I met Derek and his wife last weekend at an Ex-JW Reunion in London. Lovely warm and genuinely caring people. Keep doing what you're doing Derek. You're doing the RIGHT THING, your way. They are anything but SUBTLE when they are screaming from the assembly podiums that all Worldly people wil, perish at Armageddon...SO WHY SHOULD YOU BE QUIET ABOUT IT?
Great interview! Thank you for allowing us to get to know Derek's story, and how he and Leon met. Hearing his story allows us insight into his passion. He truly cares about people. The form of activism their doing is needed, and WILL wake individuals up from the lies the Witchtower. "It's not about the elders, it's about the children" - Derek O'hare
Cori Peters Good morning ,Miss Cory, lots of us out here to have your coffee with! Sorry about your friends and family,but welcome to your freedom,your going to love it. C.
Cori Peters you lost NOTHING! You gained your mind and life back. You get to experience whatever you want . Jws is a cult of lies and bullshit. Know that. There's billions of people in this world. Don't trip a out them 😉
I cant believe I missed this one! I was on vacation Well I have been following Derek&Leon from the beginning,Derek reminds me of my grandfather who was married to a JW he was a real bad ass like Derek and if he would have lived woud be doing the same protesting in the same way!!Thanks to Derek&Leon and the boys for all they do The LORD took them out of an evil cult BLESSINGS
Derek has balls of steel to confront the JW Elders and when an Organization has a history of lies , you can bet they will continue to slander and lie to anyone opposing them. Great work Derek to expose them. Cheers!..
All I can think of is "righteous indignation". Thank you Mr. O'Hare for speaking for all of us that can't and especially our children. Thank you for exposing this dangerous cult.
Really appreciated this interview, helped me to understand Derek and his way of activism, he is very passionate, thank you. All the best Derek, well done.
You know, I cannot even remember the names of the people who attended the Kingdom Halls that I have attended over the years. I always lived a life of relative isolation since I was busy raising my children and I did not interact with people to any large degree. I never actually realized how alone I always was until I have now been watching how devastated people are by the shunning rule. There is really no way anybody could shun me because I was busy shunning the world, and JW's were out there in the World, as far as I was concerned. LOL I had my OWN little world with my husband and 6 children. Nobody else really mattered in my life. The good thing about that is that JW's had no power over me. The bad thing is that I never realized how alone I really was. My relationship with God was the only "source" of my inspiration. I got no inspiration from God's "Organization". Those people were nobodies to me. My life was not spawned from the Watchtower or its publications or its meetings. Even though I got baptized at age 24, I became inactive 8 months later and never really went back on a regular basis. And I never contributed money at all. I could not help but notice how the primary scheme of the whole "preaching work" was to recruit more members to contribute more money to send to The Watchtower Society and make them extremely wealthy. Didn't anybody else see what the money trail was revealing ? All these dirt poor people were staying that way while the Watchtower was stockpiling money to the max. The Kingdom Halls are not even owned by the members of the congregation, even though they built them by volunteering their skilled labor. Yeah, it's always been apparent to me that it was foolishness to take part in the preaching work. Sad to say, I never had a lot of respect for those "nice" people who professed to be Jehovah's Witnesses. I thought they were very judgmental, stiff necked, corrupt, and two-faced. No better than the people of the World, they were just pathetically deluded by their wishful thinking that they were better than the people of the World. Now, I see that there is a movement to organize AGAINST the "Organization" and it thrills me to see so many people wake up to the reality of their being duped all those years. Bravo to all of you in your efforts ! ! Jehovah's Organization is actually a Satanic Cult that is doing the devil's work quite nicely and accumulating vast wealth by doing so. Are they storing up treasures in Heaven ? Absolutely NOT. They have amassed a huge quantity of MONEY that cannot be utilized by anybody in the Congregations. Why don't they take care of the orphans and widows like Jesus said to do ? Where are their charitable works ? Look at all the people that need their help and tell me where are their funds to assist those people ? The Governing Body has far too much power over far too many people and we all know that POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY ! ! !
ThelmaJean I'm o oroud of you. That is exactly the point of the matter; people in an organization or church have ad much power as WE give them. But with this ORG, it's difficult since fro its ineption it lies to its members about their supposed power role over them them using the ibible.
I like Derek's style of activism, I know it isn't for everyone, but what he says will get EVERYONE'S attention. I think it takes a lot of guts to say the things he does and I think it is very effective! Keep it up Derek!
