Abilene's paradox is the reason why 70% of the world is vaccinated against covid. If someone told me ten years ago that 70% of people would take a jab against a disease with 0.01% mortality, which would not protect them of getting the disease and they will guilt trip those, who reject the jab, despite claiming the jab would prevent them getting the disease, I would think this person is insane.
That greeting may be a little too on the nose this time. I'd take a second to read through your comment section on this clip, to see just how vitriolic the audience is that you are fostering with a clickbaity title like this. "Harvard... is unabashedly American" says your guest of the school once called the "Kremlin on the Charles" in the McCarthy era. Was it headed downhill then too? Are the presidents of Penn and MIT equally incompetent and deluded? Or could it be that spaces that dedicate themselves to free thinking, debate and learning end up with conclusions slightly ahead of the zeitgeist? What a great question to examine through a historical lens? What does this look like in the US (with it's relatively mainstream conservatism) vs other western nations and liberal democracies? This could have been a relevant discussion amidst a bunch of noise if there was better pushback and an examination of broader perspectives on the issue.
Abilene's paradox is the reason why 70% of the world is vaccinated against covid. If someone told me ten years ago that 70% of people would take a jab against a disease with 0.01% mortality, which would not protect them of getting the disease and they will guilt trip those, who reject the jab, despite claiming the jab would prevent them getting the disease, I would think this person is insane.
"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists' " - Thomas Sowell
Yea, just pretend everything is fine until the minority rebel. But this is youtube so no point writing a long response showing all the racism still happening across the world and in the USA. Most likely it will get deleted for whatever reason. Not to mention your post had no substance. Just a random bumper sticker slogan. Everything is fine because this guy says it's fine.....
And as predicted, my comment got censored even though I did not say anything bad other than disagree with the guy above. Glad I didn't waste my time with a thought out response. TH-cam is officially dead for any real discussion
Every single company has a DEI department now. They are always hiring DEI managers who make salaries around $120,000. They could be hiring productive people instead. What a waste.
Last corp I worked for didnt have DEI officers, but they promoted DEI inititives through HR. They basically were too cheap to hire a DEI officer, so they made a few HR people do that stuff, with their previous responsibilities.
In my company DEI is virtue signalled constantly by HR. I just wish they’d spend that energy creating fit for purpose systems and processes, but I guess it’s just easier to appear on the company website waving a multi coloured flag…
I have reached the point where I simply will not patronize any firm that has a DEI officer, or some sort of stated commitment to DEI. I regard DEI as a racialist project.
@@MrEverlas99 Firm is also used to refer to businesses generally. Given how widespread DEI is in the world of business, I suspect that's what the OP is referring to.
Corporations full of groups like blacks at some corporation or Hispanics of some corporation or women at some corporation this is the source of the evil toxic division. Clothed in the name of recognition. It's evil.
Could you share some examples? We had a company meeting on thursday and our HR announced DEI. (Mind you, it doesn't affect me since i'm from offshore branch) but the main company is still US and it does affect my US colleagues.
DEI was originally DESIGNED for financial sectors, Not academia. Larry Fink and Blackrock created DEI to be able to pick winners and losers. The power to include IS no different than the power to Exclude. They are the same thing. The etymology is from Latin “Claudere” - to shut in / out. Fink’s and Blackrock’s power emanates from the power to include / exclude. The claudere - to shut in / out.
@@metsatroll the D is for diversity - in reality it is discrimination against certain undesirable races and sexes (high achieving European or Asian males) e is for equity - a Marxist ideological goal of equal outcomes not supposedly a capitalistic one. I is for inclusion. To be inclusive all workplace banter is banned and employees tread on eggshells to not trigger their fragile colleagues. Occasionally make work jobs and pay is given to people to fill positions instead of jobs.
I am a brown Indian man in the gaming industry where DEI is taking off and will benefit me the most. And I hate it. Hire me because of who I am, not what I am. Because of my skills, not my skin.
I didn't. Because i didn't apply in any companies trying to make a show for DEI. I work in a small startup as of now and i am quite happy here. @@2Question-Everything
@@breakthecycle5238I think some people want him to just come out and give easy answers, x = good and y = bad. Whereas with Eric all the richness of content is found in his wandering thoughts which help give us perspective on the issue.
@Arjun-eb1yc Yes they do , he thinks carefully because he's knows in todays world the wrong words can cost you severely, even one's life is in danger, there's some seriously disturbed people out there .
My company just surveyed me and my team about DEI. Let's just say that I was very honest about my thoughts... I kept it very professional but who knows, might be looking for a new job soon.
If you are employed because you meet the required skill set for the job then no matter what ethnicity you are its the right decision. However if you got the job solely based on your ethnicity, and not on your skill set , then its wrong. It sends the wrong message to everyone . It disadvantages those who have worked hard to acquire skills, it disadvantages the actual company because they have employed under-skilled people who lack the ability to perform to an acceptable standard and it disadvantages the person who got the job because now they're told no need to work hard, your ethnicity is all you need to get a job. A company with diversity is a good thing, it shouldn't even be questioned! However, if the diversity is purely for the 'sake of diversity then it's wrong and n one benefits...not the company, not the person who got the job and not the person who didn't get the job, its a lose, lose, lose scenario .
One of my favourite sayings is, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence". This used to be right almost all of the time. Now, with my own country i'm fairly certain its the other way around; malice and corruption masquerading as incompetence.
@@Rhysman30 that saying is only true in specific circumstances, and only works to pacify you when you should be looking deeper. Most of the time, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck... it's a duck.
what is the luxury belief? that women and people of colour have historically been intentionally kept out of academia? historic point of fact is considered a luxury in America?
Jacobsen is right. If people aren't qualified they absolutely should be excluded. Giving a job to a pretender will always prove disastrous. Gay is an activist and not a scholar.
Sure so what's wrong with hiring someone who is qualified? If you have 2 candidates both qualified. One who had to work way harder for their bona fides. Who do you pick?
@@michaeljfigueroaThese hypothetical analogies are good and all but in reality people are unique and different from one another, nobody has the exact same qualifications, nobody presents themselves the same, looks the same, speaks the same, etc. I would hire the candidate whom I deemed most productive and presentable.
@@Betweoxwitegan that's fine. Infact peoples unique qualities usually make determining the "most" qualified person from your short list a matter of intuition. Personal intuition is just as biased as any dei program.
DEI must be ended. Along with it all the associated inclusiveness of the virtually endless protected classes. If we allow this to follow it's course and play out, we will inevitably arrive at what was already concluded centuries ago: every individual is the sole representative of their own specific and unique intersectional identity group. There are literally infinite intersectional identity groups to an individual level. We've run this experiment already.
OK-ready to talk about resource inequality? got ideas on how to fix that? Skin color need not be applied.....but will you? if we find the blue skin color the poorest-will you blame the blue skinned people and not look at the differences in circumstances?
@@2Question-Everything As i already said, we've run this experiment. The only fair way to address the virtually infinite intersectional identities all at once is on the individual level. As long as more than one person is involved, it will inherently be unfair. The least unfair engagement is on an individual, negotiated basis in every interaction.
