you guys have that "bounce" going on. Most bands search forever to try and find a good musical groove to fall into, you guys are carving your own. COME TO AMERICA and play in the State of Maine... I will haul my broken ass out of the house just to see you guys. I will probably be the oldest one there and everyone will think I am there with my kid....
you guys have that "bounce" going on. Most bands search forever to try and find a good musical groove to fall into, you guys are carving your own. COME TO AMERICA and play in the State of Maine... I will haul my broken ass out of the house just to see you guys. I will probably be the oldest one there and everyone will think I am there with my kid....
come to usa a play in the south lol love the sound of the band the seem like there nice even i cant speek the same i cant spell ffor shit lol
and wheres the mosh pit it would be a crazy one herer lol us crazy old punk rockers lol
I don't need to speak the language to be a fan and I have been one for many many years
nice im from the country where they live and these guys are real hits!
language he uses is pretty simple, but i also like this group. lyrics are genial )))
Sounds like Slipknot 😃❤️