That was quite a job! Looking at the thumbnail on TH-cam, I wondered why the face of the disk had clouds on it. You have much more patience than I in taking down and reassembling that counter.
I have never seen a tool such as the Rotatape measuring wheel. You did a splendid job restoring it to working order, and it looks better, too. Great work.
To say that disassembling and reassembling those counter dials is fidley is an understatement. I had one on a measuring wheel that was giving me issues. I took it apart to clean it and do some repairs and it took me quite a while to get it back together in a working condition. I do not know if I would do it again though. I might just give it away to someone else to play with and buy a new one if I needed it.
Looks excellent and you did a wonderful job restoring it as well!!Yeah some times we just can't leave well enough alone LOL Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up
Enjoyed the video, but… if this is from the 60's, why is it metric already? NZ didn't go metric until the mid-70's; I remember the speed-limit signs changing. We went decimal in '67, just before I was born…
New Zealand adopted decimal currency in1967 and adopted the metric system in 1967, New Zealand started metrication in 1969 with the establishment of the Metric Advisory Board (MAB) and completed metrication on 14 December 1976 cheers Richard
@@richardrestorations ah, so we were already preparing in the '60s! I did not know that. My parents' house plans, drawn up in '72, were scaled 1/8":1' 😂
That was quite a job! Looking at the thumbnail on TH-cam, I wondered why the face of the disk had clouds on it. You have much more patience than I in taking down and reassembling that counter.
thanks @nineteenandfortyone for the encouragement😀
Nice restoration mate . Keep going grow your channel and content ! 👍👌
thanks mate just upgrading the lighting in the workshop this week
Took a lot longer to do this than I thought it would, I put up a fence quicker than it took me to restore this, hope you enjoy
cheers Richard
It is impressive that you got the counter back together! I prefer the aluminum numbers over the black or red. Thanks for the content.
thanks Paul almost needed stronger glasses for that one cheers Richard
@@richardrestorations I was concerned that a few of the bearings were lost, which would be my luck. Nice work!
@@FordFanatic337 i did drop a screw on the floor 😄
At about 1:30 I thought to myself "Probably shouldn't take that apart." 😆
thanks John ,yep i don't learn from my mistakes 😆
I like the red with silver numbers and stuff.
Very cool object. 😊
Thank you! Cheers!
I have never seen a tool such as the Rotatape measuring wheel. You did a splendid job restoring it to working order, and it looks better, too. Great work.
Thanks George
Excelente saludos
To say that disassembling and reassembling those counter dials is fidley is an understatement. I had one on a measuring wheel that was giving me issues. I took it apart to clean it and do some repairs and it took me quite a while to get it back together in a working condition. I do not know if I would do it again though. I might just give it away to someone else to play with and buy a new one if I needed it.
i have put it on my NOT to do list again
Looks excellent and you did a wonderful job restoring it as well!!Yeah some times we just can't leave well enough alone LOL
Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up
thanks Buddy one day i will learn (probably not)
cheers Richard
@@richardrestorations 🤣😂🤣 You're welcome!!
What a beautiful retro measuring wheel, I wonder what year it is from.
thanks for watching😀 1960s
@@richardrestorations Thank you
Excellent job.
You asked where your viewers are from from.
Ales - but living just over the border in ROSS ON WYE.
Where are you located?
Greetings from New Zealand 😀
Should obviously have read WALES - damned auto correct!
New Zealand is on our cruising bucket list!
Enjoyed the video, but… if this is from the 60's, why is it metric already? NZ didn't go metric until the mid-70's; I remember the speed-limit signs changing. We went decimal in '67, just before I was born…
New Zealand adopted decimal currency in1967 and adopted the metric system in 1967, New Zealand started metrication in 1969 with the establishment of the Metric Advisory Board (MAB) and completed metrication on 14 December 1976
cheers Richard
@@richardrestorations ah, so we were already preparing in the '60s! I did not know that. My parents' house plans, drawn up in '72, were scaled 1/8":1' 😂
We have a saying in the UK ,if its not broken don’t fix it.
Thanks for your feed back cheers Richard 😀we have the same