Great reply. I appreciate how eloquently and basically truthful your perception is. Being around this planet for 8 decades , I have seen this play before. Find that place of solitude , share your thoughts.
Academia is built on DEI, as is government, media and sadly taking hold in medicine and science. Reversing that trend is going to take something we're sorely short on in this country. Courage.
None of that is built on DEI lol all of that pre dates DEI by a long time. DEI was snuck in much more recently and then allowed to fester and grow into the cancer it is now.
If you're looking for a black sheep academic that's been wrong by Claudine Gay, you could also go with Roland Fryer. He was literally ousted because his academic work contradicted DEI doctrine.
Exactly. For those here who are interested I recommend *Zoomer Historian's* newest documentary on the Spanish Civil War. I believe as he does that it shows parallels to what we see going on today in America and other Western nations, and that it's relevant to us today.
DEI is simply an outgrowth of ESG. After you have exhausted raising the Enviromental and Govermental scores, or if they are outside your ability to raise, Social is the only place left to go. Thank you, Blackrock, for teaming with the U.N. and foisting the values of the very few onto the many, and fueling the division in our country.
@ashlibabbittcroakedit9108 nothing wrong with a diverse workforce. Having a company worth trillions scoring other companies and thus controlling their investment finance leads to lip-service compliance at the expense of competence and commonsense. Kinda like Walmart selling plastic sacks or paper straws wrapped in plastic to get a better E score. Airlines only hiring minority pilots who, when grouped together, only make up approx 15% of all US licensed pilots. The point here is that subjected companies will comply insincerely.
@@KemetledAfrica there's some interesting and intelligent discussions in these threads. But they seem to be going right over your head, and you're just repeating the same one-dimensional opinion over and over again. Might help you to listen to other perspectives, as it seems you're currently incapable of comprehending beyond a basic level. And that will never convince others to align with your opinion.
@MarcusBP Airlines clientele are diverse in race, sex and religion. So, having staff that reflect that diversity isn't virtue signalling but good business . And they don't have to drop their recruiting standards to achieve this .
The core of the problem is equity vs equality. Opportunity vs outcome. Equity hands results to people that have not earned them. Equality set the same standards for all and it’s up to the individual to meet or exceed them. Bring back meritocracy.
Watched a TH-cam news post between 2 reporters. The discussion was how there was a new horrible strain of fungus. Immediately one said to the other, "thought to be brought on by climate change". I share this with my dermatologist. She immediately says "NO, not true". I had attempted to post in a comment, a question to that fungus claim, it was, "Are a they Harvard graduates?" but You Tube wouldn't allow it, they kept blocking my post. LOL!
Sorry Erik. We have already lost the Universities and the media. The political parties are on life support as the country refuses to deal with a morass of debt.
The whole ESG market must be swiped out of business. I’ve been writing academic papers in college critiquing ESG from my first year right up to today still writing about it.. Most academic institutions will have a DEI sector
I believe Eric is brilliant. But seriously, I believe this video barely scratches the surface of Eric's knowledge, intelligence and depth of understanding.
While Eric is correct about too many sharp elbows and not enough exclusion, at 3m, he’s wrong about limiting bu co-mingling activism at any University. The Universities sole tasks are to curate and transmit the store of our civilization’s store of knowledge. As soon as “activism” nests there, the takeover and subversion of everything of importance commences.
It will take quite a bit of time for academia to become respected again. The oncoming years will be very tough for them. And they did it to themselves.
I think common people value fields that have a proven history of contributing something real to the world. Such as science and engineering. Philosophy has stopped being useful, at least most parts of it, in the 18th century. The scandal is, that we still treat it on a par with STEM, but only for historical reasons. When was the last time anyone used some recent philosophical insight in his real life for some real advantage in the same way as one uses, say, electricity on a daily basis?
With all due respect, as a man who was raised Catholic myself I would suggest moving away from the Catholic Church due to it's unbiblical doctrines and traditions of men that Scripture speaks against. But any Christian organization that starts implementing Marxist garbage such as DEI is one I would suggest distancing yourself from, Catholic or not. DEI is not Christian, it's the Devil in disguise (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). That being said, I'd like to recommend to you a few channels on here I think are much better aligned with our God and his word: Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Ben Heath, JustThoughtsstudies, and Smyrna Christian Church Kokomo. God bless. ✝️
Lol girl I'm even shorter but I know what you mean.. No one talks about how one sided it is. We need to start speaking up since we're even less vocal about it as women and most of us lean left.
"Sharp elbows vs sharp minds" has always been the problem in companies and institutions. Usually your most productive members are ill versed in "office politics".
I'm a black sheep. I zig when others zag. I'm Spiritual vs Political. I love these conversations. As a lifelong recluse, I know almost too much and nothing about a lot of things. People are exhausting. My tolerance threshold is thin.
Stay like that. It is important that some people are dissenters, subversive, introvert, black sheep, ill-adapted, non-conformist, etc. Many of them are also highly creative, innovative, and revolutionary.
All the people who now run society; bureaucrats, politicians, teachers, medical, and of coarse DUI departments, came from grievance studies. This allowed, at least in Canada, things to escalate into the absurd, like how now it is not only possible, but morally superior, for a teacher to help a child transition to another gender while keeping it a secret from the parents.
The teachers don't "help" a child transition. That verb implies assistance is being provided toward a positive end. What the "teachers" do is propagandize impressionable young children into irrevocable life choices with severely deleterious side effects, in order to win favor from their cult.
Now that you want the truth on that subject, I'll explain it real quick and give you some names to verify it's not quack science. It's sunspots disrupting cosmic rays leading to fewer clouds forming that really modulates climate through ocean heat cycles like the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Search terms: Henrik Svensmark CLOUD experiment CERN and also Nir Shaviv for his carbon dating pattern recognition finding the spiral arms correlation with increased rays Real science if you like that stuff
I agree with the return to strict meritocracy but how do you address what started this DEI conundrum? Have people forgotten the bias faced by minorities when applying for positions? It wasn't that long ago. DEI is obviously an overcorrection but lets not forget why it started.
The entire concept has gotten completely out of control. Here in Canada, companies are forced to hire "minorities" and women for jobs that they're not qualified for. I have been excluded from jobs because I am not Chinese, because I do not speak Mandarin, and I've been passed over promotions so that someone with half my qualifications and a different skin color can check the diversity box in the company. Like I said most of these people are not qualified for the job. If they were qualified I wouldn't have a problem with it. I worked one job where there was a minority woman who was my direct supervisor, and she had no idea how to do her job. She got all the men and her Department to do different parts of her job. She dressed way too sexy and the guys just drooled over her. It was sad. What did she do all day you might ask? She faked the metrics and the kpis for the warehouse we worked in. She kept trying different ways of goofing around with the numbers to try and make us number one and we were... That is until I reported her, the affair she was having with our manager, the complete lack of training that she gave us, and the horrible job that she was doing that cost of the company millions of dollars a year. She was fired two weeks later! 😁
Prior to this interview, I was not much of a fan of Eric. Always believed he was somewhat of a smart ass. However, his reasoned responses to Chris' questions were impressive. He often paused quite a few seconds (where he was clearly thinking!) before answering. He has his finger on the precise problem and knows how to fix it. May he be able to weather the Inquisition and emerge victorious. The intelligent world needs this guy in a position of power....
