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Vijay thalapati coldest moment ☠️👈
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.พ. 2025
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Vijay thalapati
South movie
Vijay thalapati attitude
Troll face
Everyone is there: 😘🥳🎉♥️🔥🔥
Me: 👁️👄👁️ seriously bro..?
Хах вот числа 1до2000 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829304738648346829392748492209274848392022988498888888847373637463729913947473836382927438574937484828473650492264738 20000 хах тай наверна😅
These yt short comments cant be real💀
Bro Not Need Hands To Fight💯💪🔥
Bro is testing my patience 💀
not rly
Yes me too 💀☠️💀⚠️
@@MohinKhanKandhla frfrfr
Waiting for the Phonk ❎
Bro is checking our patience ✅
Who's watching this in 2025?
Movie name
My nervous levels waiting for the beat drop:📈📈📈📈📈
Slide 3 bro
Indian movies 🤡
Hollywood movies🗿
You 🤡
Your mom 🥵🔥💯❤️🔥🫦
Ew, no
No hahaha
coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb ahh compare
Boys minds 🧠😘😈😡😤😱🥴😋
Girl minds 🧠😭😞🥺💔🍳🍱📚
Not me just vibing to the music instead of watching the video💀😭
It is Hindi brothers❤
Ürün aysoyaigslfskggekw çok mu skwhysymajehjepyw wkatksgakkGhTaiaiaaaaaaaewwwwjgskywhqk1qqjjsoysoh6363+83++₺)-₺+;"((#(3
هههه بلش فلم هـــــــنـــــدي
Who else was waiting for the “BUM BUM BUM DAm”
Aquí los que dicen que no es de verdad
الان أدركت أن الهنود أقوياء .
في الافلام
In real too
🤥💩🖕🖕👃🦶لهنود عيق بلكدوب🤮🤮
Bruh he could just stand up look at the way they tied the rope😂
نبي التكمله❤
Did you forget they has guns if he stand up he will die
The fact that i watched a vid of an abused child before that i killed the air😅
Ты думаешь о чем говоришь ?
The music 💀💀💀 and at the end 💀
TH-cam sigma kid🤡🤡🤡🤡
the music is not that good bruh😭💀
Im sigma kid in TH-cam 💀🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🍷🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷🍷🗿💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🗿🍷🍷🗿💀🗿💀🗿💀🗿💀🗿💀🗿💀💀🗿💀🗿💀🗿💀🗿💀🗿💀💀🗿💀🗿💀🗿🍷🗿🍷🗿🍷
@@tsbuser69the end Is not good*
Oop bro got payback lol😂
Indians can't stop surprising me with their actions.
Bollywood is full of a lot of surprises and laughter 😂😂😂
Bellwood is crazy
😂the end was funny
Made in India 💀💀💀
My favourite part and favourite movie
I am tamoul
I’m Tamil and this movie is somewhat good 👍 🇮🇳
Good job Vijay sir😊😊
я: пою манго фонк (те кто знают💀)
Задира: ютуб шортс отстой🫵🤡
Так же я (годжо сатору): Стил вотер + адреналин + нодреналин + английский или испанский + глаза охотника + Trollface мод
ахахах ты тоже с тт мода
@ФатимаБариве я наступил на мину😂😂😂😂😂😂🤙
150 hostage power vs 1 masked knife armed robber, and they decide to 1v1 💀
Loveyou 1❤
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Loveyou 31❤
Uau ce om puternic dar fata aia a fost isteaţă duper să fiaşa mereu ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉🎉
Vai mexer com homem bate nele para tu ver que ele não bota só arma junto
A quien engaño estuvo re epico el video😂🤣
Indian movies: 🤫🧏♂️
Hollywood movies: 😭🦨
For some reason Indians movies are pretty realistic the blood the murder of the fight all that they pushed the limits im impressed
Dis is so smart:)
Love it
My dad saw this movie bruh but nevermind I will see it😅
Can I have the name of the movie?
@@Viktor5829Pls same
Bro the black guy just watching what the girl is doing he be like/ the guy: 👁️👄👁️ what the hell is she doing??while chewing his gun
Vijay is so smart 🤓💯🎉
😂😂😂😂😂😂 dedo do meio
Bruh😂 Vijay I'm waiting for the phonk😅
فیلمهای هندی بایستی همیشه منتظر یک کارهای فوق العاده وعجیب باشی این هم از کارهایی است که به عقل جن هم نمیرسه 😂😂😂😂😂😂
همیشه یه ارانی همه جا هس 😂😂😂
آسمی ین فیلم چیی؟
❤ well yes you may not let me touch Manchester😂
I honestly loved that movie!! He is my favorite actor ❤
Movie ka naam kya hn bro
Bro movie name😊
@@MadanbHallemmanavar It's Beast
Nome do filme ???
fhffjf hg hg hg hg fhdjf❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ fjc FB❤💝💋
Bro rlly said uno reverse 😂💀😭
Bro ts goes viral? Dayum i wanna go back to TikTok
I am Hindu and I know he is famous is got more aura than I thought 😉😉😉
Yea same😅
Absolute cinema ✋😯🤚
Bro just went from being a bloody man to a cold moment🎉🎉
me watching it more than 1 time..
Ok ok now the drop…
But now the drop….
Maybe now…
Pubg tamsn song😂
Yes I have watched this movie it is incredible and interesting also very intelligent of how they thought of that
What is the name of the movie?