Great interveiw! The fact that the elders were proved liars in court is going to reverberate in ways we cannot fathom! I see this effective in three ways.Just two guys , basically are putting elders on notice. The public, police, courts etc are becoming aware of diabolical Watchtower policy and behavior. And the rank and file JWs and especially the children ,are seeing there is nothing to fear from these elders and may begin standing up for themselves! Derek and Leon, this form of activism will have an effect we wont fully realise until down the road. And thanks to youtube and social media-a global effect! Just think if more stood up! And for JWs that disagree, learn your history!! RELIGION IS A SNARE AND A RACKET!
AWESOME video!!!! And oh so true. My brother was an elder for years and he confirmed that with any child molestation cases the elders were to call the society. Surprisingly he is still a JW but that is another story in itself. I am just thrilled beyond words that all of you are brave enough to expose this evil organization. I hate that they robbed my whole life of everything. Loved it when Derek said he felt like he was awakened after being hypnotized. Over 60 years of my life wasted. The Society should be held accountable for what they have done to people's lives and especially these innocent children. I personally know many that were abused by these JW pedophiles.
I love Derek and Leon, heros! My mom and want to fly to the UK and crash my family members Kingdom Hall. Love what he's doing. This interview was great and long anticipated. Thank you JWStruggle . I love the work you are all doing. The exJW community is a powerful group. Thumbs up!
Great interview like you Derek was a jw for over 30yrs and feel the same that I was waking up from a dream. But now struggling with my anger towards them. L
It's a shame Derek ended up with a criminal record due to an organisation which commits huge breaches in the human rights act and Data Protection act they mistreat their flock with disgusting disrespect
You hit the nail on the head you have to speak with authority to elders your love really comes through. We we’re in a Kent hall at the time and were on high alert for Derek so nice to see your efforts back then when I was asleep to these issues. What a trailblazer!
I think that it has probably been less than a week since my eyes have been opened to this organisation. I still find it rather amazing that I am here on an "Apostate site". I think its really important to put the information out there for other JWs struggling t live under the very rigid conditions that WT places on a person. I enjoy the talks that you have with the experiences of various people and how they got out of the WT, or the talks with people that are still there for fear of being disfellowhipped. However personally if I was a JW sitting in a kingdom hall and I heard someone outside on a megaphone shouting about pedophilia within the organisation, I would most likely shut-down immediately and think "Crazy Apostate"!! I remember being at a convention when I was very young with my grandmother, and as we were entering the stadium a small group of protesters had gathered with placards, my grandmother quietly said to me "Dont even look at them, they are apostates" JW's are conditioned to not look or even entertain the idea of apostates. If the goal is to make the average JW realise that Apostates really are crazy and mentally diseased, then grab a megaphone and shout obscenities outside a kingdom hall, but if the goal is to really reach the heart of those inside, then a more subtle approach is needed. It serves no purpose in my opinion. I can certainly understand the anger, I have that anger, after wasting 12 years of being lied to, so I completely understand it, however there are better ways to go about enlightening people. Thankyou for your videos as these have proved to be very encouraging for me.
"They don't even Realize they are lying." In case you don't know, Eric, that's the definition of DENIAL. Don't Even kNow I Am Lying. That's what learning TTAT is all about.
Plymouth Brethrin are similar to JWs too but stricter can u believe. Even as a devout JW I felt shunning was wrong. I would speak to disfellowshipped ones to see how they were doing if I saw them in the street or smile at them at meetings. once I spoke to a dfd bro in the back room at the assembly hall during the talks and got spied on and told off later by a sister. another time with my jw friends we ran into a girl who had left, they walked right past her like she was nothing but I stopped to chat. what i dont get is why dont JWs go after paedos as hard as they do people suspected of 'immorality', why are they more bothered by consenting adults having consensual sex than children being raped?
Isaiah 29:20-21 all those keeping alert to do harm must be cut off, 21 those bringing a man into sin by [his] word, and those who lay bait even for the one reproving in the gate, and those who push aside the righteous one with empty arguments.
Amazing, they involve court when ex JW's speak out, yet refuse any outside involvement and blackmail it's members when a person comes forward to report domestic abuse, sexual abuse etc...
Isaiah 29:12-14 12 and the book must be given to someone that does not know writing, [somebody] saying: “Read this out loud, please,” and he has to say: “I do not know writing at all.” 13 And Jehovah says: “For the reason that this people have come near with their mouth, and they have glorified me merely with their lips, and they have removed their heart itself far away from me, and their fear toward me becomes men’s commandment that is being taught, 14 therefore here I am, the One that will act wonderfully again with this people, in a wonderful manner and with something wonderful; and the wisdom of their wise men must perish, and the very understanding of their discreet men will conceal itself.”
The elders are told to contact the "branch office" in the case of child sexual assault, and the two witness rule is also covered on page 72 of the secret flock book: (block quote) If the accused denies the accusation, the investigating elders should try to arrange a meeting with him and the accuser together. (Note: If the accusation involves child sexual abuse and the victim is currently a minor, the elders should contact the branch office before arranging a meeting with the child and the alleged abuser .) If the accuser or the accused is unwilling to meet with the elders or if the accused continues to deny the accusation of a single witness and the wrongdoing is not established, the elders will leave matters in Jehovah's hands (end block quote) (Shepherd the Flock of God, p. 72). Keep in mind, the two witnesses must both be baptized members. They will not accept the testimony of an unbaptized child or worldly (non-baptized) person.
But they will try to pull you in a JC off a rumor of immorality. Two of them to show up at your house to investigate. I have a male roommate and they showed up at my house to see if there was anything sexual going on between us! It's none of your damn business who lives or stops by my house!
I haven't seen the JW's in my hood for a while. Armed with the truth fairy. Going directly for the elder looking guy. Burgess yes I lived with the family for a while. One of them spent his life in Bethel and still had to wear rags.
So is there a group where you guys help people, with jobs, home care, getting one's self anew. I am literally sickkkkk of all de chat chat. NOW!!! Provide assistance for the broken. Ok some of us out. The gift of becoming the REAL YOU. Reminding you please this is worldwide.
This is the first time I came across this video. How interesting. That is exactly what happenend to me when it hit me I was in a cult. I passed out and when I came round, I thought I was in my room 31 years before. For a few seconds, I thought I was 19. 'Waking up from an hypnotic transe' is exactly how I felt.
I'm not in a religion! I'am a child of God Did you ever show the MASTERS of JW Matthew 18 They really need to read the whole chapter. It's not a puzzle it's all right there no need to pull half a sentence from 5 different gospels.
I dont think confrontation like that is real effective, to people in a cult. It just confirms the propaganda, theyve been told their whole time in the cult. But it's obvious this guy has the right heart,& intentions. I totally get what he's saying. I have no JW family members or friends,& have never been in a cult. But I sometimes feel like running over to a Kingdom Hall, or Scientology Org myself,& doing the same thing. Because we all know that we know WAY MORE about their own religion,& organization, than they do themselves. And we hate seeing people being manipulated,controlled, & abused for a lie. Really wasting their entire lives, for nothing. And in the JW, or Mormons case, they really think they are following the wishes,& words of Jesus. Even some Catholics, with the Pope. It's so frustrating that they can't see, their leaders are actually just like the Pharisees, in Jesus day. And the members think they are worshipping Jehovah, or Jesus, but they are in name only. In reality, they are just elevating evil men, to Jesus or God's position, or even elevating them above. But that just doesn't work in most cases. The cult has conditioned them, how to respond to confrontation, they just shut their minds down. I don't know if he still believes in God,& if not, that's fine. Tolerance of belief should be our policy, cuz that's what cults hate. I can only speak for myself,& my beliefs. I've been a Christian my whole life,& never been in a cult. But I've pulled back some from organized religion, because of stuff like this. But just to a much milder degree. Man made rules, hypocrisy,& judgmental attitudes. We all fall guilty to it, but that doesn't show Jesus love. I've decided in my life, if I run across JWs,Mormons-whatever,I'm not trying to convince them. I can't anyways, God can use me, to speak through me. And I don't think you can convince true believers, especially strangers. But my goal is just to plant seeds,& pray for God to make those seeds grow. And hopefully, enough seeds get planted, someday they'll be ready. But in the end, God gives us free will,& some of them want this to be true so bad. But ive prayed,& decided, if I see chances to plant seeds, I'm gonna try in a non judgmental,& non confrontational way. As much as a totally flawed human can do. But ultimately, it's up to them, to listen to God,& Jesus, & be open to his message, & T.T.A.T.T. I love the way Eric approaches it. I truly believe you are a Godly man,& speak truth to these deceived,&manipulated people. I think your tactic is much more effective. Loving, non confrontational,& until someone starts having doubts,& is ready to listen, nothing will work. We've heard exchanges Eric had, where he couldn't have been more loving, non confrontational,& loving. Gave them time,& space to reach out to him, but also exposed them eventually to the irrefutable truth about Watchtower. But even after knowing it all, they end up going back to the cult. Maybe cuz of family shunning, or just being lonely. But despite all that, they ignore all the blatant evidence, & go back. Because they want to deep down. Either they think they need to be controlled, or it made them feel part of a community, whatever. So I would never say there's only 1 way, or your guest should change how he sees fit. God works through people in different ways,& Im sure he's had some positive effects. And he clearly has the right heart,& right motives. Just cuz I disagree with the methods, doesn't make it so. I need to work on not judging these cult members,& especially the leaders. The governing body are judgmental, hypocrites,& foster evil, I have no doubt. We should call that out. But I have plenty of sin in my life. And only Jesus,& God can judge them, not me. Even elders,& overseers are partially victims. But they do support an evil, fraudulent organization. And they need to repent, or they will someday be responsible for their actions. I'm not saying they are like NAZIs, they haven't killed millions. But the mentality is similar. Some in the SS were misled,& partial victims. But they were still responsible for the evil they perpetrated,& furthered. Same thing here with elders, overseers, & the governing body. But like the author of "Crises of Conscience," theres still time for them to see the light, repent, & change their ways. I hope they do,& open their hearts truly to Christ. But in the meantime, their evil needs to be exposed. Their individual actions however are between them,& God, like any of us. But I doubt being a governing body member will impress Jesus. In fact, I think it'll be a huge mark against them.
In the account of 2 witnesses, that is in accord to the bible, but in that case the one violated needs to go to the police and take it through the judicial system, Even in that case the victim will have to speak about the account and relive the horrible account. unfortunately many times the violator becomes the victor even in the courts. We live in a unjust world, all you can do is support the ones who have been victims. I am a witness, but am starting to question everything. Even the validity of the Bible as to weather it's the word of God. It's a scary place to be in to feel like everything you have come to know as truth is a lie. One thing I do know is their is a higher power as to weather its title is actually God or its name Jehovah, I will never know because so much have been told as a lie. Where do you even go to research it will be another lie. Why waste your time, I will continue to pray to that spirit and hope there is hope beyond this life and be the best person I can possibly be. I am lost!
Do you not know that Satan is constantly turning himself into an angel of light ? That is what Jehovah's "Organization" has done. It all seems so wonderful in the beginning, but the end of it afterwards is like bitter wormwood. Once the bubble bursts and you realize there is no hotline to God from the Governing Body, it is just vitally important to get out of her, my people, so you do not share with her in her plagues. And it is Jehovah's Organization that you need to get out of, they are evil to the very core. You can know a tree by its fruits. Look at the fruits: Harboring Pedophiles, breaking up families all over the world, mental abuse to adults and children alike, constant competition among themselves, no love among themselves, a hierarchy of others being better than some. And remember, there is no partiality with God. The "Organization" is a hotbed of controversy and it is cutting its own throat by all the shunning. Also, the issue of blood has killed many people who might otherwise have been saved by medical means. And the people that have died by political reasons is horrific. They are dying in vain because the whole purpose of Jehovah's "Organization" is to collect money from gullible people all over the world who just want the world to be a wonderful, cotton candy world. But they do not deserve to die for their gullibility ! !
It's good to see someone holding the Jehovah's witnesses to account for the sickening rules of the Jehovah's witnesses shining and the the two witness rule . Are the Jehovah's witnesses os stupid?yes they are not worth defencing.
I met Derek and his wife last weekend at an Ex-JW Reunion in London. Lovely warm and genuinely caring people. Keep doing what you're doing Derek. You're doing the RIGHT THING, your way. They are anything but SUBTLE when they are screaming from the assembly podiums that all Worldly people wil, perish at Armageddon...SO WHY SHOULD YOU BE QUIET ABOUT IT?
Thank you Derek! If our paths ever cross I'd give you a huge hug! Thank you for all you're doing!!!
Both of my children were molestation victims. I will never forgive myself for being in the organization that hurt them so.
Glad to have found this blokes channel through you! Thanks mate.
Great interview! Thank you for allowing us to get to know Derek's story, and how he and Leon met. Hearing his story allows us insight into his passion. He truly cares about people. The form of activism their doing is needed, and WILL wake individuals up from the lies the Witchtower.
"It's not about the elders, it's about the children" - Derek O'hare
so glad to find this site.. was feeling very alone.. I am not in contact with any of my family or 50 years worth of friends because I woke up..
Cori Peters there are lots of us out here! never feel alone John8:32
Cori Peters Good morning ,Miss Cory, lots of us out here to have your coffee with! Sorry about your friends and family,but welcome to your freedom,your going to love it. C.
+Cori Peters Hi Cori! I know it's rough, but it's worth it. There's a whole community of us to support and love you.
Cori Peters you lost NOTHING! You gained your mind and life back. You get to experience whatever you want . Jws is a cult of lies and bullshit. Know that. There's billions of people in this world. Don't trip a out them 😉
Great interview with Derek, good to know some of his background and how it has led him to be a champion for the children.
I cant believe I missed this one! I was on vacation Well I have been following Derek&Leon from the beginning,Derek reminds me of my grandfather who was married to a JW he was a real bad ass like Derek and if he would have lived woud be doing the same protesting in the same way!!Thanks to Derek&Leon and the boys for all they do The LORD took them out of an evil cult BLESSINGS
JWStruggle thanks for bringing this interview, Thank you Derek and Thank you Leon for all your great work!
Derek has balls of steel to confront the JW Elders and when an Organization has a history of lies , you can bet they will continue to slander and lie to anyone opposing them. Great work Derek to expose them. Cheers!..
What great men you both are. Thank you both!
All I can think of is "righteous indignation". Thank you Mr. O'Hare for speaking for all of us that can't and especially our children. Thank you for exposing this dangerous cult.
great interview with Derek!! Derek keep up your great job. You rock! Thanks Eric for a wonderful interview.
Really appreciated this interview, helped me to understand Derek and his way of activism, he is very passionate, thank you. All the best Derek, well done.
Really enjoyed this one! Thanks guys.Thank you Derek for all you are doing,you are a man of steel!
You know, I cannot even remember the names of the people who attended the Kingdom Halls that I have attended over the years. I always lived a life of relative isolation since I was busy raising my children and I did not interact with people to any large degree. I never actually realized how alone I always was until I have now been watching how devastated people are by the shunning rule. There is really no way anybody could shun me because I was busy shunning the world, and JW's were out there in the World, as far as I was concerned. LOL I had my OWN little world with my husband and 6 children. Nobody else really mattered in my life. The good thing about that is that JW's had no power over me. The bad thing is that I never realized how alone I really was. My relationship with God was the only "source" of my inspiration. I got no inspiration from God's "Organization". Those people were nobodies to me. My life was not spawned from the Watchtower or its publications or its meetings. Even though I got baptized at age 24, I became inactive 8 months later and never really went back on a regular basis. And I never contributed money at all. I could not help but notice how the primary scheme of the whole "preaching work" was to recruit more members to contribute more money to send to The Watchtower Society and make them extremely wealthy. Didn't anybody else see what the money trail was revealing ? All these dirt poor people were staying that way while the Watchtower was stockpiling money to the max. The Kingdom Halls are not even owned by the members of the congregation, even though they built them by volunteering their skilled labor. Yeah, it's always been apparent to me that it was foolishness to take part in the preaching work. Sad to say, I never had a lot of respect for those "nice" people who professed to be Jehovah's Witnesses. I thought they were very judgmental, stiff necked, corrupt, and two-faced. No better than the people of the World, they were just pathetically deluded by their wishful thinking that they were better than the people of the World. Now, I see that there is a movement to organize AGAINST the "Organization" and it thrills me to see so many people wake up to the reality of their being duped all those years. Bravo to all of you in your efforts ! ! Jehovah's Organization is actually a Satanic Cult that is doing the devil's work quite nicely and accumulating vast wealth by doing so. Are they storing up treasures in Heaven ? Absolutely NOT. They have amassed a huge quantity of MONEY that cannot be utilized by anybody in the Congregations. Why don't they take care of the orphans and widows like Jesus said to do ? Where are their charitable works ? Look at all the people that need their help and tell me where are their funds to assist those people ? The Governing Body has far too much power over far too many people and we all know that POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY ! ! !
bo smith It is good to know that I am not alone in my opinions.
ThelmaJean I'm o oroud of you. That is exactly the point of the matter; people in an organization or church have ad much power as WE give them. But with this ORG, it's difficult since fro its ineption it lies to its members about their supposed power role over them them using the ibible.
Wonderful interview Derek; after all you been through you still show your a great guy with tons of love. xxx
I like Derek's style of activism, I know it isn't for everyone, but what he says will get EVERYONE'S attention. I think it takes a lot of guts to say the things he does and I think it is very effective! Keep it up Derek!
Great interveiw! The fact that the elders were proved liars in court is going to reverberate in ways we cannot fathom!
I see this effective in three ways.Just two guys , basically are putting elders on notice. The public, police, courts etc are becoming aware of diabolical Watchtower policy and behavior. And the rank and file JWs and especially the children ,are seeing there is nothing to fear from these elders and may begin standing up for themselves!
Derek and Leon, this form of activism will have an effect we wont fully realise until down the road.
And thanks to youtube and social media-a global effect!
Just think if more stood up!
And for JWs that disagree, learn your history!!
Much respect to you Derek! You are a courageous man.