Eric is amazing, I love Brett too - they're simply very smart, level headed and well educated gentlemen with what used to be 'common' sense in abundance. We need these guys in these clown times. Eric if you see this, there are many many people who appreciate you. Often brilliant people have some eccentricities, some lesser folk will often attempt to use these eccentricities as a deflection for a complete and utter inability to debunk in a 'legitimate' way what is being said.
Still don't understand why both are still Leftists, or at least definitely not on the Right. There is an elephant in the room that I apparently can't see.
"Trace science then, With modesty thy guide. First, strip off her equippage of pride. Deduct what is but vanity, or dress Learning luxuries, or idleness. Or tricks to show the stretch of human brain. Mere curious pleasure or ingenious pain. Expunge the whole, Or lop the excrescent parts, All our vices have created arts, Then see how little the remaining sum, Which served the past, and must the times to come." -Alexander Pope (If incorrect, apologies. It's from memory)
Facts, they got rid of affirmative action, want to get rid of DEI and believe everything should be merit-based and yet very quiet about legacy hires and nepotism. This isn’t about equality, it’s about keeping the good ole boys in power
Well said, Dr. Weinstein. In the Music Department of present day Harvard, one need not be able to read music notation in order to pursue a major in Music.
I've worked as inhouse legal counsel at a University and never worked with such a bunch of out-of-touch children (the academics). There were times I was disgusted at the extents they will stab others in the back to protect their patch. The place I worked at also embarked on multi-million $$ vanity projects that had no solid foundation or guarantee of success. Im fairly liberal, but its terrifying to think that these people are shaping society.
People in charge of this won't stop driving DEI until 1. They (the ones doing the choosing and selecting) are called out by name 2. Promotion of merit and capabilities is talked / promoted as better than diversity (quantifiable evidence, not qualitative propaganda) Everybody with a clue needs to post on the social medias of businesses, talking heads, NGOs, etc. promoting DEI something to the effect "we don’t agree". Everyone CAN be exceptional, stop promoting race-based quotas or exceptions. 3. Bonus points for “voting” with your dollars by not buying their products ala Bud Light. Lets try that for a while and circle back. Good luck!
@@sup1e The only actions our central government can engage in are explicitly named in the Constitution. Return to a rigid, originalist interpretation(not the insanity that Lincoln poured gas on, Wilson set on fire, and FDR nuked) and most of our federal government, the regulations set by, and our laws go away.
"There were three basic ideas of this oligarchic group: (1) that change was evil, superficial, illusory, and fundamentally impossible; (2) that all material things were misleading, illusory, distracting, and not worth seeking; and (3) that all rationally demonstrable distinctions, including those in social position (especially slavery), were based on real unchanging differences and not upon accidental or conventional distinctions. These three ideas together would serve to stop all efforts at social change, economic reform, or political equality. These ideas, which we might sum up under some such comprehensive term as Pythagorean rationalism, were, of course, not irrational, yet they led, ultimately, to mysticism and served the same purpose of providing an ideology for the vested-interest groups that irrational thinking usually does in the Age of Conflict of any civilization." - OPEN SOURCE - Carroll Quigley, The Evolution of Civilizations A Introduction To Historical Analysis, 1961, Classical Civilization, p.313.
"Star Chamber synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded. In modern times, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings, no "due process" rights to those accused, and secretive proceedings are sometimes called "star chambers" as a metaphor." - wikipedia
"The final stage of decay is not clearly explained but seems to be attributed to some process of political institutionalization not too remote from the explanation offered here." - OPEN SOURCE - Carroll Quigley, The Evolution of Civilizations A Introduction To Historical Analysis, 1961, Historical Changes in Cvilizations, p.130. --- "Like all instruments, an instrument of expansion in the course of time becomes an institution and the rate of expansion slows down. This process is the same as the institutionalization of any instrument, but appears specifically as a breakdown of one of the three necessary elements of expansion. The one that usually breaks down is the third application of surplus to new ways of doing things. In modern terms we say that the rate of investment decreases. If this decrease is not made up by reform or circumvention, the two other elements (invention and accumulation of surplus) also begin to break down. This decrease in the rate of investment occurs for many reasons, of which the chief one is that the social group controlling the surplus ceases to apply it to new ways of doing things because they have a vested interest in the old ways of doing things. They have no desire to change a society in which they are the supreme group. Moreover, by a natural and unconscious self-indulgence, they begin to apply the surplus they control to nonproductive but ego-satisfying purposes such as ostentatious display, competition for social honors or prestige, construction of elaborate residences, monuments, or other structures, and other expenditures which may distribute the surpluses to consumption but do not provide more effective methods of production. When the instrument of expansion in a civilization becomes an institution, tension increases. In this case we call this "tension of evolution." The society as a whole has become adapted to expansion; the mass of the population expect and desire it. A society that has an instrument of expansion expands for generations, even for centuries. People's minds become adjusted to expansion. If they are not "better off" each year than they were the previous year, or if they cannot give their children more than they themselves started with, they became disappointed, restless, and perhaps bitter. At the same time the society itself, after generations of expansion, is organized for expansion and undergoes acute stresses if expansion slows up. The nature of these organizational stresses and tensions arising from a decrease in the rate of a society's expansion can be seen most clearly in contemporary Western civilization." - OPEN SOURCE - Carroll Quigley, The Evolution of Civilizations A Introduction To Historical Analysis, 1961, Historical Changes in Cvilizations, p.139.
I thought this was something new. I saw this when I watched the full episode. I have to deal with DEI as a federal govt employee every day. Very disturbing. Love all your content btw!
I wonder if there could be a campaign effort to reframe the language, where ‘diversity’ is continually in reference to diversity of viewpoint, so that any pushback to that implies supporting a monopoly of views - surely a bad thing. Who would openly disagree with the notion of a diversity of viewpoints?
Imagine a teacher posting his student’s test scores on the board, altering the scores so that the low scores are higher and the high scores are lower so they appear more “equal” on paper, and then pretending that he helped his students accomplish or learn anything… This is DEI.
At school we were taught: you may not smoke because: Not all smokers are criminal but all criminals smoke . . .The exclusion and inclusion game has profound ramifications . .
The reason they are confused at 13:00 is because DEI makes a ton of money. In reality "go woke go broke" is the opposite of reality. Opening your brand and products to more people makes way more than isolating the fans of yesteryear
Why is this Stienstein making the rounds on all these podcasts schtupping for whatever? It's almost like he's damage control. Don't want the peasants to get a little too mad or they might get mad at the 'wrong' people.
Hmm, you may just be on to something there, amigo. By the way, if you and others here are interested I recommend *Zoomer Historian's* newest documentary on the Spanish Civil War. I believe as he does that it shows parallels to what we see going on today in America and other Western nations, and that it's relevant to us today.