Beast @@CAKO_o33
Vijay my man bro😁
Instant regret😂😂😂😂😂
Yall can't even hate it actually kinda good
DdDDdd😂❤ 😊😊😊😊😊😊
❤🎉 coreano asistente Siri😮
Vere nise❤❤❤❤😊😊😊
Bro: human 🙅🏻♂️
Bro: Amir 👍
Wow real sigma
99%: tuti tuti tuti tuti 👄
1%:phonk 👹
Deserve 😂❤
Saba. Ka. Babp
Normal scene ❌
Hindi scene ✅
El ponk que
@Juliansanty-jz4mn Por qué
@galaxy_elixir el edit esta mal hecho la canción
@@Juliansanty-jz4mn sí
@@Juliansanty-jz4mn sí
Thalapati ❌thalapathy ✅
Tell me the name of the movie, bro, where can I find it?
Very nice bro
Елибы ета была бы с русским:
Русский:🗿"достал ядерную бомбу"
"патом ие взорвал"
bro became sanji ☠️
😂😂اخي سانجي كان سيبرحهم ضرباً ليس المجرم فقط بال جميع من في الصاله
Vijay is the best❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
نعم يا جماعه أنهم الهنود😂😂😂
I'm a Tiktok user and I came to see what's going on with the shorts... I'm never coming back. 💀 and comments from 8 year olds...
Dead internet theory aaaahhh
Oooooooooov çok iyi lan 😊😂😅
😂😂 Pure Connerie
ما فيش اجمد من المسلسلات الهندي ❤❤❤😂😂ومفيش اجمد من الممسل دا❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Vijay thalaipati fans attendence ❤
Vijay Thalapati fans attendance
Ни кто
Абсолютно ни кто
فالحقيقة لقد ابدع في تحرير نفسه ❤❤❤
حلو مش رح يصير شرطي😊
طيب شنو الفايدة اول وتالي استخدم رجله😂😂💔
+جان يكد يكوم الحبل مربوط بيده مو بالكرسي😂
Wow I watch this movie just 1 month ago
الافلام الهنديه وما ادراك ماهي الافلام الهنديه ☠️🖤
ايش اسم الفلم
I love my vijay
Me waiting for phonk 👄👅👀
My favourite movie actor ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bro it was kinda bad because i was waiting for the beat
for ppl who dont get it: the whole mall is hijacked by people and they made people sit down and not do anything or disobey, or else the get killed, this guy vijay is trying to save the mall but he failed and got trapped in a rope and chair, he had this friend and used her glasses to cut himself out of the rope and continue his mission
The real amir😨😱
Timing not good but good vidéo
فلیم هیندی هەر وا اەبێ 😂❤
فیلم هیندی اوا نبی بهکهلک نایه😂
Bro what we wait for 1 MINUTEAND THIS
สำหรับคนที่ไม่เข้าใจนะครับ และต้องการคำอธิบาย ทางผมจะขออธิบายมีมนี้สั้นๆในฐานะที่ผมเรียนมาอย่างหนักขยันขันแข็ง โดยผมจะพยายามอธิบายในเชิงวิทยาศาสตร์และทั้งนี้ทั้งนั้นผมจะพยายามใช้ภาษาให้ง่ายที่สุดให้ทุกคนเข้าใจได้ง่ายทุกคนจะได้นำประโยชน์ไปใช้และได้ทำความเข้าใจเวลาสอนลูกสอนหลานจะได้สอนอย่างถูกต้อง ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างบนโลกใบนี้ย่อมมีที่มาที่ไปอย่างสมเหตุสมผล ดังนั้นผมจะอธิบายอย่างละเอียดดีที่สุดจะได้ไม่ต้องเกิดคำถามให้สงสัยกันอีกนะครับ ซึ่งถ้าจะให้อธิบายง่ายๆตามหลักวิทยาศาสตร์เลยนะครับขอบอกไว้ตรงนี้เลยนะครับว่าไม่มีใครอธิบายได้ละเอียดเข้าใจง่ายได้เท่าผมอีกแล้วนะครับ โดยผมขออธิบายสั้นๆว่า ผมไม่รู้ครับ
Waste of time
C'est quoi le nom du film s'il vous plaît
My favourite MOVIE Vijay
This movie name
Movie name bro
Nays one
Vijay thala pati
Thala for a reason 😅
Hep pi❤
do you see troll face on that boy?
Concerns affects chick supposedly
What is the name of the series or movie please?
@erkinshalkarbek2622 where I can find?
I saw this move yestuday😮😮
Cewek itu bagus sekali memberi bapak itu bapak itu mengejek pencurinya😮
😱😱😱😰☠️ ada di dalam tubuh kita yang masih ada beberapa jenis makanan yang mengandung banyak vitamin dan mineral ini juga titanium x ini apa yang akan
Vijay thalapati my favorit actor ❤
Bruh he could just stand up look at the way they tied the rope😂😭😭
😮😮😮😮 oh my gosh
😂🎉 ,,, 😮😅😊😢🎉🎉🎉😂❤
1 y no se si te lo dije o no te lo dije o no me dijiste nada de eso y me dijo que no me 6 y me dijo que no me podía ir a trabajar y no me dijo nada de eso y me dijo que no me había dicho nada de eso y me dijo que no me había dicho nada de eso y me dijo que no me había dicho nada de eso y me dijo que no me había dicho nada
Phonk bro your songs
tygdjfiolm gc ❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊utjfgdqesvdbydd❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊lipik