Hogwarts Legacy - Leander Prewett Voice Clips/Audio Files

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @dtk1155
    @dtk1155 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Didn't even realise his was shorter than Garreth.
    00:00 I'll best your time, Imelda. Wait and see.
    00:02 Rather the confidence and courage of a Gryffindor, than the slimy bravado of a Slytherin.
    00:06 If I never hear of Ranrok's Loyalists again, it'll be a day too soon.
    00:10 We can make this a real victory.
    00:12 Gryffindors don't have time to study history. We're too busy making it.
    00:16 Glad that's over. I hate it when she uses me as an example.
    00:20 You know that, of course.
    00:21 And uh, Hufflepuffs too. At least you did.
    00:23 Uh, no offence. Sorry.
    00:26 And uh, Ravenclaws too. At least you did.
    00:29 I did, I swear it. My wand slipped.
    00:31 Look at that. A vandal after my own heart.
    00:34 Accio!
    00:34 Prancehoof and Sugarfoot.
    00:36 Always liked Professor Fig. Never once gave me a detention.
    00:40 Well done. You beat me.
    00:41 Hmm. Tied game. At least you didn't beat me.
    00:44 How in Merlin's name can you cast that?
    00:46 How am I supposed to find Sirius if my hands are too cold to use a telescope? It's a dog, isn't it?
    00:52 Tried to put off my stargazing as long as I could. Brr. Lot of good that did.
    00:57 Take your time. I'll see you back in class.
    00:59 Dogweed and Deathcap has more of them, if you're keen. Other plants too - ones your parents wouldn't plant in their garden.
    01:06 You were? I mean, of course. You're, uh, not someone to be trifled with, I see that.
    01:12 Not saying you can't go it alone, but - well, imagine that wasn't a dummy.
    01:16 You get the idea. Anyway, we uh, probably ought to head back to class.
    01:20 Vicious little bastards, aren't they? My kind of plants. Not like stupid Bubotubers and Bouncing Bulbs. The kind of plants that'd have your back in a fight.
    01:28 It's chaos out there. Trolls in Hogsmeade and such. You can't be above throwing a cruciferous vegetable if necessary.
    01:34 I've been practising. Well, a bit.
    01:37 Your move. It's not wizard chess, so don't think too hard about it.
    01:41 Well, you could've found a harder way to say it. But perhaps you're right.
    01:45 I suppose you're right.
    01:46 I'll let the others know you're good enough for them.
    01:48 I'll let the others know you're good to keep playing.
    01:50 I lost seven matches in a row to Samantha Dale.
    01:52 I'll let the others know that your mettle's been tested, and that you passed.
    01:55 Alright, fine. You're right. You're better than me.
    01:59 The others who play Summoner's Court thought that if you couldn't beat me, you wouldn't be enough of a challenge.
    02:04 Bit of good luck, that's all.
    02:05 Fine, you're good. Better than I am, at least.
    02:08 Professor Ronen tends to go on a bit. We sometimes have to remind him to finish the lesson.
    02:12 Scared of losing? Suit yourself.
    02:15 Brilliant!
    02:16 Back for more, eh? Ready then?
    02:19 Challenging you to a game of Summoner's Court.
    02:21 I think it's time you faced a real opponent, outside of Ronen's little lesson in Charms class.
    02:26 Summoner's Court isn't just a game. It's a battle of skill. A test of a witch or wizard's mettle. What say?
    02:32 I knew you'd come around. Ready to go?
    02:34 Go on, grab a few of those cabbages. Just mind your fingers. I almost lost a thumb once.
    02:39 Don't worry, Nurse Blainey put it back on. Trust me, you do not want to go through that.
    02:44 You can't be beat, can you?
    02:45 How do you do that?
    02:46 You're not bad at this.
    02:47 Merlin's pants!
    02:48 I caught a Puffskein once. Mum wouldn't let me keep it.
    02:52 Grimbald Weft is nearby? Unless he's a Gryffindor, I'm not interested.
    02:56 I'm going to show you the Chinese Chomping Cabbages.
    02:58 Trust me, this will be much better than the damned Mandrakes. My ears are still ringing.
    03:03 Summoner's Court. The ever-changing game.
    03:06 Hello. Saw you on your way to Hogsmeade the other day. Nice to meet you. I'm Leander.
    03:11 I'll be showing you the Chinese Chomping Cabbages. Up these stairs will take us there. But, your lead.
    03:16 Do you realise what you're wearing?
    03:17 But Professor, it's freezing out!
    03:20 Didn't think you were a match for me.
    03:22 I've seen worse.
    03:23 Missed the mark a bit on that one.
    03:24 Your duel with Sebastian! And he's good. Thinks he's really good. But you outright slaughtered him. It was brilliant.
    03:32 Nice work in Defense Against the Dark Arts, by the way.
    03:34 Now, see that dummy? Just toss the cabbages at it, they'll do the rest.
    03:39 Can't say I blame you. Perhaps come back when you're a bit more prepared to beat someone of my skill.
    03:43 Care to go again?
    03:44 Grand! You could use the practice.
    03:46 We should've bet a few Galleons on that round.
    03:49 Best trick of the trade, Alohomora.
    03:51 Sir Affpuddle was legendary for his friendliness. That's something, I suppose.
    03:56 Mum planted some in her garden last year to keep the gnomes out. Did save her the de-gnoming, but they left her Honking Daffodils in tatters.
    04:04 Impressive flying for a relative beginner.
    04:06 New Gryffindor? Professor Weasley's waiting for you outside the Common Room.
    04:09 Wait, did I win? I won!
    04:11 It's all a bit much, isn't it? We spend more time around plants than the garden gnome.
    04:15 Look at that! They'll chomp on anything they can get their mouths on!
    04:20 Was that intentional?
    04:21 Here we are. Home of the Chinese Chomping Cabbage.
    04:24 If it isn't the reigning champion of the Summoner's Court.
    04:26 Fantastic! Riding a Graphorn? I love that.
    04:30 (groaning)
    04:31 Stupefy!
    04:32 Levioso? A Levitation Charm?
    04:36 That was one for the ages!
    04:37 Nothing to it, really. Just toss some of those Chinese Chomping Cabbages out. You'll see fairly quickly why we call them that.
    04:45 Garlick said she wanted you to have a go at tending the cabbages. Give them some time to chomp and whatnot.
    04:50 That Hogsmeade troll was lucky I wasn't there.
    04:52 My, uh, my wand slipped.
    04:54 Damned wand.
    04:55 Come on, Leander.
    04:57 (laughs) That had to hurt!
    04:59 I'll let you have that one.
    05:00 Eh, lucky shot.
    05:02 Not bad, not bad.
    05:04 Typical Slytherin trick, dropping a dragon skull on someone during a fight. We Gryffindors fight with honour.
    05:11 I nearly put Sebastian in his place myself. I mean, I would've, if Hecat hadn't stopped me.
    05:16 That's me you've run into.
    05:17 I didn't think anyone could beat Professor Ronen.
    05:19 I'll admit, I didn't see that coming. Well done, I suppose.
    05:23 Nothing to it.
    05:24 All in the wrist.
    05:25 Try to beat that.
    05:26 There you are. The Crossed Wands duellist to beat.
    05:29 Where are the lions? I would like to see a huge Gryffindor lion in this class for once.
    05:34 Never ridden a Hippogriff before. Really should change that.

  • @iconodule3938
    @iconodule3938 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    Am I the only one who likes this kid? He’s so low-confidence but puts on what he believes to be a heroic front (and is terribly awkward at it). Adorable.

    • @sirvioletii2450
      @sirvioletii2450 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      This character is one of my favorites! The other characters are so calm and polite. like a bunch of robots. He's a whiny cry baby which made the game feel more real xD

  • @iconodule3938
    @iconodule3938 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    The man’s a cruciferous vegetable appreciator.

  • @wholethedogsout880
    @wholethedogsout880 ปีที่แล้ว +81

    "gryffindors dont have time to study history... we're busy MAKING history" HES SO CRINGE

  • @wholethedogsout880
    @wholethedogsout880 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    yesss!! i cant wait to hear what leander said to sebastian that started their fight

  • @soulamvs1103
    @soulamvs1103 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    He is my 2nd favorite character 😂

  • @Stellar-Enigma
    @Stellar-Enigma 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Damn, he has a lovely voice.

  • @ComedyLoverGirl
    @ComedyLoverGirl ปีที่แล้ว +9

    He's so awkward and insecure and pompous lol. Not as annoying as Everett though. Just what we needed to round out the cast.

  • @GrandTheftDiamonds
    @GrandTheftDiamonds  ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Spreadsheet with transcription (switch sheets if you can't find it): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18rxF48P_Wbhn6D92-9tRDee7RX8Z_i2jarBJmZvIgWw/edit?usp=sharing

  • @shiibiimoon
    @shiibiimoon ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Does Andrew Larson have any cut dialogue? 🤔

    • @shiibiimoon
      @shiibiimoon ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Also why does he talk like he’s into the MC???

    • @GrandTheftDiamonds
      @GrandTheftDiamonds  ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Andrew only has 10 audio files:
      "AndrewLarson_10359": "I suppose it's nice to have anyone wave at you - even a statue of a knight."
      "AndrewLarson_10364": "Sebastian is rather good, after all."
      "AndrewLarson_10374": "I've heard rumours of a goblin painter travelling about. Don't tell Binns. He'd lecture us on goblin art for a week."
      "AndrewLarson_10375": "I'm bored with goblin rebellions. I'd like to rebel against discussing them any further."
      "AndrewLarson_10390": "I'd much rather be studying art. That's historic too, isn't it?"
      "AndrewLarson_10403": "'Accidentally' transfigured your bookwork into a toad? Weasley's never going to believe that."
      "AndrewLarson_10408": "A happy beast is a giving beast. That's what Professor Howin always says, at least. If we treat them well, they'll treat us well."
      "AndrewLarson_10409": "The constellations are beautiful. Not sure they're worth dying of a cold for, but they are beautiful."
      "AndrewLarson_10427": "Potions requires more creativity than most realise. Really quite rewarding at times."
      "AndrewLarson_10431": "Absolutely."

    • @woundedeagle
      @woundedeagle ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thank you for the comments from both of you. Now I know Andrew is into arts. I didn't pay attention to what he says during my first playthrough.
      So.. Amit is into astronomy, Everett is into broom flying, Andrew is into arts.. not sure about Duncan Hobhouse's enthusiasm is, instead we had him called 'Puffskein Dunkein'. And there is one more Ravenclaw wizard named Mahendra Pehlwaan I've been curious about. He is described as the one who has penchant for sticking to the rules on the wiki but he hardly fleshed out in the game. I wonder if he had more than just one line.
      Btw, thank you so so much for all your hard works. You're doing lord's works.

    • @GrandTheftDiamonds
      @GrandTheftDiamonds  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@woundedeagle Mahendra only has two audio files.
      "MahendraKapoor_10884": "Hey there, new Ravenclaw. Professor Weasley is looking for you just outside. You had best not keep her waiting!"
      "MahendraKapoor_10886": "Caught a glimpse of Ronen's notes - looks like he's planning a lesson on the Mending Charm. Best get studying."

    • @woundedeagle
      @woundedeagle ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@GrandTheftDiamonds thank you so much! Apparently he is just a typical Ravenclaw

  • @cuterice2472
    @cuterice2472 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    He only has almost 6 mins of all his dialogue 😂