Bring back meritocracy, make America competent again. People will seriously be hurt if we don’t course correct now, especially with the recent fiasco of the aviation industry and the potential disaster of DEI (particularly, Equity) implemenation in the healthcare system.
The term 'entitlement' is problematic. Perhaps the amount could be debated, but if social security was paid into (by force) with the eventual purpose of being paid back with interest, then justice dictates that it should be paid back with interest. Unfortunately, however, there's very little justice in how the government is managed, which has led such contributions to be squandered by the crooks who took them. So, where does that leave us?
He's dead-on in his assessment. I can't tell you how many PhDs I've interacted with who are in very high positions in the cultural sphere. Almost to a person, they are some of the dumbest and most incurious people I've ever met. But their ambition is off the charts. They are very destructive, often intentionally. I actually had a museum director tell me that he HATES museums. It's very trendy in those circles to be this way. Look at how many Trump-supporting politicians went to Harvard and Yale - nearly all of them.
This was a great conversation. Great job. What I felt Eric was saying near the end was that on it's own the cream will rise to the top but the status quo academia just wants to mix in the froth to create a more equitable drink.
Scholarship is to activism what inclusion is to exclusion. Scholarship focuses on trying to find the truth of a matter in order to determine the validity of an idea. Activism strives to destroy ideas and objectivity in order to cudgel forward an already held idea. The two do not peacefully co-exist.
Legislating & policy making toward the goal of eliminating disparate impact is the reason this is allowed to exist. You will never eliminate disparate impact on groups and this is what they cannot accept.
Most people completely confuse DEI, this speaker included. If you a non white that wishes to be recognized for your work note that opportunity would never be awarded in an environment of exclusion. As a white brain frame for a long time use to be white men are smarter then the rest. Smarter people get the bet the jobs and higher paid jobs. If the mechanism didn’t have a technology like DEI that system would never change. Eventually skill development will reach a point where race will not be a measurement of competence. Systems change with time.
Hello you savages. Watch the full episode with Eric here - th-cam.com/video/p_swB_KS8Hw/w-d-xo.html
Abilene's paradox is the reason why 70% of the world is vaccinated against covid. If someone told me ten years ago that 70% of people would take a jab against a disease with 0.01% mortality, which would not protect them of getting the disease and they will guilt trip those, who reject the jab, despite claiming the jab would prevent them getting the disease, I would think this person is insane.
That greeting may be a little too on the nose this time. I'd take a second to read through your comment section on this clip, to see just how vitriolic the audience is that you are fostering with a clickbaity title like this.
"Harvard... is unabashedly American" says your guest of the school once called the "Kremlin on the Charles" in the McCarthy era. Was it headed downhill then too? Are the presidents of Penn and MIT equally incompetent and deluded? Or could it be that spaces that dedicate themselves to free thinking, debate and learning end up with conclusions slightly ahead of the zeitgeist? What a great question to examine through a historical lens? What does this look like in the US (with it's relatively mainstream conservatism) vs other western nations and liberal democracies? This could have been a relevant discussion amidst a bunch of noise if there was better pushback and an examination of broader perspectives on the issue.
Abilene's paradox is the reason why 70% of the world is vaccinated against covid. If someone told me ten years ago that 70% of people would take a jab against a disease with 0.01% mortality, which would not protect them of getting the disease and they will guilt trip those, who reject the jab, despite claiming the jab would prevent them getting the disease, I would think this person is insane.
Could we get rid of dei and nepotism and cronyism. I'd get behind that. I imagine most people would
I'll watch the whole video
"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists' " - Thomas Sowell
There are people who make their living grifting on race, but largely racism is just being used as a tool to usher in communism. Pure and simple.
Quoting a communist
Yea, just pretend everything is fine until the minority rebel. But this is youtube so no point writing a long response showing all the racism still happening across the world and in the USA. Most likely it will get deleted for whatever reason. Not to mention your post had no substance. Just a random bumper sticker slogan. Everything is fine because this guy says it's fine.....
That's only true for racism against black people. It's more alive than ever the other way around.
And as predicted, my comment got censored even though I did not say anything bad other than disagree with the guy above. Glad I didn't waste my time with a thought out response. TH-cam is officially dead for any real discussion
Every single company has a DEI department now. They are always hiring DEI managers who make salaries around $120,000. They could be hiring productive people instead. What a waste.
My company does not.
Last corp I worked for didnt have DEI officers, but they promoted DEI inititives through HR. They basically were too cheap to hire a DEI officer, so they made a few HR people do that stuff, with their previous responsibilities.
@@Orson2uneither does mine. If anyones feelings get hurt because my companies focus on quality and growth, then they are my enemy.
In my company DEI is virtue signalled constantly by HR. I just wish they’d spend that energy creating fit for purpose systems and processes, but I guess it’s just easier to appear on the company website waving a multi coloured flag…
My company....a christian based hospital system....is falling all over themselves for DEI.
I have long since given up the idea that organizations are rational and merit-based.
Nepotism, sucking up, and quid pro quo. All day baby
It’s never been merit-based, and likely never will be. It’s always been more about who you know than what you know.
They are not
I have reached the point where I simply will not patronize any firm that has a DEI officer, or some sort of stated commitment to DEI. I regard DEI as a racialist project.
What do you mean by firm? A law firm?
@@MrEverlas99 Firm is also used to refer to businesses generally. Given how widespread DEI is in the world of business, I suspect that's what the OP is referring to.
It is - good on yah!
@@MrEverlas99 - company, business - don’t be dense about it.
You must live in a cabin in the woods because that’s basically every company now unfortunately
DEI=didn't earn it
Put that on a billboard
And affirmative bigotry gets the top intersectionality pyramid scheme activists the high-power high-paying jobs.
Yeah i absolutely despise how it has creeped into our work places
Corporations full of groups like blacks at some corporation or Hispanics of some corporation or women at some corporation this is the source of the evil toxic division. Clothed in the name of recognition. It's evil.
project fear
Could you share some examples? We had a company meeting on thursday and our HR announced DEI. (Mind you, it doesn't affect me since i'm from offshore branch) but the main company is still US and it does affect my US colleagues.
DEI was originally DESIGNED for financial sectors, Not academia. Larry Fink and Blackrock created DEI to be able to pick winners and losers. The power to include IS no different than the power to Exclude. They are the same thing. The etymology is from Latin “Claudere” - to shut in / out. Fink’s and Blackrock’s power emanates from the power to include / exclude. The claudere - to shut in / out.
@@metsatroll the D is for diversity - in reality it is discrimination against certain undesirable races and sexes (high achieving European or Asian males)
e is for equity - a Marxist ideological goal of equal outcomes not supposedly a capitalistic one.
I is for inclusion. To be inclusive all workplace banter is banned and employees tread on eggshells to not trigger their fragile colleagues. Occasionally make work jobs and pay is given to people to fill positions instead of jobs.
I am a brown Indian man in the gaming industry where DEI is taking off and will benefit me the most. And I hate it.
Hire me because of who I am, not what I am.
Because of my skills, not my skin.