AWESOME video!!!! And oh so true. My brother was an elder for years and he confirmed that with any child molestation cases the elders were to call the society. Surprisingly he is still a JW but that is another story in itself. I am just thrilled beyond words that all of you are brave enough to expose this evil organization. I hate that they robbed my whole life of everything. Loved it when Derek said he felt like he was awakened after being hypnotized. Over 60 years of my life wasted. The Society should be held accountable for what they have done to people's lives and especially these innocent children. I personally know many that were abused by these JW pedophiles.
I love Derek and Leon, heros! My mom and want to fly to the UK and crash my family members Kingdom Hall. Love what he's doing. This interview was great and long anticipated. Thank you JWStruggle . I love the work you are all doing. The exJW community is a powerful group. Thumbs up!
This was fantastic! I appreciate how much you guys care about people:)
Great interview like you Derek was a jw for over 30yrs and feel the same that I was waking up from a dream. But now struggling with my anger towards them. L
Such a tragic end....Derek will be truly missed... So sad😢.. RIP Derek....
Derek, you are a rock star, keep fighting the evil that is the Crotchtower.
It's a shame Derek ended up with a criminal record due to an organisation which commits huge breaches in the human rights act and Data Protection act they mistreat their flock with disgusting disrespect
Mister Derek O'Hare ❣️ THANK you and R.I. P.jan
18, 2024...was murdered by someone.
You hit the nail on the head you have to speak with authority to elders your love really comes through. We we’re in a Kent hall at the time and were on high alert for Derek so nice to see your efforts back then when I was asleep to these issues. What a trailblazer!
I think that it has probably been less than a week since my eyes have been opened to this organisation. I still find it rather amazing that I am here on an "Apostate site". I think its really important to put the information out there for other JWs struggling t live under the very rigid conditions that WT places on a person. I enjoy the talks that you have with the experiences of various people and how they got out of the WT, or the talks with people that are still there for fear of being disfellowhipped. However personally if I was a JW sitting in a kingdom hall and I heard someone outside on a megaphone shouting about pedophilia within the organisation, I would most likely shut-down immediately and think "Crazy Apostate"!! I remember being at a convention when I was very young with my grandmother, and as we were entering the stadium a small group of protesters had gathered with placards, my grandmother quietly said to me "Dont even look at them, they are apostates" JW's are conditioned to not look or even entertain the idea of apostates. If the goal is to make the average JW realise that Apostates really are crazy and mentally diseased, then grab a megaphone and shout obscenities outside a kingdom hall, but if the goal is to really reach the heart of those inside, then a more subtle approach is needed. It serves no purpose in my opinion. I can certainly understand the anger, I have that anger, after wasting 12 years of being lied to, so I completely understand it, however there are better ways to go about enlightening people. Thankyou for your videos as these have proved to be very encouraging for me.
"They don't even Realize they are lying." In case you don't know, Eric, that's the definition of DENIAL. Don't Even kNow I Am Lying. That's what learning TTAT is all about.
17:00 Everybody has to do what they have to do. Kudos to you. I love this guy!
Maybe I should take a holiday and go to school with these guys.
I really enjoyed this one. Thank you :)
Plymouth Brethrin are similar to JWs too but stricter can u believe. Even as a devout JW I felt shunning was wrong. I would speak to disfellowshipped ones to see how they were doing if I saw them in the street or smile at them at meetings. once I spoke to a dfd bro in the back room at the assembly hall during the talks and got spied on and told off later by a sister. another time with my jw friends we ran into a girl who had left, they walked right past her like she was nothing but I stopped to chat. what i dont get is why dont JWs go after paedos as hard as they do people suspected of 'immorality', why are they more bothered by consenting adults having consensual sex than children being raped?
Isaiah 29:20-21
all those keeping alert to do harm must be cut off, 21 those bringing a man into sin by [his] word, and those who lay bait even for the one reproving in the gate, and those who push aside the righteous one with empty arguments.
I regularly watch Derek's videos (as well as all of yours JWStruggle) and I'm constantly impressed with his courage and commitment. Great video!
Great interview. Great work.Thank goodness for people like you who want the real truth to be known.
Amazing, they involve court when ex JW's speak out, yet refuse any outside involvement and blackmail it's members when a person comes forward to report domestic abuse, sexual abuse etc...
Salute you Derek and Leon. Hjx
Isaiah 29:12-14
12 and the book must be given to someone that does not know writing, [somebody] saying: “Read this out loud, please,” and he has to say: “I do not know writing at all.”
