Every bobbin lace tutorial I look up, even specifically looking for ending, never tells me when you can safely take the pins out! Eighteen years ago I tried to learn and my projects would just unravel. I need someone to tell me how and when to remove the pins.
No problem! So, it depends a little bit on the kind of piece you’re making. For all of my bookmark patterns you see here, I always keep all of the pins around the outside edges and at least 1.5-2 inches of pins thick from the bottom! And then I try to keep my lace on the pillow overnight before taking out the pins, to help the thread ‘relax’ into shape. Does that make sense? 😃
Um, you are making 'dead man's knots'. Meaning they are easily pulled out. You are just doing right over left twice, instead of right over left and left over right, or the opposite, left over right and then right over left. To make it permanent and forever, which ever way you do them, the last time do it twice that way. Thats a surgeons knot.
Every bobbin lace tutorial I look up, even specifically looking for ending, never tells me when you can safely take the pins out! Eighteen years ago I tried to learn and my projects would just unravel. I need someone to tell me how and when to remove the pins.
No problem! So, it depends a little bit on the kind of piece you’re making. For all of my bookmark patterns you see here, I always keep all of the pins around the outside edges and at least 1.5-2 inches of pins thick from the bottom! And then I try to keep my lace on the pillow overnight before taking out the pins, to help the thread ‘relax’ into shape. Does that make sense? 😃
Um, you are making 'dead man's knots'. Meaning they are easily pulled out. You are just doing right over left twice, instead of right over left and left over right, or the opposite, left over right and then right over left. To make it permanent and forever, which ever way you do them, the last time do it twice that way. Thats a surgeons knot.
Hi there! That's correct! Feel free to use a surgeon's knot!