But did you get the job with a brown skinned advantage? If so, what will you do?
I didn't. Because i didn't apply in any companies trying to make a show for DEI. I work in a small startup as of now and i am quite happy here. @@2Question-Everything
Well said.
It is good to hear you say this. Meritocracy is all we can strive for. Anything more is privilege
Why would you hate a system you benefit from.
DEI.. Discrimination, Exclusion, Inequality.
Stealing this.👍
This is beautiful, simple, truth.
We need to promote CRAM instead: Competency, Responsibility, Accountability, and Meritocracy.
DEI= "Didn’t Earn It."
DEI=trust fund babies includes in that phrase. What shall we do about them?
When do you earn it though. And what is it? Respect?
When - during working and developing experience and skills. It - position in college or employment or within profession. Obviously
@lift1311are you saying if not for nepotism dei wouldn't have to exist?
If so this is a discussion worth having.
I'm all for a true meritocracy
Let's take away cronyism nepotism then dei. I'm all for it
Chris knows we ain't getting tired of Eric
Speak for yourself
Lol i like him. People complain that he waffles around a lot and speaks and riddles.But I have no problem understanding what hes saying.
Eric is THE MAN🔥!!!!
@@breakthecycle5238I think some people want him to just come out and give easy answers, x = good and y = bad. Whereas with Eric all the richness of content is found in his wandering thoughts which help give us perspective on the issue.
@Arjun-eb1yc Yes they do , he thinks carefully because he's knows in todays world the wrong words can cost you severely, even one's life is in danger, there's some seriously disturbed people out there .
My company just surveyed me and my team about DEI. Let's just say that I was very honest about my thoughts... I kept it very professional but who knows, might be looking for a new job soon.
Keep us posted. Somehow. If you can, lol.
What is wrong in having a racially diverse workforce
If you are employed because you meet the required skill set for the job then no matter what ethnicity you are its the right decision. However if you got the job solely based on your ethnicity, and not on your skill set , then its wrong.
It sends the wrong message to everyone . It disadvantages those who have worked hard to acquire skills, it disadvantages the actual company because they have
employed under-skilled people who lack the ability to perform to an acceptable standard and it disadvantages the person who got the job because now they're told no need to work hard, your ethnicity is all you need to get a job.
A company with diversity is a good thing, it shouldn't even be questioned! However, if the diversity is purely for the 'sake of diversity then it's wrong and n one benefits...not the company, not the person who got the job and not the person who didn't get the job, its a lose, lose, lose scenario .
Nothing is wrong with that per say. The discussion aroundDEI is using race instead of competence. @ashlibabbittcroakedit9108
@@KemetledAfrica You apparently need the whole entire situation explained to you. I’m guessing you’re young?
the main issue is not her incompetence, it’s her malevolence.
One of my favourite sayings is, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence". This used to be right almost all of the time. Now, with my own country i'm fairly certain its the other way around; malice and corruption masquerading as incompetence.
its both
@@Rhysman30 that saying is only true in specific circumstances, and only works to pacify you when you should be looking deeper. Most of the time, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck... it's a duck.
Luxury beliefs lead to luxury problems, which lead to real, actual problems.
Well done 👏 😂
what is the luxury belief? that women and people of colour have historically been intentionally kept out of academia? historic point of fact is considered a luxury in America?
Jacobsen is right. If people aren't qualified they absolutely should be excluded. Giving a job to a pretender will always prove disastrous. Gay is an activist and not a scholar.
Gay is gay = true
Sure so what's wrong with hiring someone who is qualified? If you have 2 candidates both qualified. One who had to work way harder for their bona fides. Who do you pick?
@michaeljfigueroa aren't is the word I used. DEI and affirmative action belong in a trash heap.
@@michaeljfigueroaThese hypothetical analogies are good and all but in reality people are unique and different from one another, nobody has the exact same qualifications, nobody presents themselves the same, looks the same, speaks the same, etc. I would hire the candidate whom I deemed most productive and presentable.
@@Betweoxwitegan that's fine. Infact peoples unique qualities usually make determining the "most" qualified person from your short list a matter of intuition. Personal intuition is just as biased as any dei program.
DEI must be ended. Along with it all the associated inclusiveness of the virtually endless protected classes. If we allow this to follow it's course and play out, we will inevitably arrive at what was already concluded centuries ago: every individual is the sole representative of their own specific and unique intersectional identity group. There are literally infinite intersectional identity groups to an individual level. We've run this experiment already.
OK-ready to talk about resource inequality? got ideas on how to fix that? Skin color need not be applied.....but will you? if we find the blue skin color the poorest-will you blame the blue skinned people and not look at the differences in circumstances?
@@2Question-Everything As i already said, we've run this experiment. The only fair way to address the virtually infinite intersectional identities all at once is on the individual level. As long as more than one person is involved, it will inherently be unfair. The least unfair engagement is on an individual, negotiated basis in every interaction.
Nuh-uh! *Real* c̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶m̶ DEI has never been tried!
Great reply. I appreciate how eloquently and basically truthful your perception is. Being around this planet for 8 decades , I have seen this play before. Find that place of solitude , share your thoughts.
When and where have we run this experiment already lol?
Academia is built on DEI, as is government, media and sadly taking hold in medicine and science. Reversing that trend is going to take something we're sorely short on in this country. Courage.
Damn Straight and True,
None of that is built on DEI lol all of that pre dates DEI by a long time. DEI was snuck in much more recently and then allowed to fester and grow into the cancer it is now.
Academia has been built on nepotism and cronyism for centuries. What the fk are you talking about?
@@Orson2u umm legacy admissions, racial segregation acidemia was built upon.
@@michaeljfigueroa nothing is "built on", insert evil victimhood issue here.
If you're looking for a black sheep academic that's been wrong by Claudine Gay, you could also go with Roland Fryer.
He was literally ousted because his academic work contradicted DEI doctrine.
Using me too-ism as their excuse.
Dude they are destroying Star wars on purpose. This isn't garden variety incompetence, this is about destroying the old order to make way for the new.
Star Wars, James Bond, Star Trek - Pretty much anything that comes close to masculine role models for young men.
Are destroying? It’s been a done deal since episode 7.
@@MarkVA71Yes, and then episode 8 vaporized the corpse.
Exactly. For those here who are interested I recommend *Zoomer Historian's* newest documentary on the Spanish Civil War. I believe as he does that it shows parallels to what we see going on today in America and other Western nations, and that it's relevant to us today.
Exactly. They want to destroy so they can rule over the rubble.
I love that Chris allows his guest to talk uninterrupted...rare.
DEI is simply an outgrowth of ESG. After you have exhausted raising the Enviromental and Govermental scores, or if they are outside your ability to raise, Social is the only place left to go. Thank you, Blackrock, for teaming with the U.N. and foisting the values of the very few onto the many, and fueling the division in our country.
What is wrong in having a racially diverse workforce
@ashlibabbittcroakedit9108 nothing wrong with a diverse workforce. Having a company worth trillions scoring other companies and thus controlling their investment finance leads to lip-service compliance at the expense of competence and commonsense. Kinda like Walmart selling plastic sacks or paper straws wrapped in plastic to get a better E score. Airlines only hiring minority pilots who, when grouped together, only make up approx 15% of all US licensed pilots. The point here is that subjected companies will comply insincerely.
@@jimstewart5624 Airlines said they are going to open up more opportunities for minority pilots. They didn't say they were only going to employ them
@@KemetledAfrica there's some interesting and intelligent discussions in these threads. But they seem to be going right over your head, and you're just repeating the same one-dimensional opinion over and over again. Might help you to listen to other perspectives, as it seems you're currently incapable of comprehending beyond a basic level. And that will never convince others to align with your opinion.
@MarcusBP Airlines clientele are diverse in race, sex and religion. So, having staff that reflect that diversity isn't virtue signalling but good business .
And they don't have to drop their recruiting standards to achieve this .
The core of the problem is equity vs equality. Opportunity vs outcome. Equity hands results to people that have not earned them. Equality set the same standards for all and it’s up to the individual to meet or exceed them. Bring back meritocracy.
When was there meritocracy? 🤔
@@KemetledAfricaThe fact that you cannot have 100% of something does not mean you should strive for 0%. Grow up, you are not in kindergarten anymore.
@defendliberty1289 Instead of talking in riddles. Why don't you point to the period in America history when meritocracy reigned supreme
@@KemetledAfrica "rained supreme"...LOL!!
Watched a TH-cam news post between 2 reporters. The discussion was how there was a new horrible strain of fungus. Immediately one said to the other, "thought to be brought on by climate change". I share this with my dermatologist. She immediately says "NO, not true". I had attempted to post in a comment, a question to that fungus claim, it was, "Are a they Harvard graduates?" but You Tube wouldn't allow it, they kept blocking my post. LOL!
Can u post a link to it? I want to try.
Are you talking about the commercial for The Last of Us?
You have a dermatologist?
Sorry Erik. We have already lost the Universities and the media. The political parties are on life support as the country refuses to deal with a morass of debt.
“… We need to bring back Exclusion.” Well said, a perfect statement
I agree says S.S.Ober gruppenfuhrer Heydrich from his Hellhole.
But why? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
D: Disinclusion
E: Egocentrism
I : Idiocy
The community college near me is full of DEI and it has become the local modern mental institution.
It’s a community college . Is it full of dei or is it full of anybody that were just smart enough to fill out an application?
@@ljthirtyfiverit’s full of people like you
@@lil_truthsays the community college reject
Is this satire lol?
The whole ESG market must be swiped out of business. I’ve been writing academic papers in college critiquing ESG from my first year right up to today still writing about it.. Most academic institutions will have a DEI sector
Can you please share your google scholar? I'm curious to read your critiques!
I believe Eric is brilliant. But seriously, I believe this video barely scratches the surface of Eric's knowledge, intelligence and depth of understanding.
Is this your burner account Eric?😂
Firing Claudine Gay wasnt about DEI or her scholarship. It was about her not supporting israel.
While Eric is correct about too many sharp elbows and not enough exclusion, at 3m, he’s wrong about limiting bu co-mingling activism at any University. The Universities sole tasks are to curate and transmit the store of our civilization’s store of knowledge. As soon as “activism” nests there, the takeover and subversion of everything of importance commences.
So glad Eric is on the tour again
I think Chris misspelled Eric's last name.
It will take quite a bit of time for academia to become respected again. The oncoming years will be very tough for them. And they did it to themselves.
I think common people value fields that have a proven history of contributing something real to the world. Such as science and engineering. Philosophy has stopped being useful, at least most parts of it, in the 18th century. The scandal is, that we still treat it on a par with STEM, but only for historical reasons. When was the last time anyone used some recent philosophical insight in his real life for some real advantage in the same way as one uses, say, electricity on a daily basis?
I work for a catholic organization and they made us watch DEI videos
Which one?
They called it sensitivity training where I worked. Place closed. We was a good ole boys club of white guys. They hated us anyway.
With all due respect, as a man who was raised Catholic myself I would suggest moving away from the Catholic Church due to it's unbiblical doctrines and traditions of men that Scripture speaks against. But any Christian organization that starts implementing Marxist garbage such as DEI is one I would suggest distancing yourself from, Catholic or not. DEI is not Christian, it's the Devil in disguise (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
That being said, I'd like to recommend to you a few channels on here I think are much better aligned with our God and his word: Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Ben Heath, JustThoughtsstudies, and Smyrna Christian Church Kokomo. God bless. ✝️
The tax 501c3 is more important to them
Have you seen some of the recent Papal releases? Seems to be a little similar to things coming out of WEF...
Do I get to play in the NBA as a white 5’6 female who has never played basketball but identifies as a male basketball player?
Lol girl I'm even shorter but I know what you mean.. No one talks about how one sided it is. We need to start speaking up since we're even less vocal about it as women and most of us lean left.
"Sharp elbows vs sharp minds" has always been the problem in companies and institutions. Usually your most productive members are ill versed in "office politics".
Go read the recent statement from United Airlines ALPA MEC. RE: this week's FAA clamp down on the airline. Very telling.
Working on Braille switches and controls for Passenger Aircraft is inevitable.
DEI = Didn’t Earn It
I'm a black sheep. I zig when others zag. I'm Spiritual vs Political. I love these conversations. As a lifelong recluse, I know almost too much and nothing about a lot of things. People are exhausting. My tolerance threshold is thin.
I once heard, If you think your a recluse or introvert, you surrounded yourself with the wrong friends.
@@CydenAcres I grew up a recluse... to escape my environment. There may be truth to what you say. 👍
Stay like that. It is important that some people are dissenters, subversive, introvert, black sheep, ill-adapted, non-conformist, etc. Many of them are also highly creative, innovative, and revolutionary.
@@scepticalchymist 👊❤️🙌
All the people who now run society; bureaucrats, politicians, teachers, medical, and of coarse DUI departments, came from grievance studies. This allowed, at least in Canada, things to escalate into the absurd, like how now it is not only possible, but morally superior, for a teacher to help a child transition to another gender while keeping it a secret from the parents.
The teachers don't "help" a child transition. That verb implies assistance is being provided toward a positive end.
What the "teachers" do is propagandize impressionable young children into irrevocable life choices with severely deleterious side effects, in order to win favor from their cult.
Right on, Eric.
Standing up for excellence, tenacity, intellectual GRIT.
Happy Spring, Gents!
Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation
14% of the population now in 50% of managerial positions.
I'll put it this way: Before Covid I dismissed "Climate Denial"
Now that you want the truth on that subject, I'll explain it real quick and give you some names to verify it's not quack science. It's sunspots disrupting cosmic rays leading to fewer clouds forming that really modulates climate through ocean heat cycles like the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Search terms: Henrik Svensmark CLOUD experiment CERN and also Nir Shaviv for his carbon dating pattern recognition finding the spiral arms correlation with increased rays
Real science if you like that stuff
NOW, have you watched the new and free documentary “Climate - The Movie”?