13 And Jehovah says: “For the reason that this people have come near with their mouth, and they have glorified me merely with their lips, and they have removed their heart itself far away from me, and their fear toward me becomes men’s commandment that is being taught, 14 therefore here I am, the One that will act wonderfully again with this people, in a wonderful manner and with something wonderful; and the wisdom of their wise men must perish, and the very understanding of their discreet men will conceal itself.”
The elders are told to contact the "branch office" in the case of child sexual assault, and the two witness rule is also covered on page 72 of the secret flock book:
(block quote) If the accused denies the accusation, the investigating elders should try to arrange a meeting with him and the accuser together. (Note: If the accusation involves child sexual abuse and the victim is currently a minor, the elders should contact the branch office before arranging a meeting with the child and the alleged abuser .) If the accuser or the accused is unwilling to meet with the elders or if the accused continues to deny the accusation of a single witness and the wrongdoing is not established, the elders will leave matters in Jehovah's hands (end block quote) (Shepherd the Flock of God, p. 72).
Keep in mind, the two witnesses must both be baptized members. They will not accept the testimony of an unbaptized child or worldly (non-baptized) person.
But they will try to pull you in a JC off a rumor of immorality. Two of them to show up at your house to investigate. I have a male roommate and they showed up at my house to see if there was anything sexual going on between us! It's none of your damn business who lives or stops by my house!
I haven't seen the JW's in my hood for a while. Armed with the truth fairy. Going directly for the elder looking guy. Burgess yes I lived with the family for a while. One of them spent his life in Bethel and still had to wear rags.
I just found out Derek passed. =(
Go Derek! Love your interviews.
So is there a group where you guys help people, with jobs, home care, getting one's self anew. I am literally sickkkkk of all de chat chat. NOW!!!
Provide assistance for the broken. Ok some of us out. The gift of becoming the REAL YOU. Reminding you please this is worldwide.
Derek. Legend.
He doesn't seem so crazy in the interview as he does on uis videos. Lol. Good interview Eric.
AGreat job Dereck. Keep the good work .
iam glad i am free from these people my life was runied by them still having night mare a bout it
Thank you
Thanks guys (derek ohare 1), and thanks Sharon!
He was inspired to write...just like Paul in prison.
This is the first time I came across this video. How interesting. That is exactly what happenend to me when it hit me I was in a cult. I passed out and when I came round, I thought I was in my room 31 years before. For a few seconds, I thought I was 19. 'Waking up from an hypnotic transe' is exactly how I felt.
Great interview many thanks .
Good job Eric and derek😊😁😆
By patience a commander is won over, And a gentle tongue can break a bone.
I'm not in a religion! I'am a child of God
Did you ever show the MASTERS of JW Matthew 18
They really need to read the whole chapter. It's not a puzzle it's all right there no need to pull half a sentence from 5 different gospels.
I dont think confrontation like that is real effective, to people in a cult. It just confirms the propaganda, theyve been told their whole time in the cult.
But it's obvious this guy has the right heart,& intentions. I totally get what he's saying. I have no JW family members or friends,& have never been in a cult. But I sometimes feel like running over to a Kingdom Hall, or Scientology Org myself,& doing the same thing. Because we all know that we know WAY MORE about their own religion,& organization, than they do themselves. And we hate seeing people being manipulated,controlled, & abused for a lie. Really wasting their entire lives, for nothing.
And in the JW, or Mormons case, they really think they are following the wishes,& words of Jesus. Even some Catholics, with the Pope. It's so frustrating that they can't see, their leaders are actually just like the Pharisees, in Jesus day. And the members think they are worshipping Jehovah, or Jesus, but they are in name only. In reality, they are just elevating evil men, to Jesus or God's position, or even elevating them above.
But that just doesn't work in most cases. The cult has conditioned them, how to respond to confrontation, they just shut their minds down. I don't know if he still believes in God,& if not, that's fine. Tolerance of belief should be our policy, cuz that's what cults hate. I can only speak for myself,& my beliefs. I've been a Christian my whole life,& never been in a cult. But I've pulled back some from organized religion, because of stuff like this. But just to a much milder degree. Man made rules, hypocrisy,& judgmental attitudes. We all fall guilty to it, but that doesn't show Jesus love. I've decided in my life, if I run across JWs,Mormons-whatever,I'm not trying to convince them. I can't anyways, God can use me, to speak through me. And I don't think you can convince true believers, especially strangers. But my goal is just to plant seeds,& pray for God to make those seeds grow. And hopefully, enough seeds get planted, someday they'll be ready. But in the end, God gives us free will,& some of them want this to be true so bad. But ive prayed,& decided, if I see chances to plant seeds, I'm gonna try in a non judgmental,& non confrontational way. As much as a totally flawed human can do. But ultimately, it's up to them, to listen to God,& Jesus, & be open to his message, & T.T.A.T.T.
