Lyrics: "Across the sea to you I've left myself deserted here again Across the sea to you My pieces are too broken now to mend In the middle, under a cold, black sky The sun will only burn for you and I In the moment, before I lose my mind These hours don't mean anything this time Give me a sign Show me the line Maybe tonight I'll tell you everything Give me a sign Show me the line Maybe tonight I'll tell you everything Across the world for you My reasons have no reason to remain I'd cross the world for you I don't know what I'm doing wrong But I can't stay the same In the middle, under a clear, blue sky The sun can only burn for you and I In the moment, before I lose my mind These hours don't mean anything this time Give me a sign Show me the line Maybe tonight I'll tell you everything Give me a sign Show me the line Maybe tonight I'll tell you everything Give me a sign Show me the line Maybe tonight I'll tell you everything Give me a sign Show me the line Maybe tonight I'll tell you everything Give me a sign Show me the line Maybe tonight I'll tell you everything, everything, everything:"
This is such a experience with his music and his acoustic guitar is impeccable... I truly love and appreciate his artistic vision and talent he brings me... Such joy for me with all these years of listening, he is becoming such a stronger musician and artist in the industry today
Finally seen the light! It's been bright as one can handle.
My dude lays it all out and that’s why I love him
"Across the sea to you
I've left myself deserted here again
Across the sea to you
My pieces are too broken now to mend
In the middle, under a cold, black sky
The sun will only burn for you and I
In the moment, before I lose my mind
These hours don't mean anything this time
Give me a sign
Show me the line
Maybe tonight
I'll tell you everything
Give me a sign
Show me the line
Maybe tonight
I'll tell you everything
Across the world for you
My reasons have no reason to remain
I'd cross the world for you
I don't know what I'm doing wrong
But I can't stay the same
In the middle, under a clear, blue sky
The sun can only burn for you and I
In the moment, before I lose my mind
These hours don't mean anything this time
Give me a sign
Show me the line
Maybe tonight
I'll tell you everything
Give me a sign
Show me the line
Maybe tonight
I'll tell you everything
Give me a sign
Show me the line
Maybe tonight
I'll tell you everything
Give me a sign
Show me the line
Maybe tonight
I'll tell you everything
Give me a sign
Show me the line
Maybe tonight
I'll tell you everything, everything, everything:"
Corey has the purist of voices when singing like this it’s incredible
This is such a experience with his music and his acoustic guitar is impeccable... I truly love and appreciate his artistic vision and talent he brings me... Such joy for me with all these years of listening, he is becoming such a stronger musician and artist in the industry today
Such amazing to listen to Corey. Such talented man. And gorgeous too xx
Most beautiful StoneSour song ever love house of skull and bones favorite stonesour album
Maestro Corey
Que grande Corey
How does this only have 3 comments at this point
People are too broken
😊 αν. . Ωωωωωωω. . . Ή. Τη.ϋυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυτυυυυυτυτθφηφηυυυφυφυυυυφυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυτυτυυυυτυυυτ7υθθυυφυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ7θθθθθθθθ7θθτθθθτθθηυηηηηηυτηηηηηηηηηυηητηηητυυηφηηηηηητηηηηηηυυυητυυηηυήηηηηηήηητυηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηήηηηητηηηηηηηηηηηθθθηηηηηηήηηηηηφυηφφυφυυυτηηηηηττηυφυφηυφυυυυηηητηηητυυυυυυυυυυυυφυυυυυηηυηητηυτηυυυυυτηηηητηηηηηηφηφηφηηητηηηηηηηητηυφυηηηηηυηηηφφηττητηηηηφηηφυυυηυυφυυηυηφυφφηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηυυυυυητηγυηηηυυυύυύτθτθυυυυύυυυφηυυυυυυυυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυφηυυυυυυυτυυυυυυτυυτυυυυυυυφυφυυυυυυυτυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυφυυυυυυυυυφυυυτυυυτυυυυυυτυτυττυυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυφυυφυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυτυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυημψ!😊;οοοοπ😊😊😊😊😊😊
😊 αν. . Ωωωωωωω. . . Ή. Τη.ϋυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυτυυυυυτυτθφηφηυυυφυφυυυυφυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυτυτυυυυτυυυτ7υθθυυφυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ7θθθθθθθθ7θθτθθθτθθηυηηηηηυτηηηηηηηηηυηητηηητυυηφηηηηηητηηηηηηυυυητυυηηυήηηηηηήηητυηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηήηηηητηηηηηηηηηηηθθθηηηηηηήηηηηηφυηφφυφυυυτηηηηηττηυφυφηυφυυυυηηητηηητυυυυυυυυυυυυφυυυυυηηυηητηυτηυυυυυτηηηητηηηηηηφηφηφηηητηηηηηηηητηυφυηηηηηυηηηφφηττητηηηηφηηφυυυηυυφυυηυηφυφφηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηηυυυυυητηγυηηηυυυύυύτθτθυυυυύυυυφηυυυυυυυυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυφηυυυυυυυτυυυυυυτυυτυυυυυυυφυφυυυυυυυτυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυφυυυυυυυυυφυυυτυυυτυυυυυυτυτυττυυυυφυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυφυυφυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυτυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυτυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυημψ!😊;οοοοπ😊😊😊😊😊