@@Orson2u I feel like it must just be another attempt to assuage skeptic arguments because it's on youtube. My pattern recognition is supreme
And WHY NOT be UNABASHEDLY AMERICAN??? (I believe our country is being run down into the ground by marxism. FJB.)
I agree with the return to strict meritocracy but how do you address what started this DEI conundrum? Have people forgotten the bias faced by minorities when applying for positions? It wasn't that long ago. DEI is obviously an overcorrection but lets not forget why it started.
The entire concept has gotten completely out of control. Here in Canada, companies are forced to hire "minorities" and women for jobs that they're not qualified for. I have been excluded from jobs because I am not Chinese, because I do not speak Mandarin, and I've been passed over promotions so that someone with half my qualifications and a different skin color can check the diversity box in the company. Like I said most of these people are not qualified for the job. If they were qualified I wouldn't have a problem with it. I worked one job where there was a minority woman who was my direct supervisor, and she had no idea how to do her job. She got all the men and her Department to do different parts of her job. She dressed way too sexy and the guys just drooled over her. It was sad. What did she do all day you might ask? She faked the metrics and the kpis for the warehouse we worked in. She kept trying different ways of goofing around with the numbers to try and make us number one and we were... That is until I reported her, the affair she was having with our manager, the complete lack of training that she gave us, and the horrible job that she was doing that cost of the company millions of dollars a year. She was fired two weeks later! 😁
Prior to this interview, I was not much of a fan of Eric. Always believed he was somewhat of a smart ass. However, his reasoned responses to Chris' questions were impressive. He often paused quite a few seconds (where he was clearly thinking!) before answering. He has his finger on the precise problem and knows how to fix it. May he be able to weather the Inquisition and emerge victorious. The intelligent world needs this guy in a position of power....
Eric is amazing, I love Brett too - they're simply very smart, level headed and well educated gentlemen with what used to be 'common' sense in abundance. We need these guys in these clown times. Eric if you see this, there are many many people who appreciate you. Often brilliant people have some eccentricities, some lesser folk will often attempt to use these eccentricities as a deflection for a complete and utter inability to debunk in a 'legitimate' way what is being said.
Still don't understand why both are still Leftists, or at least definitely not on the Right. There is an elephant in the room that I apparently can't see.
"Trace science then,
With modesty thy guide.
First, strip off her equippage of pride.
Deduct what is but vanity, or dress
Learning luxuries, or idleness.
Or tricks to show the stretch of human brain.
Mere curious pleasure or ingenious pain.
Expunge the whole,
Or lop the excrescent parts,
All our vices have created arts,
Then see how little the remaining sum,
Which served the past, and must the times to come."
-Alexander Pope
(If incorrect, apologies. It's from memory)
eliminate legacy admissions …
Yeah, that would be ninth or tenth on the list.
To what end? What do you imagine this would achieve?
It would filter out the smart ones out of the group of already rich kids. Win win
@@TTFN55 over 60 percent of admission is legacy….
Facts, they got rid of affirmative action, want to get rid of DEI and believe everything should be merit-based and yet very quiet about legacy hires and nepotism. This isn’t about equality, it’s about keeping the good ole boys in power
eric: harvard needs to exclude on merit
also eric: ill take the job
Nothing but utmost respect and admiration for Eric. Logical and live by the science of deduction in literally every aspect
Well said, Dr. Weinstein. In the Music Department of present day Harvard, one need not be able to read music notation in order to pursue a major in Music.
Are you serious?
I've worked as inhouse legal counsel at a University and never worked with such a bunch of out-of-touch children (the academics). There were times I was disgusted at the extents they will stab others in the back to protect their patch. The place I worked at also embarked on multi-million $$ vanity projects that had no solid foundation or guarantee of success. Im fairly liberal, but its terrifying to think that these people are shaping society.
People in charge of this won't stop driving DEI until 1. They (the ones doing the choosing and selecting) are called out by name 2. Promotion of merit and capabilities is talked / promoted as better than diversity (quantifiable evidence, not qualitative propaganda) Everybody with a clue needs to post on the social medias of businesses, talking heads, NGOs, etc. promoting DEI something to the effect "we don’t agree". Everyone CAN be exceptional, stop promoting race-based quotas or exceptions. 3. Bonus points for “voting” with your dollars by not buying their products ala Bud Light.
Lets try that for a while and circle back. Good luck!
UH, NO, not everyone can be exceptional. The simple fact is there is some incredibly stupid people out there.
DEI the new Rcism
"DEI is a parasitization of our best hopes and dreams" never said better.
The "Abilene paradox" describes the social calculations we all make based on ordinary dishonesty and cowardice.
The downside of good manners.
Inclusión/exclusión criteria are fundamental roles for the cell membrane. It’s a critical feature of life. Loss of that process being about death.
The only way to reduce corruption in government is to reduce the size of government.
Depends how you do it though--otherwise you're just concentrating the same amount of power into fewer hands.
@@sup1e The only actions our central government can engage in are explicitly named in the Constitution. Return to a rigid, originalist interpretation(not the insanity that Lincoln poured gas on, Wilson set on fire, and FDR nuked) and most of our federal government, the regulations set by, and our laws go away.
No its not, in any country,you just reduce the number of people required,you basically make it easier and cheaper to corrupt a government.
Nonsense. Put corrupt politicians in prison.
@@l.j.r.8448 Where has this worked?
"There were three basic ideas of this oligarchic group: (1) that change was evil, superficial, illusory, and fundamentally impossible; (2) that all material things were misleading, illusory, distracting, and not worth seeking; and (3) that all rationally demonstrable distinctions, including those in social position (especially slavery), were based on real unchanging differences and not upon accidental or conventional distinctions. These three ideas together would serve to stop all efforts at social change, economic reform, or political equality.
These ideas, which we might sum up under some such comprehensive term as Pythagorean rationalism, were, of course, not irrational, yet they led, ultimately, to mysticism and served the same purpose of providing an ideology for the vested-interest groups that irrational thinking usually does in the Age of Conflict of any civilization." - OPEN SOURCE - Carroll Quigley, The Evolution of Civilizations A Introduction To Historical Analysis, 1961, Classical Civilization, p.313.
"Star Chamber synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded. In modern times, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings, no "due process" rights to those accused, and secretive proceedings are sometimes called "star chambers" as a metaphor." - wikipedia
"The final stage of decay is not clearly explained but seems to be attributed to some process of political institutionalization not too remote from the explanation offered here." - OPEN SOURCE - Carroll Quigley, The Evolution of Civilizations A Introduction To Historical Analysis, 1961, Historical Changes in Cvilizations, p.130.
"Like all instruments, an instrument of expansion in the course of time becomes an institution and the rate of expansion slows down. This process is the same as the institutionalization of any instrument, but appears specifically as a breakdown of one of the three necessary elements of expansion. The one that usually breaks down is the third application of surplus to new ways of doing things. In modern terms we say that the rate of investment decreases. If this decrease is not made up by reform or circumvention, the two other elements (invention and accumulation of surplus) also begin to break down. This decrease in the rate of investment occurs for many reasons, of which the chief one is that the social group controlling the surplus ceases to apply it to new ways of doing things because they have a vested interest in the old ways of doing things. They have no desire to change a society in which they are the supreme group. Moreover, by a natural and unconscious self-indulgence, they begin to apply the surplus they control to nonproductive but ego-satisfying purposes such as ostentatious display, competition for social honors or prestige, construction of elaborate residences, monuments, or other structures, and other expenditures which may distribute the surpluses to consumption but do not provide more effective methods of production.
When the instrument of expansion in a civilization becomes an institution, tension increases. In this case we call this "tension of evolution." The society as a whole has become adapted to expansion; the mass of the population expect and desire it. A society that has an instrument of expansion expands for generations, even for centuries. People's minds become adjusted to expansion. If they are not "better off" each year than they were the previous year, or if they cannot give their children more than they themselves started with, they became disappointed, restless, and perhaps bitter. At the same time the society itself, after generations of expansion, is organized for expansion and undergoes acute stresses if expansion slows up.
The nature of these organizational stresses and tensions arising from a decrease in the rate of a society's expansion can be seen most clearly in contemporary Western civilization." - OPEN SOURCE - Carroll Quigley, The Evolution of Civilizations A Introduction To Historical Analysis, 1961, Historical Changes in Cvilizations, p.139.
Its said, the only choice men have is to leave
Men should respect themselves and leave, so that "she can do it" all by herself
Refreshing to watch this to hear people have intelligent conversations about serious subjects like dei
He called people nazi white supremacists for saying the same thing
do not let these guys fool you
DEI is creating a special class of people with special rights that other groups do not have. Is this not the very definition of supremacy?
I thought this was something new. I saw this when I watched the full episode. I have to deal with DEI as a federal govt employee every day. Very disturbing. Love all your content btw!
I wonder if there could be a campaign effort to reframe the language, where ‘diversity’ is continually in reference to diversity of viewpoint, so that any pushback to that implies supporting a monopoly of views - surely a bad thing. Who would openly disagree with the notion of a diversity of viewpoints?
Only one thing we Need . That is merit based everything. That’s what will build the world.
The U.S. has never been merit based.
Imagine a teacher posting his student’s test scores on the board, altering the scores so that the low scores are higher and the high scores are lower so they appear more “equal” on paper, and then pretending that he helped his students accomplish or learn anything…
This is DEI.
Imagine inadvertently stating that white kids are better just because they are white and those who are not automatically worse.
When I see Eric I watch and listen. Very intelligent man with integrity.
At school we were taught: you may not smoke because: Not all smokers are criminal but all criminals smoke . . .The exclusion and inclusion game has profound ramifications . .
The reason they are confused at 13:00 is because DEI makes a ton of money. In reality "go woke go broke" is the opposite of reality. Opening your brand and products to more people makes way more than isolating the fans of yesteryear
Yeah right, and solar panels put out as much electricity as nuclear power plants.
@@missano3856 what?
@@jackiethomas3301 It's a fatuous woke myth
what does it have to do with marketing of "woke" products? @@missano3856
what does that have to do with woke branding products @@missano3856
Enough of this madness. Warn everybody in America to *not* send their kids to Harvard or any other Ivy League school.
Die is having the opposite effect of what is is supposed to do
.....which is its true purpose.
Well that's 20 minutes I won't get back. Zero information.
Why is this Stienstein making the rounds on all these podcasts schtupping for whatever? It's almost like he's damage control. Don't want the peasants to get a little too mad or they might get mad at the 'wrong' people.
Hmm, you may just be on to something there, amigo. By the way, if you and others here are interested I recommend *Zoomer Historian's* newest documentary on the Spanish Civil War. I believe as he does that it shows parallels to what we see going on today in America and other Western nations, and that it's relevant to us today.
They needed to address the plagiarism committed by ackman's wife
Bring back meritocracy, make America competent again. People will seriously be hurt if we don’t course correct now, especially with the recent fiasco of the aviation industry and the potential disaster of DEI (particularly, Equity) implemenation in the healthcare system.
We've never lived in a meritocracy what planet are you on? Things like nepotism(and connections of various types) have ran the world for eons lol
That is why nations need to leave the United Nations. The UN is pushing this and other dystopian ideals.
How is social security an entitlement?
The term 'entitlement' is problematic. Perhaps the amount could be debated, but if social security was paid into (by force) with the eventual purpose of being paid back with interest, then justice dictates that it should be paid back with interest. Unfortunately, however, there's very little justice in how the government is managed, which has led such contributions to be squandered by the crooks who took them. So, where does that leave us?
What does Bret think about Susan Rice?
He's dead-on in his assessment. I can't tell you how many PhDs I've interacted with who are in very high positions in the cultural sphere. Almost to a person, they are some of the dumbest and most incurious people I've ever met. But their ambition is off the charts. They are very destructive, often intentionally. I actually had a museum director tell me that he HATES museums. It's very trendy in those circles to be this way. Look at how many Trump-supporting politicians went to Harvard and Yale - nearly all of them.
6:10 that is how the Farm Bill works: subsidiaries to large farmers being offset to SNAP.
Eric Weinstein's boss is Peter Thiel - go from there.
Ex Boss?
Who is his dad? Who is he connected to? Do you think that Brett rising to fame is an accident?
No one gets famous on their hard work. They remain famous one thier hard work. You don't understand the work.
or infamous @@00TheD
thanks for this clip. i was looking for this part of the convo on CPI on both interviews multiple times and couldnt find it
Go on explain your plan to repeal civil rights law because that's how we got dei
This was a great conversation. Great job. What I felt Eric was saying near the end was that on it's own the cream will rise to the top but the status quo academia just wants to mix in the froth to create a more equitable drink.
DEI in reality is:
Literally what cronyism and nepotism have done for generations
@@michaeljfigueroa they’ll never get it
Scholarship is to activism what inclusion is to exclusion. Scholarship focuses on trying to find the truth of a matter in order to determine the validity of an idea. Activism strives to destroy ideas and objectivity in order to cudgel forward an already held idea. The two do not peacefully co-exist.
Eric loves himself soooo very much.
You can learn to love yourself too. Don't be jealous.
Is there a problem?
Legislating & policy making toward the goal of eliminating disparate impact is the reason this is allowed to exist. You will never eliminate disparate impact on groups and this is what they cannot accept.
didn't earn it
Honest people can't understand dishonest people, the way the latter operate is beyond their imagination.
Swap the “I” and “E” to see what the outcome of DEI is.
Most people completely confuse DEI, this speaker included. If you a non white that wishes to be recognized for your work note that opportunity would never be awarded in an environment of exclusion. As a white brain frame for a long time use to be white men are smarter then the rest. Smarter people get the bet the jobs and higher paid jobs. If the mechanism didn’t have a technology like DEI that system would never change.
Eventually skill development will reach a point where race will not be a measurement of competence. Systems change with time.
Love this guy, so much truth in this! 🙏
Wow...this is one of the few times I find Eric calm and rational. He sounds more like is brother, Bret. I'm glad he's speaking to his strength!