I love the way Eric approaches it. I truly believe you are a Godly man,& speak truth to these deceived,&manipulated people. I think your tactic is much more effective. Loving, non confrontational,& until someone starts having doubts,& is ready to listen, nothing will work. We've heard exchanges Eric had, where he couldn't have been more loving, non confrontational,& loving. Gave them time,& space to reach out to him, but also exposed them eventually to the irrefutable truth about Watchtower. But even after knowing it all, they end up going back to the cult. Maybe cuz of family shunning, or just being lonely. But despite all that, they ignore all the blatant evidence, & go back. Because they want to deep down. Either they think they need to be controlled, or it made them feel part of a community, whatever.
So I would never say there's only 1 way, or your guest should change how he sees fit. God works through people in different ways,& Im sure he's had some positive effects. And he clearly has the right heart,& right motives. Just cuz I disagree with the methods, doesn't make it so. I need to work on not judging these cult members,& especially the leaders. The governing body are judgmental, hypocrites,& foster evil, I have no doubt. We should call that out. But I have plenty of sin in my life. And only Jesus,& God can judge them, not me. Even elders,& overseers are partially victims. But they do support an evil, fraudulent organization. And they need to repent, or they will someday be responsible for their actions. I'm not saying they are like NAZIs, they haven't killed millions. But the mentality is similar. Some in the SS were misled,& partial victims. But they were still responsible for the evil they perpetrated,& furthered. Same thing here with elders, overseers, & the governing body.
But like the author of "Crises of Conscience," theres still time for them to see the light, repent, & change their ways. I hope they do,& open their hearts truly to Christ. But in the meantime, their evil needs to be exposed. Their individual actions however are between them,& God, like any of us. But I doubt being a governing body member will impress Jesus. In fact, I think it'll be a huge mark against them.
Great young g man.
In the account of 2 witnesses, that is in accord to the bible, but in that case the one violated needs to go to the police and take it through the judicial system, Even in that case the victim will have to speak about the account and relive the horrible account. unfortunately many times the violator becomes the victor even in the courts. We live in a unjust world, all you can do is support the ones who have been victims. I am a witness, but am starting to question everything. Even the validity of the Bible as to weather it's the word of God. It's a scary place to be in to feel like everything you have come to know as truth is a lie. One thing I do know is their is a higher power as to weather its title is actually God or its name Jehovah, I will never know because so much have been told as a lie. Where do you even go to research it will be another lie. Why waste your time, I will continue to pray to that spirit and hope there is hope beyond this life and be the best person I can possibly be. I am lost!
Do you not know that Satan is constantly turning himself into an angel of light ? That is what Jehovah's "Organization" has done. It all seems so wonderful in the beginning, but the end of it afterwards is like bitter wormwood. Once the bubble bursts and you realize there is no hotline to God from the Governing Body, it is just vitally important to get out of her, my people, so you do not share with her in her plagues. And it is Jehovah's Organization that you need to get out of, they are evil to the very core. You can know a tree by its fruits. Look at the fruits: Harboring Pedophiles, breaking up families all over the world, mental abuse to adults and children alike, constant competition among themselves, no love among themselves, a hierarchy of others being better than some. And remember, there is no partiality with God. The "Organization" is a hotbed of controversy and it is cutting its own throat by all the shunning. Also, the issue of blood has killed many people who might otherwise have been saved by medical means. And the people that have died by political reasons is horrific. They are dying in vain because the whole purpose of Jehovah's "Organization" is to collect money from gullible people all over the world who just want the world to be a wonderful, cotton candy world. But they do not deserve to die for their gullibility ! !
Pamela, if you can send me a private msg, I can give you some links/info I found very helpful in showing me where to start looking.
you can send me a private message, I'm not sure how on here.
Pamela sauer Start exploring. Believe it or not, we are all lost LOL You are not alone.
Apparently you don't have it set up to receive private messages.
You are special
Love to Derek. RIEP, brother x
JW will stand even after the End.
It's good to see someone holding the Jehovah's witnesses to account for the sickening rules of the Jehovah's witnesses shining and the the two witness rule . Are the Jehovah's witnesses os stupid?yes they are not worth defencing.
He should be put in jail everything he says is a lie ! Its not for the children its for sport , and Satan just loves it!
I remember derek I went to same hall I was never baptised
Two witness rule @ Matt 18.
Bum Rush Yes, the context is important. "If thy brother trespass against thee..." So this is an adult with a problem with another adult.
Derek, you are a rock star, keep fighting the evil that is the Crotchtower.