the Max Payne 3 game we got than no Max Payne 3 at all.

  • @badluck747
    @badluck747 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    just the only fact that percent of people who liked the game and can't see it's problems is the same percent as people who hated it and can't see it's good sides is the same 50% to 50% makes MP3 a success as a special form of art that these games are.

  • @Sercil00
    @Sercil00 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I do enjoy the gameplay a lot, but what keeps me from replaying is the unskippable cutscenes. I don't care for golden guns, I think they look horrible and tacky, but for completion sake, I'd search for the parts. Except, you can't go explore for more than 10 seconds without some character going "Max have you gone crazy??? We gotta MOVE!!!! What are you doing?!?!"

  • @PieroMinayaRojas
    @PieroMinayaRojas 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    The only good thing from MP3 is that rolling is actually as useful as in the first game unlike MP2, same with the bullet time. In other words I ended up not caring much about MP2.

    • @GamingDynamics
      @GamingDynamics  15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      rolling is addiction as hell:). cheers

  • @MasonPayneJericho
    @MasonPayneJericho 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Well, the reasons why Max's model are different in each game are very understandable, imo.
    In MP1, the budget for that game was low, so the writer, Sam Lake had to stand in for the modelling.
    In MP2, they had a lot more money to make the game and they wanted actual actors as models for the characters.
    Plus, I think they wanted like a more rugged and handsome Max, who also adds more to the aging cop vibe, so we got Timothy Gibbs.
    And in the case of MP3, by that time, it was a new age, where the (voice) actors also did the motion capture for the game, so it was James McAffrey, who embraced Max fully.
    Trust me. It's still beter than in the case of the Driver Series.
    In those games, Tanner, Jones and Jericho always look very different nad has very different voice actors.
    But if you take a look at the Hitman Series, you can also see that Agent 47's model is also different in each game.
    More different than Max's models, actually.

  • @tannerymj
    @tannerymj 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Unfortunately after max 2, unless you played on max difficulty, Max lost everyone close to him. They had to make the story in some way about loss and betrayal. This is the route they took. Rockstar spent a lot of money on world building instead of looking at what made the first 2 entries great. They wanted it to fit their engine and this is what we got. I’m not mad, but I definitely stand firm in my opinion they could have titled this Pax Mayne and labeled it a spin-off and it would have faired exactly how it did. They wanted to add something to a game that proved that it didn’t need any more mechanics, it needed that dark dreary atmosphere and honestly, they waited too long between 2 to make it happen.

    • @jackmeowmeowmeow2177
      @jackmeowmeowmeow2177 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      You mean a corrupt police unit that are chopping people up for profit isn't dark and dreary?

    @WOGBOY 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    thank god theres no nightmare levels those things were horrible

    • @fadeskywards1245
      @fadeskywards1245 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ikr? The first game's ones were, no pun intended, pure nightmare fuel.

  • @haarisajmeri9811
    @haarisajmeri9811 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Tbh this game has the best shooting mechanic that I go back and played on HARDCORE

  • @arandomguy777
    @arandomguy777 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Great review, I agree with almost everything. Btw, you play very well. Make a video with the best gameplays

  • @petergotit5949
    @petergotit5949 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Its pure gold, i wish we got mp4 in the future ❤️

  • @anipdag
    @anipdag 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    You forgot that the game is next level on toughness when compared to its predecessor.

  • @OSTConnoisseur
    @OSTConnoisseur 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    It never failed, it sold well and was a hit during the time. It's the weakest Max Payne entry but a very good third-person shooter overall. I think the title shouldn't be how it failed because it implies it did not do well, but rather it wasn't what fans expected it to be.

    • @GamingDynamics
      @GamingDynamics  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      not so bad, yea. "Max Payne 3 shipped approximately 3 million units in its first week. In the United States, the game sold 440,000 units in its first month. In July 2012, Take-Two Interactive said that it had sold weaker than expected. By May 2013, it had shipped 4 million units."

    • @OSTConnoisseur
      @OSTConnoisseur 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@GamingDynamics were you trying to compare this to the scale of success of GTA or Max Payne as a series. It was good, to think it failed at all is an opinion of minority. It never failed, it's just a weak Max Payne game but a good TPS.

    • @GamingDynamics
      @GamingDynamics  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      yea, it was good in that sense. But the game was very criticized by many MP fans

    • @OSTConnoisseur
      @OSTConnoisseur 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@GamingDynamics yeah it was just a very weak Max payne game, should've been a diff IP at all. But a really good third person shooter.

    • @PieroMinayaRojas
      @PieroMinayaRojas 27 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

      Did you even watch the video lmao

  • @dannyberghem
    @dannyberghem 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    it didn't fail to me. only the multiplayer mode, but for the rest was a 10/10 game. Never had graphic glitches and i finished at all difficulties, . yes, the only downside were the last stand mode, present only in easier modes not in the hardest, but they had to do it bcs ppl would complain that the game was too hard (probably those who had never played the first Max Payne). the unskippable cutscene (most of them skippable when you replay the game) were meant to avoid static loading screens while giving the player the feeling of watching a movie. Melee do exist, if you get close enought to enemy, of course it doesn't let you punching the air like previous games. They tried to make the game more realistic possible, you cant pull a rpg launcher out of your ass like other FPS/TPS titles The character model changed over the game because it narrates the change of max payne itself . No love story because the game talks about Max fighting his inner demons after losing two times the people he cared most. Those who says Max Payne was a failure are people who like copy and paste games like CoD and Battlefield

    • @PieroMinayaRojas
      @PieroMinayaRojas 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      "They tried to make the game more realistc"
      You mean like when Max dives into the air and manages to shoot like 10 bullets from a pistol?

  • @petergotit5949
    @petergotit5949 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    Actually I didnt know MP 3 Failed at all...

  • @stonehengemaca
    @stonehengemaca 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    MP1 & 2 are two of my favourite games. The 3rd one was clunky and just no fun. I think the second time I was forced to watch a cut scene, I was out.

  • @kappa9806
    @kappa9806 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It is one of my favourite games of all times and maybe the best shooter in the world but... It didn't feel like a Max Payne game for the same reasons told in the video 😐

  • @getridofit3
    @getridofit3 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Always switching to beretta after cutscenes😡😡😡

  • @abdullahalsefat8036
    @abdullahalsefat8036 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Max payne 3 didn’t fail.

  • @AdrenResi
    @AdrenResi 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Is your frame rate perhaps set very high?

  • @VegetaEx
    @VegetaEx 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Great Game, some Points I see also but others not, nethertheless best Rockstar Game for me.

  • @fb1767
    @fb1767 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Bravo! This is your best video so far.

    • @GamingDynamics
      @GamingDynamics  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I was waiting for your comment :)

  • @Noumadd
    @Noumadd 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I really like Max Payne 3 great video bro

  • @quirkyguy8660
    @quirkyguy8660 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I didn't know it failed, lol. Still the best TPS to this day. Great story and series finale. I heard some people complained that MP3 wasn't noir enough because of the sunny Brasil setting. Well, they've probably never been to South America.

  • @MelancholicWeirdos
    @MelancholicWeirdos 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Para mi es el mejor de los 3

  • @darknesswithin38
    @darknesswithin38 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Max Payne 3 is an absolute garbage. The only good thing about it is James McCaffery doing the voice acting. I don't know about this trend that this game is somehow beloved now. Most of these people didn't even care when this game came out except me because I was a real fan of Max Payne. The game is clunky and slow as hell. It's like anything but Max Payne. It's the most generic game you can play. The story is the worst adaption of man On fire. All of the characters are terrible and forgettable. You can tell that Rockstar didn't really care about making this game. They wanted to make it and get rid of it. My recommendation is to play the old games and mods based on MP3 for Max Payne 2 .